Exemplo n.º 1
void COwnedLostItem::SetHandledViaNetscape()
	m_nHandleMethod = OL_OTHER_APP;

	// Get the app's name.
	CString netscapeName;
	char buffer[_MAX_PATH+1];
	::GetModuleFileName(theApp.m_hInstance, buffer, _MAX_PATH);
	char *pSlash = ::strrchr(buffer, '\\');
	netscapeName = (char*)(pSlash+1);

	// Get the app's directory. Adequate heuristic for version-checking Netscape
	CString directoryName(buffer);

	// Special Internet Shortcut check
	if (IsInternetShortcut())
		CInternetShortcut internetShortcut;
		if (!internetShortcut.ShellSupport())
			m_nHandleMethod = OL_CURRENT_NETSCAPE;
		CString fileClass = GetInternetShortcutFileClass();
		SetHandleMethodViaFileClass(fileClass, netscapeName, directoryName);

	CPtrList* allHelpers = &(CHelperApp::m_cplHelpers);

	for (POSITION pos = allHelpers->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;)
		CHelperApp* app = (CHelperApp*)allHelpers->GetNext(pos);
		CString helperMime(app->cd_item->ci.type);

		if (helperMime == m_csMimeType)
			// Found the helper app.  See if Netscape is truly handling this mime type.
			CString fileClass(app->strFileClass);

			if (fileClass != "")
				SetHandleMethodViaFileClass(fileClass, netscapeName, directoryName);
			else m_bBroken = TRUE; // Treat as if ignored. Don't want to pop up a dialog over this.

			if (app->how_handle == HANDLE_VIA_NETSCAPE)
				m_nHandleMethod = OL_CURRENT_NETSCAPE;
			else m_nHandleMethod = OL_OTHER_APP;


	m_bBroken = TRUE; // Didn't even find this mime type. Don't want to fool with it.
Exemplo n.º 2
// FindURLFromLocalFile
// we are looking for a URL and couldn't find it, try again with looking for 
// a local file. If we have one, it may either be a normal file or an internet shortcut.
// In both cases, however, we can get a URL (it will be a file:// url in the
// local file case).
nsClipboard :: FindURLFromLocalFile ( IDataObject* inDataObject, UINT inIndex, void** outData, PRUint32* outDataLen )
  bool dataFound = false;

  nsresult loadResult = GetNativeDataOffClipboard(inDataObject, inIndex, GetFormat(kFileMime), nullptr, outData, outDataLen);
  if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && *outData ) {
    // we have a file path in |data|. Is it an internet shortcut or a normal file?
    const nsDependentString filepath(static_cast<PRUnichar*>(*outData));
    nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
    nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFile(filepath, true, getter_AddRefs(file));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      return dataFound;

    if ( IsInternetShortcut(filepath) ) {
      nsCAutoString url;
      ResolveShortcut( file, url );
      if ( !url.IsEmpty() ) {
        // convert it to unicode and pass it out
        nsDependentString urlString(UTF8ToNewUnicode(url));
        // the internal mozilla URL format, text/x-moz-url, contains
        // URL\ntitle.  We can guess the title from the file's name.
        nsAutoString title;
        // We rely on IsInternetShortcut check that file has a .url extension.
        title.SetLength(title.Length() - 4);
        if (title.IsEmpty())
          title = urlString;
        *outData = ToNewUnicode(urlString + NS_LITERAL_STRING("\n") + title);
        *outDataLen = NS_strlen(static_cast<PRUnichar*>(*outData)) * sizeof(PRUnichar);

        dataFound = true;
    else {
      // we have a normal file, use some Necko objects to get our file path
      nsCAutoString urlSpec;
      NS_GetURLSpecFromFile(file, urlSpec);

      // convert it to unicode and pass it out
      *outData = UTF8ToNewUnicode(urlSpec);
      *outDataLen = NS_strlen(static_cast<PRUnichar*>(*outData)) * sizeof(PRUnichar);
      dataFound = true;
    } // else regular file

  return dataFound;
} // FindURLFromLocalFile
Exemplo n.º 3
// FindURLFromLocalFile
// we are looking for a URL and couldn't find it, try again with looking for 
// a local file. If we have one, it may either be a normal file or an internet shortcut.
// In both cases, however, we can get a URL (it will be a file:// url in the
// local file case).
nsClipboard :: FindURLFromLocalFile ( IDataObject* inDataObject, UINT inIndex, void** outData, PRUint32* outDataLen )
  PRBool dataFound = PR_FALSE;

  nsresult loadResult = GetNativeDataOffClipboard(inDataObject, inIndex, GetFormat(kFileMime), outData, outDataLen);
  if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && *outData ) {
    // we have a file path in |data|. Is it an internet shortcut or a normal file?
    const nsDependentString filepath(static_cast<PRUnichar*>(*outData));
    nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> file;
    nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFile(filepath, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(file));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return dataFound;

    if ( IsInternetShortcut(filepath) ) {
      nsCAutoString url;
      ResolveShortcut( file, url );
      if ( !url.IsEmpty() ) {
        // convert it to unicode and pass it out
        *outData = UTF8ToNewUnicode(url);
        *outDataLen = nsCRT::strlen(static_cast<PRUnichar*>(*outData)) * sizeof(PRUnichar);

        dataFound = PR_TRUE;
    else {
      // we have a normal file, use some Necko objects to get our file path
      nsCAutoString urlSpec;
      NS_GetURLSpecFromFile(file, urlSpec);

      // convert it to unicode and pass it out
      *outData = UTF8ToNewUnicode(urlSpec);
      *outDataLen = nsCRT::strlen(static_cast<PRUnichar*>(*outData)) * sizeof(PRUnichar);
      dataFound = PR_TRUE;
    } // else regular file

  return dataFound;
} // FindURLFromLocalFile
Exemplo n.º 4
void COwnedLostItem::FetchPrettyName()
	if (IsInternetShortcut())
		m_csPrettyName = MakeInternetShortcutName();

	CPtrList* allHelpers = &(CHelperApp::m_cplHelpers);

	for (POSITION pos = allHelpers->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;)
		CHelperApp* app = (CHelperApp*)allHelpers->GetNext(pos);
		CString helperMime(app->cd_item->ci.type);

		if (helperMime == m_csMimeType)
			CString returnString = app->cd_item->ci.desc;
			if (returnString == "")
				returnString = "File Type";

			if (app->cd_item->num_exts > 0)
				returnString += " (";
				for (int i = 0; i < app->cd_item->num_exts; i++)	
					returnString += "*.";
					returnString += app->cd_item->exts[i];

					if (i < app->cd_item->num_exts-1)
					  returnString += "; ";
				returnString += ")";

			m_csPrettyName = returnString;
Exemplo n.º 5
void COwnedLostItem::GiveControlToNetscape()
	char buffer[_MAX_PATH];
	::GetModuleFileName(theApp.m_hInstance, buffer, _MAX_PATH);
	// Get the app's directory into a short file name
	char shortBuffer[_MAX_PATH];
	GetShortPathName(buffer, shortBuffer, _MAX_PATH);

	CString directoryName(shortBuffer);
	directoryName.MakeUpper();  // This is what we'll write to the registry

	CString strValueName, strCmdPath;

	// Special Internet Shortcut check
	if (IsInternetShortcut())
		CInternetShortcut internetShortcut;
		if (internetShortcut.ShellSupport())
			// Need to take over lots of stuff
			CString strType = GetInternetShortcutFileClass();
			// Set the open command path
			strValueName.Format(strOPEN_CMD_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			strCmdPath = directoryName + " -h \"%1\"";
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strCmdPath);
			// Set the DDE exec value
			strValueName.Format(strDDE_EXEC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_EXEC_VALUE);

			// Set the DDE app name
			strValueName.Format(strDDE_APP_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_APP_NAME);
			// Set the DDE topic
			strValueName.Format(strDDE_TOPIC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			CString strDDETopic;
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDETopic);

			// Set the Default Icon
			CString strIconPath;
			if ((strType == "news") || (strType == "snews"))
				// Use the news icon from URL.DLL
				::GetSystemDirectory(buffer, _MAX_PATH);
				strIconPath = CString(buffer) + "\\URL.DLL,1";
				// Use the document icon
				strIconPath = CString(buffer) + ",1";
			strValueName.Format(strDEF_ICON_FMT, (const char *)strType);
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strIconPath);
			// Take over printing (applies to ALL Internet Shortcuts.  If we own one, we'll take
			// over printing for ALL of them).
			CString csMunge = directoryName + " /print(\"%1\")";
			FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\print\\command", csMunge);
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\print\\ddeexec", "[print(\"%1\")]");
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\print\\ddeexec\\Application", strDDE_APP_NAME);

			//  The PrintTo Command.
            csMunge = directoryName + " /printto(\"%1\",\"%2\",\"%3\",\"%4\")";
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\PrintTo\\command", csMunge);
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\PrintTo\\ddeexec", "[printto(\"%1\",\"%2\",\"%3\",\"%4\")]");
            FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "InternetShortcut\\shell\\PrintTo\\ddeexec\\Application", strDDE_APP_NAME);


	CPtrList* allHelpers = &(CHelperApp::m_cplHelpers);

	for (POSITION pos = allHelpers->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;)
		CHelperApp* app = (CHelperApp*)allHelpers->GetNext(pos);
		CString helperMime(app->cd_item->ci.type);

		if (helperMime == m_csMimeType)
			// Found the helper app.  Get the file class.
			CString fileClass(app->strFileClass);
			if (fileClass != "")
				// We have some registry work to do.
				// In the case where this is text/html, we point .htm and .html to
				// NetscapeMarkup.
				HKEY hKey;
				DWORD dwDisp;

				if (m_csMimeType == "text/html")
						".htm", 0L, NULL,
						&hKey, &dwDisp);
					::RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ,
						(const BYTE *)((const char *)strMARKUP_KEY),
						strMARKUP_KEY.GetLength() + 1);
						".html", 0L, NULL,
						&hKey, &dwDisp);
					::RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ,
						(const BYTE *)((const char *)strMARKUP_KEY),
						strMARKUP_KEY.GetLength() + 1);

				// In the case where this is application/x-unknown-content-type-NetscapeMarkup, 
				// we point .shtml to NetscapeMarkup.
				else if (m_csMimeType == "application/x-unknown-content-type-NetscapeMarkup")
						".shtml", 0L, NULL,
						&hKey, &dwDisp);
					::RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ,
						(const BYTE *)((const char *)strMARKUP_KEY),
						strMARKUP_KEY.GetLength() + 1);

				// In all other cases, we should use the existing file class
					// Need to take over lots of stuff
					CString strType = fileClass;
					if (strType == "NetscapeMarkup")
					  return; // Don't let ANYTHING mess with NetscapeMarkup.
							  // Someone might point something to it later, and
							  // we don't want this code changing the stuff that's already there.

					// Set the open command path
					strValueName.Format(strOPEN_CMD_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					strCmdPath = directoryName + " \"%1\"";
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strCmdPath);
					// Set the DDE exec value
					strValueName.Format(strDDE_EXEC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_EXEC_VALUE);

					// Set the DDE app name
					strValueName.Format(strDDE_APP_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDE_APP_NAME);
					// Set the DDE topic
					strValueName.Format(strDDE_TOPIC_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					CString strDDETopic;
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strDDETopic);

					// Set the Default Icon
					CString strIconPath;
					CString iconString = ",1";
					if (m_csMimeType == "text/x-javascript" || m_csMimeType == "application/x-javascript")
						iconString = ",7";
					else if (m_csMimeType.Left(5) == "image")
						iconString = ",6";

					strIconPath = CString(buffer) + iconString;
					strValueName.Format(strDEF_ICON_FMT, (const char *)strType);
					FEU_RegistryWizard(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strValueName, strIconPath);

