Exemplo n.º 1
 /* CreateFile
  *  opens a file with write access
  *  "f" [ OUT ] - return parameter for newly opened file
  *  "update" [ IN ] - if true, open in read/write mode
  *  otherwise, open in write-only mode
  *  "access" [ IN ] - standard Unix access mode, e.g. 0664
  *  "mode" [ IN ] - a creation mode ( see explanation above ).
  *  "path" [ IN ] - NUL terminated string in directory-native
  *  character set denoting target file
  inline rc_t CreateFile ( struct KFile **f, bool update, uint32_t access,
     KCreateMode mode, const char *path, ... ) throw ()
     va_list args;
     va_start ( args, path );
     rc_t rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile ( this, f, update, access, mode, path, args );
     va_end ( args );
     return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* this could be modified to accept stdout */
rc_t open_out_file (const char * path, KFile ** fout)
    rc_t rc;
    KPathType kpt;
    KCreateMode mode;
    rc = 0;
    mode = kcmParents|kcmCreate;

    kpt = KDirectoryPathType (kdir, path);
    switch (kpt & ~kptAlias)
    case kptDir:
        /* -----
         * this version will fail but perhaps with directory
         * take last facet <F> from input path and use that as a name
         * to be <F>.sra in this directory
        rc = RC (rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcParsing, rcParam, rcInvalid);
        PLOGERR (klogFatal, (klogFatal, rc, "archive [$(A)] must be a file", PLOG_S(A), path));
    case kptFile:
        if (force)
            mode = kcmParents|kcmInit;
            rc = RC (rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcParsing, rcFile, rcExists);
            PLOGERR (klogFatal, (klogFatal, rc, "archive [$(A)] already exists", PLOG_S(A), path));
    case kptNotFound:
    if (rc == 0)
        rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile (kdir, fout, false, 0664,
                                    mode, path, NULL);
        if (rc)
            PLOGERR (klogFatal, (klogFatal, rc, "unable to create archive [$(A)]", PLOG_S(A), path));
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 3
rc_t make_lookup_writer( KDirectory *dir, struct index_writer * idx,
                         struct lookup_writer ** writer, size_t buf_size,
                         const char * fmt, ... )
    rc_t rc;
    struct KFile * f;
    va_list args;
    va_start ( args, fmt );

    rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile( dir, &f, false, 0664, kcmInit, fmt, args );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        ErrMsg( "KDirectoryVCreateFile() -> %R", rc );
        if ( buf_size > 0 )
            struct KFile * temp_file;
            rc = KBufFileMakeWrite( &temp_file, f, false, buf_size );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                ErrMsg( "KBufFileMakeWrite() -> %R", rc );
                KFileRelease( f );
                f = temp_file;

        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = make_lookup_writer_obj( writer, idx, f );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                KFileRelease( f );
    va_end ( args );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 4
rc_t CC extract_action (const KDirectory * dir, const char * path, void * _adata)
    rc_t            rc;
    extract_adata * adata;
    KPathType     type;
    char            link	[2 * 4096]; /* we'll truncate? */
    uint32_t	    access;
    rc = 0;
    adata = _adata;

    STSMSG (1, ("extract_action: %s\n", path));

    type = KDirectoryPathType (dir, path);

    if (type & kptAlias)
        rc = KDirectoryVResolveAlias (dir, false, link, sizeof (link),
                                      path, NULL);
        if (rc == 0)
            rc = KDirectoryVAccess (dir, &access, path, NULL);
            if (rc == 0)
                rc = KDirectoryCreateAlias (adata->dir, access, kcmCreate|kcmParents,
                                            link, path);
        switch (type & ~kptAlias)
        case kptNotFound:
            rc = RC (rcExe, rcDirectory, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcNotFound);

            KOutMsg ("%s: %s type kptNotFouns %R\n", __func__, path, rc);

        case kptBadPath:
            rc = RC (rcExe, rcDirectory, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcInvalid);
        case kptFile:
            rc = KDirectoryVAccess (dir, &access, path, NULL);
            if (rc == 0)
                const KFile * fin;
                KFile * fout;
                rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile (adata->dir, &fout, false, access,
                                            path, NULL);
                if (rc == 0)
                    rc = KDirectoryVOpenFileRead (dir, &fin, path, NULL);
                    if (rc == 0)
                        /* KLUDGE!!!! */
                        size_t pathz, skey_md5z;
                        static const char skey_md5[] = "skey.md5";

                        pathz = string_size (path);
                        skey_md5z = string_size(skey_md5);
                        if ( pathz >= skey_md5z && strcmp ( & path [ pathz - skey_md5z ], skey_md5 ) == 0 )
                            rc = copy_file_skey_md5_kludge (fin, fout);
                            rc = copy_file (fin, fout);
                        KFileRelease (fin);
                    KFileRelease (fout);
        case kptDir:
            rc = KDirectoryVAccess (dir, &access, path, NULL);
            if (rc == 0)
                rc = KDirectoryCreateDir (adata->dir, 0700, 
                                          path, NULL);
                if (rc == 0)
                    rc = step_through_dir (dir, path, adata->filter, adata->fdata,
                                           extract_action, adata);
                    if (rc == 0)
                        rc = KDirectoryVSetAccess (adata->dir, false, access, 0777, path, NULL);

        case kptCharDev:
        case kptBlockDev:
        case kptFIFO:
            /* shouldn't get here */
            return 0;

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 5
rc_t CCCopyDoFile (CCCopy * self)
    const KFile * original;
    rc_t rc = 0;
    enum KCreateMode mode;
    PLOGMSG (klogDebug9, "CCCopyDoFile $(f)", PLOG_S(f), self->path);

    if (! self->force)
	/* if not forced replace mode we fail on existing file */
	mode = kcmCreate;
	uint32_t tt;

	tt = KDirectoryPathType (self->out, self->path);
	switch (tt)
	    PLOGMSG (klogWarn, "File exists and will be replaced in output directory $(f)",
		     PLOG_S(f), self->path);
	    /* if the path to the file or the file do not exist no warning */
	case kptNotFound:
	case kptBadPath:
	tt = KDirectoryPathType (self->xml, self->path);
	switch (tt)
	    PLOGMSG (klogWarn, "File exists and might be replaced in xml directory $(f)",
		     PLOG_S(f), self->path);
	    /* if the path to the file or the file do not exist no warning */
	case kptNotFound:
	case kptBadPath:

	/* forced mode we create with init instead of create forcing a delete/create effect */
	mode = kcmInit;

    /* open original source for read */
    rc = KDirectoryVOpenFileRead (self->in, &original, self->path, NULL);
    if (rc == 0)
	KFile * copy;

	/* create copy output for write */
	rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile (self->out, &copy, false, 0644, mode|kcmParents,
				    self->path, NULL);
	if (rc == 0)
	    KFile * fm;

	    /* create parallel <path>.md5 */
	    rc = KDirectoryCreateFile (self->out, &fm, true, 0644, mode, "%s.md5",
	    if (rc == 0)
		KMD5SumFmt * md5f;

		/* make the .md5 an MD5 sum format file */
		rc = KMD5SumFmtMakeUpdate (&md5f, fm);
		if (rc == 0)
		    union u
			KFile * kf;
			KMD5File * mf;
		    } outf;

		    /* combine the copy and MD5 file into our special KFile */
		    rc = KMD5FileMakeWrite (&outf.mf, copy, md5f, self->path);
		    if (rc == 0)
			const KFile * inf;

			/* release this outside reference to the MD5SumFMT leaving
			 * only the one internal to the KMD5File */
			KMD5SumFmtRelease (md5f);

			/* create the KTeeFile that copies reads from the
			 * original as writes to the copy.  Reads will be
			 * made by the cataloging process */
			rc = KFileMakeTeeRead (&inf, original, outf.kf);
			if (rc == 0)
			    CCCat * po;
			    KTime_t mtime;

			    /* try to get a modification time for this pathname */
			    rc = KDirectoryVDate (self->in, &mtime, self->path, NULL);
			    if (rc != 0)
				mtime = 0;	/* default to ? 0? */

			    /* create the cataloger giving it the infile which
			     * is the KTeeFile, Indirectory, the XML directory,
			     * and the original path for the file */

			    rc = CCCatMake (&po, self->in, self->xml, inf, self->md5,
					    self->ff, mtime, self->tree, false, 0, self->path);
			    if (rc == 0)
				/* do the catalog (and thus copy) */
				rc = CCCatDo(po);
				/* release the cataloger object */
				CCCatRelease (po);
				pLOGERR (klogDebug6, rc, "failure in CCCatMake $(P)",
				     PLOG_S(P), self->path);
			    /* release the infile which will complete a  copy 
			     * regardless of the state of the cataloger */
			    KFileRelease (inf);
/* 			    return rc; */
			    KFileRelease (outf.kf);
			    KFileRelease (original);
			    pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with kfilemaketeeread $(P)",
				     PLOG_S(P), self->path);
			} /* rc = KFileMakeTeeRead (&inf, original, outf.kf);*/
			KFileRelease (copy);
			KMD5SumFmtRelease (md5f);
			pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KMD5FileMakeWrite $(P)",
				 PLOG_S(P), self->path);
		    } /* KMD5FileMakeWrite (&outf.mf, copy, md5f, self->path); */
		} /* KDirectoryCreateFile (self->out, &fm, true, 0644, mode, "%s.md5", */
		    pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KMD5SumFmtMakeUpdate $(P)",
			     PLOG_S(P), self->path);

		KFileRelease (fm);
	    } /* KDirectoryCreateFile (self->out, &fm, true, 0644, mode, "%s.md5", */
		pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KDirectoryCreateFile $(P).md5",
			 PLOG_S(P), self->path);
	    KFileRelease (copy);
	} /* rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile (self->out, &copy, false, 0644, mode|kcmParents, */
	    pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KDirectoryVCreateFile $(P)",
		     PLOG_S(P), self->path);
	KFileRelease (original);
    } /* rc = KDirectoryVOpenFileRead (self->in, &original, self->path, NULL); */
	pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KDirectoryVOpenFileRead $(pP)",
		 PLOG_S(P), self->path);
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 6
 inline rc_t CreateFile ( struct KFile **f, bool update, uint32_t access,
    KCreateMode mode, const char *path, va_list args ) throw ()
 { return KDirectoryVCreateFile ( this, f, update, access, mode, path, args ); }