Exemplo n.º 1
static void jpc_qmfb1d_setup(jpc_fix_t *startptr, int startind, int endind,
  int intrastep, jpc_fix_t **lstartptr, int *lstartind, int *lendind,
  jpc_fix_t **hstartptr, int *hstartind, int *hendind)
	*lstartind = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(startind, 1);
	*lendind = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(endind, 1);
	*hstartind = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(startind, 1);
	*hendind = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(endind, 1);
	*lstartptr = startptr;
	*hstartptr = &startptr[(*lendind - *lstartind) * intrastep];
Exemplo n.º 2
int jpc_tsfb_analyze2(jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb, int *a, int xstart, int ystart,
  int width, int height, int stride, int numlvls)
	if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
		if ((*tsfb->qmfb->analyze)(a, xstart, ystart, width, height, stride))
			return -1;
		if (numlvls > 0) {
			if (jpc_tsfb_analyze2(tsfb, a, JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(xstart,
			  1), JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(ystart, 1), JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(
			  xstart + width, 1) - JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(xstart, 1),
			  JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(ystart + height, 1) -
			  JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(ystart, 1), stride, numlvls - 1)) {
				return -1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int jpc_tsfb_synthesize2(jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb, int_fast32_t *a, int_fast32_t xstart, int_fast32_t ystart,
  int_fast32_t width, int_fast32_t height, int_fast32_t stride, int numlvls)
	if (numlvls > 0) {
		if (jpc_tsfb_synthesize2(tsfb, a, JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(xstart, 1),
		  JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(ystart, 1), JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(xstart + width,
		  1) - JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(xstart, 1), JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(ystart +
		  height, 1) - JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(ystart, 1), stride, numlvls -
		  1)) {
			return -1;
	if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
		if ((*tsfb->qmfb->synthesize)(a, xstart, ystart, width, height, stride)) {
			return -1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void jpc_qmfb1d_split(jpc_fix_t *startptr, int startind, int endind,
  register int step, jpc_fix_t *lstartptr, int lstartind, int lendind,
  jpc_fix_t *hstartptr, int hstartind, int hendind)
	int bufsize = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(endind - startind, 2);
#if !defined(HAVE_VLA)
	jpc_fix_t splitbuf[QMFB_SPLITBUFSIZE];
	jpc_fix_t splitbuf[bufsize];
	jpc_fix_t *buf = splitbuf;
	int llen;
	int hlen;
	int twostep;
	jpc_fix_t *tmpptr;
	register jpc_fix_t *ptr;
	register jpc_fix_t *hptr;
	register jpc_fix_t *lptr;
	register int n;
	int state;

	twostep = step << 1;
	llen = lendind - lstartind;
	hlen = hendind - hstartind;

#if !defined(HAVE_VLA)
	/* Get a buffer. */
	if (bufsize > QMFB_SPLITBUFSIZE) {
		if (!(buf = jas_malloc(bufsize * sizeof(jpc_fix_t)))) {
			/* We have no choice but to commit suicide in this case. */

	if (hstartind < lstartind) {
		/* The first sample in the input signal is to appear
		  in the highpass subband signal. */
		/* Copy the appropriate samples into the lowpass subband
		  signal, saving any samples destined for the highpass subband
		  signal as they are overwritten. */
		tmpptr = buf;
		ptr = &startptr[step];
		lptr = lstartptr;
		n = llen;
		state = 1;
		while (n-- > 0) {
			if (state) {
				*tmpptr = *lptr;
			*lptr = *ptr;
			ptr += twostep;
			lptr += step;
			state ^= 1;
		/* Copy the appropriate samples into the highpass subband
		  signal. */
		/* Handle the nonoverwritten samples. */
		hptr = &hstartptr[(hlen - 1) * step];
		ptr = &startptr[(((llen + hlen - 1) >> 1) << 1) * step];
		n = hlen - (tmpptr - buf);
		while (n-- > 0) {
			*hptr = *ptr;
			hptr -= step;
			ptr -= twostep;
		/* Handle the overwritten samples. */
		n = tmpptr - buf;
		while (n-- > 0) {
			*hptr = *tmpptr;
			hptr -= step;
	} else {
Exemplo n.º 5
void jpc_tsfb_getbands2(jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb, int locxstart, int locystart,
  int xstart, int ystart, int xend, int yend, jpc_tsfb_band_t **bands,
  int numlvls)
	int newxstart;
	int newystart;
	int newxend;
	int newyend;
	jpc_tsfb_band_t *band;

	newxstart = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(xstart, 1);
	newystart = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(ystart, 1);
	newxend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(xend, 1);
	newyend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(yend, 1);

	if (numlvls > 0) {

		jpc_tsfb_getbands2(tsfb, locxstart, locystart, newxstart, newystart,
		  newxend, newyend, bands, numlvls - 1);

		band = *bands;
		band->xstart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(xstart, 1);
		band->ystart = newystart;
		band->xend = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(xend, 1);
		band->yend = newyend;
		band->locxstart = locxstart + newxend - newxstart;
		band->locystart = locystart;
		band->locxend = band->locxstart + band->xend - band->xstart;
		band->locyend = band->locystart + band->yend - band->ystart;
		band->orient = JPC_TSFB_HL;
		band->synenergywt = jpc_dbltofix(tsfb->qmfb->hpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls] * tsfb->qmfb->lpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls]);

		band = *bands;
		band->xstart = newxstart;
		band->ystart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(ystart, 1);
		band->xend = newxend;
		band->yend = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(yend, 1);
		band->locxstart = locxstart;
		band->locystart = locystart + newyend - newystart;
		band->locxend = band->locxstart + band->xend - band->xstart;
		band->locyend = band->locystart + band->yend - band->ystart;
		band->orient = JPC_TSFB_LH;
		band->synenergywt = jpc_dbltofix(tsfb->qmfb->lpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls] * tsfb->qmfb->hpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls]);

		band = *bands;
		band->xstart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(xstart, 1);
		band->ystart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(ystart, 1);
		band->xend = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(xend, 1);
		band->yend = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(yend, 1);
		band->locxstart = locxstart + newxend - newxstart;
		band->locystart = locystart + newyend - newystart;
		band->locxend = band->locxstart + band->xend - band->xstart;
		band->locyend = band->locystart + band->yend - band->ystart;
		band->orient = JPC_TSFB_HH;
		band->synenergywt = jpc_dbltofix(tsfb->qmfb->hpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls] * tsfb->qmfb->hpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls]);

	} else {

		band = *bands;
		band->xstart = xstart;
		band->ystart = ystart;
		band->xend = xend;
		band->yend = yend;
		band->locxstart = locxstart;
		band->locystart = locystart;
		band->locxend = band->locxstart + band->xend - band->xstart;
		band->locyend = band->locystart + band->yend - band->ystart;
		band->orient = JPC_TSFB_LL;
		band->synenergywt = jpc_dbltofix(tsfb->qmfb->lpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls - 1] * tsfb->qmfb->lpenergywts[
		  tsfb->numlvls - numlvls - 1]);

