Exemplo n.º 1
ME_Style *ME_GetSelectionInsertStyle(ME_TextEditor *editor)
  ME_Style *style;
  int from, to;

  ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to);
  if (from != to) {
    ME_Cursor c;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, from, &c);
    style = c.pRun->member.run.style;
    ME_AddRefStyle(style); /* ME_GetInsertStyle has already done that */
    style = ME_GetInsertStyle(editor, 0);
  return style;
Exemplo n.º 2
IRichEditOle_fnGetClipboardData(IRichEditOle *me, CHARRANGE *lpchrg,
               DWORD reco, LPDATAOBJECT *lplpdataobj)
    IRichEditOleImpl *This = impl_from_IRichEditOle(me);
    ME_Cursor start;
    int nChars;

    TRACE("(%p,%p,%d)\n",This, lpchrg, reco);
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    if(!lpchrg) {
        int nFrom, nTo, nStartCur = ME_GetSelectionOfs(This->editor, &nFrom, &nTo);
        start = This->editor->pCursors[nStartCur];
        nChars = nTo - nFrom;
    } else {
        ME_CursorFromCharOfs(This->editor, lpchrg->cpMin, &start);
        nChars = lpchrg->cpMax - lpchrg->cpMin;
    return ME_GetDataObject(This->editor, &start, nChars, lplpdataobj);
Exemplo n.º 3
ME_Style *ME_GetInsertStyle(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCursor) {
  if (ME_IsSelection(editor))
    ME_Cursor c;
    int from, to;
    ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to);
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, from, &c);
    return c.pRun->member.run.style;
  if (editor->pBuffer->pCharStyle) {
    return editor->pBuffer->pCharStyle;
    ME_Cursor *pCursor = &editor->pCursors[nCursor];
    ME_DisplayItem *pRunItem = pCursor->pRun;
    ME_DisplayItem *pPrevItem = NULL;
    if (pCursor->nOffset) {
      ME_Run *pRun = &pRunItem->member.run;
      return pRun->style;
    pPrevItem = ME_FindItemBack(pRunItem, diRunOrParagraph);
    if (pPrevItem->type == diRun)
      return pPrevItem->member.run.style;
      return pRunItem->member.run.style;
Exemplo n.º 4
DECLSPEC_HIDDEN HRESULT WINAPI fnTextSrv_TxGetText(ITextServices *iface, BSTR *pbstrText)
   ITextServicesImpl *This = impl_from_ITextServices(iface);
   int length;

   length = ME_GetTextLength(This->editor);
   if (length)
      ME_Cursor start;
      BSTR bstr;
      bstr = SysAllocStringByteLen(NULL, length * sizeof(WCHAR));
      if (bstr == NULL)
         return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

      ME_CursorFromCharOfs(This->editor, 0, &start);
      ME_GetTextW(This->editor, bstr, length, &start, INT_MAX, FALSE, FALSE);
      *pbstrText = bstr;
   } else {
      *pbstrText = NULL;

   return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void ME_PlayUndoItem(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *pItem)
  ME_UndoItem *pUItem = (ME_UndoItem *)pItem;

  if (editor->nUndoMode == umIgnore)
  TRACE("Playing undo/redo item, id=%s\n", ME_GetDITypeName(pItem->type));

  case diUndoPotentialEndTransaction:
  case diUndoEndTransaction:
  case diUndoSetParagraphFormat:
    ME_Cursor tmp;
    ME_DisplayItem *para;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, pItem->member.para.nCharOfs, &tmp);
    para = ME_FindItemBack(tmp.pRun, diParagraph);
    ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoSetParagraphFormat, para);
    *para->member.para.pFmt = *pItem->member.para.pFmt;
    para->member.para.border = pItem->member.para.border;
  case diUndoSetCharFormat:
    ME_SetCharFormat(editor, pUItem->nStart, pUItem->nLen, &pItem->member.ustyle->fmt);
  case diUndoInsertRun:
    ME_InsertRun(editor, pItem->member.run.nCharOfs, pItem);
  case diUndoDeleteRun:
    ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, pUItem->nStart, pUItem->nLen, TRUE);
  case diUndoJoinParagraphs:
    ME_Cursor tmp;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, pUItem->nStart, &tmp);
    /* the only thing that's needed is paragraph offset, so no need to split runs */
    ME_JoinParagraphs(editor, ME_GetParagraph(tmp.pRun), TRUE);
  case diUndoSplitParagraph:
    ME_Cursor tmp;
    ME_DisplayItem *this_para, *new_para;
    BOOL bFixRowStart;
    int paraFlags = pItem->member.para.nFlags & (MEPF_ROWSTART|MEPF_CELL|MEPF_ROWEND);
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, pUItem->nStart, &tmp);
    if (tmp.nOffset)
      tmp.pRun = ME_SplitRunSimple(editor, tmp.pRun, tmp.nOffset);
    assert(pUItem->nCR >= 0);
    assert(pUItem->nLF >= 0);
    this_para = ME_GetParagraph(tmp.pRun);
    bFixRowStart = this_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART;
    if (bFixRowStart)
      /* Re-insert the paragraph before the table, making sure the nFlag value
       * is correct. */
      this_para->member.para.nFlags &= ~MEPF_ROWSTART;
    new_para = ME_SplitParagraph(editor, tmp.pRun, tmp.pRun->member.run.style,
                                 pUItem->nCR, pUItem->nLF, paraFlags);
    if (bFixRowStart)
      new_para->member.para.nFlags |= MEPF_ROWSTART;
    assert(pItem->member.para.pFmt->cbSize == sizeof(PARAFORMAT2));
    *new_para->member.para.pFmt = *pItem->member.para.pFmt;
    new_para->member.para.border = pItem->member.para.border;
    if (pItem->member.para.pCell)
      ME_DisplayItem *pItemCell, *pCell;
      pItemCell = pItem->member.para.pCell;
      pCell = new_para->member.para.pCell;
      pCell->member.cell.nRightBoundary = pItemCell->member.cell.nRightBoundary;
      pCell->member.cell.border = pItemCell->member.cell.border;
    assert(0 == "PlayUndoItem, unexpected type");
Exemplo n.º 6
BOOL ME_InternalDeleteText(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nOfs, int nChars,
                           BOOL bForce)
  ME_Cursor c;
  int shift = 0;
  int totalChars = nChars;
  ME_DisplayItem *start_para;

    /* Prevent deletion past last end of paragraph run. */
    ME_DisplayItem *pTextEnd = editor->pBuffer->pLast;
    int nMaxChars = pTextEnd->member.para.prev_para->member.para.nCharOfs;
    nMaxChars += ME_FindItemBack(pTextEnd, diRun)->member.run.nCharOfs;
    nMaxChars -= nOfs;
    nChars = min(nChars, nMaxChars);

  ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, nOfs, &c);
  start_para = ME_GetParagraph(c.pRun);

  if (!bForce)
    ME_ProtectPartialTableDeletion(editor, nOfs, &nChars);
    if (nChars == 0)
      return FALSE;

  while(nChars > 0)
    ME_Run *run;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, nOfs+nChars, &c);
    if (!c.nOffset &&
        nOfs+nChars == (c.pRun->member.run.nCharOfs
                        + ME_GetParagraph(c.pRun)->member.para.nCharOfs))
      /* We aren't deleting anything in this run, so we will go back to the
       * last run we are deleting text in. */
      c.pRun = ME_FindItemBack(c.pRun, diRun);
      if (c.pRun->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA)
        c.nOffset = c.pRun->member.run.nCR + c.pRun->member.run.nLF;
        c.nOffset = c.pRun->member.run.strText->nLen;
    run = &c.pRun->member.run;
    if (run->nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) {
      int eollen = run->nCR + run->nLF;
      BOOL keepFirstParaFormat;

      if (!ME_FindItemFwd(c.pRun, diParagraph))
        return TRUE;
      keepFirstParaFormat = (totalChars == nChars && nChars <= eollen &&
      if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10) /* v4.1 */
        ME_DisplayItem *next_para = ME_FindItemFwd(c.pRun, diParagraphOrEnd);
        ME_DisplayItem *this_para = next_para->member.para.prev_para;

        /* The end of paragraph before a table row is only deleted if there
         * is nothing else on the line before it. */
        if (this_para == start_para &&
            next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
          /* If the paragraph will be empty, then it should be deleted, however
           * it still might have text right now which would inherit the
           * MEPF_STARTROW property if we joined it right now.
           * Instead we will delete it after the preceding text is deleted. */
          if (nOfs > this_para->member.para.nCharOfs) {
            /* Skip this end of line. */
            nChars -= (eollen < nChars) ? eollen : nChars;
          keepFirstParaFormat = TRUE;
      ME_JoinParagraphs(editor, ME_GetParagraph(c.pRun), keepFirstParaFormat);
      /* ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(p->pRun, shift); */
      nChars -= (eollen < nChars) ? eollen : nChars;
      ME_Cursor cursor;
      int nCharsToDelete = min(nChars, c.nOffset);
      int i;

      c.nOffset -= nCharsToDelete;

      ME_FindItemBack(c.pRun, diParagraph)->member.para.nFlags |= MEPF_REWRAP;

      cursor = c;
      /* nChars is the number of characters that should be deleted from the
         PRECEDING runs (these BEFORE cursor.pRun)
         nCharsToDelete is a number of chars to delete from THIS run */
      nChars -= nCharsToDelete;
      shift -= nCharsToDelete;
      TRACE("Deleting %d (remaning %d) chars at %d in '%s' (%d)\n",
        nCharsToDelete, nChars, c.nOffset,
        debugstr_w(run->strText->szData), run->strText->nLen);

      if (!c.nOffset && ME_StrVLen(run->strText) == nCharsToDelete)
        /* undo = reinsert whole run */
        /* nOfs is a character offset (from the start of the document
           to the current (deleted) run */
        ME_UndoItem *pUndo = ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoInsertRun, c.pRun);
        if (pUndo)
          pUndo->di.member.run.nCharOfs = nOfs+nChars;
        /* undo = reinsert partial run */
        ME_UndoItem *pUndo = ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoInsertRun, c.pRun);
        if (pUndo) {
          pUndo->di.member.run.nCharOfs = nOfs+nChars;
          pUndo->di.member.run.strText = ME_MakeStringN(run->strText->szData+c.nOffset, nCharsToDelete);
      TRACE("Post deletion string: %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(run->strText->szData), run->strText->nLen);
      TRACE("Shift value: %d\n", shift);
      ME_StrDeleteV(run->strText, c.nOffset, nCharsToDelete);
      /* update cursors (including c) */
      for (i=-1; i<editor->nCursors; i++) {
        ME_Cursor *pThisCur = editor->pCursors + i; 
        if (i == -1) pThisCur = &c;
        if (pThisCur->pRun == cursor.pRun) {
          if (pThisCur->nOffset > cursor.nOffset) {
            if (pThisCur->nOffset-cursor.nOffset < nCharsToDelete)
              pThisCur->nOffset = cursor.nOffset;
              pThisCur->nOffset -= nCharsToDelete;
            assert(pThisCur->nOffset >= 0);
            assert(pThisCur->nOffset <= ME_StrVLen(run->strText));
          if (pThisCur->nOffset == ME_StrVLen(run->strText))
            pThisCur->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pThisCur->pRun, diRunOrParagraphOrEnd);
            assert(pThisCur->pRun->type == diRun);
            pThisCur->nOffset = 0;
      /* c = updated data now */
      if (c.pRun == cursor.pRun)
        ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);
        ME_PropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);

      if (!ME_StrVLen(cursor.pRun->member.run.strText))
        TRACE("Removing useless run\n");
      shift = 0;
  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 7
BOOL ME_InternalDeleteText(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *start,
                           int nChars, BOOL bForce)
  ME_Cursor c = *start;
  int nOfs = ME_GetCursorOfs(start), text_len = ME_GetTextLength( editor );
  int shift = 0;
  int totalChars = nChars;
  ME_DisplayItem *start_para;
  BOOL delete_all = FALSE;

  /* Prevent deletion past last end of paragraph run. */
  nChars = min(nChars, text_len - nOfs);
  if (nChars == text_len) delete_all = TRUE;
  start_para = c.pPara;

  if (!bForce)
    ME_ProtectPartialTableDeletion(editor, &c, &nChars);
    if (nChars == 0)
      return FALSE;

  while(nChars > 0)
    ME_Run *run;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, nOfs+nChars, &c);
    if (!c.nOffset &&
        nOfs+nChars == (c.pRun->member.run.nCharOfs
                        + c.pPara->member.para.nCharOfs))
      /* We aren't deleting anything in this run, so we will go back to the
       * last run we are deleting text in. */
      ME_PrevRun(&c.pPara, &c.pRun);
      c.nOffset = c.pRun->member.run.len;
    run = &c.pRun->member.run;
    if (run->nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) {
      int eollen = c.pRun->member.run.len;
      BOOL keepFirstParaFormat;

      if (!ME_FindItemFwd(c.pRun, diParagraph))
        return TRUE;
      keepFirstParaFormat = (totalChars == nChars && nChars <= eollen &&
      if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10) /* v4.1 */
        ME_DisplayItem *next_para = ME_FindItemFwd(c.pRun, diParagraphOrEnd);
        ME_DisplayItem *this_para = next_para->member.para.prev_para;

        /* The end of paragraph before a table row is only deleted if there
         * is nothing else on the line before it. */
        if (this_para == start_para &&
            next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
          /* If the paragraph will be empty, then it should be deleted, however
           * it still might have text right now which would inherit the
           * MEPF_STARTROW property if we joined it right now.
           * Instead we will delete it after the preceding text is deleted. */
          if (nOfs > this_para->member.para.nCharOfs) {
            /* Skip this end of line. */
            nChars -= (eollen < nChars) ? eollen : nChars;
          keepFirstParaFormat = TRUE;
      ME_JoinParagraphs(editor, c.pPara, keepFirstParaFormat);
      /* ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(p->pRun, shift); */
      nChars -= (eollen < nChars) ? eollen : nChars;
      ME_Cursor cursor;
      int nCharsToDelete = min(nChars, c.nOffset);
      int i;

      c.nOffset -= nCharsToDelete;

      ME_FindItemBack(c.pRun, diParagraph)->member.para.nFlags |= MEPF_REWRAP;

      cursor = c;
      /* nChars is the number of characters that should be deleted from the
         PRECEDING runs (these BEFORE cursor.pRun)
         nCharsToDelete is a number of chars to delete from THIS run */
      nChars -= nCharsToDelete;
      shift -= nCharsToDelete;
      TRACE("Deleting %d (remaning %d) chars at %d in %s (%d)\n",
        nCharsToDelete, nChars, c.nOffset,
        debugstr_run( run ), run->len);

      /* nOfs is a character offset (from the start of the document
         to the current (deleted) run */
      add_undo_insert_run( editor, nOfs + nChars, get_text( run, c.nOffset ), nCharsToDelete, run->nFlags, run->style );

      ME_StrDeleteV(run->para->text, run->nCharOfs + c.nOffset, nCharsToDelete);
      run->len -= nCharsToDelete;
      TRACE("Post deletion string: %s (%d)\n", debugstr_run( run ), run->len);
      TRACE("Shift value: %d\n", shift);

      /* update cursors (including c) */
      for (i=-1; i<editor->nCursors; i++) {
        ME_Cursor *pThisCur = editor->pCursors + i;
        if (i == -1) pThisCur = &c;
        if (pThisCur->pRun == cursor.pRun) {
          if (pThisCur->nOffset > cursor.nOffset) {
            if (pThisCur->nOffset-cursor.nOffset < nCharsToDelete)
              pThisCur->nOffset = cursor.nOffset;
              pThisCur->nOffset -= nCharsToDelete;
            assert(pThisCur->nOffset >= 0);
            assert(pThisCur->nOffset <= run->len);
          if (pThisCur->nOffset == run->len)
            pThisCur->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pThisCur->pRun, diRunOrParagraphOrEnd);
            assert(pThisCur->pRun->type == diRun);
            pThisCur->nOffset = 0;

      /* c = updated data now */

      if (c.pRun == cursor.pRun)
        ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);
        ME_PropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);

      if (!cursor.pRun->member.run.len)
        TRACE("Removing empty run\n");

      shift = 0;
  if (delete_all) ME_SetDefaultParaFormat( editor, start_para->member.para.pFmt );
  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 8
int ME_SetSelection(ME_TextEditor *editor, int from, int to)
  int selectionEnd = 0;
  const int len = ME_GetTextLength(editor);

  /* all negative values are effectively the same */
  if (from < 0)
    from = -1;
  if (to < 0)
    to = -1;

  /* select all */
  if (from == 0 && to == -1)
    ME_SetCursorToStart(editor, &editor->pCursors[1]);
    ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, &editor->pCursors[0]);
    editor->pCursors[0].nOffset = editor->pCursors[0].pRun->member.run.len;
    return len + 1;

  /* if both values are equal and also out of bound, that means to */
  /* put the selection at the end of the text */
  if ((from == to) && (to < 0 || to > len))
    selectionEnd = 1;
    /* if from is negative and to is positive then selection is */
    /* deselected and caret moved to end of the current selection */
    if (from < 0)
      int start, end;
      ME_GetSelectionOfs(editor, &start, &end);
      if (start != end)
          if (end > len)
              editor->pCursors[0].nOffset = 0;
              end --;
          editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[0];
      return end;

    /* adjust to if it's a negative value */
    if (to < 0)
      to = len + 1;

    /* flip from and to if they are reversed */
    if (from>to)
      int tmp = from;
      from = to;
      to = tmp;

    /* after fiddling with the values, we find from > len && to > len */
    if (from > len)
      selectionEnd = 1;
    /* special case with to too big */
    else if (to > len)
      to = len + 1;

  if (selectionEnd)
    ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, &editor->pCursors[0]);
    editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[0];
    return len;

  ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, from, &editor->pCursors[1]);
  editor->pCursors[0] = editor->pCursors[1];
  ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &editor->pCursors[0], to - from);
  /* Selection is not allowed in the middle of an end paragraph run. */
  if (editor->pCursors[1].pRun->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA)
    editor->pCursors[1].nOffset = 0;
  if (editor->pCursors[0].pRun->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA)
    if (to > len)
      editor->pCursors[0].nOffset = editor->pCursors[0].pRun->member.run.len;
      editor->pCursors[0].nOffset = 0;
  return to;
Exemplo n.º 9
static void ME_PlayUndoItem(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *pItem)
  ME_UndoItem *pUItem = (ME_UndoItem *)pItem;

  if (editor->nUndoMode == umIgnore)
  TRACE("Playing undo/redo item, id=%s\n", ME_GetDITypeName(pItem->type));

  case diUndoEndTransaction:
  case diUndoSetParagraphFormat:
    ME_Cursor tmp;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, pItem->member.para.nCharOfs, &tmp);
    ME_SetParaFormat(editor, ME_FindItemBack(tmp.pRun, diParagraph), pItem->member.para.pFmt);
  case diUndoSetCharFormat:
    ME_SetCharFormat(editor, pUItem->nStart, pUItem->nLen, &pItem->member.ustyle->fmt);
  case diUndoSetDefaultCharFormat:
    ME_SetDefaultCharFormat(editor, &pItem->member.ustyle->fmt);
  case diUndoInsertRun:
    ME_InsertRun(editor, pItem->member.run.nCharOfs, pItem);
  case diUndoDeleteRun:
    ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, pUItem->nStart, pUItem->nLen);
  case diUndoJoinParagraphs:
    ME_Cursor tmp;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, pUItem->nStart, &tmp);
    /* the only thing that's needed is paragraph offset, so no need to split runs */
    ME_JoinParagraphs(editor, ME_GetParagraph(tmp.pRun));
  case diUndoSplitParagraph:
    ME_Cursor tmp;
    ME_DisplayItem *new_para;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, pUItem->nStart, &tmp);
    if (tmp.nOffset)
      tmp.pRun = ME_SplitRunSimple(editor, tmp.pRun, tmp.nOffset);
    assert(pUItem->nCR >= 0);
    assert(pUItem->nLF >= 0);
    new_para = ME_SplitParagraph(editor, tmp.pRun, tmp.pRun->member.run.style,
      pUItem->nCR, pUItem->nLF);
    assert(pItem->member.para.pFmt->cbSize == sizeof(PARAFORMAT2));
    *new_para->member.para.pFmt = *pItem->member.para.pFmt;
    assert(0 == "PlayUndoItem, unexpected type");
Exemplo n.º 10
void ME_InternalDeleteText(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nOfs, 
  int nChars)
  ME_Cursor c;
  int shift = 0;
  while(nChars > 0)
    ME_Run *run;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, nOfs, &c);
    run = &c.pRun->member.run;
    if (run->nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) {
      int eollen = run->nCR + run->nLF;

      if (!ME_FindItemFwd(c.pRun, diParagraph))
      ME_JoinParagraphs(editor, ME_GetParagraph(c.pRun));
      /* ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(p->pRun, shift); */
      nChars -= (eollen < nChars) ? eollen : nChars;
      ME_Cursor cursor;
      int nIntendedChars = nChars;
      int nCharsToDelete = nChars;
      int i;
      int loc = c.nOffset;
      ME_FindItemBack(c.pRun, diParagraph)->member.para.nFlags |= MEPF_REWRAP;
      cursor = c;
      ME_StrRelPos(run->strText, loc, &nChars);
      /* nChars is the number of characters that should be deleted from the
         FOLLOWING runs (these AFTER cursor.pRun)
         nCharsToDelete is a number of chars to delete from THIS run */
      nCharsToDelete -= nChars;
      shift -= nCharsToDelete;
      TRACE("Deleting %d (intended %d-remaning %d) chars at %d in '%s' (%d)\n", 
        nCharsToDelete, nIntendedChars, nChars, c.nOffset, 
        debugstr_w(run->strText->szData), run->strText->nLen);

      if (!c.nOffset && ME_StrVLen(run->strText) == nCharsToDelete)
        /* undo = reinsert whole run */
        /* nOfs is a character offset (from the start of the document
           to the current (deleted) run */
        ME_UndoItem *pUndo = ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoInsertRun, c.pRun);
        if (pUndo)
          pUndo->di.member.run.nCharOfs = nOfs;
        /* undo = reinsert partial run */
        ME_UndoItem *pUndo = ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoInsertRun, c.pRun);
        if (pUndo) {
          pUndo->di.member.run.nCharOfs = nOfs;
          pUndo->di.member.run.strText = ME_MakeStringN(run->strText->szData+c.nOffset, nCharsToDelete);
      TRACE("Post deletion string: %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(run->strText->szData), run->strText->nLen);
      TRACE("Shift value: %d\n", shift);
      ME_StrDeleteV(run->strText, c.nOffset, nCharsToDelete);
      /* update cursors (including c) */
      for (i=-1; i<editor->nCursors; i++) {
        ME_Cursor *pThisCur = editor->pCursors + i; 
        if (i == -1) pThisCur = &c;
        if (pThisCur->pRun == cursor.pRun) {
          if (pThisCur->nOffset > cursor.nOffset) {
            if (pThisCur->nOffset-cursor.nOffset < nCharsToDelete)
              pThisCur->nOffset = cursor.nOffset;
              pThisCur->nOffset -= nCharsToDelete;
            assert(pThisCur->nOffset >= 0);
            assert(pThisCur->nOffset <= ME_StrVLen(run->strText));
          if (pThisCur->nOffset == ME_StrVLen(run->strText))
            pThisCur->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pThisCur->pRun, diRunOrParagraphOrEnd);
            assert(pThisCur->pRun->type == diRun);
            pThisCur->nOffset = 0;
      /* c = updated data now */
      if (c.pRun == cursor.pRun)
        ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);
        ME_PropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);

      if (!ME_StrVLen(cursor.pRun->member.run.strText))
        TRACE("Removing useless run\n");
      shift = 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
/* Table rows should either be deleted completely or not at all. */
void ME_ProtectPartialTableDeletion(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nOfs,int *nChars)
    ME_Cursor c, c2;
    ME_DisplayItem *this_para, *end_para;
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, nOfs, &c);
    this_para = ME_GetParagraph(c.pRun);
    ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, nOfs + *nChars, &c2);
    end_para = ME_GetParagraph(c2.pRun);
    if (c2.pRun->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) {
        /* End offset might be in the middle of the end paragraph run.
         * If this is the case, then we need to use the next paragraph as the last
         * paragraphs.
        int remaining = nOfs + *nChars - c2.pRun->member.run.nCharOfs
                        - end_para->member.para.nCharOfs;
        if (remaining)
            assert(remaining < c2.pRun->member.run.nCR + c2.pRun->member.run.nLF);
            end_para = end_para->member.para.next_para;
    if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10) { /* v4.1 */
        if (this_para->member.para.pCell != end_para->member.para.pCell ||
                 & (MEPF_ROWSTART|MEPF_ROWEND)))
            while (this_para != end_para)
                ME_DisplayItem *next_para = this_para->member.para.next_para;
                BOOL bTruancateDeletion = FALSE;
                if (this_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART) {
                    /* The following while loop assumes that next_para is MEPF_ROWSTART,
                     * so moving back one paragraph let's it be processed as the start
                     * of the row. */
                    next_para = this_para;
                    this_para = this_para->member.para.prev_para;
                } else if (next_para->member.para.pCell != this_para->member.para.pCell
                           || this_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND)
                    /* Start of the deletion from after the start of the table row. */
                    bTruancateDeletion = TRUE;
                while (!bTruancateDeletion &&
                        next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
                    next_para = ME_GetTableRowEnd(next_para)->member.para.next_para;
                    if (next_para->member.para.nCharOfs > nOfs + *nChars)
                        /* End of deletion is not past the end of the table row. */
                        next_para = this_para->member.para.next_para;
                        /* Delete the end paragraph preceding the table row if the
                         * preceding table row will be empty. */
                        if (this_para->member.para.nCharOfs >= nOfs)
                            next_para = next_para->member.para.next_para;
                        bTruancateDeletion = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        this_para = next_para->member.para.prev_para;
                if (bTruancateDeletion)
                    ME_Run *end_run = &ME_FindItemBack(next_para, diRun)->member.run;
                    int nCharsNew = (next_para->member.para.nCharOfs - nOfs
                                     - end_run->nCR - end_run->nLF);
                    nCharsNew = max(nCharsNew, 0);
                    assert(nCharsNew <= *nChars);
                    *nChars = nCharsNew;
                this_para = next_para;
    } else { /* v1.0 - 3.0 */
        ME_DisplayItem *pRun;
        int nCharsToBoundary;

        if ((this_para->member.para.nCharOfs != nOfs || this_para == end_para) &&
                this_para->member.para.pFmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLE &&
                this_para->member.para.pFmt->wEffects & PFE_TABLE)
            pRun = c.pRun;
            /* Find the next tab or end paragraph to use as a delete boundary */
            while (!(pRun->member.run.nFlags & (MERF_TAB|MERF_ENDPARA)))
                pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pRun, diRun);
            nCharsToBoundary = pRun->member.run.nCharOfs
                               - c.pRun->member.run.nCharOfs
                               - c.nOffset;
            *nChars = min(*nChars, nCharsToBoundary);
        } else if (end_para->member.para.pFmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLE &&
                   end_para->member.para.pFmt->wEffects & PFE_TABLE)
            /* The deletion starts from before the row, so don't join it with
             * previous non-empty paragraphs. */
            pRun = NULL;
            if (nOfs > this_para->member.para.nCharOfs)
                pRun = ME_FindItemBack(end_para, diRun);
            if (!pRun)
                pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(end_para, diRun);
            if (pRun)
                nCharsToBoundary = ME_GetParagraph(pRun)->member.para.nCharOfs
                                   + pRun->member.run.nCharOfs
                                   - nOfs;
                if (nCharsToBoundary >= 0)
                    *nChars = min(*nChars, nCharsToBoundary);
        if (*nChars < 0)
            nChars = 0;