Exemplo n.º 1
static void _MDDischMean (int itemID) {
	int   nSteps;
	float accumDisch;
	float dischMean;

	accumDisch = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAccumDischargeID,  itemID, 0.0);
	nSteps     = MFVarGetInt   (_MDInAvgNStepsID,       itemID,   0);
	dischMean  = MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutDischMeanID,      itemID, 0.0);
	dischMean  = (float) (((double) dischMean * (double) nSteps + accumDisch) / ((double) (nSteps + 1)));
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutDischMeanID, itemID, dischMean);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void _MDRunoffMean (int itemID) {
	int   nSteps;
	float runoff;
	float runoffMean;

	runoff = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInRunoffID,  itemID, 0.0);
	nSteps     = MFVarGetInt   (_MDInAvgNStepsID,       itemID,   0);
	runoffMean  = MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutRunoffMeanID,      itemID, 0.0);
	runoffMean  = (float) (((double) runoffMean * (double) nSteps + runoff) / ((double) (nSteps + 1)));
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutRunoffMeanID, itemID, runoffMean);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void _MDCParamZ0g (int itemID) {
// Input
	int cover;
// Local
	static float lookup []     = { 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.001 };

	cover = MFVarGetInt (_MDInCoverID, itemID, 7); // defaulting missing value to water.
	if ((cover < 0) || (cover >= (int) (sizeof (lookup) / sizeof (lookup [0])))) {
		CMmsgPrint (CMmsgWarning,"Warning: Invalid cover [%d] in: %s:%d\n",cover,__FILE__,__LINE__);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutCParamZ0gID,itemID, lookup [cover]);	
Exemplo n.º 4
static void _MDCParamAlbedo (int itemID) {
// Input
	int   cover;
	float snowPack;
// Local
	static float albedo []     = { 0.14, 0.18, 0.18, 0.20, 0.20, 0.22, 0.26, 0.10 };
	static float albedoSnow [] = { 0.14, 0.23, 0.35, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50 };

	cover    = MFVarGetInt   (_MDInCoverID,    itemID,   7); // defaulting missing value to water.
	if ((cover < 0) || (cover >= (int) (sizeof (albedo) / sizeof (albedo [0])))) {
		CMmsgPrint (CMmsgWarning,"Warning: Invalid cover [%d] in: %s:%d\n",cover,__FILE__,__LINE__);
	snowPack = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInSnowPackID, itemID, 0.0);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutCParamAlbedoID,itemID,snowPack > 0.0 ? albedoSnow[cover] : albedo[cover]);	
Exemplo n.º 5
static void _MDRiverLight (int itemID) {
     float discharge;
     float channelDepth;
     float channelWidth;
     float channelWidthMean;
     float width_canopy;   // mean width of overhanging trees from each bank
     float canopy_proportion = 0.7; // proportion of total bank length (stream length * 2) with canopy
     float LAI = 0.9;   // proportion of light shaded out
     float DOC;
   	 int koppen;

   	 //light parameters
   	 float solarRad;  //MJ/m2/
   	 float Ecan;
   	 float rad2par = 0.5;     // proprotion of total radiation as PAR
   	 float reflectance = 0.9; //proportion of PAR transmitted across air-water interface
   	 float shading;
   	 float turbidity = 10; //NTU
   	 float Kturb = 0.177;  // from Julian et al. 2008
   	 float Kdoc  = 0.05;  //assumption: assume every mg/l of DOC leads to 1% attenuation (m-1)
   	 float Kd;            // m-1
     float par2bottom;
     float par2reach;
     discharge        = MFVarGetFloat ( _MDInDischargeID,        itemID, 0.0);
     solarRad         = MFVarGetFloat ( _MDInSolarRadID,         itemID, 0.0); //MJ/m2/d - CHECK UNITS - already accounts for clouds
     channelDepth     = MFVarGetFloat ( _MDInRiverDepthID,       itemID, 0.0);
     channelWidth     = MFVarGetFloat ( _MDInRiverWidthID,       itemID, 0.0);
     channelWidthMean = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInRiverbedWidthMeanID, itemID, 0.0);  //assume mean width = bankfull width
     DOC              = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInConcDOCID,           itemID, 0.0) * 1000; //converts kg/m3 to mg/l
     koppen           = MFVarGetInt   (_MDInKoppenID,            itemID, 0.0); // % TODO I think this is not % but category that should be read as integer FBM

     // KoppenID's : 1=Taiga, 2=semi-arid,3=tundra,4=temperate,5=tropics
     // Canopy width (m), assumption: Tundra=0,Taiga=2,Temperate=5,Semi-arid=0, WetTropics=10, DryTropics=0
     switch (koppen) { // TODO Wil originally read this as float and tested for nan which should never happen particularly, when it is read as integer.
     case 1: width_canopy = 2;  break;
     case 2: width_canopy = 0;  break;
     case 3: width_canopy = 0;  break;
     case 4: width_canopy = 5;  break;
     case 5: width_canopy = 10; break;

	  Ecan = solarRad * rad2par;
	  if (!isnan(discharge) && (channelWidthMean > 0) && (channelWidth > 0)){
		  if ((channelWidthMean / 2) < width_canopy){
			  shading = canopy_proportion * MDMinimum(1, LAI);
		  else {
			  //proportion with canopy * proportion of half width not shaded
			  // does not include effect of variable width within channel; need to scale down based on actual water surface area
			  shading = canopy_proportion * (width_canopy / (channelWidthMean / 2)) * MDMinimum(1,LAI);
		  if (discharge > 0){
			  // turbidity = turbidity_const * pow(Q, turbidity_slope);
			  Kd = Kturb * turbidity + Kdoc * DOC; //Figure 5; Julian et al. 2008
			  par2bottom = Ecan * (1 - shading) * reflectance * pow(2.71828, -1 * Kd * channelDepth);
			  if (isnan(par2bottom)){
				  printf("Light: Q %f solarRad %f DOC %f Ecan %f shading %f reflectance %f Kd %f channelWidthMean %f channelDepth %f par2bottom %f \n",
						  discharge, solarRad, DOC, Ecan, shading, reflectance, Kd, channelWidthMean, channelDepth, par2bottom);
		  else {
			  par2bottom = Ecan * shading;
		  par2reach = par2bottom * channelWidth * MFModelGetLength(itemID);   //MJ/reach
		  MFVarSetFloat(_MDPAR2BottomID, itemID, par2bottom);
		  MFVarSetFloat(_MDPAR2ReachID, itemID, par2reach);
		  MFVarSetFloat(_MDPAR2BottomID, itemID, 0.0);
		  MFVarSetFloat(_MDPAR2ReachID, itemID, 0.0);
Exemplo n.º 6
static void _MDQBARTpreprocess (int itemID) {
	int TimeStep,p,i,d,j;
	float Qday, Qbar,Qacc, Qbar_km3y,Qbar_m3s;
    float Qmax = 0;
	float Tday,Tbar,Tacc,A,T_time,T_old;
	float TupSlop,PixSize_km2;

    int n, nA; 
    float mu, muA, M2, M2A, M3, M3A, del;
    float logQmax;
    float dummy;

	/*static int Max_itemID = 0;*/
	//static int year_count=1;
	/*static float *PixelmaxQ;*/
	/*static float **dailyQ; */

	/*if (itemID > Max_itemID) {*/
		/*PixelmaxQ = (float*)malloc(Max_itemID*sizeof(float));*/
		/*dailyQ = (float**) malloc(Max_itemID*sizeof(float*));*/
		/*for (i = 1; i < Max_itemID+1; i++)*/
               /*dailyQ[i] = (float*) malloc(366*sizeof(float));*/
           /*for (i = 1; i < 366; i++)*/
			/*for (j = 1; j < Max_itemID; j++)*/
				/*dailyQ[j][i] = 0.0;	*/
	/*}	*/

	/*static int pix=1;*/
	/*static int day=1;*/
	/*FILE * textfile;*/
	//printf ("itemID:%d\n ", itemID);

    if (MFDateGetDayOfYear() == 1) {
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, 0.0);

	Qday = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInDischargeID , itemID, 0.0);	// in m3/s	
    Qmax = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
    if (Qday > Qmax) {
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, Qday);
    } else {
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, Qmax);

    if (MFDateGetDayOfYear() == 365) { //MFDateGetYearLength()) {
        Qmax = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
        logQmax = 0;
        if (Qmax > 0) 
            logQmax = log10(Qmax);
        // online (onepass) variance calculation, continues in MDBankfullQcalc.c (T.Terriberry)
        nA = MFVarGetInt(_MDOutYearCountID, itemID, 0);
        n = nA + 1;
        muA = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutMeanLogQMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
        M2A = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM2ID, itemID, 0.0);
        M3A = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM3ID, itemID, 0.0);
        del = logQmax - muA;
        mu = muA + del / n;
        M2 = M2A + (del * del * nA / n);
        M3 = M3A + (del * del * del * nA * (nA - 1) / (n * n)) + (3 * -M2A * del / n);

        MFVarSetInt(_MDOutYearCountID, itemID, n);
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutMeanLogQMaxID, itemID, mu);
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM2ID, itemID, M2);
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM3ID, itemID, M3);

        // call this just to make bankfull calcs and save vals
        dummy = MFVarGetFloat(_MDInBankfullQ5ID, itemID, 0.0);
    // don't need to set missing vals to anything, dsAggregate annual in
    // postproc should just skip them.
    /*else {*/
        /*MFVarSetInt(_MDOutYearsCountID, itemID, MFVarGetInt(_MDOutYearsCountID, itemID, 0));*/
        /*MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxMeanID, itemID, MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxMeanID, itemID, 0.0));*/

	//printf ("pix:%d\n ", pix);
	//if (pix==1) printf ("pix=1. Qday=:%f\n ", Qday);

       /*if (itemID==1){ //last pixelID*/
           /*//printf ("day:%d\n ", day);*/
           /*[>if (day==365){<]*/
           /*if (MFDateGetDayOfYear() == MFDateGetYearLength()) {*/
               /*printf("year count\n ");*/
               /*textfile = fopen("year_max_logQ.txt","a");*/
               /*printf ("Writing to Scripts/year_max_logQ.txt\n");*/
               /*for (p=1;p<Max_itemID;p++){*/
                   /*PixelmaxQ[p] = dailyQ[p][1];*/
                   /*//printf ("PixelmaxQ[p]:%f\n ", PixelmaxQ[p]);*/
                   /*for (d=2; d<366; d++){*/
                       /*if (PixelmaxQ[p] < dailyQ[p][d]) PixelmaxQ[p] = dailyQ[p][d];*/
                   /*if (PixelmaxQ[p]>0) PixelmaxQ[p]=log10(PixelmaxQ[p]);*/
                   /*fprintf (textfile,"%f ", PixelmaxQ[p]);*/
			/*fprintf (textfile,"\n");*/
			/*fclose (textfile);*/
			/*Max_itemID = 0;*/
			/*day = 0;*/
       /*}	*/
//Geting the values of these parameters
    Qbar = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInDischMeanID   , itemID, 0.0);	// in m3/s
	Tday = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAirTempID     , itemID, 0.0);	// in C	
//	A    = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInContributingAreaID, 	itemID, 0.0);	//in km2
	A = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInContributingAreaAccID, itemID, 0.0) + (MFModelGetArea (itemID)/(pow(1000,2)));// convert from m2 to km2  //calculating the contributing area
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInContributingAreaAccID, itemID, A);
	PixSize_km2 =(MFModelGetArea(itemID)/pow(1000,2));
//	printf("PixSize_km2: %f\n",PixSize_km2);
//	printf("A: %f\n",A);
//Calculate Relief
//	LocalElev = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInElevationID  , itemID, 0.0)/1000;//convert to km
//	printf("LocalElev: %f\n",LocalElev);
//	MaxElev = MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutElevationMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
//	if (A == PixSize_km2) MaxElev=LocalElev;
//	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutElevationMaxID, itemID, -MaxElev);
//	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutElevationMaxID, itemID, LocalElev);
//	printf("MaxElev: %f\n",MaxElev);
//	R = MaxElev-LocalElev;
//	printf("R: %f\n",R);
MFVarSetInt (_MDOutBQART_AID, itemID, A);
//MFVarSetInt (_MDOutBQART_RID, itemID, R);
//Accumulate temperature
	TupSlop = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_spaceID, itemID, 0.0); 
	T_old = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_timeID, itemID, 0.0) ; 
	T_time = T_old+ Tday;
	Tacc = TupSlop + (T_time * PixSize_km2);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_spaceID, itemID, Tacc);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_timeID, itemID, T_time);
//Accumulate discharge
	Qacc = (MFVarGetFloat (_MDInDischargeAccID, itemID, 0.0)+ Qday);// in m3/s
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInDischargeAccID, itemID, Qacc);

// Accumulate time steps
	TimeStep = (MFVarGetInt (_MDInTimeStepsID, itemID, 0.0)+1);	
	MFVarSetInt (_MDInTimeStepsID, itemID, TimeStep);

//Calculate moving avarege temperature (Tbar) and discharge 
	Tbar = Tacc/TimeStep/A;
	Qbar_m3s = Qacc/TimeStep; //in m3/s
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutBQART_Qbar_m3sID, itemID, Qbar_m3s);
	if (Qbar_m3s > 0){ //convert to km3/y	
		Qbar_km3y = (Qbar_m3s/(pow(1000,3)))*(365*24*60*60); 
		Qbar_km3y = 0;
// exporting outputs flux to files
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutBQART_TID, itemID, Tbar);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutBQART_Qbar_km3yID, itemID, Qbar_km3y);