static void LoadPlayerTemplate( PlayerTemplate *t, json_t *node, const int version) { strcpy(t->name, json_find_first_label(node, "Name")->child->text); t->Class = StrCharacterClass( json_find_first_label(node, "Face")->child->text); CASSERT(t->Class != NULL, "cannot find character class"); if (version == 1) { // Version 1 used integer palettes int skin, arms, body, legs, hair; LoadInt(&skin, node, "Skin"); LoadInt(&arms, node, "Arms"); LoadInt(&body, node, "Body"); LoadInt(&legs, node, "Legs"); LoadInt(&hair, node, "Hair"); ConvertCharacterColors(skin, arms, body, legs, hair, &t->Colors); } else { LoadColor(&t->Colors.Skin, node, "Skin"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Arms, node, "Arms"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Body, node, "Body"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Legs, node, "Legs"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Hair, node, "Hair"); } }
void Profile::Load(const ProfileMap &map, FlarmColorDatabase &db) { LoadColor(map, db, "FriendsGreen", FlarmColor::GREEN); LoadColor(map, db, "FriendsBlue", FlarmColor::BLUE); LoadColor(map, db, "FriendsYellow", FlarmColor::YELLOW); LoadColor(map, db, "FriendsMagenta", FlarmColor::MAGENTA); }
void FlarmFriends::Load() { LogStartUp(_T("Loading FLARM friends database")); LoadColor(_T("FriendsGreen"), Color::GREEN); LoadColor(_T("FriendsBlue"), Color::BLUE); LoadColor(_T("FriendsYellow"), Color::YELLOW); LoadColor(_T("FriendsMagenta"), Color::MAGENTA); }
void LoadCharacters( CharacterStore *c, json_t *charactersNode, const int version) { json_t *child = charactersNode->child; CharacterStoreTerminate(c); CharacterStoreInit(c); while (child) { Character *ch = CharacterStoreAddOther(c); char *tmp; if (version < 7) { // Old version stored character looks as palette indices int face; LoadInt(&face, child, "face"); ch->Class = IntCharacterClass(face); int skin, arm, body, leg, hair; LoadInt(&skin, child, "skin"); LoadInt(&arm, child, "arm"); LoadInt(&body, child, "body"); LoadInt(&leg, child, "leg"); LoadInt(&hair, child, "hair"); ConvertCharacterColors(skin, arm, body, leg, hair, &ch->Colors); } else { tmp = GetString(child, "Class"); ch->Class = StrCharacterClass(tmp); CFREE(tmp); LoadColor(&ch->Colors.Skin, child, "Skin"); LoadColor(&ch->Colors.Arms, child, "Arms"); LoadColor(&ch->Colors.Body, child, "Body"); LoadColor(&ch->Colors.Legs, child, "Legs"); LoadColor(&ch->Colors.Hair, child, "Hair"); } LoadInt(&ch->speed, child, "speed"); tmp = GetString(child, "Gun"); ch->Gun = StrGunDescription(tmp); CFREE(tmp); LoadInt(&ch->maxHealth, child, "maxHealth"); LoadInt(&ch->flags, child, "flags"); LoadInt(&ch->bot->probabilityToMove, child, "probabilityToMove"); LoadInt(&ch->bot->probabilityToTrack, child, "probabilityToTrack"); LoadInt(&ch->bot->probabilityToShoot, child, "probabilityToShoot"); LoadInt(&ch->bot->actionDelay, child, "actionDelay"); child = child->next; } }
/* 首先,已知顶点位置坐标v0 v1 v2 v3…和法向量n0 n1 n2 n3…。 * (上述vi 和 ni都是数组,长度为3,表示一个三维向量) * 因此,指定3个序号,比如0,1,2代表v0v1v2即可指定一个三角形3个顶点的位置; * 又指定3个序号,比如0,2,4代表n0n2n4即可指定一个三角形3个顶点的法向量。 * 把刚才指定的序号结合在一起,即0,1,2,0,2,4,即可描述一个三角形面的位置和方向 */ void MeshModel::LoadMeshDataFrom3DE( unsigned vertexNum, int face_indicies[][6], unsigned faceIndiciesLength, float vertices[][3], unsigned verticesLength, float normals[][3], unsigned normalsLength, float colorR, float colorG, float colorB) { std::vector<float> vecVertex; std::vector<float> vecNormal; std::vector<float> vecColor; for (unsigned i = 0; i<faceIndiciesLength / sizeof(face_indicies[0]); i++) { for (unsigned j = 0; j<3; j++) { int vi = face_indicies[i][j]; int ni = face_indicies[i][j + 3];//Normal index vecVertex.push_back(vertices[vi][0]); vecVertex.push_back(vertices[vi][1]); vecVertex.push_back(vertices[vi][2]); vecNormal.push_back(normals[ni][0]); vecNormal.push_back(normals[ni][1]); vecNormal.push_back(normals[ni][2]); vecColor.push_back(colorR); vecColor.push_back(colorG); vecColor.push_back(colorB); } } LoadColor(, vecColor.size()*sizeof(float), GL_FLOAT, 3); LoadVertex(, vecVertex.size()*sizeof(float), GL_FLOAT, 3); LoadNormal(, vecNormal.size()*sizeof(float), GL_FLOAT); }
//==================================================== // BaseRenderComponent definitions //==================================================== bool BaseRenderComponent::Init(TiXmlElement* pData) { TiXmlElement* pColorNode = pData->FirstChildElement("Color"); if (pColorNode) m_Color = LoadColor(pColorNode); return DelegateInit(pData); }
int CSynBCGPEditCtrl::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CBCGPEditCtrl::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; LoadColor(); return 0; }
TVizMapContext::TVizMapContext(PVizMap _VizMap): VizMap(_VizMap), VizMapFrameN(0), VizMapFrame(_VizMap->GetFirst()), SelMode(vmsmZoom), MgGlassPoints(0), MouseInP(false), LeftButtonDownP(false), MgGlassSize(0.2), NearPointN(-1) { LoadColor(); LoadCatFullNms(); ResetFrame(); }
void COFSNcDlg2::LoadColors(IXMLDOMNode *pXmlRoot) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pColors = NULL; m_crButton.Clear(); m_crDialog.Clear(); m_crEdit.Clear(); m_crList.Clear(); m_crScroll.Clear(); m_crStatic.Clear(); // if(m_pBrush) // { // m_pBrush->DeleteObject(); // delete m_pBrush; // m_pBrush = NULL; // } if(pXmlRoot) { pXmlRoot->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(L"Colors"), &pColors); if(pColors) { LoadColor(pColors, _T("Button"), m_crButton); LoadColor(pColors, _T("Dialog"), m_crDialog); LoadColor(pColors, _T("Edit"), m_crEdit); LoadColor(pColors, _T("List"), m_crList); LoadColor(pColors, _T("Scroll"), m_crScroll); LoadColor(pColors, _T("Static"), m_crStatic); //pColors->Release(); } } }
void SceneBase::InitColors() { const string COLOR_FILE_PATH = "SONs//Colors.son"; StopWatch initTimer; initTimer.startTimer(); std::cout << "Loading " << COLOR_FILE_PATH << "... "; colList = LoadColor(COLOR_FILE_PATH, colListMap); // Push the default Color to the back colList.push_back(Color()); colListMap.push_back("Generic Color"); if (colList.size() != colListMap.size()) { std::cout << "Error: " << COLOR_FILE_PATH << " has resulted in unequal amounts of Color and Color Names!" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Loaded! (" << initTimer.getElapsedTime() << "s)" << std::endl; } }
BOOL COFSNcDlg2::LoadLabel(IXMLDOMNode *pXmlRoot, LPCTSTR szName, CLabel *pLbl, BOOL bVisible) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; LoadSkins skin; long nErrorCode = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strErrorMessage; IStreamPtr pStream = NULL; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pLabel = NULL, pFont = NULL; CComBSTR bs; _bstr_t bsImagePath; long x=0, y=0, cx=0, cy=0; WCHAR *szNULL = L"\0x00"; pLbl->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); bs.Empty(); bs = L"Label[@Name='"; bs += szName; bs += L"']"; pXmlRoot->selectSingleNode(bs, &pLabel); if(pLabel) { bResult = TRUE; // Get button coordinates bs.Empty(); SelectChildNode(pLabel, CComBSTR(L"XPos"), NULL, &bs); if(bs.m_str != NULL) x = wcstol(bs.m_str, &szNULL, 10); bs.Empty(); SelectChildNode(pLabel, CComBSTR(L"YPos"), NULL, &bs); if(bs.m_str != NULL) y = wcstol(bs.m_str, &szNULL, 10); bs.Empty(); SelectChildNode(pLabel, CComBSTR(L"XLen"), NULL, &bs); if(bs.m_str != NULL) cx = wcstol(bs.m_str, &szNULL, 10); bs.Empty(); SelectChildNode(pLabel, CComBSTR(L"YLen"), NULL, &bs); if(bs.m_str != NULL) cy = wcstol(bs.m_str, &szNULL, 10); COLORREF crText, crBG; LoadColor(pLabel, _T("Text"), crText); if(crText != CLR_NONE) pLbl->SetTextColor(crText); LoadColor(pLabel, _T("BG"), crBG); if(crBG != CLR_NONE) { pLbl->SetTransparent(FALSE); pLbl->SetBkColor(crBG); } else pLbl->SetTransparent(TRUE); // Load font pLabel->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(L"Font"), &pFont); if(pFont) { bs.Empty(); GetNodeAttribute(pFont, CComBSTR(L"Face"), bs); if(bs.m_str != NULL && bs.Length()) pLbl->SetFontName(CString(bs)); long n = 0; GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pFont, CComBSTR(L"Size"), &n, 10); if(n != 0) pLbl->SetFontSize(n); n = 0; GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pFont, CComBSTR(L"Bold"), &n, 10); pLbl->SetFontBold(n != 0); n = 0; GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pFont, CComBSTR(L"Italic"), &n, 10); pLbl->SetFontItalic(n != 0); n = 0; GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pFont, CComBSTR(L"Underline"), &n, 10); pLbl->SetFontUnderline(n != 0); //pFont->Release(); } UINT nFlags = SWP_NOZORDER; if(bVisible) nFlags |= SWP_SHOWWINDOW; pLbl->SetWindowPos(NULL, x, y, cx, cy, nFlags); // Load settings for resize IXMLDOMNode *pResize = NULL; pLabel->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(L"Resize"), &pResize); if(pResize) { long tlcx, tlcy, brcx, brcy; GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pResize, _bstr_t("TLCX"), &tlcx, 10); GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pResize, _bstr_t("TLCY"), &tlcy, 10); GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pResize, _bstr_t("BRCX"), &brcx, 10); GetNodeAttributeAsLong(pResize, _bstr_t("BRCY"), &brcy, 10); if(tlcx || tlcy || brcx || brcy) AddAnchor(pLbl->GetSafeHwnd(), CSize(tlcx, tlcy), CSize(brcx, brcy)); //pResize->Release(); } //pLabel->Release(); } return bResult; }
void LoadMissions(CArray *missions, json_t *missionsNode, int version) { json_t *child; for (child = missionsNode->child; child; child = child->next) { Mission m; MissionInit(&m); m.Title = GetString(child, "Title"); m.Description = GetString(child, "Description"); JSON_UTILS_LOAD_ENUM(m.Type, child, "Type", StrMapType); LoadInt(&m.Size.x, child, "Width"); LoadInt(&m.Size.y, child, "Height"); if (version <= 10) { int style; LoadInt(&style, child, "WallStyle"); strcpy(m.WallStyle, IntWallStyle(style)); LoadInt(&style, child, "FloorStyle"); strcpy(m.FloorStyle, IntFloorStyle(style)); LoadInt(&style, child, "RoomStyle"); strcpy(m.RoomStyle, IntRoomStyle(style)); } else { char *tmp = GetString(child, "WallStyle"); strcpy(m.WallStyle, tmp); CFREE(tmp); tmp = GetString(child, "FloorStyle"); strcpy(m.FloorStyle, tmp); CFREE(tmp); tmp = GetString(child, "RoomStyle"); strcpy(m.RoomStyle, tmp); CFREE(tmp); } if (version <= 9) { int style; LoadInt(&style, child, "ExitStyle"); strcpy(m.ExitStyle, IntExitStyle(style)); } else { char *tmp = GetString(child, "ExitStyle"); strcpy(m.ExitStyle, tmp); CFREE(tmp); } if (version <= 8) { int keyStyle; LoadInt(&keyStyle, child, "KeyStyle"); strcpy(m.KeyStyle, IntKeyStyle(keyStyle)); } else { char *tmp = GetString(child, "KeyStyle"); strcpy(m.KeyStyle, tmp); CFREE(tmp); } if (version <= 5) { int doorStyle; LoadInt(&doorStyle, child, "DoorStyle"); strcpy(m.DoorStyle, IntDoorStyle(doorStyle)); } else { char *tmp = GetString(child, "DoorStyle"); strcpy(m.DoorStyle, tmp); CFREE(tmp); } LoadMissionObjectives( &m.Objectives, json_find_first_label(child, "Objectives")->child, version); LoadIntArray(&m.Enemies, child, "Enemies"); LoadIntArray(&m.SpecialChars, child, "SpecialChars"); if (version <= 3) { CArray items; CArrayInit(&items, sizeof(int)); LoadIntArray(&items, child, "Items"); CArray densities; CArrayInit(&densities, sizeof(int)); LoadIntArray(&densities, child, "ItemDensities"); for (int i = 0; i < (int)items.size; i++) { MapObjectDensity mod; mod.M = IntMapObject(*(int *)CArrayGet(&items, i)); mod.Density = *(int *)CArrayGet(&densities, i); CArrayPushBack(&m.MapObjectDensities, &mod); } } else { json_t *modsNode = json_find_first_label(child, "MapObjectDensities"); if (modsNode && modsNode->child) { modsNode = modsNode->child; for (json_t *modNode = modsNode->child; modNode; modNode = modNode->next) { MapObjectDensity mod; mod.M = StrMapObject( json_find_first_label(modNode, "MapObject")->child->text); LoadInt(&mod.Density, modNode, "Density"); CArrayPushBack(&m.MapObjectDensities, &mod); } } } LoadInt(&m.EnemyDensity, child, "EnemyDensity"); LoadWeapons( &m.Weapons, json_find_first_label(child, "Weapons")->child); strcpy(m.Song, json_find_first_label(child, "Song")->child->text); if (version <= 4) { // Load colour indices int wc, fc, rc, ac; LoadInt(&wc, child, "WallColor"); LoadInt(&fc, child, "FloorColor"); LoadInt(&rc, child, "RoomColor"); LoadInt(&ac, child, "AltColor"); m.WallMask = RangeToColor(wc); m.FloorMask = RangeToColor(fc); m.RoomMask = RangeToColor(rc); m.AltMask = RangeToColor(ac); } else { LoadColor(&m.WallMask, child, "WallMask"); LoadColor(&m.FloorMask, child, "FloorMask"); LoadColor(&m.RoomMask, child, "RoomMask"); LoadColor(&m.AltMask, child, "AltMask"); } switch (m.Type) { case MAPTYPE_CLASSIC: LoadInt(&m.u.Classic.Walls, child, "Walls"); LoadInt(&m.u.Classic.WallLength, child, "WallLength"); LoadInt(&m.u.Classic.CorridorWidth, child, "CorridorWidth"); LoadClassicRooms( &m, json_find_first_label(child, "Rooms")->child); LoadInt(&m.u.Classic.Squares, child, "Squares"); LoadClassicDoors(&m, child, "Doors"); LoadClassicPillars(&m, child, "Pillars"); break; case MAPTYPE_STATIC: if (!TryLoadStaticMap(&m, child, version)) { continue; } break; case MAPTYPE_CAVE: LoadInt(&m.u.Cave.FillPercent, child, "FillPercent"); LoadInt(&m.u.Cave.Repeat, child, "Repeat"); LoadInt(&m.u.Cave.R1, child, "R1"); LoadInt(&m.u.Cave.R2, child, "R2"); break; default: assert(0 && "unknown map type"); continue; } CArrayPushBack(missions, &m); } }
BResources* read_resources(const char* appSignature) { status_t ret = be_app->GetAppInfo(&kAppInfo); if (ret != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init application info: %s\n", strerror(ret)); exit(1); } BFile file(&kAppInfo.ref, O_RDONLY); ret = file.InitCheck(); if (ret != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init application file to read resources: " "%s\n", strerror(ret)); exit(1); } BResources* r = new BResources(&file); #define LoadString(n) (char*)r->LoadResource(B_STRING_TYPE, n, &ignore) #define LoadColor(n) *(rgb_color*)r->LoadResource(B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE, n, &ignore) #define LoadUint8(n) *(uint8*)r->LoadResource(B_UINT8_TYPE, n, &ignore) size_t ignore; kVolMenuLabel = LoadString("STR_VM_LABEL"); kOneFile = LoadString("STR_1_FILE"); kManyFiles = LoadString("STR_N_FILES"); kStrRescan = LoadString("STR_RESCAN"); kStrScanningX = LoadString("STR_SCN_X"); kStrUnavail = LoadString("STR_UNAVAIL"); kVolMenuDefault = LoadString("STR_VM_DFLT"); kVolPrompt = LoadString("STR_VPROMPT"); kMenuGetInfo = LoadString("STR_M_INFO"); kMenuOpen = LoadString("STR_M_OPEN"); kMenuOpenWith = LoadString("STR_M_OPENW"); kMenuNoApps = LoadString("STR_M_NAPPS"); kInfoSize = LoadString("STR_SIZE"); kInfoInFiles = LoadString("STR_INFILES"); kInfoCreated = LoadString("STR_MADE"); kInfoModified = LoadString("STR_MOD"); kInfoTimeFmt = LoadString("STR_TIMEFMT"); kInfoKind = LoadString("STR_KIND"); kInfoPath = LoadString("STR_PATH"); kWindowColor = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); kOutlineColor = LoadColor("RGB_PIE_OL"); kPieBGColor = LoadColor("RGB_PIE_BG"); kEmptySpcColor = LoadColor("RGB_PIE_MT"); kBasePieColorCount = LoadUint8("N_PIE_COLORS"); kBasePieColor = new rgb_color[kBasePieColorCount]; for (int i = 0; i < kBasePieColorCount; i++) { char colorName[16] = "RGB_PIE_n"; colorName[8] = '1' + i; kBasePieColor[i] = LoadColor(colorName); } // Get a reference to the help file. BPath path; if (find_directory(B_BEOS_DOCUMENTATION_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK && path.Append(kHelpFileName) == B_OK) { printf("help file =? %s\n", path.Path()); BEntry entry(path.Path()); kFoundHelpFile = entry.Exists(); entry.GetRef(&kHelpFileRef); } else kFoundHelpFile = false; return r; }