Bool WdeFreeAllCustLibs ( void ) { LIST *llist; WdeCustLib *lib; if ( WdeCustomLibList != NULL ) { for ( llist = WdeCustomLibList; llist; llist = ListNext(llist) ) { lib = (WdeCustLib *) ListElement(llist); WdeFreeCustLib ( lib ); } ListFree ( WdeCustomLibList ); WdeCustomLibList = NULL; } if ( WdeLibList != NULL ) { for ( llist = WdeLibList; llist; llist = ListNext(llist) ) { lib = (WdeCustLib *) ListElement(llist); WdeFreeCustLib ( lib ); } ListFree ( WdeLibList ); WdeLibList = NULL; } return ( TRUE ); }
void ServerFree(TServer * const serverP) { struct _TServer * const srvP = serverP->srvP; if (srvP->weCreatedListenSocket) SocketDestroy(srvP->listenSocketP); xmlrpc_strfree(srvP->name); xmlrpc_strfree(srvP->filespath); ListFree(&srvP->defaultfilenames); terminateHandlers(&srvP->handlers); ListFree(&srvP->handlers); logClose(srvP); if (srvP->logfilename) xmlrpc_strfree(srvP->logfilename); free(srvP); }
void ListRemoveEntry(struct List **hist, int *count) { struct List *temp, *temp2; if(*hist) { if(!(*hist)->prev) { temp = (*hist)->next; ListFree(hist); *hist = temp; if(*hist) (*hist)->prev = NULL; } else { if(!(*hist)->next) { temp = (struct List *)(*hist)->prev; ListFree(hist); *hist = (struct List *)temp; if(*hist) (*hist)->next = NULL; } else { temp = (struct List *)(*hist)->prev; temp2 = (struct List *)(*hist)->next; ListFree(hist); temp->next = (struct List *)temp2; temp2->prev = (struct List *)temp; *hist = temp; } } if(count) --(*count); } }
int main(int argc, char *args[]) { char *buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_LINE_LEN);; char *result = (char *)malloc(MAX_LINE_LEN);; int number; int dwnum; dwnum = GetPrice(); if(dwnum != 0) { return dwnum; } list_t *L = ListInit(); if(L == NULL) { return ERRNO_NULL_POINTER; } while(fgets(buffer, MAX_LINE_LEN, stdin)) { number = 0; memset(result, 0, MAX_LINE_LEN); dwnum = ParseLine(buffer, result, &number); if(dwnum == 0) { item_t* curnode; if((curnode = ListIsNodeInListById(L, result)) != NULL) { curnode->count += number; continue; } item_t * node = ItemMakeitem(result, number); if(node == NULL) { return ERRNO_MAKEITEM_FAIL; } dwnum = ListPushBack(L, (void*) node); if(dwnum != 0) { return ERRNO_LISTPUSHBACK_FAIL; } } } dwnum = CalculateSum(L); if(dwnum != 0) { return ERRNO_CALCULATESUM_FAIL; } ListFree(L); ListFree(my_price); free(buffer); free(result); return 0; }
void heapDestroy (heap_t *h) { ListFree(h->empty); ListFree(h->full); free(h->base); free(h); return; }
void RequestFree(TSession * const sessionP) { if (sessionP->validRequest) freeRequestInfo(&sessionP->requestInfo); ListFree(&sessionP->cookies); ListFree(&sessionP->ranges); TableFree(&sessionP->requestHeaderFields); TableFree(&sessionP->responseHeaderFields); StringFree(&(sessionP->header)); }
/** * Terminate the socket module */ void Socket_outTerminate() { FUNC_ENTRY; ListFree(s.connect_pending); ListFree(s.write_pending); ListFree(s.clientsds); SocketBuffer_terminate(); #if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64) WSACleanup(); #endif FUNC_EXIT; }
void MIMETypeTerm(void) { if (globalMimeTypeP == NULL) abort(); ListFree(&globalMimeTypeP->extList); ListFree(&globalMimeTypeP->typeList); MIMETypeDestroy(globalMimeTypeP); globalMimeTypeP = NULL; }
static int ProcMemFini( void ) { ListFree( Directive_List ); ListFree( Files_List ); ListFree( Obj_List ); ListFree( Libs_List ); MemFree( Map_Name ); MemFree( Obj_Name ); MemFree( Link_Name ); MemFree( SystemName ); MemFree( StackSize ); return( 0 ); }
void WdeSOP( OBJPTR obj, OBJPTR parent ) { LIST *ilist, *tlist, *clist; WdeResInfo *info; RECT orect; OBJPTR sib; OBJ_ID id; bool clear; POINT origin; info = WdeGetCurrentRes(); if( info == NULL ) { return; } GetClientRect( info->edit_win, &orect ); GetOffset( &origin ); OffsetRect( &orect, origin.x, origin.y ); if( parent == NULL ) { GetObjectParent( obj, &parent ); if( parent == NULL ) { return; } } Forward( parent, GET_SUBOBJ_LIST, &tlist, NULL ); if( tlist != NULL && WdeFindObjectsInRect( &orect, &ilist, tlist ) && ilist != NULL ) { clist = NULL; tlist = NULL; for( ; ilist != NULL; ilist = ListConsume( ilist ) ) { sib = ListElement( ilist ); if( (Forward( sib, IS_OBJECT_CLEAR, &clear, NULL ) && clear) || (Forward( sib, IDENTIFY, &id, NULL ) && id == DIALOG_OBJ) ) { WdeInsertObject( &clist, sib ); } else { WdeInsertObject( &tlist, sib ); } } if( clist != NULL ) { WdeListConcat( &tlist, clist, 0 ); ListFree( clist ); } if( tlist != NULL ) { WdeReorderObjectWindows( tlist ); ListFree( tlist ); } } }
/** * Empty and free up all storage used by a message list * @param msgList the message list to empty and free */ void MQTTProtocol_freeMessageList(List* msgList) { FUNC_ENTRY; MQTTProtocol_emptyMessageList(msgList); ListFree(msgList); FUNC_EXIT; }
/** * Terminate the log module */ void Log_terminate() { ListFree(log_buffer); log_buffer = NULL; free(trace_queue); trace_queue = NULL; }
/** * Free a client structure * @param client the client data to free */ void MQTTProtocol_freeClient(Clients* client) { FUNC_ENTRY; /* free up pending message lists here, and any other allocated data */ MQTTProtocol_freeMessageList(client->outboundMsgs); MQTTProtocol_freeMessageList(client->inboundMsgs); ListFree(client->messageQueue); free(client->clientID); if (client->will) { free(client->will->payload); free(client->will->topic); free(client->will); } #if defined(OPENSSL) if (client->sslopts) { if (client->sslopts->trustStore) free((void*)client->sslopts->trustStore); if (client->sslopts->keyStore) free((void*)client->sslopts->keyStore); if (client->sslopts->privateKey) free((void*)client->sslopts->privateKey); if (client->sslopts->privateKeyPassword) free((void*)client->sslopts->privateKeyPassword); if (client->sslopts->enabledCipherSuites) free((void*)client->sslopts->enabledCipherSuites); free(client->sslopts); } #endif /* don't free the client structure itself... this is done elsewhere */ FUNC_EXIT; }
/** * Shutdown the broker. * @param rc - startup success code */ void Broker_shutdown(int rc) { FUNC_ENTRY; if (rc != -99) { time_t now = 0; Log_setPublish(false); #if !defined(NO_BRIDGE) Bridge_terminate(&(BrokerState.bridge)); #endif if (rc != -98) { if (rc != -97) { if (BrokerState.persistence) SubscriptionEngines_save(; Protocol_terminate(); Socket_terminate(); SubscriptionEngines_terminate(; Log(LOG_INFO, 44, NULL, BrokerState.msgs_sent); Log(LOG_INFO, 43, NULL, BrokerState.msgs_received); time(&(now)); Log(LOG_INFO, 42, NULL, (int)difftime(now, BrokerState.start_time)); Log(LOG_INFO, 55, NULL, Heap_get_info()->max_size); } } ListFree(BrokerState.clients); Persistence_free_config(&BrokerState); } FUNC_EXIT; }
/** * Free allocated storage for a suback packet. * @param pack pointer to the suback packet structure */ void MQTTPacket_freeSuback(Suback* pack) { FUNC_ENTRY; if (pack->qoss != NULL) ListFree(pack->qoss); free(pack); FUNC_EXIT; }
/** * Terminate the socket module for outbound communications only */ void Socket_outTerminate() { FUNC_ENTRY; #if defined(USE_POLL) TreeFree(s.fds_tree); #else ListFree(s.connect_pending); ListFree(s.write_pending); ListFree(s.clientsds); #endif ListFree(s.newSockets); SocketBuffer_terminate(); #if defined(WIN32) WSACleanup(); #endif FUNC_EXIT; }
static void handleDirectory(TSession *const sessionP, const char *const dirName, time_t const fileModTime, MIMEType *const mimeTypeP) { bool text; bool ascending; uint16_t sort; /* 1=by name, 2=by date */ const char *error; determineSortType(sessionP->requestInfo.query, &ascending, &sort, &text, &error); if (error) { ResponseStatus(sessionP, 400); xmlrpc_strfree(error); } else if (notRecentlyModified(sessionP, fileModTime)) { ResponseStatus(sessionP, 304); ResponseWriteStart(sessionP); } else { TPool pool; bool succeeded; succeeded = PoolCreate(&pool, 1024); if (!succeeded) ResponseStatus(sessionP, 500); else { TList list; uint16_t responseStatus; const char *error; generateListing(&list, dirName, sessionP->requestInfo.uri, &pool, &error, &responseStatus); if (error) { ResponseStatus(sessionP, responseStatus); xmlrpc_strfree(error); } else { ResponseStatus(sessionP, 200); ResponseContentType(sessionP, text ? "text/plain" : "text/html"); addLastModifiedHeader(sessionP, fileModTime); ResponseChunked(sessionP); ResponseWriteStart(sessionP); if (sessionP->requestInfo.method != m_head) sendDirectoryDocument(&list, ascending, sort, text, sessionP->requestInfo.uri, mimeTypeP, sessionP); HTTPWriteEndChunk(sessionP); ListFree(&list); } PoolFree(&pool); } } }
static void sendFileAsResponse(TSession *const sessionP, TFile *const fileP, const char *const fileName, time_t const fileModTime, MIMEType *const mimeTypeP) { uint64_t const filesize = FileSize(fileP); const char *const mediatype = MIMETypeGuessFromFile2(mimeTypeP, fileName); uint64_t start; /* Defined only if session has one range */ uint64_t end; /* Defined only if session has one range */ switch (sessionP->ranges.size) { case 0: ResponseStatus(sessionP, 200); break; case 1: { bool decoded; decoded = RangeDecode((char *) (sessionP->ranges.item[0]), filesize, &start, &end); if (!decoded) { ListFree(&sessionP->ranges); ResponseStatus(sessionP, 200); } else { const char *contentRange; xmlrpc_asprintf(&contentRange, "bytes %" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64, start, end, filesize); ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Content-range", contentRange); xmlrpc_strfree(contentRange); ResponseContentLength(sessionP, end - start + 1); ResponseStatus(sessionP, 206); } } break; default: ResponseContentType(sessionP, "multipart/ranges; boundary=" BOUNDARY); ResponseStatus(sessionP, 206); break; } if (sessionP->ranges.size == 0) { ResponseContentLength(sessionP, filesize); ResponseContentType(sessionP, mediatype); } addLastModifiedHeader(sessionP, fileModTime); ResponseWriteStart(sessionP); if (sessionP->requestInfo.method != m_head) sendBody(sessionP, fileP, filesize, mediatype, start, end); }
void HandlerDestroy(BIHandler *const handlerP) { ListFree(&handlerP->defaultFileNames); xmlrpc_strfree(handlerP->filesPath); free(handlerP); }
void MQTTClient_terminate(void) { FUNC_ENTRY; MQTTClient_stop(); if (initialized) { ListFree(bstate->clients); ListFree(handles); handles = NULL; Socket_outTerminate(); #if defined(HEAP_H) Heap_terminate(); #endif Log_terminate(); initialized = 0; } FUNC_EXIT; }
void SocketBuffer_terminate(void) { ListElement* cur = NULL; ListEmpty(&writes); FUNC_ENTRY; while (ListNextElement(queues, &cur)) { free(((socket_queue*)(cur->content))->buf); } ListFree(queues); SocketBuffer_freeDefQ(); FUNC_EXIT; }
// delete all ActiveEdges of a poly PolygonP v4pPolygonDelActiveEdges(PolygonP p) { List l ; ActiveEdgeP b; l = p->ActiveEdge1 ; while (l) { b = (ActiveEdgeP)ListData(l) ; QuickHeapFree(v4p->activeEdgeHeap, b); l = ListFree(l) ; } p->ActiveEdge1 = NULL; return p; }
static void DoKbdMove( LPPOINT pt ) /*********************************/ { LIST *list; list = GetCurrObjectList(); SetShowEatoms( FALSE ); BeginMoveOperation( list ); ListFree( list ); MoveCurrObj( pt ); FinishMoveOperation( FALSE ); SetShowEatoms( TRUE ); }
void WdeShutdownToolBars( void ) { WdeToolBar *tbar; LIST *tlist; tlist = WdeListCopy( WdeToolBarList ); for( ; tlist != NULL; tlist = ListConsume( tlist ) ) { tbar = ListElement( tlist ); ToolBarDestroy( tbar->tbar ); } ToolBarFini( NULL ); ListFree( WdeToolBarList ); }
void WdeFreeResList( void ) { LIST *rlist; WdeResInfo *res_info; if( WdeResList != NULL ) { for( rlist = WdeResList; rlist != NULL; rlist = ListNext( rlist ) ) { res_info = (WdeResInfo *)ListElement( rlist ); WdeSetCurrentRes( res_info ); WdeFreeResInfo( res_info ); } ListFree( WdeResList ); WdeResList = NULL; } }
static void generateListing(TList * const listP, char * const z, const char * const uri, TPool * const poolP, const char ** const errorP, uint16_t * const responseStatusP) { TFileInfo fileinfo; TFileFind findhandle; *errorP = NULL; if (!FileFindFirst(&findhandle, z, &fileinfo)) { *responseStatusP = ResponseStatusFromErrno(errno); xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "Can't read first entry in directory"); } else { ListInit(listP); do { TFileInfo * fi; /* Files whose names start with a dot are ignored */ /* This includes implicitly the ./ and ../ */ if (* == '.') { if (xmlrpc_streq(, "..")) { if (xmlrpc_streq(uri, "/")) continue; } else continue; } fi = (TFileInfo *)PoolAlloc(poolP, sizeof(fileinfo)); if (fi) { abyss_bool success; memcpy(fi, &fileinfo, sizeof(fileinfo)); success = ListAdd(listP, fi); if (!success) xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "ListAdd() failed"); } else xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "PoolAlloc() failed."); } while (!*errorP && FileFindNext(&findhandle, &fileinfo)); if (*errorP) { *responseStatusP = 500; ListFree(listP); } FileFindClose(&findhandle); } }
void WdeFreeCustLibControls ( LIST **control_list ) { LIST *clist; WdeCustControl *control; if ( (control_list != NULL) && (*control_list != NULL) ) { for ( clist = *control_list; clist; clist = ListNext(clist) ) { control = (WdeCustControl *) ListElement(clist); WdeFreeCustControl ( control ); } ListFree ( *control_list ); *control_list = NULL; } else { WdeWriteTrail("WdeFreeCustLibControls: NULL control_list!"); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, *ip, *todelete; ListElement* current = NULL; List* l = ListInitialize(); printf("List initialized\n"); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ip = malloc(sizeof(int)); *ip = i; ListAppend(l, (void*)ip, sizeof(int)); if (i==5) todelete = ip; printf("List element appended %d\n", *((int*)(l->last->content))); } printf("List contents:\n"); current = NULL; while (ListNextElement(l, ¤t) != NULL) printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content))); printf("List contents in reverse order:\n"); current = NULL; while (ListPrevElement(l, ¤t) != NULL) printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content))); //if ListFindItem(l, *ip, intcompare)->content printf("List contents having deleted element %d:\n", *todelete); ListRemove(l, todelete); current = NULL; while (ListNextElement(l, ¤t) != NULL) printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content))); i = 9; ListRemoveItem(l, &i, intcompare); printf("List contents having deleted another element, %d, size now %d:\n", i, l->size); current = NULL; while (ListNextElement(l, ¤t) != NULL) printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content))); ListFree(l); printf("List freed\n"); }
void WREFreeResList( void ) { LIST *rlist; WREResInfo *info; HWND frame; if( WREResList != NULL ) { frame = WREGetMDIWindowHandle(); for( rlist = WREResList; rlist != NULL; rlist = ListNext( rlist ) ) { info = (WREResInfo *)ListElement( rlist ); SendMessage( frame, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)info->res_win, 0 ); WREFreeResInfo( info ); } ListFree( WREResList ); WREResList = NULL; WRENumRes = 0; } }
static void WoldShell(Widget shell, Ph_Object obj) { Widget pane; List items; /* RowColumn */ pane = XmCreateRowColumn(shell, "woldPane", NULL, 0); TextVar(pane, obj, "nbr-size"); TextVar(pane, obj, "alt-metric"); TextVar(pane, obj, "orien-label"); items = ListCreate(NULL); ListAddRear(items, "none"); ListAddRear(items, "gorkani"); ListAddRear(items, "tamura"); MenuVar(pane, obj, "orien-type", items, NULL); ListFree(items); XtManageChild(pane); }