Exemplo n.º 1
int lindist(int sequence, struct linprm *lin, struct disprm *dis, int ndpmax)

  static const char *function = "lindist";

  int status;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  if (sequence == 1) {
    if (lin->m_dispre) {

    lin->dispre   = dis;
    lin->m_flag   = LINSET;
    lin->m_dispre = dis;

  } else if (sequence == 2) {
    if (lin->m_disseq) {

    lin->disseq   = dis;
    lin->m_flag   = LINSET;
    lin->m_disseq = dis;

  } else {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(LINERR_DISTORT_INIT),
      "Invalid sequence (%d)", sequence);

  if (dis) {
    if ((status = disinit(1, lin->naxis, dis, ndpmax))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: lin.c Projeto: ninoc/astropy
int linwarp(
  struct linprm *lin,
  const double pixblc[],
  const double pixtrc[],
  const double pixsamp[],
  int    *nsamp,
  double maxdis[],
  double *maxtot,
  double avgdis[],
  double *avgtot,
  double rmsdis[],
  double *rmstot)

  static const char *function = "linwarp";

  int carry, i, j, naxis, ncoord, status = 0;
  double dpix, dpx2, dssq, *img, *pix0, *pix0p, *pix1, *pix1p, *pixend,
         *pixinc, pixspan, *ssqdis, ssqtot, *sumdis, sumtot, totdis;
  struct linprm affine;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  naxis = lin->naxis;

  if (nsamp) *nsamp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    if (maxdis) maxdis[j] = 0.0;
    if (avgdis) avgdis[j] = 0.0;
    if (rmsdis) rmsdis[j] = 0.0;
  if (maxtot) *maxtot = 0.0;
  if (avgtot) *avgtot = 0.0;
  if (rmstot) *rmstot = 0.0;

  /* Quick return if no distortions. */
  if (lin->affine) return 0;

  /* It's easier if there are no sequent distortions! */
  if (lin->disseq == 0x0) {
    status = diswarp(lin->dispre, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, nsamp,
                     maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot);
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

  /* Make a reference copy of lin without distortions. */
  affine.flag = -1;
  if ((status = (lincpy(1, lin, &affine) ||
                 lindis(1, &affine, 0x0) ||
                 lindis(2, &affine, 0x0) ||
                 linset(&affine)))) {
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(status));

  /* Work out increments on each axis. */
  pixinc = lin->tmpcrd;
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    pixspan = pixtrc[j] - (pixblc ? pixblc[j] : 1.0);

    if (pixsamp == 0x0) {
      pixinc[j] = 1.0;
    } else if (pixsamp[j] == 0.0) {
      pixinc[j] = 1.0;
    } else if (pixsamp[j] > 0.0) {
      pixinc[j] = pixsamp[j];
    } else if (pixsamp[j] > -1.5) {
      pixinc[j] = 2.0*pixspan;
    } else {
      pixinc[j] = pixspan / ((int)(-pixsamp[j] - 0.5));

    if (j == 0) {
      /* Number of samples on axis 1. */
      ncoord = 1 + (int)((pixspan/pixinc[0]) + 0.5);

  /* Get memory for processing the image row by row. */
  if ((pix0 = calloc((3*ncoord+4)*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

  img    = pix0 + naxis*ncoord;
  pix1   = img  + naxis*ncoord;
  pixinc = pix1 + naxis*ncoord;
  pixend = pixinc + naxis;
  sumdis = pixend + naxis;
  ssqdis = sumdis + naxis;

  /* Copy tmpcrd since linp2x() will overwrite it. */
  memcpy(pixinc, lin->tmpcrd, naxis*sizeof(double));

  /* Set up the array of pixel coordinates. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    pix0[j] = pixblc ? pixblc[j] : 1.0;
    pixend[j] = pixtrc[j] + 0.5*pixinc[j];

  pix0p = pix0 + naxis;
  for (i = 1; i < ncoord; i++) {
    *(pix0p++) = pix0[0] + i*pixinc[0];

    for (j = 1; j < naxis; j++) {
      *(pix0p++) = pix0[j];

  /* Initialize accumulators. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    sumdis[j] = 0.0;
    ssqdis[j] = 0.0;
  sumtot = 0.0;
  ssqtot = 0.0;

  /* Loop over N dimensions. */
  carry = 0;
  while (carry == 0) {
    if ((status = linp2x(lin, ncoord, naxis, pix0, img))) {
      /* (Preserve the error message set by linp2x().) */
      goto cleanup;

    if ((status = linx2p(&affine, ncoord, naxis, img, pix1))) {
      /* (Preserve the error message set by linx2p().) */
      goto cleanup;

    /* Accumulate statistics. */
    pix0p = pix0;
    pix1p = pix1;
    for (i = 0; i < ncoord; i++) {

      dssq = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
        dpix = *(pix1p++) - *(pix0p++);
        dpx2 = dpix*dpix;

        sumdis[j] += dpix;
        ssqdis[j] += dpx2;

        if (maxdis && (dpix = fabs(dpix)) > maxdis[j]) maxdis[j] = dpix;

        dssq += dpx2;

      totdis = sqrt(dssq);
      sumtot += totdis;
      ssqtot += totdis*totdis;

      if (maxtot && *maxtot < totdis) *maxtot = totdis;

    /* Next array of pixel coordinates. */
    for (j = 1; j < naxis; j++) {
      pix0[j] += pixinc[j];
      if ((carry = (pix0[j] > pixend[j]))) {
        pix0[j] = pixblc ? pixblc[j] : 1.0;

      pix0p = pix0 + naxis + j;
      for (i = 1; i < ncoord; i++) {
        *pix0p = pix0[j];
        pix0p += naxis;

      if (carry == 0) break;

  /* Compute the means and RMSs. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    ssqdis[j] /= *nsamp;
    sumdis[j] /= *nsamp;
    if (avgdis) avgdis[j] = sumdis[j];
    if (rmsdis) rmsdis[j] = sqrt(ssqdis[j] - sumdis[j]*sumdis[j]);

  ssqtot /= *nsamp;
  sumtot /= *nsamp;
  if (avgtot) *avgtot = sumtot;
  if (rmstot) *rmstot = sqrt(ssqtot - sumtot*sumtot);


  return status;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: lin.c Projeto: ninoc/astropy
int linx2p(
  struct linprm *lin,
  int ncoord,
  int nelem,
  const double imgcrd[],
  double pixcrd[])

  static const char *function = "linx2p";

  int i, j, k, n, ndbl, nelemn, status;
  register const double *img;
  register double *imgpix, *pix, *tmp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  if (lin->flag != LINSET) {
    if ((status = linset(lin))) return status;

  n = lin->naxis;

  /* Convert intermediate world coordinates to pixel coordinates. */
  img = imgcrd;
  pix = pixcrd;

  if (lin->simple) {
    /* Handle the simplest and most common case with maximum efficiency. */
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        *(pix++) = (*(img++) / lin->cdelt[j]) + lin->crpix[j];

      img += nelemn;
      pix += nelemn;

  } else if (lin->affine) {
    /* No distortions. */
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      /* cdelt will have been incorporated into imgpix. */
      imgpix = lin->imgpix;

      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        *pix = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          *pix += *imgpix * img[i];

        *(pix++) += lin->crpix[j];

      img += nelem;
      pix += nelemn;

  } else {
    /* Distortions are present. */
    ndbl = n * sizeof(double);
    tmp  = lin->tmpcrd;

    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      if (lin->disseq) {
        /* With sequent distortions, cdelt is not incorporated into imgpix. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          tmp[i] = img[i] / lin->cdelt[i];

        if ((status = disx2p(lin->disseq, tmp, pix))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

        memcpy(tmp, pix, ndbl);

      } else if (lin->unity) {
        /* ...nor if the matrix is unity. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          tmp[i] = img[i] / lin->cdelt[i];

      } else {
        /* cdelt will have been incorporated into imgpix. */
        memcpy(tmp, img, ndbl);

      if (lin->unity) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          pix[j] = tmp[j] + lin->crpix[j];

      } else {
        imgpix = lin->imgpix;
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          pix[j] = lin->crpix[j];
          for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pix[j] += *(imgpix++) * tmp[i];

      if (lin->dispre) {
        memcpy(tmp, pix, ndbl);

        if ((status = disx2p(lin->dispre, tmp, pix))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

      img += nelem;
      pix += nelem;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: lin.c Projeto: ninoc/astropy
int linp2x(
  struct linprm *lin,
  int ncoord,
  int nelem,
  const double pixcrd[],
  double imgcrd[])

  static const char *function = "linp2x";

  int i, j, k, n, ndbl, nelemn, status;
  double temp;
  register const double *pix;
  register double *img, *piximg, *tmp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  if (lin->flag != LINSET) {
    if ((status = linset(lin))) return status;

  n = lin->naxis;

  /* Convert pixel coordinates to intermediate world coordinates. */
  pix = pixcrd;
  img = imgcrd;

  if (lin->simple) {
    /* Handle the simplest and most common case with maximum efficiency. */
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        *(img++) = lin->cdelt[i] * (*(pix++) - lin->crpix[i]);

      pix += nelemn;
      img += nelemn;

  } else if (lin->affine) {
    /* No distortions. */
    ndbl   = n * sizeof(double);
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      memset(img, 0, ndbl);

      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        /* cdelt will have been incorporated into piximg. */
        piximg = lin->piximg + j;

        /* Column-wise multiplication allows this to be cached. */
        temp = *(pix++) - lin->crpix[j];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++, piximg += n) {
          img[i] += *piximg * temp;

      pix += nelemn;
      img += nelem;

  } else {
    /* Distortions are present. */
    ndbl = n * sizeof(double);
    tmp  = lin->tmpcrd;

    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      if (lin->dispre) {
        if ((status = disp2x(lin->dispre, pix, tmp))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));
      } else {
        memcpy(tmp, pix, ndbl);

      if (lin->unity) {
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] = tmp[i] - lin->crpix[i];

      } else {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          tmp[j] -= lin->crpix[j];

        piximg = lin->piximg;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] = 0.0;
          for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            img[i] += *(piximg++) * tmp[j];

      if (lin->disseq) {
        if ((status = disp2x(lin->disseq, img, tmp))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

        /* With sequent distortions, cdelt is not incorporated into piximg. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] = lin->cdelt[i] * tmp[i];

      } else if (lin->unity) {
        /* ...nor if the matrix is unity. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] *= lin->cdelt[i];

      pix += nelem;
      img += nelem;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: lin.c Projeto: ninoc/astropy
int linini(int alloc, int naxis, struct linprm *lin)

  static const char *function = "linini";

  int i, j;
  double *pc;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;

  /* Initialize error message handling. */
  err = &(lin->err);
  if (lin->flag != -1) {
    if (lin->err) free(lin->err);
  lin->err = 0x0;

  /* Initialize memory management. */
  if (lin->flag == -1 || lin->m_flag != LINSET) {
    if (lin->flag == -1) {
      lin->dispre = 0x0;
      lin->disseq = 0x0;
      lin->tmpcrd = 0x0;

    lin->m_flag   = 0;
    lin->m_naxis  = 0;
    lin->m_crpix  = 0x0;
    lin->m_pc     = 0x0;
    lin->m_cdelt  = 0x0;
    lin->m_dispre = 0x0;
    lin->m_disseq = 0x0;

  if (naxis < 0) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(LINERR_MEMORY),
      "naxis must not be negative (got %d)", naxis);

  /* Allocate memory for arrays if required. */
  if (alloc ||
      lin->crpix  == 0x0 ||
      lin->pc     == 0x0 ||
      lin->cdelt  == 0x0) {

    /* Was sufficient allocated previously? */
    if (lin->m_flag == LINSET && lin->m_naxis < naxis) {
      /* No, free it. */

    if (alloc || lin->crpix == 0x0) {
      if (lin->m_crpix) {
        /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
        lin->crpix = lin->m_crpix;

      } else {
        if ((lin->crpix = calloc(naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

        lin->m_flag  = LINSET;
        lin->m_naxis = naxis;
        lin->m_crpix = lin->crpix;

    if (alloc || lin->pc == 0x0) {
      if (lin->m_pc) {
        /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
        lin->pc = lin->m_pc;

      } else {
        if ((lin->pc = calloc(naxis*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

        lin->m_flag  = LINSET;
        lin->m_naxis = naxis;
        lin->m_pc    = lin->pc;

    if (alloc || lin->cdelt == 0x0) {
      if (lin->m_cdelt) {
        /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
        lin->cdelt = lin->m_cdelt;

      } else {
        if ((lin->cdelt = calloc(naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

        lin->m_flag  = LINSET;
        lin->m_naxis = naxis;
        lin->m_cdelt = lin->cdelt;

  /* Reinitialize disprm structs if we are managing them. */
  if (lin->m_dispre) {
    disini(1, naxis, lin->dispre);

  if (lin->m_disseq) {
    disini(1, naxis, lin->disseq);

  /* Free memory allocated by linset(). */
  if (lin->flag == LINSET) {
    if (lin->piximg) free(lin->piximg);
    if (lin->imgpix) free(lin->imgpix);
    if (lin->tmpcrd) free(lin->tmpcrd);

  lin->piximg  = 0x0;
  lin->imgpix  = 0x0;
  lin->i_naxis = 0;
  lin->unity   = 0;
  lin->affine  = 0;
  lin->simple  = 0;
  lin->tmpcrd  = 0x0;

  lin->flag  = 0;
  lin->naxis = naxis;

  /* CRPIXja defaults to 0.0. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    lin->crpix[j] = 0.0;

  /* PCi_ja defaults to the unit matrix. */
  pc = lin->pc;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
      if (j == i) {
        *pc = 1.0;
      } else {
        *pc = 0.0;

  /* CDELTia defaults to 1.0. */
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    lin->cdelt[i] = 1.0;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: lin.c Projeto: ninoc/astropy
int linset(struct linprm *lin)

  static const char *function = "linset";

  int i, j, naxis, status;
  double *pc, *piximg;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  naxis = lin->naxis;

  /* Check for a unit matrix. */
  lin->unity = 1;
  pc = lin->pc;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
      if (j == i) {
        if (*(pc++) != 1.0) {
          lin->unity = 0;
      } else {
        if (*(pc++) != 0.0) {
          lin->unity = 0;

  if (lin->unity) {
    if (lin->flag == LINSET) {
      /* Free memory that may have been allocated previously. */
      if (lin->piximg) free(lin->piximg);
      if (lin->imgpix) free(lin->imgpix);

    lin->piximg  = 0x0;
    lin->imgpix  = 0x0;
    lin->i_naxis = 0;

    /* Check cdelt. */
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
      if (lin->cdelt[i] == 0.0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_SINGULAR_MTX));

  } else {
    if (lin->flag != LINSET || lin->i_naxis < naxis) {
      if (lin->flag == LINSET) {
        /* Free memory that may have been allocated previously. */
        if (lin->piximg) free(lin->piximg);
        if (lin->imgpix) free(lin->imgpix);

      /* Allocate memory for internal arrays. */
      if ((lin->piximg = calloc(naxis*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      if ((lin->imgpix = calloc(naxis*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      lin->i_naxis = naxis;

    /* Compute the pixel-to-image transformation matrix. */
    pc     = lin->pc;
    piximg = lin->piximg;
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
        if (lin->disseq == 0x0) {
          /* No sequent distortions, incorporate cdelt into piximg. */
          *(piximg++) = lin->cdelt[i] * (*(pc++));
        } else {
          *(piximg++) = *(pc++);

    /* Compute the image-to-pixel transformation matrix. */
    if ((status = matinv(naxis, lin->piximg, lin->imgpix))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(status));

  /* Set up the distortion functions. */
  lin->affine = 1;
  if (lin->dispre) {
    if ((status = disset(lin->dispre))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

    lin->affine = 0;

  if (lin->disseq) {
    if ((status = disset(lin->disseq))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

    lin->affine = 0;

  lin->simple = lin->unity && lin->affine;

  /* Create work arrays. */
  if (lin->tmpcrd) free(lin->tmpcrd);
  if ((lin->tmpcrd = calloc(naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

  lin->flag = LINSET;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: lin.c Projeto: ninoc/astropy
int lincpy(int alloc, const struct linprm *linsrc, struct linprm *lindst)

  static const char *function = "lincpy";

  int i, j, naxis, status;
  const double *srcp;
  double *dstp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (linsrc == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  if (lindst == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lindst->err);

  naxis = linsrc->naxis;
  if (naxis < 1) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(LINERR_MEMORY),
      "naxis must be positive (got %d)", naxis);

  if ((status = linini(alloc, naxis, lindst))) {
    return status;

  srcp = linsrc->crpix;
  dstp = lindst->crpix;
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

  srcp = linsrc->pc;
  dstp = lindst->pc;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
      *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

  srcp = linsrc->cdelt;
  dstp = lindst->cdelt;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

  if (linsrc->dispre) {
    if (!lindst->dispre) {
      if ((lindst->dispre = calloc(1, sizeof(struct disprm))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      lindst->m_dispre = lindst->dispre;

    if ((status = discpy(alloc, linsrc->dispre, lindst->dispre))) {
      status = wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));
      goto cleanup;

  if (linsrc->disseq) {
    if (!lindst->disseq) {
      if ((lindst->disseq = calloc(1, sizeof(struct disprm))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      lindst->m_disseq = lindst->disseq;

    if ((status = discpy(alloc, linsrc->disseq, lindst->disseq))) {
      status = wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));
      goto cleanup;

  if (status && (lindst->m_dispre || lindst->m_disseq)) {
    if (lindst->dispre) free(lindst->dispre);
    if (lindst->disseq) free(lindst->disseq);
    lindst->dispre = 0x0;
    lindst->disseq = 0x0;

  return status;