Exemplo n.º 1
        if (!queue_.empty()) {
            LERR_(fatal) << "lcos::local::mutex::~mutex: " << description_
                         << ": queue is not empty";

            mutex_type::scoped_lock l(mtx_);
            while (!queue_.empty()) {
                threads::thread_id_type id = queue_.front().id_;
                queue_.front().id_ = 0;

                // we know that the id is actually the pointer to the thread
                LERR_(fatal) << "lcos::local::mutex::~mutex: " << description_
                    << ": pending thread: "
                    << threads::get_thread_state_name(threads::get_thread_state(id))
                    << "(" << id << "): " << threads::get_thread_description(id);

                // forcefully abort thread, do not throw
                error_code ec(lightweight);
                threads::set_thread_state(id, threads::pending,
                    threads::wait_abort, threads::thread_priority_default, ec);
                if (ec) {
                    LERR_(fatal) << "lcos::local::mutex::~mutex: could not abort thread"
                        << get_thread_state_name(threads::get_thread_state(id))
                        << "(" << id << "): " << threads::get_thread_state(id);
Exemplo n.º 2
        void log_non_empty_queue(char const* const desc, queue_type& queue)
            mutex_type::scoped_lock l(mtx_);
            while (!queue.empty()) {
                threads::thread_id_type id = queue.front().id_;
                queue.front().id_ = 0;

                // we know that the id is actually the pointer to the thread
                threads::thread_data* thrd = reinterpret_cast<threads::thread_data*>(id);
                LERR_(info) << "~full_empty_entry: aborting pending thread in "
                        << desc << ": "
                        << get_thread_state_name(thrd->get_state())
                        << "(" << id << "): " << thrd->get_description();

                // forcefully abort thread, do not throw
                error_code ec(lightweight);
                threads::set_thread_state(id, threads::pending,
                    threads::wait_abort, threads::thread_priority_normal, ec);
                if (ec) {
                    LERR_(error) << "~full_empty_entry: could not abort thread"
                        << get_thread_state_name(thrd->get_state())
                        << "(" << id << "): " << thrd->get_description();
Exemplo n.º 3
    /** try to parse a time specification in seconds or fractional seconds.
     * The value is interpreted relative to the origin of a the given time grid
     * This parser recognises full seconds, fractional seconds and both together.
     * In any case, the actual number is required to end with a trailing \c 'sec'
     * @par Example specifications
       12sec       -->  12     * TimeValue::SCALE
       -4sec       --> -4      * TimeValue::SCALE
       5/4sec      -->  1.25   * TimeValue::SCALE
       -5/25sec    --> -0.2    * TimeValue::SCALE
       1+1/2sec    -->  1.5    * TimeValue::SCALE
       1-1/25sec   -->  0.96   * TimeValue::SCALE
       -12-1/4sec  --> -11.75  * TimeValue::SCALE
     * @param seconds string containing a time spec in seconds
     * @param grid coordinate system the parsed value is based on
     * @return the corresponding (opaque internal) lumiera time value
     * @throw error::Invalid in case of parsing failure
     * @note the string may contain any additional content, as long as a
     *       regular-expression search is able to pick out a suitable value
    Seconds::parse (string const& seconds, QuantR grid)
      static regex fracSecs_parser ("(?<![\\./\\-\\d])(-?\\d+)(?:([\\-\\+]\\d+)?/(\\d+))?sec");
                                  //__no leading[./-\d] number    [+-]  number '/' number 'sec'   
      #define SUB_EXPR(N) lexical_cast<long> (match[N])
      smatch match;
      if (regex_search (seconds, match, fracSecs_parser))
        if (match[2].matched)
            // complete spec with all parts
            FSecs fractionalPart (SUB_EXPR(2), SUB_EXPR(3));
            long fullSeconds (SUB_EXPR(1));
            return grid.timeOf (fullSeconds + fractionalPart);
        if (match[3].matched)
            // only a fractional part was given
            return grid.timeOf (FSecs (SUB_EXPR(1), SUB_EXPR(3)));
            // just simple non-fractional seconds
            return grid.timeOf (FSecs (SUB_EXPR(1)));
        throw error::Invalid ("unable to parse \""+seconds+"\" as (fractional)seconds"
                             , LERR_(INVALID_TIMECODE));
Exemplo n.º 4
 static PlacementMX&
 access (_Id const& placementID)
     if (!placementID)
       throw error::Logic ("Attempt to access a NIL PlacementRef"
                          , LERR_(BOTTOM_PLACEMENTREF));
     Placement<MObject> & genericPlacement (session::SessionServiceFetch::resolveID (placementID));  // may throw
     REQUIRE (genericPlacement.isValid());
     if (!(genericPlacement.template isCompatible<MX>()))
       throw error::Invalid("actual type of the resolved placement is incompatible"
                           , LERR_(INVALID_PLACEMENTREF));
             ////////////////////////TODO: 1. better message, including type?
             ////////////////////////TODO: 2. define a separate error-ID for the type mismatch!
     return static_cast<PlacementMX&> (genericPlacement);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /** try to parse a frame number specification
  * @param frameNumber string containing an integral number with trailing '#'
  * @param frameGrid   coordinate system (and thus framerate) to use for the conversion
  * @return (opaque internal) lumiera time value of the given frame's start position
  * @throw error::Invalid in case of parsing failure
  * @note the string may contain any additional content, as long as a
  *       regular-expression search is able to pick out a suitable value
 Frames::parse (string const& frameNumber, QuantR frameGrid)
   static regex frameNr_parser  ("(?<![\\.\\-\\d])(-?\\d+)#");   // no leading [.-\d],  number+'#'
   smatch match;
   if (regex_search (frameNumber, match, frameNr_parser))
     return frameGrid.timeOf (lexical_cast<FrameCnt> (match[1]));
     throw error::Invalid ("unable to parse framecount \""+frameNumber+"\""
                          , LERR_(INVALID_TIMECODE));
Exemplo n.º 6
                typename mutex_type::scoped_lock l(mtx_);

                if (!queue_.empty())
                        << "lcos::counting_semaphore::~counting_semaphore:"
                           " queue is not empty, aborting threads";

                    while (!queue_.empty())
                        threads::thread_id_type id = queue_.front().id_;
                        queue_.front().id_ = 0;

                        // we know that the id is actually the pointer to the thread
                                << "lcos::counting_semaphore::~counting_semaphore:"
                                << " pending thread: "
                                << get_thread_state_name(threads::get_thread_state(id))
                                << "(" << id << "): " << threads::get_thread_description(id);

                        // forcefully abort thread, do not throw
                        error_code ec(lightweight);
                        threads::set_thread_state(id, threads::pending,
                            threads::wait_abort, threads::thread_priority_default, ec);
                        if (ec)
                                << "lcos::counting_semaphore::~counting_semaphore:"
                                << " could not abort thread: "
                                << get_thread_state_name(threads::get_thread_state(id))
                                << "(" << id << "): " << threads::get_thread_description(id);
Exemplo n.º 7
    // verify that no locks are held by this HPX-thread
    void verify_no_locks()
        if (register_locks::lock_detection_enabled_ && 0 != threads::get_self_ptr())
            register_locks::held_locks_map const& held_locks =

            // we create a log message if there are still registered locks for
            // this OS-thread
            if (!held_locks.empty()) {
                std::string back_trace(hpx::detail::backtrace_direct());
                if (back_trace.empty()) {
                        << "suspending thread while at least one lock is being held "
                           "(stack backtrace was disabled at compile time)";
                else {
                        << "suspending thread while at least one lock is being held, "
                        << "stack backtrace: " << back_trace;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /** Access to the "current session", which actually is
  *  an SessionImpl instance. This session object is created 
  *  either by loading an existing session, or on demand by
  *  this accessor function here (when no session was loaded
  *  or created)
  *  @note any exceptions arising while building the basic
  *        session object(s) will halt the system.
 SessManagerImpl::operator-> ()  noexcept
   if (!pSess_)
       { // create empty default configured session
     catch (...)
         ERROR (progress, "Unrecoverable Failure while creating the empty default session.");
         throw lumiera::error::Fatal ( "Failure while creating the basic session object. System halted."
                                     , LERR_(CREATE_SESSION));
   return pSess_.get();
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// Construct a hpx::exception from a \a hpx::error and an error message.
 /// \param e      The parameter \p e holds the hpx::error code the new
 ///               exception should encapsulate.
 /// \param msg    The parameter \p msg holds the error message the new
 ///               exception should encapsulate.
 /// \param mode   The parameter \p mode specifies whether the returned
 ///               hpx::error_code belongs to the error category
 ///               \a hpx_category (if mode is \a plain, this is the
 ///               default) or to the category \a hpx_category_rethrow
 ///               (if mode is \a rethrow).
 exception::exception(error e, char const* msg, throwmode mode)
   : boost::system::system_error(make_system_error_code(e, mode), msg)
     HPX_ASSERT((e >= success && e < last_error) || (e & system_error_flag));
     LERR_(error) << "created exception: " << this->what();
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// Construct a hpx::exception from a boost#system_error.
 exception::exception(boost::system::system_error const& e)
   : boost::system::system_error(e)
     LERR_(error) << "created exception: " << this->what();
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// Construct a hpx::exception from a \a hpx::error.
 /// \param e    The parameter \p e holds the hpx::error code the new
 ///             exception should encapsulate.
 exception::exception(error e)
   : boost::system::system_error(make_error_code(e, plain))
     HPX_ASSERT((e >= success && e < last_error) || (e & system_error_flag));
     LERR_(error) << "created exception: " << this->what();