Exemplo n.º 1
QTime modCalcSidTime::computeSTtoLT( QTime st )
    KStarsDateTime dt0 = KStarsDateTime( Date->date(), QTime(0,0,0));
    dms lst;
    lst.setH( st.hour(), st.minute(), st.second() );
    dms gst = geo->LSTtoGST( lst );
    return geo->UTtoLT(KStarsDateTime(Date->date(), dt0.GSTtoUT(gst))).time();
Exemplo n.º 2
void KSPlanetBase::findPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const dms *lat, const dms *LST, const KSPlanetBase *Earth ) {
    // DEBUG edit
    findGeocentricPosition( num, Earth );  //private function, reimplemented in each subclass
    setAngularSize( asin(physicalSize()/Rearth/AU_KM)*60.*180./dms::PI ); //angular size in arcmin

    if ( lat && LST )
        localizeCoords( num, lat, LST ); //correct for figure-of-the-Earth

    if ( hasTrail() ) {
        addToTrail( KStarsDateTime( num->getJD() ).toString( "yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm" ) + i18nc("Universal time", "UT") ); // TODO: Localize date/time format?
        if ( Trail.size() > TrailObject::MaxTrail )


    if ( type() == SkyObject::COMET ) {
        // Compute tail size
        KSComet *me = (KSComet *)this;
        double TailAngSize;
        // Convert the tail size in km to angular tail size (degrees)
        TailAngSize = asin(physicalSize()/Rearth/AU_KM)*60.0*180.0/dms::PI;
        // Find the apparent length as projected on the celestial sphere (the comet's tail points away from the sun)
        me->setTailAngSize( TailAngSize * fabs(sin( phase().radians() )));

Exemplo n.º 3
KSComet::KSComet( KStarsData *_kd, QString _s, QString imfile,
		long double _JD, double _q, double _e, dms _i, dms _w, dms _Node, double Tp )
 : KSPlanetBase(_kd, _s, imfile), kd(_kd), JD(_JD), q(_q), e(_e), i(_i), w(_w), N(_Node) {

	setType( 9 ); //Comet

	//Find the Julian Day of Perihelion from Tp
	//Tp is a double which encodes a date like: YYYYMMDD.DDDDD (e.g., 19730521.33333
	int year = int( Tp/10000.0 );
	int month = int( (int(Tp) % 10000)/100.0 );
	int day = int( int(Tp) % 100 );
	double Hour = 24.0 * ( Tp - int(Tp) );
	int h = int( Hour );
	int m = int( 60.0 * ( Hour - h ) );
	int s = int( 60.0 * ( 60.0 * ( Hour - h) - m ) );

	JDp = KStarsDateTime( ExtDate( year, month, day ), QTime( h, m, s ) ).djd();

	//compute the semi-major axis, a:
	a = q/(1.0-e);

	//Compute the orbital Period from Kepler's 3rd law:
	P = 365.2568984 * pow(a, 1.5); //period in days

	//If the name contains a "/", make this name2 and make name a truncated version without the leading "P/" or "C/"
	if ( name().contains( "/" ) ) {
		setLongName( name() );
		setName( name().mid( name().find("/") + 1 ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
void modCalcJD::slotUpdateModJD()
    long double julianDay, modjulianDay;

    modjulianDay = ModJDBox->text().toDouble();
    julianDay = MJD0 + modjulianDay;
    showJd( julianDay );
    DateTimeBox->setDateTime( KStarsDateTime( julianDay ));
Exemplo n.º 5
void modCalcJD::slotUpdateModJD()
    long double julianDay, modjulianDay;

    modjulianDay = KGlobal::locale()->readNumber( ModJDBox->text() );
    julianDay = MJD0 + modjulianDay;
    showJd( julianDay );
    DateTimeBox->setDateTime( KStarsDateTime( julianDay ).dateTime() );
Exemplo n.º 6
void modCalcJD::slotUpdateCalendar()
    long double julianDay, modjulianDay;

    julianDay = KStarsDateTime(DateTimeBox->dateTime()).djd();
    showJd( julianDay );

    modjulianDay = julianDay - MJD0;
Exemplo n.º 7
void SkyObjItem::setPosition(SkyObject* so)
    KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
    KStarsDateTime ut = data->geo()->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(KDateTime::currentLocalDateTime()));
    SkyPoint sp = so->recomputeCoords(ut, data->geo());

    //check altitude of object at this time.
    sp.EquatorialToHorizontal(data->lst(), data->geo()->lat());
    double rounded_altitude = (int)(sp.alt().Degrees()/5.0)*5.0;

    m_Position = i18n("Now visible: About %1 degrees above the %2 horizon", rounded_altitude, KSUtils::toDirectionString( sp.az() ) );
Exemplo n.º 8
QTime SkyObject::riseSetTime( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst ) {
	//this object does not rise or set; return an invalid time
	if ( checkCircumpolar(geo->lat()) )
		return QTime( 25, 0, 0 );

	//First of all, if the object is below the horizon at date/time dt, adjust the time 
	//to bring it above the horizon
	KStarsDateTime dt2 = dt;
	SkyPoint p = recomputeCoords( dt, geo );
	p.EquatorialToHorizontal( &(geo->GSTtoLST( dt.gst() )), geo->lat() );
	if ( p.alt()->Degrees() < 0.0 ) {
		if ( p.az()->Degrees() < 180.0 ) { //object has not risen yet
			dt2 = dt.addSecs( 12.*3600. );
		} else { //object has already set
			dt2 = dt.addSecs( -12.*3600. );
	return geo->UTtoLT( KStarsDateTime( dt2.date(), riseSetTimeUT( dt2, geo, rst ) ) ).time();
Exemplo n.º 9
KStarsDateTime KStarsDateTime::fromString( const QString &s ) {
    qDebug() << "Date string: " << s;

    KStarsDateTime dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::TextDate );
    if ( dtResult.isValid() )
        return dtResult;

    dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::ISODate );
    if ( dtResult.isValid() )
        return dtResult;

    //dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, QDateTime::RFCDate );
    dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::RFC2822Date );
    if ( dtResult.isValid() )
        return dtResult;

    qWarning() << i18n( "Could not parse Date/Time string: " ) << s ;
    qWarning() << i18n( "Valid date formats: " ) ;
    qWarning() << "  1950-02-25   ;  1950-02-25T05:30:00" ;
    qWarning() << "  25 Feb 1950  ;  25 Feb 1950 05:30:00" ;
    qWarning() << "  Sat Feb 25 1950  ;  Sat Feb 25 05:30:00 1950";
    return KStarsDateTime( QDateTime() ); //invalid
void MoonPhaseCalendar::paintCell( QPainter *painter, int row, int col, const KColorScheme &colorScheme )
    double w = cellWidth - 1;
    double h = cellHeight - 1;
    QRectF cell = QRectF( 0, 0, w, h );
    QString cellText;
    QPen pen;
    QColor cellBackgroundColor, cellTextColor;
    QFont cellFont = KGlobalSettings::generalFont();
    bool workingDay = false;
    int cellWeekDay, pos;

    //Calculate the position of the cell in the grid
    pos = numDayColumns * ( row - 1 ) + col;

    //Calculate what day of the week the cell is
    cellWeekDay = col + calendar()->weekStartDay();
    if ( cellWeekDay > numDayColumns ) {
        cellWeekDay -= numDayColumns;

    //See if cell day is normally a working day
    if ( KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekStartDay() <= KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekEndDay() ) {
        workingDay = cellWeekDay >= KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekStartDay()
                  && cellWeekDay <= KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekEndDay();
    } else {
        workingDay = cellWeekDay >= KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekStartDay()
                  || cellWeekDay <= KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekEndDay();

    if( row == 0 ) {

        //We are drawing a header cell

        //If not a normal working day, then use "do not work today" color
        if ( workingDay ) {
            cellTextColor = palette().color(QPalette::WindowText);
        } else {
            KColorScheme colorScheme(palette().currentColorGroup(), KColorScheme::Window);
            cellTextColor = colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::NegativeText).color();
        cellBackgroundColor = palette().color(QPalette::Window);

        //Set the text to the short day name and bold it
        cellFont.setBold( true );
        cellText = calendar()->weekDayName( cellWeekDay, KCalendarSystem::ShortDayName );

    } else {

        //We are drawing a day cell

        //Calculate the date the cell represents
        QDate cellDate = dateFromPos( pos );

        bool validDay = calendar()->isValid( cellDate );

        // Draw the day number in the cell, if the date is not valid then we don't want to show it
        if ( validDay ) {
            cellText = calendar()->dayString( cellDate, KCalendarSystem::ShortFormat );
        } else {
            cellText = "";

        if( ! validDay || calendar()->month( cellDate ) != calendar()->month( date() ) ) {
            // we are either
            // ° painting an invalid day
            // ° painting a day of the previous month or
            // ° painting a day of the following month or
            cellBackgroundColor = palette().color(backgroundRole());
            cellTextColor = colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::InactiveText).color();
        } else {
            //Paint a day of the current month

            // Background Colour priorities will be (high-to-low):
            // * Selected Day Background Colour
            // * Customized Day Background Colour
            // * Normal Day Background Colour

            // Background Shape priorities will be (high-to-low):
            // * Customized Day Shape
            // * Normal Day Shape

            // Text Colour priorities will be (high-to-low):
            // * Customized Day Colour
            // * Day of Pray Colour (Red letter)
            // * Selected Day Colour
            // * Normal Day Colour

            //Determine various characteristics of the cell date
            bool selectedDay = ( cellDate == date() );
            bool currentDay = ( cellDate == QDate::currentDate() );
            bool dayOfPray = ( calendar()->dayOfWeek( cellDate ) == KGlobal::locale()->weekDayOfPray() );

            //Default values for a normal cell
            cellBackgroundColor = palette().color( backgroundRole() );
            cellTextColor = palette().color( foregroundRole() );

            // If we are drawing the current date, then draw it bold and active
            if ( currentDay ) {
                cellFont.setBold( true );
                cellTextColor = colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::ActiveText).color();

            // if we are drawing the day cell currently selected in the table
            if ( selectedDay ) {
                // set the background to highlighted
                cellBackgroundColor = palette().color( QPalette::Highlight );
                cellTextColor = palette().color( QPalette::HighlightedText );

            //If the cell day is the day of religious observance, then always color text red unless Custom overrides
            if ( dayOfPray ) {
                KColorScheme colorScheme(palette().currentColorGroup(),
                                         selectedDay ? KColorScheme::Selection : KColorScheme::View);
                cellTextColor = colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::NegativeText).color();


    //Draw the background
    if (row == 0) {
        painter->setPen( cellBackgroundColor );
        painter->setBrush( cellBackgroundColor );
        painter->drawRect( cell );
    } else if (cellBackgroundColor != palette().color(backgroundRole())) {
        QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt;
        opt.rect = cell.toRect();
        if (cellBackgroundColor != palette().color(backgroundRole())) {
            opt.palette.setBrush(QPalette::Highlight, cellBackgroundColor);
            opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected;
        if (false && opt.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) {
            opt.state |= QStyle::State_MouseOver;
        } else {
            opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver;
        opt.showDecorationSelected = true;
        opt.viewItemPosition = QStyleOptionViewItemV4::OnlyOne;
        style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, this);

    if( row != 0 ) {
        // Paint the moon phase
        QDate cellDate = dateFromPos( pos );
        if( calendar()->isValid( cellDate ) ) {
            int iPhase = computeMoonPhase( KStarsDateTime( cellDate, QTime(0, 0, 0) ) );
            QRect drawRect = cell.toRect();
            painter->drawPixmap( ( drawRect.width() - MoonImageSize )/2, 12 + (( drawRect.height() - 12 ) - MoonImageSize)/2, m_Images[ iPhase ] ); // FIXME: Using hard coded fon
// +            painter
            // painter->drawPixmap( ( drawRect.width() - MoonImageSize )/2,
                                 // 12 + (( drawRect.height() - 12 ) - MoonImageSize)/2,
                                 // m_Images[ iPhase ] );
            // FIXME: Using hard coded fontsize
            //            kDebug() << "Drew moon image " << iPhase;

    //Draw the text
    painter->setPen( cellTextColor );
    painter->setFont( cellFont );
    painter->drawText( cell, (row == 0) ? Qt::AlignCenter : (Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter), cellText, &cell );

    //Draw the base line
    if (row == 0) {
        painter->setPen( palette().color(foregroundRole()) );
        painter->drawLine( QPointF( 0, h ), QPointF( w, h ) );

    // If the day cell we just drew is bigger than the current max cell sizes,
    // then adjust the max to the current cell

    if ( cell.width() > d->maxCell.width() ) d->maxCell.setWidth( cell.width() );
    if ( cell.height() > d->maxCell.height() ) d->maxCell.setHeight( cell.height() );
Exemplo n.º 11
QTime SkyObject::transitTime( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo ) {
	return geo->UTtoLT( KStarsDateTime( dt.date(), transitTimeUT( dt, geo ) ) ).time();
Exemplo n.º 12
void modCalcVlsr::processLines( QTextStream &istream ) {

    // we open the output file

    //	QTextStream istream(&fIn);
    QString outputFileName;
    outputFileName = OutputFileBoxBatch->url().toLocalFile();
    QFile fOut( outputFileName );
    QTextStream ostream(&fOut);

    QString line;
    QChar space = ' ';
    int i = 0;
    long double jd0;
    SkyPoint spB;
    double sra, cra, sdc, cdc;
    dms raB, decB, latB, longB;
    QString epoch0B;
    double vhB, vgB, vtB, vlsrB, heightB;
    double vtopo[3];
    QTime utB;
    QDate dtB;
    KStarsDateTime dt0B;

    while ( ! istream.atEnd() ) {
        line = istream.readLine();

        //Go through the line, looking for parameters

        QStringList fields = line.split( ' ' );

        i = 0;

        // Read Ut and write in ostream if corresponds

        if(UTCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            utB = QTime::fromString( fields[i] );
        } else
            utB = UTBoxBatch->time();

        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( utB ) << space;
            if(UTCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( utB ) << space;

        // Read date and write in ostream if corresponds

        if(DateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            dtB = QDate::fromString( fields[i] );
        } else
            dtB = DateBoxBatch->date();
        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( dtB, KLocale::LongDate ).append(space);
            if(DateCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( dtB, KLocale::LongDate ).append(space);

        // Read RA and write in ostream if corresponds

        if(RACheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            raB = dms::fromString( fields[i],false);
        } else
            raB = RABoxBatch->createDms(false);

        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space;
            if(RACheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space;

        // Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds

        if(DecCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            decB = dms::fromString( fields[i], true);
        } else
            decB = DecBoxBatch->createDms();

        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space;
            if(DecCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space;

        // Read Epoch and write in ostream if corresponds

        if(EpochCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            epoch0B = fields[i];
        } else
            epoch0B = EpochBoxBatch->text();

        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << epoch0B << space;
            if(EpochCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << epoch0B << space;

        // Read vlsr and write in ostream if corresponds

        if(InputVelocityCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            vlsrB = fields[i].toDouble();
        } else
            vlsrB = InputVelocityComboBatch->currentText().toDouble();

        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << vlsrB << space;
            if(InputVelocityCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << vlsrB << space;

        // Read Longitude and write in ostream if corresponds

        if (LongCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            longB = dms::fromString( fields[i],true);
        } else
            longB = LongitudeBoxBatch->createDms(true);

        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space;
            if (LongCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space;

        // Read Latitude

        if (LatCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            latB = dms::fromString( fields[i], true);
        } else
            latB = LatitudeBoxBatch->createDms(true);
        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space;
            if (LatCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space;

        // Read height and write in ostream if corresponds

        if(ElevationCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
            heightB = fields[i].toDouble();
        } else
            heightB = ElevationBoxBatch->text().toDouble();

        if ( AllRadioBatch->isChecked() )
            ostream << heightB << space;
            if(ElevationCheckBatch->isChecked() )
                ostream << heightB << space;

        // We make the first calculations

        spB = SkyPoint (raB, decB);
        vhB = spB.vHeliocentric(vlsrB, dt0B.djd());
        jd0 = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).djd();
        vgB = spB.vGeocentric(vlsrB, jd0);
        geoPlace->setLong( longB );
        geoPlace->setLat(  latB );
        geoPlace->setHeight( heightB );
        dms gsidt = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).gst();
        geoPlace->TopocentricVelocity(vtopo, gsidt);
        spB.ra().SinCos(sra, cra);
        spB.dec().SinCos(sdc, cdc);
        vtB = vgB - (vtopo[0]*cdc*cra + vtopo[1]*cdc*sra + vtopo[2]*sdc);

        ostream << vhB << space << vgB << space << vtB << endl;


Exemplo n.º 13
KStarsDateTime modCalcEquinox::findSolstice( int year, bool Summer ) {
    //Find the moment when the Sun reaches maximum declination
    //First find three points which bracket the maximum (i.e., x2 > x1,x3)
    //Start at June 16th, which will always be approaching the solstice

    long double jd1,jd2,jd3,jd4;
    double y2(0.0),y3(0.0), y4(0.0);
    int month = 6;
    if ( ! Summer ) month = 12;

    jd3 = KStarsDateTime( QDate( year, month, 16 ), QTime(0,0,0) ).djd();
    KSNumbers num( jd3 );
    KSSun Sun;
    Sun.findPosition( &num );
    y3 = Sun.dec().Degrees();

    int sgn = 1;
    if ( ! Summer ) sgn = -1; //find minimum if the winter solstice is sought

    do {
        jd3 += 1.0;
        num.updateValues( jd3 );
        Sun.findPosition( &num );
        y2 = y3;
        Sun.findPosition( &num );
        y3 = Sun.dec().Degrees();
    } while ( y3*sgn > y2*sgn );

    //Ok, now y2 is larger(smaller) than both y3 and y1.
    jd2 = jd3 - 1.0;
    jd1 = jd3 - 2.0;

    //Choose a new starting jd2 that follows the golden ratio:
    // a/b = 1.618; a+b = 2...a = 0.76394
    jd2 = jd1 + 0.76394;
    num.updateValues( jd2 );
    Sun.findPosition( &num );
    y2 = Sun.dec().Degrees();

    while ( jd3 - jd1 > 0.0005 ) { //sub-minute pecision
        jd4 = jd1 + jd3 - jd2;

        num.updateValues( jd4 );
        Sun.findPosition( &num );
        y4 = Sun.dec().Degrees();

        if ( y4*sgn > y2*sgn ) { //make jd4 the new center
            if ( jd4 > jd2 ) {
                jd1 = jd2;
                jd2 = jd4;
                y2 = y4;
            } else {
                jd3 = jd2;
                y3 = y2;
                jd2 = jd4;
                y2 = y4;
        } else { //make jd4 a new endpoint
            if ( jd4 > jd2 ) {
                jd3 = jd4;
                y3 = y4;
            } else {
                jd1 = jd4;

    return KStarsDateTime( jd2 );
Exemplo n.º 14
void KStars::setLocalTime(int yr, int mth, int day, int hr, int min, int sec) {
    data()->changeDateTime( data()->geo()->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime( QDate(yr, mth, day), QTime(hr,min,sec) ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 15
void modCalcAltAz::slotDateTimeChanged(const QDateTime &dt)
    KStarsDateTime ut = geoPlace->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime( dt ) );
    LST = geoPlace->GSTtoLST( ut.gst() );
Exemplo n.º 16
KStarsDateTime modCalcAzel::getDateTime (void)
	return KStarsDateTime( datBox->date() , timBox->time() );
Exemplo n.º 17
void modCalcDayLength::updateAlmanac( const QDate &d, GeoLocation *geo ) {
    //Determine values needed for the Almanac
    long double jd0 = KStarsDateTime(d, QTime(8,0,0)).djd();
    KSNumbers num(jd0);

    KSSun Sun;

    QTime ssTime = Sun.riseSetTime(jd0 , geo, false );
    QTime srTime = Sun.riseSetTime(jd0 , geo, true );
    QTime stTime = Sun.transitTime(jd0 , geo);

    dms ssAz  = Sun.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, false);
    dms srAz  = Sun.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, true);
    dms stAlt = Sun.transitAltitude(jd0, geo);

    //In most cases, the Sun will rise and set:
    if ( ssTime.isValid() ) {
        ssAzString = ssAz.toDMSString();
        stAltString = stAlt.toDMSString();
        srAzString = srAz.toDMSString();

        ssTimeString = QLocale().toString( ssTime );
        srTimeString = QLocale().toString( srTime );
        stTimeString = QLocale().toString( stTime );

        QTime daylength = lengthOfDay(ssTime,srTime);
        daylengthString = QLocale().toString( daylength);

        //...but not always!
    } else if ( stAlt.Degrees() > 0. ) {
        ssAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");
        stAltString = stAlt.toDMSString();
        srAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");

        ssTimeString = "--:--";
        srTimeString = "--:--";
        stTimeString = QLocale().toString( stTime );
        daylengthString = "24:00";

    } else if (stAlt.Degrees() < 0. ) {
        ssAzString = i18n("Does not rise");
        stAltString = stAlt.toDMSString();
        srAzString = i18n("Does not set");

        ssTimeString = "--:--";
        srTimeString = "--:--";
        stTimeString = QLocale().toString( stTime );
        daylengthString = "00:00";

    KSMoon Moon;

    QTime msTime = Moon.riseSetTime( jd0 , geo, false );
    QTime mrTime = Moon.riseSetTime( jd0 , geo, true );
    QTime mtTime = Moon.transitTime(jd0 , geo);

    dms msAz  = Moon.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, false);
    dms mrAz  = Moon.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, true);
    dms mtAlt = Moon.transitAltitude(jd0, geo);

    //In most cases, the Moon will rise and set:
    if ( msTime.isValid() ) {
        msAzString = msAz.toDMSString();
        mtAltString = mtAlt.toDMSString();
        mrAzString = mrAz.toDMSString();

        msTimeString = QLocale().toString( msTime );
        mrTimeString = QLocale().toString( mrTime );
        mtTimeString = QLocale().toString( mtTime );

        //...but not always!
    } else if ( mtAlt.Degrees() > 0. ) {
        msAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");
        mtAltString = mtAlt.toDMSString();
        mrAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");

        msTimeString = "--:--";
        mrTimeString = "--:--";
        mtTimeString = QLocale().toString( mtTime );

    } else if ( mtAlt.Degrees() < 0. ) {
        msAzString = i18n("Does not rise");
        mtAltString = mtAlt.toDMSString();
        mrAzString = i18n("Does not rise");

        msTimeString = "--:--";
        mrTimeString = "--:--";
        mtTimeString = QLocale().toString( mtTime );

    //after calling riseSetTime Phase needs to reset, setting it before causes Phase to set nan
    lunarphaseString = Moon.phaseName()+" ("+QString::number( int( 100*Moon.illum() ) )+"%)";

    //Fix length of Az strings
    if ( srAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) srAzString = ' '+srAzString;
    if ( ssAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) ssAzString = ' '+ssAzString;
    if ( mrAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) mrAzString = ' '+mrAzString;
    if ( msAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) msAzString = ' '+msAzString;
Exemplo n.º 18
void modCalcJD::processLines( QTextStream &istream, int inputData ) {
    QFile fOut( OutputFileBatch->url().toLocalFile() );
    QTextStream ostream(&fOut);

    QString line;
    long double jd(0);
    double mjd(0);
    KStarsDateTime dt;

    while ( ! istream.atEnd() ) {
        line = istream.readLine();
        line = line.trimmed();
        QStringList data = line.split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts );

        if ( inputData == 0 ) { //Parse date & time
            //Is the first field parseable as a date or date&time?
            if ( data[0].length() > 10 )
                dt = KStarsDateTime::fromString( data[0] );
                dt = KStarsDateTime( QDate::fromString( data[0] ), QTime(0,0,0) );

            kDebug() << data[0];
            if ( dt.isValid() ) kDebug() << dt.toString();

            if ( dt.isValid() ) {
                //Try to parse the second field as a time
                if ( data.size() > 1 ) {
                    QString s = data[1];
                    if ( s.length() == 4 ) s = '0'+s;
                    QTime t = QTime::fromString( s );
                    if ( t.isValid() ) dt.setTime( t );

            } else { //Did not parse the first field as a date; try it as a time
                QTime t = QTime::fromString( data[0] );
                if ( t.isValid() ) {
                    dt.setTime( t );
                    //Now try the second field as a date
                    if ( data.size() > 1 ) {
                        QDate d = QDate::fromString( data[1] );
                        if ( d.isValid() ) dt.setDate( d );
                        else dt.setDate( QDate::currentDate() );

            if ( dt.isValid() ) {
                //Compute JD and MJD
                jd = dt.djd();
                mjd = jd - MJD0;

        } else if ( inputData == 1 ) {//Parse Julian day
            bool ok(false);
            jd = data[0].toDouble(&ok);
            if ( ok ) {
                dt.setDJD( jd );
                mjd = jd - MJD0;
        } else if ( inputData == 2 ) {//Parse Modified Julian day
            bool ok(false);
            mjd = data[0].toDouble(&ok);
            if ( ok ) {
                jd = mjd + MJD0;
                dt.setDJD( jd );

        //Write to output file
        ostream << KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dt, KLocale::LongDate ) << "  "
                << QString::number( jd, 'f', 2 ) << "  "
                << QString::number( mjd, 'f', 2 ) << endl;


Exemplo n.º 19
KStarsDateTime modCalcDayLength::getDateTime (void)
	return KStarsDateTime( datBox->date() , QTime(8,0,0) );
Exemplo n.º 20
void modCalcAzel::processLines( QTextStream &istream ) {

	// we open the output file

//	QTextStream istream(&fIn);
	QString outputFileName;
	outputFileName = OutputLineEditBatch->text();
	QFile fOut( outputFileName );
	QTextStream ostream(&fOut);

	QString line;
	QString space = " ";
	int i = 0;
	long double jd0, jdf;
	dms LST;
	SkyPoint sp;
	dms raB, decB, latB, longB, azB, elB;
	double epoch0B;
	QTime utB;
	ExtDate dtB;

	while ( ! istream.eof() ) {
		line = istream.readLine();

		//Go through the line, looking for parameters

		QStringList fields = QStringList::split( " ", line );

		i = 0;

		// Read Ut and write in ostream if corresponds
		if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			utB = QTime::fromString( fields[i] );
		} else
			utB = utBoxBatch->time();
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << utB.toString() << space;
			if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << utB.toString() << space;
		// Read date and write in ostream if corresponds
		if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			 dtB = ExtDate::fromString( fields[i] );
		} else
			dtB = dateBoxBatch->date();
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << dtB.toString().append(space);
			if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() )
			 	ostream << dtB.toString().append(space);
		// Read Longitude and write in ostream if corresponds
		if (longCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			longB = dms::fromString( fields[i],TRUE);
		} else
			longB = longBoxBatch->createDms(TRUE);
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space;
			if (longCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space;
		// Read Latitude

		if (latCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			latB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE);
		} else
			latB = latBoxBatch->createDms(TRUE);
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space;
			if (latCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space;
		// Read Epoch and write in ostream if corresponds
		if(epochCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			epoch0B = fields[i].toDouble();
		} else
			epoch0B = getEpoch( epochBoxBatch->text() );

		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << epoch0B << space;
			if(epochCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << epoch0B << space;

		// We make the first calculations
		KStarsDateTime dt;
		dt.setFromEpoch( epoch0B );
		jdf = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).djd();
		jd0 = dt.djd();

		LST = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).gst().Degrees() + longB.Degrees();
		// Equatorial coordinates are the input coords.
		if (!horInputCoords) {
		// Read RA and write in ostream if corresponds

			if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				raB = dms::fromString( fields[i],FALSE);
			} else
				raB = raBoxBatch->createDms(FALSE);

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space;
				if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space;

			// Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds

			if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				decB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE);
			} else
				decB = decBoxBatch->createDms();

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space;
				if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space;

			sp = SkyPoint (raB, decB);
			sp.apparentCoord(jd0, jdf);
			sp.EquatorialToHorizontal( &LST, &latB );
			ostream << sp.az()->toDMSString() << space << sp.alt()->toDMSString() << endl;

		// Input coords are horizontal coordinates
		} else {
			if(azCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				azB = dms::fromString( fields[i],FALSE);
			} else
				azB = azBoxBatch->createDms();

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << azB.toHMSString() << space;
				if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << azB.toHMSString() << space;

			// Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds

			if(elCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				elB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE);
			} else
				elB = decBoxBatch->createDms();

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << elB.toDMSString() << space;
				if(elCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << elB.toDMSString() << space;

			sp.HorizontalToEquatorial( &LST, &latB );
			ostream << sp.ra()->toHMSString() << space << sp.dec()->toDMSString() << endl;


Exemplo n.º 21
QTime modCalcSidTime::computeLTtoST( QTime lt )
    KStarsDateTime utdt = geo->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime( Date->date(), lt ) );
    dms st = geo->GSTtoLST( utdt.gst() );
    return QTime( st.hour(), st.minute(), st.second() );