Exemplo n.º 1
 * Validate the parameters passed in from the configuration file
void Cinitial::DoValidate() {
	min_age_ = model_->min_age();
	max_age_ = model_->max_age();

  if (max_age_ < min_age_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_MIN_AGE) << "(" << min_age_ << ") cannot be less than the max age(" << max_age_ << ")";

  column_count_ = (max_age_ - min_age_) + 2;

   * Convert the string values to doubles and load them in to a table.
  vector<vector<string>>& data = n_table_->data();
  unsigned row_number = 1;
  for (auto row : data) {
    string row_label = row[0];
    // CHeck that it is a valid category
    bool check_combined = model_->categories()->IsCombinedLabels(row_label);
    LOG_FINEST() << "Checking row with label = " << row_label;
    if (find(category_labels_.begin(),category_labels_.end(), row_label )== category_labels_.end())
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_N) << " Could not find '" << row_label << "' in the categories supplied, please make sure that categories supplied is the same as the row labels.";

    if (check_combined) {
      vector<string> split_category_labels;
      boost::split(split_category_labels, row_label, boost::is_any_of("+"));
      unsigned category_iter = 0;
      for (const string& split_category_label : split_category_labels) {
        if (!model_->categories()->IsValid(split_category_label)) {
          LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_N)<< ": The category " << split_category_label << " is not a valid category.";
    } else {
      if (!model_->categories()->IsValid(row_label))
        LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_N) << ": The category " << row_label << " is not a valid category.";
    // convert to lower case
    row_label = utilities::ToLowercase(row_label);
    if (row.size() != column_count_)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_N) << "the " << row_number << "the row has " << row.size() << " values but " << column_count_ << " values are expected";
    if (n_.find(row_label) != n_.end())
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_N) << "the category " << row_label << " is defined more than once. You can only define a category once";

    for (unsigned i = 1; i < row.size(); ++i) {
      Double temp = Double();
      if (!utilities::To<Double>(row[i], temp))
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_N) << "value (" << row[i] << ") in row " << row_number << " is not a valid numeric";
Exemplo n.º 2
void Project::Build() {
  string error = "";
  if (!model_->objects().VerfiyAddressableForUse(parameter_, addressable::kProject, error)) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_PARAMETER) << "could not be verified for use in a @project block. Error was " << error;

  addressable::Type addressable_type = model_->objects().GetAddressableType(parameter_);
  switch(addressable_type) {
    case addressable::kInvalid:
      LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "Invalid addressable type: " << parameter_;
    case addressable::kSingle:
      LOG_FINEST() << "applying projection for parameter " << parameter_ << " is an single type";
      DoUpdateFunc_ = &Project::SetSingleValue;
      addressable_    = model_->objects().GetAddressable(parameter_);
      original_value_ = *addressable_;
    case addressable::kVector:
      LOG_FINEST() << "applying projection for parameter " << parameter_ << " is a vector";
      addressable_vector_ = model_->objects().GetAddressableVector(parameter_);
      DoUpdateFunc_ = &Project::SetVectorValue;
    case addressable::kUnsignedMap:
      LOG_FINEST() << "applying projection for parameter " << parameter_ << " is an unsigned map";
      DoUpdateFunc_ = &Project::SetMapValue;
      addressable_map_ = model_->objects().GetAddressableUMap(parameter_);
      LOG_ERROR() << "The addressable you have provided for use in a projection: " << parameter_ << " is not a type that is supported for projection modification";
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Build all of the runtime relationships required for
 * this observation
void Observation::Build() {

  likelihood_ = model_->managers().likelihood()->GetOrCreateLikelihood(model_, label_, likelihood_type_);
  if (!likelihood_) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_LIKELIHOOD) << "(" << likelihood_type_ << ") could not be found or constructed.";
  if (std::find(allowed_likelihood_types_.begin(), allowed_likelihood_types_.end(), likelihood_->type()) == allowed_likelihood_types_.end()) {
    string allowed = boost::algorithm::join(allowed_likelihood_types_, ", ");
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_LIKELIHOOD) << ": likelihood " << likelihood_->type() << " is not supported by the " << type_ << " observation."
        << " Allowed types are: " << allowed;

Exemplo n.º 4
 * Get the score for this penalty
 * @return Penalty score
Double VectorSmoothing::GetScore() {
  vector<Double> values;
  if (estimable_vector_ != 0)
    values.assign((*estimable_vector_).begin(), (*estimable_vector_).end());
  else if (estimable_map_ != 0) {
    for (auto iter : (*estimable_map_))
  } else
    LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "(estimable_map_ != 0) && (estimable_map_ != 0)";

  if(upper_ == lower_ && upper_ == 0u) {
    upper_ = values.size();
    lower_ = 1;

  if(upper_ == lower_)
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_UPPER_BOUND) << "Lower and upper bound cannot be equal";
  if (upper_ > values.size())
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_UPPER_BOUND) << "The last element must not be greater than size of vector";
  if (lower_ < 1)
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_LOWER_BOUND) << "The first element must not be less than 1";

  if (r_ >= (upper_ - lower_))
  LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_R) << PARAM_R << " R cannot be greater than or equal to size of vector - 1";

  Double score = 0.0;
  if (log_scale_) {
    for (Double& value : values)
      value = log(value);
  for (unsigned i = 1; i <= r_; ++i) {
    for(unsigned j = (lower_ - 1); j <= ((upper_ - 1) - i); ++j) {
      values[j] = values[j + 1] - values[j];
    values[(upper_ - 1) - i + 1] = 0;

  for (unsigned k = (lower_ - 1); k <= (upper_ - 1); ++k)
    score += values[k] * values[k];
  return score * multiplier_;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Build our process proportions by category
void ProcessProportionsByCategory::DoBuild() {

  if (process_proportion_ < 0.0 || process_proportion_ > 1.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS_PROPORTION) << ": process_proportion (" << AS_DOUBLE(process_proportion_) << ") must be between 0.0 and 1.0";
  proportion_of_time_ = process_proportion_;

  auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP) << time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  } else {
    for (unsigned year : years_)
      time_step->SubscribeToProcess(this, year, process_label_);
 * Build any runtime relationships we may have and ensure
 * the labels for other objects are valid.
void ProcessRemovalsByLength::DoBuild() {
  partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));
  cached_partition_ = CachedCombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::cached::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));

//  if (ageing_error_label_ != "")
//   LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "ageing error has not been implemented for the proportions at age observation";

  length_results_.resize(number_bins_ * category_labels_.size(), 0.0);

  auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP)<< time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  } else {
    auto process = time_step->SubscribeToProcess(this, years_, process_label_);
    mortality_instantaneous_ = dynamic_cast<MortalityInstantaneous*>(process);

  if (!mortality_instantaneous_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS) << "This observation can only be used for Process of type = " << PARAM_MORTALITY_INSTANTANEOUS;

  // Need to split the categories if any are combined for checking
  vector<string> temp_split_category_labels, split_category_labels;

  for (const string& category_label : category_labels_) {
    boost::split(temp_split_category_labels, category_label, boost::is_any_of("+"));
    for (const string& split_category_label : temp_split_category_labels) {

  // Need to make this a vector so its compatible with the function couldn't be bothered templating sorry
  vector<string> methods;
  // Do some checks so that the observation and process are compatible
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_methods_for_removal_obs(methods))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_METHOD_OF_REMOVAL) << "could not find all these methods in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the methods are compatible with this process";
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_categories_in_methods_for_removal_obs(methods, split_category_labels))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_CATEGORIES) << "could not find all these categories in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the categories are compatible with this process";
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_years_in_methods_for_removal_obs(years_, methods))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_YEARS) << "could not find catches in all years in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the years are compatible with this process";

Exemplo n.º 7
 * Build any runtime relationships we may have and ensure
 * the labels for other objects are valid.
void ProportionsMigrating::DoBuild() {
  partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));
  cached_partition_ = CachedCombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::cached::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));

// Create a pointer to misclassification matrix
  if( ageing_error_label_ != "") {
  ageing_error_ = model_->managers().ageing_error()->GetAgeingError(ageing_error_label_);
  if (!ageing_error_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_AGEING_ERROR) << "(" << ageing_error_label_ << ") could not be found. Have you defined it?";

  age_results_.resize(age_spread_ * category_labels_.size(), 0.0);

  TimeStep* time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP) << time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  } else
    time_step->SubscribeToProcess(this, years_, process_label_);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Build any runtime relationships
 * - Build the partition accessor
 * - Build our list of selectivities
 * - Build our ratios for the number of time steps
void TagLoss::DoBuild() {

  for (string label : selectivity_names_) {
    Selectivity* selectivity = model_->managers().selectivity()->GetSelectivity(label);
    if (!selectivity)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SELECTIVITIES) << ": selectivity " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";


   * Organise our time step ratios. Each time step can
   * apply a different ratio of M so here we want to verify
   * we have enough and re-scale them to 1.0
  vector<TimeStep*> time_steps = model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps();
  LOG_FINEST() << "time_steps.size(): " << time_steps.size();
  vector<unsigned> active_time_steps;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < time_steps.size(); ++i) {
    if (time_steps[i]->HasProcess(label_))

  if (ratios_.size() == 0) {
    for (unsigned i : active_time_steps)
      time_step_ratios_[i] = 1.0;
  } else {
    if (ratios_.size() != active_time_steps.size())
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP_RATIO) << " length (" << ratios_.size()
          << ") does not match the number of time steps this process has been assigned to (" << active_time_steps.size() << ")";

    for (Double value : ratios_) {
      if (value < 0.0 || value > 1.0)
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP_RATIO) << " value (" << value << ") must be between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (inclusive)";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ratios_.size(); ++i)
      time_step_ratios_[active_time_steps[i]] = ratios_[i];
 * Validate configuration file parameters
void ProcessRemovalsByLength::DoValidate() {
  // How many elements are expected in our observed table;
  if (length_plus_) {
    number_bins_ = length_bins_.size();
  } else {
    number_bins_ = length_bins_.size() - 1;
  for (auto year : years_) {
    if ((year < model_->start_year()) || (year > model_->final_year()))
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_YEARS) << "Years can't be less than start_year (" << model_->start_year() << "), or greater than final_year (" << model_->final_year() << "). Please fix this.";

  map<unsigned, vector<Double>> error_values_by_year;
  map<unsigned, vector<Double>> obs_by_year;

   * Do some simple checks
   * e.g Validate that the length_bins are strictly increasing
  for (unsigned length = 0; length < length_bins_.size(); ++length) {
    if (length_bins_[length] < 0.0)
      if (length_bins_[length] > length_bins_[length + 1])
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_LENGTH_BINS) << ": Length bins must be strictly increasing " << length_bins_[length] << " is greater than " << length_bins_[length + 1];

  if (process_error_values_.size() != 0 && process_error_values_.size() != years_.size()) {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS_ERRORS) << " number of values provied (" << process_error_values_.size() << ") does not match the number of years provided (" << years_.size() << ")";
  for (Double process_error : process_error_values_) {
    if (process_error < 0.0)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS_ERRORS) << ": process_error (" << AS_DOUBLE(process_error) << ") cannot be less than 0.0";
  if (process_error_values_.size() != 0)
    process_errors_by_year_ = utilities::Map::create(years_, process_error_values_);
  if (delta_ < 0.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_DELTA) << ": delta (" << AS_DOUBLE(delta_) << ") cannot be less than 0.0";

   * Validate the number of obs provided matches age spread * category_labels * years
   * This is because we'll have 1 set of obs per category collection provided.
   * categories male+female male = 2 collections
  unsigned obs_expected = number_bins_ * category_labels_.size() + 1;
  vector<vector<string>>& obs_data = obs_table_->data();
  if (obs_data.size() != years_.size()) {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_OBS) << " has " << obs_data.size() << " rows defined, but we expected " << years_.size() << " to match the number of years provided";

  for (vector<string>& obs_data_line : obs_data) {
    if (obs_data_line.size() != obs_expected) {
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_OBS) << " has " << obs_data_line.size() << " values defined, but we expected " << obs_expected << " to match the number bins * categories + 1 (for year)";

    unsigned year = 0;
    if (!utilities::To<unsigned>(obs_data_line[0], year))
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_OBS) << " value " << obs_data_line[0] << " could not be converted in to an unsigned integer. It should be the year for this line";
    if (std::find(years_.begin(), years_.end(), year) == years_.end())
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_OBS) << " value " << year << " is not a valid year for this observation";

    for (unsigned i = 1; i < obs_data_line.size(); ++i) {
      Double value = 0;
      if (!utilities::To<Double>(obs_data_line[i], value))
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_OBS) << " value (" << obs_data_line[i] << ") could not be converted to a double";
    if (obs_by_year[year].size() != obs_expected - 1)
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_OBS)<< "you supplied " << obs_by_year[year].size() << " lengths, but we expected " << obs_expected -1 << " can you please sort this out. Chairs";

     * Build our error value map
  vector<vector<string>>& error_values_data = error_values_table_->data();
  if (error_values_data.size() != years_.size()) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES)<< " has " << error_values_data.size() << " rows defined, but we expected " << years_.size()
    << " to match the number of years provided";

  for (vector<string>& error_values_data_line : error_values_data) {
    if (error_values_data_line.size() != 2 && error_values_data_line.size() != obs_expected) {
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES) << " has " << error_values_data_line.size() << " values defined, but we expected " << obs_expected << " to match the number bins * categories + 1 (for year)";

    unsigned year = 0;
    if (!utilities::To<unsigned>(error_values_data_line[0], year))
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES)<< " value " << error_values_data_line[0] << " could not be converted in to an unsigned integer. It should be the year for this line";
    if (std::find(years_.begin(), years_.end(), year) == years_.end())
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES)<< " value " << year << " is not a valid year for this observation";
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < error_values_data_line.size(); ++i) {
      Double value = 0;

      if (!utilities::To<Double>(error_values_data_line[i], value))
        LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES)<< " value (" << error_values_data_line[i] << ") could not be converted to a double";
      if (likelihood_type_ == PARAM_LOGNORMAL && value <= 0.0) {
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES) << ": error_value (" << AS_DOUBLE(value) << ") cannot be equal to or less than 0.0";
      } else if (likelihood_type_ == PARAM_MULTINOMIAL && value < 0.0) {
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES) << ": error_value (" << AS_DOUBLE(value) << ") cannot be less than 0.0";

    if (error_values_by_year[year].size() == 1) {
      error_values_by_year[year].assign(obs_expected - 1, error_values_by_year[year][0]);
    if (error_values_by_year[year].size() != obs_expected - 1)
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_ERROR_VALUES)<< "We counted " << error_values_by_year[year].size() << " error values by year but expected " << obs_expected -1 << " based on the obs table";

     * Build our proportions and error values for use in the observation
     * If the proportions for a given observation do not sum to 1.0
     * and is off by more than the tolerance rescale them.
  Double value = 0.0;
  for (auto iter = obs_by_year.begin(); iter != obs_by_year.end(); ++iter) {
    Double total = 0.0;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < category_labels_.size(); ++i) {
      for (unsigned j = 0; j < number_bins_; ++j) {
        unsigned obs_index = i * number_bins_ + j;
        value = iter->second[obs_index];

        Double error_value = error_values_by_year[iter->first][obs_index];
        total += value;

    if (fabs(1.0 - total) > tolerance_) {
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_OBS) << ": obs sum total (" << total << ") for year (" << iter->first << ") exceeds tolerance (" << tolerance_ << ") from 1.0";
 * Build our parameters
void ElementDifference::DoBuild() {
  string error = "";
  if (!model_->objects().VerfiyAddressableForUse(second_parameter_, addressable::kLookup, error)) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_SECOND_PARAMETER) << "could not be verified for use in additional_prior.element_difference. Error was " << error;
  error = "";
  if (!model_->objects().VerfiyAddressableForUse(parameter_, addressable::kLookup, error)) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_PARAMETER) << "could not be verified for use in additional_prior.element_difference. Error was " << error;
  // first parameter
  addressable::Type addressable_type = model_->objects().GetAddressableType(parameter_);
  LOG_FINEST() << "addressable type = " << addressable_type;
  switch(addressable_type) {
    case addressable::kInvalid:
      LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "Invalid addressable type: " << parameter_;
    case addressable::kMultiple:
      addressable_ptr_vector_ = model_->objects().GetAddressables(parameter_);
    case addressable::kVector:
      addressable_vector_ = model_->objects().GetAddressableVector(parameter_);
    case addressable::kUnsignedMap:
      addressable_map_ = model_->objects().GetAddressableUMap(parameter_);
    case addressable::kSingle:
      addressable_ = model_->objects().GetAddressable(parameter_);
      LOG_ERROR() << "The addressable you have provided for use in a additional priors: " << parameter_
        << " is not a type that is supported for vector smoothing additional priors";
  // Get second parameter estimates
  addressable_type = model_->objects().GetAddressableType(second_parameter_);
  LOG_FINEST() << "addressable type = " << addressable_type;
  switch(addressable_type) {
    case addressable::kInvalid:
      LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "Invalid addressable type: " << second_parameter_;
    case addressable::kMultiple:
      second_addressable_ptr_vector_ = model_->objects().GetAddressables(second_parameter_);
    case addressable::kVector:
      second_addressable_vector_ = model_->objects().GetAddressableVector(second_parameter_);
    case addressable::kUnsignedMap:
      second_addressable_map_ = model_->objects().GetAddressableUMap(second_parameter_);
    case addressable::kSingle:
      second_addressable_ = model_->objects().GetAddressable(second_parameter_);
      LOG_ERROR() << "The addressable you have provided for use in a additional priors: " << second_parameter_
        << " is not a type that is supported for difference element additional priors";

  // Check the two parameters are the same length
  vector<Double> values;
  vector<Double> second_values;
  // Load first parameter
  if (addressable_vector_ != nullptr)
    values.assign((*addressable_vector_).begin(), (*addressable_vector_).end());
  else if (addressable_ptr_vector_ != nullptr) {
    for (auto ptr : (*addressable_ptr_vector_))
  } else if (addressable_map_ != nullptr) {
    for (auto iter : (*addressable_map_))
  } else if (addressable_ != nullptr) {
  } else
    LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "(addressable_map_ != 0) && (addressable_vector_ != 0)";
  // Load second parameter
  if (second_addressable_vector_ != nullptr)
    second_values.assign((*second_addressable_vector_).begin(), (*second_addressable_vector_).end());
  else if (second_addressable_ptr_vector_ != nullptr) {
    for (auto ptr : (*second_addressable_ptr_vector_))
  } else if (second_addressable_map_ != nullptr) {
    for (auto iter : (*second_addressable_map_))
  } else if (second_addressable_ != nullptr) {
  } else
    LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "(second_addressable_map_ != 0) && (second_addressable_vector_ != 0) && (second_addressable_ != 0)";

  if(second_values.size() != values.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SECOND_PARAMETER) << "The parameters are not the same size, which they need to be, the second parameter has " << second_values.size() << " elements where as, the first parameter has " << values.size() << " elements";
