JSBool js_PluginOneSignalJS_PluginOneSignal_setListener(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
    s_cx = cx;
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    bool ok = true;

    if (argc == 1) {

        if (!args.get(0).isObject())
            ok = false;

        JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "js_PluginOneSignalJS_PluginOneSignal_setIAPListener : Error processing arguments");
        OneSignalListenerJS* wrapper = new OneSignalListenerJS();
        wrapper->setJSDelegate(cx, args.get(0));

        return true;
    JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "js_PluginOneSignalJS_PluginOneSignal_setIAPListener : wrong number of arguments");
    return false;
bool js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_hideAd(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, JS::Value *vp)
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    if (argc == 0) {
        return true;
    JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_hideAd : wrong number of arguments");
    return false;
bool js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_init(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, JS::Value *vp)
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    if (argc == 0) {
        bool ret = sdkbox::PluginAppnext::init();
        JS::RootedValue jsret(cx);
        jsret = JS::BooleanValue(ret);
        return true;
    JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_init : wrong number of arguments");
    return false;
bool js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_setRewardsAmountRewarded(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, JS::Value *vp)
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    bool ok = true;
    if (argc == 1) {
        std::string arg0;
        ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, args.get(0), &arg0);
        JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_setRewardsAmountRewarded : Error processing arguments");
        return true;
    JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_setRewardsAmountRewarded : wrong number of arguments");
    return false;
bool js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_isVideoReady(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, JS::Value *vp)
    JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    bool ok = true;
    if (argc == 1) {
        std::string arg0;
        ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, args.get(0), &arg0);
        JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_isVideoReady : Error processing arguments");
        bool ret = sdkbox::PluginAppnext::isVideoReady(arg0);
        JS::RootedValue jsret(cx);
        jsret = JS::BooleanValue(ret);
        return true;
    JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "js_PluginAppnextJS_PluginAppnext_isVideoReady : wrong number of arguments");
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
Library::Create(JSContext* cx, HandleValue path, const JSCTypesCallbacks* callbacks)
  RootedObject libraryObj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, &sLibraryClass));
  if (!libraryObj)
    return nullptr;

  // initialize the library
  JS_SetReservedSlot(libraryObj, SLOT_LIBRARY, PrivateValue(nullptr));

  // attach API functions
  if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, libraryObj, sLibraryFunctions))
    return nullptr;

  if (!path.isString()) {
    JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "open takes a string argument");
    return nullptr;

  PRLibSpec libSpec;
  RootedFlatString pathStr(cx, JS_FlattenString(cx, path.toString()));
  if (!pathStr)
    return nullptr;
  AutoStableStringChars pathStrChars(cx);
  if (!pathStrChars.initTwoByte(cx, pathStr))
    return nullptr;
#ifdef XP_WIN
  // On Windows, converting to native charset may corrupt path string.
  // So, we have to use Unicode path directly.
  char16ptr_t pathChars = pathStrChars.twoByteChars();
  libSpec.value.pathname_u = pathChars;
  libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_PathnameU;
  // Convert to platform native charset if the appropriate callback has been
  // provided.
  char* pathBytes;
  if (callbacks && callbacks->unicodeToNative) {
    pathBytes =
      callbacks->unicodeToNative(cx, pathStrChars.twoByteChars(), pathStr->length());
    if (!pathBytes)
      return nullptr;

  } else {
    // Fallback: assume the platform native charset is UTF-8. This is true
    // for Mac OS X, Android, and probably Linux.
    size_t nbytes =
      GetDeflatedUTF8StringLength(cx, pathStrChars.twoByteChars(), pathStr->length());
    if (nbytes == (size_t) -1)
      return nullptr;

    pathBytes = static_cast<char*>(JS_malloc(cx, nbytes + 1));
    if (!pathBytes)
      return nullptr;

    ASSERT_OK(DeflateStringToUTF8Buffer(cx, pathStrChars.twoByteChars(),
                pathStr->length(), pathBytes, &nbytes));
    pathBytes[nbytes] = 0;

  libSpec.value.pathname = pathBytes;
  libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_Pathname;

  PRLibrary* library = PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(libSpec, PR_LD_NOW);

#ifndef XP_WIN
  JS_free(cx, pathBytes);

  if (!library) {
#define MAX_ERROR_LEN 1024
    char error[MAX_ERROR_LEN] = "Cannot get error from NSPR.";
    uint32_t errorLen = PR_GetErrorTextLength();
    if (errorLen && errorLen < MAX_ERROR_LEN)

    if (JS::StringIsASCII(error)) {
      JSAutoByteString pathCharsUTF8;
      if (pathCharsUTF8.encodeUtf8(cx, pathStr))
        JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "couldn't open library %s: %s", pathCharsUTF8.ptr(), error);
    } else {
      JSAutoByteString pathCharsLatin1;
      if (pathCharsLatin1.encodeLatin1(cx, pathStr))
        JS_ReportErrorLatin1(cx, "couldn't open library %s: %s", pathCharsLatin1.ptr(), error);
    return nullptr;

  // stash the library
  JS_SetReservedSlot(libraryObj, SLOT_LIBRARY, PrivateValue(library));

  return libraryObj;
static bool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) {
    JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "Constructor for the requested class is not available, please refer to the API reference.");
    return false;