Exemplo n.º 1
void MPID_nem_dbg_print_all_sendq(FILE *stream)
    int i;
    MPIDI_PG_t *pg;
    MPIDI_VC_t *vc;
    MPIDI_PG_iterator iter;

    fprintf(stream, "========================================\n");
    fprintf(stream, "MPI_COMM_WORLD  ctx=%#x rank=%d\n", MPIR_Process.comm_world->context_id, MPIR_Process.comm_world->rank);
    fprintf(stream, "MPI_COMM_SELF   ctx=%#x\n", MPIR_Process.comm_self->context_id);
    if (MPIR_Process.comm_parent) {
        fprintf(stream, "MPI_COMM_PARENT ctx=%#x recvctx=%#x\n",
    else {
        fprintf(stream, "MPI_COMM_PARENT (NULL)\n");

    while (MPIDI_PG_Has_next(&iter)) {
        MPIDI_PG_Get_next(&iter, &pg);
        fprintf(stream, "PG ptr=%p size=%d id=%s refcount=%d\n", pg, pg->size, (const char*)pg->id, MPIR_Object_get_ref(pg));
        for (i = 0; i < MPIDI_PG_Get_size(pg); ++i) {
            MPIDI_PG_Get_vc(pg, i, &vc);
            MPID_nem_dbg_print_vc_sendq(stream, vc);

    fprintf(stream, "========================================\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
int MPID_GPID_ToLpidArray( int size, MPID_Gpid in_gpid[], int lpid[] )
    int i, mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int pgid;
    MPIDI_PG_t *pg = 0;
    MPIDI_PG_iterator iter;
    int *gpid = (int*)&in_gpid[0];

    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
	do {
	    MPIDI_PG_Get_next( &iter, &pg );
	    if (!pg) {
		/* Internal error.  This gpid is unknown on this process */
		/* A printf is NEVER valid in code that might be executed
		   by the user, even in an error case (use 
		   MPL_internal_error_printf if you need to print
		   an error message and its not appropriate to use the
		   regular error code system */
		/* printf("No matching pg foung for id = %d\n", pgid ); */
		lpid[i] = -1;
		MPIR_ERR_SET2(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**unknowngpid",
			      "**unknowngpid %d %d", gpid[0], gpid[1] );
		return mpi_errno;
	    MPIDI_PG_IdToNum( pg, &pgid );

	    if (pgid == gpid[0]) {
		/* found the process group.  gpid[1] is the rank in 
		   this process group */
		/* Sanity check on size */
		if (pg->size > gpid[1]) {
		    lpid[i] = pg->vct[gpid[1]].lpid;
		else {
		    /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */
		    lpid[i] = -1;
		    MPIR_ERR_SET2(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**unknowngpid",
				  "**unknowngpid %d %d", gpid[0], gpid[1] );
		    return mpi_errno;
		    /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */
		/* printf( "lpid[%d] = %d for gpid = (%d)%d\n", i, lpid[i], 
		   gpid[0], gpid[1] ); */
	} while (1);
	gpid += 2;

    return mpi_errno;
Exemplo n.º 3
int MPID_PG_ForwardPGInfo( MPID_Comm *peer_ptr, MPID_Comm *comm_ptr, 
			   int nPGids, const MPID_Gpid in_gpids[],
			   int root )
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int i, allfound = 1, pgid, pgidWorld;
    MPIDI_PG_t *pg = 0;
    MPIDI_PG_iterator iter;
    MPIR_Errflag_t errflag = MPIR_ERR_NONE;
    const int *gpids = (const int*)&in_gpids[0];

    /* Get the pgid for CommWorld (always attached to the first process 
       group) */
    MPIDI_PG_Get_next( &iter, &pg );
    MPIDI_PG_IdToNum( pg, &pgidWorld );
    /* Extract the unique process groups */
    for (i=0; i<nPGids && allfound; i++) {
	if (gpids[0] != pgidWorld) {
	    /* Add this gpid to the list of values to check */
	    /* FIXME: For testing, we just test in place */
	    do {
                MPIDI_PG_Get_next( &iter, &pg );
		if (!pg) {
		    /* We don't know this pgid */
		    allfound = 0;
		MPIDI_PG_IdToNum( pg, &pgid );
	    } while (pgid != gpids[0]);
	gpids += 2;

    /* See if everyone is happy */
    mpi_errno = MPIR_Allreduce_impl( MPI_IN_PLACE, &allfound, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LAND, comm_ptr, &errflag );
    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
    MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(errflag, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**coll_fail");
    if (allfound) return MPI_SUCCESS;

    /* FIXME: We need a cleaner way to handle this case than using an ifdef.
       We could have an empty version of MPID_PG_BCast in ch3u_port.c, but
       that's a rather crude way of addressing this problem.  Better is to
       make the handling of local and remote PIDS for the dynamic process
       case part of the dynamic process "module"; devices that don't support
       dynamic processes (and hence have only COMM_WORLD) could optimize for 
       that case */
    /* We need to share the process groups.  We use routines
       from ch3u_port.c */
    MPID_PG_BCast( peer_ptr, comm_ptr, root );
    return MPI_SUCCESS;
    goto fn_exit;
Exemplo n.º 4
int MPID_Create_intercomm_from_lpids( MPID_Comm *newcomm_ptr,
			    int size, const int lpids[] )
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPID_Comm *commworld_ptr;
    int i;
    MPIDI_PG_iterator iter;

    commworld_ptr = MPIR_Process.comm_world;
    /* Setup the communicator's vc table: remote group */
    MPIDI_VCRT_Create( size, &newcomm_ptr->dev.vcrt );
    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
	MPIDI_VC_t *vc = 0;

	/* For rank i in the new communicator, find the corresponding
	   virtual connection.  For lpids less than the size of comm_world,
	   we can just take the corresponding entry from comm_world.
	   Otherwise, we need to search through the process groups.
	/* printf( "[%d] Remote rank %d has lpid %d\n", 
	   MPIR_Process.comm_world->rank, i, lpids[i] ); */
	if (lpids[i] < commworld_ptr->remote_size) {
	    vc = commworld_ptr->dev.vcrt->vcr_table[lpids[i]];
	else {
	    /* We must find the corresponding vcr for a given lpid */	
	    /* For now, this means iterating through the process groups */
	    MPIDI_PG_t *pg = 0;
	    int j;

	    /* Skip comm_world */
	    MPIDI_PG_Get_next( &iter, &pg );
	    do {
		MPIDI_PG_Get_next( &iter, &pg );
                MPIR_ERR_CHKINTERNAL(!pg, mpi_errno, "no pg");
		/* FIXME: a quick check on the min/max values of the lpid
		   for this process group could help speed this search */
		for (j=0; j<pg->size; j++) {
		    /*printf( "Checking lpid %d against %d in pg %s\n",
			    lpids[i], pg->vct[j].lpid, (char *)pg->id );
			    fflush(stdout); */
		    if (pg->vct[j].lpid == lpids[i]) {
			vc = &pg->vct[j];
			/*printf( "found vc %x for lpid = %d in another pg\n", 
			  (int)vc, lpids[i] );*/
	    } while (!vc);

	/* printf( "about to dup vc %x for lpid = %d in another pg\n", 
	   (int)vc, lpids[i] ); */
	/* Note that his will increment the ref count for the associate
	   PG if necessary.  */
	MPIDI_VCR_Dup( vc, &newcomm_ptr->dev.vcrt->vcr_table[i] );
    return mpi_errno;
    goto fn_exit;