Exemplo n.º 1
static LLVMValueRef
CreateFibFunction(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMContextRef Context)
	LLVMBuilderRef B = LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(Context);

	// Create the fib function and insert it into module M. This function is said
	// to return an int and take an int parameter.
	LLVMTypeRef  ParamTypes[] = {LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context)};
	LLVMTypeRef  ReturnType   = LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context);
	LLVMTypeRef  FunctionTy   = LLVMFunctionType(ReturnType, ParamTypes, 1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef FibF         = LLVMAddFunction(M, "fib", FunctionTy);

	// Add a basic block to the function.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef BB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "EntryBlock");

	// Get pointers to the constants.
	LLVMValueRef One = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context), 1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef Two = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context), 2, 0);

	// Get pointer to the integer argument of the add1 function...
	LLVMValueRef ArgX = LLVMGetFirstParam(FibF); // Get the arg.
	LLVMSetValueName(ArgX, "AnArg");             // Give it a nice symbolic name for fun.

	// Create the true_block.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef RetBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "return");

	// Create an exit block.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef RecurseBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "recurse");

	// Create the "if (arg <= 2) goto exitbb"
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, BB);
	LLVMValueRef CondInst = LLVMBuildICmp(B, LLVMIntSLE, ArgX, Two, "cond");
	LLVMBuildCondBr(B, CondInst, RetBB, RecurseBB);

	// Create: ret int 1
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RetBB);
	LLVMBuildRet(B, One);

	// create fib(x-1)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMValueRef Sub       = LLVMBuildSub(B, ArgX, One, "arg");
	LLVMValueRef CallFibX1 = LLVMBuildCall(B, FibF, &Sub, 1, "fibx1");
	LLVMSetTailCall(CallFibX1, 1);

	// create fib(x-2)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	Sub                    = LLVMBuildSub(B, ArgX, Two, "arg");
	LLVMValueRef CallFibX2 = LLVMBuildCall(B, FibF, &Sub, 1, "fibx2");
	LLVMSetTailCall(CallFibX2, 1);

	// fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMValueRef Sum = LLVMBuildAdd(B, CallFibX1, CallFibX2, "addresult");

	// Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMBuildRet(B, Sum);

	return FibF;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main()
	LLVMContextRef context = LLVMGetGlobalContext();
	LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("test-101");
	LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder();
	// LLVMInt32Type()
	// LLVMFunctionType(rtnType, paramType, parmCnt, isVarArg)
	// LLVMAddFunction(module, name, functionType)
	LLVMTypeRef main = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), NULL, 0, 0);
	LLVMValueRef mainFn = LLVMAddFunction(module, "main", main);
	LLVMBasicBlockRef mainBlk = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(mainFn, "entry");
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, mainBlk);
	LLVMValueRef str =
	    LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(builder, "Hello World!", "str");
	LLVMTypeRef args[1];
	args[0] = LLVMPointerType(LLVMInt8Type(), 0);
	LLVMTypeRef puts = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), args, 1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef putsFn = LLVMAddFunction(module, "puts", puts);

	LLVMBuildCall(builder, putsFn, &str, 1, "");

	LLVMBuildRet(builder, LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0));


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void donotoptimise_apply(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t,
  reach_method_t* m)
  const char* strtab_name = m->name;
  m->intrinsic = true;

  ast_t* typearg = ast_child(m->typeargs);
  reach_type_t* t_elem = reach_type(c->reach, typearg);
  LLVMTypeRef params[2];
  params[0] = t->use_type;
  params[1] = t_elem->use_type;

  start_function(c, m, m->result->use_type, params, 2);

  LLVMValueRef obj = LLVMGetParam(m->func, 1);
  LLVMTypeRef void_fn = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type, &t_elem->use_type, 1,
  LLVMValueRef asmstr = LLVMConstInlineAsm(void_fn, "", "imr,~{memory}", true,
  LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, asmstr, &obj, 1, "");

  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, m->result->instance);

Exemplo n.º 4
LLVMValueRef JITImpl::
emitCallToBeInlined(LLVMValueRef fn, LLVMValueRef *args, unsigned numArgs)
  LLVMValueRef call = LLVMBuildCall(builder, fn, args, numArgs, "");
  return call;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Generates LLVM IR to call debug_printf.
static LLVMValueRef
lp_build_print_args(struct gallivm_state* gallivm,
                    int argcount,
                    LLVMValueRef* args)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMContextRef context = gallivm->context;
   LLVMValueRef func_printf;
   LLVMTypeRef printf_type;
   int i;

   assert(argcount > 0);
   assert(LLVMTypeOf(args[0]) == LLVMPointerType(LLVMInt8TypeInContext(context), 0));

   /* Cast any float arguments to doubles as printf expects */
   for (i = 1; i < argcount; i++) {
      LLVMTypeRef type = LLVMTypeOf(args[i]);

      if (LLVMGetTypeKind(type) == LLVMFloatTypeKind)
         args[i] = LLVMBuildFPExt(builder, args[i], LLVMDoubleTypeInContext(context), "");

   printf_type = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(context), NULL, 0, 1);
   func_printf = lp_build_const_int_pointer(gallivm, func_to_pointer((func_pointer)debug_printf));
   func_printf = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, func_printf, LLVMPointerType(printf_type, 0), "debug_printf");

   return LLVMBuildCall(builder, func_printf, args, argcount, "");
Exemplo n.º 6
static void make_rdtscp(compile_t* c)
    // i64 @llvm.x86.rdtscp(i8*)
    LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->i64, &c->void_ptr, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef rdtscp = LLVMAddFunction(c->module, "llvm.x86.rdtscp",

    // i64 @internal.x86.rdtscp(i32*)
    LLVMTypeRef i32_ptr = LLVMPointerType(c->i32, 0);
    f_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->i64, &i32_ptr, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef fun = codegen_addfun(c, "internal.x86.rdtscp", f_type);
    LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(fun, LLVMCCallConv);
    codegen_startfun(c, fun, NULL, NULL);

    // Cast i32* to i8* and call the intrinsic.
    LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(fun, 0);
    arg = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, c->void_ptr, "");
    LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, rdtscp, &arg, 1, "");
    LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);

  } else {
Exemplo n.º 7
LLVMValueRef codegen_call(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef fun, LLVMValueRef* args,
  size_t count)
  LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, fun, args, (int)count, "");
  LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(result, c->callconv);
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 8
JITFunctionInfo *JITImpl::
getJITFunctionOrStubImpl(JITCoreInfo &coreInfo, uint32_t pc)
  JITFunctionInfo *&info = coreInfo.functionMap[pc];
  if (info)
    return info;
  LLVMBasicBlockRef savedInsertPoint = LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder);
  LLVMValueRef f = LLVMAddFunction(module, "", jitFunctionType);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(f, LLVMFastCallConv);
  LLVMBasicBlockRef entryBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(f, "entry");
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entryBB);
  LLVMValueRef args[] = {
    LLVMGetParam(f, 0)
  LLVMValueRef call =
    LLVMBuildCall(builder, functions.jitStubImpl, args, 1, "");
  LLVMBuildRet(builder, call);
  if (DEBUG_JIT) {
    LLVMVerifyFunction(f, LLVMAbortProcessAction);
  JITInstructionFunction_t code =
     LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(executionEngine, f));
  info = new JITFunctionInfo(pc, f, code, true);
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, savedInsertPoint);
  return info;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: gentype.c Projeto: nunb/ponyc
static bool trace_fields(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, LLVMValueRef ctx,
  LLVMValueRef object, int extra)
  bool need_trace = false;

  for(int i = 0; i < g->field_count; i++)
    LLVMValueRef field = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, object, i + extra, "");

    if(g->field_keys[i] != TK_EMBED)
      // Call the trace function indirectly depending on rcaps.
      LLVMValueRef value = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, field, "");
      need_trace |= gentrace(c, ctx, value, g->fields[i]);
    } else {
      // Call the trace function directly without marking the field.
      const char* fun = genname_trace(genname_type(g->fields[i]));
      LLVMValueRef trace_fn = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, fun);

      if(trace_fn != NULL)
        LLVMValueRef args[2];
        args[0] = ctx;
        args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, field, c->object_ptr, "");

        LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, trace_fn, args, 2, "");
        need_trace = true;

  return need_trace;
Exemplo n.º 10
LLVMValueRef gencall_runtime(compile_t* c, const char *name,
  LLVMValueRef* args, int count, const char* ret)
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, name);

  pony_assert(func != NULL);

  return LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, func, args, count, ret);
Exemplo n.º 11
LLVMValueRef build_utcb_get(struct llvm_ctx *ctx)
	LLVMTypeRef fntype = LLVMFunctionType(ctx->wordt, NULL, 0, 0);
	LLVMValueRef func = LLVMConstInlineAsm(fntype, "movl %gs:0,$0\n",
			"=r,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}", 0, 0);
	LLVMValueRef call = LLVMBuildCall(ctx->builder, func, NULL, 0, "utcbget");
	LLVMSetTailCall(call, 1);
	return LLVMBuildIntToPtr(ctx->builder, call,
		LLVMPointerType(ctx->wordt, 0), "utcb.wordp");
Exemplo n.º 12
/* call a function to decode the structure. */
void decode_packed_struct_fncall(
	struct llvm_ctx *ctx,
	LLVMValueRef dstptr,
	IDL_tree ctyp,
	LLVMValueRef first_mr,
	LLVMValueRef bit_offset)
	V decode_fn = get_struct_decoder_fn(ctx, ctyp);
	const struct packed_format *fmt = packed_format_of(ctyp);
	assert(fmt != NULL);
	if(fmt->num_bits < BITS_PER_WORD) {
		/* decoder function does have a bit-offset parameter. */
		V parms[3] = { dstptr, first_mr, bit_offset };
		LLVMBuildCall(ctx->builder, decode_fn, parms, 3, "");
	} else {
		V parms[2] = { dstptr, first_mr };
		LLVMBuildCall(ctx->builder, decode_fn, parms, 2, "");
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: codegen.c Projeto: dckc/ponyc
LLVMValueRef codegen_call(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef fun, LLVMValueRef* args,
  size_t count)
  LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, fun, args, (int)count, "");

    LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(result, GEN_CALLCONV);

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 14
void gencall_lifetime_end(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef ptr)
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMLifetimeEnd(c->module);
  LLVMTypeRef type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(ptr));
  size_t size = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, type);

  LLVMValueRef args[2];
  args[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i64, size, false);
  args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, ptr, c->void_ptr, "");
  LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, func, args, 2, "");
Exemplo n.º 15
void gencall_throw(compile_t* c)
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, "pony_throw");

  if(c->frame->invoke_target != NULL)
    invoke_fun(c, func, NULL, 0, "", false);
    LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, func, NULL, 0, "");

Exemplo n.º 16
void JITImpl::
emitJumpToNextFragment(JITCoreInfo &coreInfo, uint32_t targetPc,
                       JITFunctionInfo *caller)
  LLVMValueRef next = getJITFunctionOrStub(coreInfo, targetPc, caller);
  LLVMValueRef args[] = {
  LLVMValueRef call = LLVMBuildCall(builder, next, args, 1, "");
  LLVMSetTailCall(call, true);
  LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(call, LLVMFastCallConv);
  LLVMBuildRet(builder, call);
Exemplo n.º 17
LLVMValueRef gencall_runtime(compile_t* c, const char *name,
  LLVMValueRef* args, int count, const char* ret)
  // Disable debug anchor
  dwarf_location(&c->dwarf, NULL);

  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, name);

  if(func == NULL)
    return NULL;

  return LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, func, args, count, ret);
Exemplo n.º 18
void gencall_memmove(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef dst, LLVMValueRef src,
  LLVMValueRef n)
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMMemmove(c->module, target_is_ilp32(c->opt->triple));

  LLVMValueRef args[5];
  args[0] = dst;
  args[1] = src;
  args[2] = n;
  args[3] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 1, false);
  args[4] = LLVMConstInt(c->i1, 0, false);
  LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, func, args, 5, "");
Exemplo n.º 19
lp_build_intrinsic(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                   const char *name,
                   LLVMTypeRef ret_type,
                   LLVMValueRef *args,
                   unsigned num_args,
                   unsigned attr_mask)
   LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMGetGlobalParent(LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder)));
   LLVMValueRef function, call;
   bool set_callsite_attrs = HAVE_LLVM >= 0x0400 &&
                             !(attr_mask & LP_FUNC_ATTR_LEGACY);

   function = LLVMGetNamedFunction(module, name);
   if(!function) {
      LLVMTypeRef arg_types[LP_MAX_FUNC_ARGS];
      unsigned i;

      assert(num_args <= LP_MAX_FUNC_ARGS);

      for(i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
         arg_types[i] = LLVMTypeOf(args[i]);

      function = lp_declare_intrinsic(module, name, ret_type, arg_types, num_args);

       * If llvm removes an intrinsic we use, we'll hit this abort (rather
       * than a call to address zero in the jited code).
      if (LLVMGetIntrinsicID(function) == 0) {
         _debug_printf("llvm (version 0x%x) found no intrinsic for %s, going to crash...\n",
                HAVE_LLVM, name);

      if (!set_callsite_attrs)
         lp_add_func_attributes(function, attr_mask);

      if (gallivm_debug & GALLIVM_DEBUG_IR) {

   call = LLVMBuildCall(builder, function, args, num_args, "");
   if (set_callsite_attrs)
      lp_add_func_attributes(call, attr_mask);
   return call;
Exemplo n.º 20
LLVMValueRef build_recv_stritem_len(
	struct llvm_ctx *ctx,
	LLVMValueRef *nullpos_p,
	LLVMValueRef tpos)
	LLVMValueRef args[2] = { ctx->utcb, tpos };
	LLVMValueRef agg = LLVMBuildCall(ctx->builder,
		get_stritem_len_fn(ctx), args, 2, "stritemlen.rval");
	LLVMSetTailCall(agg, 1);
	*nullpos_p = LLVMBuildExtractValue(ctx->builder, agg, 0,
	return LLVMBuildExtractValue(ctx->builder, agg, 1,
Exemplo n.º 21
LLVMValueRef encode_packed_struct_fncall(
	struct llvm_ctx *ctx,
	LLVMValueRef first_mr_word,
	LLVMValueRef bit_offset,
	IDL_tree ctyp,
	LLVMValueRef src_base)
	V fn = get_struct_encoder_fn(ctx, ctyp);
	const struct packed_format *fmt = packed_format_of(ctyp);
	assert(fmt != NULL);
	if(fmt->num_bits < BITS_PER_WORD) {
		/* subword structure; pass bit offset & value. */
		if(bit_offset == NULL) bit_offset = CONST_INT(0);
		/* NOTE: (word) const void *, word, i32 */
		V parms[3] = { src_base, first_mr_word, bit_offset };
		return LLVMBuildCall(ctx->builder, fn, parms, 3, "wordval.next");
	} else {
		assert(bit_offset == NULL);
		/* NOTE: (void) const void *, i32 */
		V parms[2] = { src_base, first_mr_word };
		LLVMBuildCall(ctx->builder, fn, parms, 2, "");
		return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 22
static LLVMValueRef
translateStringBinOp(NodeKind Op, LLVMValueRef ValueE1, LLVMValueRef ValueE2) {
  LLVMValueRef StrCmpFn   = LLVMGetNamedFunction(Module, "strcmp");
  LLVMValueRef CmpArgs[]  = { ValueE1, ValueE2 },
               CallStrCmp = LLVMBuildCall(Builder, StrCmpFn, CmpArgs, 2, ""),
               ZeroConst  = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 1);
  switch (Op) {
    case LtOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSLT, CallStrCmp, ZeroConst, ""); 
    case LeOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSLE, CallStrCmp, ZeroConst, "");
    case GtOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSGT, CallStrCmp, ZeroConst, "");
    case GeOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSGE, CallStrCmp, ZeroConst, "");
    case EqOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntEQ,  CallStrCmp, ZeroConst, "");
    case DiffOp: return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntNE,  CallStrCmp, ZeroConst, "");
    default:     return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 23
static void donotoptimise_observe(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)

  start_function(c, m, m->result->use_type, &t->use_type, 1);

  LLVMTypeRef void_fn = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type, NULL, 0, false);
  LLVMValueRef asmstr = LLVMConstInlineAsm(void_fn, "", "~{memory}", true,
  LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, asmstr, NULL, 0, "");

  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, m->result->instance);

Exemplo n.º 24
LLVMValueRef build_l4_ipc_call(
	struct llvm_ctx *ctx,
	LLVMValueRef arg_to,
	LLVMValueRef arg_timeouts,
	LLVMValueRef arg_fromspec,
	LLVMValueRef arg_mr0,
	LLVMValueRef *from_p,
	LLVMValueRef *mr1_p,
	LLVMValueRef *mr2_p)
	LLVMTypeRef params[5];
	for(int i=0; i<5; i++) params[i] = ctx->wordt;
	LLVMTypeRef ipc_result_type = LLVMStructTypeInContext(ctx->ctx,
		params, 4, 0);
	LLVMTypeRef ipc_type = LLVMFunctionType(ipc_result_type,
		params, 5, 0);
	LLVMValueRef fn = LLVMConstInlineAsm(ipc_type,
		/* NOTE: this compensates against LLVM 3.3's inability to save %ebp
		 * over an asm statement. clearly a bug, but w/e.
		 * it's been around since at least LLVM 3.2.
		"  pushl %ebp\n"
		"\tcall __L4_Ipc\n"
		"\tmovl %ebp, %ecx\n"
		"\tpopl %ebp\n",
		1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef args[5] = {
		arg_to, arg_timeouts, arg_fromspec, arg_mr0,
		LLVMBuildPtrToInt(ctx->builder, ctx->utcb, ctx->wordt,
	LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildCall(ctx->builder, fn, args, 5, "l4ipc");
	LLVMSetTailCall(result, 1);

	if(from_p != NULL) {
		*from_p = LLVMBuildExtractValue(ctx->builder, result, 0, "from");
	if(mr1_p != NULL) {
		*mr1_p = LLVMBuildExtractValue(ctx->builder, result, 2, "mr1");
	if(mr2_p != NULL) {
		*mr2_p = LLVMBuildExtractValue(ctx->builder, result, 3, "mr2");
	return LLVMBuildExtractValue(ctx->builder, result, 1, "mr0");
Exemplo n.º 25
 * lp_build_assert.
 * Build an assertion in LLVM IR by building a function call to the
 * lp_assert() function above.
 * \param condition should be an 'i1' or 'i32' value
 * \param msg  a string to print if the assertion fails.
lp_build_assert(LLVMBuilderRef builder, LLVMValueRef condition,
                const char *msg)
   LLVMModuleRef module;
   LLVMTypeRef arg_types[2];
   LLVMValueRef msg_string, assert_func, params[2], r;

   module = LLVMGetGlobalParent(LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(

   msg_string = lp_build_const_string_variable(module, msg, strlen(msg) + 1);

   arg_types[0] = LLVMInt32Type();
   arg_types[1] = LLVMPointerType(LLVMInt8Type(), 0);

   /* lookup the lp_assert function */
   assert_func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(module, "lp_assert");

   /* Create the assertion function if not found */
   if (!assert_func) {
      LLVMTypeRef func_type =
         LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidType(), arg_types, 2, 0);

      assert_func = LLVMAddFunction(module, "lp_assert", func_type);
      LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(assert_func, LLVMCCallConv);
      LLVMSetLinkage(assert_func, LLVMExternalLinkage);
      LLVMAddGlobalMapping(lp_build_engine, assert_func,

   /* build function call param list */
   params[0] = LLVMBuildZExt(builder, condition, arg_types[0], "");
   params[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, msg_string, arg_types[1], "");

   /* check arg types */
   assert(LLVMTypeOf(params[0]) == arg_types[0]);
   assert(LLVMTypeOf(params[1]) == arg_types[1]);

   r = LLVMBuildCall(builder, assert_func, params, 2, "");

   return r;
Exemplo n.º 26
static bool trace_tuple(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef ctx, LLVMValueRef value,
  ast_t* type)
  // Invoke the trace function directly. Do not trace the address of the tuple.
  const char* type_name = genname_type(type);
  const char* trace_name = genname_tracetuple(type_name);
  LLVMValueRef trace_fn = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, trace_name);

  // There will be no trace function if the tuple doesn't need tracing.
  if(trace_fn == NULL)
    return false;

  LLVMValueRef args[2];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = value;

  LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, trace_fn, args, 2, "");
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
JITInstructionFunction_t JITImpl::getFunctionThunk(JITFunctionInfo &info)
  LLVMValueRef f = LLVMAddFunction(module, "", jitFunctionType);
  LLVMValueRef thread = LLVMGetParam(f, 0);
  LLVMBasicBlockRef entryBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(f, "entry");
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entryBB);
  LLVMValueRef args[] = {
  LLVMValueRef call = LLVMBuildCall(builder, info.value, args, 1, "");
  LLVMSetTailCall(call, true);
  LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(call, LLVMFastCallConv);
  LLVMBuildRet(builder, call);
  if (DEBUG_JIT) {
    LLVMVerifyFunction(f, LLVMAbortProcessAction);
  return reinterpret_cast<JITInstructionFunction_t>(
    LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(executionEngine, f));
Exemplo n.º 28
SCM llvm_build_call(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_llvm, SCM scm_return_type, SCM scm_function_name, SCM scm_argument_types, SCM scm_values)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_module_t *llvm = get_llvm(scm_llvm);
  char *function_name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_function_name);
  LLVMValueRef function_pointer = LLVMAddFunction(llvm->module, function_name, function_type(scm_return_type, scm_argument_types));
  // LLVMAddFunctionAttr(function_pointer, LLVMExternalLinkage);
  int n_values = scm_ilength(scm_values);
  LLVMValueRef *values = scm_gc_malloc_pointerless(n_values * sizeof(LLVMValueRef), "llvm-build-call");
  for (int i=0; i<n_values; i++) {
    values[i] = get_llvm_value(scm_car(scm_values))->value;
    scm_values = scm_cdr(scm_values);
  struct llvm_value_t *result = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvmvalue");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, result);
  result->value = LLVMBuildCall(function->builder, function_pointer, values, n_values, "x");
  return retval;
Exemplo n.º 29
 * lp_build_printf.
 * Build printf call in LLVM IR. The output goes to stdout.
 * The additional variable arguments need to have type
 * LLVMValueRef.
lp_build_printf(struct gallivm_state *gallivm, const char *fmt, ...)
   va_list arglist;
   int i = 0;
   int argcount = lp_get_printf_arg_count(fmt);
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMContextRef context = gallivm->context;
   LLVMModuleRef module = gallivm->module;
   LLVMValueRef params[50];
   LLVMValueRef fmtarg = lp_build_const_string_variable(module, context,
                                                        fmt, strlen(fmt) + 1);
   LLVMValueRef int0 = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 0);
   LLVMValueRef index[2];
   LLVMValueRef func_printf = LLVMGetNamedFunction(module, "printf");

   assert(Elements(params) >= argcount + 1);

   index[0] = index[1] = int0;

   if (!func_printf) {
      LLVMTypeRef printf_type = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMIntTypeInContext(context, 32), NULL, 0, 1);
      func_printf = LLVMAddFunction(module, "printf", printf_type);

   params[0] = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, fmtarg, index, 2, "");

   va_start(arglist, fmt);
   for (i = 1; i <= argcount; i++) {
      LLVMValueRef val = va_arg(arglist, LLVMValueRef);
      LLVMTypeRef type = LLVMTypeOf(val);
      /* printf wants doubles, so lets convert so that
       * we can actually print them */
      if (LLVMGetTypeKind(type) == LLVMFloatTypeKind)
         val = LLVMBuildFPExt(builder, val, LLVMDoubleTypeInContext(context), "");
      params[i] = val;

   return LLVMBuildCall(builder, func_printf, params, argcount + 1, "");
Exemplo n.º 30
LLVMValueRef gen_call(struct node *ast)
	LLVMValueRef func, *arg_list = NULL;
	struct node *n;
	int arg_count, i;

	func = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder,
			LLVMPointerType(TYPE_FUNC, 0),

	arg_count = count_chain(ast->two);
	arg_list = calloc(sizeof(LLVMValueRef), arg_count);

	if (arg_count > 0 && arg_list == NULL)
		generror("out of memory");

	for (i = 0, n = ast->two; i < arg_count; i++, n = n->two)
		arg_list[arg_count - i - 1] = codegen(n->one);

	return LLVMBuildCall(builder, func, arg_list, arg_count, "");