Exemplo n.º 1
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char   **av ;
  int    ac, nargs ;
  MRI    *mri_src, *mri_ref, *mri_tmp ;
  double accuracy ;
  MRI_REGION box ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_label_accuracy.c,v 1.2 2011/03/02 00:04:22 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 3)
    usage_exit(1) ;

  mri_src = MRIread(argv[1]) ;
  if (mri_src == NULL)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n", Progname,argv[1]);
  MRIboundingBox(mri_src, 0, &box) ;
  mri_tmp = MRIextractRegionAndPad(mri_src, NULL, &box, PAD) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_src) ; mri_src = mri_tmp ;
  if (mri_src->type == MRI_SHORT)
    mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_src, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 0, 0) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_src) ; mri_src = mri_tmp ;

  mri_ref = MRIread(argv[2]) ;
  if (mri_ref == NULL)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read reference volume %s\n", Progname,argv[1]);
  MRIboundingBox(mri_ref, 0, &box) ;
  mri_tmp = MRIextractRegionAndPad(mri_ref, NULL, &box, PAD) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_ref) ; mri_ref = mri_tmp ;

  accuracy = MRIcomputeLabelAccuracy(mri_src, mri_ref, MRI_MEAN_MIN_DISTANCE, stdout) ;

  if (Gdiag_fp)
    fclose(Gdiag_fp) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  tesselation_parms *parms;
  MRIS **mris_table, *mris,*mris_corrected;
  MRI *mri;

  char cmdline[CMD_LINE_LEN] ;

    (argc, argv, 
     "$Id: mri_mc.c,v 1.22 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $", 

  if (argc > 1 && (stricmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0)) {
    downsample = atoi(argv[2]) ;
    argc -= 2;
    argv += 2 ;
    printf("downsampling input volume %d times\n", downsample) ;

  if (argc < 4) {
    fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUSAGE: mri_mc input_volume "
            "label_value output_surface [connectivity]");
            "\noption connectivity: 1=6+,2=18,3=6,4=26 (default=1)\n\n");

  if (!parms)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "tesselation parms\n") ;
  if (downsample > 0) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;
    mri_tmp = MRIdownsample2(mri, NULL) ;
    MRIfree(&mri) ;
    mri = mri_tmp ;
    MRI *mri_tmp ;
    mri_tmp = MRIalloc(mri->width+2, mri->height+2, mri->depth+2, mri->type) ;
    MRIextractInto(mri, mri_tmp, 
                   0, 0, 0, 
                   mri->width, mri->height, mri->depth, 
                   1, 1, 1) ;
    MRIfree(&mri) ;
    mri = mri_tmp ;
  if (mri->type != MRI_UCHAR) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;
    float min_val, max_val ;

    MRIvalRange(mri, &min_val, &max_val) ;
    if (min_val < 0 || max_val > 255)
         "%s: input volume (val range [%2.1f %2.1f]) must be "
         "convertible to UCHAR",
         Progname, min_val, max_val) ;
    printf("changing type of input volume to 8 bits/voxel...\n") ;
    mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, TRUE) ;
    MRIfree(&mri) ;
    mri = mri_tmp ;


  parms->number_of_labels=1; //only one single label
  mris_table=(MRIS**)malloc(sizeof(MRIS*)); //final surface information
  if ((!parms->label_values) || (!mris_table))
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "labels/surfaces tables\n") ;

  if (argc==5) parms->connectivity=atoi(argv[4]);//connectivity;
  else parms->connectivity=1;




    float dist,max_e=0.0;
    int n,p,vn0,vn2;
    VERTEX *v,*vp;
    fprintf(stderr,"computing the maximum edge length...");
    for (n = 0 ; n < mris->nvertices ; n++) {
      for (p = 0 ; p < v->vnum ; p++) {
        vp = &mris->vertices[v->v[p]];
        if (dist>max_e) max_e=dist;
    fprintf(stderr,"%f mm",sqrt(max_e));
    fprintf(stderr,"\nreversing orientation of faces...");
    for (n = 0 ; n < mris->nfaces ; n++) {
      /* vertex 0 becomes vertex 2 */
      for (p = 0 ; p < v->num ; p++)
        if (v->f[p]==n)
      /* vertex 2 becomes vertex 0 */
      for (p = 0 ; p < v->num ; p++)
        if (v->f[p]==n)

  fprintf(stderr,"\nchecking orientation of surface...");


  fprintf(stderr,"\nwriting out surface...");
  MRISaddCommandLine(mris_corrected, cmdline) ;
  if (mriConformed(mri) == 0) {
    printf("input volume is not conformed - using useRealRAS=1\n") ;
    mris_corrected->useRealRAS = 1 ;
  //  getVolGeom(mri, &mris_corrected->vg);


  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int nargs, err, asegid, c, r, s, nctx, annot,vtxno,nripped;
    int annotid, IsCortex=0, IsWM=0, IsHypo=0, hemi=0, segval=0;
    int RibbonVal=0,nbrute=0;
    float dmin=0.0, lhRibbonVal=0, rhRibbonVal=0;

    /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
    nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, vcid, "$Name: stable5 $");
    if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
        exit (0);
    argc -= nargs;

    Progname = argv[0] ;
    argc --;
    ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
    DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

    if (argc == 0)

        printf("ERROR: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment\n");

    parse_commandline(argc, argv);

    /* ------ Load subject's lh white surface ------ */
    printf("\nReading lh white surface \n %s\n",tmpstr);
    lhwhite = MRISread(tmpstr);
    if (lhwhite == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr);
    /* ------ Load subject's lh pial surface ------ */
    printf("\nReading lh pial surface \n %s\n",tmpstr);
    lhpial = MRISread(tmpstr);
    if (lhpial == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr);
    if (lhwhite->nvertices != lhpial->nvertices)
        printf("ERROR: lh white and pial have a different number of "
               "vertices (%d,%d)\n",

    /* ------ Load lh annotation ------ */
    printf("\nLoading lh annotations from %s\n",annotfile);
    err = MRISreadAnnotation(lhwhite, annotfile);
    if (err)
        printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",annotfile);

    /* ------ Load subject's rh white surface ------ */
    printf("\nReading rh white surface \n %s\n",tmpstr);
    rhwhite = MRISread(tmpstr);
    if (rhwhite == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr);
    /* ------ Load subject's rh pial surface ------ */
    printf("\nReading rh pial surface \n %s\n",tmpstr);
    rhpial = MRISread(tmpstr);
    if (rhpial == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr);
    if (rhwhite->nvertices != rhpial->nvertices)
        printf("ERROR: rh white and pial have a different "
               "number of vertices (%d,%d)\n",

    /* ------ Load rh annotation ------ */
    printf("\nLoading rh annotations from %s\n",annotfile);
    err = MRISreadAnnotation(rhwhite, annotfile);
    if (err)
        printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",annotfile);

    if (lhwhite->ct)
        printf("Have color table for lh white annotation\n");
    if (rhwhite->ct)
        printf("Have color table for rh white annotation\n");

    if (UseRibbon)
        printf("Loading lh ribbon mask from %s\n",tmpstr);
        lhRibbon = MRIread(tmpstr);
        if (lhRibbon == NULL)
            printf("ERROR: loading %s\n",tmpstr);
        printf("Loading rh ribbon mask from %s\n",tmpstr);
        rhRibbon = MRIread(tmpstr);
        if (rhRibbon == NULL)
            printf("ERROR: loading  %s\n",tmpstr);

    if (UseNewRibbon)
        printf("Loading ribbon segmentation from %s\n",tmpstr);
        RibbonSeg = MRIread(tmpstr);
        if (RibbonSeg == NULL)
            printf("ERROR: loading %s\n",tmpstr);

    if (LabelHypoAsWM)
        printf("Loading filled from %s\n",tmpstr);
        filled = MRIread(tmpstr);
        if (filled == NULL)
            printf("ERROR: loading filled %s\n",tmpstr);

    // ------------ Rip -----------------------
    if (RipUnknown)
        printf("Ripping vertices labeled as unkown\n");
        nripped = 0;
        for (vtxno = 0; vtxno < lhwhite->nvertices; vtxno++)
            annot = lhwhite->vertices[vtxno].annotation;
            CTABfindAnnotation(lhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
            // Sometimes the annotation will be "none" indicated by
            // annotid = -1. We interpret this as "unknown".
            if (annotid == 0 || annotid == -1)
                lhwhite->vertices[vtxno].ripflag = 1;
                lhpial->vertices[vtxno].ripflag = 1;
        printf("Ripped %d vertices from left hemi\n",nripped);
        nripped = 0;
        for (vtxno = 0; vtxno < rhwhite->nvertices; vtxno++)
            annot = rhwhite->vertices[vtxno].annotation;
            CTABfindAnnotation(rhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
            if (annotid == 0 || annotid == -1)
                rhwhite->vertices[vtxno].ripflag = 1;
                rhpial->vertices[vtxno].ripflag = 1;
        printf("Ripped %d vertices from right hemi\n",nripped);

    printf("Building hash of lh white\n");
    lhwhite_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(lhwhite, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,hashres);
    printf("Building hash of lh pial\n");
    lhpial_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(lhpial, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,hashres);
    printf("Building hash of rh white\n");
    rhwhite_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(rhwhite, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,hashres);
    printf("Building hash of rh pial\n");
    rhpial_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(rhpial, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,hashres);

    /* ------ Load ASeg ------ */
    if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr))
        if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr))
            if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr))
                printf("ERROR: cannot find aseg\n");

    printf("\nLoading aseg from %s\n",tmpstr);
    ASeg = MRIread(tmpstr);
    if (ASeg == NULL)
        printf("ERROR: loading aseg %s\n",tmpstr);
    mritmp = MRIchangeType(ASeg,MRI_INT,0,0,1);
    ASeg = mritmp;

    if (CtxSegFile)
        printf("Loading Ctx Seg File %s\n",CtxSegFile);
        CtxSeg = MRIread(CtxSegFile);
        if (CtxSeg == NULL)

    AParc = MRIclone(ASeg,NULL);
    if (OutDistFile != NULL)
        Dist = MRIclone(ASeg,NULL);
        mritmp = MRIchangeType(Dist,MRI_FLOAT,0,0,0);
        if (mritmp == NULL)
            printf("ERROR: could change type\n");
        Dist = mritmp;

    Vox2RAS = MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(ASeg);
    printf("ASeg Vox2RAS: -----------\n");
    CRS = MatrixAlloc(4,1,MATRIX_REAL);
    CRS->rptr[4][1] = 1;
    RAS = MatrixAlloc(4,1,MATRIX_REAL);
    RAS->rptr[4][1] = 1;

    if (crsTest)
        printf("Testing point %d %d %d\n",ctest,rtest,stest);
        err = FindClosestLRWPVertexNo(ctest,rtest,stest,
                                      &lhwvtx, &lhpvtx,
                                      &rhwvtx, &rhpvtx, Vox2RAS,
                                      lhwhite,  lhpial,
                                      rhwhite, rhpial,
                                      lhwhite_hash, lhpial_hash,
                                      rhwhite_hash, rhpial_hash);

        printf("Result: err = %d\n",err);

    printf("\nLabeling Slice\n");
    nctx = 0;
    annot = 0;
    annotid = 0;
    nbrute = 0;

    // Go through each voxel in the aseg
    for (c=0; c < ASeg->width; c++)
        printf("%3d ",c);
        if (c%20 ==19)
        for (r=0; r < ASeg->height; r++)
            for (s=0; s < ASeg->depth; s++)

                asegid = MRIgetVoxVal(ASeg,c,r,s,0);
                if (asegid == 3 || asegid == 42)
                    IsCortex = 1;
                    IsCortex = 0;
                if (asegid >= 77 && asegid <= 82)
                    IsHypo = 1;
                    IsHypo = 0;
                if (asegid == 2 || asegid == 41)
                    IsWM = 1;
                    IsWM = 0;
                if (IsHypo && LabelHypoAsWM && MRIgetVoxVal(filled,c,r,s,0))
                    IsWM = 1;

                // integrate surface information
                // Only Do This for GM,WM or Unknown labels in the ASEG !!!
                // priority is given to the ribbon computed from the surface
                // namely
                //  ribbon=GM => GM
                //  aseg=GM AND ribbon=WM => WM
                //  ribbon=UNKNOWN => UNKNOWN
                if (UseNewRibbon && ( IsCortex || IsWM || asegid==0 ) )
                    RibbonVal = MRIgetVoxVal(RibbonSeg,c,r,s,0);
                    MRIsetVoxVal(ASeg,c,r,s,0, RibbonVal);
                    if (RibbonVal==2 || RibbonVal==41)
                        IsWM = 1;
                        IsCortex = 0;
                    else if (RibbonVal==3 || RibbonVal==42)
                        IsWM = 0;
                        IsCortex = 1;
                    if (RibbonVal==0)
                        IsWM = 0;
                        IsCortex = 0;

                // If it's not labeled as cortex or wm in the aseg, skip
                if (!IsCortex && !IsWM)

                // If it's wm but not labeling wm, skip
                if (IsWM && !LabelWM)

                // Check whether this point is in the ribbon
                if (UseRibbon)
                    lhRibbonVal = MRIgetVoxVal(lhRibbon,c,r,s,0);
                    rhRibbonVal = MRIgetVoxVal(rhRibbon,c,r,s,0);
                    if (IsCortex)
                        // ASeg says it's in cortex
                        if (lhRibbonVal < 0.5 && rhRibbonVal < 0.5)
                            // but it is not part of the ribbon,
                            // so set it to unknown (0) and go to the next voxel.

                // Convert the CRS to RAS
                CRS->rptr[1][1] = c;
                CRS->rptr[2][1] = r;
                CRS->rptr[3][1] = s;
                RAS = MatrixMultiply(Vox2RAS,CRS,RAS);
                vtx.x = RAS->rptr[1][1];
                vtx.y = RAS->rptr[2][1];
                vtx.z = RAS->rptr[3][1];

                // Get the index of the closest vertex in the
                // lh.white, lh.pial, rh.white, rh.pial
                if (UseHash)
                    lhwvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(lhwhite_hash,lhwhite,&vtx,&dlhw);
                    lhpvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(lhpial_hash, lhpial, &vtx,&dlhp);
                    rhwvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(rhwhite_hash,rhwhite,&vtx,&drhw);
                    rhpvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(rhpial_hash, rhpial, &vtx,&drhp);
                    if (lhwvtx < 0 && lhpvtx < 0 && rhwvtx < 0 && rhpvtx < 0)
                        printf("  Could not map to any surface with hash table:\n");
                        printf("  crs = %d %d %d, ras = %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f \n",
                        printf("  Using brute force search %d ... \n",nbrute);
                        lhwvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(lhwhite,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&dlhw);
                        lhpvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(lhpial,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&dlhp);
                        rhwvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(rhwhite,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&drhw);
                        rhpvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(rhpial,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&drhp);
                        nbrute ++;
                    lhwvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(lhwhite,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&dlhw);
                    lhpvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(lhpial,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&dlhp);
                    rhwvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(rhwhite,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&drhw);
                    rhpvtx = MRISfindClosestVertex(rhpial,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z,&drhp);

                if (lhwvtx < 0)
                    dlhw = 1000000000000000.0;
                if (lhpvtx < 0)
                    dlhp = 1000000000000000.0;
                if (rhwvtx < 0)
                    drhw = 1000000000000000.0;
                if (rhpvtx < 0)
                    drhp = 1000000000000000.0;

                if (dlhw <= dlhp && dlhw < drhw && dlhw < drhp && lhwvtx >= 0)
                    annot = lhwhite->vertices[lhwvtx].annotation;
                    hemi = 1;
                    if (lhwhite->ct)
                        CTABfindAnnotation(lhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
                        annotid = annotation_to_index(annot);
                    dmin = dlhw;
                if (dlhp < dlhw && dlhp < drhw && dlhp < drhp && lhpvtx >= 0)
                    annot = lhwhite->vertices[lhpvtx].annotation;
                    hemi = 1;
                    if (lhwhite->ct)
                        CTABfindAnnotation(lhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
                        annotid = annotation_to_index(annot);
                    dmin = dlhp;

                if (drhw < dlhp && drhw < dlhw && drhw <= drhp && rhwvtx >= 0)
                    annot = rhwhite->vertices[rhwvtx].annotation;
                    hemi = 2;
                    if (rhwhite->ct)
                        CTABfindAnnotation(rhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
                        annotid = annotation_to_index(annot);
                    dmin = drhw;
                if (drhp < dlhp && drhp < drhw && drhp < dlhw && rhpvtx >= 0)
                    annot = rhwhite->vertices[rhpvtx].annotation;
                    hemi = 2;
                    if (rhwhite->ct)
                        CTABfindAnnotation(rhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
                        annotid = annotation_to_index(annot);
                    dmin = drhp;

                // Sometimes the annotation will be "none" indicated by
                // annotid = -1. We interpret this as "unknown".
                if (annotid == -1)
                    annotid = 0;

                // why was this here in the first place?
                       if (annotid == 0 &&
                           lhwvtx >= 0 &&
                           lhpvtx >= 0 &&
                           rhwvtx >= 0 &&
                           rhpvtx >= 0) {
                         printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
                  } */

                if ( IsCortex && hemi == 1)
                    segval = annotid+1000 + baseoffset;  //ctx-lh
                if ( IsCortex && hemi == 2)
                    segval = annotid+2000 + baseoffset;  //ctx-rh
                if (!IsCortex && hemi == 1)
                    segval = annotid+3000 + baseoffset;  // wm-lh
                if (!IsCortex && hemi == 2)
                    segval = annotid+4000 + baseoffset;  // wm-rh

                if (!IsCortex && dmin > dmaxctx && hemi == 1)
                    segval = 5001;
                if (!IsCortex && dmin > dmaxctx && hemi == 2)
                    segval = 5002;

                // This is a hack for getting the right cortical seg with --rip-unknown
                // The aparc+aseg should be passed as CtxSeg.
                if (IsCortex && CtxSeg)
                    segval = MRIgetVoxVal(CtxSeg,c,r,s,0);

                if (OutDistFile != NULL)

                if (debug || annotid == -1)
                    // Gets here when there is no label at the found vertex.
                    // This is different than having a vertex labeled as "unknown"
                    if (!debug)
                    printf("Found closest vertex, but it has no label.\n");
                    printf("aseg id = %d\n",asegid);
                    printf("crs = %d %d %d, ras = %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f \n",
                    if (lhwvtx > 0) printf("lhw  %d  %7.5f     %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f\n",
                                               lhwvtx, dlhw,
                    if (lhpvtx > 0) printf("lhp  %d  %7.5f     %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f\n",
                                               lhpvtx, dlhp,
                    if (rhwvtx > 0) printf("rhw  %d  %7.5f     %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f\n",
                                               rhwvtx, drhw,
                    if (rhpvtx > 0) printf("rhp  %d  %7.5f     %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f\n",
                                               rhpvtx, drhp,
                    printf("annot = %d, annotid = %d\n",annot,annotid);

    printf("nctx = %d\n",nctx);
    printf("Used brute-force search on %d voxels\n",nbrute);

    if (FixParaHipWM)
        /* This is a bit of a hack. There are some vertices that have been
           ripped because they are "unkown". When the above alorithm finds
           these, it searches for the closest known vertex. If this is
           less than dmax away, then the wm voxel gets labeled
           accordingly.  However, there are often some voxels near
           ventralDC that are just close enough in 3d space to parahip to
           get labeled even though they are very far away along the
           surface. These voxels end up forming an island. CCSegment()
           will eliminate any islands. Unforunately, CCSegment() uses
           6-neighbor (face) definition of connectedness, so some voxels
           may be eliminated.
        printf("Fixing Parahip LH WM\n");
        CCSegment(ASeg, 3016, 5001); //3016 = lhphwm, 5001 = unsegmented WM left
        printf("Fixing Parahip RH WM\n");
        CCSegment(ASeg, 4016, 5002); //4016 = rhphwm, 5002 = unsegmented WM right

    printf("Writing output aseg to %s\n",OutASegFile);

    if (OutAParcFile != NULL)
        printf("Writing output aparc to %s\n",OutAParcFile);
    if (OutDistFile != NULL)
        printf("Writing output dist file to %s\n",OutDistFile);

Exemplo n.º 4
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char         **av, *source_fname, *target_fname, *out_fname, fname[STRLEN] ;
  int          ac, nargs, new_transform = 0, pad ;
  MRI          *mri_target, *mri_source, *mri_orig_source ;
  MRI_REGION   box ;
  struct timeb start ;
  int          msec, minutes, seconds ;
  GCA_MORPH    *gcam ;
  MATRIX       *m_L/*, *m_I*/ ;
  LTA          *lta ;

  /* initialize the morph params */
  memset(&mp, 0, sizeof(GCA_MORPH_PARMS));
  /* for nonlinear morph */
  mp.l_jacobian = 1 ;
  mp.min_sigma = 0.4 ;
  mp.l_distance = 0 ;
  mp.l_log_likelihood = .025 ;
  mp.dt = 0.005 ;
  mp.noneg = True ;
  mp.exp_k = 20 ;
  mp.diag_write_snapshots = 1 ;
  mp.momentum = 0.9 ;
  if (FZERO(mp.l_smoothness))
    mp.l_smoothness = 2 ;
  mp.sigma = 8 ;
  mp.relabel_avgs = -1 ;
  mp.navgs = 256 ;
  mp.levels = 6 ;
  mp.integration_type = GCAM_INTEGRATE_BOTH ;
  mp.nsmall = 1 ;
  mp.reset_avgs = -1 ;
  mp.npasses = 3 ;
  mp.regrid = regrid? True : False ;
  mp.tol = 0.1 ;
  mp.niterations = 1000 ;
  TimerStart(&start) ;
  setRandomSeed(-1L) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
      nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
      argc -= nargs ;
      argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 4)
    usage_exit(1) ;

  source_fname = argv[1] ;
  target_fname = argv[2] ;
  out_fname = argv[3] ;
  FileNameOnly(out_fname, fname) ;
  FileNameRemoveExtension(fname, fname) ;
  strcpy(mp.base_name, fname) ;
  mri_source = MRIread(source_fname) ;
  if (!mri_source)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read source label volume %s",
	      Progname, source_fname) ;

  if (mri_source->type == MRI_INT)
      MRI *mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_source, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1, 1) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_source); mri_source = mri_tmp ;
  mri_target = MRIread(target_fname) ;
  if (!mri_target)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read target label volume %s",
	      Progname, target_fname) ;
  if (mri_target->type == MRI_INT)
      MRI *mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_target, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1, 1) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_target); mri_target = mri_tmp ;
  if (erosions > 0)
      int n ;
      for (n = 0 ; n < erosions ; n++)
	  MRIerodeZero(mri_target, mri_target) ;
	  MRIerodeZero(mri_source, mri_source) ;
  if (scale_values > 0)
      MRIscalarMul(mri_source, mri_source, scale_values) ;
      MRIscalarMul(mri_target, mri_target, scale_values) ;
  if (transform && transform->type == MORPH_3D_TYPE)
    TransformRas2Vox(transform, mri_source,NULL) ;
  if (use_aseg == 0)
      if (match_peak_intensity_ratio)
	MRImatchIntensityRatio(mri_source, mri_target, mri_source, .8, 1.2, 
			       100, 125) ;
      else if (match_mean_intensity)
	MRImatchMeanIntensity(mri_source, mri_target, mri_source) ;
      MRIboundingBox(mri_source, 0, &box) ;
      pad = (int)ceil(PADVOX * 
		      MAX(mri_target->xsize,MAX(mri_target->ysize,mri_target->zsize)) / 
#if 0
      { MRI *mri_tmp ;
	if (pad < 1)
	  pad = 1 ;
	printf("padding source with %d voxels...\n", pad) ;
	mri_tmp = MRIextractRegionAndPad(mri_source, NULL, &box, pad) ;
	  MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "t.mgz") ;
	MRIfree(&mri_source) ;
	mri_source = mri_tmp ;
  mri_orig_source = MRIcopy(mri_source, NULL) ;

  mp.max_grad = 0.3*mri_source->xsize ;

  if (transform == NULL)
    transform = TransformAlloc(LINEAR_VOXEL_TO_VOXEL, NULL) ;

  if (transform->type != MORPH_3D_TYPE)  // initializing m3d from a linear transform
      new_transform = 1 ;
      lta = ((LTA *)(transform->xform)) ;
      if (lta->type != LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX)
	  printf("converting ras xform to voxel xform\n") ;
	  m_L = MRIrasXformToVoxelXform(mri_source, mri_target, lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ;
	  MatrixFree(&lta->xforms[0].m_L) ;
	  lta->type = LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX ;
	  printf("using voxel xform\n") ;
	  m_L = lta->xforms[0].m_L ;
#if 0
      if (Gsx >= 0)   // update debugging coords
	  VECTOR *v1, *v2 ;

	  v1 = VectorAlloc(4, MATRIX_REAL) ;
	  Gsx -= (box.x-pad) ;
	  Gsy -= (box.y-pad) ;
	  Gsz -= (box.z-pad) ;
	  V3_X(v1) = Gsx ; V3_Y(v1) = Gsy ; V3_Z(v1) = Gsz ;
	  VECTOR_ELT(v1,4) = 1.0 ;
	  v2 = MatrixMultiply(m_L, v1, NULL) ;
	  Gsx = nint(V3_X(v2)) ; Gsy = nint(V3_Y(v2)) ; Gsz = nint(V3_Z(v2)) ;
	  MatrixFree(&v2) ; MatrixFree(&v1) ;
	  printf("mapping by transform (%d, %d, %d) --> (%d, %d, %d) for rgb writing\n",
		 Gx, Gy, Gz, Gsx, Gsy, Gsz) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
	write_snapshot(mri_target, mri_source, m_L, &mp, 0, 1, "linear_init");

      lta->xforms[0].m_L = m_L ;
      printf("initializing GCAM with vox->vox matrix:\n") ;
      MatrixPrint(stdout, m_L) ;
      gcam = GCAMcreateFromIntensityImage(mri_source, mri_target, transform) ;
#if 0
      gcam->gca = gcaAllocMax(1, 1, 1, 
			      mri_target->width, mri_target->height, 
			      0, 0) ;
      GCAMinitVolGeom(gcam, mri_source, mri_target) ;
      if (use_aseg)
	  if (ribbon_name)
	      char fname[STRLEN], path[STRLEN], *str, *hemi ;
	      int  h, s, label ;
	      MRI_SURFACE *mris_white, *mris_pial ;
	      MRI         *mri ;

	      for (s = 0 ; s <= 1 ; s++) // source and target
		  if (s == 0)
		      str = source_surf ;
		      mri = mri_source ;
		      FileNamePath(mri->fname, path) ;
		      strcat(path, "/../surf") ;
		      mri = mri_target ;
		      FileNamePath(mri->fname, path) ;
		      strcat(path, "/../elastic") ;
		      str = target_surf ;
		  // sorry - these values come from FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
		  MRIreplaceValueRange(mri, mri, 1000, 1034, Left_Cerebral_Cortex) ;
		  MRIreplaceValueRange(mri, mri, 1100, 1180, Left_Cerebral_Cortex) ;
		  MRIreplaceValueRange(mri, mri, 2000, 2034, Right_Cerebral_Cortex) ;
		  MRIreplaceValueRange(mri, mri, 2100, 2180, Right_Cerebral_Cortex) ;
		  for (h = LEFT_HEMISPHERE ; h <= RIGHT_HEMISPHERE ; h++)  
		      if (h == LEFT_HEMISPHERE)
			  hemi = "lh" ;
			  label = Left_Cerebral_Cortex ;
			  label = Right_Cerebral_Cortex ;
			  hemi = "rh" ;
		      sprintf(fname, "%s/%s%s.white", path, hemi, str) ;
		      mris_white = MRISread(fname) ;
		      if (mris_white == NULL)
			ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface %s", Progname, fname) ;
		      MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris_white, WHITE_VERTICES) ;
		      sprintf(fname, "%s/%s%s.pial", path, hemi, str) ;
		      mris_pial = MRISread(fname) ;
		      if (mris_pial == NULL)
			ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface %s", Progname, fname) ;
		      MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris_pial, PIAL_VERTICES) ;
		      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
			  sprintf(fname, "sb.mgz") ;
			  MRIwrite(mri_source, fname) ; 
			  sprintf(fname, "tb.mgz") ;
			  MRIwrite(mri_target, fname) ;

		      insert_ribbon_into_aseg(mri, mri, mris_white, mris_pial, h) ;
		      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
			  sprintf(fname, "sa.mgz") ;
			  MRIwrite(mri_source, fname) ; 
			  sprintf(fname, "ta.mgz") ;
			  MRIwrite(mri_target, fname) ;
		      MRISfree(&mris_white) ; MRISfree(&mris_pial) ;
	      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
		  sprintf(fname, "s.mgz") ;
		  MRIwrite(mri_source, fname) ; 
		  sprintf(fname, "t.mgz") ;
		  MRIwrite(mri_target, fname) ;
	  GCAMinitLabels(gcam, mri_target) ;
	  GCAMsetVariances(gcam, 1.0) ;
	  mp.mri_dist_map = create_distance_transforms(mri_source, mri_target, NULL, 40.0, gcam) ;
  else  /* use a previously create morph and integrate it some more */
      printf("using previously create gcam...\n") ;
      gcam = (GCA_MORPH *)(transform->xform) ;
      GCAMrasToVox(gcam, mri_source) ;
      if (use_aseg)
	  GCAMinitLabels(gcam, mri_target) ;
	  GCAMsetVariances(gcam, 1.0) ;
	  mp.mri_dist_map = create_distance_transforms(mri_source, mri_target, NULL, 40.0, gcam) ;
	GCAMaddIntensitiesFromImage(gcam, mri_target) ;
  if (gcam->width != mri_source->width ||
      gcam->height != mri_source->height ||
      gcam->depth != mri_source->depth)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: warning gcam (%d, %d, %d), doesn't match source vol (%d, %d, %d)",
	      Progname, gcam->width, gcam->height, gcam->depth,
	      mri_source->width, mri_source->height, mri_source->depth) ;
  mp.mri_diag = mri_source ;
  mp.diag_morph_from_atlas = 0 ;
  mp.diag_write_snapshots = 1 ;
  mp.diag_sample_type = use_aseg ? SAMPLE_NEAREST : SAMPLE_TRILINEAR ;
  mp.diag_volume = use_aseg ? GCAM_LABEL : GCAM_MEANS ;

  if (renormalize)
    GCAMnormalizeIntensities(gcam, mri_target) ;
  if (mp.write_iterations != 0)
      char fname[STRLEN] ;
      MRI  *mri_gca ;
      if (getenv("DONT_COMPRESS"))
        sprintf(fname, "%s_target.mgh", mp.base_name) ;
        sprintf(fname, "%s_target.mgz", mp.base_name) ;
      if (mp.diag_morph_from_atlas == 0)
        printf("writing target volume to %s...\n", fname) ;
        MRIwrite(mri_target, fname) ;
        sprintf(fname, "%s_target", mp.base_name) ;
        MRIwriteImageViews(mri_target, fname, IMAGE_SIZE) ;
        if (use_aseg)
          mri_gca = GCAMwriteMRI(gcam, NULL, GCAM_LABEL) ;
          mri_gca = MRIclone(mri_source, NULL) ;
          GCAMbuildMostLikelyVolume(gcam, mri_gca) ;
	  printf("writing target volume to %s...\n", fname) ;
	  MRIwrite(mri_gca, fname) ;
	  sprintf(fname, "%s_target", mp.base_name) ;
	  MRIwriteImageViews(mri_gca, fname, IMAGE_SIZE) ;
	  MRIfree(&mri_gca) ;

  if (nozero)
      printf("disabling zero nodes\n") ;
      GCAMignoreZero(gcam, mri_target) ;
  mp.mri = mri_target ;
  if (mp.regrid == True && new_transform == 0)
    GCAMregrid(gcam, mri_target, PAD, &mp, &mri_source) ;

  mp.write_fname = out_fname ;
  GCAMregister(gcam, mri_source, &mp) ; // atlas is target, morph target into register with it
  if (apply_transform)
      MRI *mri_aligned ;
      char   fname[STRLEN] ;
      FileNameRemoveExtension(out_fname, fname) ;
      strcat(fname, ".mgz") ;
      mri_aligned = GCAMmorphToAtlas(mp.mri, gcam, NULL, -1, mp.diag_sample_type) ;
      printf("writing transformed output volume to %s...\n", fname) ;
      MRIwrite(mri_aligned, fname) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_aligned) ;
  printf("writing warp vector field to %s\n", out_fname) ;
  GCAMvoxToRas(gcam) ;
  GCAMwrite(gcam, out_fname) ;
  GCAMrasToVox(gcam, mri_source) ;

  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;
  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  printf("registration took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", 
	 minutes, seconds) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Actually no need to modify this function, since I will only use the float
 * type here, so the roundoff I added will never take effect.
 * What I need to modify is the MRIchangeType function!
MRI *MRIlinearTransformInterpBSpline(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mA,
                                     int splinedegree)
  int    y1, y2, y3, width, height, depth ;
  VECTOR *v_X, *v_Y ;   /* original and transformed coordinate systems */
  MATRIX *mAinv ;     /* inverse of mA */
  double   val, x1, x2, x3 ;
  MRI *mri_Bcoeff;

  mAinv = MatrixInverse(mA, NULL) ;      /* will sample from dst back to src */
  if (!mAinv)
    ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADPARM,
                       "MRIlinearTransformBSpline: xform is singular")) ;

  if (!mri_dst) mri_dst = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ;
  else          MRIclear(mri_dst) ; /* set all values to zero */

  if (mri_src->type != MRI_FLOAT)
    mri_Bcoeff = MRIchangeType(mri_src, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1);
    mri_Bcoeff = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL);

  /* convert between a representation based on image samples */
  /* and a representation based on image B-spline coefficients */
  if (SamplesToCoefficients(mri_Bcoeff, splinedegree))
    ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADPARM, "Change of basis failed\n"));

  printf("Direct B-spline Transform Finished. \n");

  width = mri_src->width ;
  height = mri_src->height ;
  depth = mri_src->depth ;
  v_X = VectorAlloc(4, MATRIX_REAL) ;  /* input (src) coordinates */
  v_Y = VectorAlloc(4, MATRIX_REAL) ;  /* transformed (dst) coordinates */

  v_Y->rptr[4][1] = 1.0f ;
  for (y3 = 0 ; y3 < mri_dst->depth ; y3++)
    V3_Z(v_Y) = y3 ;
    for (y2 = 0 ; y2 < mri_dst->height ; y2++)
      V3_Y(v_Y) = y2 ;
      for (y1 = 0 ; y1 < mri_dst->width ; y1++)
        V3_X(v_Y) = y1 ;
        MatrixMultiply(mAinv, v_Y, v_X) ;

        x1 = V3_X(v_X) ;
        x2 = V3_Y(v_X) ;
        x3 = V3_Z(v_X) ;

        if (x1 <= -0.5 || x1 >= (width - 0.5) || x2 <= -0.5 ||
            x2 >= (height - 0.5) || x3 <= -0.5 || x3 >= (depth-0.5))
          val = 0.0;
          val = InterpolatedValue(mri_Bcoeff, x1, x2, x3, splinedegree);

        switch (mri_dst->type)
        case MRI_UCHAR:
          if (val <-0.5) val = -0.5;
          if (val > 254.5) val = 254.5;
          MRIvox(mri_dst,y1,y2,y3) = (BUFTYPE)nint(val+0.5) ;
          break ;
        case MRI_SHORT:
          MRISvox(mri_dst,y1,y2,y3) = (short)nint(val+0.5) ;
          break ;
        case MRI_FLOAT:
          MRIFvox(mri_dst,y1,y2,y3) = (float)(val) ;
          break ;
        case MRI_INT:
          MRIIvox(mri_dst,y1,y2,y3) = nint(val+0.5) ;
          break ;
                       "MRIlinearTransformBSpline: unsupported dst type %d",
                       mri_dst->type)) ;
          break ;

  MatrixFree(&v_X) ;
  MatrixFree(&mAinv) ;
  MatrixFree(&v_Y) ;

  return(mri_dst) ;
Exemplo n.º 6
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char        **av, *in_vol, *out_vol;
  int         ac, nargs;

  MRI         *mri_in, *mri_out, *mri_tmp ;
  LTA         *lta = 0;
  MATRIX *i_to_r_src = 0; /* src geometry of the input LTA */
  MATRIX *V_to_V = 0; /* Final voxel-to-voxel transform */
  MATRIX *r_to_i_dst = 0; /* dst geometry of the input LTA */
  MATRIX *m_tmp = 0;
  MATRIX *i_to_r_reg = 0; /* i_to_r of the volume after registration */
  MATRIX *r_to_i_out = 0; /* r_to_i of the final output volume */
  VOL_GEOM vgm_in;
  int x, y, z;
  double maxV, minV, value;
  //  MATRIX *i_to_r, *r_to_i;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_transform_to_COR.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:55 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    usage_exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 3)
    usage_exit(0) ;

  in_vol = argv[1] ;
  out_vol = argv[2] ;

  printf("reading volume from %s...\n", in_vol) ;
  mri_in = MRIread(in_vol) ;
  if (!mri_in)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read MRI volume %s", Progname,
              in_vol) ;

  /* Convert mri_in to float type */
  /* double would be more accurate */
  if (mri_in->type != MRI_FLOAT)
    printf("Input volume type is %d\n", mri_in->type);
    printf("Change input volume to float type for convenience and accuracy");
    mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_in, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1);
    mri_in = mri_tmp; //swap

  /* Get input volume geometry, which is needed to compute i_to_r
   * and r_to_i of input volume. Note that i_to_r and r_to_i assumed
   * a certain prespecified c_r, c_a, c_s
  getVolGeom(mri_in, &vgm_in);

  maxV = -10000.0;
  minV = 10000.0;
  for (z=0; z < mri_in->depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< mri_in->height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < mri_in->width; x++)
        if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) > maxV )
          maxV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ;
        if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) < minV )
          minV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ;

  printf("Input volume has max = %g, min =%g\n", maxV, minV);

  printf("Scale input volume by %g \n", scale);

  maxV = -10000.0;
  minV = 10000.0;
  for (z=0; z < mri_in->depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< mri_in->height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < mri_in->width; x++)
        MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) *= scale;
        if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) > maxV )
          maxV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ;
        if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) < minV )
          minV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ;

  printf("Input volume after scaling has max = %g, min =%g\n", maxV, minV);

  /* Try to compute the Voxel_to_Voxel transform from the input volume
   * and the registration target/reference volume!
   * If no registration is involved, vox_to_vox is simply identity
  /* Things become more complicated when allowing inverse transform */
  if (transform_flag)
    int transform_type;

    printf("INFO: Applying transformation from file %s...\n",
    transform_type =  TransformFileNameType(transform_fname);

    /* Read in LTA transform file name */
    if (transform_type == MNI_TRANSFORM_TYPE ||
        transform_type == TRANSFORM_ARRAY_TYPE ||
        transform_type == REGISTER_DAT ||
        transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE

      printf("Reading transform ...\n");
      lta = LTAreadEx(transform_fname) ;

      if (!lta)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read transform file %s",
                  Progname, transform_fname) ;

      if (transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE)
        if (lta_src == 0 || lta_dst == 0)
          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fslmat does not have information on the src and dst volumes\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you must give options '-src' and '-dst' to specify the src and dst volume infos for the registration\n");

        LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, lta_dst); // add src and dst information
        //The following is necessary to interpret FSLMAT correctly!!!
        LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX);
      if (lta->xforms[0].src.valid == 0)
        if (lta_src == 0)
          fprintf(stderr, "The transform does not have the valid src volume info.\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "Either you give src volume info by option -src or\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "make the transform to have the valid src info.\n");
          ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n");
          LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, NULL); // add src information
      if (lta->xforms[0].dst.valid == 0)
        if (lta_dst == 0)
          fprintf(stderr, "The transform does not have the valid dst volume info.\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "Either you give src volume info by option -dst or\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "make the transform to have the valid dst info.\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "If the dst was average_305, then you can set\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "environmental variable USE_AVERAGE305 true\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "instead.\n");
          ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n");
          LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, NULL, lta_dst); // add  dst information

      // The following procedure aims to apply an LTA computed from COR format to a volume in non-COR format, or vice versa, as long as they share the same RAS
      // first change to LINEAR RAS_TO_RAS using old info
      if (lta->type != LINEAR_RAS_TO_RAS)
        LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_RAS_TO_RAS);

      // now possiblly reset the src and dst
      if (lta_src != NULL)
        //always trust the user
        LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, NULL);
      if (lta_dst != NULL)
        //always trust the user
        LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, NULL, lta_dst);

      if (lta->type == LINEAR_RAS_TO_RAS)
        /* Convert it to VOX_TO_VOX */
        /* VOXELsrc_to_VOXELdst = R2Vdst*R2Rlta*V2Rsrc */
        /* Note whether the input should be identical to src or dst here depends
         * on whether the LTA here is the direct or inverse transform
        i_to_r_src = vg_i_to_r(&lta->xforms[0].src);
        r_to_i_dst = vg_r_to_i(&lta->xforms[0].dst);

        if (!r_to_i_dst || !i_to_r_src)
          ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract volume geometries from input LTA file",Progname);
        m_tmp = MatrixMultiply(lta->xforms[0].m_L, i_to_r_src, NULL);
        V_to_V = MatrixMultiply(r_to_i_dst, m_tmp, NULL);

      fprintf(stderr, "unknown transform type in file %s\n",

    if (invert_flag)
      /* Geometry of input volume should match that of the dst of the LTA */
      if (MYvg_isEqual(&lta->xforms[0].dst, &vgm_in) == 0)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: dst volume of lta doesn't match that of input volume",Progname);

      i_to_r_reg = vg_i_to_r(&lta->xforms[0].src);

      if (!i_to_r_reg)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract i_to_r of registered volume from LTA",Progname);

      m_tmp =  MatrixInverse(V_to_V, NULL);
      if (!m_tmp)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: transform is singular!", Progname);

      V_to_V = m_tmp;
      /* Geometry of input volume should match that of the src of the LTA */
      if (MYvg_isEqual(&lta->xforms[0].src, &vgm_in) == 0)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: src volume of lta doesn't match that of input volume",Progname);

      i_to_r_reg = vg_i_to_r(&lta->xforms[0].dst);

      if (!i_to_r_reg)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract i_to_r of registered volume from LTA",Progname);

    /* No registration transform need be applied */
    V_to_V = MatrixIdentity(4, NULL);
    i_to_r_reg = extract_i_to_r(mri_in);
    if (!i_to_r_reg)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract i_to_r from input volume",Progname);

  /* Now need to find the vox-to-vox transformation between registered volume
   * (or input volume itself if no registration involved) and the output
   * volume, either in COR format or as the out-like volume
  /* Given a volume with a certain i_to_r, we need to compute the necessary
   * vox-to-voxel transform to change its i_to_r to like another volume.
   * The vox-to-vox is equal to R2V(r_to_i)_likevol*i_to_r_current_vol.
  if (out_like_fname)
    mri_tmp = MRIread(out_like_fname) ;
    if (!mri_tmp)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read template volume from %s",out_like_fname) ;

    /* out_type = mri_tmp->type; */

    /* specify the out-type to float initially so as not to lose accuracy
     * during reslicing, will change type to correct type later.
    mri_out = MRIalloc(mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;

    MRIcopyHeader(mri_tmp, mri_out) ;
  else  /* assume output is in COR format */
    mri_out = MRIalloc(256, 256, 256, MRI_FLOAT) ;
    /* out_type = MRI_UCHAR; */

    /* Who says MRIlinearTransformInterp will change the header??
     * I don't think so!
    //E/ set xyzc_ras to coronal ones.. - these'll get zorched
    //by MRIlinearTransformInterp() - copy again later - is there
    //any use in having them here now?  yes, so we can pass mri_out
    //to the ras2vox fns.

    mri_out->imnr0 = 1; /* what's this? */
    mri_out->imnr1 = 256; /* what's this? */
    mri_out->thick = 1.0;
    mri_out->ps = 1.0; /* what's this? */
    mri_out->xsize = mri_out->ysize = mri_out->zsize = 1.0;
    mri_out->xstart = mri_out->ystart = mri_out->zstart = -128.0;
    mri_out->xend = mri_out->yend = mri_out->zend = 128.0;
    mri_out->x_r =-1;
    mri_out->y_r = 0;
    mri_out->z_r = 0;
    mri_out->x_a = 0;
    mri_out->y_a = 0;
    mri_out->z_a = 1;
    mri_out->x_s = 0;
    mri_out->y_s =-1;
    mri_out->z_s = 0;

    /* In this case, the RAS itself is not fully determined, i.e., c_ras.
     * It's quite arbitrary, different values just change the final
     * sitting of the volume inside the RAS system.
    /* NO! The C_RAS has to be set correctly, depending which target
     * volume the previous Vox_to_Vox transformation assumes!
     * When a registration is involved, the target volume is either
     * the src of LTA (direct) or the dst (inverse transform). When
     * just change format, the target volume is the input itself!!
    if (transform_flag)
      if (invert_flag)
        mri_out->c_r = lta->xforms[0].src.c_r;
        mri_out->c_a = lta->xforms[0].src.c_a;
        mri_out->c_s = lta->xforms[0].src.c_s;

        mri_out->c_r = lta->xforms[0].dst.c_r;
        mri_out->c_a = lta->xforms[0].dst.c_a;
        mri_out->c_s = lta->xforms[0].dst.c_s;
      mri_out->c_r = mri_in->c_r;
      mri_out->c_a = mri_in->c_a;
      mri_out->c_s = mri_in->c_s;

    mri_out->ras_good_flag=1; /* What does this flag mean ? */

    /* since output is just transformed input */
    MRIcopyPulseParameters(mri_in, mri_out) ;


  /* Compute the final input-to-output VOX_to_VOX transformation matrix */
  r_to_i_out = extract_r_to_i(mri_out);

  m_tmp = MatrixMultiply(r_to_i_out, i_to_r_reg, NULL);
  V_to_V = MatrixMultiply(m_tmp, V_to_V, V_to_V);

  printf("InterpMethod = %d\n", InterpMethod);

  /* Modify the MyMRIlinearTr... if I want to implement my cubic-B-spline
   * interpolation method. Otherwise, unnecessary
  /* mri_out = MyMRIlinearTransformInterp(mri_in, mri_out, V_to_V, InterpMethod); */
  if (InterpMethod == SAMPLE_BSPLINE)
    mri_out = MRIlinearTransformInterpBSpline(mri_in, mri_out, V_to_V,
    mri_out = MRIlinearTransformInterp(mri_in, mri_out, V_to_V, InterpMethod);

  maxV = -10000.0;
  minV = 10000.0;
  for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++)
        if (MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z) > maxV )
          maxV = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y,z) ;
        if (MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z) < minV )
          minV = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y,z) ;

  if (autoscale)
    noscale = 1;

    /* compute histogram of output volume */
    HISTOGRAM *h, *hsmooth ;
    float fmin, fmax, val, peak, smooth_peak;
    int i, nbins, bin;

    fmin = minV;
    fmax = maxV;
    if (fmin < 0) fmin = 0;
    nbins = 256 ;
    h = HISTOalloc(nbins) ;
    hsmooth = HISTOcopy(h, NULL) ;
    HISTOclear(h, h) ;
    h->bin_size = (fmax-fmin)/255.0 ;

    for (i = 0 ; i < nbins ; i++)
      h->bins[i] = (i+1)*h->bin_size ;

    for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++)
          val = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z);
          if (val <= 0) continue;

          bin = nint((val - fmin)/h->bin_size);
          if (bin >= h->nbins)
            bin = h->nbins-1;
          else if (bin < 0)
            bin = 0;

          h->counts[bin] += 1.0;
    HISTOfillHoles(h) ;
    HISTOsmooth(h, hsmooth, 5)  ;
    peak =
      hsmooth->bins[HISTOfindHighestPeakInRegion(h, 1, h->nbins)] ;
    //   smooth_peak =
    //  hsmooth->bins[HISTOfindHighestPeakInRegion(hsmooth, 1, hsmooth->nbins)] ;

    smooth_peak =
      hsmooth->bins[HISTOfindLastPeak(hsmooth, 5, 0.8)] ;

      bin = nint((smooth_peak - fmin)/hsmooth->bin_size) ;

      printf("Highest peak has count = %d\n", (int)hsmooth->counts[bin]);

      bin = nint((420 - fmin)/hsmooth->bin_size) ;

      printf("bin at 420 has count = %d\n", (int)hsmooth->counts[bin]);

    scale =  110.0/smooth_peak;
    printf("peak of output volume is %g, smooth-peak is %g, multiply by %g to scale it to 110\n", peak, smooth_peak, scale);
    for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++)
          val = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z);
          MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z) = val*scale;


  printf("Output volume (before type-conversion) has max = %g, min =%g\n", maxV, minV);

  /* Finally change type to desired */
  if (mri_out->type != out_type)
    printf("Change output volume to type %d\n", out_type);
    /* I need to modify the MIRchangeType function to make sure
     * it does roundoff instead of simple truncation!
    /* Note if the last flag is set to 1, then it won't do scaling
       and small float numbers will become zero after convert to
    if (out_type == 0 && noscale == 1)
      //convert data to UCHAR
      mri_tmp = MRIalloc(mri_out->width, mri_out->height, mri_out->depth, out_type) ;
      MRIcopyHeader(mri_out, mri_tmp);
      for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++)
        for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++)
          for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++)
            value = floor(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_out, x, y, z, 0) + 0.5);
            if (value < 0 ) value = 0;
            if (value > 255) value = 255;
            MRIvox(mri_tmp,x,y,z) = (unsigned char)value;
      mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_out, out_type, thred_low, thred_high, noscale);

    mri_out = mri_tmp; //swap

  MRIwrite(mri_out, out_vol) ;


  if (lta_src)
  if (lta_dst)


  if (!r_to_i_out)

  if (!i_to_r_reg)

  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */
Exemplo n.º 7
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char   **av ;
  int    ac, nargs, n ;
  MRI    *mri_src, *mri_dst = NULL, *mri_bias, *mri_orig, *mri_aseg = NULL ;
  char   *in_fname, *out_fname ;
  int          msec, minutes, seconds ;
  struct timeb start ;

  char cmdline[CMD_LINE_LEN] ;

  (argc, argv,
   "$Id: mri_normalize.c,v 1.80 2012/10/16 21:38:35 nicks Exp $",
   "$Name:  $",

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option
          (argc, argv,
           "$Id: mri_normalize.c,v 1.80 2012/10/16 21:38:35 nicks Exp $",
           "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  mni.max_gradient = MAX_GRADIENT ;
  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 3)
    usage_exit(0) ;
  if (argc < 1)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: no input name specified", Progname) ;
  in_fname = argv[1] ;

  if (argc < 2)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: no output name specified", Progname) ;
  out_fname = argv[2] ;

    printf( "reading from %s...\n", in_fname) ;
  mri_src = MRIread(in_fname) ;
  if (!mri_src)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NO_FILE, "%s: could not open source file %s",
              Progname, in_fname) ;
  MRIaddCommandLine(mri_src, cmdline) ;

  if(nsurfs > 0)
    MRI_SURFACE *mris ;
    MRI         *mri_dist=NULL, *mri_dist_sup=NULL, *mri_ctrl, *mri_dist_one ;
    LTA          *lta= NULL ;
    int          i ;
    TRANSFORM    *surface_xform ;

    if (control_point_fname)  // do one pass with only file control points first
      MRI3dUseFileControlPoints(mri_src, control_point_fname) ;
      mri_dst =
                             bias_sigma, mri_not_control);
      mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < nsurfs ; i++)
      mris = MRISread(surface_fnames[i]) ;
      if (mris == NULL)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE,"%s: could not surface %s",
      surface_xform = surface_xforms[i] ;
      TransformInvert(surface_xform, NULL) ;
      if (surface_xform->type == MNI_TRANSFORM_TYPE ||
          surface_xform->type == TRANSFORM_ARRAY_TYPE ||
          surface_xform->type  == REGISTER_DAT)
        lta = (LTA *)(surface_xform->xform) ;

#if 0
        if (invert)
          VOL_GEOM vgtmp;
          LT *lt;
          MATRIX *m_tmp = lta->xforms[0].m_L ;
          lta->xforms[0].m_L = MatrixInverse(lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ;
          MatrixFree(&m_tmp) ;
          lt = &lta->xforms[0];
          if (lt->dst.valid == 0 || lt->src.valid == 0)
            printf( "WARNING:***************************************************************\n");
            printf( "WARNING:dst volume infor is invalid.  Most likely produce wrong inverse.\n");
            printf( "WARNING:***************************************************************\n");
          copyVolGeom(&lt->dst, &vgtmp);
          copyVolGeom(&lt->src, &lt->dst);
          copyVolGeom(&vgtmp, &lt->src);

      if (stricmp(surface_xform_fnames[i], "identity.nofile") != 0)
        MRIStransform(mris, NULL, surface_xform, NULL) ;

      mri_dist_one = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dst, MRI_FLOAT) ;
      printf("computing distance transform\n") ;
      MRIScomputeDistanceToSurface(mris, mri_dist_one, mri_dist_one->xsize) ;
      if (i == 0)
        mri_dist = MRIcopy(mri_dist_one, NULL) ;
        MRIcombineDistanceTransforms(mri_dist_one, mri_dist, mri_dist) ;
//  MRIminAbs(mri_dist_one, mri_dist, mri_dist) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_dist_one) ;
    MRIscalarMul(mri_dist, mri_dist, -1) ;

    if (nonmax_suppress)
      printf("computing nonmaximum suppression\n") ;
      mri_dist_sup = MRInonMaxSuppress(mri_dist, NULL, 0, 1) ;
      mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dist_sup, MRI_UCHAR) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_dist_sup, mri_ctrl, min_dist, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    else if (erode)
      int i ;
      mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dist, MRI_UCHAR) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_dist, mri_ctrl, min_dist, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < erode ; i++)
        MRIerode(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl) ;
      mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dist, MRI_UCHAR) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_dist, mri_ctrl, min_dist, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;

    if (control_point_fname)
      MRInormAddFileControlPoints(mri_ctrl, CONTROL_MARKED) ;

    if (mask_sigma > 0)
      MRI *mri_smooth, *mri_mag, *mri_grad ;
      mri_smooth = MRIgaussianSmooth(mri_dst, mask_sigma, 1, NULL) ;
      mri_mag = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dst, MRI_FLOAT) ;
      mri_grad = MRIsobel(mri_smooth, NULL, mri_mag) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_mag, mri_mag, mask_thresh, 1, 0) ;
      MRImask(mri_ctrl, mri_mag, mri_ctrl, 0, CONTROL_NONE) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_grad) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_mag) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_smooth) ;
    if (mask_orig_fname)
      MRI *mri_orig ;

      mri_orig = MRIread(mask_orig_fname) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_orig, mri_orig, mask_orig_thresh, 0, 1) ;

      MRImask(mri_ctrl, mri_orig, mri_ctrl, 0, CONTROL_NONE) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_orig) ;
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
      MRIwrite(mri_dist, "d.mgz");
      MRIwrite(mri_dist_sup, "dm.mgz");
      MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "c.mgz");
    MRIeraseBorderPlanes(mri_ctrl, 4) ;
    if (aseg_fname)
      mri_aseg = MRIread(aseg_fname) ;
      if (mri_aseg == NULL)
                  "%s: could not load aseg from %s", Progname, aseg_fname) ;
      remove_nonwm_voxels(mri_ctrl, mri_aseg, mri_ctrl) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_aseg) ;
      remove_surface_outliers(mri_ctrl, mri_dist, mri_dst, mri_ctrl) ;
    mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;
    if (mri_dist)
      MRIfree(&mri_dist) ;
    if (mri_dist_sup)
      MRIfree(&mri_dist_sup) ;
    if (bias_sigma> 0)
      MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(bias_sigma, -1) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
        MRIwrite(mri_bias, "b.mgz") ;
      printf("smoothing bias field\n") ;
      MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bias, mri_bias, mri_kernel) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
        MRIwrite(mri_bias, "bs.mgz") ;
    MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
    mri_dst = MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry
              (mri_dst, mri_bias, mri_dst,
    printf("writing normalized volume to %s\n", out_fname) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
    exit(0) ;
  } // end if(surface_fname)

  if (!mriConformed(mri_src) && conform > 0)
    printf("unconformed source detected - conforming...\n") ;
    mri_src = MRIconform(mri_src) ;

  if (mask_fname)
    MRI *mri_mask ;

    mri_mask = MRIread(mask_fname) ;
    if (!mri_mask)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open mask volume %s.\n",
                Progname, mask_fname) ;
    MRImask(mri_src, mri_mask, mri_src, 0, 0) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_mask) ;

  if (read_flag)
    MRI *mri_ctrl ;
    double scale ;

    mri_bias = MRIread(bias_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_bias)
       "%s: could not read bias volume %s", Progname, bias_volume_fname) ;
    mri_ctrl = MRIread(control_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_ctrl)
       "%s: could not read control volume %s",
       Progname, control_volume_fname) ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, 1, 0, 128) ;
    mri_dst = MRImultiply(mri_bias, mri_src, NULL) ;
    scale = MRImeanInLabel(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, 128) ;
    printf("mean in wm is %2.0f, scaling by %2.2f\n", scale, 110/scale) ;
    scale = 110/scale ;
    MRIscalarMul(mri_dst, mri_dst, scale) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
    exit(0) ;

    MRI *mri_ctrl ;
    double scale ;

    mri_bias = MRIread(long_bias_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_bias)
       "%s: could not read bias volume %s", Progname, long_bias_volume_fname) ;
    mri_ctrl = MRIread(long_control_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_ctrl)
       "%s: could not read control volume %s",
       Progname, long_control_volume_fname) ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, 1, 0, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    if (mri_ctrl->type != MRI_UCHAR)
      MRI *mri_tmp ;
      mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_ctrl, MRI_UCHAR, 0, 1,1);
      MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
      mri_ctrl = mri_tmp ;
    scale = MRImeanInLabel(mri_src, mri_ctrl, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    printf("mean in wm is %2.0f, scaling by %2.2f\n", scale, 110/scale) ;
    mri_dst = MRIscalarMul(mri_src, NULL, scale) ;
    MRIremoveWMOutliers(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, intensity_below/2) ;
    mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;
    MRIsoapBubble(mri_bias, mri_ctrl, mri_bias, 50, 1) ;
    MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry(mri_dst, mri_bias, mri_dst,
    //    MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
    //    exit(0) ;
  } // end if(long_flag)

  if (grad_thresh > 0)
    float thresh ;
    MRI   *mri_mag, *mri_grad, *mri_smooth ;
    MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(.5, -1) ;

    mri_not_control = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_src, MRI_UCHAR) ;
    switch (scan_type)
    case MRI_MGH_MPRAGE:
      thresh = 15 ;
      break ;
      thresh = 20 ;
      break ;
    case MRI_UNKNOWN:
      thresh = 12 ;
      break ;
    mri_smooth = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_src, NULL, mri_kernel) ;
    thresh = grad_thresh ;
    mri_mag = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_src, MRI_FLOAT) ;
    mri_grad = MRIsobel(mri_smooth, NULL, mri_mag) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_mag, "m.mgz") ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_mag, mri_not_control, thresh, 0, 1) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_not_control, "nc.mgz") ;
    MRIfree(&mri_mag) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_grad) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_smooth) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ;
#if 0
#if 0
  if ((mri_src->type != MRI_UCHAR) ||
      (!(mri_src->xsize == 1 && mri_src->ysize == 1 && mri_src->zsize == 1)))
  if (conform || (mri_src->type != MRI_UCHAR && conform > 0))
    MRI  *mri_tmp ;

     "downsampling to 8 bits and scaling to isotropic voxels...\n") ;
    mri_tmp = MRIconform(mri_src) ;
    mri_src = mri_tmp ;

    printf("Reading aseg %s\n",aseg_fname);
    mri_aseg = MRIread(aseg_fname) ;
    if (mri_aseg == NULL)
       "%s: could not read aseg from file %s", Progname, aseg_fname) ;
    if (!mriConformed(mri_aseg))
      ErrorExit(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "%s: aseg volume %s must be conformed",
                Progname, aseg_fname) ;
    mri_aseg = NULL ;

    printf( "normalizing image...\n") ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;

  if (control_point_fname)
    MRI3dUseFileControlPoints(mri_src, control_point_fname) ;

  // this just setup writing control-point volume saving
    MRI3dWriteControlPoints(control_volume_fname) ;

  /* first do a gentle normalization to get
     things in the right intensity range */
  if(long_flag == 0)   // if long, then this will already have been done with base control points
    if(control_point_fname != NULL)  /* do one pass with only
                                         file control points first */
      mri_dst =
                             bias_sigma, mri_not_control);
      mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;

    MRI *mri_ctrl, *mri_bias ;
    int  i ;

    printf("processing with aseg\n");

    mri_ctrl = MRIclone(mri_aseg, NULL) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < NWM_LABELS ; i++)
      MRIcopyLabel(mri_aseg, mri_ctrl, aseg_wm_labels[i]) ;
    printf("removing outliers in the aseg WM...\n") ;
        intensity_below) ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, 1, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    MRInormAddFileControlPoints(mri_ctrl, CONTROL_MARKED) ;

    if (interior_fname1)
      MRIS *mris_interior1, *mris_interior2 ;
      mris_interior1 = MRISread(interior_fname1) ;
      if (mris_interior1 == NULL)
                  "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                  Progname, interior_fname1) ;
      mris_interior2 = MRISread(interior_fname2) ;
      if (mris_interior2 == NULL)
                  "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                  Progname, interior_fname2) ;
                          mri_ctrl) ;
      MRISfree(&mris_interior1) ;
      MRISfree(&mris_interior2) ;
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
      MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "norm_ctrl.mgz") ;

    printf("Building bias image\n");
    mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;

    if (bias_sigma> 0)
      printf("Smoothing with sigma %g\n",bias_sigma);
      MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(bias_sigma, -1) ;
      MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bias, mri_bias, mri_kernel) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_aseg) ;
    printf("Applying bias correction\n");
    mri_dst = MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry
              (mri_dst, mri_bias, mri_dst,
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
      MRIwrite(mri_dst, "norm_1.mgz") ;
  } // if(mri_aseg)
    printf("processing without aseg, no1d=%d\n",no1d);
    if (!no1d)
      printf("MRInormInit(): \n");
      MRInormInit(mri_src, &mni, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f) ;
      printf("MRInormalize(): \n");
      mri_dst = MRInormalize(mri_src, NULL, &mni) ;
      if (!mri_dst)
        no1d = 1 ;
        printf("1d normalization failed - trying no1d...\n") ;
        // ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: normalization failed", Progname) ;
      if ((file_only && nosnr) ||
          ((gentle_flag != 0) && (control_point_fname != NULL)))
        if (mri_dst == NULL)
          mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;
        if (nosnr)
          if (interior_fname1)
            MRIS *mris_interior1, *mris_interior2 ;
            MRI  *mri_ctrl ;

            printf("computing initial normalization using surface interiors\n");
            mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_src, MRI_UCHAR) ;
            mris_interior1 = MRISread(interior_fname1) ;
            if (mris_interior1 == NULL)
                        "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                        Progname, interior_fname1) ;
            mris_interior2 = MRISread(interior_fname2) ;
            if (mris_interior2 == NULL)
                        "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                        Progname, interior_fname2) ;
                                mri_ctrl) ;
            MRISfree(&mris_interior1) ;
            MRISfree(&mris_interior2) ;
            mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;
            if (bias_sigma> 0)
              MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(bias_sigma, -1) ;
              MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bias, mri_bias, mri_kernel) ;
            mri_dst = MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry
                       DEFAULT_DESIRED_WHITE_MATTER_VALUE) ;
            MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
          else if (long_flag == 0)  // no initial normalization specified
            mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;
          printf("computing initial normalization using SNR...\n") ;
          mri_dst = MRInormalizeHighSignalLowStd
                    (mri_src, mri_dst, bias_sigma,
      if (!mri_dst)
        (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not allocate volume", Progname) ;
  } // else (not using aseg)

  if (file_only == 0)
                         intensity_above, intensity_below/2,
                         file_only, bias_sigma, mri_not_control);

  mri_orig = MRIcopy(mri_dst, NULL) ;
  printf("Iterating %d times\n",num_3d_iter);
  for (n = 0 ; n < num_3d_iter ; n++)
      break ;

    printf( "---------------------------------\n");
    printf( "3d normalization pass %d of %d\n", n+1, num_3d_iter) ;
    if (gentle_flag)
                           intensity_above/2, intensity_below/2,
                           file_only, bias_sigma, mri_not_control);
      MRI3dNormalize(mri_orig, mri_dst, DEFAULT_DESIRED_WHITE_MATTER_VALUE,
                     intensity_above, intensity_below,
                     file_only, prune, bias_sigma, scan_type, mri_not_control);
  printf( "Done iterating ---------------------------------\n");

  // this just setup writing control-point volume saving
    MRI3dWriteControlPoints(control_volume_fname) ;

    mri_bias = compute_bias(mri_src, mri_dst, NULL) ;
    printf("writing bias field to %s....\n", bias_volume_fname) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_bias, bias_volume_fname) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_bias) ;

  if (verbose)
    printf("writing output to %s\n", out_fname) ;
  MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;


  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  printf( "3D bias adjustment took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n",
          minutes, seconds) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char **av;
  MRI *mri_T1, *mri_tmp, *mri_ctrl, *mri_in, *mri_out;
  MRI *mri_snr, *mri_bias;
  MRI *mri_mask1 = NULL;
  MRI *mri_mask2 = NULL;

  int ac, nargs;
  int  width, height, depth, x, y, z;
  int mask1_set = 0;
  int mask2_set = 0;
  int i, j, k, cx, cy, cz, count;
  LTA          *lta = 0;
  int          transform_type;
  double mean, std, value, src, bias, norm;
//  float bin_size;
//  int nbins, bin_no;
  double mean1, std1, mean2, std2, count1, count2, slope, offset;
  VOL_GEOM vgtmp;
  LT *lt = NULL;
  MATRIX *m_tmp = NULL;

  Progname = argv[0];

  nargs = handle_version_option
          (argc, argv,
           "$Id: mri_normalize_tp2.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $",
           "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc  !=  3)

  if (tp1_ctrl_fname == NULL  || tp1_T1_fname == NULL) {
    printf("Use options to specify ctrl volume and T1 volume for tp1\n");

  mri_in = MRIread(argv[1]) ;
  if (!mri_in)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read input volume %s",
              Progname, argv[1]) ;

  mri_T1 = MRIread(tp1_T1_fname) ;
  if (!mri_T1)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read T1 volume for tp1 %s",
              Progname, tp1_T1_fname) ;

  mri_ctrl = MRIread(tp1_ctrl_fname) ;
  if (!mri_ctrl)
              "%s: could not read control points volume for tp1 %s",
              Progname, tp1_ctrl_fname) ;

  if ((mri_in->width != mri_T1->width) ||
      (mri_in->height != mri_T1->height) ||
      (mri_in->depth != mri_T1->depth) ||
      (mri_in->width != mri_ctrl->width) ||
      (mri_in->height != mri_ctrl->height) ||
      (mri_in->depth != mri_ctrl->depth)
     ) ErrorExit
          "%s: three input volumes have different sizes \n", Progname);

  if (mask1_fname) {
    mri_mask1 = MRIread(mask1_fname) ;
    if (!mri_mask1)
                "%s, could not read mask volume for tp1 %s",
                Progname, mask1_fname);
    mask1_set = 1;
    if ((mri_mask1->width != mri_in->width) ||
        (mri_mask1->height != mri_in->height) ||
        (mri_mask1->depth != mri_in->depth))
       "%s:  mask volumes have different sizes than other volumes \n",
  if (mask2_fname) {
    mri_mask2 = MRIread(mask2_fname) ;
    if (!mri_mask2)
       "%s, could not read mask volume for tp2 %s",
       Progname, mask2_fname);
    mask2_set = 1;
    if ((mri_mask2->width != mri_T1->width) ||
        (mri_mask2->height != mri_T1->height) ||
        (mri_mask2->depth != mri_T1->depth)
       "%s:  mask volumes have different sizes than other volumes \n",

  width = mri_in->width ;
  height = mri_in->height ;
  depth = mri_in->depth ;

  //nbins = 200;
  //h = HISTOalloc(nbins);

  mri_out = MRIclone(mri_in, NULL) ;

  /* Read LTA transform and apply it to mri_ctrl */
  if (xform_fname != NULL) {
    // read transform
    transform_type =  TransformFileNameType(xform_fname);

    if (transform_type == MNI_TRANSFORM_TYPE ||
        transform_type == TRANSFORM_ARRAY_TYPE ||
        transform_type == REGISTER_DAT ||
        transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE
       ) {
      printf("Reading transform ...\n");
      lta = LTAreadEx(xform_fname) ;
      if (!lta)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read transform file %s",
                  Progname, xform_fname) ;

      if (transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE) {
        if (lta_src == 0 || lta_dst == 0) {
           "ERROR: fslmat does not have information "
           "on the src and dst volumes\n");
           "ERROR: you must give options '-lta_src' and "
           "'-lta_dst' to specify the src and dst volume infos\n");

        (lta, lta_src, lta_dst); // add src and dst information
        LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX); //this is necessary

      if (lta->xforms[0].src.valid == 0) {
        if (lta_src == 0) {
           "The transform does not have the valid src volume info.\n");
           "Either you give src volume info by option -lta_src or\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "make the transform to have the valid src info.\n");
          ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n");
        } else {
          LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, NULL); // add src information
          //   getVolGeom(lta_src, &lt->src);
      if (lta->xforms[0].dst.valid == 0) {
        if (lta_dst == 0) {
           "The transform does not have the valid dst volume info.\n");
           "Either you give src volume info by option -lta_dst or\n");
           "make the transform to have the valid dst info.\n");
           "If the dst was average_305, then you can set\n");
           "environmental variable USE_AVERAGE305 true\n");
           "without giving the dst volume for RAS-to-RAS transform.\n");
          ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n");
        } else {
          LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, NULL, lta_dst); // add  dst information
    } else {
       "transform is not of MNI, nor Register.dat, nor FSLMAT type");

    if (invert) {
      m_tmp = lta->xforms[0].m_L ;
      lta->xforms[0].m_L = MatrixInverse(lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ;
      MatrixFree(&m_tmp) ;
      lt = &lta->xforms[0];
      if (lt->dst.valid == 0 || lt->src.valid == 0) {
         "WARNING: dst volume infor is invalid.  "
         "Most likely produce wrong inverse.\n");
      copyVolGeom(&lt->dst, &vgtmp);
      copyVolGeom(&lt->src, &lt->dst);
      copyVolGeom(&vgtmp, &lt->src);

    //    LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX);

    /* apply lta to the ctrl volume */
    mri_tmp = MRIalloc(mri_ctrl->width,
                       mri_ctrl->type) ;
    MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_tmp) ;
    // this function doesn't do NEAREST at all!!
    // I found the bug, in LTAtransformInterp()
    mri_tmp = LTAtransformInterp(mri_ctrl, mri_tmp, lta, SAMPLE_NEAREST);

    mri_ctrl = mri_tmp;

    if (mask1_fname != NULL && mask2_fname == NULL) {
      printf("map mask for tp1 to get mask for tp2 ...\n");
      mri_mask2 = MRIalloc(mri_in->width,
                           mri_mask1->type) ;
      MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_mask2) ;

      mri_mask2 = LTAtransformInterp(mri_mask1,
      mask2_set = 1;
      if (debug_flag)
        MRIwrite(mri_mask2, "mri_mask2.mgz");
    } else if (mask2_fname != NULL && mask1_fname == NULL) {
      printf("map mask for tp2 to get mask for tp1 ...\n");
      //need to invert lta first
      m_tmp = lta->xforms[0].m_L ;
      lta->xforms[0].m_L = MatrixInverse(lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ;
      MatrixFree(&m_tmp) ;
      lt = &lta->xforms[0];

      copyVolGeom(&lt->dst, &vgtmp);
      copyVolGeom(&lt->src, &lt->dst);
      copyVolGeom(&vgtmp, &lt->src);

      mri_mask1 = MRIalloc(mri_T1->width,
                           mri_mask2->type) ;
      MRIcopyHeader(mri_T1, mri_mask1) ;

      mri_mask1 = LTAtransformInterp(mri_mask2,
      mask1_set = 1;
      if (debug_flag)
        MRIwrite(mri_mask1, "mri_mask1.mgz");

    if (lta_src)
    if (lta_dst)

    if (lta)
  }   /* if (xform_fname != NULL) */

  if (debug_flag) {
    //    MRIwrite(mri_snr, "snr.mgz");
    MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "ctrl.mgz");

  if (mask1_set == 0) {
    //create mask1
    mri_mask1 = MRIalloc(mri_T1->width,
                         MRI_UCHAR) ;
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
          if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) {
            MRIvox(mri_mask1,x,y,z) = 0;
          } else
            MRIvox(mri_mask1,x,y,z) = 1;

  if (mask2_set == 0) {
    //create mask2
    mri_mask2 = MRIalloc(mri_in->width,
                         MRI_UCHAR) ;
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
          if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) {
            MRIvox(mri_mask2,x,y,z) = 0;
          } else
            MRIvox(mri_mask2,x,y,z) = 1;

#if 0
  /* compute the mean and std of T1 volume */
  /* Using only high SNR points */
  mri_snr = MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height, mri_T1->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;
  MRIcopyHeader(mri_T1, mri_snr) ;

  h->bin_size = bin_size = 0.5;
  for (bin_no = 0; bin_no < nbins; bin_no++)
    h->bins[bin_no] = (bin_no)*bin_size;

  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) {
          MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = 0;
        mean = 0;
        std = 0;
        count = 0;
        for (i=-1; i<=1; i++)
          for (j=-1; j<=1; j++)
            for (k=-1;k<=1;k++) {
              cx = x+i;
              cy = y+j, cz = z+k;

              if (cx < 0 ||
                  cx >= width ||
                  cy < 0 ||
                  cy >= height ||
                  cz < 0 ||
                  cz >= depth) continue;
              value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, cx, cy, cz, 0);
              mean += value;
              std += value*value;

        mean /= (count + 1e-30);
        std /=  (count + 1e-30);

        std = std - mean *mean;

        if (std <= 0)
          std = 0;
        value = mean/sqrt(std);

        MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = value;
        bin_no = nint((float)value/(float)bin_size);
        if (bin_no >= nbins) bin_no = nbins - 1;

  for (num = 0.0f, b = h->nbins - 1; b >= 1; b --) {
    num += h->counts[b];
    if (num > 20000) /* this may make me only use WM points,
                        is it good to use only WM to compute
                        scale of intensity?? */

  printf("using SNR threshold %2.3f at bin %d\n", h->bins[b], b);

  mean1 = 0;
  std1 = 0;
  count1 = 0;
  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) {

        value = MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z);

        if (value < h->bins[b]) continue;

        value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0);
        mean1 += value;
        std1 += value*value;


  printf("compute mean and std of tp1 volume within masked area...\n");
  mean1 = 0;
  std1 = 0;
  count1 = 0;
  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_mask1, x, y, z, 0) <= 1e-30) {

        value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0);

        mean1 += value;
        std1 += value*value;



  mean1 /= (count1 + 1e-30);
  std1 /= (count1 + 1e-30);
  std1 = std1 - mean1*mean1;
  if (std1 <= 0)
    printf("warning: negative std for T1 volume. \n");
    printf("mean and variance for tp1 volume are %g and %g\n", mean1, std1);

  printf("now compute SNR and stats for input volume ... \n");
  mri_snr = MRIalloc(mri_in->width, mri_in->height, mri_in->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;
  MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_snr) ;
  //h->bin_size = bin_size = 0.5;
  //for (bin_no = 0; bin_no < nbins; bin_no++)
  //  h->bins[bin_no] = (bin_no)*bin_size;

  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) {
          MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = 0;
        mean = 0;
        std = 0;
        count = 0;
        for (i=-1; i<=1; i++)
          for (j=-1; j<=1; j++)
            for (k=-1;k<=1;k++) {
              cx = x+i;
              cy = y+j, cz = z+k;

              if (cx < 0 ||
                  cx >= width ||
                  cy < 0 ||
                  cy >= height ||
                  cz < 0 ||
                  cz >= depth) continue;
              value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, cx, cy, cz, 0);
              mean += value;
              std += value*value;

        mean /= (count + 1e-30);
        std /=  (count + 1e-30);

        std = std - mean *mean;

        if (std <= 0)
          std = 0;
        value = mean/sqrt(std);

        MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = value;
        //bin_no = nint((float)value/(float)bin_size);
        //if (bin_no >= nbins) bin_no = nbins - 1;

#if 0
  for (num = 0.0f, b = h->nbins - 1; b >= 1; b --) {
    num += h->counts[b];
    if (num > 20000) /* this may make me only use WM points, is it good to
                        use only WM to compute scale of intensity?? */

  printf("using SNR threshold %2.3f at bin %d\n", h->bins[b], b);

  mean2 = 0;
  std2 = 0;
  count2 = 0;
  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) {

        value = MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z);

        if (value >= h->bins[b]) {
          mean2 += value;
          std2 += value*value;
  printf("compute mean and std of tp2 volume within masked area\n");
  /* somehow mri_watershed seems to leave some unzero voxels around
  image border, so I will skip image boundaries
  no, that's not a problem of most recent mri_watershed;
  something wrong previously */
  mean2 = 0;
  std2 = 0;
  count2 = 0;
  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_mask2, x, y, z, 0) <= 1e-30) {

        value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0);

        mean2 += value;
        std2 += value*value;

  mean2 /= (count2 + 1e-30);
  std2 /= (count2 + 1e-30);
  std2 = std2 - mean2*mean2;
  if (std2 <= 0)
    printf("warning: negative std for input volume. \n");
    printf("mean and variance for input tp2 volume are %g and %g\n",
           mean2, std2);

  //compute intensity scale
  slope = sqrt(std1/std2);
  offset = mean1 - slope*mean2;

  printf("scale input volume by %g x + %g\n", slope, offset);
  // first change mri_in to FLOAT type
  mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_in, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1);
  mri_in = mri_tmp;
  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        value = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z);
        MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) = value*slope + offset;

  //  printf("compute SNR map of tp2 volume\n"); //already done above
  //  mri_snr = MRIalloc(mri_ctrl->width,
  //     mri_ctrl->height, mri_ctrl->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;

  for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
    for (y=0; y< height; y++)
      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) {
          //    MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = 0;

        value = MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z);

        if (value < 20) MRIvox(mri_ctrl, x, y, z) = 0;
        else if (MRIvox(mri_ctrl, x, y, z) > 0) {
          MRIvox(mri_ctrl, x, y, z) = 1;
  if (debug_flag) {
    MRIwrite(mri_snr, "snr.mgz");
    //    MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "ctrl.mgz");

  // SNR >= 20 seems a good threshold

  // Now use ctrl points to normalize tp2
  printf("normalize tp2...\n");
  mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_in, mri_ctrl, NULL, bias_sigma) ;

  for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) {
    for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) {
      for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) {
        src = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) ;
        bias = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_bias, x, y, z, 0) ;
        if (!bias)   /* should never happen */
          norm = (float)src ;
          norm = (float)src * 110.0 / (float)bias ;
        if (norm > 255.0f && mri_out->type == MRI_UCHAR)
          norm = 255.0f ;
        else if (norm < 0.0f && mri_out->type == MRI_UCHAR)
          norm = 0.0f ;
        MRIsetVoxVal(mri_out, x, y, z, 0, norm) ;

  printf("writing normalized volume to %s...\n", argv[2]) ;
  MRIwrite(mri_out, argv[2]);



}  /*  end main()  */
Exemplo n.º 9
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char   **av, *in_fname;
  int    ac, nargs, i, j,  x, y, z, width, height, depth;
  MRI    *mri_flash[MAX_IMAGES], *mri_label, *mri_mask, *mri_tmp;
  int    msec, minutes, seconds, nvolumes, nvolumes_total ;
  struct timeb start ;
  float max_val, min_val, value;
  float *LDAmean1, *LDAmean2, *LDAweight;
  int label;
  double sum_white, sum_gray;
  int count_white, count_gray;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_ms_LDA.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $", "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 2)
    usage_exit(1) ;

  printf("command line parsing finished\n");

  if (have_weight == 0 && ldaflag == 0) {
    printf("Use -lda option to specify two class labels to optimize CNR on \n");

  if (have_weight == 0 && label_fname == NULL) {
    printf("Use -label option to specify file for segmentation \n");

  if (have_weight == 1 && weight_fname == NULL) {
    printf("Use -weight option to specify file for input LDA weights \n") ;

  if (have_weight == 1 && synth_fname == NULL) {
    printf("Use -synth option to specify file for output synthesized volume \n") ;

  /*** Read in the input multi-echo volumes ***/
  nvolumes = 0 ;
  for (i = 1 ; i < argc; i++) {
    in_fname = argv[i] ;
    printf("reading %s...\n", in_fname) ;

    mri_flash[nvolumes] = MRIread(in_fname) ;
    if (mri_flash[nvolumes] == NULL)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read volume %s",
                Progname, in_fname) ;
    /* conform will convert all data to UCHAR, which will reduce data resolution*/
    printf("%s read in. \n", in_fname) ;
    if (conform) {
      printf("embedding and interpolating volume\n") ;
      mri_tmp = MRIconform(mri_flash[nvolumes]) ;
      mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp ;

    /* Change all volumes to float type for convenience */
    if (mri_flash[nvolumes]->type != MRI_FLOAT) {
      printf("Volume %d type is %d\n", nvolumes+1, mri_flash[nvolumes]->type);
      printf("Change data to float type \n");
      mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_flash[nvolumes], MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1);
      mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp; //swap

    nvolumes++ ;

  printf("All data read in\n");

  nvolumes_total = nvolumes ;   /* all volumes read in */

  for (i = 0 ; i < nvolumes ; i++) {
    for (j = i+1 ; j < nvolumes ; j++) {
      if ((mri_flash[i]->width != mri_flash[j]->width) ||
          (mri_flash[i]->height != mri_flash[j]->height) ||
          (mri_flash[i]->depth != mri_flash[j]->depth))
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s:\nvolumes %d (type %d) and %d (type %d) don't match (%d x %d x %d) vs (%d x %d x %d)\n",
                  Progname, i, mri_flash[i]->type, j, mri_flash[j]->type, mri_flash[i]->width,
                  mri_flash[i]->height, mri_flash[i]->depth,
                  mri_flash[j]->width, mri_flash[j]->height, mri_flash[j]->depth) ;

  width = mri_flash[0]->width;
  height = mri_flash[0]->height;
  depth = mri_flash[0]->depth;

  if (label_fname != NULL) {
    mri_label = MRIread(label_fname);
    if (!mri_label)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n",
                Progname, label_fname);

    if ((mri_label->width != mri_flash[0]->width) ||
        (mri_label->height != mri_flash[0]->height) ||
        (mri_label->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth))
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume size doesn't match data volumes\n", Progname);

    /* if(mri_label->type != MRI_UCHAR)
       ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname); */

  if (mask_fname != NULL) {
    mri_mask = MRIread(mask_fname);
    if (!mri_mask)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n",
                Progname, mask_fname);

    if ((mri_mask->width != mri_flash[0]->width) ||
        (mri_mask->height != mri_flash[0]->height) ||
        (mri_mask->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth))
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume size doesn't macth data volumes\n", Progname);

    if (mri_mask->type != MRI_UCHAR)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname);
  } else {

    if (have_weight == 1)
      noise_threshold = - 1e20;

    printf("Threshold input vol1 at %g to create mask \n", noise_threshold);
    printf("this threshold is useful to process skull-stripped data \n");

    mri_mask = MRIalloc(mri_flash[0]->width, mri_flash[0]->height, mri_flash[0]->depth, MRI_UCHAR);
    MRIcopyHeader(mri_flash[0], mri_mask);

    /* Simply set mask to be 1 everywhere */
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {

          if ((float)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_flash[0], x, y,z,0) < noise_threshold)
            MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 0;
            MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 1;

  /* Normalize input volumes */
  if (normflag) {
    printf("Normalize input volumes to zero mean, variance 1\n");
    for (i=0; i <nvolumes_total; i++) {
      mri_flash[i] = MRInormalizeXH(mri_flash[i], mri_flash[i], mri_mask);
    printf("Normalization done.\n");

  if (0) {
    printf("Using both hemi-sphere by changing rh-labels\n");
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
          label = (int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y,z,0);
          if (label == 41) /* white matter */
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y, z, 0, 2);
          else if (label == 42) /* gm */
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y, z, 0, 3);

  if (debug_flag && window_flag) {
    /* Limit LDA to a local window */
    printf("Local window size = %d\n", window_size);
    window_size /= 2;
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
          if (MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) == 0) continue;

          if (z < (Gz - window_size) || z >(Gz + window_size)
              || y <(Gy - window_size) || y > (Gy + window_size)
              || x < (Gx - window_size) || x > (Gx + window_size))
            MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 0;


  LDAmean1 = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float));
  LDAmean2 = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float));
  LDAweight = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float));

  if (have_weight) {
    printf("Read in LDA weights from weight-file\n");
    input_weights_to_file(LDAweight, weight_fname, nvolumes_total);
  } else { /* compute LDA weights */
    printf("Compute LDA weights to maximize CNR for region %d and region %d\n", class1, class2);
    /* Compute class means */
    update_LDAmeans(mri_flash, mri_label, mri_mask, LDAmean1, LDAmean2, nvolumes_total, class1, class2);
    printf("class means computed \n");

    /* Compute Fisher's LDA weights */
    computeLDAweights(LDAweight, mri_flash, mri_label, mri_mask, LDAmean1, LDAmean2, nvolumes_total, class1, class2);

    if (weight_fname != NULL) {
      output_weights_to_file(LDAweight, weight_fname, nvolumes_total);

  printf("LDA weights are: \n");
  for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) {
    printf("%g ", LDAweight[i]);

  if (synth_fname != NULL) {
    /* linear projection of input volumes to a 1D volume */
    min_val = 10000.0;
    max_val = -10000.0;
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
          if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue;

          value = 0.0;

          for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) {
            value += MRIFvox(mri_flash[i], x, y, z)*LDAweight[i];

          //     if(value < 0) value = 0;

          if (max_val < value) max_val = value;
          if (min_val > value) min_val = value;

          /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */
          MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = value;

    printf("max_val = %g, min_val = %g \n", max_val, min_val);

    /* Check to make sure class1 has higher intensity than class2 */
    if (have_weight == 0) {
      sum_white =0;
      count_white = 0;
      sum_gray = 0;
      count_gray = 0;
      for (z=0; z < depth; z++) {
        if (count_white > 300 && count_gray > 300) break;
        for (y=0; y< height; y++) {
          for (x=0; x < width; x++) {

            if ((int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y,z,0) == class1) {
              sum_white += MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z);
              count_white += 1;
            } else if ((int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y,z,0) == class2) {
              sum_gray += MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z);
              count_gray += 1;

      if (count_white > 1 && count_gray > 1) {
        if (sum_white *count_gray < sum_gray*count_white) {
          for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
            for (y=0; y< height; y++)
              for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
                if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue;
                value = MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z);
                MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = max_val - value;
          max_val = max_val - min_val;
          min_val = 0;

    /* The following is copied to be consistent with mri_synthesize */
    /* Don't know why add min_val, minus should make more sense */
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
          if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) {
            MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = 0; /*background always set to 0 */
          /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */
          if (shift_value > 0) {
            value = MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) + shift_value;
            if (value < 0) value = 0;
            MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = value;
          } else if (mask_fname != NULL)
            MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) -= min_val;

    if (mri_flash[0]->type == out_type) {
      mri_mask = MRIcopy(mri_flash[0], mri_mask);
    } else {
      mri_mask = MRIchangeType(mri_flash[0], out_type, 0.1, 0.99, 0);

    /* Scale output to [0, 255] */
    if (0) {
      for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
        for (y=0; y< height; y++)
          for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
            if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue;

            value = (MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) - min_val)*255.0/(max_val - min_val) + 0.5; /* +0.5 for round-off */

            if (value > 255.0) value = 255.0;
            if (value < 0) value = 0;

            /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */
            MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) = (BUFTYPE) value;

    /* Output synthesized volume */
    MRIwrite(mri_mask, synth_fname);



  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;
  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  printf("LDA took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ;


  if (label_fname)

  for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) {
Exemplo n.º 10
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char   **av, *in_fname;
  int    ac, nargs, i, j,  x, y, z, width, height, depth;
  MRI    *mri_flash[MAX_IMAGES], *mri_label, *mri_mask;
  int index;
  int    msec, minutes, seconds, nvolumes, nvolumes_total ;
  struct timeb start ;
  float max_val, min_val, value;
  float *LDAweight = NULL;
  float **LDAmeans = NULL; /* Centroid for each considered class */
  float *classSize =NULL; /* relative size of each class */
  MATRIX **SWs; /* Within class scatter-matrix for each considered class */
  MATRIX *AdjMatrix; /* Adjacency matrix of all classes */

  FILE *fp;

  int num_classes;
  double cnr;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_ms_compute_CNR.c,v 1.10 2011/03/02 00:04:55 nicks Exp $", "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 2)
    usage_exit(1) ;

  printf("command line parsing finished\n");

  if (label_fname == NULL)
    printf("Use -label option to specify file for segmentation \n");

  if (have_weight == 1 && weight_fname == NULL)
    printf("Use -weight option to specify file for input LDA weights \n") ;

  if (have_weight == 1 && synth_fname == NULL)
    printf("Use -synth option to specify file for output synthesized volume \n") ;

  if (ldaflag)
    MINLABEL = MIN(class1, class2);
    MAXLABEL = MAX(class1, class2);

  num_classes = MAXLABEL - MINLABEL + 1;

  printf("Total of %d classes considered in LDA training\n", num_classes);

  if (num_classes <= 1)
    printf("Need to specify at least two classes to evaluate CNR\n");

  /*** Read in the input multi-echo volumes ***/
  nvolumes = 0 ;
  for (i = 1 ; i < argc; i++)
    in_fname = argv[i] ;
    printf("reading %s...\n", in_fname) ;

    mri_flash[nvolumes] = MRIread(in_fname) ;
    if (mri_flash[nvolumes] == NULL)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read volume %s",
                Progname, in_fname) ;
    /* conform will convert all data to UCHAR, which will reduce data resolution*/
    printf("%s read in. \n", in_fname) ;
    if (conform)
      MRI *mri_tmp ;

      printf("embedding and interpolating volume\n") ;
      mri_tmp = MRIconform(mri_flash[nvolumes]) ;
      mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp ;

    /* Change all volumes to float type for convenience */
    if (mri_flash[nvolumes]->type != MRI_FLOAT)
      printf("Volume %d type is %d\n", nvolumes+1, mri_flash[nvolumes]->type);
      MRI *mri_tmp;
      printf("Change data to float type \n");
      mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_flash[nvolumes], MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1);
      mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp; //swap

    nvolumes++ ;

  printf("All data read in\n");

  nvolumes_total = nvolumes ;   /* all volumes read in */

  for (i = 0 ; i < nvolumes ; i++)
    for (j = i+1 ; j < nvolumes ; j++)
      if ((mri_flash[i]->width != mri_flash[j]->width) ||
          (mri_flash[i]->height != mri_flash[j]->height) ||
          (mri_flash[i]->depth != mri_flash[j]->depth))
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s:\nvolumes %d (type %d) and %d (type %d) don't match (%d x %d x %d) vs (%d x %d x %d)\n",
                  Progname, i, mri_flash[i]->type, j, mri_flash[j]->type, mri_flash[i]->width,
                  mri_flash[i]->height, mri_flash[i]->depth,
                  mri_flash[j]->width, mri_flash[j]->height, mri_flash[j]->depth) ;

  width = mri_flash[0]->width;
  height = mri_flash[0]->height;
  depth = mri_flash[0]->depth;

  if (label_fname != NULL)
    mri_label = MRIread(label_fname);
    if (!mri_label)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n",
                Progname, label_fname);

    if ((mri_label->width != mri_flash[0]->width) ||
        (mri_label->height != mri_flash[0]->height) ||
        (mri_label->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth))
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume size doesn't match data volumes\n", Progname);

    /* if(mri_label->type != MRI_UCHAR)
       ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname); */

  if (mask_fname != NULL)
    mri_mask = MRIread(mask_fname);
    if (!mri_mask)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n",
                Progname, mask_fname);

    if ((mri_mask->width != mri_flash[0]->width) ||
        (mri_mask->height != mri_flash[0]->height) ||
        (mri_mask->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth))
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume size doesn't macth data volumes\n", Progname);

    if (mri_mask->type != MRI_UCHAR)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname);
    mri_mask = MRIalloc(mri_flash[0]->width, mri_flash[0]->height, mri_flash[0]->depth, MRI_UCHAR);
    MRIcopyHeader(mri_flash[0], mri_mask);

    /* Simply set mask to be 1 everywhere */
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++)
          MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 1;

  if (debug_flag && window_flag)
    /* Limit LDA to a local window */
    printf("Local window size = %d\n", window_size);
    window_size /= 2;
    for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
      for (y=0; y< height; y++)
        for (x=0; x < width; x++)
          if (MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) == 0) continue;

          if (z < (Gz - window_size) || z >(Gz + window_size)
              || y <(Gy - window_size) || y > (Gy + window_size)
              || x < (Gx - window_size) || x > (Gx + window_size))
            MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 0;


  LDAweight = (float *)calloc(nvolumes_total, sizeof(float));

  /* Allocate memory */
  LDAmeans = (float **)malloc(num_classes*sizeof(float *));
  SWs = (MATRIX **)malloc(num_classes*sizeof(MATRIX *));
  classSize = (float *)malloc(num_classes*sizeof(float));
  for (i=0; i< num_classes; i++)
    LDAmeans[i] = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float));
    SWs[i] = (MATRIX *)MatrixAlloc(nvolumes_total, nvolumes_total, MATRIX_REAL);
    if (SWs[i] == NULL || LDAmeans[i] == NULL)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: unable to allocate required memory \n", Progname);

  if (ldaflag)
    AdjMatrix = (MATRIX *)MatrixAlloc(num_classes, num_classes, MATRIX_REAL);

    /* The diagnoal entries of AdjMatrix is set to zero initially */
    for (i=1; i <= num_classes;i++)
      for (j=i; j <= num_classes; j++)
        AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] = 0.0;
        AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i] = 0.0;

    AdjMatrix->rptr[class1-MINLABEL +1][class2-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[class1-MINLABEL +1][class1-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[class2-MINLABEL +1][class2-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[class2-MINLABEL +1][class1-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0;
  else if (MINLABEL <=2 && MAXLABEL >= 76)
    printf("Manually set adjacent matrix \n");

    AdjMatrix = (MATRIX *)MatrixAlloc(num_classes, num_classes, MATRIX_REAL);

    /* The diagnoal entries of AdjMatrix is set to zero initially */
    for (i=1; i <= num_classes;i++)
      for (j=i; j <= num_classes; j++)
        AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] = 0.0;
        AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i] = 0.0;

    for (index = 0; index < CNR_pairs; index++)
      i = ilist[index] - MINLABEL;
      j = jlist[index] - MINLABEL;

      AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][j+1] = 1.0;
      AdjMatrix->rptr[j+1][i+1] = 1.0;

    /* left-hemisphere */
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[17+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[5+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[4+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][2+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][3+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][5+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][4+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][4+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][12+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][2+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][3+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;

    /* right-hemisphere */
    AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][41+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][44+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][43+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][41+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][44+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][43+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][43+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][51+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][41+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;

    for(i=1; i < num_classes;i++)
      for(j=i+1; j <= num_classes; j++){
    if(AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] > 0.5)
    AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i] = AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j];
    AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] = AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i];

    /*    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][3+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][10+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][12+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][13+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][12+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[4+1-MINLABEL][10+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[4+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][13+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[12+1-MINLABEL][13+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[12+1-MINLABEL][26+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[17+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    /* right-hemisphere */
    /* AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][49+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][51+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][52+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][53+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[42+1-MINLABEL][51+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[42+1-MINLABEL][53+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[42+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[43+1-MINLABEL][49+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[43+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][52+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[51+1-MINLABEL][52+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[51+1-MINLABEL][58+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0;
    AdjMatrix = ComputeAdjMatrix(mri_label, mri_mask, MINLABEL, MAXLABEL);
  /* AdjMatrix may need manual adjusted to avoid meaningless comparisons
   * such as computing CNR between left WM and right WM

  for (i=1; i <= num_classes;i++)
    for (j=1; j <= num_classes; j++)
      if (j==i) continue;
      /* the diagonal term will indicate whether the class is useful or not */
      AdjMatrix->rptr[i][i] +=  AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] + AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i];

  printf("Compute individual class statistics\n");
  /* Compute class means and covariance matrix */
  /* Note that here SWs will be covaraince matrix, not scatter matrix */
  for (i=0; i < num_classes; i++)
    if (AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][i+1] < 0.5) continue;
    computeClassStats(LDAmeans[i], SWs[i], &classSize[i], mri_flash, mri_label, mri_mask, nvolumes_total, MINLABEL + i);
  printf("class statistics computed \n");

  if (fname != NULL)
    fp = fopen(fname, "w");
    fp = 0;

  printf("compute pair-wise CNR/Mahalanobis distances \n");
  if (ldaflag)
    for (i=0; i <num_classes-1;i++)
      for (j=i+1; j < num_classes; j++)
        if (AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][j+1] < 0.5) continue;
        cnr = computePairCNR(LDAmeans[i], LDAmeans[j], SWs[i], SWs[j], classSize[i],  classSize[j], nvolumes_total, LDAweight, 1);
        if (fp)
          fprintf(fp, "%9.4f ", (float)cnr);

        printf("CNR of class %d and class %d is %g\n", i+MINLABEL, j+MINLABEL, cnr);


    if (fp)
      fprintf(fp, "\n");


    for (index = 0; index < CNR_pairs; index++)
      i = ilist[index] - MINLABEL;
      j = jlist[index] - MINLABEL;

      if (AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][j+1] < 0.5) continue;
      if (i== (2-MINLABEL) && j == (3-MINLABEL) && nvolumes_total > 1)
        cnr = computePairCNR(LDAmeans[i], LDAmeans[j], SWs[i], SWs[j], classSize[i],  classSize[j], nvolumes_total, LDAweight, 1);
        cnr = computePairCNR(LDAmeans[i], LDAmeans[j], SWs[i], SWs[j], classSize[i], classSize[j], nvolumes_total, 0, 0);

      if (fp)
        fprintf(fp, "%9.4f ", (float)cnr);

      printf("CNR of class %d and class %d is %g\n", i+MINLABEL, j+MINLABEL, cnr);


    if (fp)
      fprintf(fp, "\n");

  /* output weights for optimize CNR for class 2 and class 3 */
  if (weight_fname != NULL)
    output_weights_to_file(LDAweight, weight_fname, nvolumes_total);


  for (i=0; i< num_classes; i++)

  if (nvolumes_total > 1 && ((MINLABEL <=2 && MAXLABEL >= 3) || ldaflag))
    if (ldaflag)
      printf("LDA weights for %d-%d are: \n", class1, class2);
      printf("LDA weights for 2-3 are: \n");
    for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++)
      printf("%g ", LDAweight[i]);

    if (synth_fname != NULL)
      /* linear projection of input volumes to a 1D volume */
      min_val = 10000.0;
      max_val = -10000.0;
      for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
        for (y=0; y< height; y++)
          for (x=0; x < width; x++)
            if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue;

            value = 0.0;

            for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++)
              value += MRIFvox(mri_flash[i], x, y, z)*LDAweight[i];

            if (max_val < value) max_val = value;
            if (min_val > value) min_val = value;

            /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */
            MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = value;

      printf("max_val = %g, min_val = %g \n", max_val, min_val);

      /* Scale output to [0, 255] */
      for (z=0; z < depth; z++)
        for (y=0; y< height; y++)
          for (x=0; x < width; x++)
            if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue;

            value = (MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) - min_val)*255.0/(max_val - min_val) + 0.5; /* +0.5 for round-off */

            if (value > 255.0) value = 255.0;
            if (value < 0) value = 0;

            /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */
            MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) = (BUFTYPE) value;

      /* Output synthesized volume */
      MRIwrite(mri_mask, synth_fname);


  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;
  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  printf("LDA took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ;



  for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++)
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int nargs, err, asegid, c, r, s, annot, hemioffset;
  int annotid;
  struct utsname uts;
  char *cmdline, cwd[2000];

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, vcid, "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;
  cmdline = argv2cmdline(argc,argv);

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  argc --;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  if (argc == 0) usage_exit();

  parse_commandline(argc, argv);

  printf("cwd %s\n",cwd);
  printf("cmdline %s\n",cmdline);
  printf("sysname  %s\n",uts.sysname);
  printf("hostname %s\n",uts.nodename);
  printf("machine  %s\n",uts.machine);

    printf("ERROR: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment\n");
  printf("subject %s\n",subject);

  /* ------ Load subject's lh white surface ------ */
  printf("Reading lh white surface \n %s\n",tmpstr);
  lhwhite = MRISread(tmpstr);
  if (lhwhite == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr);

  printf("Building hash of lh white\n");
  lhwhite_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(lhwhite, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,16);

  /* ------ Load lh annotation ------ */
  printf("Loading lh annotations from %s\n",annotfile);
  err = MRISreadAnnotation(lhwhite, annotfile);
  if (err) {
    printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",annotfile);

  /* ------ Load subject's rh surface ------ */
  printf("Reading rh white surface \n %s\n",tmpstr);
  rhwhite = MRISread(tmpstr);
  if (rhwhite == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr);
  if (debug) printf("Building hash of rh white\n");
  rhwhite_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(rhwhite, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,16);

  /* ------ Load rh annotation ------ */
  printf("Loading rh annotations from %s\n",annotfile);
  err = MRISreadAnnotation(rhwhite, annotfile);
  if (err) {
    printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",annotfile);

  if (debug && lhwhite->ct) printf("Have color table for annotation\n");
  if (debug) print_annotation_table(stdout);

  /* ------ Load ASeg ------ */
  if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr)) {
    if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr)) {
      if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr)) {
        printf("ERROR: cannot find aseg\n");
      } else

  printf("Loading aseg from %s\n",tmpstr);
  ASeg = MRIread(tmpstr);
  if (ASeg == NULL) {
    printf("ERROR: loading aseg %s\n",tmpstr);
  mritmp = MRIchangeType(ASeg,MRI_INT,0,0,0);
  ASeg = mritmp;
  WMSeg = MRIclone(ASeg,NULL);

  Vox2RAS = MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(ASeg);
  if (debug) {
    printf("ASeg Vox2RAS: -----------\n");
  CRS = MatrixAlloc(4,1,MATRIX_REAL);
  CRS->rptr[4][1] = 1;
  RAS = MatrixAlloc(4,1,MATRIX_REAL);
  RAS->rptr[4][1] = 1;

  // Go through each voxel in the aseg
  printf("Labeling WM\n");
  for (c=0; c < ASeg->width; c++) {
    if (debug) printf("%3d ",c);
    if (debug && c%20 ==19) printf("\n");
    for (r=0; r < ASeg->height; r++) {
      for (s=0; s < ASeg->depth; s++) {

        // If it's not labeled as white matter in the aseg, set
        // seg value to that from the aseg and skip the rest
        asegid = MRIgetVoxVal(ASeg,c,r,s,0);
        if (asegid != 2 && asegid != 41) {

        // Convert the CRS to RAS
        CRS->rptr[1][1] = c;
        CRS->rptr[2][1] = r;
        CRS->rptr[3][1] = s;
        RAS = MatrixMultiply(Vox2RAS,CRS,RAS);
        vtx.x = RAS->rptr[1][1];
        vtx.y = RAS->rptr[2][1];
        vtx.z = RAS->rptr[3][1];

        // Get the index of the closest vertex in the
        // lh.white, rh.white
        lhwvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(lhwhite_hash,lhwhite,&vtx,&dlhw);
        rhwvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(rhwhite_hash,rhwhite,&vtx,&drhw);

        if ( (lhwvtx < 0) && (rhwvtx < 0) ) {
          printf("ERROR: could not map to any surface.\n");
          printf("crs = %d %d %d, ras = %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f \n",

        if (lhwvtx < 0) dlhw = 1000000000000000.0;
        if (rhwvtx < 0) drhw = 1000000000000000.0;

        if (dlhw < drhw) {
          // Left hemi is closer than the right
          annot = lhwhite->vertices[lhwvtx].annotation;
          hemioffset = 1000;
          if (lhwhite->ct)
            CTABfindAnnotation(lhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
            annotid = annotation_to_index(annot);
        } else {
          // Right hemi is closer than the left
          annot = rhwhite->vertices[rhwvtx].annotation;
          hemioffset = 2000;
          if (rhwhite->ct)
            CTABfindAnnotation(lhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid);
            annotid = annotation_to_index(annot);


  printf("\nWriting output wmseg to %s\n",WMSegFile);

  printf("mri_aparc2wmseg done\n");
Exemplo n.º 12
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    MRI     *mri_src, *mri_dst, *mri_tmp, *mri_labeled, *mri_labels;
    char    *input_file_name, *output_file_name ;
    int     nargs, i, msec ;
    struct timeb  then ;
    float   white_mean, white_sigma, gray_mean, gray_sigma ;

    char cmdline[CMD_LINE_LEN] ;

    TAGmakeCommandLineString(argc, argv, cmdline) ;

    /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
    nargs = handle_version_option
            (argc, argv,
             "$Id: mri_segment.c,v 1.40 2011/03/02 00:04:24 nicks Exp $",
             "$Name: stable5 $");
    if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
        exit (0);
    argc -= nargs;

    Progname = argv[0] ;
    DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
    ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

    for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
        nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
        argc -= nargs ;
        argv += nargs ;

    if (argc < 3)

    TimerStart(&then) ;
    input_file_name = argv[1] ;
    output_file_name = argv[2] ;

    mri_src = MRIread(input_file_name) ;
    if (!mri_src)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read source volume from %s",
                  Progname, input_file_name) ;
    MRIaddCommandLine(mri_src, cmdline) ;
    if (mri_src->type != MRI_UCHAR)
        MRI *mri_tmp ;
        printf("changing input type from %d to UCHAR\n", mri_src->type) ;
        mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_src, MRI_UCHAR, 0, 1000, 1) ;
        MRIfree(&mri_src) ;
        mri_src = mri_tmp ;

    if (thicken > 1)
        mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;
        /*    MRIfilterMorphology(mri_dst, mri_dst) ;*/
        fprintf(stderr, "removing 1-dimensional structures...\n") ;
        MRIremove1dStructures(mri_dst, mri_dst, 10000, 2, NULL) ;
#if 0
        MRIcheckRemovals(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_labels, 5) ;
        fprintf(stderr, "thickening thin strands....\n") ;
        MRIthickenThinWMStrands(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_dst, thickness, nsegments,
                                wm_hi) ;
        MRIwrite(mri_dst, output_file_name) ;
        exit(0) ;

    mri_labels = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ;
    if (auto_detect_stats && !wm_low_set) /* widen range to allow
                                           for more variability */
        wm_low -= 10 ;
    fprintf(stderr, "doing initial intensity segmentation...\n") ;
    mri_tmp = MRIintensitySegmentation(mri_src, NULL, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi);

    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
        MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "tmp1.mgz") ;
    fprintf(stderr, "using local statistics to label ambiguous voxels...\n") ;
    MRIhistoSegment(mri_src, mri_tmp, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi, wsize, 3.0f) ;
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
        MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "tmp2.mgz") ;

    if (auto_detect_stats)

        fprintf(stderr, "computing class statistics for intensity windows...\n") ;
        MRIcomputeClassStatistics(mri_src, mri_tmp, gray_low, WHITE_MATTER_MEAN,
                                  &white_mean, &white_sigma, &gray_mean,
                                  &gray_sigma) ;
        if (!finite(white_mean) || !finite(white_sigma) ||
                !finite(gray_mean) || !finite(gray_sigma))
             "%s: class statistics not finite - check input volume!",

        if (!wm_low_set)
            if (FZERO(gray_sigma))
                wm_low = (white_mean+gray_mean) / 2 ;
                wm_low = gray_mean + gray_sigma ;

        if (!gray_hi_set)
            gray_hi = gray_mean + 2*gray_sigma ;
#if 1
            if (gray_hi >= white_mean)
                gray_hi = white_mean-1 ;
        fprintf(stderr, "setting bottom of white matter range to %2.1f\n",wm_low);
        fprintf(stderr, "setting top of gray matter range to %2.1f\n", gray_hi) ;

        if (log_stats)
            FILE *fp ;

            fp = fopen("segment.dat", "w") ;
            if (fp)
                fprintf(fp, "WM: %2.1f +- %2.1f\n",white_mean, white_sigma) ;
                fprintf(fp, "GM: %2.1f +- %2.1f\n",gray_mean, gray_sigma) ;
                fprintf(fp, "setting bottom of white matter range to %2.1f\n",wm_low);
                fprintf(fp, "setting top of gray matter range to %2.1f\n", gray_hi) ;
                fclose(fp) ;

        fprintf(stderr, "doing initial intensity segmentation...\n") ;
        mri_tmp = MRIintensitySegmentation(mri_src, NULL, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi);

        fprintf(stderr, "using local statistics to label ambiguous voxels...\n") ;
        MRIhistoSegment(mri_src, mri_tmp, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi, wsize, 3.0f) ;
        /* just some not-too-dopey defaults - won't really be used */
        white_mean =  110 ;
        white_sigma = 5.0 ;
        gray_mean = 65 ;
        gray_sigma = 12 ;

            "using local geometry to label remaining ambiguous voxels...\n") ;
    mri_labeled = MRIcpolvMedianCurveSegment(mri_src, mri_tmp, NULL, 5, 3,
                  gray_hi, wm_low);
            "\nreclassifying voxels using Gaussian border classifier...\n") ;

      now use the gray and white matter border voxels to build a Gaussian
      classifier at each point in space and reclassify all voxels in the
      range [wm_low-5,gray_hi].
    for (i = 0 ; i < niter ; i++)
        MRIreclassify(mri_src, mri_labeled, mri_labeled, wm_low-5,gray_hi,wsize);
    MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ;

    mri_dst = MRImaskLabels(mri_src, mri_labeled, NULL) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_labeled) ;
    MRIrecoverBrightWhite(mri_src, mri_dst,mri_dst,wm_low,wm_hi,white_sigma,.33);
            "\nremoving voxels with positive offset direction...\n") ;

#if 0
    MRIremoveWrongDirection(mri_dst, mri_dst, 3, wm_low-5, gray_hi, mri_labels) ;
    MRIremoveWrongDirection(mri_dst, mri_dst, 3, wm_low-5, gray_hi, NULL) ;

    if (thicken)
        /*    MRIfilterMorphology(mri_dst, mri_dst) ;*/
        fprintf(stderr, "removing 1-dimensional structures...\n") ;
        MRIremove1dStructures(mri_dst, mri_dst, 10000, 2, mri_labels) ;
#if 0
        MRIcheckRemovals(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_labels, 5) ;
        fprintf(stderr, "thickening thin strands....\n") ;
        MRIthickenThinWMStrands(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_dst, thickness, nsegments,
                                wm_hi) ;

    mri_tmp = MRIfindBrightNonWM(mri_src, mri_dst) ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_tmp, mri_tmp, WM_MIN_VAL, 255, 0) ;
    MRImaskLabels(mri_dst, mri_tmp, mri_dst) ;
    MRIfilterMorphology(mri_dst, mri_dst) ;

    if (fill_bg)
        fprintf(stderr, "filling basal ganglia....\n") ;
        MRIfillBasalGanglia(mri_src, mri_dst) ;
    if (fill_ventricles)
        fprintf(stderr, "filling ventricles....\n") ;
        MRIfillVentricles(mri_dst, mri_dst) ;

    MRIfree(&mri_src) ;
    msec = TimerStop(&then) ;
    fprintf(stderr, "white matter segmentation took %2.1f minutes\n",
    fprintf(stderr, "writing output to %s...\n", output_file_name) ;
    if (keep_edits)
        MRI *mri_old ;

        mri_old = MRIread(output_file_name) ;
        if (!mri_old)
            (ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read file %s to preserve edits",
             Progname, output_file_name) ;
            MRIcopyLabel(mri_old, mri_dst, WM_EDITED_ON_VAL) ;
            MRIcopyLabel(mri_old, mri_dst, WM_EDITED_OFF_VAL) ;
            MRIfree(&mri_old) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_dst, output_file_name) ;

    MRIfree(&mri_dst) ;

    exit(0) ;
    return(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 13
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char         **av, fname[STRLEN], *out_fname, *subject_name, *cp, *tp1_name, *tp2_name ;
  char         s1_name[STRLEN], s2_name[STRLEN], *sname ;
  int          ac, nargs, i, n, options, max_index ;
  int          msec, minutes, seconds, nsubjects, input ;
  struct timeb start ;
  MRI          *mri_seg, *mri_tmp, *mri_in ;
  TRANSFORM    *transform ;
//  int          counts ;
  int          t;
  GCA           *gca = NULL ;

  Progname = argv[0] ;

  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;

  parms.width = parms.height = parms.depth = DEFAULT_VOLUME_SIZE ;
  parms.ntrees = 10 ;
  parms.max_depth = 10 ;
  parms.wsize = 1 ;
  parms.training_size = 100 ;
  parms.training_fraction = .5 ;
  parms.feature_fraction = 1 ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option
          (argc, argv,
           "$Id: mri_rf_long_train.c,v 1.5 2012/06/15 12:22:28 fischl Exp $",
           "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  // parse command line args
  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (!strlen(subjects_dir)) /* hasn't been set on command line */
    cp = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR") ;
    if (!cp)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment",
    strcpy(subjects_dir, cp) ;
  if (argc < 3)
    usage_exit(1) ;

  // options parsed.   subjects, tp1 and tp2 and rf name remaining
  out_fname = argv[argc-1] ;
  nsubjects = (argc-2)/3 ;
  for (options = i = 0 ; i < nsubjects ; i++)
    if (argv[i+1][0] == '-')
      nsubjects-- ;
      options++ ;

  printf("training on %d subject and writing results to %s\n",
         nsubjects, out_fname) ;

  // rf_inputs can be T1, PD, ...per subject
  if (parms.nvols == 0)
    parms.nvols = ninputs ;
  /* gca reads same # of inputs as we read
     from command line - not the case if we are mapping to flash */
  n = 0 ;

  // set up gca direction cosines, width, height, depth defaults

  gca = GCAread(gca_name) ;
  if (gca == NULL)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read GCA from %s", Progname, gca_name) ;
  // weird way options and subject name are mixed here
  // first calculate mean
  // going through the subject one at a time
  max_index = nsubjects+options ;
  nargs = 0 ;
  mri_in = NULL ; 
  subject_name = NULL ; sname = NULL ; t = 0 ;
//  counts = 0 ;   would be private
  input = 0 ;
  transform = NULL ;
  tp1_name = tp2_name = NULL ;
  mri_tmp = mri_seg = NULL ;
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(tp1_name, tp2_name, mri_in,mri_tmp, input, xform_name, transform, subjects_dir, force_inputs, conform, Progname, mri_seg, subject_name, s1_name, s2_name, sname, t, fname) shared(mri_inputs, transforms, mri_segs,argv) schedule(static,1)
  for (i = 0 ; i < max_index ; i++)
    subject_name = argv[3*i+1] ;
    tp1_name = argv[3*i+2] ;
    tp2_name = argv[3*i+3] ;
    sprintf(s1_name, "%s_%s.long.%s_base", subject_name, tp1_name, subject_name) ;
    sprintf(s2_name, "%s_%s.long.%s_base", subject_name, tp2_name, subject_name) ;

    printf("processing subject %s, %d of %d (%s and %s)...\n", subject_name,i+1-nargs,
	   nsubjects, s1_name,s2_name);

    for (t = 0 ; t < 2 ; t++)
      sname = t == 0 ? s1_name : s2_name;

      // reading this subject segmentation
      sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, sname, seg_dir) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_SHOW && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
	fprintf(stderr, "Reading segmentation from %s...\n", fname) ;
      mri_seg = MRIread(fname) ;
      if (!mri_seg)
	ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read segmentation file %s",
		  Progname, fname) ;

      if ((mri_seg->type != MRI_UCHAR) && (make_uchar != 0))
	MRI *mri_tmp ;
	mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_seg, MRI_UCHAR, 0, 1,1);
	MRIfree(&mri_seg) ;
	mri_seg = mri_tmp ;

      if (wmsa_fname)
	MRI *mri_wmsa ;
	sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, sname, wmsa_fname) ;
	printf("reading WMSA labels from %s...\n", fname) ;
	mri_wmsa = MRIread(fname) ;
	if (mri_wmsa == NULL)
	  ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read WMSA file %s", fname) ;
	MRIbinarize(mri_wmsa, mri_wmsa,  1, 0, WM_hypointensities) ;
	MRIcopyLabel(mri_wmsa, mri_seg, WM_hypointensities) ;
	lateralize_hypointensities(mri_seg) ;
	  char s[STRLEN] ;
	  sprintf(s, "%s/%s/mri/seg_%s",
		  subjects_dir, subject_name, wmsa_fname) ;
	  MRIwrite(mri_seg, s) ;
      if (binarize)
	int j ;
	for (j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++)
	  if (j == binarize_in)
	    MRIreplaceValues(mri_seg, mri_seg, j, binarize_out) ;
	    MRIreplaceValues(mri_seg, mri_seg, j, 0) ;
      if (insert_fname)
	MRI *mri_insert ;
	sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s",
		subjects_dir, subject_name, insert_fname) ;
	mri_insert = MRIread(fname) ;
	if (mri_insert == NULL)
		    "%s: could not read volume from %s for insertion",
		    Progname, insert_fname) ;
	MRIbinarize(mri_insert, mri_insert, 1, 0, insert_label) ;
	MRIcopyLabel(mri_insert, mri_seg, insert_label) ;
	MRIfree(&mri_insert) ;
      replaceLabels(mri_seg) ;
      MRIeraseBorderPlanes(mri_seg, 1) ;

      if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
		"Gather all input volumes for the subject %s.\n",
      // inputs must be coregistered
      // note that inputs are T1, PD, ... per subject (same TE, TR, FA)
      for (input = 0 ; input < ninputs ; input++)
	//////////// set the gca type //////////////////////////////
	// is this T1/PD training?
	// how can we allow flash data training ???????
	// currently checks the TE, TR, FA to be the same for all inputs
	// thus we cannot allow flash data training.
	sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, sname,input_names[input]);
	  printf("reading co-registered input from %s...\n", fname) ;
	fprintf(stderr, "   reading input %d: %s\n", input, fname);
	mri_tmp = MRIread(fname) ;
	if (!mri_tmp)
	     "%s: could not read image from file %s", Progname, fname) ;
	// input check 1
	if (getSliceDirection(mri_tmp) != MRI_CORONAL)
	     "%s: must be in coronal direction, but it is not\n",
	// input check 2
	if (conform &&
	    (mri_tmp->xsize != 1 || mri_tmp->ysize != 1 || mri_tmp->zsize != 1))
	     "%s: must have 1mm voxel size, but have (%f, %f, %f)\n",
	     fname, mri_tmp->xsize, mri_tmp->ysize, mri_tmp->ysize);
	// input check 3 is removed.  now we can handle c_(ras) != 0 case
	// input check 4
	if (i == 0)
	  TRs[input] = mri_tmp->tr ;
	  FAs[input] = mri_tmp->flip_angle ;
	  TEs[input] = mri_tmp->te ;
	else if ((force_inputs == 0) &&
		 (!FEQUAL(TRs[input],mri_tmp->tr) ||
		  !FEQUAL(FAs[input],mri_tmp->flip_angle) ||
		  !FEQUAL(TEs[input], mri_tmp->te)))
	     "%s: subject %s input volume %s: sequence parameters "
	     "(%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f)"
	     "don't match other inputs (%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f)",
	     Progname, subject_name, fname,
	     mri_tmp->tr, DEGREES(mri_tmp->flip_angle), mri_tmp->te,
	     TRs[input], DEGREES(FAs[input]), TEs[input]) ;
	// first time do the following
	if (input == 0)
	  int nframes = ninputs ;
	  mri_in = MRIallocSequence(mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth,
				    mri_tmp->type, nframes) ;
	  if (!mri_in)
	       "%s: could not allocate input volume %dx%dx%dx%d",
	       mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth,nframes) ;
	  MRIcopyHeader(mri_tmp, mri_in) ;
	// -mask option ////////////////////////////////////////////
	if (mask_fname)
	  MRI *mri_mask ;
	  sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s",
		  subjects_dir, subject_name, mask_fname);
	  printf("reading volume %s for masking...\n", fname) ;
	  mri_mask = MRIread(fname) ;
	  if (!mri_mask)
	  ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open mask volume %s.\n",
		    Progname, fname) ;
	  MRImask(mri_tmp, mri_mask, mri_tmp, 0, 0) ;
	  MRIfree(&mri_mask) ;
	MRIcopyFrame(mri_tmp, mri_in, 0, input) ;
	MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ;

      }// end of inputs per subject
      // xform_name is given, then we can use the consistent c_(r,a,s) for gca
      if (xform_name)
	// we read talairach.xfm which is a RAS-to-RAS
	sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/transforms/%s", subjects_dir, sname, xform_name) ;
	  printf("INFO: reading transform file %s...\n", fname);
	if (!FileExists(fname))
	  fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: cannot find transform file %s\n",fname);
	transform = TransformRead(fname);
	if (!transform)
	  ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read transform from file %s",
		    Progname, fname);
//        modify_transform(transform, mri_in, gca);
	// Here we do 2 things
	// 1. modify gca direction cosines to
	// that of the transform destination (both linear and non-linear)
	// 2. if ras-to-ras transform,
      // then change it to vox-to-vox transform (linear case)
      // modify transform to store inverse also
	TransformInvert(transform, mri_in) ;
//        GCAreinit(mri_in, gca);
	// just use the input value, since dst = src volume
	transform = TransformAlloc(LINEAR_VOXEL_TO_VOXEL, NULL) ;
      if (do_sanity_check)
	// conduct a sanity check of particular labels, most importantly
	// hippocampus, that such labels do not exist in talairach coords
	// where they are known not to belong (indicating a bad manual edit)
	int errs = check(mri_seg, subjects_dir, subject_name);
	if (errs) 
	    "ERROR: mri_ca_train: possible bad training data! subject:\n"
	    "\t%s/%s\n\n", subjects_dir, subject_name);
	  fflush(stdout) ;
      mri_segs[i][t] = mri_seg ;
      mri_inputs[i][t] = mri_in ;
      transforms[i][t] = transform ;
  rf = train_rforest(mri_inputs, mri_segs, transforms, nsubjects, gca, &parms, wm_thresh,wmsa_whalf, 2) ;
  printf("writing random forest to %s\n", out_fname) ;
  if (RFwrite(rf, out_fname) != NO_ERROR)
      (ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: could not write rf to %s", Progname, out_fname) ;
  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;
  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  printf("classifier array training took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 14
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char         *ref_fname, *in_fname, *out_fname, fname[STRLEN], **av ;
  MRI          *mri_ref, *mri_in, *mri_orig, *mri_in_red, *mri_ref_red,
  *mri_in_tmp, *mri_ref_tmp, *mri_ref_orig, *mri_in_orig ;
  int          ac, nargs, i, msec, minutes, seconds ;
  struct timeb start ;
  MATRIX       *m_L ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_linear_register.c,v 1.13 2011/03/02 00:04:22 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  parms.mri_crop = NULL ;
  parms.l_intensity = 1.0f ;
  parms.niterations = 100 ;
  parms.levels = -1 ;   /* use default */
  parms.dt = 1e-6 ;  /* was 5e-6 */
  parms.tol = INTEGRATION_TOL*5 ;

  parms.dt = 5e-6 ;  /* was 5e-6 */
  parms.tol = 1e-3 ;
  parms.momentum = 0.8 ;
  parms.max_levels = MAX_LEVELS ;
  parms.factor = 1.0 ;
  parms.niterations = 25 ;
  Progname = argv[0] ;

  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 4)
              "usage: %s <in brain> <template> <output file name>\n",
              Progname) ;

  in_fname = argv[1] ;
  ref_fname = argv[2] ;
  if (xform_mean_fname) {
    int   sno, nsubjects ;
    FILE  *fp ;

    parms.m_xform_mean = MatrixAsciiRead(xform_mean_fname, NULL) ;
    if (!parms.m_xform_mean)
      ErrorExit(Gerror, "%s: could not read parameter means from %s",
                Progname, xform_mean_fname) ;

    fp = fopen(xform_covariance_fname, "r") ;
    if (!fp)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read covariances from %s",
                Progname, xform_covariance_fname) ;

    fscanf(fp, "nsubjects=%d", &nsubjects) ;
    printf("reading %d transforms...\n", nsubjects) ;

    parms.m_xforms = (MATRIX **)calloc(nsubjects, sizeof(MATRIX *)) ;
    if (!parms.m_xforms)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: could not allocate array of %d xforms",
                Progname, nsubjects) ;
    for (sno = 0 ; sno < nsubjects ; sno++) {
      parms.m_xforms[sno] = MatrixAsciiReadFrom(fp, NULL) ;
      if (!parms.m_xforms[sno])
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: could not allocate %dth xform",
                  Progname, sno) ;

    parms.m_xform_covariance = MatrixAsciiReadFrom(fp, NULL) ;
    if (!parms.m_xform_covariance)
      ErrorExit(Gerror, "%s: could not read parameter covariance from %s",
                Progname, xform_covariance_fname) ;
    fclose(fp) ;
    parms.l_priors = l_priors ;
    parms.nxforms = nsubjects ;
  out_fname = argv[3] ;
  FileNameOnly(out_fname, fname) ;
  FileNameRemoveExtension(fname, fname) ;
  strcpy(parms.base_name, fname) ;
  fprintf(stderr, "logging results to %s.log\n", parms.base_name) ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;
  fprintf(stderr, "reading '%s'...\n", ref_fname) ;
  fflush(stderr) ;
  mri_ref = MRIread(ref_fname) ;
  if (!mri_ref)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open reference volume %s.\n",
              Progname, ref_fname) ;
  if (mri_ref->type != MRI_UCHAR) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;

    mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_ref, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_ref) ;
    mri_ref = mri_tmp ;

  if (var_fname)  /* read in a volume of standard deviations */
    MRI *mri_var, *mri_tmp ;

    fprintf(stderr, "reading '%s'...\n", var_fname) ;
    mri_var = MRIread(var_fname) ;
    if (!mri_var)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open variance volume %s.\n",
                Progname, var_fname) ;
    mri_tmp = MRIconcatenateFrames(mri_ref, mri_var, NULL) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_var) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_ref) ;
    mri_ref = mri_tmp ;
  fprintf(stderr, "reading '%s'...\n", in_fname) ;
  fflush(stderr) ;
  mri_orig = mri_in = MRIread(in_fname) ;
  if (!mri_in)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open input volume %s.\n",
              Progname, in_fname) ;
  if (mri_in->type != MRI_UCHAR) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;

    mri_orig = mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_in, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_in) ;
    mri_in = mri_tmp ;

  /* make sure they are the same size */
  if (mri_in->width  != mri_ref->width ||
      mri_in->height != mri_ref->height  ||
      mri_in->depth  != mri_ref->depth) {
    int  width, height, depth ;
    MRI  *mri_tmp ;

    width = MAX(mri_in->width, mri_ref->width) ;
    height = MAX(mri_in->height, mri_ref->height) ;
    depth = MAX(mri_in->depth, mri_ref->depth) ;
    mri_tmp = MRIalloc(width, height, depth, MRI_UCHAR) ;
    MRIextractInto(mri_in, mri_tmp, 0, 0, 0,
                   mri_in->width, mri_in->height, mri_in->depth, 0, 0, 0) ;
#if 0
    MRIfree(&mri_in) ;
    parms.mri_in = mri_in ;
    mri_in = mri_orig = mri_tmp ;

    mri_tmp = MRIallocSequence(width, height,depth,MRI_UCHAR,mri_ref->nframes);
    MRIextractInto(mri_ref, mri_tmp, 0, 0, 0,
                   mri_ref->width, mri_ref->height, mri_ref->depth, 0, 0, 0) ;
#if 0
    MRIfree(&mri_ref) ;
    parms.mri_in = mri_in ;
    mri_ref = mri_tmp ;

  if (!FZERO(tx) || !FZERO(ty) || !FZERO(tz)) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;

    fprintf(stderr, "translating second volume by (%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f)\n",
            tx, ty, tz) ;
    mri_tmp = MRItranslate(mri_in, NULL, tx, ty, tz) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_in) ;
    mri_in = mri_tmp ;

  if (!FZERO(rzrot)) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;

            "rotating second volume by %2.1f degrees around Z axis\n",
            (float)DEGREES(rzrot)) ;
    mri_tmp = MRIrotateZ_I(mri_in, NULL, rzrot) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_in) ;
    mri_in = mri_tmp ;
  if (!FZERO(rxrot)) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;

            "rotating second volume by %2.1f degrees around X axis\n",
            (float)DEGREES(rxrot)) ;
    mri_tmp = MRIrotateX_I(mri_in, NULL, rxrot) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_in) ;
    mri_in = mri_tmp ;
  if (!FZERO(ryrot)) {
    MRI *mri_tmp ;

            "rotating second volume by %2.1f degrees around Y axis\n",
            (float)DEGREES(ryrot)) ;
    mri_tmp = MRIrotateY_I(mri_in, NULL, ryrot) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_in) ;
    mri_in = mri_tmp ;

  if (!transform_loaded)   /* wasn't preloaded */
    parms.lta = LTAalloc(1, mri_in) ;

  if (!FZERO(blur_sigma)) {
    MRI *mri_kernel, *mri_tmp ;

    mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(blur_sigma, 100) ;
    mri_tmp = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_in, NULL, mri_kernel) ;
    mri_in = mri_tmp ;
    MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ;
  MRIscaleMeanIntensities(mri_in, mri_ref, mri_in);

  mri_ref_orig = mri_ref ;
  mri_in_orig = mri_in ;
  if (nreductions > 0) {
    mri_in_red = mri_in_tmp = MRIcopy(mri_in, NULL) ;
    mri_ref_red = mri_ref_tmp = MRIcopy(mri_ref, NULL) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < nreductions ; i++) {
      mri_in_red = MRIreduceByte(mri_in_tmp, NULL) ;
      mri_ref_red = MRIreduceMeanAndStdByte(mri_ref_tmp,NULL);
      MRIfree(&mri_ref_tmp) ;
      mri_in_tmp = mri_in_red ;
      mri_ref_tmp = mri_ref_red ;
    mri_in = mri_in_red ;
    mri_ref = mri_ref_red ;
  /* for diagnostics */
  if (full_res) {
    parms.mri_ref = mri_ref ;
    parms.mri_in = mri_in ;
  } else {
    parms.mri_ref = mri_ref_orig ;
    parms.mri_in = mri_in_orig ;

  m_L = initialize_transform(mri_in, mri_ref, &parms) ;

  if (use_gradient) {
    MRI  *mri_in_mag, *mri_ref_mag, *mri_grad, *mri_mag ;

    printf("computing gradient magnitude of input image...\n") ;
    mri_mag = MRIalloc(mri_in->width, mri_in->height, mri_in->depth,MRI_FLOAT);
    MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_mag) ;
    mri_grad = MRIsobel(mri_in, NULL, mri_mag) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_grad) ;

    /* convert it to ubytes */
    MRIvalScale(mri_mag, mri_mag, 0.0f, 255.0f) ;
    mri_in_mag = MRIclone(mri_in, NULL) ;
    MRIcopy(mri_mag, mri_in_mag) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_mag) ;

    /* now compute gradient of ref image */
    printf("computing gradient magnitude of reference image...\n") ;
    mri_mag = MRIalloc(mri_ref->width, mri_ref->height, mri_ref->depth,MRI_FLOAT);
    MRIcopyHeader(mri_ref, mri_mag) ;
    mri_grad = MRIsobel(mri_ref, NULL, mri_mag) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_grad) ;

    /* convert it to ubytes */
    MRIvalScale(mri_mag, mri_mag, 0.0f, 255.0f) ;
    mri_ref_mag = MRIclone(mri_ref, NULL) ;
    MRIcopy(mri_mag, mri_ref_mag) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_mag) ;

    register_mri(mri_in_mag, mri_ref_mag, &parms, m_L) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_in_mag) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_ref_mag) ;
  register_mri(mri_in, mri_ref, &parms, m_L) ;
  if (check_crop_flag)  /* not working yet! */
    printf("searching for cropped regions in the input image...\n") ;
    parms.mri_crop = find_cropping(mri_orig, mri_ref, &parms) ;
    MRIwrite(parms.mri_crop, "crop.mgh") ;
    register_mri(mri_in, mri_ref, &parms, m_L) ;

  if (voxel_coords) {
    printf("transforming xform to voxel coordinates...\n") ;
    MRIrasXformToVoxelXform(mri_in_orig, mri_ref_orig,
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE) {
      MRI *mri_tmp ;

      mri_tmp = MRIlinearTransform(mri_in_orig, NULL,parms.lta->xforms[0].m_L);
      MRIwriteImageViews(mri_tmp, "morphed", IMAGE_SIZE) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ;
  // save src and target info in lta
  getVolGeom(mri_in_orig, &parms.lta->xforms[0].src);
  getVolGeom(mri_ref_orig, &parms.lta->xforms[0].dst);
  fprintf(stderr, "writing output transformation to %s...\n", out_fname) ;
  if (invert_flag) {
    MATRIX *m_tmp ;

    m_tmp = MatrixInverse(parms.lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ;
    MatrixFree(&parms.lta->xforms[0].m_L) ;
    // change src and dst
    getVolGeom(mri_in_orig, &parms.lta->xforms[0].dst);
    getVolGeom(mri_ref_orig, &parms.lta->xforms[0].src);
    parms.lta->xforms[0].m_L = m_tmp ;
  LTAwriteEx(parms.lta, out_fname) ;
  if (mri_ref)
    MRIfree(&mri_ref) ;
  if (mri_in)
    MRIfree(&mri_in) ;
  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;
  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  fprintf(stderr, "registration took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n",
          minutes, seconds) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;