Exemplo n.º 1
static Snapshot DtmGetSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
	if (TransactionIdIsValid(DtmNextXid) && snapshot != &CatalogSnapshotData)
		if (!DtmHasGlobalSnapshot && (snapshot != DtmLastSnapshot || DtmCurcid != GetCurrentCommandId(false))) {
			ArbiterGetSnapshot(DtmNextXid, &DtmSnapshot, &dtm->minXid);
		DtmLastSnapshot = snapshot;
		DtmCurcid = snapshot->curcid;
		if (!IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
			/* Use single global snapshot during all transaction for repeatable read isolation level,
			 * but obtain new global snapshot each time it is requested for read committed isolation level
			DtmHasGlobalSnapshot = false;
		/* For local transactions and catalog snapshots use default GetSnapshotData implementation */
		snapshot = PgGetSnapshotData(snapshot);
	return snapshot;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * GetTransactionSnapshot
 *		Get the appropriate snapshot for a new query in a transaction.
 * Note that the return value may point at static storage that will be modified
 * by future calls and by CommandCounterIncrement().  Callers should call
 * RegisterSnapshot or PushActiveSnapshot on the returned snap if it is to be
 * used very long.
	/* First call in transaction? */
	if (!FirstSnapshotSet)
		Assert(RegisteredSnapshots == 0);
		Assert(FirstXactSnapshot == NULL);

		 * In transaction-snapshot mode, the first snapshot must live until
		 * end of xact regardless of what the caller does with it, so we must
		 * make a copy of it rather than returning CurrentSnapshotData
		 * directly.  Furthermore, if we're running in serializable mode,
		 * predicate.c needs to wrap the snapshot fetch in its own processing.
		if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
			/* First, create the snapshot in CurrentSnapshotData */
			if (IsolationIsSerializable())
				CurrentSnapshot = GetSerializableTransactionSnapshot(&CurrentSnapshotData);
				CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);
			/* Make a saved copy */
			CurrentSnapshot = CopySnapshot(CurrentSnapshot);
			FirstXactSnapshot = CurrentSnapshot;
			/* Mark it as "registered" in FirstXactSnapshot */
			CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

		FirstSnapshotSet = true;
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

	return CurrentSnapshot;
 * GetTransactionSnapshot
 *		Get the appropriate snapshot for a new query in a transaction.
 * Note that the return value may point at static storage that will be modified
 * by future calls and by CommandCounterIncrement().  Callers should call
 * RegisterSnapshot or PushActiveSnapshot on the returned snap if it is to be
 * used very long.
	/* First call in transaction? */
	if (!FirstSnapshotSet)
		Assert(RegisteredSnapshots == 0);

		 * In transaction-snapshot mode, the first snapshot must live until
		 * end of xact regardless of what the caller does with it, so we must
		 * register it internally here and unregister it at end of xact.
		if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
			if (IsolationIsSerializable())
				CurrentSnapshot = RegisterSerializableTransaction(&CurrentSnapshotData);
				CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);
				CurrentSnapshot = RegisterSnapshotOnOwner(CurrentSnapshot,
			registered_xact_snapshot = true;
			CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

		FirstSnapshotSet = true;
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

	return CurrentSnapshot;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * ImportSnapshot
 *      Import a previously exported snapshot.  The argument should be a
 *      filename in SNAPSHOT_EXPORT_DIR.  Load the snapshot from that file.
 *      This is called by "SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT 'foo'".
ImportSnapshot(const char *idstr)
	char		path[MAXPGPATH];
	FILE	   *f;
	struct stat	stat_buf;
	char	   *filebuf;
	int			xcnt;
	int			i;
	TransactionId src_xid;
	Oid			src_dbid;
	int			src_isolevel;
	bool		src_readonly;
	SnapshotData snapshot;

	 * Must be at top level of a fresh transaction.  Note in particular that
	 * we check we haven't acquired an XID --- if we have, it's conceivable
	 * that the snapshot would show it as not running, making for very
	 * screwy behavior.
	if (FirstSnapshotSet ||
		GetTopTransactionIdIfAny() != InvalidTransactionId ||
				 errmsg("SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT must be called before any query")));

	 * If we are in read committed mode then the next query would execute
	 * with a new snapshot thus making this function call quite useless.
	if (!IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
				 errmsg("a snapshot-importing transaction must have isolation level SERIALIZABLE or REPEATABLE READ")));

	 * Verify the identifier: only 0-9, A-F and hyphens are allowed.  We do
	 * this mainly to prevent reading arbitrary files.
	if (strspn(idstr, "0123456789ABCDEF-") != strlen(idstr))
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot identifier \"%s\"", idstr)));

	/* OK, read the file */
	snprintf(path, MAXPGPATH, SNAPSHOT_EXPORT_DIR "/%s", idstr);

	f = AllocateFile(path, PG_BINARY_R);
	if (!f)
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot identifier \"%s\"", idstr)));

	/* get the size of the file so that we know how much memory we need */
	if (fstat(fileno(f), &stat_buf))
		elog(ERROR, "could not stat file \"%s\": %m", path);

	/* and read the file into a palloc'd string */
	filebuf = (char *) palloc(stat_buf.st_size + 1);
	if (fread(filebuf, stat_buf.st_size, 1, f) != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "could not read file \"%s\": %m", path);

	filebuf[stat_buf.st_size] = '\0';


	 * Construct a snapshot struct by parsing the file content.
	memset(&snapshot, 0, sizeof(snapshot));

	src_xid = parseXidFromText("xid:", &filebuf, path);
	/* we abuse parseXidFromText a bit here ... */
	src_dbid = parseXidFromText("dbid:", &filebuf, path);
	src_isolevel = parseIntFromText("iso:", &filebuf, path);
	src_readonly = parseIntFromText("ro:", &filebuf, path);

	snapshot.xmin = parseXidFromText("xmin:", &filebuf, path);
	snapshot.xmax = parseXidFromText("xmax:", &filebuf, path);

	snapshot.xcnt = xcnt = parseIntFromText("xcnt:", &filebuf, path);

	/* sanity-check the xid count before palloc */
	if (xcnt < 0 || xcnt > GetMaxSnapshotXidCount())
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot data in file \"%s\"", path)));

	snapshot.xip = (TransactionId *) palloc(xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
	for (i = 0; i < xcnt; i++)
		snapshot.xip[i] = parseXidFromText("xip:", &filebuf, path);

	snapshot.suboverflowed = parseIntFromText("sof:", &filebuf, path);

	if (!snapshot.suboverflowed)
		snapshot.subxcnt = xcnt = parseIntFromText("sxcnt:", &filebuf, path);

		/* sanity-check the xid count before palloc */
		if (xcnt < 0 || xcnt > GetMaxSnapshotSubxidCount())
					 errmsg("invalid snapshot data in file \"%s\"", path)));

		snapshot.subxip = (TransactionId *) palloc(xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
		for (i = 0; i < xcnt; i++)
			snapshot.subxip[i] = parseXidFromText("sxp:", &filebuf, path);
		snapshot.subxcnt = 0;
		snapshot.subxip = NULL;

	snapshot.takenDuringRecovery = parseIntFromText("rec:", &filebuf, path);

	 * Do some additional sanity checking, just to protect ourselves.  We
	 * don't trouble to check the array elements, just the most critical
	 * fields.
	if (!TransactionIdIsNormal(src_xid) ||
		!OidIsValid(src_dbid) ||
		!TransactionIdIsNormal(snapshot.xmin) ||
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot data in file \"%s\"", path)));

	 * If we're serializable, the source transaction must be too, otherwise
	 * predicate.c has problems (SxactGlobalXmin could go backwards).  Also,
	 * a non-read-only transaction can't adopt a snapshot from a read-only
	 * transaction, as predicate.c handles the cases very differently.
	if (IsolationIsSerializable())
		if (src_isolevel != XACT_SERIALIZABLE)
					 errmsg("a serializable transaction cannot import a snapshot from a non-serializable transaction")));
		if (src_readonly && !XactReadOnly)
					 errmsg("a non-read-only serializable transaction cannot import a snapshot from a read-only transaction")));

	 * We cannot import a snapshot that was taken in a different database,
	 * because vacuum calculates OldestXmin on a per-database basis; so the
	 * source transaction's xmin doesn't protect us from data loss.  This
	 * restriction could be removed if the source transaction were to mark
	 * its xmin as being globally applicable.  But that would require some
	 * additional syntax, since that has to be known when the snapshot is
	 * initially taken.  (See pgsql-hackers discussion of 2011-10-21.)
	if (src_dbid != MyDatabaseId)
				 errmsg("cannot import a snapshot from a different database")));

	/* OK, install the snapshot */
	SetTransactionSnapshot(&snapshot, src_xid);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * SetTransactionSnapshot
 *		Set the transaction's snapshot from an imported MVCC snapshot.
 * Note that this is very closely tied to GetTransactionSnapshot --- it
 * must take care of all the same considerations as the first-snapshot case
 * in GetTransactionSnapshot.
static void
SetTransactionSnapshot(Snapshot sourcesnap, TransactionId sourcexid)
	/* Caller should have checked this already */

	Assert(RegisteredSnapshots == 0);
	Assert(FirstXactSnapshot == NULL);

	 * Even though we are not going to use the snapshot it computes, we must
	 * call GetSnapshotData, for two reasons: (1) to be sure that
	 * CurrentSnapshotData's XID arrays have been allocated, and (2) to update
	 * RecentXmin and RecentGlobalXmin.  (We could alternatively include those
	 * two variables in exported snapshot files, but it seems better to have
	 * snapshot importers compute reasonably up-to-date values for them.)
	CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

	 * Now copy appropriate fields from the source snapshot.
	CurrentSnapshot->xmin = sourcesnap->xmin;
	CurrentSnapshot->xmax = sourcesnap->xmax;
	CurrentSnapshot->xcnt = sourcesnap->xcnt;
	Assert(sourcesnap->xcnt <= GetMaxSnapshotXidCount());
	memcpy(CurrentSnapshot->xip, sourcesnap->xip,
		   sourcesnap->xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
	CurrentSnapshot->subxcnt = sourcesnap->subxcnt;
	Assert(sourcesnap->subxcnt <= GetMaxSnapshotSubxidCount());
	memcpy(CurrentSnapshot->subxip, sourcesnap->subxip,
		   sourcesnap->subxcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
	CurrentSnapshot->suboverflowed = sourcesnap->suboverflowed;
	CurrentSnapshot->takenDuringRecovery = sourcesnap->takenDuringRecovery;
	/* NB: curcid should NOT be copied, it's a local matter */

	 * Now we have to fix what GetSnapshotData did with MyProc->xmin and
	 * TransactionXmin.  There is a race condition: to make sure we are not
	 * causing the global xmin to go backwards, we have to test that the
	 * source transaction is still running, and that has to be done atomically.
	 * So let procarray.c do it.
	 * Note: in serializable mode, predicate.c will do this a second time.
	 * It doesn't seem worth contorting the logic here to avoid two calls,
	 * especially since it's not clear that predicate.c *must* do this.
	if (!ProcArrayInstallImportedXmin(CurrentSnapshot->xmin, sourcexid))
				 errmsg("could not import the requested snapshot"),
				 errdetail("The source transaction %u is not running anymore.",

	 * In transaction-snapshot mode, the first snapshot must live until end of
	 * xact, so we must make a copy of it.  Furthermore, if we're running in
	 * serializable mode, predicate.c needs to do its own processing.
	if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
		if (IsolationIsSerializable())
			SetSerializableTransactionSnapshot(CurrentSnapshot, sourcexid);
		/* Make a saved copy */
		CurrentSnapshot = CopySnapshot(CurrentSnapshot);
		FirstXactSnapshot = CurrentSnapshot;
		/* Mark it as "registered" in FirstXactSnapshot */

	FirstSnapshotSet = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * GetTransactionSnapshot
 *		Get the appropriate snapshot for a new query in a transaction.
 * Note that the return value may point at static storage that will be modified
 * by future calls and by CommandCounterIncrement().  Callers should call
 * RegisterSnapshot or PushActiveSnapshot on the returned snap if it is to be
 * used very long.
	 * Return historic snapshot if doing logical decoding. We'll never need a
	 * non-historic transaction snapshot in this (sub-)transaction, so there's
	 * no need to be careful to set one up for later calls to
	 * GetTransactionSnapshot().
	if (HistoricSnapshotActive())
		return HistoricSnapshot;

	/* First call in transaction? */
	if (!FirstSnapshotSet)
		Assert(FirstXactSnapshot == NULL);

		if (IsInParallelMode())
				 "cannot take query snapshot during a parallel operation");

		 * In transaction-snapshot mode, the first snapshot must live until
		 * end of xact regardless of what the caller does with it, so we must
		 * make a copy of it rather than returning CurrentSnapshotData
		 * directly.  Furthermore, if we're running in serializable mode,
		 * predicate.c needs to wrap the snapshot fetch in its own processing.
		if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
			/* First, create the snapshot in CurrentSnapshotData */
			if (IsolationIsSerializable())
				CurrentSnapshot = GetSerializableTransactionSnapshot(&CurrentSnapshotData);
				CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);
			/* Make a saved copy */
			CurrentSnapshot = CopySnapshot(CurrentSnapshot);
			FirstXactSnapshot = CurrentSnapshot;
			/* Mark it as "registered" in FirstXactSnapshot */
			pairingheap_add(&RegisteredSnapshots, &FirstXactSnapshot->ph_node);
			CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

		/* Don't allow catalog snapshot to be older than xact snapshot. */
		CatalogSnapshotStale = true;

		FirstSnapshotSet = true;
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	/* Don't allow catalog snapshot to be older than xact snapshot. */
	CatalogSnapshotStale = true;

	CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

	return CurrentSnapshot;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * GetTransactionSnapshot
 *		Get the appropriate snapshot for a new query in a transaction.
 * Note that the return value may point at static storage that will be modified
 * by future calls and by CommandCounterIncrement().  Callers should call
 * RegisterSnapshot or PushActiveSnapshot on the returned snap if it is to be
 * used very long.
	/* First call in transaction? */
	if (!FirstSnapshotSet)
		Assert(RegisteredSnapshots == 0);
		Assert(FirstXactSnapshot == NULL);

		 * In transaction-snapshot mode, the first snapshot must live until
		 * end of xact regardless of what the caller does with it, so we must
		 * make a copy of it rather than returning CurrentSnapshotData
		 * directly.  Furthermore, if we're running in serializable mode,
		 * predicate.c needs to wrap the snapshot fetch in its own processing.
		if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
			/* First, create the snapshot in CurrentSnapshotData */
			if (IsolationIsSerializable())
				CurrentSnapshot = GetSerializableTransactionSnapshot(&CurrentSnapshotData);
				CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);
			/* Make a saved copy */
			CurrentSnapshot = CopySnapshot(CurrentSnapshot);
			FirstXactSnapshot = CurrentSnapshot;
			/* Mark it as "registered" in FirstXactSnapshot */
			CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

		FirstSnapshotSet = true;
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
#ifdef PGXC
		 * Consider this test case taken from portals.sql
		 * CREATE TABLE cursor (a int, b int) distribute by replication;
		 * INSERT INTO cursor VALUES (10);
		 * BEGIN;
		 * INSERT INTO cursor VALUES (2);
		 * would result in
		 * ERROR:  attempted to lock invisible tuple
		 * because FETCH would be sent as a select to the remote nodes
		 * with command id 0, whereas the command id would be 2
		 * in the current snapshot.
		 * (1 sent by Coordinator due to declare cursor &
		 *  2 because of the insert inside the transaction)
		 * The command id should therefore be updated in the
		 * current snapshot.
		if (IsConnFromCoord())
		return CurrentSnapshot;

	CurrentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData);

	return CurrentSnapshot;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Scan a complete BRIN index, and summarize each page range that's not already
 * summarized.  The index and heap must have been locked by caller in at
 * least ShareUpdateExclusiveLock mode.
 * For each new index tuple inserted, *numSummarized (if not NULL) is
 * incremented; for each existing tuple, numExisting (if not NULL) is
 * incremented.
static void
brinsummarize(Relation index, Relation heapRel, double *numSummarized,
			  double *numExisting)
	BrinRevmap *revmap;
	BrinBuildState *state = NULL;
	IndexInfo  *indexInfo = NULL;
	BlockNumber heapNumBlocks;
	BlockNumber heapBlk;
	BlockNumber pagesPerRange;
	Buffer		buf;

	revmap = brinRevmapInitialize(index, &pagesPerRange);

	 * Scan the revmap to find unsummarized items.
	buf = InvalidBuffer;
	heapNumBlocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(heapRel);
	for (heapBlk = 0; heapBlk < heapNumBlocks; heapBlk += pagesPerRange)
		BrinTuple  *tup;
		OffsetNumber off;


		tup = brinGetTupleForHeapBlock(revmap, heapBlk, &buf, &off, NULL,
		if (tup == NULL)
			/* no revmap entry for this heap range. Summarize it. */
			if (state == NULL)
				/* first time through */
				state = initialize_brin_buildstate(index, revmap,
				indexInfo = BuildIndexInfo(index);

				 * We only have ShareUpdateExclusiveLock on the table, and
				 * therefore other sessions may insert tuples into the range
				 * we're going to scan.  This is okay, because we take
				 * additional precautions to avoid losing the additional
				 * tuples; see comments in summarize_range.  Set the
				 * concurrent flag, which causes IndexBuildHeapRangeScan to
				 * use a snapshot other than SnapshotAny, and silences
				 * warnings emitted there.
				indexInfo->ii_Concurrent = true;

				 * If using transaction-snapshot mode, it would be possible
				 * for another transaction to insert a tuple that's not
				 * visible to our snapshot if we have already acquired one,
				 * when in snapshot-isolation mode; therefore, disallow this
				 * from running in such a transaction unless a snapshot hasn't
				 * been acquired yet.
				 * This code is called by VACUUM and
				 * brin_summarize_new_values. Have the error message mention
				 * the latter because VACUUM cannot run in a transaction and
				 * thus cannot cause this issue.
				if (IsolationUsesXactSnapshot() && FirstSnapshotSet)
							 errmsg("brin_summarize_new_values() cannot run in a transaction that has already obtained a snapshot")));
			summarize_range(indexInfo, state, heapRel, heapBlk);

			/* and re-initialize state for the next range */
			brin_memtuple_initialize(state->bs_dtuple, state->bs_bdesc);

			if (numSummarized)
				*numSummarized += 1.0;
			if (numExisting)
				*numExisting += 1.0;
			LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	if (BufferIsValid(buf))

	/* free resources */
	if (state)