Exemplo n.º 1
static int resampler_basic_interpolate_single(SpeexResamplerState *st, spx_uint32_t channel_index, const spx_word16_t *in, spx_uint32_t *in_len, spx_word16_t *out, spx_uint32_t *out_len)
   const int N = st->filt_len;
   int out_sample = 0;
   int last_sample = st->last_sample[channel_index];
   spx_uint32_t samp_frac_num = st->samp_frac_num[channel_index];
   const int out_stride = st->out_stride;
   const int int_advance = st->int_advance;
   const int frac_advance = st->frac_advance;
   const spx_uint32_t den_rate = st->den_rate;
   spx_word32_t sum;

   while (!(last_sample >= (spx_int32_t)*in_len || out_sample >= (spx_int32_t)*out_len))
      const spx_word16_t *iptr = & in[last_sample];

      const int offset = samp_frac_num*st->oversample/st->den_rate;
      const spx_word16_t frac = PDIV32(SHL32((samp_frac_num*st->oversample) % st->den_rate,15),st->den_rate);
      const spx_word16_t frac = ((float)((samp_frac_num*st->oversample) % st->den_rate))/st->den_rate;
      spx_word16_t interp[4];

      int j;
      spx_word32_t accum[4] = {0,0,0,0};

      for(j=0;j<N;j++) {
        const spx_word16_t curr_in=iptr[j];
        accum[0] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset-2]);
        accum[1] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset-1]);
        accum[2] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset]);
        accum[3] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset+1]);

      cubic_coef(frac, interp);
      sum = MULT16_32_Q15(interp[0],SHR32(accum[0], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[1],SHR32(accum[1], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[2],SHR32(accum[2], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[3],SHR32(accum[3], 1));
      sum = SATURATE32PSHR(sum, 15, 32767);
      cubic_coef(frac, interp);
      sum = interpolate_product_single(iptr, st->sinc_table + st->oversample + 4 - offset - 2, N, st->oversample, interp);

      out[out_stride * out_sample++] = sum;
      last_sample += int_advance;
      samp_frac_num += frac_advance;
      if (samp_frac_num >= den_rate)
         samp_frac_num -= den_rate;

   st->last_sample[channel_index] = last_sample;
   st->samp_frac_num[channel_index] = samp_frac_num;
   return out_sample;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void find_best_pitch(opus_val32 *xcorr, opus_val16 *y, int len,
                            int max_pitch, int *best_pitch
                            , int yshift, opus_val32 maxcorr
   int i, j;
   opus_val32 Syy=1;
   opus_val16 best_num[2];
   opus_val32 best_den[2];
   int xshift;

   xshift = celt_ilog2(maxcorr)-14;

   best_num[0] = -1;
   best_num[1] = -1;
   best_den[0] = 0;
   best_den[1] = 0;
   best_pitch[0] = 0;
   best_pitch[1] = 1;
   for (j=0;j<len;j++)
      Syy = ADD32(Syy, SHR32(MULT16_16(y[j],y[j]), yshift));
   for (i=0;i<max_pitch;i++)
      if (xcorr[i]>0)
         opus_val16 num;
         opus_val32 xcorr16;
         xcorr16 = EXTRACT16(VSHR32(xcorr[i], xshift));
         /* Considering the range of xcorr16, this should avoid both underflows
            and overflows (inf) when squaring xcorr16 */
         xcorr16 *= 1e-12f;
         num = MULT16_16_Q15(xcorr16,xcorr16);
         if (MULT16_32_Q15(num,best_den[1]) > MULT16_32_Q15(best_num[1],Syy))
            if (MULT16_32_Q15(num,best_den[0]) > MULT16_32_Q15(best_num[0],Syy))
               best_num[1] = best_num[0];
               best_den[1] = best_den[0];
               best_pitch[1] = best_pitch[0];
               best_num[0] = num;
               best_den[0] = Syy;
               best_pitch[0] = i;
            } else {
               best_num[1] = num;
               best_den[1] = Syy;
               best_pitch[1] = i;
      Syy += SHR32(MULT16_16(y[i+len],y[i+len]),yshift) - SHR32(MULT16_16(y[i],y[i]),yshift);
      Syy = MAX32(1, Syy);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void kf_bfly2(
        kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
        const size_t fstride,
        const kiss_fft_cfg st,
        int m,
        int N,
        int mm
    kiss_fft_cpx * Fout2;
    kiss_fft_cpx * tw1;
    kiss_fft_cpx t;
    if (!st->inverse) {
       int i,j;
       kiss_fft_cpx * Fout_beg = Fout;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++)
          Fout = Fout_beg + i*mm;
          Fout2 = Fout + m;
          tw1 = st->twiddles;
             /* Almost the same as the code path below, except that we divide the input by two
              (while keeping the best accuracy possible) */
             ms_word32_t tr, ti;
             tr = SHR32(SUB32(MULT16_16(Fout2->r , tw1->r),MULT16_16(Fout2->i , tw1->i)), 1);
             ti = SHR32(ADD32(MULT16_16(Fout2->i , tw1->r),MULT16_16(Fout2->r , tw1->i)), 1);
             tw1 += fstride;
             Fout2->r = PSHR32(SUB32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->r), 14), tr), 15);
             Fout2->i = PSHR32(SUB32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->i), 14), ti), 15);
             Fout->r = PSHR32(ADD32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->r), 14), tr), 15);
             Fout->i = PSHR32(ADD32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->i), 14), ti), 15);
    } else {
       int i,j;
       kiss_fft_cpx * Fout_beg = Fout;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++)
          Fout = Fout_beg + i*mm;
          Fout2 = Fout + m;
          tw1 = st->twiddles;
             C_MUL (t,  *Fout2 , *tw1);
             tw1 += fstride;
             C_SUB( *Fout2 ,  *Fout , t );
             C_ADDTO( *Fout ,  t );
Exemplo n.º 4
/** Compute power spectrum of a half-complex (packed) vector and accumulate */
static inline void power_spectrum_accum(const spx_word16_t *X, spx_word32_t *ps, int N)
   int i, j;
   for (i=1,j=1;i<N-1;i+=2,j++)
      ps[j] +=  MULT16_16(X[i],X[i]) + MULT16_16(X[i+1],X[i+1]);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void find_best_pitch(opus_val32 *xcorr, opus_val16 *y, int len,
                            int max_pitch, int *best_pitch
                            , int yshift, opus_val32 maxcorr
   int i, j;
   opus_val32 Syy=1;
   opus_val16 best_num[2];
   opus_val32 best_den[2];
   int xshift;

   xshift = celt_ilog2(maxcorr)-14;

   best_num[0] = -1;
   best_num[1] = -1;
   best_den[0] = 0;
   best_den[1] = 0;
   best_pitch[0] = 0;
   best_pitch[1] = 1;
   for (j=0;j<len;j++)
      Syy = MAC16_16(Syy, y[j],y[j]);
   for (i=0;i<max_pitch;i++)
      if (xcorr[i]>0)
         opus_val16 num;
         opus_val32 xcorr16;
         xcorr16 = EXTRACT16(VSHR32(xcorr[i], xshift));
         num = MULT16_16_Q15(xcorr16,xcorr16);
         if (MULT16_32_Q15(num,best_den[1]) > MULT16_32_Q15(best_num[1],Syy))
            if (MULT16_32_Q15(num,best_den[0]) > MULT16_32_Q15(best_num[0],Syy))
               best_num[1] = best_num[0];
               best_den[1] = best_den[0];
               best_pitch[1] = best_pitch[0];
               best_num[0] = num;
               best_den[0] = Syy;
               best_pitch[0] = i;
            } else {
               best_num[1] = num;
               best_den[1] = Syy;
               best_pitch[1] = i;
      Syy += SHR32(MULT16_16(y[i+len],y[i+len]),yshift) - SHR32(MULT16_16(y[i],y[i]),yshift);
      Syy = MAX32(1, Syy);
Exemplo n.º 6
void filterbank_compute_psd16(FilterBank *bank, spx_word16_t *mel, spx_word16_t *ps)
   int i;
   for (i=0;i<bank->len;i++)
      spx_word32_t tmp;
      int id1, id2;
      id1 = bank->bank_left[i];
      id2 = bank->bank_right[i];
      tmp = MULT16_16(mel[id1],bank->filter_left[i]);
      tmp += MULT16_16(mel[id2],bank->filter_right[i]);
      ps[i] = EXTRACT16(PSHR32(tmp,15));
Exemplo n.º 7
/** Compute weighted cross-power spectrum of a half-complex (packed) vector with conjugate */
static inline void weighted_spectral_mul_conj(const spx_float_t *w, const spx_float_t p, const spx_word16_t *X, const spx_word16_t *Y, spx_word32_t *prod, int N)
   int i, j;
   spx_float_t W;
   W = FLOAT_AMULT(p, w[0]);
   prod[0] = FLOAT_MUL32(W,MULT16_16(X[0],Y[0]));
   for (i=1,j=1;i<N-1;i+=2,j++)
      W = FLOAT_AMULT(p, w[j]);
      prod[i] = FLOAT_MUL32(W,MAC16_16(MULT16_16(X[i],Y[i]), X[i+1],Y[i+1]));
      prod[i+1] = FLOAT_MUL32(W,MAC16_16(MULT16_16(-X[i+1],Y[i]), X[i],Y[i+1]));
   W = FLOAT_AMULT(p, w[j]);
   prod[i] = FLOAT_MUL32(W,MULT16_16(X[i],Y[i]));
Exemplo n.º 8
static void cubic_coef(spx_word16_t x, spx_word16_t interp[4])
   /* Compute interpolation coefficients. I'm not sure whether this corresponds to cubic interpolation
   but I know it's MMSE-optimal on a sinc */
   spx_word16_t x2, x3;
   x2 = MULT16_16_P15(x, x);
   x3 = MULT16_16_P15(x, x2);
   interp[0] = PSHR32(MULT16_16(QCONST16(-0.16667f, 15),x) + MULT16_16(QCONST16(0.16667f, 15),x3),15);
   interp[1] = EXTRACT16(EXTEND32(x) + SHR32(SUB32(EXTEND32(x2),EXTEND32(x3)),1));
   interp[3] = PSHR32(MULT16_16(QCONST16(-0.33333f, 15),x) + MULT16_16(QCONST16(.5f,15),x2) - MULT16_16(QCONST16(0.16667f, 15),x3),15);
   /* Just to make sure we don't have rounding problems */
   interp[2] = Q15_ONE-interp[0]-interp[1]-interp[3];
   if (interp[2]<32767)
Exemplo n.º 9
static inline void spectral_mul_accum16(const spx_word16_t *X, const spx_word16_t *Y, spx_word16_t *acc, int N, int M)
   int i,j;
   spx_word32_t tmp1=0,tmp2=0;
   for (j=0;j<M;j++)
      tmp1 = MAC16_16(tmp1, X[j*N],Y[j*N]);
   acc[0] = PSHR32(tmp1,WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   for (i=1;i<N-1;i+=2)
      tmp1 = tmp2 = 0;
      for (j=0;j<M;j++)
         tmp1 = SUB32(MAC16_16(tmp1, X[j*N+i],Y[j*N+i]), MULT16_16(X[j*N+i+1],Y[j*N+i+1]));
         tmp2 = MAC16_16(MAC16_16(tmp2, X[j*N+i+1],Y[j*N+i]), X[j*N+i], Y[j*N+i+1]);
      acc[i] = PSHR32(tmp1,WEIGHT_SHIFT);
      acc[i+1] = PSHR32(tmp2,WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   tmp1 = tmp2 = 0;
   for (j=0;j<M;j++)
      tmp1 = MAC16_16(tmp1, X[(j+1)*N-1],Y[(j+1)*N-1]);
   acc[N-1] = PSHR32(tmp1,WEIGHT_SHIFT);
Exemplo n.º 10
spx_word32_t speex_rand(spx_word16_t std, spx_int32_t *seed)
   spx_word32_t res;
   *seed = 1664525 * *seed + 1013904223;
   res = MULT16_16(EXTRACT16(SHR32(*seed,16)),std);
   return SUB32(res, SHR(res, 3));
Exemplo n.º 11
static void exp_rotation(celt_norm *X, int len, int dir, int stride, int K, int spread)
    static const int SPREAD_FACTOR[3]= {15,10,5};
    int i;
    opus_val16 c, s;
    opus_val16 gain, theta;
    int stride2=0;
    int factor;

    if (2*K>=len || spread==SPREAD_NONE)
    factor = SPREAD_FACTOR[spread-1];

    gain = celt_div((opus_val32)MULT16_16(Q15_ONE,len),(opus_val32)(len+factor*K));
    theta = HALF16(MULT16_16_Q15(gain,gain));

    c = celt_cos_norm(EXTEND32(theta));
    s = celt_cos_norm(EXTEND32(SUB16(Q15ONE,theta))); /*  sin(theta) */

    if (len>=8*stride)
        stride2 = 1;
        /* This is just a simple (equivalent) way of computing sqrt(len/stride) with rounding.
           It's basically incrementing long as (stride2+0.5)^2 < len/stride. */
        while ((stride2*stride2+stride2)*stride + (stride>>2) < len)
Exemplo n.º 12
EXPORT int speex_std_stereo_request_handler(SpeexBits * bits, void *state,
					    void *data)
	RealSpeexStereoState *stereo;
	spx_word16_t sign = 1, dexp;
	int tmp;

	stereo = (RealSpeexStereoState *) data;


	if (speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, 1))
		sign = -1;
	dexp = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, 5);
	stereo->balance = exp(sign * .25 * dexp);
	stereo->balance = spx_exp(MULT16_16(sign, SHL16(dexp, 9)));
	tmp = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, 2);
	stereo->e_ratio = e_ratio_quant[tmp];

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
static int lsp_weight_quant(spx_word16_t *x, spx_word16_t *weight, const signed char *cdbk, int nbVec, int nbDim)
   int i,j;
   spx_word32_t dist;
   spx_word16_t tmp;
   spx_word32_t best_dist=VERY_LARGE32;
   int best_id=0;
   const signed char *ptr=cdbk;
   for (i=0;i<nbVec;i++)
      for (j=0;j<nbDim;j++)
      if (dist<best_dist)
   for (j=0;j<nbDim;j++)
      x[j] = SUB16(x[j],SHL16((spx_word16_t)cdbk[best_id*nbDim+j],5));
   return best_id;
Exemplo n.º 14
/** Unquantize forced pitch delay and gain */
void forced_pitch_unquant(
    spx_word16_t exc[],             /* Input excitation */
    spx_word32_t exc_out[],         /* Output excitation */
    int   start,                    /* Smallest pitch value allowed */
    int   end,                      /* Largest pitch value allowed */
    spx_word16_t pitch_coef,        /* Voicing (pitch) coefficient */
    const void* par,
    int   nsf,                      /* Number of samples in subframe */
    int* pitch_val,
    spx_word16_t* gain_val,
    SpeexBits* bits,
    char* stack,
    int count_lost,
    int subframe_offset,
    spx_word16_t last_pitch_gain,
    int cdbk_offset
) {
    int i;
    if (pitch_coef > 63)
        pitch_coef = 63;
    if (pitch_coef > .99)
        pitch_coef = .99;
    for (i = 0; i < nsf; i++) {
        exc_out[i] = MULT16_16(exc[i - start], SHL16(pitch_coef, 7));
        exc[i] = EXTRACT16(PSHR32(exc_out[i], 13));
    *pitch_val = start;
    gain_val[0] = gain_val[2] = 0;
    gain_val[1] = pitch_coef;
Exemplo n.º 15
static void compute_weighted_codebook(const signed char *shape_cb, const spx_sig_t *r, spx_word16_t *resp, float *resp2, spx_word32_t *E, int shape_cb_size, int subvect_size, char *stack)
   int i, j, k;
   for (i=0;i<shape_cb_size;i++)
      spx_word16_t *res;
      const signed char *shape;

      res = resp+i*subvect_size;
      shape = shape_cb+i*subvect_size;

      /* Compute codeword response using convolution with impulse response */
         spx_word32_t resj=0;
         for (k=0;k<=j;k++)
            resj = MAC16_16_Q11(resj,shape[k],r[j-k]);
         resj *= 0.03125;
         res[j] = resj;
         /*printf ("%d\n", (int)res[j]);*/
      /* Compute codeword energy */

Exemplo n.º 16
static inline spx_word32_t compute_pitch_error(spx_word16_t* C, spx_word16_t* g, spx_word16_t pitch_control) {
    spx_word32_t sum = 0;
    sum = ADD32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[0], pitch_control), C[0]));
    sum = ADD32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[1], pitch_control), C[1]));
    sum = ADD32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[2], pitch_control), C[2]));
    sum = SUB32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[0], g[1]), C[3]));
    sum = SUB32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[2], g[1]), C[4]));
    sum = SUB32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[2], g[0]), C[5]));
    sum = SUB32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[0], g[0]), C[6]));
    sum = SUB32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[1], g[1]), C[7]));
    sum = SUB32(sum, MULT16_16(MULT16_16_16(g[2], g[2]), C[8]));
    return sum;
Exemplo n.º 17
EXPORT int speex_echo_ctl(SpeexEchoState *st, int request, void *ptr)
         (*(int*)ptr) = st->frame_size;
         st->sampling_rate = (*(int*)ptr);
         st->spec_average = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 15), st->sampling_rate);
         st->beta0 = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 16), st->sampling_rate);
         st->beta_max = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 14), st->sampling_rate);
         st->beta0 = (2.0f*st->frame_size)/st->sampling_rate;
         st->beta_max = (.5f*st->frame_size)/st->sampling_rate;
         if (st->sampling_rate<12000)
            st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.9, 15);
         else if (st->sampling_rate<24000)
            st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.982, 15);
            st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.992, 15);
         (*(int*)ptr) = st->sampling_rate;
         /*FIXME: Implement this for multiple channels */
         *((spx_int32_t *)ptr) = st->M * st->frame_size;
         int M = st->M, N = st->window_size, n = st->frame_size, i, j;
         spx_int32_t *filt = (spx_int32_t *) ptr;
            /*FIXME: Implement this for multiple channels */
            for (i=0;i<N;i++)
               st->wtmp2[i] = EXTRACT16(PSHR32(st->W[j*N+i],16+NORMALIZE_SCALEDOWN));
            spx_ifft(st->fft_table, st->wtmp2, st->wtmp);
            spx_ifft(st->fft_table, &st->W[j*N], st->wtmp);
               filt[j*n+i] = PSHR32(MULT16_16(32767,st->wtmp[i]), WEIGHT_SHIFT-NORMALIZE_SCALEDOWN);
         speex_warning_int("Unknown speex_echo_ctl request: ", request);
         return -1;
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
/* By segher */
void fir_mem_up(const spx_sig_t *x, const spx_word16_t *a, spx_sig_t *y, int N, int M, spx_word32_t *mem, char *stack)
   /* assumptions:
      all odd x[i] are zero -- well, actually they are left out of the array now
      N and M are multiples of 4 */
   int i, j;
   spx_word16_t *xx;
   xx= PUSH(stack, M+N-1, spx_word16_t);

   for (i = 0; i < N/2; i++)
      xx[2*i] = SHR(x[N/2-1-i],SIG_SHIFT+1);
   for (i = 0; i < M - 1; i += 2)
      xx[N+i] = mem[i+1];

   for (i = 0; i < N; i += 4) {
      spx_sig_t y0, y1, y2, y3;
      spx_word16_t x0;

      y0 = y1 = y2 = y3 = 0;
      x0 = xx[N-4-i];

      for (j = 0; j < M; j += 4) {
         spx_word16_t x1;
         spx_word16_t a0, a1;

         a0 = a[j];
         a1 = a[j+1];
         x1 = xx[N-2+j-i];

         y0 += SHR(MULT16_16(a0, x1),1);
         y1 += SHR(MULT16_16(a1, x1),1);
         y2 += SHR(MULT16_16(a0, x0),1);
         y3 += SHR(MULT16_16(a1, x0),1);

         a0 = a[j+2];
         a1 = a[j+3];
         x0 = xx[N+j-i];

         y0 += SHR(MULT16_16(a0, x0),1);
         y1 += SHR(MULT16_16(a1, x0),1);
         y2 += SHR(MULT16_16(a0, x1),1);
         y3 += SHR(MULT16_16(a1, x1),1);
      y[i] = y0;
      y[i+1] = y1;
      y[i+2] = y2;
      y[i+3] = y3;

   for (i = 0; i < M - 1; i += 2)
      mem[i+1] = xx[i];
Exemplo n.º 19
static int resampler_basic_direct_single(SpeexResamplerState *st, spx_uint32_t channel_index, const spx_word16_t *in, spx_uint32_t *in_len, spx_word16_t *out, spx_uint32_t *out_len)
   const int N = st->filt_len;
   int out_sample = 0;
   int last_sample = st->last_sample[channel_index];
   spx_uint32_t samp_frac_num = st->samp_frac_num[channel_index];
   const spx_word16_t *sinc_table = st->sinc_table;
   const int out_stride = st->out_stride;
   const int int_advance = st->int_advance;
   const int frac_advance = st->frac_advance;
   const spx_uint32_t den_rate = st->den_rate;
   spx_word32_t sum;

   while (!(last_sample >= (spx_int32_t)*in_len || out_sample >= (spx_int32_t)*out_len))
      const spx_word16_t *sinct = & sinc_table[samp_frac_num*N];
      const spx_word16_t *iptr = & in[last_sample];

      int j;
      sum = 0;
      for(j=0;j<N;j++) sum += MULT16_16(sinct[j], iptr[j]);

/*    This code is slower on most DSPs which have only 2 accumulators.
      Plus this this forces truncation to 32 bits and you lose the HW guard bits.
      I think we can trust the compiler and let it vectorize and/or unroll itself.
      spx_word32_t accum[4] = {0,0,0,0};
      for(j=0;j<N;j+=4) {
        accum[0] += MULT16_16(sinct[j], iptr[j]);
        accum[1] += MULT16_16(sinct[j+1], iptr[j+1]);
        accum[2] += MULT16_16(sinct[j+2], iptr[j+2]);
        accum[3] += MULT16_16(sinct[j+3], iptr[j+3]);
      sum = accum[0] + accum[1] + accum[2] + accum[3];
      sum = SATURATE32PSHR(sum, 15, 32767);
      sum = inner_product_single(sinct, iptr, N);

      out[out_stride * out_sample++] = sum;
      last_sample += int_advance;
      samp_frac_num += frac_advance;
      if (samp_frac_num >= den_rate)
         samp_frac_num -= den_rate;

   st->last_sample[channel_index] = last_sample;
   st->samp_frac_num[channel_index] = samp_frac_num;
   return out_sample;
Exemplo n.º 20
EXPORT void speex_decode_stereo_int(spx_int16_t * data, int frame_size,
				    SpeexStereoState * _stereo)
	int i;
	spx_word32_t balance;
	spx_word16_t e_left, e_right, e_ratio;
	RealSpeexStereoState *stereo = (RealSpeexStereoState *) _stereo;


	balance = stereo->balance;
	e_ratio = stereo->e_ratio;

	/* These two are Q14, with max value just below 2. */
	e_right =
	    DIV32(QCONST32(1., 22),
			   (e_ratio, ADD32(QCONST32(1., 16), balance))));
	e_left = SHR32(MULT16_16(spx_sqrt(balance), e_right), 8);

	for (i = frame_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		spx_int16_t tmp = data[i];
		stereo->smooth_left =
				(stereo->smooth_left, QCONST16(0.98, 15)),
				e_left, QCONST16(0.02, 15)), 15));
		stereo->smooth_right =
				(stereo->smooth_right, QCONST16(0.98, 15)),
				e_right, QCONST16(0.02, 15)), 15));
		data[2 * i] =
		    (spx_int16_t) MULT16_16_P14(stereo->smooth_left, tmp);
		data[2 * i + 1] =
		    (spx_int16_t) MULT16_16_P14(stereo->smooth_right, tmp);
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: lpc.c Projeto: 03050903/godot
void _spx_autocorr(
const spx_word16_t *x,   /*  in: [0...n-1] samples x   */
spx_word16_t       *ac,  /* out: [0...lag-1] ac values */
int          lag, 
int          n
   spx_word32_t d;
   int i, j;
   spx_word32_t ac0=1;
   int shift, ac_shift;
   for (j=0;j<n;j++)
      ac0 = ADD32(ac0,SHR32(MULT16_16(x[j],x[j]),8));
   ac0 = ADD32(ac0,n);
   shift = 8;
   while (shift && ac0<0x40000000)
      ac0 <<= 1;
   ac_shift = 18;
   while (ac_shift && ac0<0x40000000)
      ac0 <<= 1;
   for (i=0;i<lag;i++)
      for (j=i;j<n;j++)
         d = ADD32(d,SHR32(MULT16_16(x[j],x[j-i]), shift));
      ac[i] = SHR32(d, ac_shift);
Exemplo n.º 22
spx_word16_t compute_rms(const spx_sig_t *x, int len)
   int i;
   spx_word32_t sum=0;
   spx_sig_t max_val=1;
   int sig_shift;

   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
      spx_sig_t tmp = x[i];
      if (tmp<0)
         tmp = -tmp;
      if (tmp > max_val)
         max_val = tmp;

   while (max_val>16383)
      max_val >>= 1;

   for (i=0;i<len;i+=4)
      spx_word32_t sum2=0;
      spx_word16_t tmp;
      tmp = SHR(x[i],sig_shift);
      sum2 += MULT16_16(tmp,tmp);
      tmp = SHR(x[i+1],sig_shift);
      sum2 += MULT16_16(tmp,tmp);
      tmp = SHR(x[i+2],sig_shift);
      sum2 += MULT16_16(tmp,tmp);
      tmp = SHR(x[i+3],sig_shift);
      sum2 += MULT16_16(tmp,tmp);
      sum += SHR(sum2,6);
   return SHR(SHL((spx_word32_t)spx_sqrt(1+DIV32(sum,len)),(sig_shift+3)),SIG_SHIFT);
Exemplo n.º 23
/** Forced pitch delay and gain */
int forced_pitch_quant(spx_word16_t target[],	/* Target vector */
		       spx_word16_t * sw, spx_coef_t ak[],	/* LPCs for this subframe */
		       spx_coef_t awk1[],	/* Weighted LPCs #1 for this subframe */
		       spx_coef_t awk2[],	/* Weighted LPCs #2 for this subframe */
		       spx_sig_t exc[],	/* Excitation */
		       const void *par, int start,	/* Smallest pitch value allowed */
		       int end,	/* Largest pitch value allowed */
		       spx_word16_t pitch_coef,	/* Voicing (pitch) coefficient */
		       int p,	/* Number of LPC coeffs */
		       int nsf,	/* Number of samples in subframe */
		       SpeexBits * bits,
		       char *stack,
		       spx_word16_t * exc2,
		       spx_word16_t * r,
		       int complexity,
		       int cdbk_offset,
		       int plc_tuning, spx_word32_t * cumul_gain)
	int i;
	spx_word16_t res[nsf];
	if (pitch_coef > 63)
		pitch_coef = 63;
	if (pitch_coef > .99)
		pitch_coef = .99;
	for (i = 0; i < nsf && i < start; i++) {
		exc[i] = MULT16_16(SHL16(pitch_coef, 7), exc2[i - start]);
	for (; i < nsf; i++) {
		exc[i] = MULT16_32_Q15(SHL16(pitch_coef, 9), exc[i - start]);
	for (i = 0; i < nsf; i++)
		res[i] = EXTRACT16(PSHR32(exc[i], SIG_SHIFT - 1));
	syn_percep_zero16(res, ak, awk1, awk2, res, nsf, p, stack);
	for (i = 0; i < nsf; i++)
		target[i] =
			      (SUB32(EXTEND32(target[i]), EXTEND32(res[i])),
	return start;
Exemplo n.º 24
static void exp_rotation(celt_norm *X, int len, int dir, int stride, int K)
   int i, k, iter;
   celt_word16 c, s;
   celt_word16 gain, theta;
   celt_norm *Xptr;
   gain = celt_div((celt_word32)MULT16_16(Q15_ONE,len),(celt_word32)(3+len+6*K));
   /* FIXME: Make that HALF16 instead of HALF32 */
   theta = SUB16(Q15ONE, HALF32(MULT16_16_Q15(gain,gain)));
   /*if (len==30)
   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
   X[i] = 0;
   X[14] = 1;
   c = celt_cos_norm(EXTEND32(theta));
   s = dir*celt_cos_norm(EXTEND32(SUB16(Q15ONE,theta))); /*  sin(theta) */
   if (len > 8*stride)
      stride *= len/(8*stride);
   iter = 1;
   for (k=0;k<iter;k++)
      /* We could use MULT16_16_P15 instead of MULT16_16_Q15 for more accuracy, 
      but at this point, I really don't think it's necessary */
      Xptr = X;
      for (i=0;i<len-stride;i++)
         celt_norm x1, x2;
         x1 = Xptr[0];
         x2 = Xptr[stride];
         Xptr[stride] = MULT16_16_Q15(c,x2) + MULT16_16_Q15(s,x1);
         *Xptr++      = MULT16_16_Q15(c,x1) - MULT16_16_Q15(s,x2);
      Xptr = &X[len-2*stride-1];
      for (i=len-2*stride-1;i>=0;i--)
         celt_norm x1, x2;
         x1 = Xptr[0];
         x2 = Xptr[stride];
         Xptr[stride] = MULT16_16_Q15(c,x2) + MULT16_16_Q15(s,x1);
         *Xptr--      = MULT16_16_Q15(c,x1) - MULT16_16_Q15(s,x2);
   /*if (len==30)
   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
   printf ("%f ", X[i]);
   printf ("\n");
Exemplo n.º 25
void _celt_autocorr(
                   const opus_val16 *x,   /*  in: [0...n-1] samples x   */
                   opus_val32       *ac,  /* out: [0...lag-1] ac values */
                   const opus_val16       *window,
                   int          overlap,
                   int          lag,
                   int          n
   opus_val32 d;
   int i;
   VARDECL(opus_val16, xx);
   ALLOC(xx, n, opus_val16);
   for (i=0;i<n;i++)
      xx[i] = x[i];
   for (i=0;i<overlap;i++)
      xx[i] = MULT16_16_Q15(x[i],window[i]);
      xx[n-i-1] = MULT16_16_Q15(x[n-i-1],window[i]);
      opus_val32 ac0=0;
      int shift;
         ac0 += SHR32(MULT16_16(xx[i],xx[i]),9);
      ac0 += 1+n;

      shift = celt_ilog2(ac0)-30+10;
      shift = (shift+1)/2;
         xx[i] = VSHR32(xx[i], shift);
   while (lag>=0)
      for (i = lag, d = 0; i < n; i++)
         d += xx[i] * xx[i-lag];
      ac[lag] = d;
      /*printf ("%f ", ac[lag]);*/
   /*printf ("\n");*/
   ac[0] += 10;

Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: mlp.c Projeto: 03050903/godot
static OPUS_INLINE opus_val16 tansig_approx(opus_val32 _x) /* Q19 */
    int i;
    opus_val16 xx; /* Q11 */
    /*double x, y;*/
    opus_val16 dy, yy; /* Q14 */
    /*x = 1.9073e-06*_x;*/
    if (_x>=QCONST32(8,19))
        return QCONST32(1.,14);
    if (_x<=-QCONST32(8,19))
        return -QCONST32(1.,14);
    xx = EXTRACT16(SHR32(_x, 8));
    /*i = lrint(25*x);*/
    i = SHR32(ADD32(1024,MULT16_16(25, xx)),11);
    /*x -= .04*i;*/
    xx -= EXTRACT16(SHR32(MULT16_16(20972,i),8));
    /*x = xx*(1./2048);*/
    /*y = tansig_table[250+i];*/
    yy = tansig_table[250+i];
    /*y = yy*(1./16384);*/
    dy = 16384-MULT16_16_Q14(yy,yy);
    yy = yy + MULT16_16_Q14(MULT16_16_Q11(xx,dy),(16384 - MULT16_16_Q11(yy,xx)));
    return yy;
Exemplo n.º 27
static void smooth_fade(const opus_val16 *in1, const opus_val16 *in2,
                        opus_val16 *out, int overlap, int channels,
                        const opus_val16 *window, opus_int32 Fs)
    int i, c;
    int inc = 48000/Fs;
    for (c=0; c<channels; c++)
        for (i=0; i<overlap; i++)
            opus_val16 w = MULT16_16_Q15(window[i*inc], window[i*inc]);
            out[i*channels+c] = SHR32(MAC16_16(MULT16_16(w,in2[i*channels+c]),
                                               Q15ONE-w, in1[i*channels+c]), 15);
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: lpc.c Projeto: 03050903/godot
/* returns minimum mean square error    */
spx_word32_t _spx_lpc(
spx_coef_t       *lpc, /* out: [0...p-1] LPC coefficients      */
const spx_word16_t *ac,  /* in:  [0...p] autocorrelation values  */
int          p
   int i, j;  
   spx_word16_t r;
   spx_word16_t error = ac[0];

   if (ac[0] == 0)
      for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
         lpc[i] = 0;
      return 0;

   for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {

      /* Sum up this iteration's reflection coefficient */
      spx_word32_t rr = NEG32(SHL32(EXTEND32(ac[i + 1]),13));
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++) 
         rr = SUB32(rr,MULT16_16(lpc[j],ac[i - j]));
      r = DIV32_16(rr+PSHR32(error,1),ADD16(error,8));
      r = rr/(error+.003*ac[0]);
      /*  Update LPC coefficients and total error */
      lpc[i] = r;
      for (j = 0; j < i>>1; j++) 
         spx_word16_t tmp  = lpc[j];
         lpc[j]     = MAC16_16_P13(lpc[j],r,lpc[i-1-j]);
         lpc[i-1-j] = MAC16_16_P13(lpc[i-1-j],r,tmp);
      if (i & 1) 
         lpc[j] = MAC16_16_P13(lpc[j],lpc[j],r);

      error = SUB16(error,MULT16_16_Q13(r,MULT16_16_Q13(error,r)));
   return error;
Exemplo n.º 29
static void exp_rotation1(celt_norm *X, int len, int stride, opus_val16 c, opus_val16 s)
   int i;
   celt_norm *Xptr;
   Xptr = X;
   for (i=0;i<len-stride;i++)
      celt_norm x1, x2;
      x1 = Xptr[0];
      x2 = Xptr[stride];
      Xptr[stride] = EXTRACT16(SHR32(MULT16_16(c,x2) + MULT16_16(s,x1), 15));
      *Xptr++      = EXTRACT16(SHR32(MULT16_16(c,x1) - MULT16_16(s,x2), 15));
   Xptr = &X[len-2*stride-1];
   for (i=len-2*stride-1;i>=0;i--)
      celt_norm x1, x2;
      x1 = Xptr[0];
      x2 = Xptr[stride];
      Xptr[stride] = EXTRACT16(SHR32(MULT16_16(c,x2) + MULT16_16(s,x1), 15));
      *Xptr--      = EXTRACT16(SHR32(MULT16_16(c,x1) - MULT16_16(s,x2), 15));
Exemplo n.º 30
void celt_iir(const opus_val32 *x,
         const opus_val16 *den,
         opus_val32 *y,
         int N,
         int ord,
         opus_val16 *mem)
   int i,j;
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
      opus_val32 sum = x[i];
      for (j=0;j<ord;j++)
         sum -= MULT16_16(den[j],mem[j]);
      for (j=ord-1;j>=1;j--)
      mem[0] = ROUND16(sum,SIG_SHIFT);
      y[i] = sum;