//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofBackground(255); ofSetFrameRate(30); ofSetPolyMode(OF_POLY_WINDING_NONZERO); //research whoy enabling depth test creates artifacts int he lines, proibably we will ened ofMesh? glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); land = Landscape(20,800,400); }
static void Prologue() { if (eflag) { floatish epsfscale = epsfwidth / (floatish) borderwidth; EPSFSpecialComments(epsfscale); Scaling(epsfscale); } else { StandardSpecialComments(); if (gflag) Portrait(); else Landscape(); } }
Void RPGGame::_CreateWorld() { BaseCharacter * pPlayer = GameplayFn->GetCharacter( TEXT("Shiki") ); // Landscape m_pLandscape = New Landscape(); m_pLandscape->SetEyeEntity( pPlayer->GetEntity() ); WorldFn->AddChild( m_pLandscape ); // World camera m_pRenderCamera = New Camera( true ); m_pWorldCamera = New WorldCamera3rdPerson( m_pRenderCamera, pPlayer->GetEntity(), NULL, 3.0f ); WorldFn->SetWorldCamera( m_pWorldCamera ); }
testPassagesFactory::testPassagesFactory(void) { Landscape ls = Landscape(); Map mapToTest = ls.getDungeon(0).getMap(); RoomsFactory rF = RoomsFactory(); rF.create(ls,0); Room startRoom = ls.getRoom(0,0); //Room endRoom = ls.getRoom(0,1); std::cout << "Nearest wall to 0,25(L) on room 0 is " << (startRoom.decideNearestWall(0,25)).c_str() << "\n"; std::cout << "Nearest wall to 50,25(R) on room 0 is " << (startRoom.decideNearestWall(50,25)).c_str() << "\n"; std::cout << "Nearest wall to 25,0(T) on room 0 is " << (startRoom.decideNearestWall(25,0)).c_str() << "\n"; std::cout << "Nearest wall to 25,50(B) on room 0 is " << (startRoom.decideNearestWall(25,50)).c_str() << "\n"; ls.getDungeon(0).getMap().printMap(); std::cout << "Finished testPassagesFactory test " << std::endl; }
void generate(MapWriterHandle &map_handle) { Landscape(seed).generate(map_handle); }
void NextPage(void) { fprintf(psfp, "showpage\n"); if (gflag) Portrait(); else Landscape(); DoTitleAndBox(); }