Exemplo n.º 1
void	ClothoidPath::SetOffset( const CarModel& cm, double k, double t, PathPt* l3, const PathPt* l2, const PathPt* l4 )
	double	marg = cm.WIDTH / 2 + 0.02;//1.0;//1.1
	double	wl  = -MN(m_maxL, l3->Wl()) + marg;
	double	wr  =  MN(m_maxR, l3->Wr()) - marg;
	double	buf = MN(1.5, 100 * fabs(k));	// a = v*v/r;

	if( k >= 0 )// 0.00001 )
		if( t < wl )
			t = wl;
		else if( t > wr - l3->rBuf - buf )
			if( l3->offs > wr - l3->rBuf - buf )
				t = MN(t, l3->offs);
				t = wr - l3->rBuf - buf;
			t = MN(t, wr);
	else //if( k < -0.00001 )
		if( t > wr )
			t = wr;
		else if( t < wl + l3->lBuf + buf )
			if( l3->offs < wl + l3->lBuf + buf )
				t = MX(t, l3->offs);
				t = wl + l3->lBuf + buf;
			t = MX(t, wl);

	l3->offs = t;
	l3->pt = l3->CalcPt();
	l3->k = Utils::CalcCurvatureXY(l2->pt, l3->pt, l4->pt);
int tester()
  std::vector<std::string> neutrals;
  std::vector<std::string> ions;
//ionic system contains neutral system
  ions = neutrals;
  Scalar MN(14.008L), MC(12.011), MH(1.008L);
  Scalar MN2 = 2.L*MN , MCH4 = MC + 4.L*MH, MC2H = 2.L * MC + MH;
  std::vector<Scalar> Mm;

  std::vector<Scalar> molar_frac;
  Scalar dens_tot(1e12L);

//hard sphere radius
  std::vector<Scalar> hard_sphere_radius;
  hard_sphere_radius.push_back(2.0675e-8L * 1e-2L); //N2  in cm -> m
  hard_sphere_radius.push_back(2.3482e-8L * 1e-2L); //CH4 in cm -> m
  hard_sphere_radius.push_back(0.L); //C2H

//zenith angle
//not necessary

//photon flux
//not necessary

//not necessary

  Scalar zmin(600.),zmax(1400.),zstep(10.);

//binary diffusion
  Scalar bCN1(1.04e-5 * 1e-4),bCN2(1.76); //cm2 -> m2
  Planet::DiffusionType CN_model(Planet::DiffusionType::Wakeham);
  Scalar bCC1(5.73e16 * 1e-4),bCC2(0.5); //cm2 -> m2
  Planet::DiffusionType CC_model(Planet::DiffusionType::Wilson);
  Scalar bNN1(0.1783 * 1e-4),bNN2(1.81); //cm2 -> m2
  Planet::DiffusionType NN_model(Planet::DiffusionType::Massman);

 * first level

  Planet::Altitude<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar> > altitude(zmin,zmax,zstep);

  Antioch::ChemicalMixture<Scalar> neutral_species(neutrals); 

  Antioch::ChemicalMixture<Scalar> ionic_species(ions); 

//not needed

//binary diffusion
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> N2N2(   Antioch::Species::N2,  Antioch::Species::N2 , bNN1, bNN2, NN_model);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> N2CH4(  Antioch::Species::N2,  Antioch::Species::CH4, bCN1, bCN2, CN_model);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> CH4CH4( Antioch::Species::CH4, Antioch::Species::CH4, bCC1, bCC2, CC_model);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> N2C2H( Antioch::Species::N2, Antioch::Species::C2H);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> CH4C2H( Antioch::Species::CH4, Antioch::Species::C2H);
  std::vector<std::vector<Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> > > bin_diff_coeff;

 * second level

  std::vector<Scalar> T0,Tz;
  std::vector<Scalar> neutral_temperature;
  Planet::AtmosphericTemperature<Scalar, std::vector<Scalar> > temperature(neutral_temperature, neutral_temperature, altitude);

//photon opacity
//not needed

//reaction sets
//not needed

 * third level

//atmospheric mixture
  Planet::AtmosphericMixture<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar>, std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > > composition(neutral_species, ionic_species, altitude, temperature);

//kinetics evaluators
//not needed

 * fourth level

//photon evaluator
//not needed

//molecular diffusion
  Planet::MolecularDiffusionEvaluator<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar>, std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > > molecular_diffusion(bin_diff_coeff,

//eddy diffusion
//not needed

 * checks

  molar_frac.pop_back();//get the ion outta here
  Scalar Matm(0.L);
  for(unsigned int s = 0; s < molar_frac.size(); s++)
     Matm += molar_frac[s] * composition.neutral_composition().M(s);
  Matm *= 1e-3L; //to kg

  std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > densities;
  calculate_densities(densities, dens_tot, molar_frac, zmin,zmax,zstep, temperature.neutral_temperature(), Mm);
//N2, CH4, C2H
  std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > Dij;

  int return_flag(0);
  for(unsigned int iz = 0; iz < altitude.altitudes().size(); iz++)
      Scalar P = pressure(composition.total_density()[iz],temperature.neutral_temperature()[iz]);
      Scalar T = temperature.neutral_temperature()[iz];
      Dij[0][0] = binary_coefficient(T,P,bNN1,bNN2); //N2 N2
      Dij[1][1] = binary_coefficient(T,P,bCC1 * Antioch::ant_pow(Planet::Constants::Convention::T_standard<Scalar>(),bCC2 + Scalar(1.L)) 
                                              * Planet::Constants::Universal::kb<Scalar>()
                                              / Planet::Constants::Convention::P_normal<Scalar>(),bCC2 + Scalar(1.L)); //CH4 CH4
      Dij[0][1] = binary_coefficient(T,P,bCN1 * Antioch::ant_pow(Planet::Constants::Convention::T_standard<Scalar>(),bCN2),bCN2); //N2 CH4
      Dij[0][2] = binary_coefficient(Dij[0][0],Mm[0],Mm[2]); //N2 C2H
      Dij[1][2] = binary_coefficient(Dij[1][1],Mm[1],Mm[2]); //CH4 C2H
      Dij[1][0] = Dij[0][1]; //CH4 N2
      for(unsigned int s = 0; s < molar_frac.size(); s++)
        Scalar tmp(0.L);
        Scalar M_diff(0.L);
        for(unsigned int medium = 0; medium < 2; medium++)
           if(s == medium)continue;
           tmp += densities[medium][iz]/Dij[medium][s];
        Scalar Ds = (barometry(zmin,altitude.altitudes()[iz],neutral_temperature[iz],Matm,dens_tot) - densities[s][iz]) / tmp;
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < molar_frac.size(); j++)
           if(s == j)continue;
           M_diff += composition.total_density()[iz] * composition.neutral_molar_fraction()[j][iz] * composition.neutral_composition().M(j);
        M_diff /= Scalar(molar_frac.size() - 1);
        Scalar Dtilde = Ds / (Scalar(1.L) - composition.neutral_molar_fraction()[s][iz] * (Scalar(1.L) - composition.neutral_composition().M(s)/M_diff));

        return_flag = return_flag ||
                      check_test(Dtilde,molecular_diffusion.Dtilde()[s][iz],"D tilde of species at altitude");

      return_flag = return_flag ||
                    check_test(Dij[0][0],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(0,0,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient N2 N2 at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[0][1],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(0,1,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient N2 CH4 at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[0][2],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(0,2,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient N2 C2H at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[1][1],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(1,1,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient CH4 CH4 at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[1][2],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(1,2,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient CH4 C2H at altitude");

  return return_flag;
Exemplo n.º 3
void MyTrack::NewTrack( tTrack* pNewTrack, bool pit, SideMod* pSideMod )
  if( m_pCurTrack != pNewTrack )
    delete [] m_pSegs;
    m_pSegs = 0;
    NSEG = 0;

  m_pCurTrack = pNewTrack;

  if( pSideMod )
    m_sideMod = *pSideMod;

  if( m_pSegs == 0 )
    // make new segs ... roughly every NOMINAL_SEG_LEN metres apart.
    const double NOMINAL_SEG_LEN = 3;//10;
    NSEG = int(floor(pNewTrack->length / NOMINAL_SEG_LEN));
    m_pSegs = new Seg[NSEG];
    m_delta = pNewTrack->length / NSEG;

    //  GfOut( "   ### NSEG %d\n", NSEG );

    tTrackSeg* pseg = pNewTrack->seg;
    while( pseg->lgfromstart > pNewTrack->length / 2 )
      pseg = pseg->next;
    double  tsend = pseg->lgfromstart + pseg->length;
    //  GfOut( "   ### tsend %g len %g fromstart %g\n",
    //     tsend, pseg->length, pseg->lgfromstart );

    int pitEntry = -1;
    int pitExit  = -1;
    int pitSide  = pNewTrack->pits.side == TR_LFT ? TR_SIDE_LFT : TR_SIDE_RGT;

    for( int i = 0; i < NSEG; i++ )
      double segDist = i * m_delta;
      while( segDist >= tsend )
        pseg = pseg->next;
        //    GfOut( "   ### segDist %g tsend %g len %g fromstart %g\n",
        //      segDist, tsend, pseg->length, pseg->lgfromstart );
        //    tsend += pseg->length;
        tsend = pseg->lgfromstart + pseg->length;

      //   const double MIN_MU = pseg->surface->kFriction * 0.8;
      //   const double MAX_ROUGH = MX(0.005, pseg->surface->kRoughness * 1.2);
      //   const double MAX_RESIST = MX(0.02, pseg->surface->kRollRes * 1.2);

      //   GfOut( "   ### segDist %g   tsend %g\n",
      //     segDist, tsend );

      //   double t = (segDist - pseg->lgfromstart) / pseg->length;
      //   double width = pseg->startWidth + (pseg->endWidth - pseg->startWidth) * t;

      m_pSegs[i].segDist = segDist;
      m_pSegs[i].pSeg = pseg;
      m_pSegs[i].wl = pseg->width / 2;
      m_pSegs[i].wr = pseg->width / 2;
      m_pSegs[i].midOffs = 0;

      if( pitEntry < 0 && (pseg->raceInfo & TR_PITENTRY) )
        pitEntry = i;
      if( (pseg->raceInfo & TR_PITEXIT) )
        pitExit  = i;

    //  GfOut( "pit entry %d  pit exit %d \n", pitEntry, pitExit );
    if( pNewTrack->pits.pitStart )
      GfOut( "pit entry %d  pit exit %d \n", pNewTrack->pits.pitEntry->id, pNewTrack->pits.pitExit->id );
      GfOut( "pit start %d  pit end  %d \n", pNewTrack->pits.pitStart->id, pNewTrack->pits.pitEnd->id );
      GfOut( "pit side %d   pit len %g\n", pitSide, pNewTrack->pits.len );
      pseg = pNewTrack->pits.pitEntry->prev;
        pseg = pseg->next;
        GfOut( " %7.2fm %4d %5.1fm %4.1fm..%4.1fm", pseg->lgfromstart, pseg->id, pseg->length, pseg->startWidth, pseg->endWidth );

        tTrackSeg* pSide = pseg->side[pitSide];
        while( pSide )
          GfOut( "  %4.1f-%4.1fm %d %d %3x", pSide->startWidth, pSide->endWidth, pSide->type2, pSide->style, pSide->raceInfo );
          pSide = pSide->side[pitSide];

        GfOut( "\n" );
      while( pseg != pNewTrack->pits.pitExit );
    {for( int i = 0; i < NSEG; i++ )
      pseg = m_pSegs[i].pSeg;

      //   GfOut( "   ### segDist %g   tsend %g\n",
      //     segDist, tsend );

      double segDist = m_pSegs[i].segDist;
      double t = (segDist - pseg->lgfromstart) / pseg->length;

      bool inPit = ((pitEntry < pitExit && pitEntry <= i && i <= pitExit) || (pitEntry > pitExit && (i <= pitExit || i >= pitEntry)));

      const double MIN_MU = pseg->surface->kFriction * 0.8;
      const double MAX_ROUGH = MX(0.005, pseg->surface->kRoughness * 1.2);
      const double MAX_RESIST = MX(0.02, pseg->surface->kRollRes * 1.2);
      const double SLOPE = pseg->Kzw;
if (0) // Disabled using the sides for now
      {for( int s = 0; s < 2; s++ )
        tTrackSeg* pSide = pseg->side[s];
        if( pSide == 0 )

        double extraW = 0;

        bool done = false;
        while( !done && pSide )
          double w = pSide->startWidth + (pSide->endWidth - pSide->startWidth) * t;
          //     w = MX(0, w - 0.5);

          //     w = MN(w, 1.0);
          if( pSide->style == TR_CURB )
            if( s == m_sideMod.side && i >= m_sideMod.start && i <= m_sideMod.end )
              // always keep 1 wheel on main track.
              w = MN(w, 1.5);
              done = true;

              if( ((s == TR_SIDE_LFT && pseg->type == TR_RGT) || (s == TR_SIDE_RGT && pseg->type == TR_LFT)) && pSide->surface->kFriction  < pseg->surface->kFriction )
                // keep a wheel on the good stuff.
                w = 0;//MN(w, 1.5);

              // don't go too far up raised curbs (max 2cm).
              if( pSide->height > 0 )
                w = MN(w, 0.6);
                // w = MN(0.05 * pSide->width / pSide->height, 1.5);

              // if( pSide->surface->kFriction  < MIN_MU )
              //   w = 0;
          else if( pSide->style == TR_PLAN )
            if( (inPit && pitSide == s) || (pSide->raceInfo & (TR_SPEEDLIMIT | TR_PITLANE)) )
              w = 0;
              done = true;

            if( s == m_sideMod.side && i >= m_sideMod.start && i <= m_sideMod.end )
              if( w > 0.5 )
                { w = 0.5; done = true; }
            if( pSide->surface->kFriction < MIN_MU || pSide->surface->kRoughness > MAX_ROUGH ||
                                                        pSide->surface->kRollRes   > MAX_RESIST ||
                                                        fabs(pSide->Kzw - SLOPE) > 0.005 )
              // bool inner = 
              // (s == TR_SIDE_LFT && pseg->type == TR_LFT) ||
              // (s == TR_SIDE_RGT && pseg->type == TR_RGT);
              w = 0;//inner ? MN(w, 0.5) : 0;
              done = true;

            if( ((s == TR_SIDE_LFT && pseg->type == TR_RGT) || (s == TR_SIDE_RGT && pseg->type == TR_LFT)) &&
                  pSide->surface->kFriction  < pseg->surface->kFriction )
              // keep a wheel on the good stuff.
              w = 0;//MN(w, 1.5);
              done = true;
            // wall of some sort.
            // w = 0;
            w = pSide->style == TR_WALL ? -0.5 : 0;
            // pSide->style == TR_FENCE ? -0.1 : 0;
            done = true;

          extraW += w;

          // if( pSide->style != TR_PLAN || w <= 0 )
          // done = true;

          pSide = pSide->side[s];

        // extraW = MX(0, extraW - 0.1);
        if( s == TR_SIDE_LFT )
          m_pSegs[i].wl += extraW;
          m_pSegs[i].wr += extraW;

      // GfOut( "\n" );

      // m_pSegs[i].wl = 1;
      // m_pSegs[i].wr = 1;
      // m_pSegs[i].wl *= 0.6;
      // m_pSegs[i].wr *= 0.6;

      CalcPtAndNormal( pseg, segDist - pseg->lgfromstart,
                       // m_pSegs[i].wl + m_pSegs[i].wr,
                       m_pSegs[i].pt, m_pSegs[i].norm );

      // GfOut( "%4d  p(%7.2f, %7.2f, %7.2f)  n(%7.4f, %7.4f, %7.4f)\n",
      // i, m_pSegs[i].pt.x, m_pSegs[i].pt.y, m_pSegs[i].pt.z,
      // m_pSegs[i].norm.x, m_pSegs[i].norm.y, m_pSegs[i].norm.z );
    {for( int i = 0; i < NSEG; i++ )
      int in = (i + 1) % NSEG;

      if( m_pSegs[i].wl > m_pSegs[in].wl )
        if( m_pSegs[i].wl > m_pSegs[in].wl - 0.25 )
          m_pSegs[i].wl = m_pSegs[in].wl - 1;
          m_pSegs[i].wl = m_pSegs[in].wl;
      if( m_pSegs[i].wr > m_pSegs[in].wr )
        if( m_pSegs[i].wr > m_pSegs[in].wr - 0.25 )
          m_pSegs[i].wr = m_pSegs[in].wr - 1;
          m_pSegs[i].wr = m_pSegs[in].wr;

    {for( int i = NSEG - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
      int ip = (i - 1 + NSEG) % NSEG;

      if( m_pSegs[i].wl > m_pSegs[ip].wl )
        m_pSegs[i].wl = m_pSegs[ip].wl;
      if( m_pSegs[i].wr > m_pSegs[ip].wr )
        m_pSegs[i].wr = m_pSegs[ip].wr;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Opponent::ProcessMyCar(const Situation* s, const TeamInfo*	pTeamInfo, const CarElt* myCar, const Sit& mySit, const TDriver& me, double	myMaxAccX, int idx)
	CarElt*	oCar = m_path.GetCar();

	m_info.flags = 0;

    if( oCar == myCar || (oCar->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU))

	const Sit&	oSit = m_info.sit;

	m_info.flags |= oSit.rdPY < 0 ? F_LEFT : F_RIGHT;
	m_info.flags |= oSit.offs < 0 ? F_TRK_LEFT : F_TRK_RIGHT;

	if( fabs(oSit.tYaw) > 45 * PI / 180 || oSit.spd < 15 )
		m_info.flags |= F_DANGEROUS;
		m_info.dangerousLatchTime = 2.0;
		m_info.dangerousLatchTime -= s->deltaTime;
		if( m_info.dangerousLatchTime <= 0 )
			m_info.flags &= ~F_DANGEROUS;
			m_info.dangerousLatchTime = 0;

	double	distAhead = MX(20, mySit.spd * mySit.spd / 30);
	if( (m_info.flags & F_DANGEROUS) == 0 )
		distAhead = MN(MX(40, distAhead), 80);

	if( pTeamInfo->IsTeamMate(myCar, oCar) )
		m_info.flags |= F_TEAMMATE;
		m_info.tmDamage = oCar->_dammage;

	if( oSit.relPos < distAhead && oSit.relPos > -25 )
		double		oVX = mySit.spd + oSit.rdVX;

		m_info.flags |= F_TRAFFIC;

		if( oSit.rdPX > oSit.minDX )
			m_info.flags |= F_AHEAD | F_FRONT;

			Quadratic	myPar(0, 0, 0, mySit.ragAY);
			Quadratic	oPar(0, oSit.rdPY, oSit.rdVY, oSit.ragAY);
			Quadratic	relPar = oPar - myPar;

				// time to catch up at present speeds...
				double		acc = oSit.ragAX;// - (myCar->_accel_x + 3);
				Quadratic	q(acc / 2, oSit.rdVX, oSit.rdPX - oSit.minDX);
				double		t;

				if( q.SmallestNonNegativeRoot(t) )
					double	catchY = relPar.CalcY(t);

					m_info.flags |= F_CATCHING;
					m_info.catchTime = t;
					m_info.catchY = catchY;
					m_info.catchSpd = oSit.rdPX < 15 ? oVX : oSit.tVX;

					double	hisSpd = oSit.ragVX + oSit.ragAX * t;
					double	decel = (mySit.ragVX - hisSpd) / t;

					m_info.catchDecel = MX(0, decel);

					if( fabs(catchY) < oSit.minDY )
						m_info.flags |= F_COLLIDE;

                        if( oSit.rdPX < oSit.minDX + 0.15 )
							m_info.catchDecel = 999;
						// see if we hit on the side while passing.
						q.Setup( acc / 2, oSit.rdVX, oSit.rdPX + oSit.minDX );// + m_info.minDX );

                        if( q.SmallestNonNegativeRoot(t) )
							catchY = relPar.CalcY(t);

                            if( fabs(catchY) < oSit.minDY || catchY * oSit.rdPY < 0 )
								m_info.flags |= F_COLLIDE;
								m_info.catchY = SGN(m_info.catchY) * (oSit.minDY - 0.1);

                q.Setup( oSit.ragAX - myMaxAccX, oSit.ragVX - mySit.ragVX, oSit.rdPX - oSit.minDX - 0.2 );
                if( q.SmallestNonNegativeRoot(t))
					double	catchY = relPar.CalcY(t);

					m_info.flags |= F_CATCHING_ACC;
					m_info.catchAccTime = t;
					m_info.catchAccY = catchY;
					m_info.catchAccSpd = oVX;

			if( myCar->_laps > oCar->_laps )
				m_info.flags |= F_BEING_LAPPED;
			if( oSit.rdPX < -oSit.minDX )	// behind
				m_info.flags |= F_BEHIND | F_REAR;

				if( oSit.rdVX < 0 )
					m_info.flags |= F_CATCHING;
					m_info.catchTime = (oSit.rdPX + oSit.minDX) / oSit.rdVX;
					m_info.catchY = oSit.rdPY;
					m_info.catchSpd = oVX;
			else // to side
				m_info.flags |= F_TO_SIDE;
				m_info.flags |= oSit.rdPX > 0 ? F_FRONT : F_REAR;

				double	aheadDist = oSit.minDX * 0.5;//0.33;
				if( fabs(oSit.rdPY) < oSit.minDY )
					// colliding now.
					m_info.flags |= F_COLLIDE;
					m_info.catchTime = 0;
					m_info.catchY = oSit.rdPY;
					m_info.catchSpd = oSit.rdPX > aheadDist ? oVX - 3 : 200;
					m_info.catchDecel = 999;
				else if( oSit.rdPX > 0 && oSit.rdPY * oSit.rdVY < 0 )
					// side collision in t seconds?
					double	t = (fabs(oSit.rdPY) - oSit.minDY) / fabs(oSit.rdVY);
					double	collX = oSit.rdPX + oSit.rdVX * t;

                    if( collX > aheadDist && collX < oSit.minDX )
						double	relSpd = (oSit.minDX - oSit.rdPX) / t;
						m_info.flags |= F_COLLIDE;
						m_info.catchTime = t;
						m_info.catchY = SGN(oSit.rdPY) * (oSit.minDY - 0.1);
						m_info.catchSpd = oVX - 3;
						m_info.catchDecel = (mySit.spd - (oVX - relSpd)) / t;

            if( (m_info.flags & (F_REAR | F_TO_SIDE)) && myCar->_laps < oCar->_laps )
				m_info.flags |= F_LAPPER;

        if( 0 < oSit.rdPX && oSit.rdPX < oSit.minDX + 2 && fabs(oSit.rdPY) < oSit.minDY + 2 )
			m_info.flags |= F_CLOSE;
	else if( oSit.relPos < 0 )
		m_info.flags |= F_BEHIND | F_REAR;

	const double timeLimit = 4;
	const double closeDist = 10;
	m_info.newCatchSpd = oSit.tVX - mySit.tVX;
	m_info.newCatching = false;

	if( oSit.relPos > oSit.minDX )
		bool	oDangerous = (m_info.flags & F_DANGEROUS) != 0;

		if( m_info.newCatchSpd < 0 )
			double	t1 = -(oSit.relPos - oSit.minDX) / m_info.newCatchSpd;
			double	t2 = -(oSit.relPos + oSit.minDX) / m_info.newCatchSpd;
			m_info.newCatching = t1 <= timeLimit || oDangerous ||
								 oSit.relPos - oSit.minDX < closeDist;
			m_info.newCatchTime = t1;
			m_info.newAheadTime = t2;
	else if( oSit.relPos >= -oSit.minDX )
		m_info.newCatching = true;
		m_info.newCatchTime = 0;
		m_info.newAheadTime = 0;

	if( m_info.newCatching )
		double	pos = oCar->_distFromStartLine;
		double	myPos = myCar->_distFromStartLine;
		double	offs = -oCar->_trkPos.toMiddle;

		double	w = m_path.GetTrack()->GetWidth() * 0.5 - 1;

		double	catPos  = pos + oSit.tVX * m_info.newCatchTime;
		double	catOffs = offs + oSit.tVY * m_info.newCatchTime;
		catOffs = MX(-w, MN(catOffs, w));

		double	ahdPos  = pos + oSit.tVX * m_info.newAheadTime;
		double	ahdOffs = offs + oSit.tVY * m_info.newAheadTime;
		ahdOffs = MX(-w, MN(ahdOffs, w));

		double	midPos = (catPos + ahdPos) * 0.5;
		m_info.newMidPos = midPos;

		PtInfo	pi;

        me.GetPtInfo( TDriver::PATH_NORMAL, midPos * 0.5, pi );
		m_info.newBestOffset = pi.offs;

		double	L = catOffs - oSit.minDY - 1.0;
		double	R = catOffs + oSit.minDY + 1.0;

		// TODO: change this to be the predicted position...
		double	toL, toR;
		me.GetPathToLeftAndRight( oCar, toL, toR );

		m_info.newPiL.isSpace = L > offs - toL;
		m_info.newPiL.goodPath = false;
		m_info.newPiL.myOffset = 0;
		if( m_info.newPiL.isSpace )
			m_info.newPiL.offset = L;
			m_info.newPiL.mySpeed = me.CalcBestSpeed(midPos, MN(L, pi.offs));
			m_info.newPiL.goodPath = m_info.newPiL.mySpeed > oSit.spd;

				double	u, v;

				me.CalcBestPathUV(midPos, L, u, v);
				m_info.newPiL.bestU = u;
				m_info.newPiL.bestV = v;
				m_info.newPiL.myOffset = me.CalcPathOffset(myPos, u, v);

		m_info.newPiR.isSpace = R < offs + toR;
		m_info.newPiR.goodPath = false;
		m_info.newPiR.myOffset = 0;
		if( m_info.newPiR.isSpace )
			m_info.newPiR.offset = R;
			m_info.newPiR.mySpeed = me.CalcBestSpeed(midPos, MX(R, pi.offs));
			m_info.newPiR.goodPath = m_info.newPiR.mySpeed > oSit.spd;
				double	u, v;

				me.CalcBestPathUV(midPos, R, u, v);
				m_info.newPiR.bestU = u;
				m_info.newPiR.bestV = v;
				m_info.newPiR.myOffset = me.CalcPathOffset(myPos, u, v);
Exemplo n.º 5
int test()
  std::vector<std::string> neutrals;
  std::vector<std::string> ions;
  Scalar chi(100.L);
  std::vector<Scalar> lambda_ref,phy1AU,phy_on_top;
  std::ifstream flux_1AU("./input/hv_SSI.dat");
  std::string line;
     Scalar wv,ir,dirr;
     flux_1AU >> wv >> ir >> dirr;
     if(!lambda_ref.empty() && wv == lambda_ref.back())continue;

  Planet::Chapman<Scalar> chapman(chi);
  Planet::PhotonFlux<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar>, std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > > photon(chapman);


  std::vector<Scalar> molar_frac = {0.96,0.04,0.,0.};
  Scalar dens_tot(1e12);
  Planet::Atmosphere<Scalar, std::vector<Scalar>, std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > > atm(neutrals,ions,photon);

  std::ifstream temp("input/temperature.dat");
  std::vector<Scalar> T0,Tz;
     Scalar t,tz,dt,dtz;
     temp >> t >> tz >> dt >> dtz;

  std::vector<Scalar> T = atm.temperature_top_to_bottom();

  std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > MatrixTotalDensity;
  std::vector<Scalar> tot_dens = atm.total_density_top_to_bottom();

  std::vector<Scalar> lambda_N2,sigma_N2;
  std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > sigma_rate_N2;
  std::ifstream sig_N2("./input/N2_hv_cross-sections.dat");
  std::ifstream sig_CH4("./input/CH4_hv_cross-sections.dat");
     Scalar wv,sigt,sig1,sig2,sig3;
     sig_N2 >> wv >> sigt >> sig1 >> sig2 >> sig3;
     lambda_N2.push_back(wv/10.);//A -> nm
     sigma_N2.push_back(sigt*10.);//cm-2/A -> cm-2/nm
  std::vector<Scalar> lambda_CH4,sigma_CH4;
  std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > sigma_rate_CH4;
     Scalar wv,sigt,sig1,sig2,sig3,sig4,sig5,sig6,sig7,sig8,sig9;
     sig_CH4 >> wv >> sigt >> sig1 >> sig2 >> sig3 >> sig4 >> sig5 >> sig6 >> sig7 >> sig8 >> sig9;
     lambda_CH4.push_back(wv/10.);//A -> nm
     sigma_CH4.push_back(sigt*10.);//cm-2/A -> cm-2/nm


  int return_flag(0);

//Phy at top
  std::vector<Scalar> phy_top;
  for(unsigned int il = 0; il < lambda_ref.size(); il++)
     phy_top[il] = phy1AU[il]/(Planet::Constants::Saturn::d_Sun<Scalar>() * Planet::Constants::Saturn::d_Sun<Scalar>());
     if(check_test(phy_top[il],photon.phy_at_top()[il],"Photon flux at top"))return_flag = 1;

  std::ofstream out("phy_z.dat");
  std::ofstream out_the("phy_z_the.dat");
  out_the << "z N_N N+_N N2+ sCH2_H2 CH3_H CH2_H_H CH4+ CH3+_H CH2+_H2 CH+_H2_H H+_CH3 CH_H2_H" << std::endl;
  std::vector<Scalar> lamb = atm.hv_flux().lambda();
  std::vector<Scalar> sum_over_neutral;
  std::vector<Scalar> tau_theo;
  std::vector<Scalar> rate_N2,rate_CH4;
  Scalar MN(14.008L), MC(12.011), MH(1.008L);
  Scalar MN2 = 2.L*MN , MCH4 = MC + 4.L*MH;
  unsigned int ialt(0);
  for(Scalar z = 1400.; z >= 600.; z -= 10.)

    Scalar M_the = molar_frac[0] * MN2 + molar_frac[1] * MCH4;
    Scalar n_tot_the = dens_tot * std::exp(-(z - 600.) / 
                       ( (z + Planet::Constants::Titan::radius<Scalar>())    *
                         (600. + Planet::Constants::Titan::radius<Scalar>()) * 1e3L * //to m
                         ( (Planet::Constants::Universal::kb<Scalar>() * Antioch::Constants::Avogadro<Scalar>() * T[ialt]) /
                           (Planet::Constants::Universal::G<Scalar>() * Planet::Constants::Titan::mass<Scalar>() * M_the * 1e-3L) //to kg/mol
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
       sum_over_neutral[i] += molar_frac[i] * n_tot_the;
       for(unsigned int il = 0; il < lambda_ref.size(); il++)
          tau_theo[il] += sum_over_neutral[i] * atm.photon_sigma(i).y_on_custom()[il]; //filtering

    std::vector<Scalar> tau_cal = photon.tau(z,sum_over_neutral);
    for(unsigned int il = 0; il < lambda_ref.size(); il++)
      tau_theo[il] *= chapman.chapman(atm.a(z));
      if(check_test(tau_theo[il],tau_cal[il],"tau at altitude z"))return_flag = 1;

    for(unsigned int ir = 0; ir < 3; ir++)
      rate_N2[ir] = 0.L;
      for(unsigned int il = 0; il < lamb.size(); il++)
        rate_N2[ir] += sigma_rate_N2[ir][il] * phy_on_top[il] * std::exp(-tau_theo[il]);

    for(unsigned int ir = 0; ir < 9; ir++)
      rate_CH4[ir] = 0.L;
      for(unsigned int il = 0; il < lamb.size(); il++)
        rate_CH4[ir] += sigma_rate_CH4[ir][il] * phy_on_top[il] * std::exp(-tau_theo[il]);

    std::vector<Scalar> phy_flux = atm.hv_flux().phy(z);
    for(unsigned int il = 0; il < phy_flux.size(); il++)
       if(check_test(phy_on_top[il] * std::exp(-tau_theo[il]),phy_flux[il],"phy at altitude z and lambda"))return_flag = 1;
       out << lamb[il] << " " << phy_flux[il] << std::endl;

    out_the << z << " ";
    for(unsigned int ir = 0; ir < 3; ir++)
       out_the << rate_N2[ir] << " ";
    for(unsigned int ir = 0; ir < 9; ir++)
       out_the << rate_CH4[ir] << " ";
    out_the << std::endl;
    out << std::endl;


  return return_flag;
Exemplo n.º 6
//deep node string and pattern should parsed
void run_deep_lv(LV_ENTITY *lv, DI *di, char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, int max_error)
	int mark_no_vis = -1;

	//lp should inside [INT] range
	if (pattern_len > INT_MAX)
		fprintf(stderr, "len of pattern [%lu] out of range try small len\n", pattern_len);
	int lp = (int)pattern_len;

	if (init_lv(lv, (di->n_l), max_error, lp, (di->the_deep), mark_no_vis) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "run lv error\n");

    int find_d = 0;
	int global_reach = -2;

	int the_b = 0, the_e = 0, the_d = 0;
	int the_ek = the_e + 1, the_dk = the_d+lp+1;

	// init the LV[0][0][0] = 0
	// (lv->LV)[the_b][the_ek][the_dk] = 0;

	//tmp var 
	deep_node *bn;
	int ek, dk, best, last_best;
	//len of text , text begin in deep code
	int lt;
	size_t tbegin;

	char *p, *pb, *t, *pend;
    int extend_len = 0;

    int the_deep = 0, base_deep, cur_deep, action, next_action;

	for (int e = 0; e<=max_error && find_d==0; ++e)
		//mark_bit mean if lv == no vis 
		//mark_bit = 1 lv can succeed from d+1 or == -d then extend 0 error
		//mark_bit = 2 lv can succeed then extend 1 error
		for (int dp = 0; dp <= the_deep; ++dp)
			for (int i=0; i<lp; ++i)
				if (dp==0)
					if (i<=e) (lv->mark_bit)[dp][i] = e-i+1;
					else (lv->mark_bit)[dp][i] = 0;
					(lv->mark_bit)[dp][i] = 0;

		base_deep = -1;

		debug_print("\ne: %d\n", e);
		if ((di->n_l) > 0)
		// for (int b = 0; b<(di->n_l) && ((di->all_node[b]).deep <= the_deep); ++b)
		for (int b = 0; b<(di->n_l) && ((di->all_node[b]).deep <= the_deep) && find_d==0; ++b)
			// if ((di->all_node[b]).deep == cur_deep) continue;
			bn = &(di->all_node[b]);
			lt = (int)MN(bn->len, INT_MAX);
			tbegin = bn->begin;
			cur_deep = bn->deep;

			debug_print("$ deep: %d the node : %d len: %d \n", cur_deep, b, lt);
			// printf("$ deep: %d the node : %d len: %d \n", cur_deep, b, lt);

			for (size_t i=0; i<lp; ++i)	debug_print((i==lp-1) ? "%d\n":"%d-", (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep][i]);

			//if the block have no element,just succeed the mark value
			// if (lt == 0 && cur_deep+1 < (di->the_deep))
   //          {
   //          	if (the_deep < cur_deep+1)
   //          	{
   //          		the_deep = cur_deep+1;
   //          		for (size_t i=0; i<lp; ++i)	(lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][i] = 0;
   //          		debug_print(" ** undate deep: cur %d the_deep %d\n", cur_deep, the_deep);
   //          	}
   //          	for (size_t i=0; i<lp; ++i)
   //          		(lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][i] = MX((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][i], (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep][i]);
   //          	// if ((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best] > 1)
   //          	// {
   //          	// 	if (best+1 > 0 && best+1<lp) (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best+1] = MX((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best+1], 1);
   //          	// 	if (best-1 > 0 && best-1<lp) (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best-1] = MX((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best-1], 1);
   //          	// }
			// 	for (size_t i=0; i<lp; ++i)	debug_print((i==lp-1) ? "%d\n":"%d-", (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][i]);
   //          }

			for (int d = -lp+1, ek; d<(int)(MN( e+1, MN(lt+1, lp))); ++d)
				ek = e + 1;
				dk = d + lp + 1;
				// if ((lv->Far_reach)[b][dk]==1) continue;
				if ((lv->Far_reach)[cur_deep][lt-d]==1) continue;

				best = MX((lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk], (lv->LV)[b][ek][dk]);
				// debug_print("d: %d : best %d\n", d, best);

				// best =(lv->LV)[b][e ][dk];
				if (best != mark_no_vis) action = 2;
				else if (d <= 0) 
					action = (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep][-d];
					if (action > 0) 
						// printf("-- %d %d %d\n", (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk+1], (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk-1], best);
						if ((lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk+1] != mark_no_vis)
							best = MX(best, (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk+1] + 1);
						if ((lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk-1] != mark_no_vis)
							best = MX(best, (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk-1]);
						best = MX(-d, best);
				else if ((lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk-1] != mark_no_vis) action = 2;
				else action = 0;

				if (best == mark_no_vis && action == 0) continue;

				debug_print("action: %d\n", action);
				debug_print("d: %d : best %d\n", d, best);

				next_action = 0;
				//error 0 extend
				//only can extend from left side
				if (action >= 1 && (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk] == mark_no_vis && d<=0)
					pb = pattern + best;
					p = pattern + best;
		    		t = di->deep_s + tbegin + best + d;
		    		last_best = best;

		    		extend_len = MN(lt-MX(0, d), lp-MX(0, -d));
		    		pend = pattern + MX(0, -d) + extend_len;
		    		// debug_print("extend_len, %d\n", extend_len);
					// printf("1t: ");
					// print_bit4((*p));
					// printf("-");
					// print_bit4((*t));
					if ( p < pend && ((*p) & (*t)))
						while (p < pend) 
			                uint64_t x = (~ *((uint64_t*) t) ) & *((uint64_t*) p);
		    		        if (x) {
		    		            unsigned long zeroes;
		    		            CountTrailingZeroes(x, zeroes);
		    		            zeroes >>= 3;
								debug_print("* %lu: ", zeroes);
		    		            best = MN((int)(p - pb) + (int)zeroes + last_best, MX(0, -d) + extend_len);
		    		        p += 8;
		    		        t += 8;
		    		        if (p >= pend) 
		    		        	debug_print("@ %d: ", extend_len);
		                        best = MX(0, -d) + extend_len;
					if (best != last_best)
						(lv->LV)[b][ek][dk] = best;
					// else
					// {
					// 	if (d <= 0 && best == -d)
					// 		best = mark_no_vis;
					// }

					if (best + d >= lt)
						next_action = action;
				debug_print("--d: %d : best %d\n", d, best);

	    		//error 1 extend
	    		if (action >= 2 && next_action == 0)
	    			if (best != mark_no_vis) 
	    				best = best + 1;

					if ((lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk] != mark_no_vis)
						best = MX(best, (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk] + 1);

					if ((lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk+1] != mark_no_vis)
						best = MX(best, (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk+1] + 1);

					if ((lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk-1] != mark_no_vis)
						best = MX(best, (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk-1]);

					if (best == (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk] + 1 && best + d > lt)
						next_action = 2;
					if (next_action == 0 && best == (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk+1] + 1 && best + d > lt)
						next_action = 1;
					if (next_action == 0 && best == (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk-1] && best + d > lt)
						next_action = 1;
					debug_print("d: %d : best %d\n", d, best);

					pb = pattern + best;
					p = pattern + best;
		    		t = di->deep_s + tbegin + best + d;
		    		last_best = best;

		    		extend_len = MN(lt-MX(0, d), lp-MX(0, -d));
		    		// debug_print("extend_len, %d\n", extend_len);
		    		pend = pattern + MX(0, -d) + extend_len;
					// printf("t: ");
					// print_bit4((*p));
					// printf("-");
					// print_bit4((*t));

					if ( p < pend && ((*p) & (*t)))
						// printf("try match");
						// print_bit4((*p));
						// printf("-");
						// print_bit4((*t));
						// printf("\n");
						while (p < pend) 
			                uint64_t x = (~ *((uint64_t*) t) ) & *((uint64_t*) p);
		    		        if (x) {
		    		            unsigned long zeroes;
		    		            CountTrailingZeroes(x, zeroes);
		    		            zeroes >>= 3;
		    		            best = MN((int)(p - pb) + (int)zeroes + last_best, MX(0, -d) + extend_len);
		    		        p += 8;
		    		        t += 8;
		    		        if (p >= pend) 
		                        best = MX(0, -d) + extend_len;
					if (best != last_best)
						(lv->LV)[b][ek][dk] = best;

					if (next_action == 0 && best + d == lt)
						next_action = 1;

					if (next_action == 0 && best + d > lt)
						next_action = 2;

				if (best == mark_no_vis) continue;

				best = MN(best, lt - d);
				debug_print("d: %d : best %d\n", d, best);

				// if (best <= (lv->LV)[b][ek-1][dk])
				if (best+d >= lt)
					// (lv->Far_reach)[b][dk] = 1;
					(lv->Far_reach)[cur_deep][lt-d] = 1;
					debug_print("Far reach at b: %d deep: %d d: %d lv: %d\n", b, cur_deep, d, best);

	            // if (best > global_reach || (best == global_reach && d > the_d) )
	            if (best > global_reach)
	            	global_reach = best;
	            	the_b = b;
	                the_e = e;
	                the_d = d;

	            (lv->LV)[b][ek][dk] = best;
				debug_print("-> b: %d e:%d d:%d lV:%d\n", b, e, d, best);

	            if (best + d >= lt && cur_deep+1 < (di->the_deep))
	            	if (the_deep < cur_deep+1)
	            		the_deep = cur_deep+1;
	            		for (size_t i=0; i<lp; ++i)	(lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][i] = 0;
	            		debug_print(" ** undate deep: cur %d the_deep %d\n", cur_deep, the_deep);
	            	(lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best] = MX((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best], next_action);
	            	// if ((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best] > 1)
	            	// {
	            	// 	if (best+1 > 0 && best+1<lp) (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best+1] = MX((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best+1], 1);
	            	// 	if (best-1 > 0 && best-1<lp) (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best-1] = MX((lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][best-1], 1);
	            	// }
					for (size_t i=0; i<lp; ++i)	debug_print((i==lp-1) ? "%d\n":"%d-", (lv->mark_bit)[cur_deep+1][i]);

				if (best == lp)
	            	the_b = b;
	                the_e = e;
	                the_d = d;
	                if (find_d==1) break;
	                find_d = 1;
	                // printf(" *** find lv: in error: %d b: %d deep: %d d: %d\n", e, b, cur_deep, d);
	                // break;