Exemplo n.º 1
 * initialize the external bucket sorting data structures
static IEBucks*
initiebucks(Part *part, int bits, uint32_t size)
	IEBucks *ib;
	int i;

	ib = MKZ(IEBucks);
	if(ib == nil){
		seterr(EOk, "out of memory");
		return nil;
	ib->bits = bits;
	ib->nbucks = 1 << bits;
	ib->size = size;
	ib->usable = (size - U32Size) / IEntrySize * IEntrySize;
	ib->bucks = MKNZ(IEBuck, ib->nbucks);
	if(ib->bucks == nil){
		seterr(EOk, "out of memory allocation sorting buckets");
		return nil;
	ib->xbuf = MKN(uint8_t, size * ((1 << bits)+1));
	ib->buf = (uint8_t*)(((uintptr)ib->xbuf+size-1)&~(uintptr)(size-1));
	if(ib->buf == nil){
		seterr(EOk, "out of memory allocating sorting buckets' buffers");
		return nil;
	for(i = 0; i < ib->nbucks; i++){
		ib->bucks[i].head = TWID32;
		ib->bucks[i].buf = &ib->buf[i * size];
	ib->part = part;
	return ib;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * make an Arena, and initialize it based upon the disk header and trailer.
initarena(Part *part, uint64_t base, uint64_t size, uint32_t blocksize)
	Arena *arena;

	arena = MKZ(Arena);
	arena->part = part;
	arena->blocksize = blocksize;
	arena->clumpmax = arena->blocksize / ClumpInfoSize;
	arena->base = base + blocksize;
	arena->size = size - 2 * blocksize;

	if(loadarena(arena) < 0){
		seterr(ECorrupt, "arena header or trailer corrupted");
		return nil;
	if(okarena(arena) < 0){
		return nil;

	if(arena->diskstats.sealed && scorecmp(zeroscore, arena->score)==0)

	return arena;
Exemplo n.º 3
newisect(Part *part, u32int vers, char *name, u32int blocksize, u32int tabsize)
	ISect *is;
	u32int tabbase;

	is = MKZ(ISect);
	if(is == nil)
		return nil;

	namecp(is->name, name);
	is->version = vers;
	is->part = part;
	is->blocksize = blocksize;
	is->start = 0;
	is->stop = 0;
	tabbase = (PartBlank + HeadSize + blocksize - 1) & ~(blocksize - 1);
	is->blockbase = (tabbase + tabsize + blocksize - 1) & ~(blocksize - 1);
	is->blocks = is->part->size / blocksize - is->blockbase / blocksize;
	is->bucketmagic = 0;
	if(is->version == ISectVersion2){
			is->bucketmagic = fastrand();
	is = initisect1(is);
	if(is == nil)
		return nil;

	return is;
Exemplo n.º 4
initisect(Part *part)
	ISect *is;
	ZBlock *b;
	int ok;

	b = alloczblock(HeadSize, 0, 0);
	if(b == nil || readpart(part, PartBlank, b->data, HeadSize) < 0){
		seterr(EAdmin, "can't read index section header: %r");
		return nil;

	is = MKZ(ISect);
	if(is == nil){
		return nil;
	is->part = part;
	ok = unpackisect(is, b->data);
	if(ok < 0){
		seterr(ECorrupt, "corrupted index section header: %r");
		return nil;

	if(is->version != ISectVersion1 && is->version != ISectVersion2){
		seterr(EAdmin, "unknown index section version %d", is->version);
		return nil;

	return initisect1(is);
Exemplo n.º 5
initiestream(Part *part, uint64_t off, uint64_t clumps, uint32_t size)
	IEStream *ies;

/* out of memory? */
	ies = MKZ(IEStream);
	ies->buf = MKN(uint8_t, size);
	ies->epos = ies->buf;
	ies->pos = ies->epos;
	ies->off = off;
	ies->n = clumps;
	ies->size = size;
	ies->part = part;
	return ies;
Exemplo n.º 6
newarena(Part *part, uint32_t vers, char *name, uint64_t base,
	 uint64_t size,
	 uint32_t blocksize)
	int bsize;
	Arena *arena;

	if(nameok(name) < 0){
		seterr(EOk, "illegal arena name", name);
		return nil;
	arena = MKZ(Arena);
	arena->part = part;
	arena->version = vers;
	if(vers == ArenaVersion4)
		arena->clumpmagic = _ClumpMagic;
			arena->clumpmagic = fastrand();
		while(arena->clumpmagic==_ClumpMagic || arena->clumpmagic==0);
	arena->blocksize = blocksize;
	arena->clumpmax = arena->blocksize / ClumpInfoSize;
	arena->base = base + blocksize;
	arena->size = size - 2 * blocksize;

	namecp(arena->name, name);

	bsize = sizeof zero;
	if(bsize > arena->blocksize)
		bsize = arena->blocksize;

	if(wbarena(arena)<0 || wbarenahead(arena)<0
	|| writepart(arena->part, arena->base, zero, bsize)<0){
		return nil;

	return arena;
Exemplo n.º 7
initindex(char *name, ISect **sects, int n)
	IFile f;
	Index *ix;
	ISect *is;
	u32int last, blocksize, tabsize;
	int i;

	if(n <= 0){
fprint(2, "bad n\n");
		seterr(EOk, "no index sections to initialize index");
		return nil;
	ix = MKZ(Index);
	if(ix == nil){
fprint(2, "no mem\n");
		seterr(EOk, "can't initialize index: out of memory");
		return nil;

	tabsize = sects[0]->tabsize;
	if(partifile(&f, sects[0]->part, sects[0]->tabbase, tabsize) < 0)
		return nil;
	if(parseindex(&f, ix) < 0){
		return nil;
	if(namecmp(ix->name, name) != 0){
		seterr(ECorrupt, "mismatched index name: found %s expected %s", ix->name, name);
		return nil;
	if(ix->nsects != n){
		seterr(ECorrupt, "mismatched number index sections: found %d expected %d", n, ix->nsects);
		return nil;
	ix->sects = sects;
	last = 0;
	blocksize = ix->blocksize;
	for(i = 0; i < ix->nsects; i++){
		is = sects[i];
		if(namecmp(ix->name, is->index) != 0
		|| is->blocksize != blocksize
		|| is->tabsize != tabsize
		|| namecmp(is->name, ix->smap[i].name) != 0
		|| is->start != ix->smap[i].start
		|| is->stop != ix->smap[i].stop
		|| last != is->start
		|| is->start > is->stop){
			seterr(ECorrupt, "inconsistent index sections in %s", ix->name);
			return nil;
		last = is->stop;
	ix->tabsize = tabsize;
	ix->buckets = last;

	if(initindex1(ix) < 0){
		return nil;

	ix->arenas = MKNZ(Arena*, ix->narenas);
	if(maparenas(ix->amap, ix->arenas, ix->narenas, ix->name) < 0){
		return nil;

	return ix;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * initialize an entirely new index
Index *
newindex(char *name, ISect **sects, int n)
	Index *ix;
	AMap *smap;
	u64int nb;
	u32int div, ub, xb, start, stop, blocksize, tabsize;
	int i, j;

	if(n < 1){
		seterr(EOk, "creating index with no index sections");
		return nil;

	 * compute the total buckets available in the index,
	 * and the total buckets which are used.
	nb = 0;
	blocksize = sects[0]->blocksize;
	tabsize = sects[0]->tabsize;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
		 * allow index, start, and stop to be set if index is correct
		 * and start and stop are what we would have picked.
		 * this allows calling fmtindex to reformat the index after
		 * replacing a bad index section with a freshly formatted one.
		 * start and stop are checked below.
		if(sects[i]->index[0] != '\0' && strcmp(sects[i]->index, name) != 0){
			seterr(EOk, "creating new index using non-empty section %s", sects[i]->name);
			return nil;
		if(blocksize != sects[i]->blocksize){
			seterr(EOk, "mismatched block sizes in index sections");
			return nil;
		if(tabsize != sects[i]->tabsize){
			seterr(EOk, "mismatched config table sizes in index sections");
			return nil;
		nb += sects[i]->blocks;

	 * check for duplicate names
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
		for(j = i + 1; j < n; j++){
			if(namecmp(sects[i]->name, sects[j]->name) == 0){
				seterr(EOk, "duplicate section name %s for index %s", sects[i]->name, name);
				return nil;

	if(nb >= ((u64int)1 << 32)){
		fprint(2, "%s: index is 2^32 blocks or more; ignoring some of it\n",
		nb = ((u64int)1 << 32) - 1;

	div = (((u64int)1 << 32) + nb - 1) / nb;
	if(div < 100){
		fprint(2, "%s: index divisor %d too coarse; "
			"index larger than needed, ignoring some of it\n",
			argv0, div);
		div = 100;
		nb = (((u64int)1 << 32) - 1) / (100 - 1);
	ub = (((u64int)1 << 32) - 1) / div + 1;
	if(ub > nb){
		seterr(EBug, "index initialization math wrong");
		return nil;
	xb = nb - ub;

	 * initialize each of the index sections
	 * and the section map table
	smap = MKNZ(AMap, n);
	if(smap == nil){
		seterr(EOk, "can't create new index: out of memory");
		return nil;
	start = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
		stop = start + sects[i]->blocks - xb / n;
		if(i == n - 1)
			stop = ub;

		if(sects[i]->start != 0 || sects[i]->stop != 0)
		if(sects[i]->start != start || sects[i]->stop != stop){
			seterr(EOk, "creating new index using non-empty section %s", sects[i]->name);
			return nil;

		sects[i]->start = start;
		sects[i]->stop = stop;
		namecp(sects[i]->index, name);

		smap[i].start = start;
		smap[i].stop = stop;
		namecp(smap[i].name, sects[i]->name);
		start = stop;

	 * initialize the index itself
	ix = MKZ(Index);
	if(ix == nil){
		seterr(EOk, "can't create new index: out of memory");
		return nil;
	ix->version = IndexVersion;
	namecp(ix->name, name);
	ix->sects = sects;
	ix->smap = smap;
	ix->nsects = n;
	ix->blocksize = blocksize;
	ix->buckets = ub;
	ix->tabsize = tabsize;
	ix->div = div;

	if(initindex1(ix) < 0){
		return nil;

	return ix;
Exemplo n.º 9

#define MK(x)   {{BUTTC_KEYBOARD},{0},{MKK(x)},1}					// Make key obj, 1 player?
#define MK2(x1,x2)	{{BUTTC_KEYBOARD},{0},{MKK(x1),MKK(x2)},2}		// Make key obj, 2 players?

#define MKZ()   {{0},{0},{0},0}

#define GPZ()   {MKZ(), MKZ(), MKZ(), MKZ()}

ButtConfig GamePadConfig[4][10]={
        /* Gamepad 1 */
//	MK(KP3), MK(KP2), MK(TAB), MK(ENTER), MK(W), MK(Z),
//				MK(A), MK(S), MKZ(), MKZ()
	MK(O), MK(P), MK(TAB), MK(ENTER), MK(W), MK(S),		// b, a, select, start, up, down, left, right, n/a, n/a
            MK(A), MK(D), MKZ(), MKZ()
//	MK(C), MK(D), MK(TAB), MK(ENTER), MK(CURSORUP), MK(CURSORDOWN),		// b, a, select, start, up, down, left, right, n/a, n/a

        /* Gamepad 2 */

        /* Gamepad 3 */
        /* Gamepad 4 */

Exemplo n.º 10
   #undef SSM

#define MK(x)   {{BUTTC_KEYBOARD},{0},{MKK(x)},1}
#define MK2(x1,x2)	{{BUTTC_KEYBOARD},{0},{MKK(x1),MKK(x2)},2}

#define MKZ()   {{0},{0},{0},0}

#define GPZ()   {MKZ(), MKZ(), MKZ(), MKZ()}

ButtConfig GamePadConfig[4][10]={
        /* Gamepad 1 */
	 MK(KP3), MK(KP2), MK(TAB), MK(ENTER), MK(W),MK(Z),
                MK(A), MK(S), MKZ(), MKZ()

        /* Gamepad 2 */

        /* Gamepad 3 */
        /* Gamepad 4 */

static void UpdateGamepad(void)