void MasterElementV<METRAITS>::JxW(
  const Mapping<typename ME2MPTraits<METRAITS>::value> *mapping,
  const mdata_type mdata[],
  const intgRule *intg, mdata_type result[]) const
  std::vector<mdata_type> Jx(intg->npoints());
  mapping->Jx(intg->npoints(), mdata, intg->locations(), &Jx[0]);

  for (UInt i = 0; i < intg->npoints(); i++) result[i] = intg->weights()[i]*Jx[i];
Exemplo n.º 2
  static void residual(const MODEL::Properties& p,
                       JM         flux_jacob[],
                       RV&        res)
    const Real gamma_minus_3 = p.gamma - 3.;

    const Real uu = p.u * p.u;
    const Real uv = p.u * p.v;
    const Real uw = p.u * p.w;
    const Real vv = p.v * p.v;
    const Real vw = p.v * p.w;
    const Real ww = p.w * p.w;

    JM& Jx = flux_jacob[XX];

//  Jx(0,0) = 0.0;
    Jx(0,1) = 1.0;
//  Jx(0,2) = 0.0;
//  Jx(0,3) = 0.0;
//  Jx(0,4) = 0.0;
    Jx(1,0) = p.half_gm1_v2 - uu;
    Jx(1,1) = -gamma_minus_3*p.u;
    Jx(1,2) = -p.gamma_minus_1*p.v;
    Jx(1,3) = -p.gamma_minus_1*p.w;
    Jx(1,4) = p.gamma_minus_1;
    Jx(2,0) = -uv;
    Jx(2,1) = p.v;
    Jx(2,2) = p.u;
//  Jx(2,3) = 0.0;
//  Jx(2,4) = 0.0;
    Jx(3,0) = -uw;
    Jx(3,1) = p.w;
//  Jx(3,2) = 0.0;
    Jx(3,3) = p.u;
//  Jx(3,4) = 0.0;
    Jx(4,0) = p.u*(p.half_gm1_v2 - p.H);
    Jx(4,1) = -p.gamma_minus_1*uu + p.H;
    Jx(4,2) = -p.gamma_minus_1*uv;
    Jx(4,3) = -p.gamma_minus_1*uw;
    Jx(4,4) = p.gamma*p.u;

    JM& Jy = flux_jacob[YY];

//  Jy(0,0) = 0.0;
//  Jy(0,1) = 0.0;
    Jy(0,2) = 1.0;
//  Jy(0,3) = 0.0;
//  Jy(0,4) = 0.0;
    Jy(1,0) = -uv;
    Jy(1,1) = p.v;
    Jy(1,2) = p.u;
//  Jy(1,3) = 0.0;
//  Jy(1,4) = 0.0;
    Jy(2,0) = p.half_gm1_v2 - vv;
    Jy(2,1) = -p.gamma_minus_1*p.u;
    Jy(2,2) = -gamma_minus_3*p.v;
    Jy(2,3) = -p.gamma_minus_1*p.w;
    Jy(2,4) = p.gamma_minus_1;
    Jy(3,0) = -vw;
//  Jy(3,1) = 0.0;
    Jy(3,2) = p.w;
    Jy(3,3) = p.v;
//  Jy(3,4) = 0.0;
    Jy(4,0) = p.v*(p.half_gm1_v2 - p.H);
    Jy(4,1) = -p.gamma_minus_1*uv;
    Jy(4,2) = -p.gamma_minus_1*vv + p.H;
    Jy(4,3) = -p.gamma_minus_1*vw;
    Jy(4,4) = p.gamma*p.v;

    JM& Jz = flux_jacob[ZZ];

//  Jz(0,0) = 0.0;
//  Jz(0,1) = 0.0;
//  Jz(0,2) = 0.0;
    Jz(0,3) = 1.0;
//  Jz(0,4) = 0.0;
    Jz(1,0) = -uw;
    Jz(1,1) = p.w;
//  Jz(1,2) = 0.0;
    Jz(1,3) = p.u;
//  Jz(1,4) = 0.0;
    Jz(2,0) = -vw;
//  Jz(2,1) = 0.0;
    Jz(2,2) = p.w;
    Jz(2,3) = p.v;
//  Jz(2,4) = 0.0;
    Jz(3,0) = p.half_gm1_v2 - ww;
    Jz(3,1) = -p.gamma_minus_1*p.u;
    Jz(3,2) = -p.gamma_minus_1*p.v;
    Jz(3,3) = -gamma_minus_3*p.w;
    Jz(3,4) = p.gamma_minus_1;
    Jz(4,0) = p.w*(p.half_gm1_v2 - p.H);
    Jz(4,1) = -p.gamma_minus_1*uw;
    Jz(4,2) = -p.gamma_minus_1*vw;
    Jz(4,3) = -p.gamma_minus_1*ww + p.H;
    Jz(4,4) = p.gamma*p.w;

    res = Jx * p.grad_vars.col(XX) + Jy * p.grad_vars.col(YY) + Jz * p.grad_vars.col(ZZ);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Simple Gauss-Newton method for ARMA(1,1) MLE
// y: observation
// WolfCoe: Wolfe condition coefficienti
// LineSize: line search step size
// FuncTol: function value tolerance
// OptiTol: first order tolerance
// StepTol: step tolerance
// MaxIter: total number of iterations 
void ARMA11::fit_mle(vec y, double WolfCoe, double LineSize, double FuncTol, double OptiTol, double StepTol, int MaxIter)
	// Set initial parameters as method of moments estimates
	ARMA11 temp(mu, phi, psi, sigma);	
	vec x = temp.residual(y);

	// Initialize other parameters
	ARMA11 temp_next = temp; 
	vec x_next = x;
	double alpha;
	mat J(3,y.n_elem);
	vec Jx(3);
	vec p(3);
	double L;
	double L_next;
	double L_next_approx;
	// Print iteration info
	cout << setw(5) << "Iter" << setw(8) << "Alpha" << setw(10) << "Grad" << setw(10) << "FuncDiff" << setw(10) << "StepSize" << setw(10) << "LLH" << setw(10) << endl;

	for (int k=0; k<MaxIter; k++) {
		// Compute Jacobian matrix	
		J = temp.Jacobian(x,y);
		Jx = J*x;
		if (k>1 && (norm(Jx,2)<OptiTol || abs(L_next-L)/abs(L)<FuncTol || norm(alpha*p,2)<StepTol)) {
		// Gauss-Newton direction
		// Approxmiate Hessian with J*J' for least square problems
		p = -solve(J*J.t(),Jx);
		alpha = 1.0;
		// Update next parameters
		temp_next.mu = temp.mu+alpha*p[0];
		temp_next.phi = temp.phi+alpha*p[1];
		temp_next.psi = temp.psi+alpha*p[2];
		x_next = temp_next.residual(y);
		// Minus log-likelihood function
		L = L_next;
		L_next = 0.5*dot(x_next,x_next);

		// Taylor expansion of L_next
		L_next_approx = 0.5*dot(x,x)+WolfCoe*alpha*dot(p,Jx);
		// Line search step size alpha
		// Wolfe condition: L_next<=L_next_approx
		while (L_next>L_next_approx) {
			alpha = LineSize*alpha;
			temp_next.mu = temp.mu+alpha*p[0];
                        temp_next.phi = temp.phi+alpha*p[1];
                        temp_next.psi = temp.psi+alpha*p[2];
                        x_next = temp_next.residual(y);

                        L_next = 0.5*dot(x_next,x_next);
                        L_next_approx = 0.5*dot(x,x)+WolfCoe*alpha*dot(p,Jx);
		temp = temp_next;
		x = x_next;
		if (k>0) {	
			cout << setw(5) << fixed << k << setw(8) << fixed << alpha << setw(10) << fixed << norm(Jx,2) << setw(10) << fixed << (L_next-L)/abs(L) << setw(10) << fixed << norm(alpha*p,2) << setw(10) << fixed << L_next << endl;
	mu = temp.mu;
	phi = temp.phi;
	psi = temp.psi;
	sigma = sqrt(dot(x,x)/y.n_elem);	