Exemplo n.º 1
double ECHARM_cell::FindVectorSquaredReciprocal(int vIndex[3])
    double double_result = 0.0;
    double double_temp[6];
    int i;
        for(i=0;i<3;i++) double_result += fSquare(vIndex[i] / fSize->GetComponent(i));
        double_temp[0] = fSize->GetComponent(1) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * sin(fAngle->GetComponent(1)) / FindVolume(); 
        double_temp[1] = fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * sin(fAngle->GetComponent(0)) / FindVolume(); 
        double_temp[2] = fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(1) * sin(fAngle->GetComponent(2)) / FindVolume(); 
        double_temp[3] = fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(1) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * (cos(fAngle->GetComponent(0)) * cos(fAngle->GetComponent(1)) - cos(fAngle->GetComponent(2))) / FindVolume();
        double_temp[4] = fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(1) * fSize->GetComponent(1) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * (cos(fAngle->GetComponent(2)) * cos(fAngle->GetComponent(0)) - cos(fAngle->GetComponent(1))) / FindVolume();
        double_temp[5] = fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(1) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * (cos(fAngle->GetComponent(1)) * cos(fAngle->GetComponent(2)) - cos(fAngle->GetComponent(0))) / FindVolume();
        for(i=0;i<3;i++) double_temp[i] = double_temp[i] * double_temp[i] * vIndex[i] * vIndex[i];
        double_temp[3] *= (2 * vIndex[0] * vIndex[1]);
        double_temp[4] *= (2 * vIndex[2] * vIndex[0]);
        double_temp[5] *= (2 * vIndex[2] * vIndex[2]);
        for(i=0;i<6;i++) double_result += double_temp[i];
    double_result *= (4 * M_PI * M_PI);
    return double_result;
Exemplo n.º 2
		Matrix22 Matrix22::AsInverseOrthogonal()const
			DIA_ASSERT(IsOrthogonal(), "Must be orthogonal to use this");

			Matrix22 m(mElement[0], mElement[2], mElement[1], mElement[3]);

			return m;	
Exemplo n.º 3
bool ECHARM_cell::IsCubic()
        if(fSize->GetComponent(0) == fSize->GetComponent(1))
            if(fSize->GetComponent(1) == fSize->GetComponent(2))
                return 1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
double ECHARM_cell::FindVolume()
    double double_temp = fSize->GetComponent(0)*fSize->GetComponent(1)*fSize->GetComponent(2);
        double_temp = fSize->GetComponent(0)*fSize->GetComponent(1)*fSize->GetComponent(2)*cos(fAngle->GetComponent(0))*sin(fAngle->GetComponent(2));
    return double_temp;
Exemplo n.º 5
		void Matrix22::GetRotationCounterClockwise(Angle& result)const
			DIA_ASSERT(IsOrthogonal(), "Must be orthogonal");
			DIA_ASSERT(IsAxisNormal(), "Axis are not normal");

			Dia::Maths::Vector2D v1(1.0f, 0.0f);
			Dia::Maths::Vector2D v2(mElement[0], mElement[1]);

			v2.GetCounterClockwiseAngleBetween(v1, result);
Exemplo n.º 6
		Matrix22& Matrix22::LookAtRotation(const Vector2D& lookFrom, const Vector2D& lookAt)
			Vector2D xAxis = (lookAt - lookFrom).AsNormal();
			Vector2D yAxis = xAxis.AsRotated90DegreeCounterClockwise();

			this->Set(xAxis, yAxis);

			DIA_ASSERT(IsOrthogonal(), "Must be orthogonal");

			return *this;
Exemplo n.º 7
bool float3x3::InverseOrthogonalUniformScale()
    Swap(v[0][1], v[1][0]);
    Swap(v[0][2], v[2][0]);
    Swap(v[1][2], v[2][1]);
    const float scale = sqrtf(1.f / float3(v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2]).LengthSq());

    v[0][0] *= scale; v[0][1] *= scale; v[0][2] *= scale;
    v[1][0] *= scale; v[1][1] *= scale; v[1][2] *= scale;
    v[2][0] *= scale; v[2][1] *= scale; v[2][2] *= scale;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool float3x3::InverseOrthogonal()
    Swap(v[0][1], v[1][0]);
    Swap(v[0][2], v[2][0]);
    Swap(v[1][2], v[2][1]);
    float scale1 = sqrtf(1.f / float3(v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2]).LengthSq());
    float scale2 = sqrtf(1.f / float3(v[1][0], v[1][1], v[1][2]).LengthSq());
    float scale3 = sqrtf(1.f / float3(v[2][0], v[2][1], v[2][2]).LengthSq());

    v[0][0] *= scale1; v[0][1] *= scale2; v[0][2] *= scale3;
    v[1][0] *= scale1; v[1][1] *= scale2; v[1][2] *= scale3;
    v[2][0] *= scale1; v[2][1] *= scale2; v[2][2] *= scale3;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
		Matrix22 Matrix22::AsRightHanded() const
			DIA_ASSERT(IsOrthogonal(), "Must be orthogonal");
			DIA_ASSERT(IsAxisNormal(), "Axis are not normal");

			if (IsRightHanded())
				return *this;

			Vector2D xAxis, yAxis;


			Matrix22 m(yAxis, xAxis);

			return m;
Exemplo n.º 10
		Matrix22& Matrix22::RightHanded()
			DIA_ASSERT(IsOrthogonal(), "Must be orthogonal");
			DIA_ASSERT(IsAxisNormal(), "Axis are not normal");

			if (IsRightHanded())
				return *this;

			Vector2D xAxis, yAxis;


			this->Set(yAxis, xAxis);

			return *this;
Exemplo n.º 11
//  virtual bool IsOrthonormal(Real accuracyRequired) = 
//                             GmatRealConstants::REAL_EPSILON)const
bool Rmatrix::IsOrthonormal (Real accuracyRequired) const 
   bool normal = true;  // assume it's normal, try to prove it's not
   int i, j;

   if (isSizedD == false)
      throw TableTemplateExceptions::UnsizedTable();
   // create an array of pointers to column vectors
   ArrayTemplate< Rvector* > columnVect(colsD);

   // initialize the array
   for (i = 0; i < colsD; i++)
      columnVect[i] = new Rvector(rowsD);

   // copy from matrix
   for (i = 0; i < colsD; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < rowsD; j++)
         (*columnVect(i))(j) = elementD[j*colsD + i];

   // see if each magnitude of each columnVect is equal to one
   for (i = 0; i < colsD && normal; i++)
      if (!GmatMathUtil::IsZero(columnVect(i)->GetMagnitude() - 1, accuracyRequired))
         normal = false;

   for (i = 0; i < colsD; i++)
      delete columnVect[i];
   return ((bool) (normal && IsOrthogonal(accuracyRequired)));
Exemplo n.º 12
double ECHARM_cell::FindVectorSquaredDirect(int vIndex[3])
    double double_result = 0.0;
    double double_temp[6];
    int i;
        for(i=0;i<3;i++) double_result += (vIndex[i]*vIndex[i]*fSize->GetComponent(i)*fSize->GetComponent(i));
        for(i=0;i<3;i++) double_temp[i] = (fSize->GetComponent(i) * fSize->GetComponent(i) * vIndex[i] * vIndex[i]);
        double_temp[3] = 2 * vIndex[0] * vIndex[1] * fSize->GetComponent(1) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * cos(fAngle->GetComponent(1)) ; 
        double_temp[4] = 2 * vIndex[2] * vIndex[0] * fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(2) * cos(fAngle->GetComponent(0)) ; 
        double_temp[5] = 2 * vIndex[2] * vIndex[2] * fSize->GetComponent(0) * fSize->GetComponent(1) * cos(fAngle->GetComponent(2)) ; 
        for(i=0;i<6;i++) double_result += double_temp[i];
    return double_result;
Exemplo n.º 13
// bool IsOrthonormal(Real accuracyRequired= Real_Constants::REAL_EPSILON) const
bool Rmatrix66::IsOrthonormal(Real accuracyRequired) const 
   bool normal = true;  // assume it's normal, try to prove it's not
   // create an array of pointers to column vectors
   Rvector6 colVec[6];
   // copy from matrix
   for (int i = 0; i < colsD; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < rowsD; j++)
         (colVec[i])(j) = elementD[j*colsD + i];
   // see if each magnitude of each colVec is equal to one
   for (int i = 0; i < colsD && normal; i++)
      if (!GmatMathUtil::IsZero(colVec[i].GetMagnitude() - 1, accuracyRequired))
         normal = false;
   return ((bool) (normal && IsOrthogonal(accuracyRequired)));
Exemplo n.º 14
	void Inverse(const Matrix4 &m, Matrix4 &result)
		// This entire function desparately needs to be optimised as im repeating many a operation several times.
		// However, I've left these as is for clarities sake(whatever hope that has with an operation like inverse).

		// If the Matrix4 is Orthogonal then we can just transpose it to make things easier.
		if (IsOrthogonal(m))
			return Transpose(m, result); 

		// If it is not orthogonal then we have lots and lots and lots of calculations to do.
		// So we need to calculate the co-factors for each element in the new Matrix4....
		// The co-factor for a given point in a new Matrix4 is given by.
		// Determinat of sub-Matrix4
		//     /--            --\       /--            --\       /--            --\   
		//     | RES XXX XXX XXX|       | RES XXX XXX XXX|       | RES XXX XXX XXX|
		//     | XX (m22) XX XXX| MINUS | X (m22) XXX XXX|  ADD  | XXX XX (m23) XX| 
		//     | XXX XX (m33) XX| MINUS | X XXX XXX (m34)|  ADD  | XXX XX (m33) XX|
		//     | XXX XXX X (m44)|       | X XXX (m43) XXX|       | XXX XX XX (m44)|
		//     \--            --/       \--            --/       \--            --/ ... ETC
		// To break it down more, for m11 in the inverse the equation is similar to the determinant.
		// We cancel out the rows and columns of the subject.
		//     /--            --\       /--            --\       /--            --\   
		//     | m11 XXX XXX XXX|       | m11 XXX XXX XXX|       | m11 XXX XXX XXX|
		//     | XXX m22 m23 m24| >   > | XXX m22 XXX XXX| >   > | XXX m22 XXX XXX| 
		//     | XXX m32 m33 m34| >   > | XXX XXX m33 m34| >   > | XXX XXX m33 XXX|
		//     | XXX m42 m43 m44|       | XXX XXX m43 m44|       | XXX XXX XXX m44|
		//     \--            --/       \--            --/       \--            --/
		// m11(-1) = m22*(m33*m44 - m34*m43) + m23*(m34*m42 - m32*m44) + m24*(m32*m43 - m33*m42);
		// Finally after getting the co-factor we need divide the entire Matrix4 by the determinant of the
		// old Matrix4.

		// Co-factors of the X Axis vector.
		float cof11, cof12, cof13, cof14;

		// Co-factors of the Y Axis vector.
		float cof21, cof22, cof23, cof24;

		// Co-factors of the Z Axis vector.
		float cof31, cof32, cof33, cof34;

		// Co-factors of the W Axis vector.
		float cof41, cof42, cof43, cof44;

		// The determinant of the inputed Matrix4.
		Matrix4 md(m);
		float detInv = 1.0f / md.Determinant();

		// And so it starts...
		//                                             X AXIS VECTOR

		// Cofactor of element m11 aka X component of the x axis vector.
		cof11 = m.yY*(m.zZ*m.wW - m.zW*m.wZ) + m.yZ*(m.zW*m.wY - m.zY*m.wW) + m.yW*(m.zY*m.wZ - m.zZ*m.wY);

		// Cofactor of element m12 aka Y component of the x axis vector.
		cof12 = -(m.yX*(m.zZ*m.wW - m.zW*m.wZ) + m.yZ*(m.zW*m.wX - m.zX*m.wW) + m.yW*(m.zX*m.wZ - m.zZ*m.wX));

		// Cofactor of element m13 aka Z component of the x axis vector.
		cof13 = m.yX*(m.zY*m.wW - m.zW*m.wY) + m.yY*(m.zW*m.wX - m.zX*m.wW) + m.yW*(m.zX*m.wY - m.zY*m.wX);

		// Cofactor of element m14 aka W component of the x axis vector.
		cof14 = -(m.yX*(m.zY*m.wZ - m.zZ*m.wY) + m.yY*(m.zZ*m.wX - m.zX*m.wZ) + m.yZ*(m.zX*m.wY - m.zY*m.wX));
		//                                             Y AXIS VECTOR

		// Cofactor of element m21 aka X component of the y axis vector.
		cof21 = -(m.xY*(m.zZ*m.wW - m.zW*m.wZ) + m.xY*(m.zY*m.wW - m.zW*m.wY) + m.xW*(m.zY*m.wZ - m.zZ*m.wY));
		// Cofactor of element m22 aka Y component of the y axis vector.
		cof22 = m.xX*(m.zZ*m.wW - m.zW*m.wZ) + m.xZ*(m.wX*m.zW - m.wW*m.zX) + m.xW*(m.zX*m.wZ - m.zZ*m.wX);

		// Cofactor of element m23 aka Z component of the y axis vector.
		cof23 = -(m.xX*(m.zY*m.wW - m.zW*m.wY) + m.xY*(m.wX*m.zW - m.wW*m.zX) + m.xW*(m.zX*m.wY - m.zY*m.wX));

		// Cofactor of element m24 aka W component of the y axis vector.
		cof24 = m.xX*(m.zY*m.wZ - m.zZ*m.wY) + m.xY*(m.wX*m.zZ - m.wZ*m.zX) + m.xZ*(m.zX*m.wY - m.zY*m.wX);
		//                                             Z AXIS VECTOR

		// Cofactor of element m31 aka X component of the z axis vector.
		cof31 = m.xY*(m.yZ*m.wW - m.yW*m.wZ) + m.xZ*(m.wY*m.yW - m.wW*m.yY) + m.xW*(m.yY*m.wZ - m.yZ*m.wY);

		// Cofactor of element m32 aka Y component of the z axis vector.
		cof32 = -(m.xX*(m.yZ*m.wW - m.yW*m.wZ) + m.xZ*(m.wX*m.yW - m.wW*m.yX) + m.xW*(m.yX*m.wZ - m.yZ*m.wX));
		// Cofactor of element m33 aka Z component of the z axis vector.
		cof33 = m.xX*(m.yY*m.wW - m.yW*m.wY) + m.xY*(m.wX*m.yW - m.wW*m.yX) + m.xW*(m.yX*m.wY - m.yY*m.wX);
		// Cofactor of element m34 aka W component of the z axis vector.
		cof34 = -(m.xX*(m.yY*m.wZ - m.yZ*m.wY) + m.xY*(m.wX*m.yZ - m.wZ*m.yX) + m.xZ*(m.yX*m.wY - m.yY*m.wX));
		//                                             W AXIS VECTOR

		// Cofactor of element m41 aka X component of the w axis vector.
		cof41 = m.xY*(m.yZ*m.zW - m.yW*m.zZ) + m.xZ*(m.zY*m.yW - m.zW*m.yY) + m.xW*(m.yY*m.zZ - m.yZ*m.zY);

		// Cofactor of element m42 aka Y component of the w axis vector.
		cof42 = -(m.xX*(m.yZ*m.zW - m.yW*m.zZ) + m.xZ*(m.yW*m.zX - m.yX*m.zW) + m.xW*(m.yX*m.zZ - m.yZ*m.zX));
		// Cofactor of element m43 aka Z component of the w axis vector.
		cof43 = m.xX*(m.yY*m.zW - m.yW*m.zY) + m.xY*(m.zX*m.yW - m.zW*m.yX) + m.xW*(m.yX*m.zY - m.yY*m.zX);
		// Cofactor of element m44 aka Z component of the w axis vector.
		cof44 = -(m.xX*(m.yY*m.zZ - m.yZ*m.zY) + m.xY*(m.zX*m.yZ - m.zZ*m.yX) + m.xZ*(m.yX*m.zY - m.yY*m.zX));

		// Now we have all the co-factors we punch them into our resultant Matrix4 and divide by the determinant.

		// Inverse X axis of m.
		result.xX = (cof11 * detInv);
		result.xY = (cof12 * detInv);
		result.xZ = (cof13 * detInv);
		result.xW = (cof14 * detInv);

		// Inverse Y axis of m.
		result.yX = (cof21 * detInv);
		result.yY = (cof22 * detInv);
		result.yZ = (cof23 * detInv);
		result.yW = (cof24 * detInv);

		// Inverse Z axis of m.
		result.zX = (cof31 * detInv);
		result.zY = (cof32 * detInv);
		result.zZ = (cof33 * detInv);
		result.zW = (cof34 * detInv);

		// Inverse W axis of m.
		result.wX = (cof41 * detInv);
		result.wY = (cof42 * detInv);
		result.wZ = (cof43 * detInv);
		result.wW = (cof44 * detInv);
Exemplo n.º 15
bool float3x3::IsOrthonormal(float epsilon) const
    ///\todo Epsilon magnitudes don't match.
    return IsOrthogonal(epsilon) && Row(0).IsNormalized(epsilon) && Row(1).IsNormalized(epsilon) && Row(2).IsNormalized(epsilon);
Exemplo n.º 16
		Matrix22& Matrix22::InvertOrthogonal()
			DIA_ASSERT(IsOrthogonal(), "Must be orthogonal to use this");

			return Transpose();	