Exemplo n.º 1
sys$sigma0_map_fpage(L4_Fpage_t virt_page, L4_Fpage_t phys_page,
        unsigned int priv)
    L4_ThreadId_t           tid;

    L4_MsgTag_t             tag;

    L4_Msg_t                msg;

    L4_MapItem_t            map;

    // Find Pager's ID
    tid = L4_Pager();
    L4_Set_Rights(&phys_page, priv);
    L4_MsgAppendWord(&msg, (L4_Word_t) phys_page.raw);
    L4_MsgAppendWord(&msg, (L4_Word_t) 0);
    L4_Set_Label(&msg.tag, SIGMA0_REQUEST_LABEL);

    tag = L4_Call(tid);

    PANIC(L4_IpcFailed(tag), notice(IPC_F_FAILED "IPC failed (error %ld: %s)\n",
            L4_ErrorCode(), L4_ErrorCode_String(L4_ErrorCode())));

    L4_MsgStore(tag, &msg);
    L4_MsgGetMapItem(&msg, 0, &map);

    if (dbg$virtual_memory == 1)
        if (map.X.snd_fpage.raw == L4_Nilpage.raw)
            notice(MEM_I_REJMAP "rejecting mapping\n");
            notice(MEM_I_REJMAP "virtual  $%016lX - $%016lX\n",
                    L4_Address(virt_page), L4_Address(virt_page)
                    + (L4_Size(virt_page) - 1));
            notice(MEM_I_REJMAP "physical $%016lX - $%016lX\n",
                    L4_Address(phys_page), L4_Address(phys_page)
                    + (L4_Size(phys_page) - 1));
            notice(MEM_I_ACCMAP "accepting mapping\n");
            notice(MEM_I_ACCMAP "virtual  $%016lX - $%016lX\n",
                    L4_Address(virt_page), L4_Address(virt_page)
                    + (L4_Size(virt_page) - 1));
            notice(MEM_I_ACCMAP "physical $%016lX - $%016lX\n",
                    L4_Address(phys_page), L4_Address(phys_page)
                    + (L4_Size(phys_page) - 1));

Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: mutex.c Projeto: BruceYi/okl4

/* L4_MutexControl Error codes (Create, Delete) ------------------------------------*/

  \TestDescription{Verify MutexControl does not overcreate a mutex}
        \item Call \Func{L4\_CreateMutex} and check it returns successfully.
        \item Call \Func{L4\_CreateMutex} with the newly created mutex and 
        check it returns an error.
  \TestRegressionStatus{In regression test suite}
    L4_MutexId_t mutex;
    L4_Word_t res;

    res = okl4_kmutexid_allocany(mutexid_pool, &mutex);
    fail_unless(res == OKL4_OK, "Failed to allocate any mutex id.");
    res = L4_CreateMutex(mutex);
    fail_unless(res == 1, "L4_CreateMutex() failed");
    res = L4_CreateMutex(mutex);
    fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_CreateMutex() did not fail");
    fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() != L4_ErrMutexBusy, "Wrong error code");
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: mutex.c Projeto: BruceYi/okl4

  \TestDescription{Verify MutexControl checks validity of mutex}
    Call \Func{L4\_DeleteMutex} with the a non yet created mutex and 
    checks it returns an error.
  \TestRegressionStatus{In regression test suite}
    L4_Word_t res;
    okl4_allocator_attr_t attr;
    L4_MutexId_t mutex;
    L4_Word_t id, end;

    okl4_kmutexid_getattribute(mutexid_pool, &attr);
    end = attr.base + attr.size;
    for (id = attr.base; id < end; id++) {
        mutex = L4_MutexId(id);
        if (!okl4_kmutexid_isallocated(mutexid_pool, mutex)) {
    fail_if(id == end, "No free mutex id left");
    res = L4_DeleteMutex(mutex);
    fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_DeleteMutex() did not fail");
    fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrInvalidMutex, "Wrong error code");
Exemplo n.º 4
static int sync_ldt(struct task_struct *tsk, u32 entry_1, u32 entry_2, 
		    int index)
	struct task_struct *p;
	struct mm_struct *mm;
	L4_Word_t dummy;

	p = tsk;
	mm = tsk->mm;
	do {
		L4_LoadMR(0, index);
		L4_LoadMR(1, entry_1);
		L4_LoadMR(2, entry_2);
		if (0 == L4_ExchangeRegisters(
		    L4_ExReg_Tls, 0, 0, 0, 0, L4_nilthread,
		    &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) {
			printk("OKLinux: ldtctrl() failed.  errcode 0x%lx\n",
			return -EINVAL;
	} while ((p = next_thread(p)) != tsk);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: mutex.c Projeto: BruceYi/okl4

  \TestDescription{Verify a non locked mutex can not be unlocked}
    Call \Func{L4\_Unlock} and check it returns an error.
  \TestRegressionStatus{In regression test suite}
    L4_MutexId_t mutex;
    L4_Word_t res;

    res = okl4_kmutexid_allocany(mutexid_pool, &mutex);
    fail_unless(res == OKL4_OK, "Failed to allocate any mutex id.");
    res = L4_CreateMutex(mutex);
    fail_unless(res == 1, "L4_CreateMutex() failed");
    res = L4_Unlock(mutex);
    fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_Unlock() did not fail");
    fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrMutexBusy, "Wrong error code");

    okl4_kmutexid_free(mutexid_pool, mutex);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: mutex.c Projeto: BruceYi/okl4
static void
    L4_MsgTag_t tag;
    L4_Word_t label;
    L4_Word_t res;

    tag = L4_Receive(main_thread);
    while (1) {
        label = L4_Label(tag);
        if (label == 0xa) {
            res = L4_Lock(m);
            fail_unless(res == 1, "L4_Lock() failed");
        if (label == 0xb) {
            res = L4_TryLock(m);
            fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_TryLock() did not fail");
            fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrMutexBusy, "Wrong error code");

        tag = L4_Call(main_thread);

Exemplo n.º 7
static void
ipc_teardown(struct bench_test *test, int args[])
    int r = 0;
    if (!fault_test)
        /* Kill ping thread */
        r = L4_ThreadControl (ping_tid, L4_nilspace, L4_nilthread,
                  L4_nilthread, L4_nilthread, 0, (void *) 0);
        if (r == 0) printf("thread control Error: %lx\n", L4_ErrorCode());
        assert (r == 1);

    if (!pagertimer)
        /* Kill pong thread */
        r = L4_ThreadControl (pong_tid, L4_nilspace, L4_nilthread,
              L4_nilthread, L4_nilthread, 0, (void *) 0);
        assert (r == 1);
    /* Delete ping space */
    if (ping_space.raw != L4_nilspace.raw)
         r = L4_SpaceControl(ping_space, L4_SpaceCtrl_delete, KBENCH_CLIST, L4_Nilpage, 0, NULL);
         assert (r == 1);
         okl4_kspaceid_free(spaceid_pool, ping_space);
    /* Delete pong space */
    if (pong_space.raw != L4_nilspace.raw)
        r = L4_SpaceControl(pong_space, L4_SpaceCtrl_delete, KBENCH_CLIST, L4_Nilpage, 0, NULL);
        assert (r == 1);
         okl4_kspaceid_free(spaceid_pool, pong_space);
Exemplo n.º 8
_okl4_kspace_mapbyid(okl4_kspaceid_t kspaceid, okl4_kspace_map_attr_t *attr)
    okl4_word_t pages_mapped;
    okl4_word_t total_pages;

    assert(attr != NULL);

    /* Calculate the number of pages we need to map. */
    assert(attr->range->size % attr->page_size == 0);
    total_pages = attr->range->size / attr->page_size;

    /* Perform the mappings. */
    for (pages_mapped = 0; pages_mapped < total_pages; pages_mapped++) {
        L4_MapItem_t map;
        okl4_word_t success;

        /* Setup the map item. */
        L4_MapItem_Map(&map, attr->target->segment_id,
                attr->target->range.base + pages_mapped * attr->page_size,
                attr->range->base + pages_mapped * attr->page_size,
                attr->attributes, attr->perms);

        /* Perform the map. */
        success = L4_ProcessMapItem(kspaceid, map);
        if (!success) {
            return _okl4_convert_kernel_errno(L4_ErrorCode());

    return OKL4_OK;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: swapper.c Projeto: gz/aos10
 * Dereferences a page. This just unmaps it in the L4 page table.
 * @param page
static void dereference(page_queue_item* page) {

	if(L4_UnmapFpage(page->tid, L4_FpageLog2(page->virtual_address, PAGESIZE_LOG2)) == FALSE) {
		dprintf(0, "Can't unmap page at 0x%X (error:%d)\n", page->virtual_address, L4_ErrorCode());

	//L4_CacheFlushRange(page->tid, pager_table_lookup(page->tid, page->virtual_address)->address, pager_table_lookup(page->tid, page->virtual_address)->address+PAGESIZE);
Exemplo n.º 10
okl4_kspace_create(okl4_kspace_t *kspace, okl4_kspace_attr_t *attr)
    okl4_word_t result;
#if !defined(NO_UTCB_RELOCATE)
    okl4_word_t utcb_base, utcb_size;
    L4_Fpage_t utcb_area;

    assert(kspace != NULL);
    assert(attr != NULL);

    /* If the attr == OKL4_WEAVED_OBJECT, we assume that the kspace object has
     * been weaved in and hence, we do not need to re-initialize it.
    if (attr != OKL4_WEAVED_OBJECT) {
        kspace->id = attr->id;
        kspace->kclist = attr->kclist;
        kspace->utcb_area = attr->utcb_area;
        kspace->kthread_list = NULL;
        kspace->next = NULL;
        kspace->privileged = attr->privileged;

     * Now create the actual kernel space using SpaceControl syscall
     * Create a Fpage for a utcb and then pass it along
#if !defined(NO_UTCB_RELOCATE)
    utcb_base = kspace->utcb_area->utcb_memory.base;
    utcb_size = kspace->utcb_area->utcb_memory.size;

    /* Fpages require that they are aligned to their size. */
    assert(utcb_base % utcb_size == 0);

    utcb_area = L4_Fpage(utcb_base, utcb_size);
    utcb_area = L4_Nilpage;

    result = L4_SpaceControl(kspace->id,
                | (attr->privileged ? L4_SpaceCtrl_kresources_accessible : 0),
            kspace->kclist->id, utcb_area, 0, NULL);
    if (result != 1) {
        return _okl4_convert_kernel_errno(L4_ErrorCode());

    /* Add this kspace into the kclist's list of kspaces */
    kspace->next = kspace->kclist->kspace_list;
    kspace->kclist->kspace_list = kspace;

    return OKL4_OK;
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: swapper.c Projeto: gz/aos10
 * Checks if a page has been referenced. This works by querying
 * the L4 pagetable. If the page is mapped in there we say it's
 * referenced.
 * @param page
 * @return 1 If page was referenced, 0 otherwise
static L4_Bool_t is_referenced(page_queue_item* page) {
	L4_Fpage_t fpage = L4_FpageLog2(page->virtual_address, PAGESIZE_LOG2);
	L4_PhysDesc_t phys;

	if(L4_GetStatus(page->tid, &fpage, &phys) == FALSE) {
		dprintf(0, "Can't get status for page 0x%X (error:%d)\n", page->virtual_address, L4_ErrorCode());

	return L4_WasReferenced(fpage);

Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: mutex.c Projeto: BruceYi/okl4
static void
    L4_MsgTag_t tag;
    L4_Word_t label;
    L4_Word_t res;

    tag = L4_Receive(main_thread);
    label = L4_Label(tag);

    if (label == 0xc) {
        res = L4_CreateMutex(m);
        fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_CreateMutex() did not fail");
        fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrInvalidSpace, "Wrong error code on create");
    if (label == 0xd) {
        res = L4_DeleteMutex(m);
        fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_DeleteMutex() did not fail");
        fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrInvalidSpace, "Wrong error code on delete");

Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: tty_test.c Projeto: gz/aos10
static void sos_debug_flush(void) {
    L4_Msg_t msg;
    L4_MsgTag_t tag;

    L4_Set_MsgLabel(&msg, TAG_SETSYSCALL(SOS_UNMAP_ALL));

	tag = L4_Send(L4_Pager());

	if (L4_IpcFailed(tag)) {
		L4_Word_t err = L4_ErrorCode();
		printf("sos_debug_flush failed (error: %lx)\n", err);

Exemplo n.º 14
void *pong_thread(void *arg)
	L4_MsgTag_t tag;
	L4_Msg_t msg;

	while (1) {
		tag = L4_Receive_Timeout(threads[PING_THREAD],
		                         L4_TimePeriod(1000 * 1000));
		L4_MsgStore(tag, &msg);

		if (!L4_IpcSucceeded(tag)) {
			printf("%p: recv ipc fails\n", L4_MyGlobalId());
			printf("%p: ErrorCode = 0x%x\n", L4_MyGlobalId(), L4_ErrorCode());
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: transport.c Projeto: gz/aos10
static void
signal(void *unused, uintptr_t arg, struct pbuf *pbuf)
    debug("Signal function called\n");
    L4_Msg_t msg;

    L4_MsgTag_t tag = L4_Send((L4_ThreadId_t) arg);
    if (L4_IpcFailed(tag))
        L4_Word_t ec = L4_ErrorCode();
        printf("%s: IPC error\n", __FUNCTION__);
        assert(!(ec & 1));
    call_pbuf = pbuf;
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: pager.c Projeto: gapry/aos-1
 * Init function to initialise the page table entries
pager_init(L4_Word_t low, L4_Word_t high)
  //The frames have been used to set up page table entries as well
    page_table = (sos_PTE*) low;
    // Use a simple algaebric formula to calculate optimum size of page table for the
    // amount of memory available
    //new_low points to the memory to be used now, memory low -> new_low is the pagetable
    new_low = ((double)high*sizeof(sos_PTE)+PAGESIZE*(double)low)/
    // align it
    new_low = (new_low/PAGESIZE)*PAGESIZE + PAGESIZE;          
    numPTE = (high-new_low)/PAGESIZE;

    printf("low: %lx new_low: %lx high: %lx numPTE: %d \n", low, new_low, high, numPTE);
    //printf("value of swap memory %p \n",swap_table);
    // initialize the empty page table.
    for (int i = 0; i < numPTE; i++)
        page_table[i].tid = L4_nilthread;
	page_table[i].referenced = 0;
	page_table[i].dirty = 0;
	page_table[i].being_updated = 0;
	page_table[i].error_in_transfer = 0;
        page_table[i].pinned = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<MAX_SWAP_ENTRIES;i++) {
        swap_table[i].tid = L4_nilthread;
	swap_table[i].offset = PTE_SENTINEL;
	//Initially all entries are free so each points to the next one in the table
	swap_table[i].next_free = i+1;
    // add a guard page against stack overflows and let it map to 0 
    L4_Word_t guardPage = 0x7000000;
    L4_PhysDesc_t phys = L4_PhysDesc(0, L4_DefaultMemory);
    L4_Fpage_t targetFpage = L4_FpageLog2(guardPage, 12);
    L4_Set_Rights(&targetFpage, L4_Readable);
    if ( !L4_MapFpage(L4_Myself(), targetFpage, phys) ) {
        printf(" Can't map guard page\n");
    return new_low;
Exemplo n.º 17
void *pong_thread(void *arg)
	L4_MsgTag_t tag;
	L4_Msg_t msg;

	while (1) {
		tag = L4_Receive_Timeout(threads[PING_THREAD],
		                         L4_TimePeriod(1000 * 1000));
		L4_MsgStore(tag, &msg);

		if (!L4_IpcSucceeded(tag)) {
			printf("%p: recv ipc fails\n", L4_MyGlobalId());
			printf("%p: ErrorCode = 0x%x\n", L4_MyGlobalId(), L4_ErrorCode());
		/* FIXME: workaround solution to avoid scheduler starvation */
		L4_Sleep(L4_TimePeriod(500 * 1000));
Exemplo n.º 18
void *ping_thread(void *arg)
	L4_Msg_t msg;
	L4_MsgTag_t tag;


	while (1) {
		tag = L4_Send_Timeout(threads[PONG_THREAD],
		                      L4_TimePeriod(1000 * 1000));

		if (!L4_IpcSucceeded(tag)) {
			printf("%p: send ipc fails\n", L4_MyGlobalId());
			printf("%p: ErrorCode = 0x%x\n", L4_MyGlobalId(), L4_ErrorCode());
Exemplo n.º 19
static L4_ThreadId_t create_local_thread(char *desc, L4_KernelInterfacePage_t *kip, int idx, threadfunc_t func, L4_Word_t stack_size)
    L4_Word_t utcb_size = L4_UtcbSize(kip);
    L4_Word_t my_utcb = L4_MyLocalId().raw;
    my_utcb = (my_utcb & ~(utcb_size - 1));

    L4_ThreadId_t tid = L4_GlobalId(L4_ThreadNo(L4_Myself()) + idx, 1);
    L4_Word_t utcb_location = my_utcb + idx * utcb_size;

    if (FALSE == L4_ThreadControl(tid, L4_Myself(), L4_Myself(), L4_Pager(), (void *) utcb_location)) {
        printf("panic: can't execute %s: error code %d\n", desc, (int) L4_ErrorCode());
        return L4_nilthread;

    void *stack = kmalloc(stack_size);

    L4_Start_SpIp(tid, (L4_Word_t) stack + stack_size - 32, (L4_Word_t) func);
    return tid;
Exemplo n.º 20
okl4_message_wait(void *recv_buff, okl4_word_t recv_buff_size,
        okl4_word_t *recv_bytes, okl4_kcap_t *reply_cap)
    L4_MsgTag_t tag;
    L4_ThreadId_t from;
    okl4_word_t bytes_received;

    /* Ensure buffer is word-aligned. */
    assert((okl4_word_t)recv_buff % sizeof(okl4_word_t) == 0);

    /* Perform the wait. */
    tag = L4_Wait(&from);
    if (!L4_IpcSucceeded(tag)) {
        return _okl4_message_errno(tag, L4_ErrorCode());

    /* Determine the number of words received, which is in the label. */
    bytes_received = L4_Label(tag);

    /* Ensure that the number of bytes the message claims to contain is roughly
     * the same as the number of words we received. */
    assert(ROUND_UP(bytes_received, sizeof(okl4_word_t))
            == L4_UntypedWords(tag) * sizeof(okl4_word_t));

    /* Copy to the buffer. */
            min(recv_buff_size, bytes_received));

    /* Give parameters back to the caller. */
    if (recv_bytes != NULL) {
        *recv_bytes = bytes_received;
    if (reply_cap != NULL) {
        *reply_cap = from;

    return OKL4_OK;
Exemplo n.º 21
static void
	L4_KDB_SetThreadName(sos_my_tid(), "utimer");

	List *entryq;
	entryq = list_empty();

	for (;;) {

		// Walk the timer list
		L4_Word_t now = L4_KDB_GetTick();
		list_delete(entryq, processExpired, &now);

		// Wait for a new packet either blocking or non-blocking
		L4_MsgTag_t tag = L4_Niltag;
		if (list_null(entryq))

		L4_ThreadId_t wait_tid = L4_nilthread;
		tag = L4_Ipc(L4_nilthread, L4_anythread, tag, &wait_tid);

		if (!L4_IpcFailed(tag)) {
			// Received a time out request queue it
			L4_Msg_t msg; L4_MsgStore(tag, &msg);	// Get the message
			utimer_entry_t *entry = (utimer_entry_t *) L4_MsgWord(&msg, 0);
			entry->fTid  = wait_tid;
			list_shift(entryq, entry);
		else if (3 == L4_ErrorCode()) // Receive error # 1
			continue;	// no-partner - non-blocking
			assert(!"Unhandled IPC error");
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: mutex.c Projeto: BruceYi/okl4

/* L4_Mutex Error codes (Lock, unlock) ------------------------------------------*/

  \TestDescription{Verify a non created mutex can not be locked}
    Call \Func{L4\_Lock} and check it returns an error.
  \TestRegressionStatus{In regression test suite}
    L4_Word_t res;
    okl4_allocator_attr_t attr;
    L4_MutexId_t mutex;
    L4_Word_t id, end;

    okl4_kmutexid_getattribute(mutexid_pool, &attr);
    end = attr.base + attr.size;
    for (id = attr.base; id < end; id++) {
        mutex = L4_MutexId(id);
        if (!okl4_kmutexid_isallocated(mutexid_pool, mutex)) {
    fail_if(id == end, "No free mutex id left");
    res = L4_Lock(mutex);
    fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_Lock() did not fail");
    fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrInvalidMutex, "Wrong error code");
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: mutex.c Projeto: BruceYi/okl4

  \TestDescription{Verify MutexControl handles an invalid mutex id}
    Call \Func{L4\_CreateMutex} with an invalid mutex id and 
    check it returns an error.
  \TestRegressionStatus{In regression test suite}
    word_t res;
    L4_MutexId_t mutex = L4_MutexId(kernel_mutexid_base - 1);

    res = L4_CreateMutex(mutex);
    fail_unless(res == 0, "L4_CreateMutex() did not fail");
    fail_unless(L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrInvalidMutex, "Wrong error code");
Exemplo n.º 24
static void
ipc_irq_setup(struct new_bench_test *test, int args[])
    int r;
    L4_Word_t utcb;
    L4_Word_t utcb_size;
//    L4_Word_t dummy;

    num_iterations = args[0];
    handler_space = L4_nilspace;

    /* We need a maximum of two threads per task */
    utcb_size = L4_GetUtcbSize();
    utcb = ~0UL;
    utcb =(L4_Word_t)L4_GetUtcbBase() + utcb_size;
    /* Create pager */
    master_tid = KBENCH_SERVER;
    pager_tid.raw = KBENCH_SERVER.raw + 1;
    handler_tid.raw = KBENCH_SERVER.raw + 2;
    interrupt = PMU_IRQ;
    spinner_tid = L4_GlobalId (L4_ThreadNo (master_tid) + 3, 2);

    r = L4_ThreadControl (pager_tid, KBENCH_SPACE, master_tid, master_tid, 
                master_tid, 0, (void*)utcb);
    if (r == 0 && (L4_ErrorCode() == 2))
        r = L4_ThreadControl (pager_tid, L4_nilspace, L4_nilthread,
            L4_nilthread, L4_nilthread, 0, (void *) 0);
        assert(r == 1);
        r = L4_ThreadControl (pager_tid, KBENCH_SPACE, master_tid, master_tid, 
                master_tid, 0, (void*)utcb);
        assert(r == 1);
    L4_KDB_SetThreadName(pager_tid, "pager");
    //L4_Schedule(pager_tid, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 0, &dummy, &dummy);
    L4_Set_Priority(pager_tid, 254);
    L4_Start_SpIp (pager_tid, (L4_Word_t) pager_stack + sizeof(pager_stack) - 32, START_ADDR (pager));


    utcb = ~0UL;
    utcb += utcb_size;

    r = L4_ThreadControl(handler_tid, KBENCH_SPACE, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void *) utcb);
    assert(r == 1);
    L4_KDB_SetThreadName(handler_tid, "handler");
    L4_Set_Priority(handler_tid, 100);

    // Startup notification, start handler thread
    //printf("register irq %ld, to %lx\n", interrupt, handler_tid.raw);

    L4_Word_t control = 0 | (0 << 6) | (31<<27);
    L4_LoadMR(0, interrupt);
    r = L4_InterruptControl(handler_tid, control);
    if (r == 0) {
        printf("Cannot register interrupt %lu\n", interrupt);

    L4_Start_SpIp (handler_tid, (L4_Word_t) handler_stack + sizeof(handler_stack) - 32, START_ADDR(handler));


    //Create spinner thread
    utcb = ~0UL;
    utcb += utcb_size;
    r = L4_ThreadControl (spinner_tid, KBENCH_SPACE, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void*) utcb);
    if (r == 0) printf("create spinner failed %ld\n", L4_ErrorCode());
    assert(r == 1);
    L4_KDB_SetThreadName(spinner_tid, "spinner");
    //L4_Schedule(spinner_tid, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 0, &dummy, &dummy);
    //Set priority to the lowest.
    L4_Set_Priority(spinner_tid, 1);    
    L4_Start_SpIp (spinner_tid, (L4_Word_t) spinner_stack + sizeof(spinner_stack) - 32, START_ADDR (spinner));
Exemplo n.º 25
static void
ipc_setup(struct bench_test *test, int args[])
    static bool setup = false;
    int r;
    L4_Word_t utcb;
    fass = (test == &bench_ipc_fass);
    pagertimer = (test == &bench_ipc_pagemap);
    pagertimer_simulated = (test == &bench_ipc_pagemap_simulated);
    inter = (test == &bench_ipc_inter);
    fass_buffer = ((test == &bench_ipc_fass_buffer) || (test == &bench_ipc_fass_buffer_vspace));
    fault_test = (test == &bench_ipc_page_faults);
    intra_open = (test == &bench_ipc_intra_open);
    intra_close = (test == &bench_ipc_intra_close);
    intra_rpc = (test == &bench_ipc_intra_rpc);
    intra_ovh = (test == &bench_ipc_intra_ovh);
    intra_async = (test == &bench_ipc_intra_async);
    intra_async_ovh = (test == &bench_ipc_intra_async_ovh);

    num_iterations = args[0];
    num_mrs = args[1];

    ping_space = pong_space = L4_nilspace;

    if (! setup) {
        /* Find smallest supported page size. There's better at least one
         * bit set. */

        /* Size for one UTCB */
        utcb_size = L4_GetUtcbSize();

        /* We need a maximum of two threads per task */
        no_utcb_alloc = 1;
        utcb_area = L4_Nilpage;
        if (fass) {
            pong_utcb_area = L4_Nilpage;
        no_utcb_alloc = 0;
        utcb_area = L4_Fpage((L4_Word_t) UTCB_ADDRESS,
                             L4_GetUtcbAreaSize() + 1);
        if (fass) {
            pong_utcb_area = L4_Fpage ((L4_Word_t) UTCB_ADDRESS,
                                       L4_GetUtcbAreaSize() + 1);

        /* Create pager */
        master_tid.raw = KBENCH_SERVER.raw;
        pager_tid.raw = KBENCH_SERVER.raw + 1;
        ping_tid.raw  = KBENCH_SERVER.raw + 2;
        pong_tid.raw  = KBENCH_SERVER.raw + 3;

        /* VU: calculate UTCB address -- this has to be revised */
        /** @todo FIXME: Should put into arch subdir - changhua. */
#if defined(ARCH_ARM)
        L4_Word_t pager_utcb = (L4_Word_t) __L4_ARM_Utcb();
#elif defined(ARCH_IA32)
        L4_Word_t pager_utcb = (L4_Word_t) __L4_X86_Utcb();
#elif defined(ARCH_SH)
        L4_Word_t pager_utcb = (L4_Word_t) L4_GetUtcbBase();
        #error "Please define arch get_Utcb()"
        pager_utcb = no_utcb_alloc ? ~0UL : (pager_utcb & ~(utcb_size - 1)) + utcb_size;
        r = L4_ThreadControl (pager_tid, KBENCH_SPACE, master_tid, master_tid, 
                      master_tid, 0, (void*)pager_utcb);
        if (r == 0) printf("Thread create Error: %lx\n", L4_ErrorCode());
        assert(r == 1);
        L4_KDB_SetThreadName(pager_tid, "pager");
        L4_Start_SpIp (pager_tid, (L4_Word_t) pager_stack + sizeof(pager_stack) - 32, START_ADDR (pager));
        /* Find some area of memory to page to */
        setup = true;

    if (pagertimer) {
        /* Only create ping space and ping thread. */
        r = okl4_kspaceid_allocany(spaceid_pool, &ping_space);
        assert(r == OKL4_OK);
        r = L4_SpaceControl(ping_space, L4_SpaceCtrl_new, KBENCH_CLIST, utcb_area, 0, NULL);
        assert(r == 1);

        utcb = no_utcb_alloc ? ~0UL : UTCB(0);

        r = L4_ThreadControl(ping_tid, ping_space, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void *) utcb);
        L4_StoreMR(0, &ping_th.raw);
        assert(r == 1);
    } else if (fault_test) {
        /* Only create pong space and pong thread. */
        r = okl4_kspaceid_allocany(spaceid_pool, &pong_space);
        assert(r == OKL4_OK);
        r = L4_SpaceControl(pong_space, L4_SpaceCtrl_new, KBENCH_CLIST, utcb_area, 0, NULL);
        assert(r == 1);

        utcb = no_utcb_alloc ? ~0UL : UTCB(0);

        r = L4_ThreadControl(pong_tid, pong_space, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void *) utcb);
        L4_StoreMR(0, &pong_th.raw);
        assert(r == 1);
    } else if (pagertimer_simulated || inter || fass || fass_buffer) {
        /* Create both ping, pong space, and create ping, pong thread in their own space */
        L4_Word_t ctrl = 0;
        if (test == &bench_ipc_fass_buffer_vspace) {
            ctrl = (1 << 16);
        r = okl4_kspaceid_allocany(spaceid_pool, &ping_space);
        assert(r == OKL4_OK);

        r = L4_SpaceControl(ping_space, L4_SpaceCtrl_new, KBENCH_CLIST, utcb_area, ctrl, NULL);
        if (r == 0) printf("Space control Error: 0x%lx\n", L4_ErrorCode());
        assert( r == 1 );
        r = okl4_kspaceid_allocany(spaceid_pool, &pong_space);
        assert(r == OKL4_OK);
        r = L4_SpaceControl(pong_space, L4_SpaceCtrl_new, KBENCH_CLIST, (fass ? pong_utcb_area : utcb_area), ctrl, NULL);
        assert( r == 1);

        utcb = no_utcb_alloc ? ~0UL : UTCB(0);

        r = L4_ThreadControl(ping_tid, ping_space, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void *) utcb);
        L4_StoreMR(0, &ping_th.raw);
        assert( r == 1);

        utcb = no_utcb_alloc ? ~0UL : fass ? PONGUTCB(1) : UTCB(1);

        r = L4_ThreadControl(pong_tid, pong_space, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void *)utcb);
        L4_StoreMR(0, &pong_th.raw);
    } else {
        /* Only Create ping space, but create both ping, pong thread in that space. */
        r = okl4_kspaceid_allocany(spaceid_pool, &ping_space);
        assert(r == OKL4_OK);
        r = L4_SpaceControl(ping_space, L4_SpaceCtrl_new, KBENCH_CLIST, utcb_area, 0, NULL);
        assert( r == 1 );

        utcb = no_utcb_alloc ? ~0UL : UTCB(0);

        r = L4_ThreadControl(ping_tid, ping_space, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void *) utcb);
        L4_StoreMR(0, &ping_th.raw);
        assert( r == 1);

        utcb = no_utcb_alloc ? ~0UL : UTCB(1);

        r = L4_ThreadControl(pong_tid, ping_space, master_tid, pager_tid, pager_tid, 0, (void *) utcb);
        L4_StoreMR(0, &pong_th.raw);
        assert( r == 1);

    L4_KDB_SetThreadName(ping_tid, "ping");
    if (test != &bench_ipc_pagemap) {
        L4_KDB_SetThreadName(pong_tid, "pong");
Exemplo n.º 26
thread_setup(struct thread *self, int _priority)
    int ret = 1;
    int r;
    unsigned long r_l;
    struct pd *pd;
    unsigned long priority = 100;

    assert(self != NULL);

    pd = self->owner;

    /* Note: These don't allocate any resources */
#if defined(CONFIG_SESSION)
    if (_priority != -1) {
        priority = (unsigned long)_priority;

    self->magic = THREAD_MAGIC;
#if defined(CONFIG_EAS)
    self->eas = NULL;
    r = thread_alloc(self); /* Allocate a thread id, ALLOC #1 */
    if (r != 0) {
        /* Can't allocate a new thread ID */
        return 1;

    /* Activate new thread */
        self->utcb = (void *)-1UL;
        r_l = thread_new(self, pd_l4_space(pd), self->id, IGUANA_SERVER, IGUANA_SERVER);

        if (r_l != 1) {
            if (L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrNoMem || 
                L4_ErrorCode() == L4_ErrUtcbArea) {
                 * L4 has run out of memory... this is probably very bad, but
                 * we want to keep going for as long as we can 
                goto thread_error_state;
            } else {
                assert(!"This shouldn't happen");
        } else {
            ret = 0;
        /* Set Priority */
        r = L4_Set_Priority(self->id, priority);
        assert(r != 0);

    return ret;

    /* Here we clean up anything we have allocated */
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 27
    int i = 0;
    int res = 1;
    L4_SpaceId_t space;
    okl4_allocator_attr_t attr;
    L4_Word_t end, result;
    L4_CapId_t sender;
    L4_MsgTag_t tag;
    L4_Msg_t msg;
    struct okl4_bitmap_allocator *spaceid_pool = okl4_env_get("MAIN_SPACE_ID_POOL");

    while(res == 1)
        result = okl4_kspaceid_allocany(spaceid_pool, &space);
        if (result != OKL4_OK) {
            printf("Failed to allocate space id\n");
        res = create_address_space(space,
                                   L4_Fpage(0xb10000, 0x1000));

        if (res != 1) {
            printf("SpaceControl failed, space id=%lu, Error code: %lu\n", space.space_no, L4_ErrorCode());
        /* 2gb mapping of 512k pages*/
        res = map_series(space, 0x80000, 4096, 0, 0);

    printf("Created %d address spaces\n", i);
    if (i == 0) {
        okl4_kspaceid_free(spaceid_pool, space);
        res = 0;
        goto ipc_ktest;

    /* clean up */
    okl4_kspaceid_getattribute(spaceid_pool, &attr);
    end = attr.base + attr.size;
    for (i = attr.base; i < end; i++)
        L4_SpaceId_t id = L4_SpaceId(i);
        if (okl4_kspaceid_isallocated(spaceid_pool, id))
            L4_SpaceControl(id, L4_SpaceCtrl_delete,
                            HEAP_EXHAUSTION_CLIST, L4_Nilpage, 0, NULL);
            okl4_kspaceid_free(spaceid_pool, id);
    res = 1;

    tag = L4_Wait(&sender);
    L4_MsgAppendWord(&msg, (L4_Word_t)res);

Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: pager.c Projeto: gapry/aos-1
 * Function invoked by roottask on pagefault
pager(L4_ThreadId_t tid, L4_Msg_t *msgP)
    send = 1;
    // Get the faulting address
    L4_Word_t addr = L4_MsgWord(msgP, 0);
    L4_Word_t physicalAddress = 0;
    L4_Word_t permission = 0;
    L4_MsgTag_t tag;
    // Alignment
    addr = (addr / PAGESIZE)*PAGESIZE;
    tag = L4_MsgMsgTag(msgP);
    L4_Word_t access_type = L4_Label(tag) & 0x07;

    //printf("pager invoked addr=%lx by %lx %lx for access 0x%lx\n", addr,L4_ThreadNo(tid),tid.raw,access_type);

    // Construct fpage IPC message
    L4_Fpage_t targetFpage = L4_FpageLog2(addr, 12);
      if(addr >= BASE_CODE_SEGMENT_ADDRESS) {
	//Code segment
	int inPage = isInPage(tid,targetFpage);
	if(inPage == -1) {
	  //It should be in page table so this should not happen
	  printf("Panic !!! Cannot load the code segment");
	} else {
	  physicalAddress = new_low + inPage*PAGESIZE;
	  permission = L4_FullyAccessible;
      } else {
	//Heap and stack
    	int inPage = isInPage(tid, targetFpage);
    	if (inPage == -1)
	  //We need to check if the page is in swap
	    inPage = isInSwap(tid,targetFpage);
	    mapAddress(tid, targetFpage,inPage);
	    //We dont need to map any addresses here as mapAddresses maps the addresses
	    return send;
    	} else {
    	    physicalAddress = new_low+inPage*PAGESIZE;
	    targetFpage = page_table[inPage].pageNo;
	    page_table[inPage].referenced = 1;
	    if(access_type & L4_Writable) {
	      //We now need to set the dirty bit and provide read write access
	      page_table[inPage].dirty = 1;
	      permission = L4_ReadWriteOnly;
	    } else {
	      permission = L4_Readable;
    } else {
        // we need to map physical addresses 1:1
        physicalAddress = addr;
        if(addr < new_low) {
	        // This is beyond the low memory range ie the page table
	        // and some other addresses which is below the low range
	        permission = L4_FullyAccessible;
        } else {
	        // This would be the code segment between the new_low and high
	        permission = L4_Readable;
    L4_PhysDesc_t phys = L4_PhysDesc(physicalAddress, L4_DefaultMemory);

    if ( !L4_MapFpage(tid, targetFpage, phys) ) {
        printf(" Can't map page at %lx\n", addr);
    return send;
Exemplo n.º 29
    L4_ThreadId_t partner;
    L4_MsgTag_t msgtag;
    idl4_msgbuf_t msgbuf;
    long cnt;
    uintptr_t *size;

    partner = L4_nilthread;
    msgtag.raw = 0;
    cnt = 0;

    while (1) {
         * Now check async queues -- we check this everytime, which is a bit
         * silly, would be nice if we could detect a failed ipc to us
        size = cb_get(iguana_cb_handle, sizeof(uintptr_t));
        if (size) {
            // uintptr_t *data =
            cb_get(iguana_cb_handle, *size);
            // DEBUG_PRINT("Got stuff: %" PRIdPTR "\n", *size);
            // DEBUG_PRINT("Got stuff: %" PRIxPTR " %" PRIxPTR "\n", data[0],
            // data[1]);
        /* Wait for message */

        idl4_reply_and_wait(&partner, &msgtag, &msgbuf, &cnt);

        if (idl4_is_error(&msgtag)) {
            DEBUG_PRINT("timer:device_server(%d) Error %" PRIxPTR
                   " -- replying_to: %" PRIxPTR "\n", __LINE__, L4_ErrorCode(),
            partner = L4_nilthread;
            msgtag.raw = 0;
            cnt = 0;

        if (msgtag.X.label == IRQ_LABEL) {
            driver_interrupt(global_device, partner.global.X.thread_no);

        switch (magpie_get_interface_bigid(&msgbuf)) {
        case 37:
            idl4_process_request(&partner, &msgtag, &msgbuf, &cnt,
                                 device_vtable[idl4_get_function_id(&msgtag) &
        case 40:
            idl4_process_request(&partner, &msgtag, &msgbuf, &cnt,
                                                     (&msgtag) &
        case 41:
            idl4_process_request(&partner, &msgtag, &msgbuf, &cnt,
                                 timer__vtable[idl4_get_function_id(&msgtag) &
            DEBUG_PRINT("timer: device_server: Bad label! (0x%lx)\n",
            partner = L4_nilthread;