Exemplo n.º 1
CompressedBlobReader* CompressedBlobReader::Create(const char* filename)
	if (IsCompressedBlob(filename))
		return new CompressedBlobReader(filename);
		return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool DecompressBlobToFile(const char* infile, const char* outfile, CompressCB callback, void* arg)
	if (!IsCompressedBlob(infile))
		PanicAlertT("File not compressed");
		return false;

	CompressedBlobReader* reader = CompressedBlobReader::Create(infile);
	if (!reader) return false;

	File::IOFile f(outfile, "wb");
	const CompressedBlobHeader &header = reader->GetHeader();
	u8* buffer = new u8[header.block_size];
	int progress_monitor = max<int>(1, header.num_blocks / 100);

	for (u64 i = 0; i < header.num_blocks; i++)
		if (i % progress_monitor == 0)
			callback("Unpacking", (float)i / (float)header.num_blocks, arg);
		reader->Read(i * header.block_size, header.block_size, buffer);
		f.WriteBytes(buffer, header.block_size);

	delete[] buffer;


	delete reader;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
IBlobReader* CreateBlobReader(const std::string& filename)
	if (cdio_is_cdrom(filename))
		return DriveReader::Create(filename);

	if (!File::Exists(filename))
		return nullptr;

	if (IsWbfsBlob(filename))
		return WbfsFileReader::Create(filename);

	if (IsCompressedBlob(filename))
		return CompressedBlobReader::Create(filename);

	if (IsCISOBlob(filename))
		return CISOFileReader::Create(filename);

	// Still here? Assume plain file - since we know it exists due to the File::Exists check above.
	return PlainFileReader::Create(filename);
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CompressFileToBlob(const char* infile, const char* outfile, u32 sub_type,
						int block_size, CompressCB callback, void* arg)
	bool scrubbing = false;

	if (IsCompressedBlob(infile))
		PanicAlertT("%s is already compressed! Cannot compress it further.", infile);
		return false;

	if (sub_type == 1)
		if (!DiscScrubber::SetupScrub(infile, block_size))
			PanicAlertT("%s failed to be scrubbed. Probably the image is corrupt.", infile);
			return false;

		scrubbing = true;

	File::IOFile inf(infile, "rb");
	File::IOFile f(outfile, "wb");

	if (!f || !inf)
		return false;

	callback("Files opened, ready to compress.", 0, arg);

	CompressedBlobHeader header;
	header.magic_cookie = kBlobCookie;
	header.sub_type   = sub_type;
	header.block_size = block_size;
	header.data_size  = File::GetSize(infile);

	// round upwards!
	header.num_blocks = (u32)((header.data_size + (block_size - 1)) / block_size);

	u64* offsets = new u64[header.num_blocks];
	u32* hashes = new u32[header.num_blocks];
	u8* out_buf = new u8[block_size];
	u8* in_buf = new u8[block_size];

	// seek past the header (we will write it at the end)
	f.Seek(sizeof(CompressedBlobHeader), SEEK_CUR);
	// seek past the offset and hash tables (we will write them at the end)
	f.Seek((sizeof(u64) + sizeof(u32)) * header.num_blocks, SEEK_CUR);

	// Now we are ready to write compressed data!
	u64 position = 0;
	int num_compressed = 0;
	int num_stored = 0;
	int progress_monitor = max<int>(1, header.num_blocks / 1000);

	for (u32 i = 0; i < header.num_blocks; i++)
		if (i % progress_monitor == 0)
			const u64 inpos = inf.Tell();
			int ratio = 0;
			if (inpos != 0)
				ratio = (int)(100 * position / inpos);
			char temp[512];
			sprintf(temp, "%i of %i blocks. Compression ratio %i%%", i, header.num_blocks, ratio);
			callback(temp, (float)i / (float)header.num_blocks, arg);

		offsets[i] = position;
		// u64 start = i * header.block_size;
		// u64 size = header.block_size;
		std::fill(in_buf, in_buf + header.block_size, 0);
		if (scrubbing)
			DiscScrubber::GetNextBlock(inf.GetHandle(), in_buf);
			inf.ReadBytes(in_buf, header.block_size);
		z_stream z;
		memset(&z, 0, sizeof(z));
		z.zalloc = Z_NULL;
		z.zfree  = Z_NULL;
		z.opaque = Z_NULL;
		z.next_in   = in_buf;
		z.avail_in  = header.block_size;
		z.next_out  = out_buf;
		z.avail_out = block_size;
		int retval = deflateInit(&z, 9);

		if (retval != Z_OK)
			ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Deflate failed");
			goto cleanup;

		int status = deflate(&z, Z_FINISH);
		int comp_size = block_size - z.avail_out;
		if ((status != Z_STREAM_END) || (z.avail_out < 10))
			//PanicAlert("%i %i Store %i", i*block_size, position, comp_size);
			// let's store uncompressed
			offsets[i] |= 0x8000000000000000ULL;
			f.WriteBytes(in_buf, block_size);
			hashes[i] = HashAdler32(in_buf, block_size);
			position += block_size;
			// let's store compressed
			//PanicAlert("Comp %i to %i", block_size, comp_size);
			f.WriteBytes(out_buf, comp_size);
			hashes[i] = HashAdler32(out_buf, comp_size);
			position += comp_size;


	header.compressed_data_size = position;

	// Okay, go back and fill in headers
	f.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
	f.WriteArray(&header, 1);
	f.WriteArray(offsets, header.num_blocks);
	f.WriteArray(hashes, header.num_blocks);

	// Cleanup
	delete[] in_buf;
	delete[] out_buf;
	delete[] offsets;
	delete[] hashes;

	callback("Done compressing disc image.", 1.0f, arg);
	return true;