void WriteLog(LogType logType, string logMessage, const char* funcName, const char* sourceFile, unsigned int lineNum) { std::stringstream ss; //get the time for the log time_t t = time(0); struct tm * now = localtime(&t); ss << now->tm_mon + 1 << "/" << now->tm_mday << "/" << now->tm_year + 1900 << " " << now->tm_hour + 1 << "-" << now->tm_min << "-" << now->tm_sec; //now for the prefix of the message ss << "[" << LogToString(logType) << "]"; //now for the location of the message //TODO: THREAD ID ss << " --" << funcName << "-- "; //if it is debug, add some extra stuff if (GET_CONFIG_ELEMENT_STR("MODE") == "DEBUG") { ss << "--" << sourceFile << "-- --" << lineNum << "-- "; } //now output the actual message ss << "\'" << logMessage << "\'\n"; //always output everything to the console until I impliment variable verbosity std::cout << ss.str(); //now depending on the type, increment the correct value IncrementProperLogTypes(logType); if (logType == ERROR_) { #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t *wstr = new wchar_t[MAXLEN]; mbstowcs(wstr, ss.str().c_str(), MAXLEN); ::MessageBox(NULL, wstr, L"Error!", MB_OK); #endif QuicksandEngine::g_pApp->SetQuitting(true); } else if (logType == ASSERTION) { #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t *wstr = new wchar_t[MAXLEN]; mbstowcs(wstr, ss.str().c_str(), MAXLEN); ::MessageBox(NULL, wstr, L"Assertion Failure!", MB_OK); #endif } //finally write it to the log stream SCOPED_CS(gCritSec); gLog << ss.str(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prints the mission data optionaly to a file or standard out // void PrintResults(ThermoStateType *ThermoState, FILE *fp, int ConvertToF) { // aslink only can handle 64k, so we use the second 64k bank char *str=(xdata char*)0x190000; // check if need to use standard out if (fp == NULL) fp = stdout; #if 0 // get big block to use as a buffer str = malloc(80000); if (str == NULL) { printf("Insufficient memory available to print!\n"); return; } #endif // mission status MissionStatusToString(&ThermoState->MissStat, ConvertToF, &str[0]); fprintf(fp,"\n%s\n",str); // alarm events AlarmsToString(&ThermoState->AlarmData, &str[0]); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",str); // histogram HistogramToString(&ThermoState->HistData, ConvertToF, &str[0]); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",str); // log data LogToString(&ThermoState->LogData, ConvertToF, &str[0]); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",str); // debug raw data DebugToString(&ThermoState->MissStat, &ThermoState->AlarmData, &ThermoState->HistData, &ThermoState->LogData, &str[0]); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",str); #if 0 // free the memory block used free(str); #endif }
void FRCPassPostProcessVisualizeHDR::Process(FRenderingCompositePassContext& Context) { SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(PostProcessVisualizeHDR, DEC_SCENE_ITEMS); const FPooledRenderTargetDesc* InputDesc = GetInputDesc(ePId_Input0); if(!InputDesc) { // input is not hooked up correctly return; } const FSceneView& View = Context.View; const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily = *(View.Family); FIntRect SrcRect = View.ViewRect; FIntRect DestRect = View.ViewRect; FIntPoint SrcSize = InputDesc->Extent; const FSceneRenderTargetItem& DestRenderTarget = PassOutputs[0].RequestSurface(Context); // Set the view family's render target/viewport. RHISetRenderTarget(DestRenderTarget.TargetableTexture, FTextureRHIRef()); Context.SetViewportAndCallRHI(DestRect); // set the state RHISetBlendState(TStaticBlendState<>::GetRHI()); RHISetRasterizerState(TStaticRasterizerState<>::GetRHI()); RHISetDepthStencilState(TStaticDepthStencilState<false,CF_Always>::GetRHI()); TShaderMapRef<FPostProcessVS> VertexShader(GetGlobalShaderMap()); TShaderMapRef<FPostProcessVisualizeHDRPS> PixelShader(GetGlobalShaderMap()); static FGlobalBoundShaderState BoundShaderState; SetGlobalBoundShaderState(BoundShaderState, GFilterVertexDeclaration.VertexDeclarationRHI, *VertexShader, *PixelShader); PixelShader->SetPS(Context); // Draw a quad mapping scene color to the view's render target DrawRectangle( DestRect.Min.X, DestRect.Min.Y, DestRect.Width(), DestRect.Height(), SrcRect.Min.X, SrcRect.Min.Y, SrcRect.Width(), SrcRect.Height(), DestRect.Size(), SrcSize, EDRF_UseTriangleOptimization); // this is a helper class for FCanvas to be able to get screen size class FRenderTargetTemp : public FRenderTarget { public: const FSceneView& View; const FTexture2DRHIRef Texture; FRenderTargetTemp(const FSceneView& InView, const FTexture2DRHIRef InTexture) : View(InView), Texture(InTexture) { } virtual FIntPoint GetSizeXY() const { return View.ViewRect.Size(); }; virtual const FTexture2DRHIRef& GetRenderTargetTexture() const { return Texture; } } TempRenderTarget(View, (const FTexture2DRHIRef&)DestRenderTarget.TargetableTexture); FCanvas Canvas(&TempRenderTarget, NULL, ViewFamily.CurrentRealTime, ViewFamily.CurrentWorldTime, ViewFamily.DeltaWorldTime); float X = 30; float Y = 8; const float YStep = 14; const float ColumnWidth = 250; FString Line; Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("HDR Histogram (Logarithmic, max of RGB)")); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X, Y += YStep, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Y += 160; float MinX = 64 + 10; float MaxY = View.ViewRect.Max.Y - 64; float SizeX = View.ViewRect.Size().X - 64 * 2 - 20; for(uint32 i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { int XAdd = (int)(i * SizeX / 4); float HistogramPosition = i / 4.0f; float LogValue = FMath::Lerp(View.FinalPostProcessSettings.HistogramLogMin, View.FinalPostProcessSettings.HistogramLogMax, HistogramPosition); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("%.2g"), LogValue); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( MinX + XAdd - 5, MaxY, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 0.3f, 0.3f)); Line = LogToString(LogValue); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( MinX + XAdd - 5, MaxY + YStep, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 1)); } Y += 3 * YStep; Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("%g%% .. %g%%"), View.FinalPostProcessSettings.AutoExposureLowPercent, View.FinalPostProcessSettings.AutoExposureHighPercent); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X, Y += YStep, TEXT("EyeAdaptationPercent Low/High:"), GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X + ColumnWidth, Y, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("%g .. %g"), View.FinalPostProcessSettings.AutoExposureMinBrightness, View.FinalPostProcessSettings.AutoExposureMaxBrightness); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X, Y += YStep, TEXT("EyeAdaptationBrightness Min/Max:"), GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X + ColumnWidth, Y, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 1)); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("%g / %g"), View.FinalPostProcessSettings.AutoExposureSpeedUp, View.FinalPostProcessSettings.AutoExposureSpeedDown); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X, Y += YStep, TEXT("EyeAdaptionSpeed Up/Down:"), GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X + ColumnWidth, Y, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("%g"), View.FinalPostProcessSettings.AutoExposureBias); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X, Y += YStep, TEXT("Exposure Offset: "), GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X + ColumnWidth, Y, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 0.3f, 0.3f)); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("%g .. %g (log2)"), View.FinalPostProcessSettings.HistogramLogMin, View.FinalPostProcessSettings.HistogramLogMax); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X, Y += YStep, TEXT("HistogramLog Min/Max:"), GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 1, 1)); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X + ColumnWidth, Y, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(1, 0.3f, 0.3f)); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s .. %s (Value)"), *LogToString(View.FinalPostProcessSettings.HistogramLogMin), *LogToString(View.FinalPostProcessSettings.HistogramLogMax)); Canvas.DrawShadowedString( X + ColumnWidth, Y+= YStep, *Line, GetStatsFont(), FLinearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 1)); Canvas.Flush(); RHICopyToResolveTarget(DestRenderTarget.TargetableTexture, DestRenderTarget.ShaderResourceTexture, false, FResolveParams()); }