Exemplo n.º 1
// CCrashDlg message handlers
BOOL CCrashDlg :: OnInitDialog ( )
    CDialog::OnInitDialog ( ) ;
    ASSERT ( NULL != m_pExptPtrs ) ;
    LPCTSTR szStr = GetFaultReason ( m_pExptPtrs ) ;
    m_cFaultReason.SetWindowText ( szStr ) ;
    szStr = GetRegisterString ( m_pExptPtrs ) ;
    m_cRegisters.SetWindowText ( szStr ) ;
    szStr = GetFirstStackTraceString ( GSTSO_MODULE     |
                                        GSTSO_SYMBOL    |
                                        GSTSO_SRCLINE    ,
                                       m_pExptPtrs        ) ;
    while ( NULL != szStr )
        m_cCallStackList.AddString ( szStr ) ;
        szStr = GetNextStackTraceString ( GSTSO_MODULE     |
                                            GSTSO_SYMBOL   |
                                            GSTSO_SRCLINE   ,
                                          m_pExptPtrs        ) ;
    if ( FALSE == IsMiniDumpFunctionAvailable ( ) )
        m_cMiniDumpBtn.EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
    return ( FALSE ) ;
Exemplo n.º 2
BSUMDRET   __stdcall
    CreateCurrentProcessMiniDumpW ( MINIDUMP_TYPE        eType      ,
                                    wchar_t *            szFileName ,
                                    DWORD                dwThread   ,
                                    EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptInfo )
    // Check the string parameter because I am paranoid.  I can't check
    // the eType as that might change in the future.
    ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadStringPtrW ( szFileName , MAX_PATH ) ) ;
    if ( TRUE == IsBadStringPtrW ( szFileName , MAX_PATH ) )
        return ( eBAD_PARAM ) ;

    // If an exception pointer blob was passed in.
    if ( NULL != pExceptInfo )
        ASSERT ( FALSE ==
           IsBadReadPtr ( pExceptInfo , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS)));
        if ( TRUE ==
            IsBadReadPtr ( pExceptInfo , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS)))
            return ( eBAD_PARAM ) ;

    // Have I even tried to get the exported MiniDumpWriteDump function
    // yet?
    if ( ( NULL == g_pfnMDWD ) && ( eINVALID_ERROR == g_eIMDALastError))
        if ( FALSE == IsMiniDumpFunctionAvailable ( ) )
            return ( g_eIMDALastError ) ;
    // If the MiniDumpWriteDump function pointer is NULL, return
    // whatever was in g_eIMDALastError.
    if ( NULL == g_pfnMDWD )
        return ( g_eIMDALastError ) ;

    // Package up the data for the dump writer thread.
    stParams.eReturnValue = eINVALID_ERROR  ;
    stParams.eType        = eType           ;
    stParams.pExceptInfo  = pExceptInfo     ;
    stParams.dwThreadID   = dwThread        ;
    stParams.szFileName   = szFileName      ;
    stParams.dwMiniDumpWriteDumpLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS ;

    // Crank the writer thread.
    DWORD dwTID ;
    HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)CreateThread ( NULL        ,
                                              0           ,
                                              DumpThread  ,
                                              &stParams   ,
                                              0           ,
                                              &dwTID       ) ;
    ASSERT ( (HANDLE)-1 != hThread ) ;
    if ( (HANDLE)-1 != hThread )
        // The thread is running.  Block until the thread ends.
        WaitForSingleObject ( hThread , INFINITE ) ;

        // Close the handle.
        VERIFY ( CloseHandle ( hThread ) ) ;

        stParams.dwMiniDumpWriteDumpLastError = GetLastError ( ) ;
        stParams.eReturnValue = eDEATH_ERROR ;

    // Set the last error code based so it looks like this thread made
    // the call to MiniDumpWriteDump.
    SetLastError ( stParams.dwMiniDumpWriteDumpLastError ) ;

    return ( stParams.eReturnValue ) ;
Exemplo n.º 3
BSUMDRET CommonSnapCurrentProcessMiniDump ( MINIDUMP_TYPE eType      ,
                                            LPCWSTR       szDumpName ,
                                            PCONTEXT      pCtx        )
    // Assume the best.

    // Have I even tried to get the exported MiniDumpWriteDump function
    // yet?
    if ( ( NULL == g_pfnMDWD ) && ( eINVALID_ERROR == g_eIMDALastError))
        if ( FALSE == IsMiniDumpFunctionAvailable ( ) )
            eRet = g_eIMDALastError ;
    // If the MiniDumpWriteDump function pointer is NULL, I'm done.
    if ( NULL == g_pfnMDWD )
        eRet = g_eIMDALastError ;
    if ( eDUMP_SUCCEEDED == eRet )
        // Armed with the context at the time of the call to this
        // function, I can now look to actually writing the dump.  To
        // make everything work, I need to make it look like an
        // exception happened.  Hence, all this work to fill out the
        EXCEPTION_RECORD stExRec ;
        EXCEPTION_POINTERS stExpPtrs ;

        // Zero out all the individual values.
        ZeroMemory ( &stExRec , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_RECORD )) ;
        ZeroMemory ( &stExpPtrs , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS ) ) ;
        ZeroMemory ( &stExInfo ,sizeof(MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION));

        // Set the exception address to the start of the CALL
        // instruction.  Interestingly, I found I didn't have to set the
        // exception code.  When you open up a .DMP file created with
        // this code in VS.NET, you'll see the exception code reported
        // as: 0x00000000: The operation completed successfully.
        // warning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'DWORD'
        // to 'PVOID' of greater size
        #pragma warning ( disable : 4312 )
        stExRec.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)(pCtx->Eip) ;
        #pragma warning ( default : 4312 )

        // Set the exception pointers.
        stExpPtrs.ContextRecord = pCtx ;
        stExpPtrs.ExceptionRecord = &stExRec ;

        // Finally, set up the exception info structure.
        stExInfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId ( ) ;
        stExInfo.ClientPointers = TRUE ;
        stExInfo.ExceptionPointers = &stExpPtrs ;

        // Create the file to write.
        HANDLE hFile = CreateFile ( szDumpName                   ,
                                    GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE ,
                                    FILE_SHARE_READ              ,
                                    NULL                         ,
                                    CREATE_ALWAYS                ,
                                    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL        ,
                                    NULL                          ) ;
        ASSERT ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile ) ;
        if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile )
            // Do the dump file.
            BOOL bRetVal = g_pfnMDWD ( GetCurrentProcess ( )   ,
                                       GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
                                       hFile                   ,
                                       eType                   ,
                                       &stExInfo               ,
                                       NULL                    ,
                                       NULL                     ) ;
            ASSERT ( TRUE == bRetVal ) ;
            if ( TRUE == bRetVal )
                eRet = eDUMP_SUCCEEDED ;
                eRet = eMINIDUMPWRITEDUMP_FAILED ;
            // Close the file.
            VERIFY ( CloseHandle ( hFile ) ) ;
            eRet = eOPEN_DUMP_FAILED ;
    return ( eRet ) ;
Exemplo n.º 4
    CreateCurrentProcessCrashDumpW ( MINIDUMP_TYPE        eType      ,
                                     wchar_t *            szFileName ,
                                     DWORD                dwThread   ,
                                     EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptInfo )
    // Holds the return value.
    // Check the string parameter because I am paranoid.  I can't check
    // the eType as that might change in the future.
    ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadStringPtrW ( szFileName , MAX_PATH ) ) ;
    if ( TRUE == IsBadStringPtrW ( szFileName , MAX_PATH ) )
        return ( eBAD_PARAM ) ;
           IsBadReadPtr ( pExceptInfo , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS*)));
    if ( TRUE ==
        IsBadReadPtr ( pExceptInfo , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS*)))
        return ( eBAD_PARAM ) ;
    ASSERT ( 0 != dwThread ) ;
    if ( 0 == dwThread )
        return ( eBAD_PARAM ) ;

    // Have I even tried to get the exported MiniDumpWriteDump function
    // yet?
    if ( ( NULL == g_pfnMDWD ) && ( eINVALID_ERROR == g_eIMDALastError))
        if ( FALSE == IsMiniDumpFunctionAvailable ( ) )
            return ( g_eIMDALastError ) ;
    // If the MiniDumpWriteDump function pointer is NULL, return
    // whatever was in g_eIMDALastError.
    if ( NULL == g_pfnMDWD )
        return ( g_eIMDALastError ) ;
    // Create the file first.
    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW ( szFileName                     ,
                                 GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE   ,
                                 0                              ,
                                 NULL                           ,
                                 CREATE_ALWAYS                  ,
                                 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL          ,
                                 NULL                            ) ;
    if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile )

        stMDEI.ThreadId = dwThread ;
        stMDEI.ExceptionPointers = pExceptInfo ;
        stMDEI.ClientPointers = TRUE ;

        // Got the file open.  Write it.
        BOOL bRet = g_pfnMDWD ( GetCurrentProcess ( )   ,
                                GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
                                hFile                   ,
                                eType                   ,
                                &stMDEI                 ,
                                NULL                    ,
                                NULL                     ) ;
        ASSERT ( TRUE == bRet ) ;
        if ( TRUE == bRet )
            eReturnVal = eDUMP_SUCCEEDED ;
            // Oops.
            eReturnVal = eMINIDUMPWRITEDUMP_FAILED ;

        // Close the open file.
        VERIFY ( CloseHandle ( hFile ) ) ;
        // Could not open the file!
        eReturnVal = eOPEN_DUMP_FAILED ;
    // Always save the last error value so I can set it in the original
    // thread.
    g_eIMDALastError = eReturnVal ;
    return ( eReturnVal ) ;