Exemplo n.º 1
//  Destroy_External_Storage: C
// Destroy the external storage pointed by `->data` by calling the routine
// `free_func` if it's not NULL
// out            Result
// ser            The series
// free_func    A routine to free the storage, if it's NULL, only mark the
//         external storage non-accessible
REB_R Destroy_External_Storage(REBVAL *out,
                               REBSER *ser,
                               REBVAL *free_func)

        fail (Error(RE_NO_EXTERNAL_STORAGE));
        REBVAL i;
        SET_INTEGER(&i, cast(REBUPT, SER_DATA_RAW(ser)));

        fail (Error(RE_ALREADY_DESTROYED, &i));
    if (free_func) {
        REBVAL safe;
        REBARR *array;
        REBVAL *elem;
        REBOOL threw;

        array = Make_Array(2);

        elem = Alloc_Tail_Array(array);
        *elem = *free_func;

        elem = Alloc_Tail_Array(array);
        SET_INTEGER(elem, cast(REBUPT, SER_DATA_RAW(ser)));

        threw = Do_At_Throws(&safe, array, 0, SPECIFIED); // 2 non-relative val


        if (threw) return R_OUT_IS_THROWN;
    return R_OUT;
Exemplo n.º 2
//  Modify_Array: C
// Returns new dst_idx
REBCNT Modify_Array(
    REBCNT action,          // INSERT, APPEND, CHANGE
    REBARR *dst_arr,        // target
    REBCNT dst_idx,         // position
    const REBVAL *src_val,  // source
    REBCNT flags,           // AN_ONLY, AN_PART
    REBINT dst_len,         // length to remove
    REBINT dups             // dup count
) {
    REBCNT tail = ARR_LEN(dst_arr);

    REBINT ilen = 1; // length to be inserted

    const RELVAL *src_rel;
    REBCTX *specifier;

    if (IS_VOID(src_val) || dups < 0) {
        // If they are effectively asking for "no action" then all we have
        // to do is return the natural index result for the operation.
        // (APPEND will return 0, insert the tail of the insertion...so index)

        return (action == SYM_APPEND) ? 0 : dst_idx;

    if (action == SYM_APPEND || dst_idx > tail) dst_idx = tail;

    // Check /PART, compute LEN:
    if (!GET_FLAG(flags, AN_ONLY) && ANY_ARRAY(src_val)) {
        // Adjust length of insertion if changing /PART:
        if (action != SYM_CHANGE && GET_FLAG(flags, AN_PART))
            ilen = dst_len;
            ilen = VAL_LEN_AT(src_val);

        // Are we modifying ourselves? If so, copy src_val block first:
        if (dst_arr == VAL_ARRAY(src_val)) {
            REBARR *copy = Copy_Array_At_Shallow(
                VAL_ARRAY(src_val), VAL_INDEX(src_val), VAL_SPECIFIER(src_val)
            MANAGE_ARRAY(copy); // !!! Review: worth it to not manage and free?
            src_rel = ARR_HEAD(copy);
            specifier = SPECIFIED; // copy already specified it
        else {
            src_rel = VAL_ARRAY_AT(src_val); // skips by VAL_INDEX values
            specifier = VAL_SPECIFIER(src_val);
    else {
        // use passed in RELVAL and specifier
        src_rel = src_val;
        specifier = SPECIFIED; // it's a REBVAL, not a RELVAL, so specified

    REBINT size = dups * ilen; // total to insert

    if (action != SYM_CHANGE) {
        // Always expand dst_arr for INSERT and APPEND actions:
        Expand_Series(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), dst_idx, size);
    else {
        if (size > dst_len)
            Expand_Series(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), dst_idx, size-dst_len);
        else if (size < dst_len && GET_FLAG(flags, AN_PART))
            Remove_Series(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), dst_idx, dst_len-size);
        else if (size + dst_idx > tail) {
            EXPAND_SERIES_TAIL(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), size - (tail - dst_idx));

    tail = (action == SYM_APPEND) ? 0 : size + dst_idx;

#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    if (IS_ARRAY_MANAGED(dst_arr)) {
        REBINT i;
        for (i = 0; i < ilen; ++i)

    for (; dups > 0; dups--) {
        REBINT index = 0;
        for (; index < ilen; ++index, ++dst_idx) {
                SINK(ARR_HEAD(dst_arr) + dst_idx),
                src_rel + index,
    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(dst_arr, ARR_LEN(dst_arr));


    return tail;
Exemplo n.º 3
//  RL_Make_Block: C
// Allocate a series suitable for storing Rebol values.  This series
// can be used as a backing store for a BLOCK!, but also for any
// other Rebol Array type (GROUP!, PATH!, GET-PATH!, SET-PATH!, or
// LIT-PATH!).
// Returns:
//     A pointer to a block series.
// Arguments:
//     size - the length of the block. The system will add one extra
//         for the end-of-block marker.
// Notes:
//     Blocks are allocated with REBOL's internal memory manager.
//     Internal structures may change, so NO assumptions should be made!
//     Blocks are automatically garbage collected if there are
//     no references to them from REBOL code (C code does nothing.)
//     However, you can lock blocks to prevent deallocation. (?? default)
RL_API REBSER *RL_Make_Block(u32 size)
    REBARR * array = Make_Array(size);
    return ARR_SERIES(array);