Exemplo n.º 1
*       _InvalidateRowAndBelow
static void _InvalidateRowAndBelow(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, LISTVIEW_Obj* pObj, int Sel) {
    if (Sel >= 0) {
        GUI_RECT Rect;
        int HeaderHeight, RowDistY;
        HeaderHeight = HEADER_GetHeight(pObj->hHeader);
        RowDistY     = LISTVIEW__GetRowDistY(pObj);
        WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar(hObj, &Rect);
        Rect.y0 += HeaderHeight + (Sel - pObj->ScrollStateV.v) * RowDistY;
        WM_InvalidateRect(hObj, &Rect);
Exemplo n.º 2
*       _GetNumVisibleRows
* Purpose:
*   Returns the number of visible rows according the header
*   and (if exist) horizontal scrollbar.
* Return value:
*   Number of visible rows. If no entire row can be displayed, this
*   function will return one.
static unsigned _GetNumVisibleRows(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, const LISTVIEW_Obj* pObj) {
  unsigned RowDistY, ySize, r = 1;
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar(hObj, &Rect);
  ySize    = Rect.y1 - Rect.y0 + 1 - HEADER_GetHeight(pObj->hHeader);
  RowDistY = LISTVIEW__GetRowDistY(pObj);
  if (RowDistY) {
    r = ySize / RowDistY;
    r = (r == 0) ? 1 : r;
  return r;
Exemplo n.º 3
*       _SetSelFromPos
static void _SetSelFromPos(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, LISTVIEW_Obj* pObj, const GUI_PID_STATE* pState) {
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  int x, y, HeaderHeight;
  HeaderHeight = HEADER_GetHeight(pObj->hHeader);
  WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar(hObj, &Rect);
  x = pState->x - Rect.x0;
  y = pState->y - Rect.y0 - HeaderHeight;
  Rect.x1 -= Rect.x0;
  Rect.y1 -= Rect.y0;
  if ((x >= 0) && (x <= Rect.x1) && (y >= 0) && (y <= (Rect.y1 - HeaderHeight))) {
    unsigned Sel;
    Sel = (y / LISTVIEW__GetRowDistY(pObj)) + pObj->ScrollStateV.v;
    if (Sel < GUI_ARRAY_GetNumItems(&pObj->RowArray)) {
      LISTVIEW_SetSel(hObj, Sel);
Exemplo n.º 4
*       _Paint
static void _Paint(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, LISTVIEW_Obj* pObj, WM_MESSAGE* pMsg) {
  const GUI_ARRAY* pRow;
  GUI_RECT ClipRect, Rect;
  int NumRows, NumVisRows, NumColumns;
  int LBorder, RBorder, EffectSize;
  int xPos, yPos, Width, RowDistY;
  int Align, i, j, EndRow;
  /* Init some values */
  NumColumns = HEADER_GetNumItems(pObj->hHeader);
  NumRows    = GUI_ARRAY_GetNumItems(&pObj->RowArray);
  NumVisRows = _GetNumVisibleRows(hObj, pObj);
  RowDistY   = LISTVIEW__GetRowDistY(pObj);
  LBorder    = pObj->LBorder;
  RBorder    = pObj->RBorder;
  EffectSize = pObj->Widget.pEffect->EffectSize;
  yPos       = HEADER_GetHeight(pObj->hHeader) + EffectSize;
  EndRow     = pObj->ScrollStateV.v + (((NumVisRows + 1) > NumRows) ? NumRows : NumVisRows + 1);
  /* Calculate clipping rectangle */
  ClipRect = *(const GUI_RECT*)pMsg->Data.p;
  GUI_MoveRect(&ClipRect, -pObj->Widget.Win.Rect.x0, -pObj->Widget.Win.Rect.y0);
  WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar(hObj, &Rect);
  GUI__IntersectRect(&ClipRect, &Rect);
  /* Set drawing color, font and text mode */
  /* Do the drawing */
  for (i = pObj->ScrollStateV.v; i < EndRow; i++) {
    pRow = (const GUI_ARRAY*)GUI_ARRAY_GetpItem(&pObj->RowArray, i);
    if (pRow) {
      Rect.y0 = yPos;
      /* Break when all other rows are outside the drawing area */
      if (Rect.y0 > ClipRect.y1) {
      Rect.y1 = yPos + RowDistY - 1;
      /* Make sure that we draw only when row is in drawing area */
      if (Rect.y1 >= ClipRect.y0) {
        int ColorIndex;
        /* Set background color */
        if (i == pObj->Sel) {
          ColorIndex = (pObj->Widget.State & WIDGET_STATE_FOCUS) ? 2 : 1;
        } else {
          ColorIndex = 0;
        /* Iterate over all columns */
        if (pObj->ShowGrid) {
        xPos = EffectSize - pObj->ScrollStateH.v;
        for (j = 0; j < NumColumns; j++) {
          Width   = HEADER_GetItemWidth(pObj->hHeader, j);
          Rect.x0 = xPos;
          /* Break when all other columns are outside the drawing area */
          if (Rect.x0 > ClipRect.x1) {
          Rect.x1 = xPos + Width - 1;
          /* Make sure that we draw only when column is in drawing area */
          if (Rect.x1 >= ClipRect.x0) {
            LISTVIEW_ITEM * pItem;
            pItem = (LISTVIEW_ITEM *)GUI_ARRAY_GetpItem(pRow, j);
            if (pItem->hItemInfo) {
              LISTVIEW_ITEM_INFO * pItemInfo;
              pItemInfo = (LISTVIEW_ITEM_INFO *)GUI_ALLOC_h2p(pItem->hItemInfo);
            } else {
            /* Clear background */
            GUI_ClearRect(Rect.x0, Rect.y0, Rect.x1, Rect.y1);
            /* Draw text */
            Rect.x0 += LBorder;
            Rect.x1 -= RBorder;
            Align = *((int*)GUI_ARRAY_GetpItem(&pObj->AlignArray, j));
            GUI_DispStringInRect(pItem->acText, &Rect, Align);
            if (pItem->hItemInfo) {
          xPos += Width;
        /* Clear unused area to the right of items */
        if (xPos <= ClipRect.x1) {
          GUI_ClearRect(xPos, Rect.y0, ClipRect.x1, Rect.y1);
      yPos += RowDistY;
  /* Clear unused area below items */
  if (yPos <= ClipRect.y1) {
    GUI_ClearRect(ClipRect.x0, yPos, ClipRect.x1, ClipRect.y1);
  /* Draw grid */
  if (pObj->ShowGrid) {
    yPos = HEADER_GetHeight(pObj->hHeader) + EffectSize - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < NumVisRows; i++) {
      yPos += RowDistY;
      /* Break when all other rows are outside the drawing area */
      if (yPos > ClipRect.y1) {
      /* Make sure that we draw only when row is in drawing area */
      if (yPos >= ClipRect.y0) {
        GUI_DrawHLine(yPos, ClipRect.x0, ClipRect.x1);
    xPos = EffectSize - pObj->ScrollStateH.v;
    for (i = 0; i < NumColumns; i++) {
      xPos += HEADER_GetItemWidth(pObj->hHeader, i);
      /* Break when all other columns are outside the drawing area */
      if (xPos > ClipRect.x1) {
      /* Make sure that we draw only when column is in drawing area */
      if (xPos >= ClipRect.x0) {
        GUI_DrawVLine(xPos, ClipRect.y0, ClipRect.y1);
  /* Draw the effect */
Exemplo n.º 5
*       _Paint
static void _Paint(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, LISTVIEW_Obj* pObj, WM_MESSAGE* pMsg) {
  const LISTVIEW_ROW* pRow;
  GUI_RECT ClipRect, Rect;
  int NumRows, NumVisRows, NumColumns;
  int LBorder, RBorder, EffectSize;
  int xPos, yPos, Width, RowDistY;
  int Align, i, j, EndRow;
  /* Init some values */
  NumColumns = LISTVIEW__GetNumColumns(pObj);
  NumRows    = LISTVIEW__GetNumRows(pObj);
  NumVisRows = _GetNumVisibleRows(hObj, pObj);
  RowDistY   = LISTVIEW__GetRowDistY(pObj);
  LBorder    = pObj->LBorder;
  RBorder    = pObj->RBorder;
  EffectSize = pObj->Widget.pEffect->EffectSize;
  yPos       = HEADER_GetHeight(pObj->hHeader) + EffectSize;
  /* Calculate clipping rectangle */
  ClipRect = *(const GUI_RECT*)pMsg->Data.p;
  GUI_MoveRect(&ClipRect, -pObj->Widget.Win.Rect.x0, -pObj->Widget.Win.Rect.y0);
  WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar(hObj, &Rect);
  GUI__IntersectRect(&ClipRect, &Rect);
  /* Set drawing color, font and text mode */
  /* Sort before drawing, because scroll position may change */
  if (pObj->hSort && (pObj->SortIndex >= 0)) {
    LISTVIEW_SORT * pSort;
    pSort = (LISTVIEW_SORT *)GUI_ALLOC_h2p(pObj->hSort);
    if (pSort->fpSort(hObj)) {
      return; /* Return on error */
  /* Calculate end row after sorting, because scroll position may have changed */
  EndRow = pObj->ScrollStateV.v + (((NumVisRows + 1) > NumRows) ? NumRows : NumVisRows + 1);
  /* Do the drawing */
  for (i = pObj->ScrollStateV.v; i < EndRow; i++) {
    pRow = _GetpRow(pObj, i);
    if (pRow) {
      Rect.y0 = yPos;
      /* Break when all other rows are outside the drawing area */
      if (Rect.y0 > ClipRect.y1) {
      Rect.y1 = yPos + RowDistY - 1;
      /* Make sure that we draw only when row is in drawing area */
      if (Rect.y1 >= ClipRect.y0) {
        int ColorIndex;
        /* Set background color */
        if (pRow->Disabled) {
          ColorIndex = LISTVIEW_CI_DISABLED;
        } else if (i == pObj->Sel) {
          ColorIndex = (pObj->Widget.State & WIDGET_STATE_FOCUS) ? LISTVIEW_CI_SELFOCUS : LISTVIEW_CI_SEL;
        } else {
          ColorIndex = LISTVIEW_CI_UNSEL;
        /* Iterate over all columns */
        if (pObj->ShowGrid) {
        xPos = EffectSize - pObj->ScrollStateH.v;
        for (j = 0; j < NumColumns; j++) {
          Width   = HEADER_GetItemWidth(pObj->hHeader, j);
          Rect.x0 = xPos;
          /* Break when all other columns are outside the drawing area */
          if (Rect.x0 > ClipRect.x1) {
          Rect.x1 = xPos + Width - 1;
          /* Make sure that we draw only when column is in drawing area */
          if (Rect.x1 >= ClipRect.x0) {
            LISTVIEW_COLUMN* pColumn;
            LISTVIEW_CELL* pCell;
            pCell = (LISTVIEW_CELL*)GUI_ARRAY_GetpItem(&pRow->CellArray, j);
            if (pCell) {
              if (pCell->hCellInfo) {
                LISTVIEW_CELL_INFO* pCellInfo;
                pCellInfo = (LISTVIEW_CELL_INFO*) GUI_ALLOC_h2p(pCell->hCellInfo);
              } else {
              /* Clear background */
              GUI_ClearRect(Rect.x0, Rect.y0, Rect.x1, Rect.y1);
              /* Draw text */
              Rect.x0 += LBorder;
              Rect.x1 -= RBorder;
              pColumn = (LISTVIEW_COLUMN*) GUI_ARRAY_GetpItem(&pObj->ColumnArray, j);
              Align = pColumn->Align;
              GUI_DispStringInRect(pCell->acText, &Rect, Align);
              if (pCell->hCellInfo) {
          xPos += Width;
        /* Clear unused area to the right of items */
        if (xPos <= ClipRect.x1) {
          GUI_ClearRect(xPos, Rect.y0, ClipRect.x1, Rect.y1);
      yPos += RowDistY;
  /* Clear unused area below items */
  if (yPos <= ClipRect.y1) {
    GUI_ClearRect(ClipRect.x0, yPos, ClipRect.x1, ClipRect.y1);
  /* Draw grid */
  if (pObj->ShowGrid) {
    yPos = HEADER_GetHeight(pObj->hHeader) + EffectSize - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < NumVisRows; i++) {
      yPos += RowDistY;
      /* Break when all other rows are outside the drawing area */
      if (yPos > ClipRect.y1) {
      /* Make sure that we draw only when row is in drawing area */
      if (yPos >= ClipRect.y0) {
        GUI_DrawHLine(yPos, ClipRect.x0, ClipRect.x1);
    xPos = EffectSize - pObj->ScrollStateH.v;
    for (i = 0; i < NumColumns; i++) {
      xPos += HEADER_GetItemWidth(pObj->hHeader, i);
      /* Break when all other columns are outside the drawing area */
      if (xPos > ClipRect.x1) {
      /* Make sure that we draw only when column is in drawing area */
      if (xPos >= ClipRect.x0) {
        GUI_DrawVLine(xPos, ClipRect.y0, ClipRect.y1);
  /* Draw the effect */