Exemplo n.º 1
bool FGFDMExec::Allocate(void)
  bool result=true;


  // See the eModels enum specification in the header file. The order of the enums
  // specifies the order of execution. The Models[] vector is the primary
  // storage array for the list of models.
  Models[ePropagate]         = new FGPropagate(this);
  Models[eInput]             = new FGInput(this);
  Models[eInertial]          = new FGInertial(this);
  Models[eAtmosphere]        = new FGStandardAtmosphere(this);
  Models[eWinds]             = new FGWinds(this);
  Models[eAuxiliary]         = new FGAuxiliary(this);
  Models[eSystems]           = new FGFCS(this);
  Models[ePropulsion]        = new FGPropulsion(this);
  Models[eAerodynamics]      = new FGAerodynamics (this);


  Models[eGroundReactions]   = new FGGroundReactions(this);
  Models[eExternalReactions] = new FGExternalReactions(this);
  Models[eBuoyantForces]     = new FGBuoyantForces(this);
  Models[eMassBalance]       = new FGMassBalance(this);
  Models[eAircraft]          = new FGAircraft(this);
  Models[eAccelerations]     = new FGAccelerations(this);

  // Assign the Model shortcuts for internal executive use only.
  Propagate = (FGPropagate*)Models[ePropagate];
  Inertial = (FGInertial*)Models[eInertial];
  Atmosphere = (FGAtmosphere*)Models[eAtmosphere];
  Winds = (FGWinds*)Models[eWinds];
  Auxiliary = (FGAuxiliary*)Models[eAuxiliary];
  FCS = (FGFCS*)Models[eSystems];
  Propulsion = (FGPropulsion*)Models[ePropulsion];
  Aerodynamics = (FGAerodynamics*)Models[eAerodynamics];
  GroundReactions = (FGGroundReactions*)Models[eGroundReactions];
  ExternalReactions = (FGExternalReactions*)Models[eExternalReactions];
  BuoyantForces = (FGBuoyantForces*)Models[eBuoyantForces];
  MassBalance = (FGMassBalance*)Models[eMassBalance];
  Aircraft = (FGAircraft*)Models[eAircraft];
  Accelerations = (FGAccelerations*)Models[eAccelerations];

  // Initialize planet (environment) constants

  // Initialize models
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Models.size(); i++) {

  IC = new FGInitialCondition(this);

  modelLoaded = false;

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
void FGFDMExec::LoadModelConstants(void)
  Winds->in.wingspan             = Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
  FCS->in.NumGear                = GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingarea      = Aircraft->GetWingArea();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingchord     = Aircraft->Getcbar();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingincidence = Aircraft->GetWingIncidence();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingspan      = Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
  Auxiliary->in.Wingspan         = Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
  Auxiliary->in.Wingchord        = Aircraft->Getcbar();
  GroundReactions->in.vXYZcg     = MassBalance->GetXYZcg();

Exemplo n.º 3
void FGFDMExec::LoadModelConstants(void)
  Winds->in.wingspan             = Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
  FCS->in.NumGear                = GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingarea      = Aircraft->GetWingArea();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingchord     = Aircraft->Getcbar();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingincidence = Aircraft->GetWingIncidence();
  Aerodynamics->in.Wingspan      = Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
  Auxiliary->in.Wingspan         = Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
  Auxiliary->in.Wingchord        = Aircraft->Getcbar();
  for (int i=0; i<GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits(); i++) {
    GroundReactions->in.vWhlBodyVec[i] = MassBalance->StructuralToBody(GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i)->GetLocation());

Exemplo n.º 4
bool FGFDMExec::Allocate(void)
  bool result=true;


  // First build the inertial model since some other models are relying on
  // the inertial model and the ground callback to build themselves.
  // Note that this does not affect the order in which the models will be
  // executed later.
  Models[eInertial]          = new FGInertial(this);
  SetGroundCallback(new FGDefaultGroundCallback(static_cast<FGInertial*>(Models[eInertial])->GetRefRadius()));

  // See the eModels enum specification in the header file. The order of the
  // enums specifies the order of execution. The Models[] vector is the primary
  // storage array for the list of models.
  Models[ePropagate]         = new FGPropagate(this);
  Models[eInput]             = new FGInput(this);
  Models[eAtmosphere]        = new FGStandardAtmosphere(this);
  Models[eWinds]             = new FGWinds(this);
  Models[eSystems]           = new FGFCS(this);
  Models[eMassBalance]       = new FGMassBalance(this);
  Models[eAuxiliary]         = new FGAuxiliary(this);
  Models[ePropulsion]        = new FGPropulsion(this);
  Models[eAerodynamics]      = new FGAerodynamics (this);
  Models[eGroundReactions]   = new FGGroundReactions(this);
  Models[eExternalReactions] = new FGExternalReactions(this);
  Models[eBuoyantForces]     = new FGBuoyantForces(this);
  Models[eAircraft]          = new FGAircraft(this);
  Models[eAccelerations]     = new FGAccelerations(this);
  Models[eOutput]            = new FGOutput(this);

  // Assign the Model shortcuts for internal executive use only.
  Propagate = (FGPropagate*)Models[ePropagate];
  Inertial = (FGInertial*)Models[eInertial];
  Atmosphere = (FGAtmosphere*)Models[eAtmosphere];
  Winds = (FGWinds*)Models[eWinds];
  FCS = (FGFCS*)Models[eSystems];
  MassBalance = (FGMassBalance*)Models[eMassBalance];
  Auxiliary = (FGAuxiliary*)Models[eAuxiliary];
  Propulsion = (FGPropulsion*)Models[ePropulsion];
  Aerodynamics = (FGAerodynamics*)Models[eAerodynamics];
  GroundReactions = (FGGroundReactions*)Models[eGroundReactions];
  ExternalReactions = (FGExternalReactions*)Models[eExternalReactions];
  BuoyantForces = (FGBuoyantForces*)Models[eBuoyantForces];
  Aircraft = (FGAircraft*)Models[eAircraft];
  Accelerations = (FGAccelerations*)Models[eAccelerations];
  Output = (FGOutput*)Models[eOutput];

  // Initialize planet (environment) constants

  // Initialize models
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Models.size(); i++) {
    // The Input/Output models must not be initialized prior to IC loading
    if (i == eInput || i == eOutput) continue;


  IC = new FGInitialCondition(this);

  modelLoaded = false;

  return result;