Exemplo n.º 1
void ShortcutManager::HotkeyPressed(WPARAM id) {
	if ((int)id < 0 || (int)id >= numShortcuts) return;
	int l = strlen (shortcuts[id].command);
	if (l && shortcuts[id].command[l-1] == ')') {
		int w = l;
		while (w && shortcuts[id].command[w] != '(') w--;
		if (w) {
			int w2 = w;
			while (w2 && shortcuts[id].command[w] == ' ' || shortcuts[id].command[w] == '\t') w2--;
			if (w2) {
				char t = shortcuts[id].command[w2+1];
				shortcuts[id].command[w2+1] = 0;
				int f = FindFunction(shortcuts[id].command);
				shortcuts[id].command[w2+1] = t;
				if (f >= 0) {
	//Resolve path == bad.  \\?\<path> doesn't launch explorer window properly.
	wchar_t *path = UTF8toUTF16Alloc(shortcuts[id].command);
	if (path) {
		wchar_t * rPath = path;
		wchar_t * args = 0;
		if (path[0] == '\"') {
			rPath = path + 1;
			args = wcschr(rPath, '\"');
		else {
			args = wcschr(rPath, ' ');
		if (args) {
			args[0] = 0;
			args ++;
		if (args)
		//ShellExecuteW(ghWnd, 0, rPath, args, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
		memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
		si.cb = sizeof(si);

		ShellExecuteW(ghWnd, 0, rPath, args, 0, SW_SHOW);
		//CreateProcessW(rPath, args, 0, 0, 0, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, 0, 0, &si, &pi);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Right justify the string in a field of 'totLen'
RightJustify(char* string, int totLen, int storageSize) 
	int 	len;
	char* strPtr1;
	char* strPtr2;

	if((totLen > (storageSize - 1)) || (totLen < 2)) {
		return false;
	if(*string == ' ') { // Remove leading spaces, if any
	len = strlen(string); 
	if(len > totLen) {
		len = totLen;    // Truncate if too long
	// Backtrack over any trailing spaces	
	strPtr1 = string + len - 1;
	while((strPtr1 >= string) && (*strPtr1 == ' ')) {
	// Shift right to end of string.
	strPtr2 = string + totLen;
	*strPtr2 = 0;                 // Terminate string
	while(strPtr1 >= string) {
		*strPtr2 = *strPtr1;
	// Pad string with spaces	
	while(strPtr2 >= string) {
		*strPtr2 = ' ';
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ShortcutManager::Load() {
	unsigned char *key;
	unsigned char *command;
	int count = 0;
	while (command = config.GetConfigStringAndKey((unsigned char *)"Shortcuts", key, count)) {
		if (command || key) {
			if (key && command && srealloc(shortcuts, sizeof(Shortcut) * (numShortcuts+1))) {
				unsigned int modifiers = 0;
				unsigned int vkey = 0;
				int i = 0;
				while (1) {
					if (key[i] == '@') modifiers |= MOD_WIN;
					else if (key[i] == '!') modifiers |= MOD_ALT;
					else if (key[i] == '^') modifiers |= MOD_CONTROL;
					else if (key[i] == '+') modifiers |= MOD_SHIFT;
					else break;
				if (key[i+1] == 0) {
					short code = VkKeyScan(key[i]);
					if (code != 0xFFFF) {
						vkey = code & 0xFF;
					/*if ((UCASE(key[i] >= 'A') && UCASE(key[i] <= 'Z')) || (key[i] >= '0' && key[i] <= '9'))
						vkey = UCASE(key[i]);
					if ((UCASE(key[i] >= 'A') && UCASE(key[i] <= 'Z')) || (key[i] >= '0' && key[i] <= '9'))
				else if (CompareSubstringNoCase(key+i, (unsigned char*)"num") == 0) {
					if (CompareSubstringNoCase(key+i, (unsigned char*)"pad") == 0)
					if (key[i+1] == 0 && '0' <= key[i] && key[i] <= '9') {
						vkey = VK_NUMPAD0 + key[i] - '0';
					else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "*") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "multiply") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "mul") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "times") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "star") == 0)
						vkey = VK_ADD;
					else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "+") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "plus") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "add") == 0)
						vkey = VK_ADD;
					else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "-") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "minus") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "sub") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "subtract") == 0)
						vkey = VK_SUBTRACT;
					else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "/") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "divide") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "div") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "slash") == 0)
						vkey = VK_DIVIDE;
					else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) ".") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "dec") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "decimal") == 0)
						vkey = VK_DECIMAL;
					else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) ".") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "dec") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "decimal") == 0)
						vkey = VK_DECIMAL;
					else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "lock") == 0 || key[i] == 0)
						vkey = VK_NUMLOCK;
				else if (key[i] == 'f' || key[i] == 'F') {
					if ('0' <= key[i] && key[i] <= '9' && (key[i+1] == 0 || (key[i+2] == 0 && '0' <= key[i+1] && key[i+1] <= '9'))) {
						int w = (int) strtoi64((char*)key+i, 0, 0);
						if (w > 0 && w <=24) {
							// 24 f keys?  There are key codes for them...apparently.
							vkey = VK_F1 + w;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "space") == 0)
					vkey = VK_SPACE;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "esc") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "escape") == 0)
					vkey = VK_ESCAPE;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "pgup") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "pageup") == 0)
					vkey = VK_PRIOR;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "pgdn") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "pagedn") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "pagedown") == 0)
					vkey = VK_NEXT;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "end") == 0)
					vkey = VK_END;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "home") == 0)
					vkey = VK_HOME;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "left") == 0)
					vkey = VK_LEFT;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "right") == 0)
					vkey = VK_RIGHT;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "down") == 0)
					vkey = VK_DOWN;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "up") == 0)
					vkey = VK_UP;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "print") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "printscreen") == 0)
					vkey = VK_SNAPSHOT;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "ins") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "insert") == 0)
					vkey = VK_INSERT;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "del") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "delete") == 0)
					vkey = VK_DELETE;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "help") == 0)
					vkey = VK_HELP;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "pause") == 0)
					vkey = VK_PAUSE;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "caps") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "capslock") == 0)
					vkey = VK_CAPITAL;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "tab") == 0)
					vkey = VK_TAB;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "scroll") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "scrolllock") == 0)
					vkey = VK_SCROLL;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "back") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "backspace") == 0)
					vkey = VK_BACK;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "clear") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "cls") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "clearscreen") == 0)
					vkey = VK_CLEAR;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "enter") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "resturn") == 0)
					vkey = VK_RETURN;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "shift") == 0)
					vkey = VK_SHIFT;
				else if (stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "control") == 0 || stricmp(key+i, (unsigned char*) "ctrl") == 0)
					vkey = VK_MENU;
				if (vkey) {
					if (RegisterHotKey(ghWnd, numShortcuts, modifiers, vkey)) {
						shortcuts[numShortcuts].flags = modifiers;
						shortcuts[numShortcuts].vkey = vkey;
						shortcuts[numShortcuts++].command = command;
			if (command)
Exemplo n.º 4
 void FormatWithCurrentFlags(const LOKI_SAFEFORMAT_UNSIGNED_LONG i) {
     // look at the format character
     Char formatChar = *format_;
     bool isSigned = formatChar == _T('d') || formatChar == _T('i');
     if (formatChar == _T('p')) {
         formatChar = _T('x'); // pointers go to hex
         SetAlternateForm(); // printed with '0x' in front
         isSigned = true; // that's what gcc does
     if (!JQ_STRCHR(_T("cdiuoxX"), formatChar)) {
         result_ = -1;
     Char buf[
         sizeof(LOKI_SAFEFORMAT_UNSIGNED_LONG) * 3 // digits
         + 1 // sign or ' '
         + 2 // 0x or 0X
         + 1]; // terminating zero
     const Char *const bufEnd = buf + (sizeof(buf) / sizeof(Char));
     Char * bufLast = buf + (sizeof(buf) / sizeof(Char) - 1);
     Char signChar = 0;
     unsigned int base = 10;
     if (formatChar == _T('c')) {
         // Format only one character
         // The 'fill with zeros' flag is ignored
         *bufLast = static_cast<char_type>(i);
     } else {
         // TODO: inefficient code, refactor
         const bool negative = isSigned && static_cast<LOKI_SAFEFORMAT_SIGNED_LONG>(i) < 0;
         if (formatChar == _T('o')) base = 8;
         else if (formatChar == _T('x') || formatChar == _T('X')) base = 16;
         bufLast = isSigned
             ? RenderWithoutSign(static_cast<LOKI_SAFEFORMAT_SIGNED_LONG>(i), bufLast, base,
                 formatChar == _T('X'))
             : RenderWithoutSign(i, bufLast, base, 
                 formatChar == _T('X'));
         // Add the sign
         if (isSigned) {
             negative ? signChar = _T('-')
             : ShowSignAlways() ? signChar = _T('+')
             : Blank() ? signChar = _T(' ')
             : 0;
     // precision 
         countDigits = bufEnd - bufLast,
         countZeros = prec_ != size_t(-1) && countDigits < prec_ && 
                 formatChar != _T('c')
             ? prec_ - countDigits 
             : 0,
         countBase = base != 10 && AlternateForm() && i != 0
             ? (base == 16 ? 2 : countZeros > 0 ? 0 : 1)
             : 0,
         countSign = (signChar != 0),
         totalPrintable = countDigits + countZeros + countBase + countSign;
     size_t countPadLeft = 0, countPadRight = 0;
     if (width_ > totalPrintable) {
         if (LeftJustify()) {
             countPadRight = width_ - totalPrintable;
             countPadLeft = 0;
         } else {
             countPadLeft = width_ - totalPrintable;
             countPadRight = 0;
     if (FillZeros() && prec_ == size_t(-1)) {
         // pad with zeros and no precision - transfer padding to precision
         countZeros = countPadLeft;
         countPadLeft = 0;
     // ok, all computed, ready to print to device
     Fill(' ', countPadLeft);
     if (signChar != 0) Write(&signChar, &signChar + 1);
     if (countBase > 0) Fill(_T('0'), 1);
     if (countBase == 2) Fill(formatChar, 1);
     Fill(_T('0'), countZeros);
     Write(bufLast, bufEnd);
     Fill(_T(' '), countPadRight);
     // done, advance