Exemplo n.º 1
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static void ShowSrcDestProc (SlotRefNum sref, TSlotInfos * slotInfo, long refcon)
	SlotsProcInfo * info = (SlotsProcInfo *)refcon;
	Boolean cnx = IsAcceptedBit(slotInfo->cnx, info->port);
	if (slotInfo->direction & MidiInputSlot) {
		LSetSelect (cnx, info->src, theList[SrcL]);
	if (slotInfo->direction & MidiOutputSlot) {
		LSetSelect (cnx, info->dst, theList[DstL]);
Exemplo n.º 2
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void  OpenPrefsDialog(void)
	DialogRef dialog;
	WindowRef dialogWindow;
	ControlRef control;
	ListHandle iconList;
	Cell theCell;
	dialog = GetNewDialog(rPrefsDialogPlatinum, NULL, kFirstWindowOfClass);
	if (dialog == NULL)
	dialogWindow = GetDialogWindow(dialog);
	SetDialogDefaultItem(dialog, kStdOkItemIndex);
	SetDialogCancelItem(dialog, kStdCancelItemIndex);
	GetDialogItemAsControl(dialog, iIconList, &control);
	GetControlData(control, kControlEntireControl, kControlListBoxListHandleTag, 
					sizeof(ListHandle), &iconList, NULL);
	AddRowsAndDataToIconList(iconList, rIconListIconBaseID);
	(*iconList)->selFlags = lOnlyOne;
	SetPt(&theCell, 0, 0);
	LSetSelect(true, theCell, iconList);
	SetKeyboardFocus(dialogWindow, control, kControlFocusNextPart);
	gPanelNumber = 0;
	DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mDemonstration), iPrefsDialog);
} // OpenPrefsDialog
Exemplo n.º 3
	int 	i;
	char	*currDesc;
	Point	currCell;
	Boolean bCellSelected = false;
	int		nextRow = 0;
	for (i=0; i<gControls->cfg->numComps; i++)
		if (!gControls->cfg->comp[i].invisible && gControls->cfg->comp[i].additional)
			currDesc = *gControls->cfg->comp[i].shortDesc;
			SetPt(&currCell, 0, nextRow);
			rowToComp[nextRow++] = i;
			LSetCell( currDesc, strlen(currDesc), currCell, gControls->aw->compList);
			if (gControls->cfg->comp[i].selected == true)
				LSetSelect(true, currCell, gControls->aw->compList);
				bCellSelected = true;

	numRows = nextRow;	
	return bCellSelected;
Exemplo n.º 4
void wxListBox::MacSetSelection( int n , bool select )
    Cell cell = { 0 , 0 } ;
    if ( ! (m_windowStyle & wxLB_MULTIPLE) )
        if ( LGetSelect( true , &cell , (ListHandle)m_macList ) )
            LSetSelect( false , cell , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;

    cell.v = n ;
    LSetSelect( select , cell , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;
    LAutoScroll( (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static void ClearSelectInList (ListHandle list)
	Cell cell;
	cell.h = cell.v = 0;
	while (LGetSelect (true, &cell, list)) {
		LSetSelect (false, cell, list);
Exemplo n.º 6
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static void ListMove (char direction)
	Cell c, next; ListHandle list = GetSelectedSlot (&c);
	if (!list) return;
	next = c;
	switch (direction) {
		case kUpArrowCharCode:		next.v -= 1;
		case kDownArrowCharCode:	
			if (!LNextCell(false, true, &next, list)) next.v = -1;
	if (next.v >= 0) {
		LSetSelect (false, c, list);
		LSetSelect (true, next, list);
		LAutoScroll (list);
		ListPorts (list, false);
Exemplo n.º 7
extern pascal void 		LSetSelectWhite(Boolean setIt, Cell theCell, ListHandle lHandle)
	OSStatus err;
	MoreThemeDrawingState state;

	err = MoreGetThemeDrawingState(&state);
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = MoreNormalizeThemeDrawingState();
		assert(err == noErr);
		LSetSelect(setIt, theCell, lHandle);
		err = MoreSetThemeDrawingState(state, true);
		assert(err == noErr);
	assert(err == noErr);
Exemplo n.º 8
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static ListHandle createIconList(WindowRef window, Rect listRect)
    ListBounds dataBounds;
    Point cellSize;
    ListHandle iconList;
    Cell theCell;
    ListDefSpec listSpec;
    OSStatus error;

    SetRect(&dataBounds, 0, 0, 1, 0);		// initially there are no rows
    SetPt(&cellSize, kListWidth, kCellHeight);

#pragma unused (listSpec, error)
    iconList = LNew(&listRect, &dataBounds, cellSize, kIconListLDEF, window, true, false,
                    false, true);
#else						// we could use RegisterListDefinition and LNew in Carbon instead 
    // but we already show how to do that in PrefsDialog.c
    gIconListDef = NewListDefUPP(IconListDef);

    listSpec.defType = kListDefUserProcType;
    listSpec.u.userProc = gIconListDef;

    error = CreateCustomList(&listRect, &dataBounds, cellSize, &listSpec, window,
                             true, false, false, true, &iconList);

    if (error && (iconList != NULL))
        iconList = NULL;

    if (iconList != NULL)
        SetListSelectionFlags(iconList, lOnlyOne);

        AddRowsAndDataToIconList(iconList, rIconListIconBaseID);

        SetPt(&theCell, 0, 0);
        LSetSelect(true, theCell, iconList);	// select the first Cell
        drawFrameAndFocus(iconList, true, window);

    return iconList;
Exemplo n.º 9
static int message_ListWin(int message, long param)
	Cell	cell;
	Rect	rect;
	case MW_GROW:
		LSize(rect.right-14, rect.bottom-14, gPlaylist);
		return 0;

		cell.h=0; cell.v=param;
		LSetSelect(true, cell, gPlaylist);
		return 0;

	return -1; //not supported
Exemplo n.º 10
AddSetOptInfo(Boolean bDrawingWindow)
	Cell		currCell;
	int			row, beingSelected;
	Boolean 	setSelected;
	// so we must determine the row clicked and resolve its dependees
	// bumping up their ref counts if this row is selected
	// and down if this row is unselected
	if (!bDrawingWindow)
		currCell = LLastClick(gControls->aw->compList);
		row = currCell.v;
		// toggle from on to off or vice versa
		if (gControls->cfg->comp[rowToComp[row]].selected)
			beingSelected = kNotSelected;
			beingSelected = kSelected;
		ResolveDependees(rowToComp[row], beingSelected); 
	// then update the UI
	for (row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
		SetPt(&currCell, 0, row);
		if (gControls->cfg->comp[rowToComp[row]].selected == kSelected)
			setSelected = true;
			setSelected = false;
		LSetSelect(setSelected, currCell, gControls->aw->compList);
	DrawDiskSpaceMsgs( gControls->opt->vRefNum );
Exemplo n.º 11
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void  OpenPrefsDialog(void)
	ListDefSpec listSpec;
	DialogRef dialog;
	WindowRef dialogWindow;
	EventTypeSpec dialogEvents[] = {
									{kEventClassControl, kEventControlHit}
	ControlID controlID = {kAppSignature, 0};
	ControlRef control;
	EventTypeSpec listBoxControlEvents[] = {
	ListHandle iconList;
	Cell theCell;
	listSpec.defType = kListDefUserProcType;
	listSpec.u.userProc = NewListDefUPP(IconListDef);	// this is automatically disposed 
														// when the program exits
	RegisterListDefinition(kIconListLDEF, &listSpec);
	dialog = GetNewDialog(rPrefsDialog, NULL, kFirstWindowOfClass);
	if (dialog == NULL)
	dialogWindow = GetDialogWindow(dialog);
																// install window handlers
	ChangeWindowAttributes(dialogWindow, kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute, kWindowNoAttributes);
	gDialogEventHandler = NewEventHandlerUPP(dialogEventHandler);
	InstallWindowEventHandler(dialogWindow, gDialogEventHandler, 
								GetEventTypeCount(dialogEvents), dialogEvents, (void *)dialog, 
	GetDialogItemAsControl(dialog, kStdOkItemIndex, &control);		// set control IDs to 
	controlID.id = kStdOkItemIndex;									// match dialog item 
	SetControlID(control, &controlID);								// indices which are 
	SetWindowDefaultButton(dialogWindow, control);					// not tracked by any 
																	// standard handlers
	GetDialogItemAsControl(dialog, kStdCancelItemIndex, &control);	// also set the default 
	controlID.id = kStdCancelItemIndex;				// and cancel buttons (because Mac OS 8/9 
	SetControlID(control, &controlID);				// under CarbonLib doesn't respect the 
	SetWindowCancelButton(dialogWindow, control);	// dialog's default and cancel buttons)
	GetDialogItemAsControl(dialog, iIconList, &control);
	controlID.id = iIconList;
	SetControlID(control, &controlID);
		/* We need to postprocess keyboard events on the icon list so that we can change 
		   panels after the user changes the selected cell by using the keyboard. */
	gListBoxControlEventHandler = NewEventHandlerUPP(listBoxControlEventHandler);
	InstallControlEventHandler(control, gListBoxControlEventHandler, 
								GetEventTypeCount(listBoxControlEvents), listBoxControlEvents, 
								(void *)dialog, NULL);
	GetControlData(control, kControlEntireControl, kControlListBoxListHandleTag, 
					sizeof(ListHandle), &iconList, NULL);
	AddRowsAndDataToIconList(iconList, rIconListIconBaseID);
	SetListSelectionFlags(iconList, lOnlyOne);
	SetPt(&theCell, 0, 0);
	LSetSelect(true, theCell, iconList);
	SetKeyboardFocus(dialogWindow, control, kControlFocusNextPart);
	gPanelNumber = 0;
	DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mDemonstration), iPrefsDialog);
} // OpenPrefsDialog
Exemplo n.º 12
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void HandleKeyDown(char keyCode, WindowRef prefsWindow)
    /* Why use the virtual key code instead of the character code?  When the control
       key is held down it often masks out bit 7 of the character code, thus making
       it impossible to distinguish between some key presses such as page down
       (0x0C) and control-L (0x4C & ~bit7 = 0x0C).  The virtual key codes, on the
       other hand, are unaffected by modifier keys. */
    if ( (keyCode == kUpArrowKeyCode) || (keyCode == kDownArrowKeyCode) )
        ListHandle iconList;
        ListBounds bounds;
        short lastRow;
        Cell selectedCell;

        GetWindowProperty(prefsWindow, kAppSignature, kIconListTag, sizeof(ListHandle), NULL,
        GetListDataBounds(iconList, &bounds);
        lastRow = bounds.bottom - bounds.top - 1;

        SetPt(&selectedCell, 0, 0);
        LGetSelect(true, &selectedCell, iconList);

        if ( (keyCode == kUpArrowKeyCode) && (selectedCell.v > 0) )
            SInt16 pixelDepth;
            Boolean isColorDevice;

            GetWindowDeviceDepthAndColor(prefsWindow, &pixelDepth, &isColorDevice);
            SetThemeBackground(kThemeBrushWhite, pixelDepth, isColorDevice);

            LSetSelect(false, selectedCell, iconList);	// LSetSelect causes the indicated
            selectedCell.v--;	// cell to be highlighted immediately (no update event)
            LSetSelect(true, selectedCell, iconList);

            LAutoScroll(iconList);	// scroll the list in case the selected cell isn't in view
            changePanel(prefsWindow, selectedCell.v + 1);
        else if ( (keyCode == kDownArrowKeyCode) && (selectedCell.v < lastRow) )
            SInt16 pixelDepth;
            Boolean isColorDevice;

            GetWindowDeviceDepthAndColor(prefsWindow, &pixelDepth, &isColorDevice);
            SetThemeBackground(kThemeBrushWhite, pixelDepth, isColorDevice);

            LSetSelect(false, selectedCell, iconList);
            LSetSelect(true, selectedCell, iconList);

            LAutoScroll(iconList);	// scroll the list in case the selected cell isn't in view
            changePanel(prefsWindow, selectedCell.v + 1);
    else if ( (keyCode == kPageUpKeyCode) || (keyCode == kPageDownKeyCode) )
        ListHandle iconList;
        ListBounds visibleCells;
        SInt16 pixelDepth;
        Boolean isColorDevice;

        GetWindowProperty(prefsWindow, kAppSignature, kIconListTag, sizeof(ListHandle), NULL,
        GetListVisibleCells(iconList, &visibleCells);

        GetWindowDeviceDepthAndColor(prefsWindow, &pixelDepth, &isColorDevice);
        SetThemeBackground(kThemeBrushWhite, pixelDepth, isColorDevice);
        // LScroll causes the affected cells to be drawn immediately
        if (keyCode == kPageUpKeyCode)								// (no update event)
            LScroll(0, -(visibleCells.bottom - 1 - visibleCells.top), iconList);
        else	// keyCode == kPageDownKeyCode
            LScroll(0, (visibleCells.bottom - 1 - visibleCells.top), iconList);
} // HandleKeyDown