bool Component::checkFoundedStatus() { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < variablesInComponent.size(); i++ ) { unsigned int var = variablesInComponent[ i ]; assert( solver.getComponent( var )->getId() == this->id ); assert_msg( !variablesWithoutSourcePointer.existElement( var ), "VariablesWithoutSourcePointer contains " << Literal( var, POSITIVE ) ); assert_msg( getGUSData( var ).isFounded(), Literal( var, POSITIVE ) << " is not founded" ); assert_msg( !getGUSData( var ).isInQueue(), Literal( var, POSITIVE ) << " is in queue" ); assert_msg( !getGUSData( var ).isAux() || getGUSData( var ).numberOfSupporting == 0, Literal( var, POSITIVE ) << " - Number of supporting: " << getGUSData( var ).numberOfSupporting ); if( getGUSData( var ).isAux() ) continue; if( solver.isFalse( var ) ) return true; assert_msg( getGUSData( var ).sourcePointer != Literal::null, Literal( var, POSITIVE ) << " has no source pointer" ); assert_msg( !solver.isFalse( getGUSData( var ).sourcePointer ), getGUSData( var ).sourcePointer << " is a source pointer of " << Literal( var, POSITIVE ) << " but it is false" ); if( solver.getComponent( getGUSData( var ).sourcePointer.getVariable() ) != this ) return true; assert_msg( getGUSData( getGUSData( var ).sourcePointer.getVariable() ).isFounded(), getGUSData( var ).sourcePointer << " is a source pointer of " << Literal( var, POSITIVE ) << " but it is unfounded" ); } //Return always true! return true; }
void HCComponent::iterationExternalLiterals( vector< Literal >& assumptions ) { int j = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < externalLiterals.size(); i++ ) { Literal lit = externalLiterals[ j ] = externalLiterals[ i ]; assert( getCheckerVarFromExternalLiteral( lit ) != UINT_MAX ); if( solver.getDecisionLevel( lit ) > 0 || solver.isUndefined( lit ) ) { assumptions.push_back( Literal( getCheckerVarFromExternalLiteral( lit ), solver.isTrue( lit ) ? POSITIVE : NEGATIVE ) ); j++; } else { isConflictual = !checker.addClauseRuntime( Literal( getCheckerVarFromExternalLiteral( lit ), solver.isTrue( lit ) ? POSITIVE : NEGATIVE ) ); if( isConflictual ) return; } } externalLiterals.resize( j ); statistics( &checker, assumptions( assumptions.size() ) ); }
void Component::removeFalseAtomsAndPropagateUnfoundedness() { trace_msg( unfoundedset, 1, "Removing false atoms from variables without source pointers" ); unsigned int k = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < variablesWithoutSourcePointer.size(); i++ ) { Var variable = variablesWithoutSourcePointer[ k ] = variablesWithoutSourcePointer[ i ]; if( solver.isFalse( variable ) ) setFounded( variable ); if( getGUSData( variable ).isFounded() ) { trace_msg( unfoundedset, 1, "Variable " << Literal( variable, POSITIVE ) << " is founded or false" ); getGUSData( variable ).setOutQueue(); continue; } assert( !solver.isFalse( variable ) ); k++; if( getGUSData( variable ).isPropagated() ) continue; trace_msg( unfoundedset, 1, "Variable " << Literal( variable, POSITIVE ) << " lost the source pointer" ); getGUSData( variable ).setPropagated(); propagateLiteralLostSourcePointer( Literal( variable ) ); } variablesWithoutSourcePointer.shrink( k ); }
void Component::foundSourcePointer( Var variableWithSourcePointer ) { assert( getGUSData( variableWithSourcePointer ).isFounded() ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < getGUSData( variableWithSourcePointer ).possiblySupportedByThis[ POSITIVE ].size(); i++ ) { Var var = getGUSData( variableWithSourcePointer ).possiblySupportedByThis[ POSITIVE ][ i ]; assert( solver.getComponent( var ) == this ); if( !solver.isFalse( var ) && !getGUSData( var ).isFounded() ) { trace_msg( unfoundedset, 1, "Literal " << Literal( variableWithSourcePointer ) << " is a source pointer of " << Literal( var, POSITIVE ) ); propagateSourcePointer( var, Literal( variableWithSourcePointer ) ); } } for( unsigned int i = 0; i < getGUSData( variableWithSourcePointer ).auxVariablesSupportedByThis[ POSITIVE ].size(); i++ ) { Var var = getGUSData( variableWithSourcePointer ).auxVariablesSupportedByThis[ POSITIVE ][ i ]; assert( solver.getComponent( var ) == this ); if( solver.isFalse( var ) ) continue; trace_msg( unfoundedset, 1, "Literal " << Literal( variableWithSourcePointer ) << " is a source pointer of " << Literal( var, POSITIVE ) ); assert_msg( !getGUSData( var ).isFounded(), "Variable " << Literal( var, POSITIVE ) << " is founded" ); propagateSourcePointer( var, Literal( variableWithSourcePointer ) ); } }
int Clause::isInClause(const Literal &key) const { if (key.isNegated()) return(negativeClause.retrieve(Literal(key)) == OK); else return(positiveClause.retrieve(Literal(key)) == OK); }
void rewriteCopysign(Binary* curr) { Literal signBit, otherBits; UnaryOp int2float, float2int; BinaryOp bitAnd, bitOr; switch (curr->op) { case CopySignFloat32: float2int = ReinterpretFloat32; int2float = ReinterpretInt32; bitAnd = AndInt32; bitOr = OrInt32; signBit = Literal(uint32_t(1 << 31)); otherBits = Literal(uint32_t(1 << 31) - 1); break; case CopySignFloat64: float2int = ReinterpretFloat64; int2float = ReinterpretInt64; bitAnd = AndInt64; bitOr = OrInt64; signBit = Literal(uint64_t(1) << 63); otherBits = Literal((uint64_t(1) << 63) - 1); break; default: return; } replaceCurrent( builder->makeUnary( int2float, builder->makeBinary( bitOr, builder->makeBinary( bitAnd, builder->makeUnary( float2int, curr->left ), builder->makeConst(otherBits) ), builder->makeBinary( bitAnd, builder->makeUnary( float2int, curr->right ), builder->makeConst(signBit) ) ) ) ); }
Literal Lookahead::heuristic(Solver& s) { if (s.value( != value_free) { // no candidate available return posLit(0); } ScoreLook& sc = score; Literal choice= Literal(, sc.score[].prefSign()); if (!sc.deps.empty() && sc.mode == ScoreLook::score_max_min) { // compute heuristic values for candidates skipped during last lookahead uint32 min, max; sc.score[].score(max, min); sc.addDeps = false; bool ok = true; LitVec::size_type i = 0; do { Var v = sc.deps[i]; VarScore& vs = sc.score[v]; if (s.value(v) == value_free) { uint32 vMin, vMax; vs.score(vMax, vMin); if (vMin == 0 || vMin > min || (vMin == min && vMax > max)) { uint32 neg = vs.score(negLit(v)) > 0 ? vs.score(negLit(v)) : max+1; uint32 pos = vs.score(posLit(v)) > 0 ? vs.score(posLit(v)) : max+1; if (!vs.tested(negLit(v))) { ok = ok && s.test(negLit(v), this); neg = vs.score(negLit(v)); } if ((neg > min || (neg == min && pos > max)) && !vs.tested(posLit(v))) { ok = ok && s.test(posLit(v), this); } } if (vs.testedBoth() && sc.greaterMaxMin(v, max, min)) { vs.score(max, min); choice = Literal(v, vs.prefSign()); } } } while (++i != sc.deps.size() && ok); if (!ok) { // One of the candidates failed. Since none of them failed // during previous propagation, this indicates that // either some post propagator has wrong priority or // parallel solving is active and a stop conflict was set. // Since we can't resolve the problem here, we simply return the // literal that caused the conflict assert(s.hasConflict()); return negLit(0); } } return choice; }
bool Nepomuk::Types::PropertyPrivate::addProperty( const QUrl& property, const Soprano::Node& value ) { // we avoid subclassing loops (as created for crappy inferencing) by checking for our own uri if( value.isResource() && value.uri() != uri && property == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::subPropertyOf() ) { parents.append( value.uri() ); return true; } else if( property == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::domain() ) { domain = value.uri(); return true; } else if( property == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::range() ) { if ( value.toString().startsWith( Soprano::Vocabulary::XMLSchema::xsdNamespace().toString() ) ) { literalRange = Literal( value.uri() ); } else if ( value.uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::Literal()) { literalRange = Literal( value.uri() ); } else { range = value.uri(); } return true; } else if( property == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::minCardinality() ) { minCardinality = value.literal().toInt(); return true; } else if( property == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::maxCardinality() ) { maxCardinality = value.literal().toInt(); return true; } else if ( property == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::cardinality() ) { cardinality = value.literal().toInt(); return true; } else if ( property == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::inverseProperty() ) { inverse = value.uri(); return true; } return false; }
void optimizeMemoryAccess(Expression*& ptr, Address& offset) { while (1) { auto* add = ptr->dynCast<Binary>(); if (!add) break; if (add->op != AddInt32) break; auto* left = add->left->dynCast<Const>(); auto* right = add->right->dynCast<Const>(); // note: in optimized code, we shouldn't see an add of two constants, so don't worry about that much // (precompute would optimize that) if (left) { auto value = left->value.geti32(); if (value >= 0 && value < SAFE_MAX) { offset = offset + value; ptr = add->right; continue; } } if (right) { auto value = right->value.geti32(); if (value >= 0 && value < SAFE_MAX) { offset = offset + value; ptr = add->left; continue; } } break; } // finally ptr may be a const, but it isn't worth folding that in (we still have a const); in fact, // it's better to do the opposite for gzip purposes as well as for readability. auto* last = ptr->dynCast<Const>(); if (last) { last->value = Literal(int32_t(last->value.geti32() + offset)); offset = 0; } }
Clause* QueryInterface::computeClauseFromCandidates() { Clause* clause = new Clause(); unsigned int j = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++ ) { Var v = candidates[ j ] = candidates[ i ]; assert( !solver.isUndefined( v ) ); if( !solver.isTrue( v ) ) continue; if( solver.getDecisionLevel( v ) == 0 ) addAnswer( v ); else { clause->addLiteral( Literal( v, NEGATIVE ) ); j++; } } candidates.shrink( j ); clause->setCanBeDeleted( false ); printCandidates(); return clause; }
void Component::iterationOnAuxSupportedByThis( Literal lit ) { trace_msg( unfoundedset, 2, "Iterating on aux variable supported by literal " << lit ); vector< Var >& vec = getGUSData( lit.getVariable() ).auxVariablesSupportedByThis[ lit.getSign() ]; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++ ) { Var variable = vec[ i ]; assert( getGUSData( variable ).isAux() ); trace_msg( unfoundedset, 3, "Considering variable " << Literal( variable, POSITIVE ) << " which is " << ( solver.isFalse( variable ) ? "false" : "true/undefined" ) << " and " << ( ( getGUSData( variable ).isInQueue() ) ? "in queue" : "not in queue" ) ); if( solver.isFalse( variable ) ) continue; assert( solver.getComponent( variable ) == this ); assert( !getGUSData( variable ).isInQueue() || variablesWithoutSourcePointer.existElement( variable ) ); if( !getGUSData( variable ).isInQueue() ) variableHasNoSourcePointer( variable ); else if( getGUSData( variable ).isFounded() ) setUnfounded( variable ); assert( !getGUSData( variable ).isFounded() ); getGUSData( variable ).numberOfSupporting++; } }
bool Component::iterationOnSupportedByThisInternal( Literal lit ) { trace_msg( unfoundedset, 2, "Iterating on variable supported by literal " << lit << " internally" ); Vector< Var >& wl = getGUSData( lit.getVariable() ).supportedByThisInternalRule[ lit.getSign() ]; unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; for( ; i < wl.size(); ++i ) { Var variable = wl[ j ] = wl[ i ]; assert( solver.getComponent( variable ) != NULL && solver.getComponent( variable )->getId() == id ); trace_msg( unfoundedset, 3, "Considering variable " << Literal( variable, POSITIVE ) << " which is " << ( solver.isFalse( variable ) ? "false" : "true" ) << " and " << ( ( getGUSData( variable ).isInQueue() ) ? "in queue" : "not in queue" ) ); assert( !getGUSData( variable ).isInQueue() || variablesWithoutSourcePointer.existElement( variable ) ); if( solver.isFalse( variable ) ) { ++j; continue; } if( !getGUSData( variable ).isInQueue() ) variableHasNoSourcePointer( variable ); else if( getGUSData( variable ).isFounded() ) setUnfounded( variable ); else ++j; assert( !getGUSData( variable ).isFounded() ); } wl.shrink( j ); return i != j; }
vector<ExpressionNode*> Parser::LiteralList() { ExpressionNode * value=Literal(); vector<ExpressionNode*> list=LiteralListPrime(); list.insert(list.begin(),value); return list; }
ExpressionNode* Parser::Factors() { if(currenttoken->type == Id) return Variable(); else if(currenttoken->type == OpenParenthesis){ ConsumeToken(); ExpressionNode * value = Expresion(); if(currenttoken->type != CloseParenthesis) throw invalid_argument("Se esperaba ). Row:"+to_string(currenttoken->row)+"Column:"+to_string(currenttoken->column)); ConsumeToken(); return value; } else if(IsLiteral(currenttoken)) { return Literal(); } else if(currenttoken->type == Verdadero) { ConsumeToken(); return new ConstantBooleanNode(true); } else if(currenttoken->type == Falso) { ConsumeToken(); return new ConstantBooleanNode(false); } }
void HCComponent::initDataStructures() { trace_msg( modelchecker, 2, "First call. Removing unused variables" ); for( unsigned i = 1; i < inUnfoundedSet.size(); ++i ) { if( inUnfoundedSet[ i ] == 0 ) checker.addClause( Literal( i, POSITIVE ) ); else inUnfoundedSet[ i ] = 0; } #ifndef NDEBUG bool result = #endif checker.preprocessing(); assert( result ); checker.turnOffSimplifications(); createInitialClauseAndSimplifyHCVars(); if( wasp::Options::bumpActivityAfterPartialCheck ) { checker.setComputeUnsatCores( true ); checker.setMinimizeUnsatCore( false ); } }
const exprt qbf_squolem_coret::f_get(literalt l) { if(squolem->isUniversal(l.var_no())) { assert(l.var_no()!=0); variable_mapt::const_iterator it=variable_map.find(l.var_no()); if(it==variable_map.end()) throw "Variable map error"; const exprt &sym=it->second.first; unsigned index=it->second.second; exprt extract_expr(ID_extractbit, typet(ID_bool)); extract_expr.copy_to_operands(sym); typet uint_type(ID_unsignedbv); uint_type.set(ID_width, 32); extract_expr.copy_to_operands(from_integer(index, uint_type)); if(l.sign()) extract_expr.negate(); return extract_expr; } function_cachet::const_iterator it=function_cache.find(l.var_no()); if(it!=function_cache.end()) { #if 0 std::cout << "CACHE HIT for " << l.dimacs() << std::endl; #endif if(l.sign()) return not_exprt(it->second); else return it->second; } else { WitnessStack *wsp = squolem->getModelFunction(Literal(l.dimacs())); exprt res; if(wsp==NULL || wsp->empty()) { // res=exprt(ID_nondet_bool, typet(ID_bool)); res=false_exprt(); // just set it to zero } else if(wsp->pSize<=wsp->nSize) res=f_get_cnf(wsp); else res=f_get_dnf(wsp); function_cache[l.var_no()] = res; if(l.sign()) return not_exprt(res); else return res; } }
void AusgabeBelegung(FILE* const fp) { assert(fp); extern enum Ausgabeformat Format; const char* Einrueckung = 0; if (Format == Dimacs_Format) fprintf(fp, "v"); else { assert(Format == XML_Format); extern bool Dateiausgabe; Einrueckung = (Dateiausgabe) ? "" : " "; fprintf(fp, "%s<solution>\n", Einrueckung); } if (EinerKlausel) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < InitEinerRed; ++i) { assert(Pfad0[i] > INT_MIN); const unsigned int v = abs(Pfad0[i]); const VZ e = (Pfad0[i] > 0) ? Pos : Neg; if (Format == Dimacs_Format) { if (e == Neg) fprintf(fp, " %s", Symbol1(v)); else fprintf(fp, " -%s", Symbol1(v)); } else { assert(Einrueckung); fprintf(fp, "%s <value var = \"%s\"> %d </value>\n", Einrueckung, Symbol1(v), e); } } { const Pfadinfo* const Z = Tiefe; for (Tiefe = Pfad; Tiefe < Z; ++Tiefe) { const LIT l = PfadLit(); const VAR v = Var(l); const VZ e = (l == Literal(v, Pos)) ? Pos : Neg; if (Format == Dimacs_Format) { if (e == Neg) fprintf(fp, " %s", Symbol(v)); else fprintf(fp, " -%s", Symbol(v)); } else { assert(Einrueckung); fprintf(fp, "%s <value var = \"%s\"> %d </value>\n", Einrueckung, Symbol(v), e); } } Tiefe = (Pfadinfo*) Z; } if (Format == Dimacs_Format) fprintf(fp, " 0\n"); else { assert(Einrueckung); fprintf(fp, "%s</solution>\n", Einrueckung); extern bool Dateiausgabe; if (! Dateiausgabe) fprintf(fp, "</SAT-Solver.output>\n"); } }
//========================================================= bool Parser::Value () { PrintRule rule("Value"); return rule.Accept( Literal() || NameReference() || GroupedExpression() ); }
void Component::printVariablesWithoutSourcePointer() { cout << "Variables:"; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < variablesWithoutSourcePointer.size(); i++ ) cout << " " << Literal( variablesWithoutSourcePointer[ i ], POSITIVE ); cout << endl; }
/*! \brief In monitoring mode, output branching literal x (with the given depth in the search tree). Currently output actually only happens if output of a satisfying assignment is enabled. */ __inline__ static void Verzweigungsliteralausgabe(const LIT x, const unsigned int Tiefe) { const VAR v = Var(x); const VZ e = (x == Literal(v, Pos)) ? Pos : Neg; if (Belegung) { fprintf(fpmo, "# %-6d %7s %d\n", Tiefe, Symbol(v), e); } fflush(NULL); }
void QueryInterface::addAnswer( Var v ) { if( wasp::Options::queryVerbosity >= 1 ) cout << "Certain answer: " << Literal( v, POSITIVE ) << endl; answers.push_back( v ); }
void HCComponent::createInitialClauseAndSimplifyHCVars() { trace_msg( modelchecker, 1, "Simplifying Head Cycle variables" ); Clause* clause = new Clause(); bool satisfied = false; int j = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < hcVariables.size(); i++ ) { Var v = hcVariables[ j ] = hcVariables[ i ]; if( solver.isTrue( v ) && solver.getDecisionLevel( v ) == 0 ) { Literal lit = Literal( v, NEGATIVE ); unfoundedSetCandidates.push_back( lit ); removedHCVars++; trace_msg( modelchecker, 2, "Variable " << Literal( v ) << " is true at level 0: removed" ); if( !satisfied ) satisfied = !addLiteralInClause( lit, clause ); } else j++; } hcVariables.resize( j ); trace_msg( modelchecker, 2, "Clause before adding a fresh variable " << *clause << ", which is " << ( satisfied ? "" : "not" ) << " satisfied"); if( clause->size() == 0 || satisfied ) { trace_msg( modelchecker, 3, "Removed" ); delete clause; } else { statistics( &checker, setTrueAtLevelZero( removedHCVars ) ); assert( clause != NULL ); Var newVar = addFreshVariable(); literalToAdd = Literal( newVar, NEGATIVE ); clause->addLiteral( literalToAdd.getOppositeLiteral() ); trace_msg( modelchecker, 3, "Clause to add " << *clause ); if( !isConflictual ) isConflictual = !checker.addClauseRuntime( clause ); } assert( removedHCVars == unfoundedSetCandidates.size() ); }
void posix_words() { Primitive( "getwd", &_getwd ); Colon( "pwd" ); c("getwd"); c("type"); c("cr"); End(); Primitive( "(getenv)", &_getenv ); Primitive( "(setenv)", &_setenv ); Colon( "getenv" ); c("parse-word"); c("(getenv)"); End(); Colon( "setenv" ); c("parse-word"); c("parse-word"); c("(setenv)"); End(); Colon( "printenv" ); c("parse-word"); c("2dup"); c("type"); Literal((Cell)'='); c("emit"); c("(getenv)"); If(); c("type"); Then(); c("cr"); End(); Primitive( "(system)", &_system ); Primitive( "(exec)", &_exec ); /* mmap() protection */ Constant( "PROT_EXEC", (Cell)PROT_EXEC ); Constant( "PROT_READ", (Cell)PROT_READ ); Constant( "PROT_WRITE", (Cell)PROT_WRITE ); Constant( "PROT_NONE", (Cell)PROT_NONE ); /* mmap() Flags */ Constant( "MAP_FIXED", (Cell)MAP_FIXED ); Constant( "MAP_SHARED", (Cell)MAP_SHARED ); Constant( "MAP_PRIVATE", (Cell)MAP_PRIVATE ); Primitive( "mmap", &do_mmap ); Primitive( "getpid", &_getpid ); Primitive( "getppid", &_getppid ); /* Signals for kill */ Constant( "SIGHUP", (Cell)SIGHUP ); Constant( "SIGINT", (Cell)SIGINT ); Constant( "SIGQUIT", (Cell)SIGQUIT ); Constant( "SIGILL", (Cell)SIGILL ); Constant( "SIGTRAP", (Cell)SIGTRAP ); Constant( "SIGABRT", (Cell)SIGABRT ); Constant( "SIGIOT", (Cell)SIGIOT ); Constant( "SIGBUS", (Cell)SIGBUS ); Constant( "SIGFPE", (Cell)SIGFPE ); Constant( "SIGKILL", (Cell)SIGKILL ); Constant( "SIGUSR1", (Cell)SIGUSR1 ); Constant( "SIGSEGV", (Cell)SIGSEGV ); Constant( "SIGUSR2", (Cell)SIGUSR2 ); Constant( "SIGPIPE", (Cell)SIGPIPE ); Constant( "SIGALRM", (Cell)SIGALRM ); Constant( "SIGTERM", (Cell)SIGTERM ); // Constant( "SIGSTKFLT", (Cell)SIGSTKFLT ); // Constant( "SIGCLD", (Cell)SIGCLD ); Constant( "SIGCHLD", (Cell)SIGCHLD ); Constant( "SIGCONT", (Cell)SIGCONT ); Constant( "SIGSTOP", (Cell)SIGSTOP ); Constant( "SIGTSTP", (Cell)SIGTSTP ); Primitive( "kill", &_kill ); }
Literal ClaspVmtf::getLiteral(const Solver& s, Var v) const { Literal r; if ( (r = savedLiteral(s, v)) == posLit(0) ) { r = score_[v].occ_== 0 ? s.preferredLiteralByType(v) : Literal(v, score_[v].occ_ < 0 ); } return r; }
void HCComponent::iterationInternalLiterals( vector< Literal >& assumptions ) { bool hasToAddClause = true; Clause* clause = new Clause(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < hcVariables.size(); i++ ) { Literal lit = Literal( hcVariables[ i ], NEGATIVE ); if( solver.isFalse( hcVariables[ i ] ) ) assumptions.push_back( lit ); else { unfoundedSetCandidates.push_back( lit ); if( !hasToAddClause ) continue; hasToAddClause = addLiteralInClause( lit, clause ); } } if( hasToAddClause && literalToAdd != Literal::null ) hasToAddClause = addLiteralInClause( literalToAdd, clause ); if( !hasToAddClause ) { delete clause; return; } Var addedVar = addFreshVariable(); assumptionLiteral = Literal( addedVar, POSITIVE ); clause->addLiteral( assumptionLiteral.getOppositeLiteral() ); assumptions.push_back( assumptionLiteral ); trace_msg( modelchecker, 2, "Adding clause " << *clause ); #ifndef NDEBUG bool result = #endif checker.addClauseRuntime( clause ); assert( result ); statistics( &checker, assumptionsOR( clause->size() ) ); trace_msg( modelchecker, 3, "Adding " << assumptionLiteral << " as assumption" ); }
void visitCallImport(CallImport* curr) { // special asm.js imports can be optimized auto* import = getModule()->getImport(curr->target); if (import->module == GLOBAL_MATH) { if (import->base == POW) { if (auto* exponent = curr->operands[1]->dynCast<Const>()) { if (exponent->value == Literal(double(2.0))) { // This is just a square operation, do a multiply Localizer localizer(curr->operands[0], getFunction(), getModule()); Builder builder(*getModule()); replaceCurrent(builder.makeBinary(MulFloat64, localizer.expr, builder.makeGetLocal(localizer.index, localizer.expr->type))); } else if (exponent->value == Literal(double(0.5))) { // This is just a square root operation replaceCurrent(Builder(*getModule()).makeUnary(SqrtFloat64, curr->operands[0])); } } } } }
// normalization // 10/09/2002, Manchester void Literal::normalize () { Atom a (atom()); a.normalize(); if (a == atom()) { return; } *this = Literal (sign(),a); } // Literal::normalize ()
// build literal list from a kernel literal list // 28/09/2002 Manchester LiteralList::LiteralList (const VampireKernel::Literal* literal, const VampireKernel& kernel) { if (! literal) { _data = 0; return; } _data = new LstData<Literal> ( Literal (literal, kernel), LiteralList (literal->next(), kernel) ); } // Literal::Literal (const VampireKernel::Literal* lit, ...)
/* Annule les changements faits par propagateVariable dans les clauses contenant la variable. Cette fonction doit être appelée lors du backtrack. */ void Variable::deductedFromAssigned(void) { const Literal lit = Literal(this, _varState); const std::vector<Clause*>& cTrue = _varState ? _litTrue : _litFalse; const std::vector<Clause*>& cFalse = _varState ? _litFalse : _litTrue; std::vector<Clause*>::const_iterator it; for(it = cTrue.begin(); it != cTrue.end(); ++it) (*it)->freeLitTrue(lit); for(it = cFalse.begin(); it != cFalse.end(); ++it) (*it)->freeLitFalse(lit); }
bool Component::checkSourcePointersStatus() { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < variablesInComponent.size(); i++ ) { unsigned int id = variablesInComponent[ i ]; assert( solver.getComponent( id )->getId() == this->id ); if( !getGUSData( id ).isFounded() ) { cerr << "Variable " << Literal( id, POSITIVE ) << " is not founded " << getGUSData( id ).numberOfSupporting << endl; return false; } if( getGUSData( id ).numberOfSupporting != 0 ) { cerr << "Variable " << Literal( id, POSITIVE ) << " has a number of supporting greater than 0" << endl; return false; } } return true; }