Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: abp.c Projeto: pbmartins/AlgC
  Função recursiva que armazena os elementos da arvore em ordem num array.
  Recursive function that makes a in-order traversal of the tree and stores its
  elements in an array.
static void ListInOrder (PtABPNode proot, int plist[], unsigned int *pcount)
	if (proot != NULL)
		ListInOrder (proot->PtLeft, plist, pcount);	 /* arvore esquerda - left subtree */
		plist[(*pcount)++] = proot->Elem;  /* coloca o elemento no array - stores the element in the array */
		ListInOrder (proot->PtRight, plist, pcount);  /* arvore direita - right subtree */
Exemplo n.º 2
void ExecuteCommand(nodeT **t,char command,int key)
   /* printf("\nExcuteCommand Hit here\n");*/
    double i;
		int h;
		int count;

    switch (toupper(command)) {
        case 'I': InsertNode(t, key);break;
        case 'D': printf("\n");DeleteNode(t, key);printf("\n"); break;
        case 'F': printf("\n");FindNode(*t,key);printf("\n"); break;
        case 'O': printf("\n");ListInOrder(*t); printf("\n");break;
        case 'P': printf("\n");PreOrderWalk(*t);printf("\n"); break;
        case 'A': printf("\n");PostOrderWalk(*t);printf("\n"); break;
        case 'L': printf("\n");NodeLevelOrder(*t);printf("\n"); break;
        case 'S': printf("\n");i=add(*t);printf("Sum of tree is:%f\n",i); break;
        case 'N': printf("\n");printf("Min:");Min(*t); printf("\n");break;
        case 'X': printf("\n");printf("Max:");Max(*t); printf("\n");break;
        case 'T': printf("\n");h=height(*t); printf("Height:%d\n",h);break;
        case 'C': printf("\n");count=Count(*t); printf("Number of inputs is:%d\n",count);break;
        case 'H': printf("\n");HelpCommand(); printf("\n");break;
        case 'Q': free_all(*t);exit(0);
        default:  printf("Illegal command\n"); break;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: abp.c Projeto: pbmartins/AlgC
PtABPNode ABPBalance (PtABPNode proot)
	int *List; PtABPNode NewABP = NULL;
	unsigned int Count = 0, n = ABPSize (proot);	/* número de nos - number of nodes */

	if (proot == NULL) { Error = ABP_EMPTY; return NULL; }	/* a arvore está vazia - empyt tree */	
				/* criar a sequência - creating the array */
	if ((List = (int *) calloc (n, sizeof (int))) == NULL) { Error = NO_MEM ; return NULL; }	

    Error = OK;
	ListInOrder (proot, List, &Count);	/* preencher a sequência - filling the array */
	Balance (&NewABP, List, 0, n-1);	/* balancear a arvore - balancing the tree */
	free (List);	/* libertar a sequência - releasing the array */

	return NewABP;