static RANDOM_FOREST * train_rforest(MRI *mri_inputs[MAX_SUBJECTS][MAX_TIMEPOINTS], MRI *mri_segs[MAX_SUBJECTS][MAX_TIMEPOINTS], TRANSFORM *transforms[MAX_SUBJECTS][MAX_TIMEPOINTS], int nsubjects, GCA *gca, RFA_PARMS *parms, float wm_thresh, int wmsa_whalf, int ntp) { RANDOM_FOREST *rf ; int nfeatures, x, y, z, ntraining, n, tvoxel_size, width, height, depth, xt, yt, zt ; double xatlas, yatlas, zatlas ; MRI *mri_in, *mri_seg, *mri_training_voxels, *mri_wmsa_possible ; TRANSFORM *transform ; double **training_data ; int *training_classes, i, label, tlabel, nwmsa, nfuture, nnot, correct, label_time1, label_time2; nwmsa = nnot = nfuture = 0 ; /* features are: t1 intensity (3 vols) 3 priors # of unknown voxels in the nbhd # of neighboring wmsa voxels at t1 */ nfeatures = parms->wsize*parms->wsize*parms->wsize*parms->nvols + 5 ; rf = RFalloc(parms->ntrees, nfeatures, NCLASSES, parms->max_depth, single_classifier_names, max_steps) ; if (rf == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not allocate random forest", Progname) ; rf->min_step_size = 1 ; tvoxel_size=1 ; width = (int)ceil((float)mri_segs[0][0]->width/tvoxel_size) ; height = (int)ceil((float)mri_segs[0][0]->height/tvoxel_size) ; depth = (int)ceil((float)mri_segs[0][0]->depth/tvoxel_size) ; mri_wmsa_possible = MRIalloc(width, height, depth, MRI_UCHAR) ; GCAcopyDCToMRI(gca, mri_wmsa_possible) ; mri_in = mri_inputs[0][0] ; mri_training_voxels = MRIallocSequence(mri_in->width,mri_in->height, mri_in->depth,MRI_UCHAR,nsubjects) ; #if 1 // update time 1 segmentation based on labels at time1 and time2 for (n = 0 ; n < nsubjects ; n++) { mri_seg = mri_segs[n][0] ; for (x = 0 ; x < mri_in->width ; x++) for (y = 0 ; y < mri_in->height ; y++) for (z = 0 ; z < mri_in->depth ; z++) { label_time1 = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_segs[n][0], x, y, z, 0) ; label_time2 = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_segs[n][1], x, y, z, 0) ; if (IS_WMSA(label_time1)) MRIsetVoxVal(mri_segs[n][0], x, y, z, 0, label_time1) ; else if (IS_WMSA(label_time2)) MRIsetVoxVal(mri_segs[n][0], x, y, z, 0, future_WMSA) ; } } #endif // build map of spatial locations that WMSAs can possibly occur in for (n = 0 ; n < nsubjects ; n++) { mri_in = mri_inputs[n][1] ; transform = transforms[n][1] ; for (x = 0 ; x < mri_in->width ; x++) for (y = 0 ; y < mri_in->height ; y++) for (z = 0 ; z < mri_in->depth ; z++) if (is_possible_wmsa(gca, mri_in, transform, x, y, z, 0)) { TransformSourceVoxelToAtlas(transform, mri_in, x, y, z, &xatlas, &yatlas, &zatlas) ; xt = nint(xatlas/tvoxel_size) ; yt = nint(yatlas/tvoxel_size) ; zt = nint(zatlas/tvoxel_size) ; if (xt == Gx && yt == Gy && zt == Gz) DiagBreak() ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_wmsa_possible, xt, yt, zt, 0, 1) ; } } for ( ; wmsa_whalf > 0 ; wmsa_whalf--) MRIdilate(mri_wmsa_possible, mri_wmsa_possible) ; // now build map of all voxels in training set for (nnot = nwmsa = nfuture = ntraining = n = 0 ; n < nsubjects ; n++) { mri_in = mri_inputs[n][0] ; mri_seg = mri_segs[n][0] ; transform = transforms[n][0] ; for (x = 0 ; x < mri_in->width ; x++) for (y = 0 ; y < mri_in->height; y++) for (z = 0 ; z < mri_in->depth; z++) { label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_seg, x, y, z, 0) ; TransformSourceVoxelToAtlas(transform, mri_in, x, y, z, &xatlas, &yatlas, &zatlas) ; xt = nint(xatlas/tvoxel_size) ; yt = nint(yatlas/tvoxel_size) ; zt = nint(zatlas/tvoxel_size) ; if (xt == Gx && yt == Gy && zt == Gz) DiagBreak() ; if ((IS_WMSA(label) == 0) && MRIgetVoxVal(mri_wmsa_possible,xt,yt, zt,0) == 0) continue ; if (NOT_TRAINING_LABEL(label)) continue ; ntraining++ ; if (IS_FUTURE_WMSA(label)) { label = FUTURE_WMSA; nfuture++ ; } else if (IS_WMSA(label)) { label = WMSA ; nwmsa++ ; } else { label = NOT_WMSA ; nnot++ ; } // set label to one more than it will be for training so that 0 means this is not a training voxel MRIsetVoxVal(mri_training_voxels, x, y, z, n, label+1) ; } } correct = MRIcountNonzero(mri_training_voxels) ; if (correct != ntraining) DiagBreak() ; printf("total training set size = %2.1fM\n", (float)ntraining/(1024.0f*1024.0f)) ; printf("initial training set found with %dK FUTURE WMSA labels, %dK WMSA labels, and %dK non (ratio=%2.1f:%2.1f)\n", nfuture/1000, nwmsa/1000, nnot/1000, (float)nnot/(float)nfuture, (float)nnot/(float)nwmsa) ; MRIfree(&mri_wmsa_possible) ; if (max_wm_wmsa_ratio*(nfuture+nwmsa) < nnot) // too many wm labels w.r.t. # of wmsas - remove some wm { int removed, total_to_remove = nnot - (max_wm_wmsa_ratio*(nfuture+nwmsa)) ; double premove ; premove = (double)total_to_remove / (double)nnot ; printf("removing %dK WM indices to reduce training set imbalance (p < %f)\n", total_to_remove/1000, premove) ; for (removed = n = 0 ; n < nsubjects ; n++) for (x = 0 ; x < mri_in->width ; x++) for (y = 0 ; y < mri_in->height; y++) for (z = 0 ; z < mri_in->depth; z++) { label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_training_voxels, x, y, z, n) ; if (label == 1) // a WM voxel { if (randomNumber(0,1) < premove) { removed++ ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_training_voxels, x, y, z, n, 0) ; // remove it from training set } } } ntraining -= removed ; printf("%d WM voxels removed, new training set size = %dM (ratio = %2.1f)\n", removed, ntraining/(1024*1024), (double)(nnot-removed)/(double)(nwmsa+nfuture)) ; } correct = MRIcountNonzero(mri_training_voxels) ; if (correct != ntraining) DiagBreak() ; // if (Gx >= 0) { int whalf = (parms->wsize-1)/2 ; char buf[STRLEN] ; rf->feature_names = (char **)calloc(rf->nfeatures, sizeof(char *)) ; for (i = 0, x = -whalf ; x <= whalf ; x++) for (y = -whalf ; y <= whalf ; y++) for (z = -whalf ; z <= whalf ; z++) for (n = 0 ; n < mri_in->nframes ; n++, i++) { switch (n) { default: case 0: sprintf(buf, "T1(%d, %d, %d)", x, y, z) ; break ; case 1: sprintf(buf, "T2(%d, %d, %d)", x, y, z) ; break ; case 2: sprintf(buf, "FLAIR(%d, %d, %d)", x, y, z) ; if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0) Gdiag_no = i ; break ; } rf->feature_names[i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(buf)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(rf->feature_names[i], buf) ; } printf("FLAIR(0,0,0) = %dth feature\n", Gdiag_no) ; sprintf(buf, "CSF voxels in nbhd") ; rf->feature_names[i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(buf)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(rf->feature_names[i], buf) ; i++ ; sprintf(buf, "gm prior") ; rf->feature_names[i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(buf)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(rf->feature_names[i], buf) ; i++ ; sprintf(buf, "wm prior") ; rf->feature_names[i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(buf)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(rf->feature_names[i], buf) ; i++ ; sprintf(buf, "csf prior") ; rf->feature_names[i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(buf)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(rf->feature_names[i], buf) ; i++ ; sprintf(buf, "WMSA in nbhd") ; rf->feature_names[i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(buf)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(rf->feature_names[i], buf) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE) { printf("writing training voxels to tv.mgz\n") ; MRIwrite(mri_training_voxels, "tv.mgz") ; } } // now build training features and classes training_classes = (int *)calloc(ntraining, sizeof(training_classes[0])) ; if (training_classes == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "train_rforest: could not allocate %d-length training buffers",ntraining); training_data = (double **)calloc(ntraining, sizeof(training_data[0])) ; if (training_classes == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "train_rforest: could not allocate %d-length training buffers",ntraining); for (i = n = 0 ; n < nsubjects ; n++) { mri_in = mri_inputs[n][0] ; mri_seg = mri_segs[n][0] ; transform = transforms[n][0] ; for (x = 0 ; x < mri_in->width ; x++) for (y = 0 ; y < mri_in->height; y++) for (z = 0 ; z < mri_in->depth; z++) { if ((int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_training_voxels, x, y, z, n) == 0) continue ; label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_seg, x, y, z, 0) ; TransformSourceVoxelToAtlas(transform, mri_in, x, y, z, &xatlas, &yatlas, &zatlas) ; xt = nint(xatlas/tvoxel_size) ; yt = nint(yatlas/tvoxel_size) ; zt = nint(zatlas/tvoxel_size) ; if (IS_FUTURE_WMSA(label)) tlabel = FUTURE_WMSA ; else if (IS_WMSA(label)) tlabel = WMSA ; else tlabel= NOT_WMSA ; training_classes[i] = tlabel ; training_data[i] = (double *)calloc(nfeatures, sizeof(double)) ; if (training_data[i] == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "train_rforest: could not allocate %d-len feature vector #%d", nfeatures, i) ; training_classes[i] = training_classes[i] ; // extract_feature(mri_in, parms->wsize, x, y, z, training_data[i], xatlas, yatlas, zatlas) ; extract_long_features(mri_in, mri_seg, transform, gca, parms->wsize, x, y, z, training_data[i]) ; if (training_data[i][Gdiag_no] < 80 && training_classes[i] == 1) DiagBreak() ; i++ ; } MRIfree(&mri_in) ; MRIfree(&mri_seg) ; TransformFree(&transform) ; } if (i < ntraining) { printf("warning!!!! i (%d) < ntraining (%d)! Setting ntraining=i\n", i, ntraining) ; ntraining = i ; } printf("training random forest with %dK FUTURE WMSA labels, %dK WMSA labels, and %dK non (ratio=%2.1f:%2.1f)\n", nfuture/1000, nwmsa/1000, nnot/1000, (float)nnot/(float)nfuture, (float)nnot/(float)nwmsa) ; RFtrain(rf, parms->feature_fraction, parms->training_fraction, training_classes, training_data, ntraining); correct = RFcomputeOutOfBagCorrect(rf, training_classes, training_data,ntraining); printf("out of bag accuracy: %d of %d = %2.2f%%\n", correct, ntraining, 100.0*correct/ntraining) ; if (log_file_name) { struct flock fl; int fd; char line[MAX_LINE_LEN] ; printf("writing results to train.log file %s\n", log_file_name) ; fd = open(log_file_name, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG); if (fd < 0) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open test log file %s", Progname, log_file_name); fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl); /* F_GETLK, F_SETLK, F_SETLKW */ sprintf(line, "%f %d %d %f\n", rf->training_fraction, rf->max_depth, rf->ntrees, 100.0*correct/ntraining) ; write(fd, line, (strlen(line))*sizeof(char)) ; fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; /* tell it to unlock the region */ fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl); /* set the region to unlocked */ close(fd) ; } for (i = 0 ; i < ntraining ; i++) // allow for augmenting with other wmsa examples free(training_data[i]) ; free(training_data) ; free(training_classes) ; MRIfree(&mri_training_voxels) ; return(rf) ; }
int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { MRI* mri = NULL; int zX = 256; int zY = 256; int zZ = 256; int err = NO_ERROR; int nX = 0; int nY = 0; int nZ = 0; float sizeX = 1.0; float sizeY = 1.0; float sizeZ = 1.0; int setMethod = SET_METHOD_XYZ; int setValue = 0; char fnVol[256] = "new_volume.mgz"; int i; char* arg = NULL; for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { arg = argv[i]; if ( argv[i] && *argv[i] != '-' ) { printf( "ERROR: Unrecognized argument %s\n", argv[i] ); PrintUsage( NULL ); exit( 1 ); } while ( arg[0] == '-' ) arg = arg+1; if ( strlen(arg) <= 0 ) continue; if ( strcmp(arg,"h") == 0 || strcmp(arg,"help") == 0 ) { PrintUsage( NULL ); exit( 0 ); } if ( strcmp(arg,"f") == 0 || strcmp(arg,"filename") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to filename option." ); exit( 1 ); } strcpy( fnVol, argv[i+1] ); i++; } if ( strcmp(arg,"x") == 0 || strcmp(arg,"width") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to width option." ); exit( 1 ); } zX = atoi(argv[i+1]); i++; } if ( strcmp(arg,"y") == 0 || strcmp(arg,"height") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to height option." ); exit( 1 ); } zY = atoi(argv[i+1]); i++; } if ( strcmp(arg,"z") == 0 || strcmp(arg,"depth") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to depth option." ); exit( 1 ); } zZ = atoi(argv[i+1]); i ++; } if ( strcmp(arg,"sizex") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to sizex option." ); exit( 1 ); } sizeX = atof(argv[i+1]); i++; } if ( strcmp(arg,"sizey") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to sizey option." ); exit( 1 ); } sizeY = atof(argv[i+1]); i++; } if ( strcmp(arg,"sizez") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to sizez optoin." ); exit( 1 ); } sizeZ = atof(argv[i+1]); i++; } if ( strcmp(arg,"set-method") == 0 ) { if ( i+1 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No argument to set-method option." ); exit( 1 ); } if ( strcmp( argv[i+1], "xyz" ) == 0 ) { setMethod = SET_METHOD_XYZ; i++; printf( "set_method is xyz\n" ); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i+1], "random" ) == 0 ) { setMethod = SET_METHOD_RANDOM; i++; printf( "set_method is random\n" ); } else if ( strncmp( argv[i+1], "constant", 9 ) == 0 ) { if ( i+2 >= argc ) { PrintUsage( "No value argument to constant method option." ); exit( 1 ); } setMethod = SET_METHOD_CONSTANT; setValue = atoi( argv[i+2] ); i+=2; printf( "set_method is constant, %d\n", setValue ); } else { PrintUsage( "Unrecognized argument to set-method option" ); exit( 1 ); } } } printf( "Creating volume %s\n" " width = %d height = %d depth = %d\n" " xsize = %f ysize = %f zsize = %f\n" " set method = %s, constant = %d\n", fnVol, zX, zY, zZ, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sSetMethods[setMethod], setValue ); mri = MRIalloc( zX, zY, zZ, MRI_UCHAR ); if ( NULL == mri ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't create volume.\n" ); return 1; } MRIsetResolution( mri, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ ); switch ( setMethod ) { case SET_METHOD_CONSTANT: MRIvalueFill( mri, 0 ); break; case SET_METHOD_RANDOM: for ( nZ = 0; nZ < zZ; nZ++ ) { for ( nY = 0; nY < zY; nY++ ) { for ( nX = 0; nX < zX; nX++ ) { MRIvox( mri, nX, nY, nZ ) = (int)((random()/(float)RAND_MAX)*255.0); } } } break; case SET_METHOD_XYZ: for ( nZ = 0; nZ < zZ; nZ++ ) { for ( nY = 0; nY < zY; nY++ ) { for ( nX = 0; nX < zX; nX++ ) { MRIvox( mri, nX, nY, nZ ) = (((float)nZ/(float)zZ)*255.0/3.0) + (((float)nY/(float)zY)*255.0/3.0) + (((float)nX/(float)zX)*255.0/3.0) ; } } } break; default: for ( nZ = (zZ/2) - (zZ/4); nZ < (zZ/2) + (zZ/4); nZ++ ) { for ( nY = (zY/2) - (zY/4); nY < (zY/2) + (zY/4); nY++ ) { for ( nX = (zX/2) - (zX/4); nX < (zX/2) + (zX/4); nX++ ) { MRIvox( mri, nX, nY, nZ ) = 255; } } } } err = MRIwrite( mri, fnVol ); if ( NO_ERROR != err ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't write volume.\n" ); return 1; } MRIfree( &mri ); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av ; int ac, nargs ; MRI *mri_orig, *mri_norm, *mri_bias ; int msec, minutes, seconds ; struct timeb start ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_apply_bias.c,v 1.5 2011/03/02 00:04:13 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; TimerStart(&start) ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 4) usage_exit(1) ; mri_orig = MRIread(argv[1]) ; if (mri_orig == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read %s",Progname, argv[1]) ; mri_bias = MRIread(argv[2]) ; if (mri_bias == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read %s",Progname, argv[2]) ; if (xform_fname) { TRANSFORM *transform ; MRI *mri ; transform = TransformRead(xform_fname) ; if (transform == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load transform %s", Progname, xform_fname) ; mri = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_orig, MRI_FLOAT) ; TransformApplyInverse(transform, mri_bias, mri) ; MRIfree(&mri_bias) ; mri_bias = mri ; } mri_norm = apply_bias(mri_orig, NULL, mri_bias); fprintf(stderr, "writing to %s...\n", argv[3]) ; MRIwrite(mri_norm, argv[3]) ; MRIfree(&mri_norm) ; msec = TimerStop(&start) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; fprintf(stderr, "bias correction took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ; exit(0) ; return(0) ; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int nargs, nthvtx, nnbrs1, nnbrs2, nthnbr, nbrvtxno1, nbrvtxno2; int nthface, annot1, annot2; VERTEX *vtx1, *vtx2; FACE *face1, *face2; float diff, maxdiff; nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, vcid, "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; cmdline = argv2cmdline(argc,argv); uname(&uts); getcwd(cwd,2000); Progname = argv[0] ; argc --; argv++; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; if (argc == 0) usage_exit(); parse_commandline(argc, argv); check_options(); if (checkoptsonly) return(0); SUBJECTS_DIR = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR"); if (SUBJECTS_DIR == NULL) { printf("INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment\n"); //exit(1); } if (SUBJECTS_DIR1 == NULL) SUBJECTS_DIR1 = SUBJECTS_DIR; if (SUBJECTS_DIR2 == NULL) SUBJECTS_DIR2 = SUBJECTS_DIR; if (surf1path == NULL && surfname == NULL) surfname = "orig"; if (surf1path == NULL) { sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",SUBJECTS_DIR1,subject1,hemi,surfname); surf1path = strcpyalloc(tmpstr); } if (surf2path == NULL) { sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",SUBJECTS_DIR2,subject2,hemi,surfname); surf2path = strcpyalloc(tmpstr); } dump_options(stdout); //read-in each surface. notice that the random number generator is //seeded with the same value prior to each read. this is because in //the routine MRIScomputeNormals, if it finds a zero-length vertex //normal, is adds a random value to the x,y,z and recomputes the normal. //so if comparing identical surfaces, the seed must be the same so that //any zero-length vertex normals appear the same. setRandomSeed(seed) ; surf1 = MRISread(surf1path); if (surf1 == NULL) { printf("ERROR: could not read %s\n",surf1path); exit(1); } setRandomSeed(seed) ; surf2 = MRISread(surf2path); if (surf2 == NULL) { printf("ERROR: could not read %s\n",surf2path); exit(1); } printf("Number of vertices %d %d\n",surf1->nvertices,surf2->nvertices); printf("Number of faces %d %d\n",surf1->nfaces,surf2->nfaces); //Number of Vertices ---------------------------------------- if (surf1->nvertices != surf2->nvertices) { printf("Surfaces differ in number of vertices %d %d\n", surf1->nvertices,surf2->nvertices); exit(101); } //Number of Faces ------------------------------------------ if (surf1->nfaces != surf2->nfaces) { printf("Surfaces differ in number of faces %d %d\n", surf1->nfaces,surf2->nfaces); exit(101); } //surf1->faces[10000].area = 100; //surf1->vertices[10000].x = 100; if (ComputeNormalDist) { double dist, dx, dy, dz, dot ; MRI *mri_dist ; mri_dist = MRIalloc(surf1->nvertices,1,1,MRI_FLOAT) ; MRIScomputeMetricProperties(surf1) ; MRIScomputeMetricProperties(surf2) ; for (nthvtx=0; nthvtx < surf1->nvertices; nthvtx++) { vtx1 = &(surf1->vertices[nthvtx]); vtx2 = &(surf2->vertices[nthvtx]); dx = vtx2->x-vtx1->x ; dy = vtx2->y-vtx1->y ; dz = vtx2->z-vtx1->z ; dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) ; dot = dx*vtx1->nx + dy*vtx1->ny + dz*vtx1->nz ; dist = dist * dot / fabs(dot) ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dist, nthvtx, 0, 0, 0, dist) ; } MRIwrite(mri_dist, out_fname) ; MRIfree(&mri_dist) ; exit(0); } maxdiff=0; //------------------------------------------------------------ if (CheckSurf) { printf("Comparing surfaces\n"); // Loop over vertices --------------------------------------- error_count=0; for (nthvtx=0; nthvtx < surf1->nvertices; nthvtx++) { vtx1 = &(surf1->vertices[nthvtx]); vtx2 = &(surf2->vertices[nthvtx]); if (vtx1->ripflag != vtx2->ripflag) { printf("Vertex %d differs in ripflag %c %c\n", nthvtx,vtx1->ripflag,vtx2->ripflag); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } if (CheckXYZ) { diff=fabs(vtx1->x - vtx2->x); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Vertex %d differs in x %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthvtx,vtx1->x,vtx2->x,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } diff=fabs(vtx1->y - vtx2->y); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Vertex %d differs in y %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthvtx,vtx1->y,vtx2->y,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } diff=fabs(vtx1->z - vtx2->z); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Vertex %d differs in z %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthvtx,vtx1->z,vtx2->z,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } } if (CheckNXYZ) { diff=fabs(vtx1->nx - vtx2->nx); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Vertex %d differs in nx %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthvtx,vtx1->nx,vtx2->nx,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } diff=fabs(vtx1->ny - vtx2->ny); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Vertex %d differs in ny %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthvtx,vtx1->ny,vtx2->ny,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } diff=fabs(vtx1->nz - vtx2->nz); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Vertex %d differs in nz %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthvtx,vtx1->nz,vtx2->nz,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } } nnbrs1 = surf1->vertices[nthvtx].vnum; nnbrs2 = surf2->vertices[nthvtx].vnum; if (nnbrs1 != nnbrs2) { printf("Vertex %d has a different number of neighbors %d %d\n", nthvtx,nnbrs1,nnbrs2); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } for (nthnbr=0; nthnbr < nnbrs1; nthnbr++) { nbrvtxno1 = surf1->vertices[nthvtx].v[nthnbr]; nbrvtxno2 = surf2->vertices[nthvtx].v[nthnbr]; if (nbrvtxno1 != nbrvtxno2) { printf("Vertex %d differs in the identity of the " "%dth neighbor %d %d\n",nthvtx,nthnbr,nbrvtxno1,nbrvtxno2); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } } if (error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; }// loop over vertices if (maxdiff>0) printf("maxdiff=%g\n",maxdiff); if (error_count > 0) { printf("Exiting after finding %d errors\n",error_count); if (error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) { printf("Exceeded MAX_NUM_ERRORS loop guard\n"); } exit(103); } // Loop over faces ---------------------------------------- error_count=0; for (nthface=0; nthface < surf1->nfaces; nthface++) { face1 = &(surf1->faces[nthface]); face2 = &(surf2->faces[nthface]); if (CheckNXYZ) { diff=fabs(face1->nx - face2->nx); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Face %d differs in nx %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthface,face1->nx,face2->nx,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } diff=fabs(face1->ny - face2->ny); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Face %d differs in ny %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthface,face1->ny,face2->ny,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } diff=fabs(face1->nz - face2->nz); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Face %d differs in nz %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthface,face1->nz,face2->nz,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } } diff=fabs(face1->area - face2->area); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff>thresh) { printf("Face %d differs in area %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthface,face1->area,face2->area,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } if (face1->ripflag != face2->ripflag) { printf("Face %d differs in ripflag %c %c\n", nthface,face1->ripflag,face2->ripflag); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } for (nthvtx = 0; nthvtx < 3; nthvtx++) { if (face1->v[nthvtx] != face2->v[nthvtx]) { printf("Face %d differs in identity of %dth vertex %d %d\n", nthface,nthvtx,face1->ripflag,face2->ripflag); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } } // end loop over nthface vertex if (error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } // end loop over faces if (maxdiff>0) printf("maxdiff=%g\n",maxdiff); if (error_count > 0) { printf("Exiting after finding %d errors\n",error_count); if (error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) { printf("Exceeded MAX_NUM_ERRORS loop guard\n"); } exit(103); } printf("Surfaces are the same\n"); exit(0); } // end check surf // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if (CheckCurv) { printf("Checking curv file %s\n",curvname); sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",SUBJECTS_DIR1,subject1,hemi,curvname); printf("Loading curv file %s\n",tmpstr); if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(surf1, tmpstr) != 0) { printf("ERROR: reading curvature file %s\n",tmpstr); exit(1); } sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",SUBJECTS_DIR2,subject2,hemi,curvname); printf("Loading curv file %s\n",tmpstr); if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(surf2, tmpstr) != 0) { printf("ERROR: reading curvature file %s\n",tmpstr); exit(1); } error_count=0; for (nthvtx=0; nthvtx < surf1->nvertices; nthvtx++) { vtx1 = &(surf1->vertices[nthvtx]); vtx2 = &(surf2->vertices[nthvtx]); diff=fabs(vtx1->curv - vtx2->curv); if (diff>maxdiff) maxdiff=diff; if (diff > thresh) { printf("curv files differ at vertex %d %g %g\t(%g)\n", nthvtx,vtx1->curv,vtx2->curv,diff); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } } // end loop over vertices if (maxdiff>0) printf("maxdiff=%g\n",maxdiff); if (error_count > 0) { printf("Exiting after finding %d errors\n",error_count); if (error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) { printf("Exceeded MAX_NUM_ERRORS loop guard\n"); } exit(103); } printf("Curv files are the same\n"); exit(0); } // end check curv // --------------------------------------------------------- if (CheckAParc) { printf("Checking AParc %s\n",aparcname); sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/label/%s.%s.annot", SUBJECTS_DIR1,subject1,hemi,aparcname); printf("Loading aparc file %s\n",tmpstr); fflush(stdout); if (MRISreadAnnotation(surf1, tmpstr)) { printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",tmpstr); exit(1); } if (aparc2name) aparcname = aparc2name; sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/label/%s.%s.annot", SUBJECTS_DIR2,subject2,hemi,aparcname); printf("Loading aparc file %s\n",tmpstr); fflush(stdout); if (MRISreadAnnotation(surf2, tmpstr)) { printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",tmpstr); exit(1); } error_count=0; for (nthvtx=0; nthvtx < surf1->nvertices; nthvtx++) { annot1 = surf1->vertices[nthvtx].annotation; annot2 = surf2->vertices[nthvtx].annotation; if (annot1 != annot2) { printf("aparc files differ at vertex %d: 1:%s 2:%s\n", nthvtx, CTABgetAnnotationName(surf1->ct,annot1), CTABgetAnnotationName(surf2->ct,annot2)); if (++error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) break; } } // end loop over vertices if (error_count > 0) { printf("Exiting after finding %d errors\n",error_count); if (error_count>=MAX_NUM_ERRORS) { printf("Exceeded MAX_NUM_ERRORS loop guard\n"); } exit(103); } printf("\n" "AParc files are the same\n" "------------------------\n"); exit(0); } return 0; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int n,err, f, nhits, r,c,s; float ipr, bpr, intensity; float *framepower=NULL, val; LTA *lta; int nargs; //int endian,roitype; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_vol2roi.c,v 1.32 2011/03/02 00:04:25 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; argc --; argv++; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; if (argc == 0) usage_exit(); parse_commandline(argc, argv); check_options(); printf("--------------------------------------------------------\n"); getcwd(tmpstr,2000); printf("%s\n",tmpstr); printf("%s\n",Progname); for (n=0;n<argc;n++) printf(" %s",argv[n]); printf("\n"); printf("version %s\n",vcid); printf("--------------------------------------------------------\n"); dump_options(stdout); /* --------- load in the (possibly 4-D) source volume --------------*/ printf("Loading volume %s ...",srcvolid); mSrcVol = MRIread(srcvolid); if(mSrcVol == NULL) exit(1); printf("done\n"); /* Dsrc: read the source registration file */ if (srcregfile != NULL) { err = regio_read_register(srcregfile, &srcsubject, &ipr, &bpr, &intensity, &Dsrc, &float2int_src); if (err) exit(1); printf("srcreg Dsrc -------------\n"); MatrixPrint(stdout,Dsrc); printf("----------------------------------\n"); } else Dsrc = NULL; /* Wsrc: Get the source warping Transform */ Wsrc = NULL; /* Fsrc: Get the source FOV registration matrix */ Fsrc = NULL; /* Qsrc: Compute the quantization matrix for src volume */ Qsrc = FOVQuantMatrix(mSrcVol->width, mSrcVol->height, mSrcVol->depth, mSrcVol->xsize, mSrcVol->ysize, mSrcVol->zsize); printf("ras2vox src (tkreg) Qsrc -------------\n"); MatrixPrint(stdout,Qsrc); printf("----------------------------------\n"); /* ----------- load in the label ----------------- */ if (labelfile != NULL) { Label = LabelReadFile(labelfile); if (Label == NULL) exit(1); /* load in the source-to-label registration */ if (src2lblregfile != NULL) { //err = regio_read_xfm(src2lblregfile, &Msrc2lbl); //if(err) exit(1); lta = LTAread(src2lblregfile); if (lta->type == LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX) { printf("INFO: converting LTA to RAS\n"); LTAvoxelTransformToCoronalRasTransform(lta); } Msrc2lbl = MatrixCopy(lta->xforms[0].m_L,NULL); } else if (labeltal) { /* Load the talairach.xfm and make it approp for reg.dat*/ Msrc2lbl = DevolveXFM(srcsubject,NULL,talxfm); if (Msrc2lbl==NULL) exit(1); } else Msrc2lbl = NULL; if (Msrc2lbl != NULL) { printf("-- Source2Label %s ---- \n",src2lblregfile); MatrixPrint(stdout,Msrc2lbl); printf("-------------------------------\n"); } } else { Label = NULL; Msrc2lbl = NULL; } /* -------------- load mask volume stuff -----------------------------*/ if (mskvolid != NULL) { /* load the mask volume (single frame) */ printf("Reading %s\n",mskvolid); mMskVol = MRIread(mskvolid); if(mMskVol == NULL) exit(1); if(mskframe > 0){ mritmp = fMRIframe(mMskVol, mskframe, NULL); if(mritmp == NULL) exit(1); MRIfree(&mMskVol); mMskVol = mritmp; } /* Qmsk: Compute the quantization matrix for msk volume */ /* crsFOV = Qmsk*xyzFOV */ Qmsk = FOVQuantMatrix(mMskVol->width, mMskVol->height, mMskVol->depth, mMskVol->xsize, mMskVol->ysize, mMskVol->zsize); /* get the mask2source registration information */ /* xyzSrc = Mmsk2src * xyzMsk */ if (msk2srcregfile != NULL) { err = regio_read_mincxfm(msk2srcregfile, &Mmsk2src, NULL); if (err) exit(1); } else Mmsk2src = NULL; /* convert from Mask Anatomical to Src FOV */ if (!msksamesrc) { mSrcMskVol = vol2vol_linear(mMskVol, Qmsk, NULL, NULL, Dmsk, Qsrc, Fsrc, Wsrc, Dsrc, mSrcVol->height, mSrcVol->width, mSrcVol->depth, Mmsk2src, INTERP_NEAREST, float2int_msk); if (mSrcMskVol == NULL) exit(1); } else mSrcMskVol = mMskVol; /* binarize the mask volume */ mri_binarize(mSrcMskVol, mskthresh, msktail, mskinvert, mSrcMskVol, &nmskhits); } else { mSrcMskVol = NULL; nmskhits = 0; } /*-------------- Done loading mask stuff -------------------------*/ /* If this is a statistical volume, raise each frame to it's appropriate power (eg, stddev needs to be squared)*/ if (is_sxa_volume(srcvolid)) { printf("INFO: Source volume detected as selxavg format\n"); sxa = ld_sxadat_from_stem(srcvolid); if (sxa == NULL) exit(1); framepower = sxa_framepower(sxa,&f); if (f != mSrcVol->nframes) { fprintf(stderr," number of frames is incorrect (%d,%d)\n", f,mSrcVol->nframes); exit(1); } printf("INFO: Adjusting Frame Power\n"); fflush(stdout); mri_framepower(mSrcVol,framepower); } /*--------- Prepare the final mask ------------------------*/ if (Label != NULL) { mFinalMskVol = label2mask_linear(mSrcVol, Qsrc, Fsrc, Wsrc, Dsrc, mSrcMskVol, Msrc2lbl, Label, labelfillthresh, float2int_src, &nlabelhits, &nfinalhits); if (mFinalMskVol == NULL) exit(1); } else { mFinalMskVol = mSrcMskVol; nfinalhits = nmskhits; } if (!oldtxtstyle) { /* count the number of functional voxels = 1 in the mask */ nfinalhits = 0; for (r=0;r<mFinalMskVol->height;r++) { for (c=0;c<mFinalMskVol->width;c++) { for (s=0;s<mFinalMskVol->depth;s++) { val = MRIgetVoxVal(mFinalMskVol,c,r,s,0); if (val > 0.5) nfinalhits ++; } } } if (Label != NULL) nlabelhits = CountLabelHits(mSrcVol, Qsrc, Fsrc, Wsrc, Dsrc, Msrc2lbl, Label, labelfillthresh,float2int_src); else nlabelhits = 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------- Map the volume into the ROI -----------------*/ printf("Averging over ROI\n"); fflush(stdout); mROI = vol2maskavg(mSrcVol, mFinalMskVol,&nhits); if (mROI == NULL) exit(1); printf("Done averging over ROI (nhits = %d)\n",nhits); /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------- Save the final mask ------------------ */ if (finalmskvolid != 0) { //mri_save_as_bvolume(mFinalMskVol,finalmskvolid,endian,BF_FLOAT); //MRIwriteAnyFormat(mFinalMskVol,finalmskvolid,"bfloat",-1,NULL); sprintf(tmpstr,"%s.%s",finalmskvolid,outext); MRIwrite(mFinalMskVol,tmpstr); } /* ------- Save CRS of the the final mask ------------------ */ if (finalmskcrs != NULL) { fp = fopen(finalmskcrs,"w"); if (fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: cannot open %s\n",finalmskcrs); exit(1); } for (r=0;r<mFinalMskVol->height;r++) { for (c=0;c<mFinalMskVol->width;c++) { for (s=0;s<mFinalMskVol->depth;s++) { val = MRIgetVoxVal(mFinalMskVol,c,r,s,0); if (val > 0.5) { fprintf(fp,"%d %d %d\n",c,r,s); } } } } fclose(fp); } /* If this is a statistical volume, lower each frame to it's appropriate power (eg, variance needs to be sqrt'ed) */ if (is_sxa_volume(srcvolid)) { printf("INFO: Readjusting Frame Power\n"); fflush(stdout); for (f=0; f < mROI->nframes; f++) framepower[f] = 1.0/framepower[f]; mri_framepower(mROI,framepower); } /* save the target volume in an appropriate format */ if(roifile != NULL){ sprintf(tmpstr,"%s.%s",roifile,outext); MRIwrite(mROI,tmpstr); /* for a stat volume, save the .dat file */ if (is_sxa_volume(srcvolid)) { sxa->nrows = 1; sxa->ncols = 1; sv_sxadat_by_stem(sxa,roifile); } } /* save as text */ if(roitxtfile != NULL) { fp = fopen(roitxtfile,"w"); if (fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: cannot open %s\n",roitxtfile); exit(1); } if (oldtxtstyle) { printf("INFO: saving as old style txt\n"); fprintf(fp,"%d \n",nmskhits); } if (! plaintxtstyle ) { fprintf(fp,"%d \n",nlabelhits); fprintf(fp,"%d \n",nfinalhits); } for (f=0; f < mROI->nframes; f++) fprintf(fp,"%f\n",MRIgetVoxVal(mROI,0,0,0,f)); fclose(fp); } /* ------- Mask the source and save it ------------------ */ if (srcmskvolid != 0) { for (r=0;r<mFinalMskVol->height;r++) { for (c=0;c<mFinalMskVol->width;c++) { for (s=0;s<mFinalMskVol->depth;s++) { val = MRIgetVoxVal(mFinalMskVol,c,r,s,0); if (val < 0.5) { for (f=0; f < mROI->nframes; f++) MRIFseq_vox(mSrcVol,c,r,s,f) = 0.0; } } } } MRIwrite(mSrcVol,srcmskvolid); } /* ------- Save as a text list ------------------ */ if (ListFile != 0) { fp = fopen(ListFile,"w"); for (c=0;c<mFinalMskVol->width;c++) { for (r=0;r<mFinalMskVol->height;r++) { for (s=0;s<mFinalMskVol->depth;s++) { val = MRIFseq_vox(mFinalMskVol,c,r,s,0); if(val < 0.5) continue; fprintf(fp,"%3d %3d %3d ",c,r,s); for (f=0; f < mROI->nframes; f++){ val = MRIgetVoxVal(mSrcVol,c,r,s,f); fprintf(fp,"%f ",val); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } } } fclose(fp); } return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, fname[STRLEN] ; int ac, nargs, i ; char *subject, *cp, mdir[STRLEN], *out_fname, *name ; int r, g, b, nedits = 0 ; MRI *mri=NULL, *mri_edits=NULL, *mri_aseg_auto=NULL; // default output file name: out_fname = strcpyalloc("edits.mgz"); /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_compile_edits.c,v 1.6 2011/03/02 00:04:14 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 2) usage_exit(1) ; if (strlen(sdir) == 0) { cp = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR") ; if (cp == NULL) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: SUBJECTS_DIR must be defined in the env or on cmdline " "with -sdir", Progname) ; strcpy(sdir, cp) ; } subject = argv[1] ; if (argv[2]) out_fname = argv[2] ; printf("Compiling volume edits for subject %s...\n", subject) ; fflush(stdout); sprintf(mdir, "%s/%s/mri", sdir, subject) ; /* * brain.mgz */ sprintf(fname, "%s/brain.mgz", mdir) ; mri = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri) { if(NULL == mri_edits) mri_edits = MRIclone(mri, NULL) ; int edits = MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_OFF_VAL, EDIT_BRAIN_OFF) ; edits += MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_ON_VAL, EDIT_BRAIN_ON) ; nedits += edits; MRIfree(&mri) ; if (edits) printf("Found %d edits in brain.mgz\n",edits); fflush(stdout); } /* * wm.mgz */ sprintf(fname, "%s/wm.mgz", mdir) ; mri = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri) { if(NULL == mri_edits) mri_edits = MRIclone(mri, NULL) ; int edits = MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_OFF_VAL, EDIT_WM_OFF) ; edits += MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_ON_VAL, EDIT_WM_ON) ; nedits += edits; MRIfree(&mri) ; if (edits) printf("Found %d edits in wm.mgz\n",edits); fflush(stdout); } /* * brainmask.mgz */ sprintf(fname, "%s/brainmask.mgz", mdir) ; mri = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri) { if(NULL == mri_edits) mri_edits = MRIclone(mri, NULL) ; int edits = MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_OFF_VAL, EDIT_BRAINMASK_OFF) ; edits += MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_ON_VAL, EDIT_BRAINMASK_ON) ; nedits += edits; MRIfree(&mri) ; if (edits) printf("Found %d edits in brainmask.mgz\n",edits); fflush(stdout); } /* * brain.finalsurfs.mgz */ sprintf(fname, "%s/brain.finalsurfs.mgz", mdir) ; mri = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri) { if(NULL == mri_edits) mri_edits = MRIclone(mri, NULL) ; int edits = MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_OFF_VAL, EDIT_FINALSURFS_OFF) ; edits += MRIsetVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_edits, WM_EDITED_ON_VAL, EDIT_FINALSURFS_ON) ; nedits += edits; MRIfree(&mri) ; if (edits) printf("Found %d edits in brain.finalsurfs.mgz\n",edits); fflush(stdout); } /* * aseg.mgz */ sprintf(fname, "%s/aseg.mgz", mdir) ; mri = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri) { if(NULL == mri_edits) mri_edits = MRIclone(mri, NULL) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/", mdir) ; mri_aseg_auto = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri_aseg_auto) { int edits = MRIsetDifferentVoxelsWithValue(mri, mri_aseg_auto, mri_edits, EDIT_ASEG_CHANGED); nedits += edits; MRIfree(&mri) ; MRIfree(&mri_aseg_auto) ; if (edits) printf("Found %d edits in aseg.mgz\n",edits); fflush(stdout); } } if (mri_edits) { mri_edits->ct = CTABalloc(CTAB_ENTRIES) ; strcpy (mri_edits->fname, "mri_compile_edits"); for (i = 0 ; i < CTAB_ENTRIES ; i++) { switch (i) { case EDIT_WM_OFF: name = "wm-OFF" ; r = 0 ; g = 0 ; b = 255 ; break ; case EDIT_WM_ON: name = "wm-ON" ; r = 255 ; g = 0 ; b = 0 ; break ; case EDIT_BRAIN_OFF: name = "brain-OFF" ; r = 0 ; g = 255 ; b = 255 ; break ; case EDIT_BRAIN_ON: name = "brain-ON" ; r = 255 ; g = 255 ; b = 0 ; break ; case EDIT_BRAINMASK_OFF: name = "brainmask-OFF" ; r = 0 ; g = 64 ; b = 255 ; break ; case EDIT_BRAINMASK_ON: name = "brainmask-ON" ; r = 255 ; g = 26 ; b = 0 ; break ; case EDIT_FINALSURFS_OFF: name = "brain.finalsurf-OFF" ; r = 0 ; g = 128 ; b = 255 ; break ; case EDIT_FINALSURFS_ON: name = "brain.finalsurfs-ON" ; r = 255 ; g = 128 ; b = 0 ; break ; case EDIT_ASEG_CHANGED: name = "aseg-CHANGED" ; r = 255 ; g = 255 ; b = 128 ; break ; default: continue ; } strcpy(mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->name, name) ; mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->ri = r ; mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->gi = g ; mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->bi = b ; mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->ai = 255; /* Now calculate the float versions. */ mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->rf = (float)mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->ri / 255.0; mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->gf = (float)mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->gi / 255.0; mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->bf = (float)mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->bi / 255.0; mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->af = (float)mri_edits->ct->entries[i]->ai / 255.0; } } // recon-all -show-edits greps on this text, so dont change it if (nedits && mri_edits) { printf("%d mri_compile_edits_found, saving results to %s\n", nedits, out_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_edits, out_fname); printf("Edits can be viewed with command:\n"); printf("tkmedit %s T1.mgz -segmentation %s\n",subject,out_fname); } else { printf("0 mri_compile_edits_found\n") ; } exit(0) ; return(0) ; }
static int normalize_timepoints(MRI *mri, double thresh, int nsoap) { int frame, x, y, z, skip, nvox ; double target, val ; MRI *mri_ctrl, *mri_bias, *mri_target, *mri_frame, *mri_kernel ; mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri, MRI_UCHAR) ; mri_bias = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri, MRI_FLOAT) ; mri_target = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri, MRI_FLOAT) ; mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(sqrt(2.0*nsoap/M_PI), -1) ; for (nvox = x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++) for (y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++) for (z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++) { if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz) DiagBreak() ; for (target = 0.0, frame = 0 ; frame < mri->nframes ; frame++) target += MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame) ; target /= mri->nframes ; if (FZERO(target)) continue ; // both vals 0 skip = 0 ; for (frame = 0 ; frame < mri->nframes ; frame++) { val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame) ; if (fabs(val-target) > thresh) { skip = 1 ; break ; } } if (skip) continue ; nvox++ ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_ctrl, x, y, z, 0, CONTROL_MARKED) ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_target, x, y, z, 0, target) ; } printf("%d voxels found to base intensity correction on\n", nvox) ; // build a bias correction for each time point (which each has its own frame) for (frame = 0 ; frame < mri->nframes ; frame++) { MRIclear(mri_bias) ; for (x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++) for (y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++) for (z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++) { target = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_target, x, y, z, 0) ; val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, frame) ; if (FZERO(val)) val = 1.0 ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_bias, x, y, z, 0, target/val) ; } MRIbuildVoronoiDiagram(mri_bias, mri_ctrl, mri_bias) ; MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bias, mri_bias, mri_kernel) ; // MRIsoapBubble(mri_bias, mri_ctrl, mri_bias, nsoap) ; mri_frame = MRIcopyFrame(mri, NULL, frame, 0) ; MRImultiply(mri_frame, mri_bias, mri_frame) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) { char fname[STRLEN] ; sprintf(fname, "frame%d.mgz", frame) ; MRIwrite(mri_frame, fname) ; sprintf(fname, "bias%d.mgz", frame) ; MRIwrite(mri_bias, fname) ; sprintf(fname, "target%d.mgz", frame) ; MRIwrite(mri_target, fname) ; } MRIcopyFrame(mri_frame, mri, 0, frame) ; } MRIfree(&mri_bias) ; MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ; MRIfree(&mri_target) ; MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ; return(NO_ERROR) ; }
static int MRIcheckRemovals(MRI *mri_T1, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_labels, int wsize) { int x, y, z, width, depth, height, whalf, ntested, nchanged, on, vertex; MRI *mri_tmp, *mri_region, *mri_plane, *mri_binary_plane ; float min_on ; whalf = (wsize-1)/2 ; mri_tmp = MRIcopy(mri_dst, NULL) ; mri_region = MRIalloc(wsize, wsize, wsize, MRI_UCHAR) ; min_on = .1*wsize*wsize ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_labels, mri_tmp, 255) ; MRIbinarize(mri_tmp, mri_tmp, WM_MIN_VAL, 0, 100) ; width = mri_T1->width ; height = mri_T1->height ; depth = mri_T1->depth ; ntested = nchanged = 0 ; if (Gdiag == 99) { MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "tmp.mgh") ; } for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) { for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) { if (z == 87 && y == 88 && x == 163) /* test1 cs filled */ { DiagBreak() ; } if (z == 88 && y == 89 && x == 163) /* test1 cs filled */ { DiagBreak() ; } if (z == 101 && y == 133 && x == 152) { DiagBreak() ; } if (x == 157 && y == 143 && z == 98) { DiagBreak() ; } if (x == 156 && y == 143 && z == 98) { DiagBreak() ; } if (x == 154 && y == 167 && z == 128) { DiagBreak() ; } if (x == 136 && y == 147 && z == 28) { DiagBreak() ; } if (x == 163 && y == 88 && z == 86) { DiagBreak() ; } if ((x == 140 && y == 141 && z == 54) || (x == 140 && y == 141 && z == 53) || (x == 140 && y == 142 && z == 53) || (x == 140 && y == 142 && z == 54) || (x == 140 && y == 140 && z == 53)) { DiagBreak() ; /* test4 cerebellum */ } if (x == 142 && y == 139 && z == 54) /* test4 */ { DiagBreak() ; } if (!MRIgetVoxVal(mri_labels, x, y, z, 0)) { continue ; } ntested++ ; MRIextract(mri_tmp, mri_region, x-whalf,y-whalf,z-whalf, wsize, wsize, wsize) ; vertex = MRIcountCpolvOnAtVoxel(mri_region, whalf, whalf, whalf, wsize, &on) ; mri_plane = MRIextractVertexPlane(mri_tmp, NULL, vertex,x,y,z,wsize); MRIthreshold(mri_plane, mri_plane, 50) ; MRIremove1dStructures(mri_plane,mri_plane, 10000,2,NULL); mri_binary_plane = MRIfillFG(mri_plane, NULL, whalf, whalf, 0, 50, 128, &on) ; if (on > min_on) { int xk, yk, i, ntransitions, i_prev ; /* now look at the winding # (number of white-black transitions in a circle around the central point */ ntransitions = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < NPTS ; i++) { xk = xpts[i] ; yk = ypts[i] ; i_prev = i-1 ; if (i_prev < 0) { i_prev = NPTS-1 ; } if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_binary_plane, whalf+xpts[i], whalf+ypts[i], 0, 0) != MRIgetVoxVal(mri_binary_plane,whalf+xpts[i_prev], whalf+ypts[i_prev],0, 0)) { ntransitions++ ; } } if (ntransitions > 2) /* not planar */ { nchanged++ ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, 0, MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0)) ; } } if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE) { MRIwrite(mri_region, "region.mgh") ; MRIwrite(mri_plane, "plane.mgh") ; MRIwrite(mri_binary_plane, "binary_plane.mgh") ; } MRIfree(&mri_plane) ; MRIfree(&mri_binary_plane) ; } } } MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ; MRIfree(&mri_region) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_SHOW) { fprintf(stderr, " %8d voxels tested (%2.2f%%)\n", ntested, 100.0f*(float)ntested/ (float)(width*height*depth)); fprintf(stderr, " %8d voxels restored (%2.2f%%)\n", nchanged, 100.0f*(float)nchanged/ (float)(width*height*depth)); } return(NO_ERROR) ; }
MRI * MRIfindBrightNonWM(MRI *mri_T1, MRI *mri_wm) { int width, height, depth, x, y, z, nlabeled, nwhite, xk, yk, zk, xi, yi, zi; BUFTYPE val, wm ; MRI *mri_labeled, *mri_tmp ; mri_labeled = MRIclone(mri_T1, NULL) ; width = mri_T1->width ; height = mri_T1->height ; depth = mri_T1->depth ; for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) { for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) { val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) ; wm = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_wm, x, y, z, 0) ; if (x == 110 && y == 125 && z == 172) /* T1=148 */ { DiagBreak() ; } /* not white matter and bright (e.g. eye sockets) */ if ((wm < WM_MIN_VAL) && (val > 125)) { nwhite = 0 ; for (xk = -1 ; xk <= 1 ; xk++) { xi = mri_T1->xi[x+xk] ; for (yk = -1 ; yk <= 1 ; yk++) { yi = mri_T1->yi[y+yk] ; for (zk = -1 ; zk <= 1 ; zk++) { zi = mri_T1->zi[z+zk] ; if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_wm, xi, yi, zi, 0) >= WM_MIN_VAL) { nwhite++ ; } } } } #define MIN_WHITE ((3*3*3-1)/2) if (nwhite < MIN_WHITE) { MRIsetVoxVal(mri_labeled, x, y, z, 0, BRIGHT_LABEL) ; } } } } } /* find all connected voxels that are above 115 */ MRIdilateThreshLabel(mri_labeled, mri_T1, NULL, BRIGHT_LABEL, 10,115); MRIclose(mri_labeled, mri_labeled) ; /* expand once more to all neighboring voxels that are bright. At worst we will erase one voxel of white matter. */ mri_tmp = MRIdilateThreshLabel(mri_labeled, mri_T1, NULL, BRIGHT_LABEL,1,100); MRIxor(mri_labeled, mri_tmp, mri_tmp, 1, 255) ; MRIreplaceValues(mri_tmp, mri_tmp, 1, BRIGHT_BORDER_LABEL) ; MRIunion(mri_tmp, mri_labeled, mri_labeled) ; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "selectively smoothing volume....\n") ; MRIsoapBubbleLabel(mri_T1, mri_labeled, mri_T1, BRIGHT_LABEL, 200) ; #endif if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) { MRIwrite(mri_labeled, "label.mgh") ; } /* MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "tmp.mgh") ;*/ nlabeled = MRIvoxelsInLabel(mri_labeled, BRIGHT_LABEL) ; fprintf(stderr, "%d bright non-wm voxels segmented.\n", nlabeled) ; MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ; return(mri_labeled) ; }
MRI * MRIfillVentricles(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) { int width, height, depth, x, y, z, xk, yk, xi, yi, nfilled, total, s ; MRI *mri_filled, *mri_ventricles = NULL ; MRI_SEGMENTATION *mriseg ; MRI_SEGMENT *mseg ; Real xt, yt, zt ; if (!mri_dst) { mri_dst = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ; } width = mri_src->width ; height = mri_src->height ; depth = mri_src->depth ; MRIcopy(mri_src, mri_dst) ; mri_filled = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ; MRIreplaceValues(mri_filled, mri_filled, VENTRICLE_FILL, VENTRICLE_FILL-1) ; /* first fill each coronal slice starting from a background seed */ for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) { total = 0 ; do { nfilled = 0 ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_filled, 0, 0, z, 0, VENTRICLE_FILL) ; for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_filled, x, y, z, 0) == VENTRICLE_FILL) { for (yk = -1 ; yk <= 1 ; yk++) { yi = mri_src->yi[y+yk] ; for (xk = -1 ; xk <= 1 ; xk++) { xi = mri_src->xi[x+xk] ; if (!MRIgetVoxVal(mri_filled, xi, yi, z, 0)) { nfilled++ ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_filled, xi, yi, z, 0, VENTRICLE_FILL) ; } } } } } } total += nfilled ; } while (nfilled > 0) ; } MRIcomplement(mri_filled, mri_filled) ; MRIreplaceValues(mri_filled, mri_filled, 1, VENTRICLE_FILL) ; mriseg = MRIsegment(mri_filled, 1, 255) ; fprintf(stderr, "%d segments found...\n", mriseg->nsegments) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) { MRIwrite(mri_filled, "exterior_filled.mgh") ; } for (s = 0 ; s < mriseg->nsegments ; s++) { mseg = &mriseg->segments[s] ; if (mseg->nvoxels < 100 || mseg->z1-mseg->z0 < 7) { continue ; } MRIvoxelToTalairach(mri_src, mseg->cx, mseg->cy, mseg->cz, &xt, &yt, &zt); fprintf(stderr, "added segment %d, nvox=%d, bbox [%d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d]\n" "\tc = %2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f (tal = %2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f)\n", s, mseg->nvoxels, mseg->x0, mseg->x1, mseg->y0,mseg->y1,mseg->z0, mseg->z1, mseg->cx, mseg->cy, mseg->cz, xt, yt, zt) ; mri_ventricles = MRIsegmentToImage(mri_filled, mri_ventricles, mriseg, s) ; } MRIfree(&mri_filled) ; MRIsegmentFree(&mriseg) ; /* remove voxels close to the midline so that the cc can still be found */ for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) { for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) { MRIvoxelToTalairach(mri_src, x, y, z, &xt, &yt, &zt); if (fabs(xt) < 5) { MRIsetVoxVal(mri_ventricles, x, y, z, 0, 0) ; } } } } if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) { MRIwrite(mri_ventricles, "ventricles.mgh") ; } MRIunion(mri_ventricles, mri_dst, mri_dst) ; MRIfree(&mri_ventricles) ; return(mri_dst) ; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MRI *mri_src, *mri_dst, *mri_tmp, *mri_labeled, *mri_labels; char *input_file_name, *output_file_name ; int nargs, i, msec ; struct timeb then ; float white_mean, white_sigma, gray_mean, gray_sigma ; char cmdline[CMD_LINE_LEN] ; TAGmakeCommandLineString(argc, argv, cmdline) ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_segment.c,v 1.40 2011/03/02 00:04:24 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) { exit (0); } argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 3) { usage_exit(1); } TimerStart(&then) ; input_file_name = argv[1] ; output_file_name = argv[2] ; mri_src = MRIread(input_file_name) ; if (!mri_src) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read source volume from %s", Progname, input_file_name) ; MRIaddCommandLine(mri_src, cmdline) ; if (mri_src->type != MRI_UCHAR) { MRI *mri_tmp ; printf("changing input type from %d to UCHAR\n", mri_src->type) ; mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_src, MRI_UCHAR, 0, 1000, 1) ; MRIfree(&mri_src) ; mri_src = mri_tmp ; } if (thicken > 1) { mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ; /* MRIfilterMorphology(mri_dst, mri_dst) ;*/ fprintf(stderr, "removing 1-dimensional structures...\n") ; MRIremove1dStructures(mri_dst, mri_dst, 10000, 2, NULL) ; #if 0 MRIcheckRemovals(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_labels, 5) ; fprintf(stderr, "thickening thin strands....\n") ; MRIthickenThinWMStrands(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_dst, thickness, nsegments, wm_hi) ; #endif MRIwrite(mri_dst, output_file_name) ; exit(0) ; } mri_labels = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ; if (auto_detect_stats && !wm_low_set) /* widen range to allow for more variability */ { wm_low -= 10 ; } fprintf(stderr, "doing initial intensity segmentation...\n") ; mri_tmp = MRIintensitySegmentation(mri_src, NULL, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi); if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) { MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "tmp1.mgz") ; } fprintf(stderr, "using local statistics to label ambiguous voxels...\n") ; MRIhistoSegment(mri_src, mri_tmp, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi, wsize, 3.0f) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) { MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "tmp2.mgz") ; } if (auto_detect_stats) { fprintf(stderr, "computing class statistics for intensity windows...\n") ; MRIcomputeClassStatistics(mri_src, mri_tmp, gray_low, WHITE_MATTER_MEAN, &white_mean, &white_sigma, &gray_mean, &gray_sigma) ; if (!finite(white_mean) || !finite(white_sigma) || !finite(gray_mean) || !finite(gray_sigma)) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: class statistics not finite - check input volume!", Progname); if (!wm_low_set) { if (FZERO(gray_sigma)) { wm_low = (white_mean+gray_mean) / 2 ; } else { wm_low = gray_mean + gray_sigma ; } } if (!gray_hi_set) { gray_hi = gray_mean + 2*gray_sigma ; #if 1 if (gray_hi >= white_mean) { gray_hi = white_mean-1 ; } #endif } fprintf(stderr, "setting bottom of white matter range to %2.1f\n",wm_low); fprintf(stderr, "setting top of gray matter range to %2.1f\n", gray_hi) ; if (log_stats) { FILE *fp ; fp = fopen("segment.dat", "w") ; if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "WM: %2.1f +- %2.1f\n",white_mean, white_sigma) ; fprintf(fp, "GM: %2.1f +- %2.1f\n",gray_mean, gray_sigma) ; fprintf(fp, "setting bottom of white matter range to %2.1f\n",wm_low); fprintf(fp, "setting top of gray matter range to %2.1f\n", gray_hi) ; fclose(fp) ; } } fprintf(stderr, "doing initial intensity segmentation...\n") ; mri_tmp = MRIintensitySegmentation(mri_src, NULL, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi); fprintf(stderr, "using local statistics to label ambiguous voxels...\n") ; MRIhistoSegment(mri_src, mri_tmp, wm_low, wm_hi, gray_hi, wsize, 3.0f) ; } else { /* just some not-too-dopey defaults - won't really be used */ white_mean = 110 ; white_sigma = 5.0 ; gray_mean = 65 ; gray_sigma = 12 ; } fprintf(stderr, "using local geometry to label remaining ambiguous voxels...\n") ; mri_labeled = MRIcpolvMedianCurveSegment(mri_src, mri_tmp, NULL, 5, 3, gray_hi, wm_low); fprintf(stderr, "\nreclassifying voxels using Gaussian border classifier...\n") ; /* now use the gray and white matter border voxels to build a Gaussian classifier at each point in space and reclassify all voxels in the range [wm_low-5,gray_hi]. */ for (i = 0 ; i < niter ; i++) { MRIreclassify(mri_src, mri_labeled, mri_labeled, wm_low-5,gray_hi,wsize); } MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ; mri_dst = MRImaskLabels(mri_src, mri_labeled, NULL) ; MRIfree(&mri_labeled) ; MRIrecoverBrightWhite(mri_src, mri_dst,mri_dst,wm_low,wm_hi,white_sigma,.33); fprintf(stderr, "\nremoving voxels with positive offset direction...\n") ; #if 0 MRIremoveWrongDirection(mri_dst, mri_dst, 3, wm_low-5, gray_hi, mri_labels) ; #else MRIremoveWrongDirection(mri_dst, mri_dst, 3, wm_low-5, gray_hi, NULL) ; #endif if (thicken) { /* MRIfilterMorphology(mri_dst, mri_dst) ;*/ fprintf(stderr, "removing 1-dimensional structures...\n") ; MRIremove1dStructures(mri_dst, mri_dst, 10000, 2, mri_labels) ; #if 0 MRIcheckRemovals(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_labels, 5) ; #endif fprintf(stderr, "thickening thin strands....\n") ; MRIthickenThinWMStrands(mri_src, mri_dst, mri_dst, thickness, nsegments, wm_hi) ; } mri_tmp = MRIfindBrightNonWM(mri_src, mri_dst) ; MRIbinarize(mri_tmp, mri_tmp, WM_MIN_VAL, 255, 0) ; MRImaskLabels(mri_dst, mri_tmp, mri_dst) ; MRIfilterMorphology(mri_dst, mri_dst) ; if (fill_bg) { fprintf(stderr, "filling basal ganglia....\n") ; MRIfillBasalGanglia(mri_src, mri_dst) ; } if (fill_ventricles) { fprintf(stderr, "filling ventricles....\n") ; MRIfillVentricles(mri_dst, mri_dst) ; } MRIfree(&mri_src) ; msec = TimerStop(&then) ; fprintf(stderr, "white matter segmentation took %2.1f minutes\n", (float)msec/(1000.0f*60.0f)); fprintf(stderr, "writing output to %s...\n", output_file_name) ; if (keep_edits) { MRI *mri_old ; mri_old = MRIread(output_file_name) ; if (!mri_old) { ErrorPrintf (ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read file %s to preserve edits", Progname, output_file_name) ; exit(1); } else { MRIcopyLabel(mri_old, mri_dst, WM_EDITED_ON_VAL) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_old, mri_dst, WM_EDITED_OFF_VAL) ; MRIfree(&mri_old) ; } } MRIwrite(mri_dst, output_file_name) ; MRIfree(&mri_dst) ; exit(0) ; return(0) ; }
static int MRISrepositionToInnerSkull(MRI_SURFACE *mris, MRI *mri_smooth, INTEGRATION_PARMS *parms) { MRI *mri_dist, *mri_bin, *mri_kernel, *mri_bin_smooth, *mri_dist_smooth ; float l_spring, sigma ; int i, ic_order, avgs ; parms->niterations = 1000 ; if (parms->momentum < 0.0) parms->momentum = 0.0 /*0.75*/ ; mri_bin = MRIbinarize(mri_smooth, NULL, 15, 0, TARGET_VAL) ; mri_dist = MRIdistanceTransform(mri_bin, NULL, TARGET_VAL, 10*mri_bin->width, DTRANS_MODE_SIGNED, NULL) ; MRIwrite(mri_bin, "bin.mgz") ; MRIwrite(mri_dist, "dist.mgz") ; MRISscaleBrain(mris, mris, 0.5) ; // start inside mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(2, 0) ; mri_bin_smooth = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bin, NULL, mri_kernel) ; MRIwrite(mri_bin_smooth, "bin_smooth.mgz") ; MRISfindOptimalRigidPosition(mris, mri_bin_smooth, parms) ; MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ; MRIfree(&mri_bin_smooth) ; avgs = parms->n_averages = 32 ; l_spring = parms->l_spring_norm ; for (ic_order = 3 ; ic_order <= 3 ; ic_order++) { if (ic_order != ic_init) { MRI_SURFACE *mris_new ; char fname[STRLEN], *mdir ; mdir = getenv("FREESURFER_HOME") ; if (!mdir) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "FREESURFER_HOME not defined in environment") ; sprintf(fname, "%s/lib/bem/ic%d.tri", mdir, ic_order) ; mris_new = MRISread(fname) ; MRISupsampleIco(mris, mris_new) ; MRISfree(&mris) ; mris = mris_new ; } printf("********************** using ICO order %d *********************\n", ic_order) ; parms->n_averages = avgs ; parms->l_spring_norm = l_spring ; for (sigma = 16.0, i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++, sigma /= 2) { printf("******************** pass %d, sigma = %2.2f, avgs = %d ******************\n", i+1, sigma, parms->n_averages) ; parms->sigma = sigma ; MRISsetVals(mris,parms->sigma) ; MRIScopyValToVal2(mris) ; MRISsetVals(mris, 0) ; // 0 mm from fat parms->mri_brain = mri_dist ; mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(sigma, 0) ; mri_dist_smooth = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_dist, NULL, mri_kernel) ; MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ; if (i == 0) { MRIwrite(mri_dist_smooth, "dist_smooth.mgz") ; MRISwrite(mris, "lh.0000") ; } MRISsetVals(mris, 0) ; MRISpositionSurface(mris, mri_dist, mri_dist_smooth, parms) ; parms->l_spring_norm /= 2; parms->n_averages /= 2 ; } } MRIfree(&mri_bin) ; MRIfree(&mri_dist) ; return(NO_ERROR) ; }
static int initialize_surface_position(MRI_SURFACE *mris, MRI *mri_masked, int outside, INTEGRATION_PARMS *parms) { MRI *mri_dilated ; int x, y, z, vno ; double x0, y0, z0, radius = 0, dist, num ; Real xs, ys, zs ; VERTEX *v ; if (outside) { mri_dilated = MRIdilate(mri_masked, NULL) ; MRIsubtract(mri_dilated, mri_masked, mri_dilated) ; MRIwrite(mri_dilated, "outside.mgz") ; num = x0 = y0 = z0 = 0 ; for (x = 0 ; x < mri_dilated->width ; x++) { for (y = 0 ; y < mri_dilated->height ; y++) { for (z = 0 ; z < mri_dilated->depth ; z++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_dilated, x, y, z,0) > 0) { MRIvoxelToSurfaceRAS(mri_dilated, x, y, z, &xs, &ys, &zs) ; x0 += xs ; y0 += ys ; z0 += zs ; num++ ; } } } } x0 /= num ; y0 /= num ; z0 /= num ; printf("centroid at (%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f)\n", x0, y0, z0) ; num = radius = 0 ; for (x = 0 ; x < mri_dilated->width ; x++) { for (y = 0 ; y < mri_dilated->height ; y++) { for (z = 0 ; z < mri_dilated->depth ; z++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_dilated, x, y, z,0) > 0) { MRIvoxelToSurfaceRAS(mri_dilated, x, y, z, &xs, &ys, &zs) ; dist = sqrt(SQR(xs-x0)+SQR(ys-y0)+SQR(zs-z0)) ; radius += dist ; num++ ; } } } } radius /= num ; printf("average radius = %2.3f\n", radius) ; MRIfree(&mri_dilated) ; MRISprojectOntoSphere(mris, mris, radius*1.25) ; for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) { v = &mris->vertices[vno] ; v->x += x0 ; v->y += y0 ; v->z += z0 ; } MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ; } parms->target_radius = radius ; MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ; return(NO_ERROR) ; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, fname[STRLEN], *T1_fname, *PD_fname, *output_dir, *mdir ; int ac, nargs, msec, s ; MRI_SURFACE *mris ; MRI *mri_flash1, *mri_flash2, *mri_masked, *mri_masked_smooth, *mri_kernel, *mri_mean, *mri_dif, *mri_binary, *mri_distance ; MRI *mri_smooth, *mri_grad, *mri_inner ; struct timeb then ; double l_spring ; MRI_SEGMENTATION *mriseg ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mris_AA_shrinkwrap.c,v 1.5 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Gdiag |= DIAG_SHOW ; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms)) ; parms.projection = NO_PROJECTION ; parms.tol = 0.05 ; parms.check_tol = 1 ; parms.ignore_energy = 1 ; parms.dt = 0.5f ; parms.base_dt = BASE_DT_SCALE*parms.dt ; parms.l_spring_norm = 1 ; parms.l_shrinkwrap = 0 ; parms.l_intensity = 1 ; parms.niterations = 0 ; parms.write_iterations = 0 /*WRITE_ITERATIONS */; parms.integration_type = INTEGRATE_MOMENTUM ; parms.momentum = 0.0 /*0.8*/ ; parms.l_intensity = 1 ; parms.dt_increase = 1.0 /* DT_INCREASE */; parms.dt_decrease = 0.50 /* DT_DECREASE*/ ; parms.error_ratio = 50.0 /*ERROR_RATIO */; /* parms.integration_type = INTEGRATE_LINE_MINIMIZE ;*/ parms.l_surf_repulse = 0.0 ; parms.l_repulse = 0 /*1*/ ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } mdir = getenv("FREESURFER_HOME") ; if (!mdir) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "FREESURFER_HOME not defined in environment") ; if (argc < 4) usage_exit() ; /* set default parameters for white and gray matter surfaces */ parms.niterations = 1000 ; if (parms.momentum < 0.0) parms.momentum = 0.0 /*0.75*/ ; TimerStart(&then) ; T1_fname = argv[1] ; PD_fname = argv[2] ; output_dir = argv[3] ; fprintf(stderr, "reading volume %s...\n", T1_fname) ; mri_flash1 = MRIread(T1_fname) ; if (!mri_flash1) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s", Progname, T1_fname) ; mri_flash2 = MRIread(PD_fname) ; if (!mri_flash2) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s", Progname, T1_fname) ; // setMRIforSurface(mri_flash1); sprintf(fname, "%s/lib/bem/ic%d.tri", mdir, ic_init) ; mris = MRISread(fname) ; if (!mris) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read icosahedron %s", Progname, fname) ; mri_mean = MRImean(mri_flash1, NULL, 5) ; MRIwrite(mri_mean, "mean.mgz") ; mri_dif = MRIabsdiff(mri_flash1, mri_flash2, NULL) ; MRIwrite(mri_dif, "dif.mgz") ; mriseg = MRIsegment(mri_mean, 30, 100000) ; s = MRIsegmentMax(mriseg) ; mri_masked = MRIsegmentToImage(mri_flash1, NULL, mriseg, s) ; MRIwrite(mri_masked, "mask.mgz") ; MRIsegmentFree(&mriseg) ; // MRIthresholdMask(mri_dif, mri_masked, mri_dif, 1, 0) ; // MRIwrite(mri_dif, "dif_masked.mgz") ; mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(2, 0) ; mri_smooth = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_dif, NULL, mri_kernel) ; MRIwrite(mri_smooth, "smooth.mgz") ; MRIScopyVolGeomFromMRI(mris, mri_smooth) ; mris->useRealRAS = 1 ; initialize_surface_position(mris, mri_dif, 1, &parms) ; MRISwrite(mris, "init") ; MRISrepositionToInnerSkull(mris, mri_smooth, &parms) ; exit(0) ; mri_grad = MRIsobel(mri_smooth, NULL, NULL) ; MRIwrite(mri_grad, "grad.mgz") ; mri_inner = MRIfindInnerBoundary(mri_dif, mri_grad, NULL, 5.0) ; MRIwrite(mri_inner, "inner.mgz") ; MRIbinarize(mri_inner, mri_inner, 10, 0, 128) ; MRISpositionOptimalSphere(mris, mri_inner, 6) ; MRISwrite(mris, "optimal") ; exit(0) ; parms.sigma = 4 / mri_flash1->xsize ; // mri_dist = create_distance_map(mri_masked, NULL, BORDER_VAL, OUTSIDE_BORDER_STEP) ; MRISsetVals(mris,parms.sigma) ; MRIScopyValToVal2(mris) ; MRISsetVals(mris, 0) ; sprintf(parms.base_name, "%s_inner_skull%s%s", "test", output_suffix, suffix) ; parms.mri_brain = mri_masked ; l_spring = parms.l_spring_norm ; mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(parms.sigma, 0) ; mri_binary = MRIbinarize(mri_dif, mri_binary, 40, 0, 128) ; MRIwrite(mri_binary, "bin.mgz") ; mri_distance = MRIdistanceTransform(mri_binary, NULL, 128, 100, DTRANS_MODE_SIGNED, NULL) ; MRIwrite(mri_distance, "dist.mgz") ; mri_masked_smooth = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_distance, NULL, mri_kernel) ; MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ; MRIwrite(mri_masked_smooth, "dif_smooth.mgz") ; MRISwrite(mris, "inner_skull.tri") ; msec = TimerStop(&then) ; fprintf(stderr,"positioning took %2.1f minutes\n", (float)msec/(60*1000.0f)); exit(0) ; return(0) ; /* for ansi */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, fname[STRLEN] ; int ac, nargs, i ; MRI *mri_flash[MAX_IMAGES], *mri_T1, *mri_PD ; char *in_fname, *out_PD_fname, *out_T1_fname ; int msec, minutes, seconds, nvolumes ; struct timeb start ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_estimate_tissue_parms.c,v 1.9 2011/03/02 00:04:15 nicks Exp $", "$Name: $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; TimerStart(&start) ; parms.dt = 1e-6 ; parms.tol = 1e-5 ; parms.momentum = 0.0 ; parms.niterations = 20 ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 4) usage_exit(1) ; out_T1_fname = argv[argc-2] ; out_PD_fname = argv[argc-1] ; FileNameOnly(out_T1_fname, fname) ; FileNameRemoveExtension(fname, fname) ; strcpy(parms.base_name, fname) ; nvolumes = 0 ; for (i = 1 ; i < argc-2 ; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (!stricmp(argv[i]+1, "te")) te = atof(argv[i+1]) ; else if (!stricmp(argv[i]+1, "tr")) tr = atof(argv[i+1]) ; else if (!stricmp(argv[i]+1, "fa")) fa = RADIANS(atof(argv[i+1])) ; else ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: unsupported MR parameter %s", Progname, argv[i]+1) ; i++ ; /* skip parameter */ continue ; } in_fname = argv[i] ; printf("reading %s...", in_fname) ; mri_flash[nvolumes] = MRIread(in_fname) ; if (!mri_flash[nvolumes]) ErrorExit(Gerror, "%s: MRIread(%s) failed", Progname, in_fname) ; if (tr > 0) { mri_flash[nvolumes]->tr = tr ; tr = 0 ; } if (te > 0) { mri_flash[nvolumes]->te = te ; te = 0 ; } if (fa > 0) { mri_flash[nvolumes]->flip_angle = fa ; fa = 0 ; } printf("TE = %2.2f, TR = %2.2f, alpha = %2.2f\n", mri_flash[nvolumes]->te, mri_flash[nvolumes]->tr, DEGREES(mri_flash[nvolumes]->flip_angle)) ; mri_flash[nvolumes]->flip_angle = mri_flash[nvolumes]->flip_angle; if (conform) { MRI *mri_tmp ; printf("embedding and interpolating volume\n") ; mri_tmp = MRIconform(mri_flash[nvolumes]) ; /* MRIfree(&mri_src) ;*/ mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp ; } if (FZERO(mri_flash[nvolumes]->tr) || FZERO(mri_flash[nvolumes]->flip_angle)) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: invalid TR or FA for image %d:%s", Progname, nvolumes, in_fname) ; nvolumes++ ; } printf("using %d FLASH volumes to estimate tissue parameters.\n", nvolumes) ; mri_T1 = MRIclone(mri_flash[0], NULL) ; mri_PD = MRIclone(mri_flash[0], NULL) ; { double sse, last_T1, last_PD, total_rms, avg_rms ; int x, y, z, width, height, depth, total_vox, ignored, nvox ; struct timeb first_slice ; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; TimerStart(&first_slice) ; last_T1 = last_PD = 1000 ; sse = 0.0 ; width = mri_T1->width ; height = mri_T1->height ; depth = mri_T1->depth ; total_vox = width*depth*height ; #if 0 estimateVoxelParameters(mri_flash, nvolumes, width/2, height/2, depth/2, mri_T1, mri_PD, last_T1, last_PD) ; #endif if (Gdiag_no == 999) { x = 130 ; y = 124 ; z = 74 ; /* CSF */ computeErrorSurface("error_surf_csf.dat",mri_flash,nvolumes,x,y,z,500,3000,500,3000); x = 161 ; y = 157 ; z = 63 ; /* wm */ computeErrorSurface("error_surf_wm.dat",mri_flash,nvolumes,x,y,z,250,3000,250,3000); x = 166 ; y = 153 ; z = 63 ; /* gm */ computeErrorSurface("error_surf_gm.dat",mri_flash,nvolumes,x,y,z,250,3000,250,3000); } avg_rms = 0 ; for (ignored = z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) { if (z > 0) printf("z = %d, avg rms=%2.1f, T1=%2.0f, PD=%2.0f...\n", z, avg_rms, last_T1, last_PD) ; #if 0 if (z > 0 && z*width*height - ignored > 0) { int processed = z*width*height - ignored, hours ; msec = TimerStop(&first_slice) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; hours = minutes / 60 ; minutes = minutes % 60 ; printf("%02d:%02d:%02d total processing time ... ", hours,minutes,seconds); msec = (int)((float)(total_vox-ignored)*msec/(float)processed) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; hours = minutes / 60 ; minutes = minutes % 60 ; printf("estimate %02d:%02d:%02d remaining.\n", hours,minutes, seconds); } #endif if (write_iterations > 0 && z > 0 && !(z%write_iterations)) { printf("writing T1 esimates to %s...\n", out_T1_fname) ; printf("writing PD estimates to %s...\n", out_PD_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_T1, out_T1_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_PD, out_PD_fname) ; printf("writing residuals to %s...\n", residual_name) ; if (residual_name) { MRI *mri_res, *mri_res_total = NULL ; for (i = 0 ; i < nvolumes ; i++) { mri_res = compute_residuals(mri_flash[i], mri_T1, mri_PD) ; sprintf(fname, "%s%d.mgh", residual_name, i) ; #if 0 MRIwrite(mri_res, fname) ; #endif if (!mri_res_total) { mri_res_total = MRIcopy(mri_res, NULL) ; } else { MRIsadd(mri_res, mri_res_total, mri_res_total) ; } MRIfree(&mri_res) ; } MRIsscalarMul(mri_res_total, mri_res_total, 1.0/(float)nvolumes) ; MRIssqrt(mri_res_total, mri_res_total) ; sprintf(fname, "%s.mgh", residual_name) ; MRIwrite(mri_res_total, fname) ; } } nvox = 0 ; total_rms = 0 ; for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) { #if 0 if (y%32 == 0 && nvox > 0) printf("z = %d, y = %d, avg rms=%2.1f, T1=%2.0f, PD=%2.0f...\n", z, y, total_rms/(double)nvox, last_T1, last_PD) ; #endif for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) { #if 0 for (i = 0 ; i < nvolumes ; i++) if (MRISvox(mri_flash[i],x,y,z) > thresh) break ; if (i >= nvolumes) #else if (no_valid_data(mri_flash, nvolumes, x, y, z, thresh)) #endif { ignored++ ; MRISvox(mri_T1, x, y, z) = MRISvox(mri_PD, x, y, z) = 0 ; /* last_T1 = last_PD = 1000 ;*/ continue ; } #if 0 sse = findInitialParameters(mri_flash, nvolumes, x, y, z, last_PD-1000, last_PD+1000, last_T1-1000, last_T1+1000, &last_PD, &last_T1, 10) ; #endif #if 0 sse = findInitialParameters(mri_flash, nvolumes, x, y, z, last_PD-100, last_PD+100, last_T1-100, last_T1+100, &last_PD, &last_T1, 10) ; if (last_T1 <= MIN_T1 || last_PD <= 0) { ignored++ ; MRISvox(mri_T1, x, y, z) = MRISvox(mri_PD, x, y, z) = 0 ; /* last_T1 = last_PD = 1000 ;*/ continue ; } #endif sse = estimateVoxelParameters(mri_flash, nvolumes, x, y, z, mri_T1, mri_PD, nsteps) ; nvox++ ; last_T1 = MRISvox(mri_T1, x, y, z) ; last_PD = MRISvox(mri_PD, x, y, z) ; total_rms += sqrt(sse/nvolumes) ; if (!finite(total_rms)) DiagBreak() ; } } avg_rms = total_rms / nvox ; if (!finite(avg_rms)) DiagBreak() ; } } printf("writing T1 esimates to %s...\n", out_T1_fname) ; printf("writing PD estimates to %s...\n", out_PD_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_T1, out_T1_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_PD, out_PD_fname) ; if (residual_name) { MRI *mri_res_total = NULL ; for (i = 0 ; i < nvolumes ; i++) { MRI *mri_res ; mri_res = compute_residuals(mri_flash[i], mri_T1, mri_PD) ; #if 0 sprintf(fname, "%s%d.mgh", residual_name, i) ; MRIwrite(mri_res, fname) ; #endif if (!mri_res_total) { mri_res_total = MRIcopy(mri_res, NULL) ; } else { MRIsadd(mri_res, mri_res_total, mri_res_total) ; } MRIfree(&mri_res) ; } MRIsscalarMul(mri_res_total, mri_res_total, 1.0/(float)nvolumes) ; MRIssqrt(mri_res_total, mri_res_total) ; sprintf(fname, "%s.mgh", residual_name) ; MRIwrite(mri_res_total, fname) ; } MRIfree(&mri_T1) ; MRIfree(&mri_PD) ; msec = TimerStop(&start) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; printf("parameter estimation took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ; exit(0) ; return(0) ; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, *out_fname, *T1_fname, *PD_fname ; int ac, nargs ; MRI *mri_T1, *mri_PD, *mri_out, *mri_T2star = NULL ; float TR, TE, alpha ; char cmdline[CMD_LINE_LEN] ; make_cmd_version_string (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_synthesize.c,v 1.18 2011/03/02 00:04:25 nicks Exp $", "$Name: $", cmdline); /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_synthesize.c,v 1.18 2011/03/02 00:04:25 nicks Exp $", "$Name: $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 7) usage_exit() ; TR = atof(argv[1]) ; alpha = atof(argv[2]) ; TE = atof(argv[3]) ; T1_fname = argv[4] ; PD_fname = argv[5] ; out_fname = argv[6] ; printf("reading T1 volume from %s...\n", T1_fname) ; mri_T1 = MRIread(T1_fname) ; if (!mri_T1) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read T1 volume %s", Progname, T1_fname) ; if (extract) { MRI *mri_tmp ; int dx, dy, dz ; dx = mri_T1->width/2 ; dy = mri_T1->height/2 ; dz = mri_T1->depth/2 ; printf("extracting interior %dx%dx%d\n", dx, dy, dz) ; mri_tmp = MRIextract(mri_T1, NULL, dx/2, dy/2, dz/2, dx, dy, dz) ; MRIfree(&mri_T1) ; mri_T1 = mri_tmp ; } if (jpdf_name) { transform_T1_values_using_joint_pdf(mri_T1, jpdf_name, invert) ; } printf("reading PD volume from %s...\n", PD_fname) ; mri_PD = MRIread(PD_fname) ; if (!mri_PD) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read PD volume %s", Progname, PD_fname) ; if (T2star_fname != NULL) { printf("reading T2* volume from %s...\n", T2star_fname) ; mri_T2star = MRIread(T2star_fname) ; if (!mri_T2star) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read T2* volume %s", Progname, T2star_fname) ; } if (PDsat > 0) saturate_PD(mri_PD, PDsat) ; if (extract) { MRI *mri_tmp ; int dx, dy, dz ; dx = mri_PD->width/2 ; dy = mri_PD->height/2 ; dz = mri_PD->depth/2 ; mri_tmp = MRIextract(mri_PD, NULL, dx/2, dy/2, dz/2, dx, dy, dz) ; MRIfree(&mri_PD) ; mri_PD = mri_tmp ; } if (use_weighting) { mri_out = MRIsynthesizeWeightedVolume(mri_T1, mri_PD, w5, TR, w30, TR, 110,TE); } else { printf("synthesizing volume with TR=%2.1f msec, TE=%2.1f msec, and alpha=%2.2f degrees...\n", TR, TE, alpha) ; if (normalize) normalize_PD(mri_PD, 1000) ; if (discard) discard_PD(mri_PD, 250, 1500) ; if (nl_remap_T1) remap_T1(mri_T1, nl_mean, nl_scale) ; if (nfaf > 0) mri_out = MRIsynthesizeWithFAF(mri_T1, mri_PD, NULL, TR, RADIANS(alpha), TE, nfaf, faf_coefs) ; else mri_out = MRIsynthesize(mri_T1, mri_PD, mri_T2star, NULL, TR, RADIANS(alpha), TE) ; } if (nbias > 0) apply_bias_field(mri_out, nbias, bias_coefs) ; printf("writing output to %s.\n", out_fname) ; MRIaddCommandLine(mri_out, cmdline) ; MRIwrite(mri_out, out_fname) ; exit(0) ; return(0) ; /* for ansi */ }
/*--------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nargs, nthin, nframestot=0, nr=0,nc=0,ns=0, fout; int r,c,s,f,outf,nframes,err,nthrep; double v, v1, v2, vavg, vsum; int inputDatatype=MRI_UCHAR; MATRIX *Upca=NULL,*Spca=NULL; MRI *Vpca=NULL; char *stem; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, vcid, "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) { exit (0); } argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; argc --; argv++; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; if (argc == 0) { usage_exit(); } parse_commandline(argc, argv); check_options(); dump_options(stdout); if(maskfile) { printf("Loading mask %s\n",maskfile); mask = MRIread(maskfile); if(mask == NULL) { exit(1); } } printf("ninputs = %d\n",ninputs); if(DoCheck) { printf("Checking inputs\n"); for(nthin = 0; nthin < ninputs; nthin++) { if(Gdiag_no > 0 || debug) { printf("Checking %2d %s\n",nthin,inlist[nthin]); fflush(stdout); } mritmp = MRIreadHeader(inlist[nthin],MRI_VOLUME_TYPE_UNKNOWN); if (mritmp == NULL) { printf("ERROR: reading %s\n",inlist[nthin]); exit(1); } if (nthin == 0) { nc = mritmp->width; nr = mritmp->height; ns = mritmp->depth; } if (mritmp->width != nc || mritmp->height != nr || mritmp->depth != ns) { printf("ERROR: dimension mismatch between %s and %s\n", inlist[0],inlist[nthin]); exit(1); } nframestot += mritmp->nframes; inputDatatype = mritmp->type; // used by DoKeepDatatype option MRIfree(&mritmp); } } else { printf("NOT Checking inputs, assuming nframestot = ninputs\n"); nframestot = ninputs; mritmp = MRIreadHeader(inlist[0],MRI_VOLUME_TYPE_UNKNOWN); if (mritmp == NULL) { printf("ERROR: reading %s\n",inlist[0]); exit(1); } nc = mritmp->width; nr = mritmp->height; ns = mritmp->depth; MRIfree(&mritmp); } printf("nframestot = %d\n",nframestot); if (DoRMS) { if (ninputs != 1) { printf("ERROR: --rms supports only single input w/ multiple frames\n"); exit (1); } if (nframestot == 1) { printf("ERROR: --rms input must have multiple frames\n"); exit (1); } } if(ngroups != 0) { printf("Creating grouped mean matrix ngroups=%d, nper=%d\n", ngroups,nframestot/ngroups); M = GroupedMeanMatrix(ngroups,nframestot); if(M==NULL) { exit(1); } if(debug) { MatrixPrint(stdout,M); } } if(M != NULL) { if(nframestot != M->cols) { printf("ERROR: dimension mismatch between inputs (%d) and matrix (%d)\n", nframestot,M->rows); exit(1); } } if (DoPaired) { if (remainder(nframestot,2) != 0) { printf("ERROR: --paired-xxx specified but there are an " "odd number of frames\n"); exit(1); } } printf("Allocing output\n"); fflush(stdout); int datatype=MRI_FLOAT; if (DoKeepDatatype) { datatype = inputDatatype; } if (DoRMS) { // RMS always has single frame output mriout = MRIallocSequence(nc,nr,ns,datatype,1); } else { mriout = MRIallocSequence(nc,nr,ns,datatype,nframestot); } if (mriout == NULL) { exit(1); } printf("Done allocing\n"); fout = 0; for (nthin = 0; nthin < ninputs; nthin++) { if (DoRMS) break; // MRIrms reads the input frames if(Gdiag_no > 0 || debug) { printf("Loading %dth input %s\n", nthin+1,fio_basename(inlist[nthin],NULL)); fflush(stdout); } mritmp = MRIread(inlist[nthin]); if(mritmp == NULL) { printf("ERROR: loading %s\n",inlist[nthin]); exit(1); } if(nthin == 0) { MRIcopyHeader(mritmp, mriout); //mriout->nframes = nframestot; } if(DoAbs) { if(Gdiag_no > 0 || debug) { printf("Removing sign from input\n"); } MRIabs(mritmp,mritmp); } if(DoPos) { if(Gdiag_no > 0 || debug) { printf("Setting input negatives to 0.\n"); } MRIpos(mritmp,mritmp); } if(DoNeg) { if(Gdiag_no > 0 || debug) { printf("Setting input positives to 0.\n"); } MRIneg(mritmp,mritmp); } for(f=0; f < mritmp->nframes; f++) { for(c=0; c < nc; c++) { for(r=0; r < nr; r++) { for(s=0; s < ns; s++) { v = MRIgetVoxVal(mritmp,c,r,s,f); MRIsetVoxVal(mriout,c,r,s,fout,v); } } } fout++; } MRIfree(&mritmp); } if(DoCombine) { // Average frames from non-zero voxels int nhits; mritmp = MRIallocSequence(nc,nr,ns,MRI_FLOAT,1); MRIcopyHeader(mritmp,mriout); for(c=0; c < nc; c++) { for(r=0; r < nr; r++) { for(s=0; s < ns; s++) { nhits = 0; vsum = 0; for(f=0; f < mriout->nframes; f++) { v = MRIgetVoxVal(mriout,c,r,s,f); if (v > 0) { vsum += v; nhits ++; } } if(nhits > 0 ) { MRIsetVoxVal(mritmp,c,r,s,0,vsum/nhits); } } // for s }// for r } // for c MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } // do combine if(DoPrune) { // This computes the prune mask, applied below printf("Computing prune mask \n"); PruneMask = MRIframeBinarize(mriout,FLT_MIN,NULL); printf("Found %d voxels in prune mask\n",MRInMask(PruneMask)); } if(DoNormMean) { printf("Normalizing by mean across frames\n"); MRInormalizeFramesMean(mriout); } if(DoNorm1) { printf("Normalizing by first across frames\n"); MRInormalizeFramesFirst(mriout); } if(DoASL) { printf("Computing ASL matrix matrix\n"); M = ASLinterpMatrix(mriout->nframes); } if(M != NULL) { printf("Multiplying by matrix\n"); mritmp = fMRImatrixMultiply(mriout, M, NULL); if(mritmp == NULL) { exit(1); } MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoPaired) { printf("Combining pairs\n"); mritmp = MRIcloneBySpace(mriout,-1,mriout->nframes/2); for (c=0; c < nc; c++) { for (r=0; r < nr; r++) { for (s=0; s < ns; s++) { fout = 0; for (f=0; f < mriout->nframes; f+=2) { v1 = MRIgetVoxVal(mriout,c,r,s,f); v2 = MRIgetVoxVal(mriout,c,r,s,f+1); v = 0; if(DoPairedAvg) { v = (v1+v2)/2.0; } if(DoPairedSum) { v = (v1+v2); } if(DoPairedDiff) { v = v1-v2; // difference } if(DoPairedDiffNorm) { v = v1-v2; // difference vavg = (v1+v2)/2.0; if (vavg != 0.0) { v = v/vavg; } } if(DoPairedDiffNorm1) { v = v1-v2; // difference if (v1 != 0.0) { v = v/v1; } else { v = 0; } } if(DoPairedDiffNorm2) { v = v1-v2; // difference if (v2 != 0.0) { v = v/v2; } else { v = 0; } } MRIsetVoxVal(mritmp,c,r,s,fout,v); fout++; } } } } MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } nframes = mriout->nframes; printf("nframes = %d\n",nframes); if(DoBonfCor) { DoAdd = 1; AddVal = -log10(mriout->nframes); } if(DoMean) { printf("Computing mean across frames\n"); mritmp = MRIframeMean(mriout,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoMedian) { printf("Computing median across frames\n"); mritmp = MRIframeMedian(mriout,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoMeanDivN) { printf("Computing mean2 = sum/(nframes^2)\n"); mritmp = MRIframeSum(mriout,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; MRImultiplyConst(mriout, 1.0/(nframes*nframes), mriout); } if(DoSum) { printf("Computing sum across frames\n"); mritmp = MRIframeSum(mriout,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoTAR1) { printf("Computing temoral AR1 %d\n",mriout->nframes-TAR1DOFAdjust); mritmp = fMRItemporalAR1(mriout,TAR1DOFAdjust,NULL,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoStd || DoVar) { printf("Computing std/var across frames\n"); if(mriout->nframes < 2) { printf("ERROR: cannot compute std from one frame\n"); exit(1); } //mritmp = fMRIvariance(mriout, -1, 1, NULL); mritmp = fMRIcovariance(mriout, 0, -1, NULL, NULL); if(DoStd) { MRIsqrt(mritmp, mritmp); } MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoMax) { printf("Computing max across all frames \n"); mritmp = MRIvolMax(mriout,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoMaxIndex) { printf("Computing max index across all frames \n"); mritmp = MRIvolMaxIndex(mriout,1,NULL,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoConjunction) { printf("Computing conjunction across all frames \n"); mritmp = MRIconjunct(mriout,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoMin) { printf("Computing min across all frames \n"); mritmp = MRIvolMin(mriout,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoSort) { printf("Sorting \n"); mritmp = MRIsort(mriout,mask,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoVote) { printf("Voting \n"); mritmp = MRIvote(mriout,mask,NULL); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoMultiply) { printf("Multiplying by %lf\n",MultiplyVal); MRImultiplyConst(mriout, MultiplyVal, mriout); } if(DoAdd) { printf("Adding %lf\n",AddVal); MRIaddConst(mriout, AddVal, mriout); } if(DoSCM) { printf("Computing spatial correlation matrix (%d)\n",mriout->nframes); mritmp = fMRIspatialCorMatrix(mriout); if(mritmp == NULL) { exit(1); } MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoPCA) { // Saves only non-zero components printf("Computing PCA\n"); if(PCAMaskFile) { printf(" PCA Mask %s\n",PCAMaskFile); PCAMask = MRIread(PCAMaskFile); if(PCAMask == NULL) { exit(1); } } err=MRIpca(mriout, &Upca, &Spca, &Vpca, PCAMask); if(err) { exit(1); } stem = IDstemFromName(out); sprintf(tmpstr,"%s.u.mtx",stem); MatrixWriteTxt(tmpstr, Upca); sprintf(tmpstr,"%s.stats.dat",stem); WritePCAStats(tmpstr,Spca); MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = Vpca; } if(NReplications > 0) { printf("NReplications %d\n",NReplications); mritmp = MRIallocSequence(mriout->width, mriout->height, mriout->depth, mriout->type, mriout->nframes*NReplications); if(mritmp == NULL) { exit(1); } printf("Done allocing\n"); MRIcopyHeader(mriout,mritmp); for(c=0; c < mriout->width; c++) { for(r=0; r < mriout->height; r++) { for(s=0; s < mriout->depth; s++) { outf = 0; for(nthrep = 0; nthrep < NReplications; nthrep++) { for(f=0; f < mriout->nframes; f++) { v = MRIgetVoxVal(mriout,c,r,s,f); MRIsetVoxVal(mritmp,c,r,s,outf,v); outf ++; } } } } } MRIfree(&mriout); mriout = mritmp; } if(DoPrune) { // Apply prune mask that was computed above printf("Applying prune mask \n"); MRImask(mriout, PruneMask, mriout, 0, 0); } if(DoRMS) { printf("Computing RMS across input frames\n"); mritmp = MRIread(inlist[0]); MRIcopyHeader(mritmp, mriout); MRIrms(mritmp,mriout); } printf("Writing to %s\n",out); err = MRIwrite(mriout,out); if(err) { exit(err); } return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, fname[STRLEN] ; int ac, nargs ; char *reg_fname, *in_fname, *out_stem, *cp ; int msec, minutes, seconds, nvox, float2int ; struct timeb start ; MRI_SURFACE *mris_lh_white, *mris_rh_white, *mris_lh_pial, *mris_rh_pial ; MRI *mri_aseg, *mri_seg, *mri_pial, *mri_tmp, *mri_ribbon, *mri_in, *mri_cortex, *mri_subcort_gm, *mri_wm, *mri_csf ; MATRIX *m_regdat ; float intensity, betplaneres, inplaneres ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_compute_volume_fractions.c,v 1.9 2012/11/07 18:58:02 greve Exp $", "$Name: $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 4) usage_exit(1) ; if (!strlen(sdir)) { cp = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR") ; if (!cp) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment.\n", Progname) ; strcpy(sdir, cp) ; } reg_fname = argv[1] ; in_fname = argv[2] ; out_stem = argv[3] ; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; TimerStart(&start) ; if (stricmp(reg_fname, "identity.nofile") == 0) { printf("using identity transform\n") ; m_regdat = NULL ; inplaneres = betplaneres = intensity = 1 ; float2int = 0 ; if (subject == NULL) subject = "unknown" ; } else { char *saved_subject = subject ; printf("reading registration file %s\n", reg_fname) ; regio_read_register(reg_fname, &subject, &inplaneres, &betplaneres, &intensity, &m_regdat, &float2int); if (saved_subject) // specified on cmdline subject = saved_subject ; m_regdat = regio_read_registermat(reg_fname) ; if (m_regdat == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load registration file from %s", Progname,reg_fname) ; } printf("Format is %s\n",fmt); sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/surf/lh.white", sdir, subject) ; printf("reading surface %s\n", fname) ; mris_lh_white = MRISread(fname) ; if (mris_lh_white == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load lh white surface from %s", Progname,fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/surf/rh.white", sdir, subject) ; printf("reading surface %s\n", fname) ; mris_rh_white = MRISread(fname) ; if (mris_rh_white == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load rh white surface from %s", Progname,fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/surf/lh.pial", sdir, subject) ; printf("reading surface %s\n", fname) ; mris_lh_pial = MRISread(fname) ; if (mris_lh_pial == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load lh pial surface from %s", Progname,fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/surf/rh.pial", sdir, subject) ; printf("reading surface %s\n", fname) ; mris_rh_pial = MRISread(fname) ; if (mris_rh_pial == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load rh pial surface from %s", Progname,fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/aseg.mgz", sdir, subject) ; printf("reading volume %s\n", fname) ; mri_aseg = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri_aseg == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load aseg volume from %s", Progname,fname) ; printf("reading movable volume %s\n", in_fname) ; mri_in = MRIread(in_fname) ; if (mri_in == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not load input volume from %s", Progname,in_fname) ; nvox = (int)ceil(256/resolution); mri_pial = MRIalloc(nvox, nvox, nvox, MRI_UCHAR) ; MRIsetResolution(mri_pial, resolution, resolution, resolution) ; mri_pial->xstart = -resolution*mri_pial->width/2.0 ; mri_pial->xend = resolution*mri_pial->width/2.0 ; mri_pial->ystart = -resolution*mri_pial->height/2.0 ; mri_pial->yend = resolution*mri_pial->height/2.0 ; mri_pial->zstart = -resolution*mri_pial->depth/2.0 ; mri_pial->zend = resolution*mri_pial->depth/2 ; mri_pial->c_r = mri_aseg->c_r ; mri_pial->c_a = mri_aseg->c_a ; mri_pial->c_s = mri_aseg->c_s ; MRIreInitCache(mri_pial) ; printf("filling interior of lh pial surface...\n") ; MRISfillInterior(mris_lh_pial, resolution, mri_pial) ; mri_seg = MRIclone(mri_pial, NULL) ; mri_tmp = MRIclone(mri_pial, NULL) ; printf("filling interior of rh pial surface...\n") ; MRISfillInterior(mris_rh_pial, resolution, mri_tmp) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_tmp, mri_pial, 1) ; MRIclear(mri_tmp) ; printf("filling interior of lh white matter surface...\n") ; MRISfillWhiteMatterInterior(mris_lh_white, mri_aseg, mri_seg, resolution, WM_VAL, SUBCORT_GM_VAL, CSF_VAL); printf("filling interior of rh white matter surface...\n") ; MRISfillWhiteMatterInterior(mris_rh_white, mri_aseg, mri_tmp, resolution, WM_VAL, SUBCORT_GM_VAL, CSF_VAL); MRIcopyLabel(mri_tmp, mri_seg, WM_VAL) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_tmp, mri_seg, SUBCORT_GM_VAL) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_tmp, mri_seg, CSF_VAL) ; MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ; mri_ribbon = MRInot(mri_seg, NULL) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_seg, mri_pial, CSF_VAL) ; MRIreplaceValuesOnly(mri_pial, mri_pial, CSF_VAL, 0) ; MRIand(mri_ribbon, mri_pial, mri_ribbon, 1) ; MRIbinarize(mri_ribbon, mri_ribbon, 1, 0, GM_VAL) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_ribbon, mri_seg, GM_VAL) ; MRIreplaceValuesOnly(mri_seg, mri_seg, CSF_VAL, 0) ; add_aseg_structures_outside_ribbon(mri_seg, mri_aseg, mri_seg, WM_VAL, SUBCORT_GM_VAL, CSF_VAL) ; { MATRIX *m_conformed_to_epi_vox2vox, *m_seg_to_conformed_vox2vox, *m_seg_to_epi_vox2vox ; if (m_regdat == NULL) // assume identity transform m_seg_to_epi_vox2vox = MRIgetVoxelToVoxelXform(mri_seg, mri_in) ; else { m_conformed_to_epi_vox2vox = MRIvoxToVoxFromTkRegMtx(mri_in, mri_aseg, m_regdat); m_seg_to_conformed_vox2vox = MRIgetVoxelToVoxelXform(mri_seg, mri_aseg) ; m_seg_to_epi_vox2vox = MatrixMultiply(m_conformed_to_epi_vox2vox, m_seg_to_conformed_vox2vox, NULL) ; MatrixFree(&m_regdat) ; MatrixFree(&m_conformed_to_epi_vox2vox) ; MatrixFree(&m_seg_to_conformed_vox2vox); } printf("seg to EPI vox2vox matrix:\n") ; MatrixPrint(Gstdout, m_seg_to_epi_vox2vox) ; mri_cortex = MRIalloc(mri_in->width, mri_in->height, mri_in->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_cortex) ; mri_subcort_gm = MRIclone(mri_cortex, NULL) ; mri_wm = MRIclone(mri_cortex, NULL) ; mri_csf = MRIclone(mri_cortex, NULL) ; printf("computing partial volume fractions...\n") ; MRIcomputePartialVolumeFractions(mri_in, m_seg_to_epi_vox2vox, mri_seg, mri_wm, mri_subcort_gm, mri_cortex, mri_csf, WM_VAL, SUBCORT_GM_VAL, GM_VAL, 0) ; } sprintf(fname, "%s.wm.%s", out_stem,fmt) ; printf("writing wm %% to %s\n", fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_wm, fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s.subcort_gm.%s", out_stem,fmt) ; printf("writing subcortical gm %% to %s\n", fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_subcort_gm, fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s.cortex.%s", out_stem, fmt) ; printf("writing cortical gm %% to %s\n", fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_cortex, fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s.csf.%s", out_stem,fmt) ; printf("writing csf %% to %s\n", fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_csf, fname) ; msec = TimerStop(&start) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; printf("volume fraction calculation took %d minutes" " and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ; exit(0) ; return(0) ; }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* check for and handle version tag */ int nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_gcut.cpp,v 1.14 2011/03/02 00:04:16 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) { exit (0); } argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; parse_commandline(argc, argv); MRI *mri, *mri2, *mri3, *mri_mask=NULL; mri3 = MRIread(in_filename); if ( mri3 == NULL ) { printf("can't read file %s\nexit!\n", in_filename); exit(0); } mri = MRISeqchangeType(mri3, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE); mri2 = MRISeqchangeType(mri3, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE); //MRI* mri4 = MRIread("gcutted.mgz"); if (bNeedMasking == 1) { printf("reading mask...\n"); mri_mask = MRIread(mask_filename); if ( mri_mask == NULL ) { printf("can't read %s, omit -mult option!\n", mask_filename); print_help(); exit(1); } else { if ( mri_mask->width != mri->width || mri_mask->height != mri->height || mri_mask->depth != mri->depth ) { printf("Two masks are of different size, omit -mult option!\n"); print_help(); exit(1); } } } int w = mri->width; int h = mri->height; int d = mri->depth; // -- copy of mri matrix unsigned char ***label; label = new unsigned char**[d]; for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { label[i] = new unsigned char*[h]; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { label[i][j] = new unsigned char[w]; for (int k = 0; k < w; k++) { label[i][j][k] = 0; } } } // -- gcut image int ***im_gcut; im_gcut = new int**[d]; for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { im_gcut[i] = new int*[h]; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { im_gcut[i][j] = new int[w]; for (int k = 0; k < w; k++) { im_gcut[i][j][k] = 0; } } } // -- diluted int ***im_diluteerode; im_diluteerode = new int**[d]; for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { im_diluteerode[i] = new int*[h]; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { im_diluteerode[i][j] = new int[w]; for (int k = 0; k < w; k++) { im_diluteerode[i][j][k] = 0; } } } //int w, h, d; //int x, y, z; double whitemean; if (bNeedPreprocessing == 0) { // pre-processed: 110 intensity voxels are the WM if (LCC_function(mri ->slices, label, mri->width, mri->height, mri->depth, whitemean) == 1) { if ( whitemean < 0 ) { printf("whitemean < 0 error!\n"); exit(0); } } else { whitemean = 110; printf("use voxels with intensity 110 as WM mask\n"); } } else { printf("estimating WM mask\n"); whitemean = pre_processing(mri ->slices, label, mri->width, mri->height, mri->depth); if ( whitemean < 0 ) { printf("whitemean < 0 error!\n"); exit(0); } } double threshold = whitemean * _t; printf("threshold set to: %f*%f=%f\n", whitemean, _t, threshold); for (int z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++) { for (int y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++) { if ( mri->slices[z][y][x] < threshold + 1 ) { mri->slices[z][y][x] = 0; } } }//end of for } //new code int ***foregroundseedwt; int ***backgroundseedwt; matrix_alloc(&foregroundseedwt, d, h, w); matrix_alloc(&backgroundseedwt, d, h, w); double kval = 2.3; graphcut(mri->slices, label, im_gcut, foregroundseedwt, backgroundseedwt, w, h, d, kval, threshold, whitemean); printf("g-cut done!\npost-processing...\n"); //printf("_test: %f\n", _test); post_processing(mri2->slices, mri->slices, threshold, im_gcut, im_diluteerode, w, h, d); printf("post-processing done!\n"); if (bNeedMasking == 1)//masking { printf("masking...\n"); for (int z = 0 ; z < mri_mask->depth ; z++) { for (int y = 0 ; y < mri_mask->height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < mri_mask->width ; x++) { if ( mri_mask->slices[z][y][x] == 0 ) { im_diluteerode[z][y][x] = 0; } } } } } //if the output might have some problem int numGcut = 0, numMask = 0; double _ratio = 0; int error_Hurestic = 0; if (bNeedMasking == 1)//-110 and masking are both set { for (int z = 0 ; z < mri_mask->depth ; z++) { for (int y = 0 ; y < mri_mask->height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < mri_mask->width ; x++) { if ( im_diluteerode[z][y][x] != 0 ) { numGcut++; } if ( mri_mask->slices[z][y][x] != 0 ) { numMask++; } } } } _ratio = (double)numGcut / numMask; if (_ratio <= 0.85) { error_Hurestic = 1; } } if (error_Hurestic == 1) { printf("** Gcutted brain is much smaller than the mask!\n"); printf("** Using the mask as the output instead!\n"); //printf("** Gcutted output is written as: 'error_gcutted_sample'\n"); } for (int z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++) { for (int y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++) { if (error_Hurestic == 0) { if ( im_diluteerode[z][y][x] == 0 ) { mri2 ->slices[z][y][x] = 0; } } else { if ( mri_mask->slices[z][y][x] == 0 ) { mri2 ->slices[z][y][x] = 0; } //if( im_diluteerode[z][y][x] == 0 ) //mri ->slices[z][y][x] = 0; } } }//end of for 2 }//end of for 1 MRIwrite(mri2, out_filename); // if user supplied a filename to which to write diffs, then write-out // volume file containing where cuts were made (for debug) if (diff_filename[0] && (error_Hurestic != 1)) { MRI *mri_diff = MRISeqchangeType(mri3, MRI_UCHAR, 0.0, 0.999, FALSE); for (int z = 0 ; z < mri3->depth ; z++) { for (int y = 0 ; y < mri3->height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < mri3->width ; x++) { if (mri_mask) { mri_diff->slices[z][y][x] = mri2->slices[z][y][x] - mri_mask->slices[z][y][x]; } else { mri_diff->slices[z][y][x] = mri2->slices[z][y][x] - mri3->slices[z][y][x]; } } }//end of for 2 }//end of for 1 MRIwrite(mri_diff, diff_filename); MRIfree(&mri_diff); } if (mri) { MRIfree(&mri); } if (mri2) { MRIfree(&mri2); } if (mri3) { MRIfree(&mri3); } if (mri_mask) { MRIfree(&mri_mask); } for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { delete[] im_diluteerode[i][j]; delete[] im_gcut[i][j]; delete[] label[i][j]; } delete[] im_diluteerode[i]; delete[] im_gcut[i]; delete[] label[i]; } delete[] im_diluteerode; delete[] im_gcut; delete[] label; return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nargs, err, asegid, c, r, s, annot, hemioffset; int annotid; struct utsname uts; char *cmdline, cwd[2000]; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, vcid, "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; cmdline = argv2cmdline(argc,argv); uname(&uts); getcwd(cwd,2000); Progname = argv[0] ; argc --; argv++; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; if (argc == 0) usage_exit(); parse_commandline(argc, argv); check_options(); dump_options(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("%s\n",vcid); printf("cwd %s\n",cwd); printf("cmdline %s\n",cmdline); printf("sysname %s\n",uts.sysname); printf("hostname %s\n",uts.nodename); printf("machine %s\n",uts.machine); SUBJECTS_DIR = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR"); if (SUBJECTS_DIR==NULL) { printf("ERROR: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment\n"); exit(1); } printf("SUBJECTS_DIR %s\n",SUBJECTS_DIR); printf("subject %s\n",subject); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); /* ------ Load subject's lh white surface ------ */ sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/surf/lh.white",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); printf("Reading lh white surface \n %s\n",tmpstr); lhwhite = MRISread(tmpstr); if (lhwhite == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr); exit(1); } printf("Building hash of lh white\n"); lhwhite_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(lhwhite, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,16); /* ------ Load lh annotation ------ */ sprintf(annotfile,"%s/%s/label/lh.aparc.annot",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); printf("Loading lh annotations from %s\n",annotfile); err = MRISreadAnnotation(lhwhite, annotfile); if (err) { printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",annotfile); exit(1); } /* ------ Load subject's rh surface ------ */ sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/surf/rh.white",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); printf("Reading rh white surface \n %s\n",tmpstr); rhwhite = MRISread(tmpstr); if (rhwhite == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not read %s\n",tmpstr); exit(1); } if (debug) printf("Building hash of rh white\n"); rhwhite_hash = MHTfillVertexTableRes(rhwhite, NULL,CURRENT_VERTICES,16); /* ------ Load rh annotation ------ */ sprintf(annotfile,"%s/%s/label/rh.aparc.annot",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); printf("Loading rh annotations from %s\n",annotfile); err = MRISreadAnnotation(rhwhite, annotfile); if (err) { printf("ERROR: MRISreadAnnotation() failed %s\n",annotfile); exit(1); } if (debug && lhwhite->ct) printf("Have color table for annotation\n"); if (debug) print_annotation_table(stdout); /* ------ Load ASeg ------ */ sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/mri/aseg.mgz",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr)) { sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/mri/aseg.mgh",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr)) { sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/mri/aseg/",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); if (!fio_FileExistsReadable(tmpstr)) { printf("ERROR: cannot find aseg\n"); exit(1); } else sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/mri/aseg/",SUBJECTS_DIR,subject); } } printf("Loading aseg from %s\n",tmpstr); ASeg = MRIread(tmpstr); if (ASeg == NULL) { printf("ERROR: loading aseg %s\n",tmpstr); exit(1); } mritmp = MRIchangeType(ASeg,MRI_INT,0,0,0); MRIfree(&ASeg); ASeg = mritmp; WMSeg = MRIclone(ASeg,NULL); Vox2RAS = MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(ASeg); if (debug) { printf("ASeg Vox2RAS: -----------\n"); MatrixPrint(stdout,Vox2RAS); printf("-------------------------\n"); } CRS = MatrixAlloc(4,1,MATRIX_REAL); CRS->rptr[4][1] = 1; RAS = MatrixAlloc(4,1,MATRIX_REAL); RAS->rptr[4][1] = 1; // Go through each voxel in the aseg printf("\n"); printf("Labeling WM\n"); for (c=0; c < ASeg->width; c++) { if (debug) printf("%3d ",c); if (debug && c%20 ==19) printf("\n"); for (r=0; r < ASeg->height; r++) { for (s=0; s < ASeg->depth; s++) { // If it's not labeled as white matter in the aseg, set // seg value to that from the aseg and skip the rest asegid = MRIgetVoxVal(ASeg,c,r,s,0); if (asegid != 2 && asegid != 41) { MRIsetVoxVal(WMSeg,c,r,s,0,asegid); continue; } // Convert the CRS to RAS CRS->rptr[1][1] = c; CRS->rptr[2][1] = r; CRS->rptr[3][1] = s; RAS = MatrixMultiply(Vox2RAS,CRS,RAS); vtx.x = RAS->rptr[1][1]; vtx.y = RAS->rptr[2][1]; vtx.z = RAS->rptr[3][1]; // Get the index of the closest vertex in the // lh.white, rh.white lhwvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(lhwhite_hash,lhwhite,&vtx,&dlhw); rhwvtx = MHTfindClosestVertexNo(rhwhite_hash,rhwhite,&vtx,&drhw); if ( (lhwvtx < 0) && (rhwvtx < 0) ) { printf("ERROR: could not map to any surface.\n"); printf("crs = %d %d %d, ras = %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f \n", c,r,s,vtx.x,vtx.y,vtx.z); exit(1); } if (lhwvtx < 0) dlhw = 1000000000000000.0; if (rhwvtx < 0) drhw = 1000000000000000.0; if (dlhw < drhw) { // Left hemi is closer than the right annot = lhwhite->vertices[lhwvtx].annotation; hemioffset = 1000; if (lhwhite->ct) CTABfindAnnotation(lhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid); else annotid = annotation_to_index(annot); } else { // Right hemi is closer than the left annot = rhwhite->vertices[rhwvtx].annotation; hemioffset = 2000; if (rhwhite->ct) CTABfindAnnotation(lhwhite->ct, annot, &annotid); else annotid = annotation_to_index(annot); } MRIsetVoxVal(WMSeg,c,r,s,0,annotid+hemioffset); } } } printf("\nWriting output wmseg to %s\n",WMSegFile); MRIwrite(WMSeg,WMSegFile); printf("mri_aparc2wmseg done\n"); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *gca_fname, *in_fname, *out_fname, **av, *xform_fname, fname[STRLEN] ; MRI *mri_in, *mri_norm = NULL, *mri_tmp, *mri_ctrl = NULL ; GCA *gca ; int ac, nargs, nsamples, msec, minutes, seconds; int i, struct_samples, norm_samples = 0, n, input, ninputs ; struct timeb start ; GCA_SAMPLE *gcas, *gcas_norm = NULL, *gcas_struct ; TRANSFORM *transform = NULL ; char cmdline[CMD_LINE_LEN], line[STRLEN], *cp, subject[STRLEN], sdir[STRLEN], base_name[STRLEN] ; FILE *fp ; make_cmd_version_string (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_cal_normalize.c,v 2011/08/31 00:32:41 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $", cmdline); /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_cal_normalize.c,v 2011/08/31 00:32:41 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; setRandomSeed(-1L) ; Progname = argv[0] ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 6) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "usage: %s [<options>] <longitudinal time point file> <in vol> <atlas> <transform file> <out vol> \n", Progname) ; in_fname = argv[2] ; gca_fname = argv[3] ; xform_fname = argv[4] ; out_fname = argv[5] ; transform = TransformRead(xform_fname) ; if (transform == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read transform from %s", Progname, xform_fname) ; if (read_ctrl_point_fname) { mri_ctrl = MRIread(read_ctrl_point_fname) ; if (mri_ctrl == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read precomputed control points from %s", Progname, read_ctrl_point_fname) ; } TimerStart(&start) ; printf("reading atlas from '%s'...\n", gca_fname) ; fflush(stdout) ; gca = GCAread(gca_fname) ; if (gca == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open GCA %s.\n",Progname, gca_fname) ; GCAregularizeConditionalDensities(gca, .5) ; FileNamePath(argv[1], sdir) ; cp = strrchr(sdir, '/') ; if (cp) { strcpy(base_name, cp+1) ; *cp = 0 ; // remove last component of path, which is base subject name } ninputs = 0 ; fp = fopen(argv[1], "r") ; if (fp == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read time point file %s", argv[1]) ; do { cp = fgetl(line, STRLEN-1, fp) ; if (cp != NULL && strlen(cp) > 0) { subjects[ninputs] = (char *)calloc(strlen(cp)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(subjects[ninputs], cp) ; ninputs++ ; } } while (cp != NULL && strlen(cp) > 0) ; fclose(fp) ; printf("processing %d timepoints in SUBJECTS_DIR %s...\n", ninputs, sdir) ; for (input = 0 ; input < ninputs ; input++) { sprintf(subject, "%s.long.%s", subjects[input], base_name) ; printf("reading subject %s - %d of %d\n", subject, input+1, ninputs) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", sdir, subject, in_fname) ; mri_tmp = MRIread(fname) ; if (!mri_tmp) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input MR volume from %s", Progname, fname) ; MRImakePositive(mri_tmp, mri_tmp) ; if (mri_tmp && ctrl_point_fname && !mri_ctrl) { mri_ctrl = MRIallocSequence(mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth,MRI_FLOAT, nregions*2) ; // labels and means MRIcopyHeader(mri_tmp, mri_ctrl) ; } if (input == 0) { mri_in = MRIallocSequence(mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth, mri_tmp->type, ninputs) ; if (!mri_in) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: could not allocate input volume %dx%dx%dx%d", mri_tmp->width,mri_tmp->height,mri_tmp->depth,ninputs) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_tmp, mri_in) ; } if (mask_fname) { int i ; MRI *mri_mask ; mri_mask = MRIread(mask_fname) ; if (!mri_mask) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open mask volume %s.\n", Progname, mask_fname) ; for (i = 1 ; i < WM_MIN_VAL ; i++) MRIreplaceValues(mri_mask, mri_mask, i, 0) ; MRImask(mri_tmp, mri_mask, mri_tmp, 0, 0) ; MRIfree(&mri_mask) ; } MRIcopyFrame(mri_tmp, mri_in, 0, input) ; MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ; } MRIaddCommandLine(mri_in, cmdline) ; GCAhistoScaleImageIntensitiesLongitudinal(gca, mri_in, 1) ; { int j ; gcas = GCAfindAllSamples(gca, &nsamples, NULL, 1) ; printf("using %d sample points...\n", nsamples) ; GCAcomputeSampleCoords(gca, mri_in, gcas, nsamples, transform) ; if (sample_fname) GCAtransformAndWriteSamples (gca, mri_in, gcas, nsamples, sample_fname, transform) ; for (j = 0 ; j < 1 ; j++) { for (n = 1 ; n <= nregions ; n++) { for (norm_samples = i = 0 ; i < NSTRUCTURES ; i++) { if (normalization_structures[i] == Gdiag_no) DiagBreak() ; printf("finding control points in %s....\n", cma_label_to_name(normalization_structures[i])) ; gcas_struct = find_control_points(gca, gcas, nsamples, &struct_samples, n, normalization_structures[i], mri_in, transform, min_prior, ctl_point_pct) ; discard_unlikely_control_points(gca, gcas_struct, struct_samples, mri_in, transform, cma_label_to_name(normalization_structures[i])) ; if (mri_ctrl && ctrl_point_fname) // store the samples copy_ctrl_points_to_volume(gcas_struct, struct_samples, mri_ctrl, n-1) ; if (i) { GCA_SAMPLE *gcas_tmp ; gcas_tmp = gcas_concatenate(gcas_norm, gcas_struct, norm_samples, struct_samples) ; free(gcas_norm) ; norm_samples += struct_samples ; gcas_norm = gcas_tmp ; } else { gcas_norm = gcas_struct ; norm_samples = struct_samples ; } } printf("using %d total control points " "for intensity normalization...\n", norm_samples) ; if (normalized_transformed_sample_fname) GCAtransformAndWriteSamples(gca, mri_in, gcas_norm, norm_samples, normalized_transformed_sample_fname, transform) ; mri_norm = GCAnormalizeSamplesAllChannels(mri_in, gca, gcas_norm, file_only ? 0 :norm_samples, transform, ctl_point_fname, bias_sigma) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE) { char fname[STRLEN] ; sprintf(fname, "norm%d.mgz", n) ; printf("writing normalized volume to %s...\n", fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_norm, fname) ; sprintf(fname, "norm_samples%d.mgz", n) ; GCAtransformAndWriteSamples(gca, mri_in, gcas_norm, norm_samples, fname, transform) ; } MRIcopy(mri_norm, mri_in) ; /* for next pass through */ MRIfree(&mri_norm) ; } } } // now do cross-time normalization to bring each timepoint closer to the mean at each location { MRI *mri_frame1, *mri_frame2, *mri_tmp ; double rms_before, rms_after ; int i ; mri_tmp = MRIcopy(mri_in, NULL) ; mri_frame1 = MRIcopyFrame(mri_in, NULL, 0, 0) ; mri_frame2 = MRIcopyFrame(mri_in, NULL, 1, 0) ; rms_before = MRIrmsDiff(mri_frame1, mri_frame2) ; printf("RMS before = %2.2f\n", rms_before) ; MRIfree(&mri_frame1) ; MRIfree(&mri_frame2) ; for (i = 50 ; i <= 50 ; i += 25) { MRIcopy(mri_tmp, mri_in) ; normalize_timepoints_with_samples(mri_in, gcas_norm, norm_samples, i) ; mri_frame1 = MRIcopyFrame(mri_in, NULL, 0, 0) ; mri_frame2 = MRIcopyFrame(mri_in, NULL, 1, 0) ; rms_after = MRIrmsDiff(mri_frame1, mri_frame2) ; MRIfree(&mri_frame1) ; MRIfree(&mri_frame2) ; printf("RMS after (%d) = %2.2f\n", i, rms_after) ; } } { MRI *mri_frame1, *mri_frame2 ; double rms_after ; int i ; mri_tmp = MRIcopy(mri_in, NULL) ; for (i = 10 ; i <= 10 ; i += 10) { MRIcopy(mri_tmp, mri_in) ; normalize_timepoints(mri_in, 2.0, i) ; mri_frame1 = MRIcopyFrame(mri_in, NULL, 0, 0) ; mri_frame2 = MRIcopyFrame(mri_in, NULL, 1, 0) ; rms_after = MRIrmsDiff(mri_frame1, mri_frame2) ; MRIfree(&mri_frame1) ; MRIfree(&mri_frame2) ; printf("RMS after intensity cohering = %2.2f\n", rms_after) ; } } for (input = 0 ; input < ninputs ; input++) { sprintf(fname, "%s/%s.long.%s/mri/%s", sdir, subjects[input], base_name, out_fname) ; printf("writing normalized volume to %s...\n", fname) ; if (MRIwriteFrame(mri_in, fname, input) != NO_ERROR) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: could not write normalized volume to %s",Progname, fname); } if (ctrl_point_fname) { printf("writing control points to %s\n", ctrl_point_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, ctrl_point_fname) ; MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ; } MRIfree(&mri_in) ; printf("freeing GCA...") ; if (gca) GCAfree(&gca) ; printf("done.\n") ; msec = TimerStop(&start) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; printf("normalization took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ; if (diag_fp) fclose(diag_fp) ; exit(0) ; return(0) ; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, in_surf_fname[STRLEN], *in_patch_fname, *out_patch_fname, fname[STRLEN], path[STRLEN], *cp, hemi[10] ; int ac, nargs ; MRI_SURFACE *mris ; MRI *mri_vertices ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mris_flatten.c,v 1.42 2016/12/10 22:57:46 fischl Exp $", "$Name: $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Gdiag |= DIAG_SHOW ; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; Gdiag |= (DIAG_SHOW | DIAG_WRITE) ; memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms)) ; parms.dt = .1 ; parms.projection = PROJECT_PLANE ; parms.tol = 0.2 ; parms.n_averages = 1024 ; parms.l_dist = 1.0 ; parms.l_nlarea = 1.0 ; parms.niterations = 40 ; parms.area_coef_scale = 1.0 ; parms.dt_increase = 1.01 /* DT_INCREASE */; parms.dt_decrease = 0.98 /* DT_DECREASE*/ ; parms.error_ratio = 1.03 /*ERROR_RATIO */; parms.integration_type = INTEGRATE_LINE_MINIMIZE ; parms.momentum = 0.9 ; parms.desired_rms_height = -1.0 ; parms.base_name[0] = 0 ; parms.nbhd_size = 7 ; /* out to 7-connected neighbors */ parms.max_nbrs = 12 ; /* 12 at each distance */ ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 3) print_help() ; parms.base_dt = base_dt_scale * parms.dt ; in_patch_fname = argv[1] ; out_patch_fname = argv[2] ; FileNamePath(in_patch_fname, path) ; cp = strrchr(in_patch_fname, '/') ; if (!cp) cp = in_patch_fname ; cp = strchr(cp, '.') ; if (cp) { strncpy(hemi, cp-2, 2) ; hemi[2] = 0 ; } else strcpy(hemi, "lh") ; if (one_surf_flag) sprintf(in_surf_fname, "%s", in_patch_fname) ; else sprintf(in_surf_fname, "%s/%s.%s", path, hemi, original_surf_name) ; if (parms.base_name[0] == 0) { FileNameOnly(out_patch_fname, fname) ; cp = strchr(fname, '.') ; if (cp) strcpy(parms.base_name, cp+1) ; else strcpy(parms.base_name, "flattened") ; } mris = MRISread(in_surf_fname) ; if (!mris) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s", Progname, in_surf_fname) ; if (sphere_flag) { MRIScenter(mris, mris) ; mris->radius = MRISaverageRadius(mris) ; MRISstoreMetricProperties(mris) ; MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ; } if (Gdiag_no >= 0) { int n ; printf("vertex %d has %d nbrs before patch:\n", Gdiag_no, mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].vnum) ; for (n = 0 ; n < mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].vnum ; n++) printf("\t%d\n", mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].v[n]) ; } if (one_surf_flag) /* only have the 1 surface - no patch file */ { mris->patch = 1 ; mris->status = MRIS_PATCH ; if (!FEQUAL(rescale,1)) { MRISscaleBrain(mris, mris, rescale) ; MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ; } MRISstoreMetricProperties(mris) ; MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ; } else { MRISresetNeighborhoodSize(mris, mris->vertices[0].nsize) ; // set back to max if (label_fname) // read in a label instead of a patch { LABEL *area ; area = LabelRead(NULL, label_fname) ; if (area == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read label file %s", Progname, label_fname) ; LabelDilate(area, mris, dilate_label, CURRENT_VERTICES) ; MRISclearMarks(mris) ; LabelMark(area, mris) ; MRISripUnmarked(mris) ; MRISripFaces(mris); mris->patch = 1 ; mris->status = MRIS_CUT ; LabelFree(&area) ; printf("%d valid vertices (%2.1f %% of total)\n", MRISvalidVertices(mris), 100.0*MRISvalidVertices(mris)/mris->nvertices) ; } else { if (MRISreadPatch(mris, in_patch_fname) != NO_ERROR) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read patch file %s", Progname, in_patch_fname) ; if (dilate) { printf("dilating patch %d times\n", dilate) ; MRISdilateRipped(mris, dilate) ; printf("%d valid vertices (%2.1f %% of total)\n", MRISvalidVertices(mris), 100.0*MRISvalidVertices(mris)/mris->nvertices) ; } } MRISremoveRipped(mris) ; MRISupdateSurface(mris) ; #if 0 mris->nsize = 1 ; // before recalculation of 2 and 3-nbrs { int vno ; VERTEX *v ; for (vno= 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) { v = &mris->vertices[vno] ; v->vtotal = v->vnum ; v->nsize = 1 ; } } MRISsetNeighborhoodSize(mris, nbrs) ; #endif } if (Gdiag_no >= 0) printf("vno %d is %sin patch\n", Gdiag_no, mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].ripflag ? "NOT " : "") ; if (Gdiag_no >= 0 && mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].ripflag == 0) { int n ; printf("vertex %d has %d nbrs after patch:\n", Gdiag_no, mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].vnum) ; for (n = 0 ; n < mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].vnum ; n++) printf("\t%d\n", mris->vertices[Gdiag_no].v[n]) ; } fprintf(stderr, "reading original vertex positions...\n") ; if (!FZERO(disturb)) mrisDisturbVertices(mris, disturb) ; if (parms.niterations > 0) { MRISresetNeighborhoodSize(mris, nbrs) ; if (!FZERO(parms.l_unfold) || !FZERO(parms.l_expand)) { static INTEGRATION_PARMS p2 ; sprintf(in_surf_fname, "%s/%s.%s", path, hemi, original_surf_name) ; if (stricmp(original_unfold_surf_name,"none") == 0) { printf("using current position of patch as initial position\n") ; MRISstoreMetricProperties(mris) ; /* use current positions */ } else if (!sphere_flag && !one_surf_flag) MRISreadOriginalProperties(mris, original_unfold_surf_name) ; *(&p2) = *(&parms) ; p2.l_dist = 0 ; p2.niterations = 100 ; p2.nbhd_size = p2.max_nbrs = 1 ; p2.n_averages = 0 ; p2.write_iterations = parms.write_iterations > 0 ? 25 : 0 ; p2.tol = -1 ; p2.dt = 0.5 ; p2.l_area = 0.0 ; p2.l_spring = 0.9 ; p2.l_convex = 0.9 ; p2.momentum = 0 ; p2.integration_type = INTEGRATE_MOMENTUM ; MRISrestoreVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ; #if 0 p2.flags |= IPFLAG_NO_SELF_INT_TEST ; printf("expanding surface....\n") ; MRISexpandSurface(mris, 4.0, &p2) ; // push it away from fissure #endif p2.niterations = 100 ; MRISunfold(mris, &p2, 1) ; p2.niterations = 300 ; p2.l_unfold *= 0.25 ; MRISunfold(mris, &p2, 1) ; p2.l_unfold *= 0.25 ; MRISunfold(mris, &p2, 1) ; #if 0 printf("smoothing unfolded surface..\n"); p2.niterations = 200 ; p2.l_unfold = 0 ; // just smooth it MRISunfold(mris, &p2, max_passes) ; #endif parms.start_t = p2.start_t ; parms.l_unfold = parms.l_convex = parms.l_boundary = parms.l_expand=0 ; MRIfree(&parms.mri_dist) ; } sprintf(in_surf_fname, "%s/%s.%s", path, hemi, original_surf_name) ; if (!sphere_flag && !one_surf_flag) MRISreadOriginalProperties(mris, original_surf_name) ; if (randomly_flatten) MRISflattenPatchRandomly(mris) ; else MRISflattenPatch(mris) ; /* optimize metric properties of flat map */ fprintf(stderr,"minimizing metric distortion induced by projection...\n"); MRISscaleBrain(mris, mris, scale) ; MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ; MRISunfold(mris, &parms, max_passes) ; MRIScenter(mris, mris) ; fprintf(stderr, "writing flattened patch to %s\n", out_patch_fname) ; MRISwritePatch(mris, out_patch_fname) ; } if (plane_flag || sphere_flag) { char fname[STRLEN] ; FILE *fp ; #if 0 sprintf(fname, "%s.%s.out", mris->hemisphere == RIGHT_HEMISPHERE ? "rh" : "lh", parms.base_name); #else sprintf(fname, "flatten.log") ; #endif fp = fopen(fname, "a") ; if (plane_flag) MRIScomputeAnalyticDistanceError(mris, MRIS_PLANE, fp) ; else if (sphere_flag) MRIScomputeAnalyticDistanceError(mris, MRIS_SPHERE, fp) ; fclose(fp) ; } if (mri_overlay) { MRI *mri_flattened ; char fname[STRLEN] ; // if it is NxNx1x1 reshape it to be Nx1x1xN if ( mri_overlay->width == mri_overlay->height && mri_overlay->depth == 1 && mri_overlay->nframes == 1) { MRI *mri_tmp ; printf("reshaping to move 2nd dimension to time\n") ; mri_tmp = mri_reshape( mri_overlay, mri_overlay->width, 1, 1, mri_overlay->height); MRIfree( &mri_overlay ); mri_overlay = mri_tmp; } // put in some special code that knows about icosahedra if (mris->nvertices == 163842 || // ic7 mris->nvertices == 40962 || // ic6 mris->nvertices == 10242 || // ic5 mris->nvertices == 2562) // ic4 { int nvals, start_index, end_index ; MRI *mri_tmp ; printf("cross-hemispheric correlation matrix detected, reshaping...\n") ; nvals = mri_overlay->width * mri_overlay->height * mri_overlay->depth ; if (nvals == 2*mris->nvertices) // it's a corr matrix for both hemis { if (mris->hemisphere == LEFT_HEMISPHERE || mris->hemisphere == RIGHT_HEMISPHERE) { if (mris->hemisphere == LEFT_HEMISPHERE) { start_index = 0 ; end_index = mris->nvertices-1 ; } else { start_index = mris->nvertices ; end_index = 2*mris->nvertices-1 ; } mri_tmp = MRIextract(mri_overlay, NULL, start_index, 0, 0, mris->nvertices, 1, 1) ; MRIfree(&mri_overlay) ; mri_overlay = mri_tmp; } else // both hemis { } } } printf("resampling overlay (%d x %d x %d x %d) into flattened coordinates..\n", mri_overlay->width, mri_overlay->height, mri_overlay->depth, mri_overlay->nframes) ; if (synth_name) { LABEL *area_lh, *area_rh ; char fname[STRLEN], path[STRLEN], fname_no_path[STRLEN] ; int vno, n, vno2, n2 ; MRIsetValues(mri_overlay, 0) ; FileNameOnly(synth_name, fname_no_path) ; FileNamePath(synth_name, path) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/lh.%s", path, fname_no_path) ; area_lh = LabelRead(NULL, fname) ; if (area_lh == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label from %s", Progname,fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/rh.%s", path, fname_no_path) ; area_rh = LabelRead(NULL, fname) ; if (area_rh == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label from %s", Progname,fname) ; #if 0 for (n = 0 ; n < area_lh->n_points ; n++) { vno = area_lh->lv[n].vno ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_overlay, vno, 0, 0, vno, 1) ; printf("synthesizing map with vno %d: (%2.1f, %2.1f)\n", vno, mris->vertices[vno].x, mris->vertices[vno].y) ; break ; } #else for (n = 0 ; n < area_lh->n_points ; n++) { vno = area_lh->lv[n].vno ; if (vno >= 0) { for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < area_lh->n_points ; n2++) { vno2 = area_lh->lv[n2].vno ; if (vno2 >= 0) MRIsetVoxVal(mri_overlay, vno, 0, 0, vno2, 1) ; } for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < area_rh->n_points ; n2++) { vno2 = area_rh->lv[n2].vno ; if (vno2 >= 0) MRIsetVoxVal(mri_overlay, vno, 0, 0, mris->nvertices+vno2, 1) ; } } } #endif } mri_flattened = MRIflattenOverlay(mris, mri_overlay, NULL, 1.0, label_overlay, &mri_vertices) ; printf("writing flattened overlay to %s\n", out_patch_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_flattened, out_patch_fname) ; MRIfree(&mri_flattened) ; FileNameRemoveExtension(out_patch_fname, fname) ; strcat(fname, ".vnos.mgz") ; printf("writing flattened vertex #s to %s\n", fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_vertices, fname) ; MRIfree(&mri_vertices) ; } #if 0 sprintf(fname, "%s.area_error", out_fname) ; printf("writing area errors to %s\n", fname) ; MRISwriteAreaError(mris, fname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s.angle_error", out_fname) ; printf("writing angle errors to %s\n", fname) ; MRISwriteAngleError(mris, fname) ; MRISfree(&mris) ; #endif exit(0) ; return(0) ; /* for ansi */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *inner_mris_fname,*outer_mris_fname,*input_mri_pref,*output_mri_pref; MRI *mri=0,*mri_src=0; MRI_SURFACE *inner_mris=0,*outer_mris=0; int nargs; LABEL *area = NULL ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_ribbon.c,v 1.15 2011/03/02 00:04:24 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname=argv[0]; if (argc > 1) while (*argv[1] == '-') { int nargs = 0 ; switch (toupper(argv[1][1])) { case 'L': printf("cropping ribbon to label file %s\n", argv[2]) ; nargs = 1 ; area = LabelRead(NULL, argv[2]) ; if (area == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label file %s\n", argv[2]) ; break ; default: break ; } argc -= (nargs+1) ; if (argc == 1) break; argv += (nargs+1) ; } /* Set command-line parameters */ if (argc!=5) { printf("Usage: mri_ribbon [-l fname.label] \\ \n" " inner_surface_fname \\ \n" " outer_surface_fname \\ \n" " input_volume_pref \\ \n" " output_volume_pref\n"); exit(1); } inner_mris_fname=argv[1]; outer_mris_fname=argv[2]; input_mri_pref=argv[3]; output_mri_pref=argv[4]; /* Read surface information from inner surface file */ printf("Reading surface file %s.\n",inner_mris_fname); inner_mris=MRISread(inner_mris_fname); if (!inner_mris) { printf("Could not read surface file %s.\n",inner_mris_fname); exit(1); } /* Read surface information from outer surface file */ printf("Reading surface file %s.\n",outer_mris_fname); outer_mris=MRISread(outer_mris_fname); if (!outer_mris) { printf("Could not read surface file %s.\n",outer_mris_fname); exit(1); } /* Read example volume from file */ printf("Reading MRI volume directory %s.\n",input_mri_pref); mri_src=MRIread(input_mri_pref); if (!mri_src) { printf("Could not read MRI volume directory %s.\n",input_mri_pref); exit(1); } /* Extract ribbon */ printf("Extracting ribbon.\n"); mri=MRISribbon(inner_mris,outer_mris,mri_src,NULL); if (area) MRIcropVolumeToLabel(mri, mri, area, inner_mris, outer_mris) ; /* Save MRI volume to directory */ printf("Writing volume file %s.\n",output_mri_pref); MRIwrite(mri,output_mri_pref); MRIfree(&mri); MRIfree(&mri_src); MRISfree(&inner_mris); MRISfree(&outer_mris); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MRIS *mris; char *in_orig_fname=NULL, *in_seg_fname=NULL,*out_fname=NULL; MRI *mri_orig=NULL,*mri_seg=NULL,*mri_out=NULL; int nargs,n; char fname[512]; Progname=argv[0]; fprintf(stderr,"\n"); MRI_TOPOLOGY_PARMSdefault(&parms); for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (parms.tesselation_mode==-1) parms.tesselation_mode=parms.connectivity; if (argc<4) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %s options input_orig_file input_segmented_file output_folder\n", Progname); exit(1); }; in_orig_fname=argv[argc-3]; in_seg_fname = argv[argc-2]; out_fname = argv[argc-1]; fprintf(stderr,"************************************************************" "\nThe input orig volume is %s" "\nThe input segmented volume is %s" "\nThe output volume is %s" "\nIf this is incorrect, please exit quickly the program (Ctl-C)\n",in_orig_fname,in_seg_fname,out_fname); for (n=0;n<parms.nlabels;n++) fprintf(stderr,"label = %d: %s \n",parms.labels[n],cma_label_to_name(parms.labels[n])); if (parms.using_gca_maps) fprintf(stderr,"mixing parameters: alpha=%1.3f , beta=%1.3f \n",parms.alpha,parms.beta); else { parms.beta=1.0f; parms.alpha=1.0f; } fprintf(stderr,"connectivity = %d\n",parms.connectivity); mri_orig=MRIread(in_orig_fname); if (!mri_orig && parms.using_gca_maps) Error("orig volume: orig volume could not be read\n"); mri_seg=MRIread(in_seg_fname); if (!mri_seg) Error("segmented volume: segmented volume could not be read\n"); //check euler characteristic of initial surface if (parms.initial_surface_file) { int i,j,k,val,euler,pnvertices, pnfaces, pnedges; MRI *mri_tmp; mri_tmp=MRIclone(mri_seg,NULL); for (k=0;k<mri_seg->depth;k++) for (j=0;j<mri_seg->height;j++) for (i=0;i<mri_seg->width;i++) for (n=0;n<parms.nlabels;n++) { val=MRIgetVoxVal(mri_seg,i,j,k, 0); if (val==parms.labels[n]) { MRIsetVoxVal(mri_tmp,i,j,k,0,1); break; } } mris=MRIScreateSurfaceFromVolume(mri_tmp,1,parms.connectivity); euler=MRIScomputeEulerNumber(mris,&pnvertices,&pnfaces,&pnedges); fprintf(stderr,"\ninitial euler characteristic = %d, %d vertices, %d faces, %d edges" ,euler,pnvertices,pnfaces,pnedges); MRISwrite(mris,parms.initial_surface_file); MRISfree(&mris); MRIfree(&mri_tmp); } mri_out=MRIcorrectTopology(mri_orig,mri_seg,NULL,&parms); if (parms.nlabels == 1) { MRI *mri_tmp ; // turn off all voxels that are going to be on in the output MRImask(mri_seg, mri_out, mri_seg, 1, 0) ; /* whatever ones are left are now incorrect and should be labeled something else */ resegment_erased_voxels(mri_orig, mri_seg, mri_seg, parms.labels[0]) ; MRIreplaceValues(mri_out, mri_out, 1, parms.labels[0]) ; mri_tmp = MRIcopy(mri_seg, NULL) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_out, mri_tmp, parms.labels[0]) ; MRIfree(&mri_out) ; mri_out = mri_tmp ; // check_volume(mri_save, mri_out, parms.labels[0]) ; } MRIwrite(mri_out,out_fname); ////TEMPORARY VALIDATION STUFF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 0 //validation of the algo { FILE *f; MRIS *mristb[20],*mrisr; int n,i,j,k,depth,height,width,count,count2; int tab[20]={4,43,51,12,52,13,54,18,53,17,49,10,50,11};//,6,7,10,11,12,13,17,18,43,44,45,46,49,50,51,52,53,54}; MRI *mri_val=MRIclone(parms.mri_seg,NULL); parms.nlabels=1; depth=parms.mri_seg->depth; height=parms.mri_seg->height; width=parms.mri_seg->width; for (n=0;n<14;n++) { MRIfree(&parms.mri_output); MRIfree(&parms.mri_bin); MRIfree(&parms.mri_dist); MRIfree(&parms.mri_fcost); MRIfree(&parms.mri_bcost); MRIfree(&parms.mri_fprior); MRIfree(&parms.mri_bprior); MRIfree(&parms.mri_labeled); segmentationFree(&parms.F_Bseg); segmentationFree(&parms.F_Rseg); segmentationFree(&parms.B_Bseg); segmentationFree(&parms.B_Rseg); CCSfree(&parms.F_Bccs); CCSfree(&parms.F_Rccs); CCSfree(&parms.B_Bccs); CCSfree(&parms.B_Rccs); parms.labels[0]=tab[n]; MRIcorrectTopology(parms.mri_orig,parms.mri_seg,&parms.mri_output,mris ,parms.labels,parms.nblabels,parms.f_c,parms); MRISwrite(*mris,"./tmp"); mristb[n]=MRISread("./tmp"); #if 0 count=0; count2=0; for (k=0;k<depth;k++) for (j=0;j<height;j++) for (i=0;i<width;i++) { if (MRIvox(parms.mri_seg,i,j,k)==parms.labels[0]) count2++; if (MRIvox(parms.mri_output,i,j,k)==1) { MRIvox(mri_val,i,j,k)++; if (MRIvox(parms.mri_seg,i,j,k)!=parms.labels[0]) count++; } else if (MRIvox(parms.mri_seg,i,j,k)==parms.labels[0]) count++; } fprintf(stderr,"\n yeh %d %d %f \n",count,count2,100.*count/count2); sprintf(fname,"./label%d",tab[n]); f=fopen(fname,"a+"); fprintf(f,"\n %d %d %f ",count,count2,(float)100.*count/count2); fclose(f); #endif #if 0 sprintf(fname,"./surf%d",n); MRISwrite(mristb[n],fname); MRISsmoothSurface2(mristb[n],5,0.5,0); MRISsmoothSurface2(mristb[n],5,0.25,2); MRISsmoothSurface2(mristb[n],10,0.05,5); sprintf(fname,"./surfsmooth%d",n); mristb[n]->type=MRIS_TRIANGULAR_SURFACE;//MRIS_BINARY_QUADRANGLE_FILE; MRISwrite(mristb[n],fname); MRISsetNeighborhoodSize(mristb[n],3) ; MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mristb[n]) ; MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mristb[n]) ; MRISuseMeanCurvature(mristb[n]); MRISaverageCurvatures(mristb[n],2) ; MRISnormalizeCurvature(mristb[n], NORM_MEAN) ; sprintf(fname,"./curv%d",n); MRISwriteCurvature(mristb[n],fname); #endif } #if 0 mrisr=MRISconcatenateQuadSurfaces(n,mristb); mrisr->type=MRIS_TRIANGULAR_SURFACE; MRISwrite(mrisr,"./lh.ZURFACE"); // for(k=0;k<mrisr->nvertices;k++) // mrisr->vertices[k].curv=0.3; //MRISnormalizeCurvature(mrisr, NORM_MEAN) ; MRISwriteCurvature(mrisr,"./ZURFACE_CURVATURE"); for (k=0;k<mrisr->nvertices;k++) mrisr->vertices[k].curv=mrisr->vertices[k].val; MRISwriteCurvature(mrisr,"./ZURFACE_VAL"); #endif n=0; count=0; for (k=0;k<depth;k++) for (j=0;j<height;j++) for (i=0;i<width;i++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_val,i,j,k,0)>=1) { n++; if (MRIsetVoxVal(mri_val,i,j,k,0)>1) count++; } } // sprintf(fname,"./labeltotal"); /// f=fopen(fname,"a+"); //fprintf(f,"\n %s %d %d %f ",in_seg_fname,count,n,(float)100.*count/n); //fclose(f); #if 0 MRIwrite(mri_val,"/tmp/tmp"); #endif fprintf(stderr,"\n WE HAVE %d %d %f \n",count,n,100.*count/n); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (parms.final_surface_file) { int euler,pnvertices, pnfaces, pnedges; mris=MRIScreateSurfaceFromVolume(mri_out,1,parms.connectivity); euler=MRIScomputeEulerNumber(mris,&pnvertices,&pnfaces,&pnedges); fprintf(stderr,"\nfinal euler characteristic = %d, %d vertices, %d faces, %d edges" ,euler,pnvertices,pnfaces,pnedges); sprintf(fname,"%s",parms.final_surface_file); MRISwrite(mris,fname); #if 0 MRISsmoothSurface(mris,7,0.2); strcat(fname,"_smooth"); MRISwrite(mris,fname); if ( { sprintf(fname,parms.surfname); strcat(fname,"_fit"); MRISmatchSurfaceToLabel(parms.mris,parms.mri_output,1,NULL,NULL,parms.f_c); MRISwrite(parms.mris,fname); } #endif MRISfree(&mris); } if (mri_out) MRIfree(&mri_out); if (mri_orig) MRIfree(&mri_orig); if (mri_seg) MRIfree(&mri_seg); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return NO_ERROR; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int parse_commandline(int argc, char **argv) { int i, nargc , nargsused; char **pargv, *option ; char tmpstr[1000]; if (argc < 1) usage_exit(); nargc = argc; pargv = argv; while (nargc > 0) { option = pargv[0]; if (debug) printf("%d %s\n",nargc,option); nargc -= 1; pargv += 1; nargsused = 0; if (!strcasecmp(option, "--help")) print_help() ; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--version")) print_version() ; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--debug")) debug = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--abs")) DoAbs = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--nogmnnorm")) gmnnorm = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--rescale")) rescale=1; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--norescale")) rescale=0; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--no-output")) NoOutput = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--fft")) UseFFT = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--offset")) AddOffset=1; else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--offset-mid")){ AddOffset = 1; OffsetFrame = -1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--hsc")) { if (nargc < 2) argnerr(option,2); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&HSCMin); sscanf(pargv[1],"%lf",&HSCMax); DoHSC = 1; nargsused = 2; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--sum2")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sum2file = pargv[0]; pdfname = "delta"; //NoOutput = 1; nframes = 1; nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--hsynth")) { // eres mask DoTnorm out if (nargc < 3) argnerr(option,3); mri = MRIread(pargv[0]); mask = MRIread(pargv[1]); sscanf(pargv[2],"%d",&DoTNorm); mri2 = fMRIhsynth(mri, mask, DoTNorm); MRIwrite(mri2,pargv[3]); exit(0); nargsused = 2; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--vol") || !strcmp(option, "--o")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); volid = pargv[0]; nargsused = 1; if (nth_is_arg(nargc, pargv, 1)) { volfmt = pargv[1]; nargsused ++; volfmtid = checkfmt(volfmt); } } else if (!strcmp(option, "--temp") || !strcmp(option, "--template")) { if(DoCurv){ printf("ERROR: cannot use --temp and --curv\n"); exit(1); } if(nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); tempid = pargv[0]; nargsused = 1; if (nth_is_arg(nargc, pargv, 1)) { tempfmt = pargv[1]; nargsused ++; tempfmtid = checkfmt(tempfmt); } else tempfmtid = getfmtid(tempid); } else if (!strcmp(option, "--curv")) { if(tempid != NULL){ printf("ERROR: cannot use --temp and --curv\n"); exit(1); } if(nargc < 2) argnerr(option,2); subject = pargv[0]; hemi = pargv[1]; DoCurv = 1; nargsused = 2; sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/%s/surf/%s.thickness",getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR"),subject,hemi); tempid = strcpyalloc(tmpstr); } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--dim") ) { if (nargc < 4) argnerr(option,4); for (i=0;i<4;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%d",&dim[i]); nargsused = 4; dimSpeced = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--nframes") ) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%d",&nframes); nargsused = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--TR") || !strcmp(option, "--tr") ) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&TR); nargsused = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--res") ) { if (nargc < 4) argnerr(option,4); for (i=0;i<4;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%f",&res[i]); nargsused = 4; resSpeced = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--vox-size") ) { if (nargc < 3) argnerr(option,3); for (i=0;i<3;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%f",&res[i]); nargsused = 4; resSpeced = 1; NewVoxSizeSpeced = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--c_ras") ) { if (nargc < 3) argnerr(option,3); for (i=0;i<3;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%f",&cras[i]); nargsused = 3; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--p0") ) { if (nargc < 3) argnerr(option,3); for (i=0;i<3;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%f",&p0[i]); usep0 = 1; nargsused = 3; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--cdircos") ) { if (nargc < 3) argnerr(option,3); for (i=0;i<3;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%f",&cdircos[i]); nargsused = 3; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--rdircos") ) { if (nargc < 3) argnerr(option,3); for (i=0;i<3;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%f",&rdircos[i]); nargsused = 3; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--sdircos") ) { if (nargc < 3) argnerr(option,3); for (i=0;i<3;i++) sscanf(pargv[i],"%f",&sdircos[i]); nargsused = 3; } else if ( !strcmp(option, "--fwhm") ) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%f",&fwhm); gstd = fwhm/sqrt(log(256.0)); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--precision")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); precision = pargv[0]; nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--seed")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%ld",&seed); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--seedfile")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); seedfile = pargv[0]; nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--pdf")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); pdfname = pargv[0]; nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--bb")) { if (nargc < 6) argnerr(option,6); sscanf(pargv[0],"%d",&boundingbox.x); sscanf(pargv[1],"%d",&boundingbox.y); sscanf(pargv[2],"%d",&boundingbox.z); sscanf(pargv[3],"%d",&boundingbox.dx); sscanf(pargv[4],"%d",&boundingbox.dy); sscanf(pargv[5],"%d",&; pdfname = "boundingbox"; nargsused = 6; } else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--checker")) pdfname = "checker"; else if (!strcmp(option, "--dof-num")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%d",&numdof); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--val-a")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&ValueA); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--val-b")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&ValueB); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--radius")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&voxradius); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--dof-den") || !strcmp(option, "--dof")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%d",&dendof); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--gmean")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&gausmean); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--gstd")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&gausstd); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--delta-crsf")) { if (nargc < 4) argnerr(option,4); sscanf(pargv[0],"%d",&delta_crsf[0]); sscanf(pargv[1],"%d",&delta_crsf[1]); sscanf(pargv[2],"%d",&delta_crsf[2]); sscanf(pargv[3],"%d",&delta_crsf[3]); delta_crsf_speced = 1; nargsused = 4; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--delta-val")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&delta_value); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--delta-val-off")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%lf",&delta_off_value); nargsused = 1; } else if (!strcmp(option, "--spike")) { if (nargc < 1) argnerr(option,1); sscanf(pargv[0],"%d",&SpikeTP); nargsused = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Option %s unknown\n",option); if (singledash(option)) fprintf(stderr," Did you really mean -%s ?\n",option); exit(-1); } nargc -= nargsused; pargv += nargsused; } return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, *in_fname; int ac, nargs, i, j, x, y, z, width, height, depth; MRI *mri_flash[MAX_IMAGES], *mri_label, *mri_mask; int index; int msec, minutes, seconds, nvolumes, nvolumes_total ; struct timeb start ; float max_val, min_val, value; float *LDAweight = NULL; float **LDAmeans = NULL; /* Centroid for each considered class */ float *classSize =NULL; /* relative size of each class */ MATRIX **SWs; /* Within class scatter-matrix for each considered class */ MATRIX *AdjMatrix; /* Adjacency matrix of all classes */ FILE *fp; int num_classes; double cnr; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_ms_compute_CNR.c,v 1.10 2011/03/02 00:04:55 nicks Exp $", "$Name: $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; TimerStart(&start) ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 2) usage_exit(1) ; printf("command line parsing finished\n"); if (label_fname == NULL) { printf("Use -label option to specify file for segmentation \n"); usage_exit(0); } if (have_weight == 1 && weight_fname == NULL) { printf("Use -weight option to specify file for input LDA weights \n") ; usage_exit(0); } if (have_weight == 1 && synth_fname == NULL) { printf("Use -synth option to specify file for output synthesized volume \n") ; usage_exit(0); } if (ldaflag) { MINLABEL = MIN(class1, class2); MAXLABEL = MAX(class1, class2); } num_classes = MAXLABEL - MINLABEL + 1; printf("Total of %d classes considered in LDA training\n", num_classes); if (num_classes <= 1) { printf("Need to specify at least two classes to evaluate CNR\n"); usage_exit(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*** Read in the input multi-echo volumes ***/ nvolumes = 0 ; for (i = 1 ; i < argc; i++) { in_fname = argv[i] ; printf("reading %s...\n", in_fname) ; mri_flash[nvolumes] = MRIread(in_fname) ; if (mri_flash[nvolumes] == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read volume %s", Progname, in_fname) ; /* conform will convert all data to UCHAR, which will reduce data resolution*/ printf("%s read in. \n", in_fname) ; if (conform) { MRI *mri_tmp ; printf("embedding and interpolating volume\n") ; mri_tmp = MRIconform(mri_flash[nvolumes]) ; mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp ; } /* Change all volumes to float type for convenience */ if (mri_flash[nvolumes]->type != MRI_FLOAT) { printf("Volume %d type is %d\n", nvolumes+1, mri_flash[nvolumes]->type); MRI *mri_tmp; printf("Change data to float type \n"); mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_flash[nvolumes], MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1); MRIfree(&mri_flash[nvolumes]); mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp; //swap } nvolumes++ ; } printf("All data read in\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nvolumes_total = nvolumes ; /* all volumes read in */ for (i = 0 ; i < nvolumes ; i++) { for (j = i+1 ; j < nvolumes ; j++) { if ((mri_flash[i]->width != mri_flash[j]->width) || (mri_flash[i]->height != mri_flash[j]->height) || (mri_flash[i]->depth != mri_flash[j]->depth)) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s:\nvolumes %d (type %d) and %d (type %d) don't match (%d x %d x %d) vs (%d x %d x %d)\n", Progname, i, mri_flash[i]->type, j, mri_flash[j]->type, mri_flash[i]->width, mri_flash[i]->height, mri_flash[i]->depth, mri_flash[j]->width, mri_flash[j]->height, mri_flash[j]->depth) ; } } width = mri_flash[0]->width; height = mri_flash[0]->height; depth = mri_flash[0]->depth; if (label_fname != NULL) { mri_label = MRIread(label_fname); if (!mri_label) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n", Progname, label_fname); if ((mri_label->width != mri_flash[0]->width) || (mri_label->height != mri_flash[0]->height) || (mri_label->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth)) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume size doesn't match data volumes\n", Progname); /* if(mri_label->type != MRI_UCHAR) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname); */ } if (mask_fname != NULL) { mri_mask = MRIread(mask_fname); if (!mri_mask) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n", Progname, mask_fname); if ((mri_mask->width != mri_flash[0]->width) || (mri_mask->height != mri_flash[0]->height) || (mri_mask->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth)) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume size doesn't macth data volumes\n", Progname); if (mri_mask->type != MRI_UCHAR) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname); } else { mri_mask = MRIalloc(mri_flash[0]->width, mri_flash[0]->height, mri_flash[0]->depth, MRI_UCHAR); MRIcopyHeader(mri_flash[0], mri_mask); /* Simply set mask to be 1 everywhere */ for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 1; } } if (debug_flag && window_flag) { /* Limit LDA to a local window */ printf("Local window size = %d\n", window_size); window_size /= 2; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) == 0) continue; if (z < (Gz - window_size) || z >(Gz + window_size) || y <(Gy - window_size) || y > (Gy + window_size) || x < (Gx - window_size) || x > (Gx + window_size)) MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 0; } } LDAweight = (float *)calloc(nvolumes_total, sizeof(float)); /* Allocate memory */ LDAmeans = (float **)malloc(num_classes*sizeof(float *)); SWs = (MATRIX **)malloc(num_classes*sizeof(MATRIX *)); classSize = (float *)malloc(num_classes*sizeof(float)); for (i=0; i< num_classes; i++) { LDAmeans[i] = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float)); SWs[i] = (MATRIX *)MatrixAlloc(nvolumes_total, nvolumes_total, MATRIX_REAL); if (SWs[i] == NULL || LDAmeans[i] == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: unable to allocate required memory \n", Progname); } if (ldaflag) { AdjMatrix = (MATRIX *)MatrixAlloc(num_classes, num_classes, MATRIX_REAL); /* The diagnoal entries of AdjMatrix is set to zero initially */ for (i=1; i <= num_classes;i++) for (j=i; j <= num_classes; j++) { AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] = 0.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i] = 0.0; } AdjMatrix->rptr[class1-MINLABEL +1][class2-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[class1-MINLABEL +1][class1-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[class2-MINLABEL +1][class2-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[class2-MINLABEL +1][class1-MINLABEL+1] = 1.0; } else if (MINLABEL <=2 && MAXLABEL >= 76) { printf("Manually set adjacent matrix \n"); AdjMatrix = (MATRIX *)MatrixAlloc(num_classes, num_classes, MATRIX_REAL); /* The diagnoal entries of AdjMatrix is set to zero initially */ for (i=1; i <= num_classes;i++) for (j=i; j <= num_classes; j++) { AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] = 0.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i] = 0.0; } for (index = 0; index < CNR_pairs; index++) { i = ilist[index] - MINLABEL; j = jlist[index] - MINLABEL; AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][j+1] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[j+1][i+1] = 1.0; } /* left-hemisphere */ /* AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[17+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[5+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[4+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][2+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][3+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][5+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[18+1-MINLABEL][4+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][4+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][12+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][2+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][3+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; */ /* right-hemisphere */ /* AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][41+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][44+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][43+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][41+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][44+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[54+1-MINLABEL][43+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][43+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][51+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][41+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; for(i=1; i < num_classes;i++) for(j=i+1; j <= num_classes; j++){ if(AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] > 0.5) AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i] = AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j]; else AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] = AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i]; } */ /* AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][3+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][10+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][12+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][13+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[2+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][12+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][17+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[3+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[4+1-MINLABEL][10+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[4+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][11+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[10+1-MINLABEL][13+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[12+1-MINLABEL][13+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[12+1-MINLABEL][26+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[17+1-MINLABEL][18+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; */ /* right-hemisphere */ /* AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][42+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][49+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][51+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][52+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][53+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[41+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[42+1-MINLABEL][51+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[42+1-MINLABEL][53+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[42+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[43+1-MINLABEL][49+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[43+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][50+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[49+1-MINLABEL][52+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[51+1-MINLABEL][52+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[51+1-MINLABEL][58+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; AdjMatrix->rptr[53+1-MINLABEL][54+1-MINLABEL] = 1.0; */ } else AdjMatrix = ComputeAdjMatrix(mri_label, mri_mask, MINLABEL, MAXLABEL); /* AdjMatrix may need manual adjusted to avoid meaningless comparisons * such as computing CNR between left WM and right WM */ for (i=1; i <= num_classes;i++) for (j=1; j <= num_classes; j++) { if (j==i) continue; /* the diagonal term will indicate whether the class is useful or not */ AdjMatrix->rptr[i][i] += AdjMatrix->rptr[i][j] + AdjMatrix->rptr[j][i]; } printf("Compute individual class statistics\n"); /* Compute class means and covariance matrix */ /* Note that here SWs will be covaraince matrix, not scatter matrix */ for (i=0; i < num_classes; i++) { if (AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][i+1] < 0.5) continue; computeClassStats(LDAmeans[i], SWs[i], &classSize[i], mri_flash, mri_label, mri_mask, nvolumes_total, MINLABEL + i); } printf("class statistics computed \n"); if (fname != NULL) fp = fopen(fname, "w"); else fp = 0; printf("compute pair-wise CNR/Mahalanobis distances \n"); if (ldaflag) { for (i=0; i <num_classes-1;i++) for (j=i+1; j < num_classes; j++) { if (AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][j+1] < 0.5) continue; cnr = computePairCNR(LDAmeans[i], LDAmeans[j], SWs[i], SWs[j], classSize[i], classSize[j], nvolumes_total, LDAweight, 1); if (fp) fprintf(fp, "%9.4f ", (float)cnr); printf("CNR of class %d and class %d is %g\n", i+MINLABEL, j+MINLABEL, cnr); } if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); } } else { for (index = 0; index < CNR_pairs; index++) { i = ilist[index] - MINLABEL; j = jlist[index] - MINLABEL; if (AdjMatrix->rptr[i+1][j+1] < 0.5) continue; if (i== (2-MINLABEL) && j == (3-MINLABEL) && nvolumes_total > 1) cnr = computePairCNR(LDAmeans[i], LDAmeans[j], SWs[i], SWs[j], classSize[i], classSize[j], nvolumes_total, LDAweight, 1); else cnr = computePairCNR(LDAmeans[i], LDAmeans[j], SWs[i], SWs[j], classSize[i], classSize[j], nvolumes_total, 0, 0); if (fp) fprintf(fp, "%9.4f ", (float)cnr); printf("CNR of class %d and class %d is %g\n", i+MINLABEL, j+MINLABEL, cnr); } if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); } } /* output weights for optimize CNR for class 2 and class 3 */ if (weight_fname != NULL) { output_weights_to_file(LDAweight, weight_fname, nvolumes_total); } free(classSize); for (i=0; i< num_classes; i++) { free(LDAmeans[i]); MatrixFree(&SWs[i]); } free(LDAmeans); free(SWs); MatrixFree(&AdjMatrix); if (nvolumes_total > 1 && ((MINLABEL <=2 && MAXLABEL >= 3) || ldaflag)) { if (ldaflag) { printf("LDA weights for %d-%d are: \n", class1, class2); } else { printf("LDA weights for 2-3 are: \n"); } for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) { printf("%g ", LDAweight[i]); } printf("\n"); if (synth_fname != NULL) { /* linear projection of input volumes to a 1D volume */ min_val = 10000.0; max_val = -10000.0; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue; value = 0.0; for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) { value += MRIFvox(mri_flash[i], x, y, z)*LDAweight[i]; } if (max_val < value) max_val = value; if (min_val > value) min_val = value; /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */ MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = value; } printf("max_val = %g, min_val = %g \n", max_val, min_val); /* Scale output to [0, 255] */ for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue; value = (MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) - min_val)*255.0/(max_val - min_val) + 0.5; /* +0.5 for round-off */ if (value > 255.0) value = 255.0; if (value < 0) value = 0; /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */ MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) = (BUFTYPE) value; } /* Output synthesized volume */ MRIwrite(mri_mask, synth_fname); } } free(LDAweight); msec = TimerStop(&start) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; printf("LDA took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ; MRIfree(&mri_mask); MRIfree(&mri_label); for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) { MRIfree(&mri_flash[i]); } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, *in_fname; int ac, nargs, i, j, x, y, z, width, height, depth; MRI *mri_flash[MAX_IMAGES], *mri_label, *mri_mask, *mri_tmp; int msec, minutes, seconds, nvolumes, nvolumes_total ; struct timeb start ; float max_val, min_val, value; float *LDAmean1, *LDAmean2, *LDAweight; int label; double sum_white, sum_gray; int count_white, count_gray; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_ms_LDA.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $", "$Name: $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; TimerStart(&start) ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 2) usage_exit(1) ; printf("command line parsing finished\n"); if (have_weight == 0 && ldaflag == 0) { printf("Use -lda option to specify two class labels to optimize CNR on \n"); usage_exit(0); } if (have_weight == 0 && label_fname == NULL) { printf("Use -label option to specify file for segmentation \n"); usage_exit(0); } if (have_weight == 1 && weight_fname == NULL) { printf("Use -weight option to specify file for input LDA weights \n") ; usage_exit(0); } if (have_weight == 1 && synth_fname == NULL) { printf("Use -synth option to specify file for output synthesized volume \n") ; usage_exit(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*** Read in the input multi-echo volumes ***/ nvolumes = 0 ; for (i = 1 ; i < argc; i++) { in_fname = argv[i] ; printf("reading %s...\n", in_fname) ; mri_flash[nvolumes] = MRIread(in_fname) ; if (mri_flash[nvolumes] == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read volume %s", Progname, in_fname) ; /* conform will convert all data to UCHAR, which will reduce data resolution*/ printf("%s read in. \n", in_fname) ; if (conform) { printf("embedding and interpolating volume\n") ; mri_tmp = MRIconform(mri_flash[nvolumes]) ; MRIfree(&mri_flash[nvolumes]); mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp ; } /* Change all volumes to float type for convenience */ if (mri_flash[nvolumes]->type != MRI_FLOAT) { printf("Volume %d type is %d\n", nvolumes+1, mri_flash[nvolumes]->type); printf("Change data to float type \n"); mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_flash[nvolumes], MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1); MRIfree(&mri_flash[nvolumes]); mri_flash[nvolumes] = mri_tmp; //swap } nvolumes++ ; } printf("All data read in\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nvolumes_total = nvolumes ; /* all volumes read in */ for (i = 0 ; i < nvolumes ; i++) { for (j = i+1 ; j < nvolumes ; j++) { if ((mri_flash[i]->width != mri_flash[j]->width) || (mri_flash[i]->height != mri_flash[j]->height) || (mri_flash[i]->depth != mri_flash[j]->depth)) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s:\nvolumes %d (type %d) and %d (type %d) don't match (%d x %d x %d) vs (%d x %d x %d)\n", Progname, i, mri_flash[i]->type, j, mri_flash[j]->type, mri_flash[i]->width, mri_flash[i]->height, mri_flash[i]->depth, mri_flash[j]->width, mri_flash[j]->height, mri_flash[j]->depth) ; } } width = mri_flash[0]->width; height = mri_flash[0]->height; depth = mri_flash[0]->depth; if (label_fname != NULL) { mri_label = MRIread(label_fname); if (!mri_label) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n", Progname, label_fname); if ((mri_label->width != mri_flash[0]->width) || (mri_label->height != mri_flash[0]->height) || (mri_label->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth)) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume size doesn't match data volumes\n", Progname); /* if(mri_label->type != MRI_UCHAR) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: label volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname); */ } if (mask_fname != NULL) { mri_mask = MRIread(mask_fname); if (!mri_mask) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume %s\n", Progname, mask_fname); if ((mri_mask->width != mri_flash[0]->width) || (mri_mask->height != mri_flash[0]->height) || (mri_mask->depth != mri_flash[0]->depth)) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume size doesn't macth data volumes\n", Progname); if (mri_mask->type != MRI_UCHAR) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volume is not UCHAR type \n", Progname); } else { if (have_weight == 1) noise_threshold = - 1e20; printf("Threshold input vol1 at %g to create mask \n", noise_threshold); printf("this threshold is useful to process skull-stripped data \n"); mri_mask = MRIalloc(mri_flash[0]->width, mri_flash[0]->height, mri_flash[0]->depth, MRI_UCHAR); MRIcopyHeader(mri_flash[0], mri_mask); /* Simply set mask to be 1 everywhere */ for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if ((float)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_flash[0], x, y,z,0) < noise_threshold) MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 0; else MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 1; } } /* Normalize input volumes */ if (normflag) { printf("Normalize input volumes to zero mean, variance 1\n"); for (i=0; i <nvolumes_total; i++) { mri_flash[i] = MRInormalizeXH(mri_flash[i], mri_flash[i], mri_mask); } printf("Normalization done.\n"); } if (0) { printf("Using both hemi-sphere by changing rh-labels\n"); for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { label = (int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y,z,0); if (label == 41) /* white matter */ MRIsetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y, z, 0, 2); else if (label == 42) /* gm */ MRIsetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y, z, 0, 3); } } if (debug_flag && window_flag) { /* Limit LDA to a local window */ printf("Local window size = %d\n", window_size); window_size /= 2; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) == 0) continue; if (z < (Gz - window_size) || z >(Gz + window_size) || y <(Gy - window_size) || y > (Gy + window_size) || x < (Gx - window_size) || x > (Gx + window_size)) MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y,z) = 0; } } LDAmean1 = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float)); LDAmean2 = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float)); LDAweight = (float *)malloc(nvolumes_total*sizeof(float)); if (have_weight) { printf("Read in LDA weights from weight-file\n"); input_weights_to_file(LDAweight, weight_fname, nvolumes_total); } else { /* compute LDA weights */ printf("Compute LDA weights to maximize CNR for region %d and region %d\n", class1, class2); /* Compute class means */ update_LDAmeans(mri_flash, mri_label, mri_mask, LDAmean1, LDAmean2, nvolumes_total, class1, class2); printf("class means computed \n"); /* Compute Fisher's LDA weights */ computeLDAweights(LDAweight, mri_flash, mri_label, mri_mask, LDAmean1, LDAmean2, nvolumes_total, class1, class2); if (weight_fname != NULL) { output_weights_to_file(LDAweight, weight_fname, nvolumes_total); } } printf("LDA weights are: \n"); for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) { printf("%g ", LDAweight[i]); } printf("\n"); if (synth_fname != NULL) { /* linear projection of input volumes to a 1D volume */ min_val = 10000.0; max_val = -10000.0; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue; value = 0.0; for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) { value += MRIFvox(mri_flash[i], x, y, z)*LDAweight[i]; } // if(value < 0) value = 0; if (max_val < value) max_val = value; if (min_val > value) min_val = value; /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */ MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = value; } printf("max_val = %g, min_val = %g \n", max_val, min_val); /* Check to make sure class1 has higher intensity than class2 */ if (have_weight == 0) { sum_white =0; count_white = 0; sum_gray = 0; count_gray = 0; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) { if (count_white > 300 && count_gray > 300) break; for (y=0; y< height; y++) { for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if ((int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y,z,0) == class1) { sum_white += MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z); count_white += 1; } else if ((int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_label, x, y,z,0) == class2) { sum_gray += MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z); count_gray += 1; } } } } if (count_white > 1 && count_gray > 1) { if (sum_white *count_gray < sum_gray*count_white) { for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue; value = MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z); MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = max_val - value; } max_val = max_val - min_val; min_val = 0; } } } /* The following is copied to be consistent with mri_synthesize */ /* Don't know why add min_val, minus should make more sense */ for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) { MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = 0; /*background always set to 0 */ continue; } /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */ if (shift_value > 0) { value = MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) + shift_value; if (value < 0) value = 0; MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) = value; } else if (mask_fname != NULL) MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) -= min_val; } MRIfree(&mri_mask); if (mri_flash[0]->type == out_type) { mri_mask = MRIcopy(mri_flash[0], mri_mask); } else { mri_mask = MRIchangeType(mri_flash[0], out_type, 0.1, 0.99, 0); } /* Scale output to [0, 255] */ if (0) { for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (whole_volume == 0 && MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) == 0) continue; value = (MRIFvox(mri_flash[0], x, y, z) - min_val)*255.0/(max_val - min_val) + 0.5; /* +0.5 for round-off */ if (value > 255.0) value = 255.0; if (value < 0) value = 0; /* Borrow mri_flash[0] to store the float values first */ MRIvox(mri_mask, x, y, z) = (BUFTYPE) value; } } /* Output synthesized volume */ MRIwrite(mri_mask, synth_fname); } free(LDAmean1); free(LDAmean2); free(LDAweight); msec = TimerStop(&start) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; printf("LDA took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ; MRIfree(&mri_mask); if (label_fname) MRIfree(&mri_label); for (i=0; i < nvolumes_total; i++) { MRIfree(&mri_flash[i]); } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av; MRI *mri_T1, *mri_tmp, *mri_ctrl, *mri_in, *mri_out; MRI *mri_snr, *mri_bias; MRI *mri_mask1 = NULL; MRI *mri_mask2 = NULL; int ac, nargs; int width, height, depth, x, y, z; int mask1_set = 0; int mask2_set = 0; int i, j, k, cx, cy, cz, count; LTA *lta = 0; int transform_type; double mean, std, value, src, bias, norm; // HISTOGRAM *h; // float bin_size; // int nbins, bin_no; double mean1, std1, mean2, std2, count1, count2, slope, offset; VOL_GEOM vgtmp; LT *lt = NULL; MATRIX *m_tmp = NULL; Progname = argv[0]; nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_normalize_tp2.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc != 3) usage(1); if (tp1_ctrl_fname == NULL || tp1_T1_fname == NULL) { printf("Use options to specify ctrl volume and T1 volume for tp1\n"); usage(1); } mri_in = MRIread(argv[1]) ; if (!mri_in) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read input volume %s", Progname, argv[1]) ; mri_T1 = MRIread(tp1_T1_fname) ; if (!mri_T1) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read T1 volume for tp1 %s", Progname, tp1_T1_fname) ; mri_ctrl = MRIread(tp1_ctrl_fname) ; if (!mri_ctrl) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read control points volume for tp1 %s", Progname, tp1_ctrl_fname) ; if ((mri_in->width != mri_T1->width) || (mri_in->height != mri_T1->height) || (mri_in->depth != mri_T1->depth) || (mri_in->width != mri_ctrl->width) || (mri_in->height != mri_ctrl->height) || (mri_in->depth != mri_ctrl->depth) ) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: three input volumes have different sizes \n", Progname); if (mask1_fname) { mri_mask1 = MRIread(mask1_fname) ; if (!mri_mask1) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s, could not read mask volume for tp1 %s", Progname, mask1_fname); mask1_set = 1; if ((mri_mask1->width != mri_in->width) || (mri_mask1->height != mri_in->height) || (mri_mask1->depth != mri_in->depth)) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volumes have different sizes than other volumes \n", Progname); } if (mask2_fname) { mri_mask2 = MRIread(mask2_fname) ; if (!mri_mask2) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s, could not read mask volume for tp2 %s", Progname, mask2_fname); mask2_set = 1; if ((mri_mask2->width != mri_T1->width) || (mri_mask2->height != mri_T1->height) || (mri_mask2->depth != mri_T1->depth) ) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: mask volumes have different sizes than other volumes \n", Progname); } width = mri_in->width ; height = mri_in->height ; depth = mri_in->depth ; //nbins = 200; //h = HISTOalloc(nbins); mri_out = MRIclone(mri_in, NULL) ; /* Read LTA transform and apply it to mri_ctrl */ if (xform_fname != NULL) { // read transform transform_type = TransformFileNameType(xform_fname); if (transform_type == MNI_TRANSFORM_TYPE || transform_type == TRANSFORM_ARRAY_TYPE || transform_type == REGISTER_DAT || transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE ) { printf("Reading transform ...\n"); lta = LTAreadEx(xform_fname) ; if (!lta) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read transform file %s", Progname, xform_fname) ; if (transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE) { if (lta_src == 0 || lta_dst == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: fslmat does not have information " "on the src and dst volumes\n"); fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: you must give options '-lta_src' and " "'-lta_dst' to specify the src and dst volume infos\n"); } LTAmodifySrcDstGeom (lta, lta_src, lta_dst); // add src and dst information LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX); //this is necessary } if (lta->xforms[0].src.valid == 0) { if (lta_src == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "The transform does not have the valid src volume info.\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Either you give src volume info by option -lta_src or\n"); fprintf(stderr, "make the transform to have the valid src info.\n"); ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n"); } else { LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, NULL); // add src information // getVolGeom(lta_src, <->src); } } if (lta->xforms[0].dst.valid == 0) { if (lta_dst == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "The transform does not have the valid dst volume info.\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Either you give src volume info by option -lta_dst or\n"); fprintf (stderr, "make the transform to have the valid dst info.\n"); fprintf (stderr, "If the dst was average_305, then you can set\n"); fprintf (stderr, "environmental variable USE_AVERAGE305 true\n"); fprintf (stderr, "without giving the dst volume for RAS-to-RAS transform.\n"); ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n"); } else { LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, NULL, lta_dst); // add dst information } } } else { ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "transform is not of MNI, nor Register.dat, nor FSLMAT type"); } if (invert) { m_tmp = lta->xforms[0].m_L ; lta->xforms[0].m_L = MatrixInverse(lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ; MatrixFree(&m_tmp) ; lt = <a->xforms[0]; if (lt->dst.valid == 0 || lt->src.valid == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "WARNING:***********************************************\n"); fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: dst volume infor is invalid. " "Most likely produce wrong inverse.\n"); fprintf (stderr, "WARNING:***********************************************\n"); } copyVolGeom(<->dst, &vgtmp); copyVolGeom(<->src, <->dst); copyVolGeom(&vgtmp, <->src); } // LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX); /* apply lta to the ctrl volume */ mri_tmp = MRIalloc(mri_ctrl->width, mri_ctrl->height, mri_ctrl->depth, mri_ctrl->type) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_tmp) ; // this function doesn't do NEAREST at all!! // I found the bug, in LTAtransformInterp() mri_tmp = LTAtransformInterp(mri_ctrl, mri_tmp, lta, SAMPLE_NEAREST); MRIfree(&mri_ctrl); mri_ctrl = mri_tmp; if (mask1_fname != NULL && mask2_fname == NULL) { printf("map mask for tp1 to get mask for tp2 ...\n"); mri_mask2 = MRIalloc(mri_in->width, mri_in->height, mri_in->depth, mri_mask1->type) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_mask2) ; mri_mask2 = LTAtransformInterp(mri_mask1, mri_mask2, lta, SAMPLE_NEAREST); mask2_set = 1; if (debug_flag) MRIwrite(mri_mask2, "mri_mask2.mgz"); } else if (mask2_fname != NULL && mask1_fname == NULL) { printf("map mask for tp2 to get mask for tp1 ...\n"); //need to invert lta first m_tmp = lta->xforms[0].m_L ; lta->xforms[0].m_L = MatrixInverse(lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ; MatrixFree(&m_tmp) ; lt = <a->xforms[0]; copyVolGeom(<->dst, &vgtmp); copyVolGeom(<->src, <->dst); copyVolGeom(&vgtmp, <->src); mri_mask1 = MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height, mri_T1->depth, mri_mask2->type) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_T1, mri_mask1) ; mri_mask1 = LTAtransformInterp(mri_mask2, mri_mask1, lta, SAMPLE_NEAREST); mask1_set = 1; if (debug_flag) MRIwrite(mri_mask1, "mri_mask1.mgz"); } if (lta_src) MRIfree(<a_src); if (lta_dst) MRIfree(<a_dst); if (lta) LTAfree(<a); } /* if (xform_fname != NULL) */ if (debug_flag) { // MRIwrite(mri_snr, "snr.mgz"); MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "ctrl.mgz"); } if (mask1_set == 0) { //create mask1 mri_mask1 = MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height, mri_T1->depth, MRI_UCHAR) ; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) { MRIvox(mri_mask1,x,y,z) = 0; } else MRIvox(mri_mask1,x,y,z) = 1; } } if (mask2_set == 0) { //create mask2 mri_mask2 = MRIalloc(mri_in->width, mri_in->height, mri_in->depth, MRI_UCHAR) ; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) { MRIvox(mri_mask2,x,y,z) = 0; } else MRIvox(mri_mask2,x,y,z) = 1; } } #if 0 /* compute the mean and std of T1 volume */ /* Using only high SNR points */ mri_snr = MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height, mri_T1->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_T1, mri_snr) ; h->bin_size = bin_size = 0.5; for (bin_no = 0; bin_no < nbins; bin_no++) h->bins[bin_no] = (bin_no)*bin_size; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) { MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = 0; continue; } mean = 0; std = 0; count = 0; for (i=-1; i<=1; i++) for (j=-1; j<=1; j++) for (k=-1;k<=1;k++) { cx = x+i; cy = y+j, cz = z+k; if (cx < 0 || cx >= width || cy < 0 || cy >= height || cz < 0 || cz >= depth) continue; count++; value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, cx, cy, cz, 0); mean += value; std += value*value; } mean /= (count + 1e-30); std /= (count + 1e-30); std = std - mean *mean; if (std <= 0) std = 0; value = mean/sqrt(std); MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = value; bin_no = nint((float)value/(float)bin_size); if (bin_no >= nbins) bin_no = nbins - 1; h->counts[bin_no]++; } for (num = 0.0f, b = h->nbins - 1; b >= 1; b --) { num += h->counts[b]; if (num > 20000) /* this may make me only use WM points, is it good to use only WM to compute scale of intensity?? */ break; } printf("using SNR threshold %2.3f at bin %d\n", h->bins[b], b); mean1 = 0; std1 = 0; count1 = 0; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) { continue; } value = MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z); if (value < h->bins[b]) continue; value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0); count1++; mean1 += value; std1 += value*value; } MRIfree(&mri_snr); #else printf("compute mean and std of tp1 volume within masked area...\n"); mean1 = 0; std1 = 0; count1 = 0; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_mask1, x, y, z, 0) <= 1e-30) { continue; } value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, x, y, z, 0); count1++; mean1 += value; std1 += value*value; } #endif mean1 /= (count1 + 1e-30); std1 /= (count1 + 1e-30); std1 = std1 - mean1*mean1; if (std1 <= 0) printf("warning: negative std for T1 volume. \n"); else printf("mean and variance for tp1 volume are %g and %g\n", mean1, std1); printf("now compute SNR and stats for input volume ... \n"); mri_snr = MRIalloc(mri_in->width, mri_in->height, mri_in->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_in, mri_snr) ; //HISTOclear(h,h); //h->bin_size = bin_size = 0.5; //for (bin_no = 0; bin_no < nbins; bin_no++) // h->bins[bin_no] = (bin_no)*bin_size; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) { MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = 0; continue; } mean = 0; std = 0; count = 0; for (i=-1; i<=1; i++) for (j=-1; j<=1; j++) for (k=-1;k<=1;k++) { cx = x+i; cy = y+j, cz = z+k; if (cx < 0 || cx >= width || cy < 0 || cy >= height || cz < 0 || cz >= depth) continue; count++; value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, cx, cy, cz, 0); mean += value; std += value*value; } mean /= (count + 1e-30); std /= (count + 1e-30); std = std - mean *mean; if (std <= 0) std = 0; value = mean/sqrt(std); MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = value; //bin_no = nint((float)value/(float)bin_size); //if (bin_no >= nbins) bin_no = nbins - 1; //h->counts[bin_no]++; } #if 0 for (num = 0.0f, b = h->nbins - 1; b >= 1; b --) { num += h->counts[b]; if (num > 20000) /* this may make me only use WM points, is it good to use only WM to compute scale of intensity?? */ break; } printf("using SNR threshold %2.3f at bin %d\n", h->bins[b], b); mean2 = 0; std2 = 0; count2 = 0; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) { continue; } value = MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z); if (value >= h->bins[b]) { count2++; mean2 += value; std2 += value*value; } } #else printf("compute mean and std of tp2 volume within masked area\n"); /* somehow mri_watershed seems to leave some unzero voxels around image border, so I will skip image boundaries no, that's not a problem of most recent mri_watershed; something wrong previously */ mean2 = 0; std2 = 0; count2 = 0; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_mask2, x, y, z, 0) <= 1e-30) { continue; } value = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0); count2++; mean2 += value; std2 += value*value; } #endif mean2 /= (count2 + 1e-30); std2 /= (count2 + 1e-30); std2 = std2 - mean2*mean2; if (std2 <= 0) printf("warning: negative std for input volume. \n"); else printf("mean and variance for input tp2 volume are %g and %g\n", mean2, std2); //compute intensity scale slope = sqrt(std1/std2); offset = mean1 - slope*mean2; printf("scale input volume by %g x + %g\n", slope, offset); // first change mri_in to FLOAT type mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_in, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1); MRIfree(&mri_in); mri_in = mri_tmp; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { value = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z); MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) = value*slope + offset; } // printf("compute SNR map of tp2 volume\n"); //already done above // mri_snr = MRIalloc(mri_ctrl->width, // mri_ctrl->height, mri_ctrl->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ; for (z=0; z < depth; z++) for (y=0; y< height; y++) for (x=0; x < width; x++) { if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) < noise_threshold) { // MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z) = 0; continue; } value = MRIFvox(mri_snr,x,y,z); if (value < 20) MRIvox(mri_ctrl, x, y, z) = 0; else if (MRIvox(mri_ctrl, x, y, z) > 0) { MRIvox(mri_ctrl, x, y, z) = 1; } } if (debug_flag) { MRIwrite(mri_snr, "snr.mgz"); // MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "ctrl.mgz"); } // SNR >= 20 seems a good threshold // Now use ctrl points to normalize tp2 printf("normalize tp2...\n"); mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_in, mri_ctrl, NULL, bias_sigma) ; for (z = 0 ; z < depth ; z++) { for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) { src = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_in, x, y, z, 0) ; bias = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_bias, x, y, z, 0) ; if (!bias) /* should never happen */ norm = (float)src ; else norm = (float)src * 110.0 / (float)bias ; if (norm > 255.0f && mri_out->type == MRI_UCHAR) norm = 255.0f ; else if (norm < 0.0f && mri_out->type == MRI_UCHAR) norm = 0.0f ; MRIsetVoxVal(mri_out, x, y, z, 0, norm) ; } } } printf("writing normalized volume to %s...\n", argv[2]) ; MRIwrite(mri_out, argv[2]); MRIfree(&mri_in); MRIfree(&mri_bias); MRIfree(&mri_out); MRIfree(&mri_T1); MRIfree(&mri_ctrl); MRIfree(&mri_snr); //HISTOfree(&h); exit(0); } /* end main() */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, *in_vol, *out_vol; int ac, nargs; MRI *mri_in, *mri_out, *mri_tmp ; LTA *lta = 0; MATRIX *i_to_r_src = 0; /* src geometry of the input LTA */ MATRIX *V_to_V = 0; /* Final voxel-to-voxel transform */ MATRIX *r_to_i_dst = 0; /* dst geometry of the input LTA */ MATRIX *m_tmp = 0; MATRIX *i_to_r_reg = 0; /* i_to_r of the volume after registration */ MATRIX *r_to_i_out = 0; /* r_to_i of the final output volume */ VOL_GEOM vgm_in; int x, y, z; double maxV, minV, value; int transform_type; // MATRIX *i_to_r, *r_to_i; HISTOGRAM *h, *hsmooth ; float fmin, fmax, val, peak, smooth_peak; int i, nbins, bin; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_transform_to_COR.c,v 1.3 2011/03/02 00:04:25 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) usage_exit (0); argc -= nargs; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (argc < 3) usage_exit(0) ; in_vol = argv[1] ; out_vol = argv[2] ; printf("reading volume from %s...\n", in_vol) ; mri_in = MRIread(in_vol) ; if (!mri_in) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read MRI volume %s", Progname, in_vol) ; /* Convert mri_in to float type */ /* double would be more accurate */ if (mri_in->type != MRI_FLOAT) { printf("Input volume type is %d\n", mri_in->type); printf("Change input volume to float type for convenience and accuracy"); mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_in, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 1.0, 1); MRIfree(&mri_in); mri_in = mri_tmp; //swap } /* Get input volume geometry, which is needed to compute i_to_r * and r_to_i of input volume. Note that i_to_r and r_to_i assumed * a certain prespecified c_r, c_a, c_s */ getVolGeom(mri_in, &vgm_in); maxV = -10000.0; minV = 10000.0; for (z=0; z < mri_in->depth; z++) for (y=0; y< mri_in->height; y++) for (x=0; x < mri_in->width; x++) { if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) > maxV ) maxV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ; if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) < minV ) minV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ; } printf("Input volume has max = %g, min =%g\n", maxV, minV); printf("Scale input volume by %g \n", scale); maxV = -10000.0; minV = 10000.0; for (z=0; z < mri_in->depth; z++) for (y=0; y< mri_in->height; y++) for (x=0; x < mri_in->width; x++) { MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) *= scale; if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) > maxV ) maxV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ; if (MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y, z) < minV ) minV = MRIFvox(mri_in, x, y,z) ; } printf("Input volume after scaling has max = %g, min =%g\n", maxV, minV); /* Try to compute the Voxel_to_Voxel transform from the input volume * and the registration target/reference volume! * If no registration is involved, vox_to_vox is simply identity */ /* Things become more complicated when allowing inverse transform */ if (transform_flag) { printf("INFO: Applying transformation from file %s...\n", transform_fname); transform_type = TransformFileNameType(transform_fname); /* Read in LTA transform file name */ if (transform_type == MNI_TRANSFORM_TYPE || transform_type == TRANSFORM_ARRAY_TYPE || transform_type == REGISTER_DAT || transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE ) { printf("Reading transform ...\n"); lta = LTAreadEx(transform_fname) ; if (!lta) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read transform file %s", Progname, transform_fname) ; if (transform_type == FSLREG_TYPE) { if (lta_src == 0 || lta_dst == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fslmat does not have information on the src and dst volumes\n"); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you must give options '-src' and '-dst' to specify the src and dst volume infos for the registration\n"); } LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, lta_dst); // add src and dst information //The following is necessary to interpret FSLMAT correctly!!! LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX); } if (lta->xforms[0].src.valid == 0) { if (lta_src == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "The transform does not have the valid src volume info.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Either you give src volume info by option -src or\n"); fprintf(stderr, "make the transform to have the valid src info.\n"); ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n"); } else { LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, NULL); // add src information } } if (lta->xforms[0].dst.valid == 0) { if (lta_dst == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "The transform does not have the valid dst volume info.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Either you give src volume info by option -dst or\n"); fprintf(stderr, "make the transform to have the valid dst info.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If the dst was average_305, then you can set\n"); fprintf(stderr, "environmental variable USE_AVERAGE305 true\n"); fprintf(stderr, "instead.\n"); ErrorExit(ERROR_BAD_PARM, "Bailing out...\n"); } else { LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, NULL, lta_dst); // add dst information } } // The following procedure aims to apply an LTA computed from COR format to a volume in non-COR format, or vice versa, as long as they share the same RAS // first change to LINEAR RAS_TO_RAS using old info if (lta->type != LINEAR_RAS_TO_RAS) { LTAchangeType(lta, LINEAR_RAS_TO_RAS); } // now possiblly reset the src and dst if (lta_src != NULL) { //always trust the user LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, lta_src, NULL); } if (lta_dst != NULL) { //always trust the user LTAmodifySrcDstGeom(lta, NULL, lta_dst); } if (lta->type == LINEAR_RAS_TO_RAS) { /* Convert it to VOX_TO_VOX */ /* VOXELsrc_to_VOXELdst = R2Vdst*R2Rlta*V2Rsrc */ /* Note whether the input should be identical to src or dst here depends * on whether the LTA here is the direct or inverse transform */ i_to_r_src = vg_i_to_r(<a->xforms[0].src); r_to_i_dst = vg_r_to_i(<a->xforms[0].dst); if (!r_to_i_dst || !i_to_r_src) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract volume geometries from input LTA file",Progname); m_tmp = MatrixMultiply(lta->xforms[0].m_L, i_to_r_src, NULL); V_to_V = MatrixMultiply(r_to_i_dst, m_tmp, NULL); MatrixFree(&m_tmp); MatrixFree(&i_to_r_src); MatrixFree(&r_to_i_dst); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown transform type in file %s\n", transform_fname); exit(1); } if (invert_flag) { /* Geometry of input volume should match that of the dst of the LTA */ if (MYvg_isEqual(<a->xforms[0].dst, &vgm_in) == 0) { ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: dst volume of lta doesn't match that of input volume",Progname); } i_to_r_reg = vg_i_to_r(<a->xforms[0].src); if (!i_to_r_reg) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract i_to_r of registered volume from LTA",Progname); m_tmp = MatrixInverse(V_to_V, NULL); if (!m_tmp) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: transform is singular!", Progname); MatrixFree(&V_to_V); V_to_V = m_tmp; } else { /* Geometry of input volume should match that of the src of the LTA */ if (MYvg_isEqual(<a->xforms[0].src, &vgm_in) == 0) { ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: src volume of lta doesn't match that of input volume",Progname); } i_to_r_reg = vg_i_to_r(<a->xforms[0].dst); if (!i_to_r_reg) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract i_to_r of registered volume from LTA",Progname); } } else { /* No registration transform need be applied */ V_to_V = MatrixIdentity(4, NULL); i_to_r_reg = extract_i_to_r(mri_in); if (!i_to_r_reg) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: failed to extract i_to_r from input volume",Progname); } /* Now need to find the vox-to-vox transformation between registered volume * (or input volume itself if no registration involved) and the output * volume, either in COR format or as the out-like volume */ /* Given a volume with a certain i_to_r, we need to compute the necessary * vox-to-voxel transform to change its i_to_r to like another volume. * The vox-to-vox is equal to R2V(r_to_i)_likevol*i_to_r_current_vol. */ if (out_like_fname) { mri_tmp = MRIread(out_like_fname) ; if (!mri_tmp) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read template volume from %s",out_like_fname) ; /* out_type = mri_tmp->type; */ /* specify the out-type to float initially so as not to lose accuracy * during reslicing, will change type to correct type later. */ mri_out = MRIalloc(mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_tmp, mri_out) ; MRIfree(&mri_tmp); } else /* assume output is in COR format */ { mri_out = MRIalloc(256, 256, 256, MRI_FLOAT) ; /* out_type = MRI_UCHAR; */ /* Who says MRIlinearTransformInterp will change the header?? * I don't think so! */ //E/ set xyzc_ras to coronal ones.. - these'll get zorched //by MRIlinearTransformInterp() - copy again later - is there //any use in having them here now? yes, so we can pass mri_out //to the ras2vox fns. mri_out->imnr0 = 1; /* what's this? */ mri_out->imnr1 = 256; /* what's this? */ mri_out->thick = 1.0; mri_out->ps = 1.0; /* what's this? */ mri_out->xsize = mri_out->ysize = mri_out->zsize = 1.0; mri_out->xstart = mri_out->ystart = mri_out->zstart = -128.0; mri_out->xend = mri_out->yend = mri_out->zend = 128.0; mri_out->x_r =-1; mri_out->y_r = 0; mri_out->z_r = 0; mri_out->x_a = 0; mri_out->y_a = 0; mri_out->z_a = 1; mri_out->x_s = 0; mri_out->y_s =-1; mri_out->z_s = 0; /* In this case, the RAS itself is not fully determined, i.e., c_ras. * It's quite arbitrary, different values just change the final * sitting of the volume inside the RAS system. */ /* NO! The C_RAS has to be set correctly, depending which target * volume the previous Vox_to_Vox transformation assumes! * When a registration is involved, the target volume is either * the src of LTA (direct) or the dst (inverse transform). When * just change format, the target volume is the input itself!! */ if (transform_flag) { if (invert_flag) { mri_out->c_r = lta->xforms[0].src.c_r; mri_out->c_a = lta->xforms[0].src.c_a; mri_out->c_s = lta->xforms[0].src.c_s; } else { mri_out->c_r = lta->xforms[0].dst.c_r; mri_out->c_a = lta->xforms[0].dst.c_a; mri_out->c_s = lta->xforms[0].dst.c_s; } } else { mri_out->c_r = mri_in->c_r; mri_out->c_a = mri_in->c_a; mri_out->c_s = mri_in->c_s; } mri_out->ras_good_flag=1; /* What does this flag mean ? */ /* since output is just transformed input */ MRIcopyPulseParameters(mri_in, mri_out) ; } /* Compute the final input-to-output VOX_to_VOX transformation matrix */ r_to_i_out = extract_r_to_i(mri_out); m_tmp = MatrixMultiply(r_to_i_out, i_to_r_reg, NULL); V_to_V = MatrixMultiply(m_tmp, V_to_V, V_to_V); MatrixFree(&m_tmp); printf("InterpMethod = %d\n", InterpMethod); /* Modify the MyMRIlinearTr... if I want to implement my cubic-B-spline * interpolation method. Otherwise, unnecessary */ /* mri_out = MyMRIlinearTransformInterp(mri_in, mri_out, V_to_V, InterpMethod); */ if (InterpMethod == SAMPLE_BSPLINE) mri_out = MRIlinearTransformInterpBSpline(mri_in, mri_out, V_to_V, SplineDegree); else mri_out = MRIlinearTransformInterp(mri_in, mri_out, V_to_V, InterpMethod); maxV = -10000.0; minV = 10000.0; for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++) for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++) for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++) { if (MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z) > maxV ) maxV = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y,z) ; if (MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z) < minV ) minV = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y,z) ; } if (autoscale) { noscale = 1; /* compute histogram of output volume */ fmin = minV; fmax = maxV; if (fmin < 0) fmin = 0; nbins = 256 ; h = HISTOalloc(nbins) ; hsmooth = HISTOcopy(h, NULL) ; HISTOclear(h, h) ; h->bin_size = (fmax-fmin)/255.0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < nbins ; i++) h->bins[i] = (i+1)*h->bin_size ; for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++) for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++) for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++) { val = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z); if (val <= 0) continue; bin = nint((val - fmin)/h->bin_size); if (bin >= h->nbins) bin = h->nbins-1; else if (bin < 0) bin = 0; h->counts[bin] += 1.0; } HISTOfillHoles(h) ; HISTOsmooth(h, hsmooth, 5) ; peak = hsmooth->bins[HISTOfindHighestPeakInRegion(h, 1, h->nbins)] ; // smooth_peak = // hsmooth->bins[HISTOfindHighestPeakInRegion(hsmooth, 1, hsmooth->nbins)] ; smooth_peak = hsmooth->bins[HISTOfindLastPeak(hsmooth, 5, 0.8)] ; /* bin = nint((smooth_peak - fmin)/hsmooth->bin_size) ; printf("Highest peak has count = %d\n", (int)hsmooth->counts[bin]); bin = nint((420 - fmin)/hsmooth->bin_size) ; printf("bin at 420 has count = %d\n", (int)hsmooth->counts[bin]); */ scale = 110.0/smooth_peak; printf("peak of output volume is %g, smooth-peak is %g, multiply by %g to scale it to 110\n", peak, smooth_peak, scale); for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++) for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++) for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++) { val = MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z); MRIFvox(mri_out, x, y, z) = val*scale; } } printf("Output volume (before type-conversion) has max = %g, min =%g\n", maxV, minV); /* Finally change type to desired */ if (mri_out->type != out_type) { printf("Change output volume to type %d\n", out_type); /* I need to modify the MIRchangeType function to make sure * it does roundoff instead of simple truncation! */ /* Note if the last flag is set to 1, then it won't do scaling and small float numbers will become zero after convert to BYTE */ if (out_type == 0 && noscale == 1) { //convert data to UCHAR mri_tmp = MRIalloc(mri_out->width, mri_out->height, mri_out->depth, out_type) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_out, mri_tmp); for (z=0; z < mri_out->depth; z++) for (y=0; y< mri_out->height; y++) for (x=0; x < mri_out->width; x++) { value = floor(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_out, x, y, z, 0) + 0.5); if (value < 0 ) value = 0; if (value > 255) value = 255; MRIvox(mri_tmp,x,y,z) = (unsigned char)value; } } else mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_out, out_type, thred_low, thred_high, noscale); MRIfree(&mri_out); mri_out = mri_tmp; //swap } MRIwrite(mri_out, out_vol) ; MRIfree(&mri_in); MRIfree(&mri_out); if (lta_src) MRIfree(<a_src); if (lta_dst) MRIfree(<a_dst); MatrixFree(&V_to_V); if (!r_to_i_out) MatrixFree(&r_to_i_out); if (!i_to_r_reg) MatrixFree(&i_to_r_reg); return(0) ; /* for ansi */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char **av, fname[STRLEN], *out_fname, *subject_name, *cp, *tp1_name, *tp2_name ; char s1_name[STRLEN], s2_name[STRLEN], *sname ; int ac, nargs, i, n, options, max_index ; int msec, minutes, seconds, nsubjects, input ; struct timeb start ; MRI *mri_seg, *mri_tmp, *mri_in ; TRANSFORM *transform ; // int counts ; int t; RANDOM_FOREST *rf = NULL ; GCA *gca = NULL ; Progname = argv[0] ; ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ; TimerStart(&start) ; parms.width = parms.height = parms.depth = DEFAULT_VOLUME_SIZE ; parms.ntrees = 10 ; parms.max_depth = 10 ; parms.wsize = 1 ; parms.training_size = 100 ; parms.training_fraction = .5 ; parms.feature_fraction = 1 ; /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */ nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_rf_long_train.c,v 1.5 2012/06/15 12:22:28 fischl Exp $", "$Name: $"); if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0); argc -= nargs; // parse command line args ac = argc ; av = argv ; for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) { nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ; argc -= nargs ; argv += nargs ; } if (!strlen(subjects_dir)) /* hasn't been set on command line */ { cp = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR") ; if (!cp) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment", Progname); strcpy(subjects_dir, cp) ; } if (argc < 3) usage_exit(1) ; // options parsed. subjects, tp1 and tp2 and rf name remaining out_fname = argv[argc-1] ; nsubjects = (argc-2)/3 ; for (options = i = 0 ; i < nsubjects ; i++) { if (argv[i+1][0] == '-') { nsubjects-- ; options++ ; } } printf("training on %d subject and writing results to %s\n", nsubjects, out_fname) ; // rf_inputs can be T1, PD, ...per subject if (parms.nvols == 0) parms.nvols = ninputs ; /* gca reads same # of inputs as we read from command line - not the case if we are mapping to flash */ n = 0 ; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set up gca direction cosines, width, height, depth defaults gca = GCAread(gca_name) ; if (gca == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read GCA from %s", Progname, gca_name) ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // weird way options and subject name are mixed here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // first calculate mean //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // going through the subject one at a time max_index = nsubjects+options ; nargs = 0 ; mri_in = NULL ; #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP subject_name = NULL ; sname = NULL ; t = 0 ; // counts = 0 ; would be private input = 0 ; transform = NULL ; tp1_name = tp2_name = NULL ; mri_tmp = mri_seg = NULL ; #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(tp1_name, tp2_name, mri_in,mri_tmp, input, xform_name, transform, subjects_dir, force_inputs, conform, Progname, mri_seg, subject_name, s1_name, s2_name, sname, t, fname) shared(mri_inputs, transforms, mri_segs,argv) schedule(static,1) #endif for (i = 0 ; i < max_index ; i++) { subject_name = argv[3*i+1] ; tp1_name = argv[3*i+2] ; tp2_name = argv[3*i+3] ; sprintf(s1_name, "%s_%s.long.%s_base", subject_name, tp1_name, subject_name) ; sprintf(s2_name, "%s_%s.long.%s_base", subject_name, tp2_name, subject_name) ; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("***************************************" "************************************\n"); printf("processing subject %s, %d of %d (%s and %s)...\n", subject_name,i+1-nargs, nsubjects, s1_name,s2_name); for (t = 0 ; t < 2 ; t++) { sname = t == 0 ? s1_name : s2_name; // reading this subject segmentation sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, sname, seg_dir) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_SHOW && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) fprintf(stderr, "Reading segmentation from %s...\n", fname) ; mri_seg = MRIread(fname) ; if (!mri_seg) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read segmentation file %s", Progname, fname) ; if ((mri_seg->type != MRI_UCHAR) && (make_uchar != 0)) { MRI *mri_tmp ; mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_seg, MRI_UCHAR, 0, 1,1); MRIfree(&mri_seg) ; mri_seg = mri_tmp ; } if (wmsa_fname) { MRI *mri_wmsa ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, sname, wmsa_fname) ; printf("reading WMSA labels from %s...\n", fname) ; mri_wmsa = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri_wmsa == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read WMSA file %s", fname) ; MRIbinarize(mri_wmsa, mri_wmsa, 1, 0, WM_hypointensities) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_wmsa, mri_seg, WM_hypointensities) ; lateralize_hypointensities(mri_seg) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON ) { char s[STRLEN] ; sprintf(s, "%s/%s/mri/seg_%s", subjects_dir, subject_name, wmsa_fname) ; MRIwrite(mri_seg, s) ; } } if (binarize) { int j ; for (j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++) { if (j == binarize_in) MRIreplaceValues(mri_seg, mri_seg, j, binarize_out) ; else MRIreplaceValues(mri_seg, mri_seg, j, 0) ; } } if (insert_fname) { MRI *mri_insert ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, subject_name, insert_fname) ; mri_insert = MRIread(fname) ; if (mri_insert == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read volume from %s for insertion", Progname, insert_fname) ; MRIbinarize(mri_insert, mri_insert, 1, 0, insert_label) ; MRIcopyLabel(mri_insert, mri_seg, insert_label) ; MRIfree(&mri_insert) ; } replaceLabels(mri_seg) ; MRIeraseBorderPlanes(mri_seg, 1) ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) fprintf(stderr, "Gather all input volumes for the subject %s.\n", subject_name); // inputs must be coregistered // note that inputs are T1, PD, ... per subject (same TE, TR, FA) for (input = 0 ; input < ninputs ; input++) { //////////// set the gca type ////////////////////////////// // is this T1/PD training? // how can we allow flash data training ??????? // currently checks the TE, TR, FA to be the same for all inputs // thus we cannot allow flash data training. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, sname,input_names[input]); if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) printf("reading co-registered input from %s...\n", fname) ; fprintf(stderr, " reading input %d: %s\n", input, fname); mri_tmp = MRIread(fname) ; if (!mri_tmp) ErrorExit (ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read image from file %s", Progname, fname) ; // input check 1 if (getSliceDirection(mri_tmp) != MRI_CORONAL) { ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: must be in coronal direction, but it is not\n", fname); } // input check 2 if (conform && (mri_tmp->xsize != 1 || mri_tmp->ysize != 1 || mri_tmp->zsize != 1)) { ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: must have 1mm voxel size, but have (%f, %f, %f)\n", fname, mri_tmp->xsize, mri_tmp->ysize, mri_tmp->ysize); } // input check 3 is removed. now we can handle c_(ras) != 0 case // input check 4 if (i == 0) { TRs[input] = mri_tmp->tr ; FAs[input] = mri_tmp->flip_angle ; TEs[input] = mri_tmp->te ; } else if ((force_inputs == 0) && (!FEQUAL(TRs[input],mri_tmp->tr) || !FEQUAL(FAs[input],mri_tmp->flip_angle) || !FEQUAL(TEs[input], mri_tmp->te))) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: subject %s input volume %s: sequence parameters " "(%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f)" "don't match other inputs (%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f)", Progname, subject_name, fname, mri_tmp->tr, DEGREES(mri_tmp->flip_angle), mri_tmp->te, TRs[input], DEGREES(FAs[input]), TEs[input]) ; // first time do the following if (input == 0) { int nframes = ninputs ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mri_in = MRIallocSequence(mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth, mri_tmp->type, nframes) ; if (!mri_in) ErrorExit (ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: could not allocate input volume %dx%dx%dx%d", mri_tmp->width, mri_tmp->height, mri_tmp->depth,nframes) ; MRIcopyHeader(mri_tmp, mri_in) ; } // -mask option //////////////////////////////////////////// if (mask_fname) { MRI *mri_mask ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, subject_name, mask_fname); printf("reading volume %s for masking...\n", fname) ; mri_mask = MRIread(fname) ; if (!mri_mask) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open mask volume %s.\n", Progname, fname) ; MRImask(mri_tmp, mri_mask, mri_tmp, 0, 0) ; MRIfree(&mri_mask) ; } MRIcopyFrame(mri_tmp, mri_in, 0, input) ; MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ; }// end of inputs per subject ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // xform_name is given, then we can use the consistent c_(r,a,s) for gca ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (xform_name) { // we read talairach.xfm which is a RAS-to-RAS sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/transforms/%s", subjects_dir, sname, xform_name) ; if (Gdiag & DIAG_SHOW && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON) printf("INFO: reading transform file %s...\n", fname); if (!FileExists(fname)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: cannot find transform file %s\n",fname); exit(1); } transform = TransformRead(fname); if (!transform) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read transform from file %s", Progname, fname); // modify_transform(transform, mri_in, gca); // Here we do 2 things // 1. modify gca direction cosines to // that of the transform destination (both linear and non-linear) // 2. if ras-to-ras transform, // then change it to vox-to-vox transform (linear case) // modify transform to store inverse also TransformInvert(transform, mri_in) ; } else { // GCAreinit(mri_in, gca); // just use the input value, since dst = src volume transform = TransformAlloc(LINEAR_VOXEL_TO_VOXEL, NULL) ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (do_sanity_check) { // conduct a sanity check of particular labels, most importantly // hippocampus, that such labels do not exist in talairach coords // where they are known not to belong (indicating a bad manual edit) int errs = check(mri_seg, subjects_dir, subject_name); if (errs) { printf( "ERROR: mri_ca_train: possible bad training data! subject:\n" "\t%s/%s\n\n", subjects_dir, subject_name); fflush(stdout) ; sanity_check_badsubj_count++; } } mri_segs[i][t] = mri_seg ; mri_inputs[i][t] = mri_in ; transforms[i][t] = transform ; } } rf = train_rforest(mri_inputs, mri_segs, transforms, nsubjects, gca, &parms, wm_thresh,wmsa_whalf, 2) ; printf("writing random forest to %s\n", out_fname) ; if (RFwrite(rf, out_fname) != NO_ERROR) ErrorExit (ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: could not write rf to %s", Progname, out_fname) ; msec = TimerStop(&start) ; seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ; minutes = seconds / 60 ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; printf("classifier array training took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ; exit(0) ; return(0) ; }