Exemplo n.º 1
bool CLuaMain::LoadScript ( const char* szLUAScript )
    if ( m_luaVM && !IsLuaCompiledScript( szLUAScript, strlen( szLUAScript ) ) )
        // Run the script
        if ( !CLuaMain::LuaLoadBuffer ( m_luaVM, szLUAScript, strlen(szLUAScript), NULL ) )
            ResetInstructionCount ();
            int luaSavedTop = lua_gettop ( m_luaVM );
            int iret = this->PCall ( m_luaVM, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 ) ;
            if ( iret == LUA_ERRRUN || iret == LUA_ERRMEM )
                std::string strRes = ConformResourcePath ( lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 ) );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogPCallError( m_luaVM, strRes );
            // Cleanup any return values
            if ( lua_gettop ( m_luaVM ) > luaSavedTop )
                lua_settop( m_luaVM, luaSavedTop );
            std::string strRes = ConformResourcePath ( lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 ) );
            g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading in-line script failed: %s", strRes.c_str () );
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// CLuaMain::LuaLoadBuffer
// luaL_loadbuffer call wrapper
int CLuaMain::LuaLoadBuffer( lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *name )
    if ( IsLuaCompiledScript( buff, sz ) )
        ms_strExpectedUndumpHash = GenerateSha256HexString( buff, sz );

    int iResult = luaL_loadbuffer( L, buff, sz, name );

    ms_strExpectedUndumpHash = "";
    return iResult;
Exemplo n.º 3
// CResourceChecker::CheckLuaFileForIssues
void CResourceChecker::CheckLuaFileForIssues ( const string& strPath, const string& strFileName, const string& strResourceName, bool bClientScript )
    // Load the original file into a string
    SString strFileContents;

    // Open the file
    FileLoad ( strPath, strFileContents );
    if ( strFileContents.length () == 0 )

    // Update decrypt version requirements, and do no more checking if encrypted
    if ( CheckLuaDecryptRequirements( strFileContents, strFileName, strResourceName, bClientScript ) )

    // Check if a compiled script
    bool bCompiledScript = IsLuaCompiledScript( strFileContents.c_str(), strFileContents.length() );

    // Process
    if ( strFileContents.length () > 1000000 )
        CLogger::LogPrintf ( "Please wait...\n" );

    // Ouput warnings...
    if ( m_bUpgradeScripts == false )
        CheckLuaSourceForIssues ( strFileContents, strFileName, strResourceName, bClientScript, bCompiledScript, ECheckerMode::WARNINGS );
    // ..or do an upgrade (if not compiled)
    if ( m_bUpgradeScripts == true && !bCompiledScript )
        string strNewFileContents;
        CheckLuaSourceForIssues ( strFileContents, strFileName, strResourceName, bClientScript, bCompiledScript, ECheckerMode::UPGRADE, &strNewFileContents );

        // Has contents changed?
        if ( strNewFileContents.length () > 0 && strNewFileContents != strFileContents )
            // Rename original to lua.old
            if( !RenameBackupFile( strPath, ".old" ) )

            // Save new content
            if ( FILE* pFile = fopen ( strPath.c_str (), "wb" ) )
                fwrite ( strNewFileContents.c_str (), 1, strNewFileContents.length (), pFile );
                fclose ( pFile );
                CLogger::LogPrintf ( "Upgrading %s:%s ...........done\n", strResourceName.c_str (), strFileName.c_str () );

                m_upgradedFullPathList.push_back( strPath );
Exemplo n.º 4
// CResourceChecker::CheckLuaDeobfuscateRequirements
// Updates version requirements and returns true if obfuscated
bool CResourceChecker::CheckLuaDeobfuscateRequirements ( const string& strFileContents, const string& strFileName, const string& strResourceName, bool bClientScript )
    // Get embedded version requirements
    SScriptInfo scriptInfo;
    if ( !g_pRealNetServer->GetScriptInfo( strFileContents.c_str(), strFileContents.length(), &scriptInfo ) )
        if ( bClientScript && IsLuaCompiledScript( strFileContents.c_str(), strFileContents.length() ) )
            // Compiled client script with no version info
    #if MTA_DM_VERSION < 0x135 
            SString strMessage( "%s is invalid and will not work in future versions. Please re-compile at http://luac.mtasa.com/", strFileName.c_str() ); 
            CLogger::LogPrint ( SString ( "WARNING: %s %s\n", strResourceName.c_str (), *strMessage ) );
            SString strMessage( "%s is invalid. Please re-compile at http://luac.mtasa.com/", strFileName.c_str() ); 
            CLogger::LogPrint ( SString ( "ERROR: %s %s\n", strResourceName.c_str (), *strMessage ) );
        return false;

    SString strMinServerHostVer = scriptInfo.szMinServerHostVer;
    SString strMinServerRunVer = scriptInfo.szMinServerRunVer;
    SString strMinClientRunVer = scriptInfo.szMinClientRunVer;

    // Check server host requirements
    if ( strMinServerHostVer > m_strReqServerVersion )
        m_strReqServerVersion = strMinServerHostVer;
        m_strReqServerReason = strFileName;

    // Check run requirements
    if ( bClientScript && strMinClientRunVer > m_strReqClientVersion )
        m_strReqClientVersion = strMinClientRunVer;
        m_strReqClientReason = strFileName;
    if ( !bClientScript && strMinServerRunVer > m_strReqServerVersion )
        m_strReqServerVersion = strMinServerRunVer;
        m_strReqServerReason = strFileName;

    return IsLuaObfuscatedScript( strFileContents.c_str(), strFileContents.length() );
Exemplo n.º 5
// If compiled script, make sure correct chunkname is embedded
void CLuaShared::EmbedChunkName(SString strChunkName, const char** pcpOutBuffer, uint* puiOutSize)
    const char*& cpBuffer = *pcpOutBuffer;
    uint&        uiSize = *puiOutSize;

    if (!IsLuaCompiledScript(cpBuffer, uiSize))

    if (uiSize < 12)

    // Get size of name in original
    uint uiStringSizeOrig = *(uint*)(cpBuffer + 12);
    if (uiSize < 12 + 4 + uiStringSizeOrig)

    static CBuffer store;
    CBufferWriteStream stream(store);

    // Ensure name starts with @ and ends with NULL
    if (!strChunkName.BeginsWith("@"))
        strChunkName = "@" + strChunkName;
    if (strChunkName[strChunkName.length() - 1] != '\0')

    // Header
    stream.WriteBytes(cpBuffer, 12);
    // New name size
    // New name bytes incl zero termination
    stream.WriteBytes(strChunkName.c_str(), strChunkName.length());
    // And the rest
    stream.WriteBytes(cpBuffer + 12 + 4 + uiStringSizeOrig, uiSize - 12 - 4 - uiStringSizeOrig);

    cpBuffer = store.GetData();
    uiSize = store.GetSize();
Exemplo n.º 6
bool CLuaMain::LoadScriptFromBuffer ( const char* cpInBuffer, unsigned int uiInSize, const char* szFileName )
    SString strNiceFilename = ConformResourcePath( szFileName );

    // Decrypt if required
    const char* cpBuffer;
    uint uiSize;
    if ( !g_pRealNetServer->DecryptScript( cpInBuffer, uiInSize, &cpBuffer, &uiSize, strNiceFilename ) )
        SString strMessage( "%s is invalid. Please re-compile at http://luac.mtasa.com/", *strNiceFilename ); 
        g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading script failed: %s", *strMessage );
        return false;

    bool bUTF8;

    // UTF-8 BOM?  Compare by checking the standard UTF-8 BOM
    if ( IsUTF8BOM( cpBuffer, uiSize ) == false )
        // Maybe not UTF-8, if we have a >80% heuristic detection confidence, assume it is
        bUTF8 = ( GetUTF8Confidence ( (const unsigned char*)cpBuffer, uiSize ) >= 80 );
        // If there's a BOM, load ignoring the first 3 bytes
        bUTF8 = true;
        cpBuffer += 3;
        uiSize -= 3;

    // If compiled script, make sure correct chunkname is embedded
    EmbedChunkName( strNiceFilename, &cpBuffer, &uiSize );

    if ( m_luaVM )
        // Are we not marked as UTF-8 already, and not precompiled?
        std::string strUTFScript;
        if ( !bUTF8 && !IsLuaCompiledScript( cpBuffer, uiSize ) )
            std::string strBuffer = std::string(cpBuffer, uiSize);
#ifdef WIN32
            std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); // Temporarilly use locales to read the script
            strUTFScript = UTF16ToMbUTF8(ANSIToUTF16( strBuffer ));
            strUTFScript = UTF16ToMbUTF8(ANSIToUTF16( strBuffer ));

            if ( uiSize != strUTFScript.size() )
                uiSize = strUTFScript.size();
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogWarning ( m_luaVM, "Script '%s' is not encoded in UTF-8.  Loading as ANSI...", strNiceFilename.c_str() );
            strUTFScript = std::string(cpBuffer, uiSize);

        // Run the script
        if ( CLuaMain::LuaLoadBuffer ( m_luaVM, bUTF8 ? cpBuffer : strUTFScript.c_str(), uiSize, SString ( "@%s", *strNiceFilename ) ) )
            // Print the error
            std::string strRes = lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 );
            if ( strRes.length () )
                CLogger::LogPrintf ( "SCRIPT ERROR: %s\n", strRes.c_str () );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading script failed: %s", strRes.c_str () );
                CLogger::LogPrint ( "SCRIPT ERROR: Unknown\n" );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading script failed for unknown reason" );
            ResetInstructionCount ();
            int luaSavedTop = lua_gettop ( m_luaVM );
            int iret = this->PCall ( m_luaVM, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 ) ;
            if ( iret == LUA_ERRRUN || iret == LUA_ERRMEM )
                SString strRes = lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogPCallError( m_luaVM, strRes, true );
            // Cleanup any return values
            if ( lua_gettop ( m_luaVM ) > luaSavedTop )
                lua_settop( m_luaVM, luaSavedTop );
            return true;

    return false;