//The main method of the class - processes string containing G-code to the vector of commands for the interpreter bool GCodeInterpreter::ProcessString(string code, vector<ProcessedData>& output, vector<PathPartSimple>* simpleOutput, vector<PathPartSimple>* offsetOutput) { //Prepare output.clear(); this->output = &output; try { LoadConfiguration(); ParseCodeToPath(code); PostProcessPath(); //assert(IsPathValid()); if(simpleOutput) CreateSimpleOutput(simpleOutput); if(offsetOutput) CreateOffsetOutput(offsetOutput); TunePath(); assert(IsPathValid()); TransformPathToCommands(); } catch(exception ex) { wxString text(ex.what(), *wxConvCurrent); wxMessageBox(text, wxT("Chyba!"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return false; } //Clean commands.clear(); path.clear(); return true; }
void CPage6::OnItemexpanding(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMTREEVIEW pNMTreeView = reinterpret_cast<LPNMTREEVIEW>(pNMHDR); HTREEITEM hItem = pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem; CString strPathName = GetPathFromItem (hItem); if (!IsMediaValid (strPathName)) { HTREEITEM hRoot = GetDriveNode (hItem); m_FileTree.Expand (hRoot, TVE_COLLAPSE); DeleteChildren (hRoot); AddDummyNode (hRoot); *pResult = TRUE; return; } if (!IsPathValid (strPathName)) { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER && strPathName != "") { m_FileTree.DeleteItem (hItem); *pResult = TRUE; return; } } CWaitCursor wait; if (pNMTreeView->action == TVE_EXPAND) { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER) { DeleteChildren (hItem); if (!AddDirectoryNodes (hItem, strPathName)) *pResult = TRUE; } } else { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER) { DeleteChildren (hItem); if (IsDriveNode (hItem)) AddDummyNode (hItem); else SetButtonState (hItem, strPathName); } } m_LocalPath = strPathName; *pResult = 0; }
char *ExternalBlastTool :: GetResults (BlastFormatter *formatter_p) { char *results_s = NULL; if (ebt_results_filename_s) { if (formatter_p && (bt_output_format != BS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT)) { results_s = formatter_p -> GetConvertedOutput (ebt_results_filename_s, bt_output_format); if (!results_s) { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to format %s to " UINT32_FMT, ebt_results_filename_s, bt_output_format); } } /* if (formatter_p && (bt_output_format != BS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT)) */ else { if (IsPathValid (ebt_results_filename_s)) { results_s = GetFileContentsAsStringByFilename (ebt_results_filename_s); if (!results_s) { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to read data from %s", ebt_results_filename_s); } } /* if (IsPathValid (ebt_results_filename_s)) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, "File %s does not exist", ebt_results_filename_s); } } } /* if (ebt_results_filename_s) */ else { char uuid_s [UUID_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]; ConvertUUIDToString (bt_job_p -> bsj_job.sj_id, uuid_s); PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Results output object is NULL for \"%s\"", uuid_s); } return results_s; }