Exemplo n.º 1
static jl_module_t *eval_import_path_(jl_array_t *args, int retrying)
    // in .A.B.C, first find a binding for A in the chain of module scopes
    // following parent links. then evaluate the rest of the path from there.
    // in A.B, look for A in Main first.
    jl_sym_t *var = (jl_sym_t*)jl_cellref(args,0);
    size_t i=1;
    jl_module_t *m;

    if (var != dot_sym) {
        m = jl_main_module;
    else {
        m = jl_current_module;
        while (1) {
            var = (jl_sym_t*)jl_cellref(args,i);
            if (var != dot_sym) {
                if (i == jl_array_len(args))
                    return m;
            m = m->parent;

    while (1) {
        if (jl_binding_resolved_p(m, var)) {
            jl_binding_t *mb = jl_get_binding(m, var);
            assert(mb != NULL);
            if (mb->owner == m || mb->imported) {
                m = (jl_module_t*)mb->value;
                if (m == NULL || !jl_is_module(m))
                    jl_errorf("invalid module path (%s does not name a module)", var->name);
        if (m == jl_main_module) {
            if (!retrying && i==1) { // (i==1) => no require() for relative imports
                if (require_func == NULL && jl_base_module != NULL)
                    require_func = jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("require"));
                if (require_func != NULL) {
                    jl_value_t *str = jl_cstr_to_string(var->name);
                    jl_apply((jl_function_t*)require_func, &str, 1);
                    return eval_import_path_(args, 1);
        if (retrying && require_func) {
            JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "Warning: requiring \"%s\" did not define a corresponding module.\n", var->name);
            return NULL;
        else {
            jl_errorf("in module path: %s not defined", var->name);

    for(; i < jl_array_len(args)-1; i++) {
        jl_value_t *s = jl_cellref(args,i);
        m = (jl_module_t*)jl_eval_global_var(m, (jl_sym_t*)s);
        if (!jl_is_module(m))
            jl_errorf("invalid import statement");
    return m;
Exemplo n.º 2
DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_method_def(jl_sym_t *name, jl_value_t **bp, jl_binding_t *bnd,
                                    jl_tuple_t *argtypes, jl_function_t *f)
    // argtypes is a tuple ((types...), (typevars...))
    jl_tuple_t *t = (jl_tuple_t*)jl_t1(argtypes);
    argtypes = (jl_tuple_t*)jl_t0(argtypes);
    jl_value_t *gf=NULL;

    if (bnd && bnd->value != NULL && !bnd->constp) {
        jl_errorf("cannot define function %s; it already has a value",

    if (*bp != NULL) {
        gf = *bp;
        if (!jl_is_gf(gf)) {
            if (jl_is_datatype(gf) &&
                ((jl_function_t*)gf)->fptr == jl_f_ctor_trampoline) {
            if (!jl_is_gf(gf)) {
                jl_error("invalid method definition: not a generic function");

    size_t na = jl_tuple_len(argtypes);
    for(size_t i=0; i < na; i++) {
        jl_value_t *elt = jl_tupleref(argtypes,i);
        if (!jl_is_type(elt) && !jl_is_typevar(elt)) {
            jl_lambda_info_t *li = f->linfo;
            jl_errorf("invalid type for argument %s in method definition for %s at %s:%d",
                      jl_lam_argname(li,i)->name, name->name, li->file->name, li->line);

    int ishidden = !!strchr(name->name, '#');
    for(size_t i=0; i < jl_tuple_len(t); i++) {
        jl_value_t *tv = jl_tupleref(t,i);
        if (!jl_is_typevar(tv))
            jl_type_error_rt(name->name, "method definition", (jl_value_t*)jl_tvar_type, tv);
        if (!ishidden && !type_contains((jl_value_t*)argtypes, tv)) {
            JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "Warning: static parameter %s does not occur in signature for %s",
                      ((jl_tvar_t*)tv)->name->name, name->name);
            print_func_loc(JL_STDERR, f->linfo);
            JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, ".\nThe method will not be callable.\n");

    if (bnd) {
        bnd->constp = 1;
    if (*bp == NULL) {
        gf = (jl_value_t*)jl_new_generic_function(name);
        *bp = gf;

    jl_add_method((jl_function_t*)gf, argtypes, f, t);
    if (jl_boot_file_loaded &&
        f->linfo && f->linfo->ast && jl_is_expr(f->linfo->ast)) {
        jl_lambda_info_t *li = f->linfo;
        li->ast = jl_compress_ast(li, li->ast);
    return gf;
Exemplo n.º 3
void jl_write_compiler_output(void)
    if (!jl_generating_output()) {
        if (jl_options.outputjitbc)
            jl_dump_native(NULL, jl_options.outputjitbc, NULL, NULL, 0);

    if (!jl_options.incremental)
        jl_precompile(jl_options.compile_enabled == JL_OPTIONS_COMPILE_ALL);

    if (!jl_module_init_order) {
        jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: --output requested, but no modules defined during run\n");

    if (jl_options.outputjitbc) {
        jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: --output-jit-bc is meaningless with options for dumping sysimage data\n");

    jl_array_t *worklist = jl_module_init_order;
    jl_module_init_order = jl_alloc_vec_any(0);
    int i, l = jl_array_len(worklist);
    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        jl_value_t *m = jl_ptrarrayref(worklist, i);
        if (jl_get_global((jl_module_t*)m, jl_symbol("__init__"))) {
            jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_module_init_order, m);

    if (jl_options.incremental) {
        if (jl_options.outputji)
            if (jl_save_incremental(jl_options.outputji, worklist))
        if (jl_options.outputbc || jl_options.outputunoptbc)
            jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: incremental output to a .bc file is not implemented\n");
        if (jl_options.outputo)
            jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: incremental output to a .o file is not implemented\n");
    else {
        ios_t *s = NULL;
        if (jl_options.outputo || jl_options.outputbc || jl_options.outputunoptbc)
            s = jl_create_system_image();

        if (jl_options.outputji) {
            if (s == NULL) {
            else {
                ios_t f;
                if (ios_file(&f, jl_options.outputji, 1, 1, 1, 1) == NULL)
                    jl_errorf("cannot open system image file \"%s\" for writing", jl_options.outputji);
                ios_write(&f, (const char*)s->buf, (size_t)s->size);

        if (jl_options.outputo || jl_options.outputbc || jl_options.outputunoptbc)
                           (const char*)s->buf, (size_t)s->size);
Exemplo n.º 4
jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_expr_t *ex)
    static arraylist_t module_stack;
    static int initialized=0;
    static jl_module_t *outermost = NULL;
    if (!initialized) {
        arraylist_new(&module_stack, 0);
        initialized = 1;
    assert(ex->head == module_sym);
    jl_module_t *last_module = jl_current_module;
    if (jl_array_len(ex->args) != 3 || !jl_is_expr(jl_exprarg(ex,2))) {
        jl_error("syntax: malformed module expression");
    int std_imports = (jl_exprarg(ex,0)==jl_true);
    jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 1);
    if (!jl_is_symbol(name)) {
        jl_type_error("module", (jl_value_t*)jl_sym_type, (jl_value_t*)name);
    jl_module_t *parent_module = jl_current_module;
    jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(parent_module, name);
    if (b->value != NULL) {
        if (!jl_is_module(b->value)) {
            jl_errorf("invalid redefinition of constant %s",
        if (jl_generating_output() && jl_options.incremental) {
            jl_errorf("cannot replace module %s during incremental compile",
        if (!jl_generating_output()) {
            // suppress warning "replacing module Core.Inference" during bootstrapping
            jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: replacing module %s\n",
    jl_module_t *newm = jl_new_module(name);
    newm->parent = parent_module;
    b->value = (jl_value_t*)newm;
    jl_gc_wb_binding(b, newm);

    if (parent_module == jl_main_module && name == jl_symbol("Base")) {
        // pick up Base module during bootstrap
        jl_old_base_module = jl_base_module;
        jl_base_module = newm;
        // reinitialize global variables
        // to pick up new types from Base
        jl_errorexception_type = NULL;
        jl_argumenterror_type = NULL;
        jl_methoderror_type = NULL;
        jl_loaderror_type = NULL;
        jl_initerror_type = NULL;
        jl_current_task->tls = jl_nothing; // may contain an entry for :SOURCE_FILE that is not valid in the new base
    // export all modules from Main
    if (parent_module == jl_main_module)
        jl_module_export(jl_main_module, name);

    // add standard imports unless baremodule
    if (std_imports) {
        if (jl_base_module != NULL) {

    jl_module_t *task_last_m = jl_current_task->current_module;
    jl_current_task->current_module = jl_current_module = newm;
    jl_module_t *prev_outermost = outermost;
    size_t stackidx = module_stack.len;
    if (outermost == NULL)
        outermost = newm;

    jl_array_t *exprs = ((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 2))->args;
    JL_TRY {
        for(int i=0; i < jl_array_len(exprs); i++) {
            // process toplevel form
            jl_value_t *form = jl_cellref(exprs, i);
            (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 1);
    JL_CATCH {
        jl_current_module = last_module;
        jl_current_task->current_module = task_last_m;
        outermost = prev_outermost;
        module_stack.len = stackidx;
    jl_current_module = last_module;
    jl_current_task->current_module = task_last_m;
    outermost = prev_outermost;

#if 0
    // some optional post-processing steps
    size_t i;
    void **table = newm->bindings.table;
    for(i=1; i < newm->bindings.size; i+=2) {
        if (table[i] != HT_NOTFOUND) {
            jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)table[i];
            // remove non-exported macros
            if (jl_symbol_name(b->name)[0]=='@' &&
                !b->exportp && b->owner == newm)
                b->value = NULL;
            // error for unassigned exports
            if (b->exportp && b->owner==newm && b->value==NULL)
                jl_errorf("identifier %s exported from %s is not initialized",
                          jl_symbol_name(b->name), jl_symbol_name(newm->name));

    arraylist_push(&module_stack, newm);

    if (outermost == NULL || jl_current_module == jl_main_module) {
        JL_TRY {
            size_t i, l=module_stack.len;
            for(i = stackidx; i < l; i++) {
            assert(module_stack.len == l);
            module_stack.len = stackidx;
        JL_CATCH {
            module_stack.len = stackidx;
Exemplo n.º 5
static jl_value_t *R_Julia_MD(SEXP Var, const char *VarName)

  if ((LENGTH(Var)) != 0)
    jl_tuple_t *dims = RDims_JuliaTuple(Var);
    switch (TYPEOF( Var))
    case LGLSXP:
      jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_bool_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims);
      char *retData = (char *)jl_array_data(ret);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++)
        retData[i] = LOGICAL(Var)[i];
      jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret);
      return (jl_value_t *) ret;
    case INTSXP:
      jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_int32_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims);
      int *retData = (int *)jl_array_data(ret);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++)
        retData[i] = INTEGER(Var)[i];
      jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret);
      return (jl_value_t *) ret;
    case REALSXP:
      jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_float64_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims);
      double *retData = (double *)jl_array_data(ret);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++)
        retData[i] = REAL(Var)[i];
      jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret);
      return (jl_value_t *) ret;
    case STRSXP:
      jl_array_t *ret;
      if (!IS_ASCII(Var))
        ret = CreateArray(jl_utf8_string_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims);
        ret = CreateArray(jl_ascii_string_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims);
      jl_value_t **retData = jl_array_data(ret);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++)
        if (!IS_ASCII(Var))
          retData[i] = jl_cstr_to_string(translateChar0(STRING_ELT(Var, i)));
          retData[i] = jl_cstr_to_string(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Var, i)));
      jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret);
      return (jl_value_t *) ret;
    case VECSXP:
      char eltcmd[eltsize];
      jl_tuple_t *ret = jl_alloc_tuple(length(Var));
      for (int i = 0; i < length(Var); i++)
        snprintf(eltcmd, eltsize, "%selement%d", VarName, i);
        jl_tupleset(ret, i, R_Julia_MD(VECTOR_ELT(Var, i), eltcmd));
      jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret);
      return (jl_value_t *) ret;
      return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing;
    return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing;
  return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing;
Exemplo n.º 6
static jl_value_t *copy_ast(jl_value_t *expr, jl_tuple_t *sp, int do_sp)
    if (jl_is_symbol(expr)) {
        if (!do_sp) return expr;
        // pre-evaluate certain static parameters to help type inference
        for(int i=0; i < jl_tuple_len(sp); i+=2) {
            if ((jl_sym_t*)expr == ((jl_tvar_t*)jl_tupleref(sp,i))->name) {
                jl_value_t *spval = jl_tupleref(sp,i+1);
                if (jl_is_long(spval))
                    return spval;
    else if (jl_is_lambda_info(expr)) {
        jl_lambda_info_t *li = (jl_lambda_info_t*)expr;
        if (sp == jl_null && li->ast &&
            jl_array_len(jl_lam_capt((jl_expr_t*)li->ast)) == 0)
            return expr;
        // TODO: avoid if above condition is true and decls have already
        // been evaluated.
        li = jl_add_static_parameters(li, sp);
        // inner lambda does not need the "def" link. it leads to excess object
        // retention, for example pointing to the original uncompressed AST
        // of a top-level thunk that gets type inferred.
        li->def = li;
        li->ast = jl_prepare_ast(li, li->sparams);
        return (jl_value_t*)li;
    else if (jl_typeis(expr,jl_array_any_type)) {
        jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)expr;
        jl_array_t *na = jl_alloc_cell_1d(jl_array_len(a));
        size_t i;
        for(i=0; i < jl_array_len(a); i++)
            jl_cellset(na, i, copy_ast(jl_cellref(a,i), sp, do_sp));
        return (jl_value_t*)na;
    else if (jl_is_expr(expr)) {
        jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)expr;
        jl_expr_t *ne = jl_exprn(e->head, jl_array_len(e->args));
        if (e->head == lambda_sym) {
            jl_exprarg(ne, 0) = copy_ast(jl_exprarg(e,0), sp, 0);
            jl_exprarg(ne, 1) = copy_ast(jl_exprarg(e,1), sp, 0);
            jl_exprarg(ne, 2) = copy_ast(jl_exprarg(e,2), sp, 1);
        else if (e->head == assign_sym) {
            jl_exprarg(ne, 0) = copy_ast(jl_exprarg(e,0), sp, 0);
            jl_exprarg(ne, 1) = copy_ast(jl_exprarg(e,1), sp, 1);
        else {
            for(size_t i=0; i < jl_array_len(e->args); i++)
                jl_exprarg(ne, i) = copy_ast(jl_exprarg(e,i), sp, 1);
        return (jl_value_t*)ne;
    return expr;
Exemplo n.º 7
jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_insert(union jl_typemap_t *cache, jl_value_t *parent,
                                      jl_tupletype_t *type, jl_svec_t *tvars,
                                      jl_tupletype_t *simpletype, jl_svec_t *guardsigs,
                                      jl_value_t *newvalue, int8_t offs,
                                      const struct jl_typemap_info *tparams,
                                      jl_value_t **overwritten)
    if (!simpletype)
        simpletype = (jl_tupletype_t*)jl_nothing;

    jl_typemap_entry_t *ml = jl_typemap_assoc_by_type(*cache, type, NULL, 1, 0, offs);
    if (ml) {
        if (overwritten != NULL)
            *overwritten = ml->func.value;
        if (newvalue == NULL)  // don't overwrite with guard entries
            return ml;
        // sigatomic begin
        ml->sig = type;
        jl_gc_wb(ml, ml->sig);
        ml->simplesig = simpletype;
        jl_gc_wb(ml, ml->simplesig);
        ml->tvars = tvars;
        jl_gc_wb(ml, ml->tvars);
        ml->va = jl_is_va_tuple(type);
        // TODO: `l->func` or `l->func->roots` might need to be rooted
        ml->func.value = newvalue;
        if (newvalue)
            jl_gc_wb(ml, newvalue);
        // sigatomic end
        return ml;
    if (overwritten != NULL)
        *overwritten = NULL;

    jl_typemap_entry_t *newrec = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)jl_gc_allocobj(sizeof(jl_typemap_entry_t));
    jl_set_typeof(newrec, jl_typemap_entry_type);
    newrec->sig = type;
    newrec->simplesig = simpletype;
    newrec->tvars = tvars;
    newrec->func.value = newvalue;
    newrec->guardsigs = guardsigs;
    newrec->next = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)jl_nothing;
    // compute the complexity of this type signature
    newrec->va = jl_is_va_tuple(type);
    newrec->issimplesig = (tvars == jl_emptysvec); // a TypeVar environment needs an complex matching test
    newrec->isleafsig = newrec->issimplesig && !newrec->va; // entirely leaf types don't need to be sorted
    size_t i, l;
    for (i = 0, l = jl_datatype_nfields(type); i < l && newrec->issimplesig; i++) {
        jl_value_t *decl = jl_field_type(type, i);
        if (decl == (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type)
            newrec->isleafsig = 0; // Type{} may have a higher priority than DataType
        else if (jl_is_type_type(decl))
            newrec->isleafsig = 0; // Type{} may need special processing to compute the match
        else if (jl_is_vararg_type(decl))
            newrec->isleafsig = 0; // makes iteration easier when the endpoints are the same
        else if (decl == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type)
            newrec->isleafsig = 0; // Any needs to go in the general cache
        else if (!jl_is_leaf_type(decl)) // anything else can go through the general subtyping test
            newrec->isleafsig = newrec->issimplesig = 0;
    jl_typemap_insert_generic(cache, parent, newrec, NULL, offs, tparams);
    return newrec;
Exemplo n.º 8
DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_method_def(jl_sym_t *name, jl_value_t **bp, jl_binding_t *bnd,
                                    jl_tuple_t *argtypes, jl_function_t *f, jl_value_t *isstaged,
                                    jl_value_t *call_func, int iskw)
    // argtypes is a tuple ((types...), (typevars...))
    jl_tuple_t *t = (jl_tuple_t*)jl_t1(argtypes);
    argtypes = (jl_tuple_t*)jl_t0(argtypes);
    jl_value_t *gf=NULL;
    JL_GC_PUSH3(&gf, &argtypes, &t);

    if (bnd && bnd->value != NULL && !bnd->constp) {
        jl_errorf("cannot define function %s; it already has a value",

    if (*bp != NULL) {
        gf = *bp;
        if (!jl_is_gf(gf)) {
            if (jl_is_datatype(gf)) {
                // DataType: define `call`, for backwards compat with outer constructors
                if (call_func == NULL)
                    call_func = (jl_value_t*)jl_module_call_func(jl_current_module);
                size_t na = jl_tuple_len(argtypes);
                jl_tuple_t *newargtypes = jl_alloc_tuple(1 + na);
                size_t i=0;
                if (iskw) {
                    assert(na > 0);
                    // for kw sorter, keep container argument first
                    jl_tupleset(newargtypes, 0, jl_tupleref(argtypes, 0));
                jl_tupleset(newargtypes, i, jl_wrap_Type(gf));
                for(; i < na+1; i++) {
                    jl_tupleset(newargtypes, i, jl_tupleref(argtypes, i-1));
                argtypes = newargtypes;
                gf = call_func;
                name = call_sym;
                // edit args, insert type first
                if (!jl_is_expr(f->linfo->ast))
                    f->linfo->ast = jl_uncompress_ast(f->linfo, f->linfo->ast);
                jl_array_t *al = jl_lam_args((jl_expr_t*)f->linfo->ast);
                if (jl_array_len(al) == 0) {
                    al = jl_alloc_cell_1d(1);
                    jl_exprarg(f->linfo->ast, 0) = (jl_value_t*)al;
                else {
                    jl_array_grow_beg(al, 1);
                if (iskw) {
                    jl_cellset(al, 0, jl_cellref(al, 1));
                    jl_cellset(al, 1, (jl_value_t*)jl_gensym());
                else {
                    jl_cellset(al, 0, (jl_value_t*)jl_gensym());
            if (!jl_is_gf(gf)) {
                jl_error("invalid method definition: not a generic function");
        if (iskw) {
            bp = (jl_value_t**)&((jl_methtable_t*)((jl_function_t*)gf)->env)->kwsorter;
            gf = *bp;

    size_t na = jl_tuple_len(argtypes);
    for(size_t i=0; i < na; i++) {
        jl_value_t *elt = jl_tupleref(argtypes,i);
        if (!jl_is_type(elt) && !jl_is_typevar(elt)) {
            jl_lambda_info_t *li = f->linfo;
            jl_errorf("invalid type for argument %s in method definition for %s at %s:%d",
                      jl_lam_argname(li,i)->name, name->name, li->file->name, li->line);

    int ishidden = !!strchr(name->name, '#');
    for(size_t i=0; i < jl_tuple_len(t); i++) {
        jl_value_t *tv = jl_tupleref(t,i);
        if (!jl_is_typevar(tv))
            jl_type_error_rt(name->name, "method definition", (jl_value_t*)jl_tvar_type, tv);
        if (!ishidden && !type_contains((jl_value_t*)argtypes, tv)) {
            JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "Warning: static parameter %s does not occur in signature for %s",
                      ((jl_tvar_t*)tv)->name->name, name->name);
            print_func_loc(JL_STDERR, f->linfo);
            JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, ".\nThe method will not be callable.\n");

    if (bnd) {
        bnd->constp = 1;
    if (*bp == NULL) {
        gf = (jl_value_t*)jl_new_generic_function(name);
        *bp = gf;

    jl_add_method((jl_function_t*)gf, argtypes, f, t, isstaged == jl_true);
    if (jl_boot_file_loaded &&
        f->linfo && f->linfo->ast && jl_is_expr(f->linfo->ast)) {
        jl_lambda_info_t *li = f->linfo;
        li->ast = jl_compress_ast(li, li->ast);
    return gf;
Exemplo n.º 9
static jl_value_t *eval(jl_value_t *e, jl_value_t **locals, size_t nl, size_t ngensym)
    if (jl_is_symbol(e)) {
        jl_value_t *v = NULL;
        size_t i;
        for(i=0; i < nl; i++) {
            if (locals[i*2] == e) {
                v = locals[i*2+1];
        if (i >= nl)
            v = jl_get_global(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)e);
        if (v == NULL)
        return v;
    if (jl_is_symbolnode(e)) {
        return eval((jl_value_t*)jl_symbolnode_sym(e), locals, nl, ngensym);
    if (jl_is_gensym(e)) {
        ssize_t genid = ((jl_gensym_t*)e)->id;
        if (genid >= ngensym || genid < 0)
            jl_error("access to invalid GenSym location");
            return locals[nl*2 + genid];
    if (jl_is_quotenode(e)) {
        return jl_fieldref(e,0);
    if (jl_is_topnode(e)) {
        jl_sym_t *s = (jl_sym_t*)jl_fieldref(e,0);
        jl_value_t *v = jl_get_global(jl_base_relative_to(jl_current_module),s);
        if (v == NULL)
        return v;
    if (!jl_is_expr(e)) {
        if (jl_is_globalref(e)) {
            jl_value_t *gfargs[2] = {(jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_mod(e), (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_name(e)};
            return jl_f_getfield(NULL, gfargs, 2);
        if (jl_is_linenode(e)) {
            jl_lineno = jl_linenode_line(e);
        if (jl_is_newvarnode(e)) {
            jl_value_t *var = jl_fieldref(e,0);
            for(size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
                if (locals[i*2] == var) {
                    locals[i*2+1] = NULL;
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
        return e;
    jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)e;
    jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args);
    size_t nargs = jl_array_len(ex->args);
    if (ex->head == call_sym) {
        return do_call(args, nargs, locals, nl, ngensym);
    else if (ex->head == assign_sym) {
        jl_value_t *sym = args[0];
        jl_value_t *rhs = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        if (jl_is_gensym(sym)) {
            ssize_t genid = ((jl_gensym_t*)sym)->id;
            if (genid >= ngensym || genid < 0)
                jl_error("assignment to invalid GenSym location");
            locals[nl*2 + genid] = rhs;
            return rhs;
        if (jl_is_symbol(sym)) {
            size_t i;
            for (i=0; i < nl; i++) {
                if (locals[i*2] == sym) {
                    locals[i*2+1] = rhs;
                    return rhs;
        jl_module_t *m = jl_current_module;
        if (jl_is_globalref(sym)) {
            m = jl_globalref_mod(sym);
            sym = (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_name(sym);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(m, (jl_sym_t*)sym);
        jl_checked_assignment(b, rhs);
        return rhs;
    else if (ex->head == new_sym) {
        jl_value_t *thetype = eval(args[0], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_value_t *v=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&thetype, &v);
        v = jl_new_struct_uninit((jl_datatype_t*)thetype);
        for(size_t i=1; i < nargs; i++) {
            jl_set_nth_field(v, i-1, eval(args[i], locals, nl, ngensym));
        return v;
    else if (ex->head == null_sym) {
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == body_sym) {
        return eval_body(ex->args, locals, nl, ngensym, 0, 0);
    else if (ex->head == exc_sym) {
        return jl_exception_in_transit;
    else if (ex->head == static_typeof_sym) {
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type;
    else if (ex->head == method_sym) {
        jl_sym_t *fname = (jl_sym_t*)args[0];
        assert(jl_expr_nargs(ex) != 1 || jl_is_symbol(fname));

        if (jl_is_symbol(fname)) {
            jl_value_t **bp=NULL;
            jl_value_t *bp_owner=NULL;
            jl_binding_t *b=NULL;
            for (size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
                if (locals[i*2] == (jl_value_t*)fname) {
                    bp = &locals[i*2+1];
            if (bp == NULL) {
                b = jl_get_binding_for_method_def(jl_current_module, fname);
                bp = &b->value;
                bp_owner = (jl_value_t*)jl_current_module;
            jl_value_t *gf = jl_generic_function_def(fname, bp, bp_owner, b);
            if (jl_expr_nargs(ex) == 1)
                return gf;

        jl_value_t *atypes=NULL, *meth=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&atypes, &meth);
        atypes = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        meth = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_method_def((jl_svec_t*)atypes, (jl_lambda_info_t*)meth, args[3]);
        return jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == copyast_sym) {
        return jl_copy_ast(eval(args[0], locals, nl, ngensym));
    else if (ex->head == const_sym) {
        jl_value_t *sym = args[0];
        for (size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
            if (locals[i*2] == sym) {
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)sym);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == global_sym) {
        // create uninitialized mutable binding for "global x" decl
        // TODO: handle type decls
        for (size_t i=0; i < jl_array_len(ex->args); i++) {
            jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)args[i]);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == abstracttype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *para = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_value_t *super = NULL;
        jl_value_t *temp = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH4(&para, &super, &temp, &dt);
        dt = jl_new_abstracttype(name, jl_any_type, (jl_svec_t*)para);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        temp = b->value;
        b->value = (jl_value_t*)dt;
        jl_gc_wb_binding(b, dt);
        super = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        b->value = temp;
        if (temp==NULL || !equiv_type(dt, (jl_datatype_t*)temp)) {
            jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == bitstype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *super = NULL, *para = NULL, *vnb = NULL, *temp = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH4(&para, &super, &temp, &dt);
        para = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        vnb  = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);
        if (!jl_is_long(vnb))
            jl_errorf("invalid declaration of bits type %s",
        ssize_t nb = jl_unbox_long(vnb);
        if (nb < 1 || nb>=(1<<23) || (nb&7) != 0)
            jl_errorf("invalid number of bits in type %s",
        dt = jl_new_bitstype(name, jl_any_type, (jl_svec_t*)para, nb);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        temp = b->value;
        b->value = (jl_value_t*)dt;
        jl_gc_wb_binding(b, dt);
        super = eval(args[3], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        b->value = temp;
        if (temp==NULL || !equiv_type(dt, (jl_datatype_t*)temp)) {
            jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == compositetype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *para = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_value_t *temp = NULL;
        jl_value_t *super = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH4(&para, &super, &temp, &dt);
        temp = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);  // field names
        dt = jl_new_datatype((jl_sym_t*)name, jl_any_type, (jl_svec_t*)para,
                             (jl_svec_t*)temp, NULL,
                             0, args[5]==jl_true ? 1 : 0, jl_unbox_long(args[6]));

        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        temp = b->value;  // save old value
        // temporarily assign so binding is available for field types
        b->value = (jl_value_t*)dt;

        JL_TRY {
            super = eval(args[3], locals, nl, ngensym);
            jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
            // operations that can fail
            inside_typedef = 1;
            dt->types = (jl_svec_t*)eval(args[4], locals, nl, ngensym);
            jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->types);
            inside_typedef = 0;
            for(size_t i=0; i < jl_svec_len(dt->types); i++) {
                jl_value_t *elt = jl_svecref(dt->types, i);
                if (!jl_is_type(elt) && !jl_is_typevar(elt))
                                     "type definition",
                                     (jl_value_t*)jl_type_type, elt);
        JL_CATCH {
            b->value = temp;
        for(size_t i=0; i < jl_svec_len(para); i++) {
            ((jl_tvar_t*)jl_svecref(para,i))->bound = 0;
        if (para == (jl_value_t*)jl_emptysvec && jl_is_datatype_singleton(dt)) {
            dt->instance = newstruct(dt);
            jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->instance);

        b->value = temp;
        if (temp==NULL || !equiv_type(dt, (jl_datatype_t*)temp)) {
            jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        else {
            // TODO: remove all old ctors and set temp->name->ctor_factory = dt->name->ctor_factory

        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
Exemplo n.º 10
  Method caches are divided into three parts: one for signatures where
  the first argument is a singleton kind (Type{Foo}), one indexed by the
  UID of the first argument's type in normal cases, and a fallback
  table of everything else.

  Note that the "primary key" is the type of the first *argument*, since
  there tends to be lots of variation there. The type of the 0th argument
  (the function) is always the same for most functions.
static jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type_(jl_typemap_entry_t *ml, jl_tupletype_t *types, int8_t inexact, jl_svec_t **penv)
    size_t n = jl_datatype_nfields(types);
    while (ml != (void*)jl_nothing) {
        size_t lensig = jl_datatype_nfields(ml->sig);
        if (lensig == n || (ml->va && lensig <= n+1)) {
            int resetenv = 0, ismatch;
            if (ml->simplesig != (void*)jl_nothing &&
                    !sig_match_by_type_simple(jl_svec_data(types->parameters), n,
                                              ml->simplesig, jl_datatype_nfields(ml->simplesig), 0))
                ismatch = 0;
            else if (ml->isleafsig)
                ismatch = sig_match_by_type_leaf(jl_svec_data(types->parameters),
                                                 ml->sig, lensig);
            else if (ml->issimplesig)
                ismatch = sig_match_by_type_simple(jl_svec_data(types->parameters), n,
                                                   ml->sig, lensig, ml->va);
            else if (ml->tvars == jl_emptysvec)
                ismatch = jl_tuple_subtype(jl_svec_data(types->parameters), n, ml->sig, 0);
            else if (penv == NULL) {
                ismatch = jl_type_match((jl_value_t*)types, (jl_value_t*)ml->sig) != (jl_value_t*)jl_false;
            else {
                // TODO: this is missing the actual subtype test,
                // which works currently because types is typically a leaf tt,
                // or inexact is set (which then does the subtype test)
                // but this isn't entirely general
                jl_value_t *ti = jl_lookup_match((jl_value_t*)types, (jl_value_t*)ml->sig, penv, ml->tvars);
                resetenv = 1;
                ismatch = (ti != (jl_value_t*)jl_bottom_type);
                if (ismatch) {
                    // parametric methods only match if all typevars are matched by
                    // non-typevars.
                    size_t i, l;
                    for (i = 0, l = jl_svec_len(*penv); i < l; i++) {
                        if (jl_is_typevar(jl_svecref(*penv, i))) {
                            if (inexact) {
                                // "inexact" means the given type is compile-time,
                                // where a failure to determine the value of a
                                // static parameter is inconclusive.
                                // this is issue #3182, see test/core.jl
                                return NULL; // XXX: need a way to signal to the caller that this is an inconclusive error so it stops searching
                            ismatch = 0;
                    if (inexact) {
                        // the compiler might attempt jl_get_specialization on e.g.
                        // convert(::Type{Type{Int}}, ::DataType), which is concrete but might not
                        // equal the run time type. in this case ti would be {Type{Type{Int}}, Type{Int}}
                        // but tt would be {Type{Type{Int}}, DataType}.
                        ismatch = jl_types_equal(ti, (jl_value_t*)types);
                        if (!ismatch)
                            return NULL; // XXX: need a way to signal to the caller that this is an inconclusive error so it stops searching

            if (ismatch) {
                size_t i, l;
                for (i = 0, l = jl_svec_len(ml->guardsigs); i < l; i++) {
                    // see corresponding code in jl_typemap_assoc_exact
                    if (jl_subtype((jl_value_t*)types, jl_svecref(ml->guardsigs, i), 0)) {
                        ismatch = 0;
                if (ismatch)
                    return ml;
            if (resetenv)
                *penv = jl_emptysvec;
        ml = ml->next;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 11
static jl_value_t *scm_to_julia_(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t e, int eo)
    if (fl_isnumber(fl_ctx, e)) {
        int64_t i64;
        if (isfixnum(e)) {
            i64 = numval(e);
        else {
            cprim_t *cp = (cprim_t*)ptr(e);
            numerictype_t nt = cp_numtype(cp);
            switch (nt) {
            case T_DOUBLE:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_float64(*(double*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_FLOAT:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_float32(*(float*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT8:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint8(*(uint8_t*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT16:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint16(*(uint16_t*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT32:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint32(*(uint32_t*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT64:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint64(*(uint64_t*)cp_data(cp));
            i64 = conv_to_int64(cp_data(cp), nt);
#ifdef _P64
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_int64(i64);
        if (i64 > (int64_t)S32_MAX || i64 < (int64_t)S32_MIN)
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_int64(i64);
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_int32((int32_t)i64);
    if (issymbol(e)) {
        if (e == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->true_sym)
            return jl_true;
        else if (e == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->false_sym)
            return jl_false;
        return (jl_value_t*)scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, e);
    if (fl_isstring(fl_ctx, e))
        return jl_pchar_to_string((char*)cvalue_data(e), cvalue_len(e));
    if (iscons(e) || e == fl_ctx->NIL) {
        value_t hd;
        jl_sym_t *sym;
        if (e == fl_ctx->NIL) {
            hd = e;
        else {
            hd = car_(e);
            if (hd == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->ssavalue_sym)
                return jl_box_ssavalue(numval(car_(cdr_(e))));
            else if (hd == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->slot_sym)
                return jl_box_slotnumber(numval(car_(cdr_(e))));
            else if (hd == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->null_sym && llength(e) == 1)
                return jl_nothing;
        if (issymbol(hd))
            sym = scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, hd);
            sym = list_sym;
        size_t n = llength(e)-1;
        if (issymbol(hd))
            e = cdr_(e);
        if (!eo) {
            if (sym == line_sym && n==1) {
                jl_value_t *linenum = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx, car_(e), 0);
                jl_value_t *temp = jl_new_struct(jl_linenumbernode_type, linenum);
                return temp;
            jl_value_t *scmv = NULL, *temp = NULL;
            if (sym == label_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_labelnode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == goto_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_gotonode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == inert_sym || (sym == quote_sym && (!iscons(car_(e))))) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_quotenode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == top_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_module_globalref(jl_base_relative_to(jl_current_module), (jl_sym_t*)scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == core_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_module_globalref(jl_core_module, (jl_sym_t*)scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == globalref_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(cdr_(e)),0);
                temp = jl_module_globalref((jl_module_t*)scmv, (jl_sym_t*)temp);
                return temp;
            if (sym == newvar_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_newvarnode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
        else if (sym == inert_sym && !iscons(car_(e))) {
            sym = quote_sym;
        jl_value_t *ex = (jl_value_t*)jl_exprn(sym, n);
        // allocate a fresh args array for empty exprs passed to macros
        if (eo && n == 0) {
            ((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args = jl_alloc_vec_any(0);
            jl_gc_wb(ex, ((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args);
        size_t i;
        for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
            jl_array_ptr_set(((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args, i, scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx, car_(e), eo));
            e = cdr_(e);
        if (sym == lambda_sym)
            ex = (jl_value_t*)jl_new_lambda_info_from_ast((jl_expr_t*)ex);
        if (sym == list_sym)
            return (jl_value_t*)((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args;
        return (jl_value_t*)ex;
    if (iscprim(e) && cp_class((cprim_t*)ptr(e)) == fl_ctx->wchartype) {
        return jl_box32(jl_char_type, *(int32_t*)cp_data((cprim_t*)ptr(e)));
    if (iscvalue(e) && cv_class((cvalue_t*)ptr(e)) == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype) {
        return *(jl_value_t**)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(e));
    jl_error("malformed tree");

    return jl_nothing;
Exemplo n.º 12
// TODO: add locks around global state mutation operations
jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_module_t *parent_module, jl_expr_t *ex)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    assert(ex->head == module_sym);
    if (jl_array_len(ex->args) != 3 || !jl_is_expr(jl_exprarg(ex, 2))) {
        jl_error("syntax: malformed module expression");
    int std_imports = (jl_exprarg(ex, 0) == jl_true);
    jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 1);
    if (!jl_is_symbol(name)) {
        jl_type_error("module", (jl_value_t*)jl_sym_type, (jl_value_t*)name);

    jl_module_t *newm = jl_new_module(name);
    jl_value_t *form = (jl_value_t*)newm;
    ptrhash_put(&jl_current_modules, (void*)newm, (void*)((uintptr_t)HT_NOTFOUND + 1));

    // copy parent environment info into submodule
    newm->uuid = parent_module->uuid;
    if (jl_base_module &&
            (jl_value_t*)parent_module == jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("__toplevel__"))) {
        newm->parent = newm;
    else {
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(parent_module, name, 1);
        if (b->value != NULL) {
            if (!jl_is_module(b->value)) {
                jl_errorf("invalid redefinition of constant %s", jl_symbol_name(name));
            if (jl_generating_output()) {
                jl_errorf("cannot replace module %s during compilation", jl_symbol_name(name));
            jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: replacing module %s.\n", jl_symbol_name(name));
            // create a hidden gc root for the old module
            uintptr_t *refcnt = (uintptr_t*)ptrhash_bp(&jl_current_modules, (void*)b->value);
            *refcnt += 1;
        newm->parent = parent_module;
        b->value = (jl_value_t*)newm;
        jl_gc_wb_binding(b, newm);

    if (parent_module == jl_main_module && name == jl_symbol("Base")) {
        // pick up Base module during bootstrap
        jl_base_module = newm;

    size_t last_age = ptls->world_age;

    // add standard imports unless baremodule
    if (std_imports) {
        if (jl_base_module != NULL) {
        // add `eval` function
        form = jl_call_scm_on_ast("module-default-defs", (jl_value_t*)ex, newm);
        ptls->world_age = jl_world_counter;
        jl_toplevel_eval_flex(newm, form, 0, 1);
        form = NULL;

    jl_array_t *exprs = ((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 2))->args;
    for (int i = 0; i < jl_array_len(exprs); i++) {
        // process toplevel form
        ptls->world_age = jl_world_counter;
        form = jl_expand_stmt(jl_array_ptr_ref(exprs, i), newm);
        ptls->world_age = jl_world_counter;
        (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(newm, form, 1, 1);
    ptls->world_age = last_age;

#if 0
    // some optional post-processing steps
    size_t i;
    void **table = newm->bindings.table;
    for(i=1; i < newm->bindings.size; i+=2) {
        if (table[i] != HT_NOTFOUND) {
            jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)table[i];
            // remove non-exported macros
            if (jl_symbol_name(b->name)[0]=='@' &&
                !b->exportp && b->owner == newm)
                b->value = NULL;
            // error for unassigned exports
            if (b->exportp && b->owner==newm && b->value==NULL)
                jl_errorf("identifier %s exported from %s is not initialized",
                          jl_symbol_name(b->name), jl_symbol_name(newm->name));

    uintptr_t *refcnt = (uintptr_t*)ptrhash_bp(&jl_current_modules, (void*)newm);
    assert(*refcnt > (uintptr_t)HT_NOTFOUND);
    *refcnt -= 1;
    // newm should be reachable from somewhere else by now

    if (jl_module_init_order == NULL)
        jl_module_init_order = jl_alloc_vec_any(0);
    jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_module_init_order, (jl_value_t*)newm);

    // defer init of children until parent is done being defined
    // then initialize all in definition-finished order
    // at build time, don't run them at all (defer for runtime)
    if (!jl_generating_output()) {
        if (!ptrhash_has(&jl_current_modules, (void*)newm->parent)) {
            size_t i, l = jl_array_len(jl_module_init_order);
            size_t ns = 0;
            form = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_vec_any(0);
            for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(jl_module_init_order, i);
                if (jl_is_submodule(m, newm)) {
                    jl_array_ptr_1d_push((jl_array_t*)form, (jl_value_t*)m);
                else if (ns++ != i) {
                    jl_array_ptr_set(jl_module_init_order, ns - 1, (jl_value_t*)m);
            if (ns < l)
                jl_array_del_end(jl_module_init_order, l - ns);
            l = jl_array_len(form);
            for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(form, i);

    return (jl_value_t*)newm;
Exemplo n.º 13
static jl_array_t *_new_array(jl_value_t *atype, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims)
    size_t i, tot, nel=1;
    wideint_t prod;
    int isunboxed=0, elsz;
    void *data;
    jl_array_t *a;

    for(i=0; i < ndims; i++) {
        prod = (wideint_t)nel * (wideint_t)dims[i];
        if (prod > (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL)
            jl_error("invalid Array dimensions");
        nel = prod;
    jl_value_t *el_type = jl_tparam0(atype);

    isunboxed = store_unboxed(el_type);
    if (isunboxed) {
        elsz = jl_datatype_size(el_type);
        prod = (wideint_t)elsz * (wideint_t)nel;
        if (prod > (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL)
            jl_error("invalid Array size");
        tot = prod;
        if (elsz == 1) {
            // hidden 0 terminator for all byte arrays
    else {
        elsz = sizeof(void*);
        prod = (wideint_t)sizeof(void*) * (wideint_t)nel;
        if (prod > (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL)
            jl_error("invalid Array size");
        tot = prod;

    int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(ndims);
    size_t tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t);
    tsz += ndimwords*sizeof(size_t);
    if (tot <= ARRAY_INLINE_NBYTES) {
        if (isunboxed && elsz >= 4)
            tsz = (tsz+15)&-16; // align data area 16
        size_t doffs = tsz;
        tsz += tot;
        tsz = (tsz+15)&-16; // align whole object 16
        a = allocobj(tsz);
        a->type = atype;
        a->how = 0;
        data = (char*)a + doffs;
        if (tot > 0 && !isunboxed) {
            memset(data, 0, tot);
    else {
        tsz = (tsz+15)&-16; // align whole object size 16
        a = allocobj(tsz);
        a->type = atype;
        // temporarily initialize to make gc-safe
        a->data = NULL;
        a->how = 2;
        data = jl_gc_managed_malloc(tot);
        if (!isunboxed)
            memset(data, 0, tot);

    a->data = data;
    if (elsz == 1) ((char*)data)[tot-1] = '\0';
    a->length = nel;
    a->ndims = ndims;
    a->ptrarray = !isunboxed;
    a->elsize = elsz;
    a->isshared = 0;
    a->isaligned = 1;
    a->offset = 0;
    if (ndims == 1) {
        a->nrows = nel;
        a->maxsize = nel;
    else {
        size_t *adims = &a->nrows;
        for(i=0; i < ndims; i++)
            adims[i] = dims[i];

    return a;
Exemplo n.º 14
jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_expr_t *ex)
    static arraylist_t module_stack;
    static int initialized=0;
    if (!initialized) {
        arraylist_new(&module_stack, 0);
        initialized = 1;
    assert(ex->head == module_sym);
    jl_module_t *last_module = jl_current_module;
    if (jl_array_len(ex->args) != 3 || !jl_is_expr(jl_exprarg(ex,2))) {
        jl_error("syntax: malformed module expression");
    int std_imports = (jl_exprarg(ex,0)==jl_true);
    jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 1);
    if (!jl_is_symbol(name)) {
        jl_type_error("module", (jl_value_t*)jl_sym_type, (jl_value_t*)name);
    jl_module_t *parent_module = jl_current_module;
    jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(parent_module, name);
    if (b->value != NULL) {
        JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "Warning: replacing module %s\n", name->name);
    jl_module_t *newm = jl_new_module(name);
    newm->parent = parent_module;
    b->value = (jl_value_t*)newm;
    int newbase = 0;
    if (parent_module == jl_main_module && name == jl_symbol("Base")) {
        base_module_conflict = (jl_base_module != NULL);
        jl_old_base_module = jl_base_module;
        // pick up Base module during bootstrap
        jl_base_module = newm;
        newbase = base_module_conflict;
    // export all modules from Main
    if (parent_module == jl_main_module)
        jl_module_export(jl_main_module, name);

    // add standard imports unless baremodule
    if (std_imports) {
        if (jl_base_module != NULL) {

    jl_module_t *task_last_m = jl_current_task->current_module;
    jl_current_task->current_module = jl_current_module = newm;

    jl_array_t *exprs = ((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 2))->args;
    JL_TRY {
        for(int i=0; i < jl_array_len(exprs); i++) {
            // process toplevel form
            jl_value_t *form = jl_cellref(exprs, i);
            (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 1);
    JL_CATCH {
        jl_current_module = last_module;
        jl_current_task->current_module = task_last_m;
    jl_current_module = last_module;
    jl_current_task->current_module = task_last_m;

    if (newbase) {
        // reinitialize global variables
        // to pick up new types from Base
        jl_errorexception_type = NULL;
        jl_current_task->tls = jl_nothing;

#if 0
    // some optional post-processing steps
    size_t i;
    void **table = newm->bindings.table;
    for(i=1; i < newm->bindings.size; i+=2) {
        if (table[i] != HT_NOTFOUND) {
            jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)table[i];
            // remove non-exported macros
            if (b->name->name[0]=='@' && !b->exportp && b->owner==newm)
                b->value = NULL;
            // error for unassigned exports
            if (b->exportp && b->owner==newm && b->value==NULL)
                jl_errorf("identifier %s exported from %s is not initialized",
                          b->name->name, newm->name->name);

    arraylist_push(&module_stack, newm);

    if (jl_current_module == jl_main_module) {
        while (module_stack.len > 0) {
            jl_module_run_initializer((jl_module_t *) arraylist_pop(&module_stack));

    return jl_nothing;
Exemplo n.º 15
jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_expr_t *ex)
    assert(ex->head == module_sym);
    jl_module_t *last_module = jl_current_module;
    int std_imports = (jl_exprarg(ex,0)==jl_true);
    jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 1);
    if (!jl_is_symbol(name)) {
        jl_type_error("module", (jl_value_t*)jl_sym_type, (jl_value_t*)name);
    jl_module_t *parent_module = jl_current_module;
    jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(parent_module, name);
    if (b->value != NULL) {
        JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "Warning: replacing module %s\n", name->name);
    jl_module_t *newm = jl_new_module(name);
    newm->parent = parent_module;
    b->value = (jl_value_t*)newm;
    if (parent_module == jl_main_module && name == jl_symbol("Base")) {
        base_module_conflict = (jl_base_module != NULL);
        jl_old_base_module = jl_base_module;
        // pick up Base module during bootstrap
        jl_base_module = newm;
    // export all modules from Main
    if (parent_module == jl_main_module)
        jl_module_export(jl_main_module, name);

    // add standard imports unless baremodule
    if (std_imports) {
        if (jl_base_module != NULL) {

    jl_current_module = newm;

    jl_array_t *exprs = ((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 2))->args;
    JL_TRY {
        for(int i=0; i < jl_array_len(exprs); i++) {
            // process toplevel form
            jl_value_t *form = jl_cellref(exprs, i);
            (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 1);
    JL_CATCH {
        jl_current_module = last_module;
    jl_current_module = last_module;

#if 0
    // some optional post-processing steps
    size_t i;
    void **table = newm->bindings.table;
    for(i=1; i < newm->bindings.size; i+=2) {
        if (table[i] != HT_NOTFOUND) {
            jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)table[i];
            // remove non-exported macros
            if (b->name->name[0]=='@' && !b->exportp && b->owner==newm)
                b->value = NULL;
            // error for unassigned exports
            if (b->exportp && b->owner==newm && b->value==NULL)
                jl_errorf("identifier %s exported from %s is not initialized",
                          b->name->name, newm->name->name);
    return jl_nothing;
Exemplo n.º 16
int main()

        // Simple running Julia code


        // Accessing the return value

        jl_value_t *ret = jl_eval_string("sqrt(2.0)");

        if (jl_is_float64(ret)) {
            double retDouble = jl_unbox_float64(ret);
            printf("sqrt(2.0) in C: %e\n", retDouble);

        // Same as above but with function handle (more flexible)

        jl_function_t *func = jl_get_function(jl_base_module, "sqrt");
        jl_value_t* argument = jl_box_float64(2.0);
        jl_value_t* ret = jl_call1(func, argument);

        if (jl_is_float64(ret)) {
            double retDouble = jl_unbox_float64(ret);
            printf("sqrt(2.0) in C: %e\n", retDouble);

        // 1D arrays

        jl_value_t* array_type = jl_apply_array_type( jl_float64_type, 1 );
        jl_array_t* x          = jl_alloc_array_1d(array_type , 10);

        double* xData = jl_array_data(x);

        size_t i;
        for(i=0; i<jl_array_len(x); i++)
            xData[i] = i;

        jl_function_t *func  = jl_get_function(jl_base_module, "reverse!");
        jl_call1(func, (jl_value_t*) x);

        printf("x = [");
        for(i=0; i<jl_array_len(x); i++)
            printf("%e ", xData[i]);


        // define julia function and call it

        jl_eval_string("my_func(x) = 2*x");

        jl_function_t *func = jl_get_function(jl_current_module, "my_func");
        jl_value_t* arg = jl_box_float64(5.0);
        double ret = jl_unbox_float64(jl_call1(func, arg));

        printf("my_func(5.0) = %f\n", ret);

        // call c function

        jl_eval_string("println( ccall( :my_c_sqrt, Float64, (Float64,), 2.0 ) )");

        // check for exceptions


        if (jl_exception_occurred()) {
            jl_show(jl_stderr_obj(), jl_exception_occurred());
            jl_printf(jl_stderr_stream(), "\n");

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
DLLEXPORT size_t jl_static_show(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v)
    // mimic jl_show, but never calling a julia method
    size_t n = 0;
    if (v == NULL) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<null>");
    else if (jl_is_lambda_info(v)) {
        jl_lambda_info_t *li = (jl_lambda_info_t*)v;
        n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)li->module);
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ".%s", li->name->name);
        if (li->specTypes) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)li->specTypes);
        else {
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "(?)");
    else if (jl_is_tuple(v)) {
        n += jl_show_tuple(out, (jl_tuple_t*)v, "(", ")", 1);
    else if (jl_is_vararg_type(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_tparam0(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "...");
    else if (jl_is_datatype(v)) {
        jl_datatype_t *dv = (jl_datatype_t*)v;
        if (dv->name->module != jl_core_module) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)dv->name->module);
            JL_PUTS(".", out); n += 1;
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", dv->name->name->name);
        if (dv->parameters) {
            size_t j, tlen = jl_tuple_len(dv->parameters);
            if (tlen > 0) {
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "{");
                for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) {
                    jl_value_t *p = jl_tupleref(dv->parameters,j);
                    n += jl_static_show(out, p);
                    if (j != tlen-1)
                        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ", ");
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "}");
    else if (jl_is_func(v)) {
        if (jl_is_gf(v)) {
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", jl_gf_name(v)->name);
        else {
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<# function>");
    else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_intrinsic_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<# intrinsic function %d>", *(uint32_t*)jl_data_ptr(v));
    else if (jl_is_int64(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int64(v));
    else if (jl_is_int32(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int32(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_int16_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int16(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_int8_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int8(v));
    else if (jl_is_uint64(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%016x", jl_unbox_uint64(v));
    else if (jl_is_uint32(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%08x", jl_unbox_uint32(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_uint16_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%04x", jl_unbox_uint16(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_uint8_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%02x", jl_unbox_uint8(v));
    else if (jl_is_cpointer(v)) {
#ifdef _P64
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%016x", jl_unbox_voidpointer(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%08x", jl_unbox_voidpointer(v));
    else if (jl_is_float32(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%g", jl_unbox_float32(v));
    else if (jl_is_float64(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%g", jl_unbox_float64(v));
    else if (v == jl_true) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "true");
    else if (v == jl_false) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "false");
    else if (jl_is_byte_string(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "\"%s\"", jl_iostr_data(v));
    else if (v == jl_bottom_type) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "Void");
    else if (jl_is_uniontype(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "Union");
        n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)((jl_uniontype_t*)v)->types);
    else if (jl_is_typector(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, ((jl_typector_t*)v)->body);
    else if (jl_is_typevar(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", ((jl_tvar_t*)v)->name->name);
    else if (jl_is_module(v)) {
        jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)v;
        if (m->parent != m && m->parent != jl_main_module) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)m->parent);
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, ".");
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", m->name->name);
    else if (jl_is_symbol(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ":%s", ((jl_sym_t*)v)->name);
    else if (jl_is_symbolnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s::", jl_symbolnode_sym(v)->name);
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_symbolnode_type(v));
    else if (jl_is_getfieldnode(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_getfieldnode_val(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ".%s", jl_getfieldnode_name(v)->name);
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "::");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_getfieldnode_type(v));
    else if (jl_is_labelnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d:", jl_labelnode_label(v));
    else if (jl_is_gotonode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "goto %d", jl_gotonode_label(v));
    else if (jl_is_quotenode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "quote ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v,0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, " end");
    else if (jl_is_newvarnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<newvar ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v,0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ">");
    else if (jl_is_topnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "top(");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v,0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else if (jl_is_linenode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "# line %d", jl_linenode_line(v));
    else if (jl_is_expr(v)) {
        jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)v;
        if (e->head == assign_sym && jl_array_len(e->args) == 2) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, jl_exprarg(e,0));
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, " = ");
            n += jl_static_show(out, jl_exprarg(e,1));
        else {
            char sep = ' ';
            if (e->head == body_sym)
                sep = '\n';
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "Expr(:%s", e->head->name);
            size_t i, len = jl_array_len(e->args);
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, ",%c", sep);
                n += jl_static_show(out, jl_exprarg(e,i));
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")::");
            n += jl_static_show(out, e->etype);
    else if (jl_is_array(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_typeof(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "[");
        size_t j, tlen = jl_array_len(v);
        for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, jl_arrayref((jl_array_t*)v,j));
            if (j != tlen-1)
               n += JL_PRINTF(out, ", ");
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "]");
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_loaderror_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "LoadError(at ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, " line ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 1));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ": ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 2));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_errorexception_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "ErrorException(");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else if (jl_is_datatype(jl_typeof(v))) {
        jl_datatype_t *t = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v);
        n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)t);
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "(");
        size_t nb = jl_datatype_size(t);
        size_t tlen = jl_tuple_len(t->names);
        if (nb > 0 && tlen == 0) {
            char *data = (char*)jl_data_ptr(v);
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x");
            for(int i=nb-1; i >= 0; --i)
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%02hhx", data[i]);
        else {
            jl_value_t *fldval=NULL;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < tlen; i++) {
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, ((jl_sym_t*)jl_tupleref(t->names, i))->name);
                //jl_fielddesc_t f = t->fields[i];
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "=");
                fldval = jl_get_nth_field(v, i);
                n += jl_static_show(out, fldval);
                if (i != tlen-1)
                    n += JL_PRINTF(out, ", ");
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<?::");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_typeof(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ">");
    return n;