Exemplo n.º 1
/* Assumes that we are holding the lock that serializes updates, and already
 * checked that the synthetic does not exist. Adds it to the lookup trie and
 * synthetics table, making sure to do enough copy/free-at-safe-point work to
 * not upset other threads possibly doing concurrent reads. */
static MVMGrapheme32 add_synthetic(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCodepoint *codes, MVMint32 num_codes, MVMint32 utf8_c8) {
    MVMNFGState     *nfg = tc->instance->nfg;
    MVMNFGSynthetic *synth;
    MVMGrapheme32    result;
    size_t           comb_size;

    /* Grow the synthetics table if needed. */
    if (nfg->num_synthetics % MVM_SYNTHETIC_GROW_ELEMS == 0) {
        size_t orig_size = nfg->num_synthetics * sizeof(MVMNFGSynthetic);
        size_t new_size  = (nfg->num_synthetics + MVM_SYNTHETIC_GROW_ELEMS) * sizeof(MVMNFGSynthetic);
        MVMNFGSynthetic *new_synthetics = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa, new_size);
        if (orig_size) {
            memcpy(new_synthetics, nfg->synthetics, orig_size);
            MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint(tc, tc->instance->fsa, orig_size, nfg->synthetics);
        nfg->synthetics = new_synthetics;

    /* Set up the new synthetic entry. */
    synth            = &(nfg->synthetics[nfg->num_synthetics]);
    synth->base      = *codes;
    synth->num_combs = num_codes - 1;
    comb_size        = synth->num_combs * sizeof(MVMCodepoint);
    synth->combs     = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa, comb_size);
    memcpy(synth->combs, codes + 1, comb_size);
    synth->case_uc    = 0;
    synth->case_lc    = 0;
    synth->case_tc    = 0;
    synth->case_fc    = 0;
    synth->is_utf8_c8 = utf8_c8;

    /* Memory barrier to make sure the synthetic is fully in place before we
     * bump the count. */

    /* Give the synthetic an ID by negating the new number of synthetics. */
    result = -nfg->num_synthetics;

    /* Make an entry in the lookup trie for the new synthetic, so we can use
     * it in the future when seeing the same codepoint sequence. */
    add_synthetic_to_trie(tc, codes, num_codes, result);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Allocates a new set of spesh argument guards extended by the extras amount
 * of nodes specified. Copies the original argument guards into it. */
static MVMSpeshArgGuard * copy_and_extend(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshArgGuard *orig,
                                          size_t extra) {
    size_t orig_nodes = orig ? orig->used_nodes : 0;
    size_t total_nodes = orig_nodes + extra;
    size_t node_size = total_nodes * sizeof(MVMSpeshArgGuardNode);
    size_t size = sizeof(MVMSpeshArgGuard) + node_size;
    MVMSpeshArgGuard *copy = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa, size);
    copy->nodes = (MVMSpeshArgGuardNode *)((char *)copy + sizeof(MVMSpeshArgGuard));
    copy->used_nodes = orig_nodes;
    copy->num_nodes = total_nodes;
    if (orig_nodes)
        memcpy(copy->nodes, orig->nodes, orig_nodes * sizeof(MVMSpeshArgGuardNode));
    return copy;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Produces and installs a specialized version of the code, according to the
 * specified plan. */
void MVM_spesh_candidate_add(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshPlanned *p) {
    MVMSpeshGraph *sg;
    MVMSpeshCode *sc;
    MVMSpeshCandidate *candidate;
    MVMSpeshCandidate **new_candidate_list;
    MVMStaticFrameSpesh *spesh;
    MVMuint64 start_time, spesh_time, jit_time, end_time;

    /* If we've reached our specialization limit, don't continue. */
    MVMint32 spesh_produced = ++tc->instance->spesh_produced;
    if (tc->instance->spesh_limit)
        if (spesh_produced > tc->instance->spesh_limit)

    /* Produce the specialization graph and, if we're logging, dump it out
     * pre-transformation. */
    tc->in_spesh = 1;
    sg = MVM_spesh_graph_create(tc, p->sf, 0, 1);
    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
        char *c_name = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, p->sf->body.name);
        char *c_cuid = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, p->sf->body.cuuid);
        MVMSpeshFacts **facts = sg->facts;
        char *before;
        sg->facts = NULL;
        before = MVM_spesh_dump(tc, sg);
        sg->facts = facts;
            "Specialization of '%s' (cuid: %s)\n\n", c_name, c_cuid);
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "Before:\n%s", before);
        start_time = uv_hrtime();

    /* Attach the graph so we will be able to mark it during optimization,
     * allowing us to stick GC sync points at various places and so not let
     * the optimization work block GC for too long. */
    tc->spesh_active_graph = sg;

    /* Perform the optimization and, if we're logging, dump out the result. */
    if (p->cs_stats->cs)
        MVM_spesh_args(tc, sg, p->cs_stats->cs, p->type_tuple);
    MVM_spesh_facts_discover(tc, sg, p, 0);
    MVM_spesh_optimize(tc, sg, p);

    /* Clear active graph; beyond this point, no more GC syncs. */
    tc->spesh_active_graph = NULL;

    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc))
        spesh_time = uv_hrtime();

    /* Generate code and install it into the candidate. */
    sc = MVM_spesh_codegen(tc, sg);
    candidate = MVM_calloc(1, sizeof(MVMSpeshCandidate));
    candidate->bytecode      = sc->bytecode;
    candidate->bytecode_size = sc->bytecode_size;
    candidate->handlers      = sc->handlers;
    candidate->deopt_usage_info = sc->deopt_usage_info;
    candidate->num_handlers  = sg->num_handlers;
    candidate->num_deopts    = sg->num_deopt_addrs;
    candidate->deopts        = sg->deopt_addrs;
    candidate->deopt_named_used_bit_field = sg->deopt_named_used_bit_field;
    candidate->deopt_pea     = sg->deopt_pea;
    candidate->num_locals    = sg->num_locals;
    candidate->num_lexicals  = sg->num_lexicals;
    candidate->num_inlines   = sg->num_inlines;
    candidate->inlines       = sg->inlines;
    candidate->local_types   = sg->local_types;
    candidate->lexical_types = sg->lexical_types;


    /* Try to JIT compile the optimised graph. The JIT graph hangs from
     * the spesh graph and can safely be deleted with it. */
    if (tc->instance->jit_enabled) {
        MVMJitGraph *jg;
        if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc))
            jit_time = uv_hrtime();

        jg = MVM_jit_try_make_graph(tc, sg);
        if (jg != NULL) {
            candidate->jitcode = MVM_jit_compile_graph(tc, jg);
            MVM_jit_graph_destroy(tc, jg);

    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
        char *after = MVM_spesh_dump(tc, sg);
        end_time = uv_hrtime();
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "After:\n%s", after);
            "Specialization took %" PRIu64 "us (total %" PRIu64"us)\n",
            (spesh_time - start_time) / 1000,
            (end_time - start_time) / 1000);

        if (tc->instance->jit_enabled) {
                "JIT was %ssuccessful and compilation took %" PRIu64 "us\n",
                candidate->jitcode ? "" : "not ", (end_time - jit_time) / 1000);
            if (candidate->jitcode) {
                MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "    Bytecode size: %" PRIu64 " byte\n",
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "\n========\n\n");

    /* calculate work environment taking JIT spill area into account */
    calculate_work_env_sizes(tc, sg->sf, candidate);

    /* Update spesh slots. */
    candidate->num_spesh_slots = sg->num_spesh_slots;
    candidate->spesh_slots     = sg->spesh_slots;

    /* Claim ownership of allocated memory assigned to the candidate */
    sg->cand = candidate;
    MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, sg);

    /* Create a new candidate list and copy any existing ones. Free memory
     * using the FSA safepoint mechanism. */
    spesh = p->sf->body.spesh;
    new_candidate_list = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa,
        (spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates + 1) * sizeof(MVMSpeshCandidate *));
    if (spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates) {
        size_t orig_size = spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates * sizeof(MVMSpeshCandidate *);
        memcpy(new_candidate_list, spesh->body.spesh_candidates, orig_size);
        MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint(tc, tc->instance->fsa, orig_size,
    new_candidate_list[spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates] = candidate;
    spesh->body.spesh_candidates = new_candidate_list;

    /* May now be referencing nursery objects, so barrier just in case. */
    if (spesh->common.header.flags & MVM_CF_SECOND_GEN)
        MVM_gc_write_barrier_hit(tc, (MVMCollectable *)spesh);

    /* Update the guards, and bump the candidate count. This means there is a
     * period when we can read, in another thread, a candidate ahead of the
     * count being updated. Since we set it up above, that's fine enough. The
     * updating of the count *after* this, plus the barrier, is to make sure
     * the guards are in place before the count is bumped, since OSR will
     * watch the number of candidates to see if there's one for it to try and
     * jump in to, and if the guards aren't in place first will see there is
     * not, and not bother checking again. */
    MVM_spesh_arg_guard_add(tc, &(spesh->body.spesh_arg_guard),
        p->cs_stats->cs, p->type_tuple, spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates);

    /* If we're logging, dump the upadated arg guards also. */
    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
        char *guard_dump = MVM_spesh_dump_arg_guard(tc, p->sf);
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "%s========\n\n", guard_dump);

    tc->in_spesh = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Recursive algorithm to add to the trie. Descends existing trie nodes so far
 * as we have them following the code points, then passes on a NULL for the
 * levels of current below that do not exist. Once we bottom out, makes a copy
 * of or creates a node for the synthetic. As we walk back up we create or
 * copy+tweak nodes until we have produced a new trie, re-using what we can of
 * the existing one. */
static MVMNFGTrieNode * twiddle_trie_node(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMNFGTrieNode *current, MVMCodepoint *cur_code, MVMint32 codes_remaining, MVMGrapheme32 synthetic) {
    /* Make a new empty node, which we'll maybe copy some things from the
     * current node into. */
    MVMNFGTrieNode *new_node = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa, sizeof(MVMNFGTrieNode));

    /* If we've more codes remaining... */
    if (codes_remaining > 0) {
        /* Recurse, to get a new child node. */
        MVMint32 idx = find_child_node_idx(tc, current, *cur_code);
        MVMNFGTrieNode *new_child = twiddle_trie_node(tc,
            idx >= 0 ? current->next_codes[idx].node : NULL,
            cur_code + 1, codes_remaining - 1, synthetic);

        /* If we had an existing child node... */
        if (idx >= 0) {
            /* Make a copy of the next_codes list. */
            size_t the_size = current->num_entries * sizeof(MVMNFGTrieNodeEntry);
            MVMNFGTrieNodeEntry *new_next_codes = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc,
                tc->instance->fsa, the_size);
            memcpy(new_next_codes, current->next_codes, the_size);

            /* Update the copy to point to the new child. */
            new_next_codes[idx].node = new_child;

            /* Install the new next_codes list in the new node, and free the
             * existing child list at the next safe point. */
            new_node->num_entries = current->num_entries;
            new_node->next_codes  = new_next_codes;
            MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint(tc, tc->instance->fsa, the_size,

        /* Otherwise, we're going to need to insert the new child into a
         * (possibly existing) child list. */
        else {
            /* Calculate new child node list size and allocate it. */
            MVMint32 orig_entries = current ? current->num_entries : 0;
            MVMint32 new_entries  = orig_entries + 1;
            size_t new_size       = new_entries * sizeof(MVMNFGTrieNodeEntry);
            MVMNFGTrieNodeEntry *new_next_codes = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc,
                tc->instance->fsa, new_size);

            /* Go through original entries, copying those that are for a lower
             * code point than the one we're inserting a child for. */
            MVMint32 insert_pos = 0;
            MVMint32 orig_pos   = 0;
            while (orig_pos < orig_entries && current->next_codes[orig_pos].code < *cur_code)
                new_next_codes[insert_pos++] = current->next_codes[orig_pos++];

            /* Insert the new child. */
            new_next_codes[insert_pos].code = *cur_code;
            new_next_codes[insert_pos].node = new_child;

            /* Copy the rest. */
            while (orig_pos < orig_entries)
                new_next_codes[insert_pos++] = current->next_codes[orig_pos++];

            /* Install the new next_codes list in the new node, and free any
             * existing child list at the next safe point. */
            new_node->num_entries = new_entries;
            new_node->next_codes  = new_next_codes;
            if (orig_entries)
                MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint(tc, tc->instance->fsa,
                    orig_entries * sizeof(MVMNFGTrieNodeEntry),

        /* Always need to copy synthetic set on the existing node also;
         * otherwise make sure to clear it. */
        new_node->graph = current ? current->graph : 0;

    /* Otherwise, we reached the point where we need to install the synthetic.
     * If we already had a node here, we re-use the children of it. */
    else {
        new_node->graph = synthetic;
        if (current) {
            new_node->num_entries = current->num_entries;
            new_node->next_codes  = current->next_codes;
        else {
            new_node->num_entries = 0;
            new_node->next_codes  = NULL;

    /* Free any existing node at next safe point, return the new one. */
    if (current)
        MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint(tc, tc->instance->fsa,
            sizeof(MVMNFGTrieNode), current);
    return new_node;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Assumes that we are holding the lock that serializes updates, and already
 * checked that the synthetic does not exist. Adds it to the lookup trie and
 * synthetics table, making sure to do enough copy/free-at-safe-point work to
 * not upset other threads possibly doing concurrent reads. */
static MVMGrapheme32 add_synthetic(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCodepoint *codes, MVMint32 num_codes, MVMint32 utf8_c8) {
    MVMNFGState     *nfg = tc->instance->nfg;
    MVMNFGSynthetic *synth;
    MVMGrapheme32    result;

    /* Grow the synthetics table if needed. */
    if (nfg->num_synthetics % MVM_SYNTHETIC_GROW_ELEMS == 0) {
        size_t orig_size = nfg->num_synthetics * sizeof(MVMNFGSynthetic);
        size_t new_size  = (nfg->num_synthetics + MVM_SYNTHETIC_GROW_ELEMS) * sizeof(MVMNFGSynthetic);
        MVMNFGSynthetic *new_synthetics = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa, new_size);
        if (orig_size) {
            memcpy(new_synthetics, nfg->synthetics, orig_size);
            MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint(tc, tc->instance->fsa, orig_size, nfg->synthetics);
        nfg->synthetics = new_synthetics;

    /* Set up the new synthetic entry. */
    synth            = &(nfg->synthetics[nfg->num_synthetics]);
    synth->num_codes = num_codes;
    /* Find which codepoint is the base codepoint. It is always index 0 unless
     * there are Prepend codepoints */
    if (!utf8_c8 && MVM_unicode_codepoint_get_property_int(tc, codes[0], MVM_UNICODE_PROPERTY_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK)
        MVMint64 i = 0;
        MVMCodepoint cached = codes[i++];
        while (i < num_codes) {
            /* If it's the same codepoint as before, don't need to request
             * the property value again */
            if (cached == codes[i] || MVM_UNICODE_PVALUE_GCB_PREPEND ==
                (cached_GCB = MVM_unicode_codepoint_get_property_int(tc, (cached = codes[i]),
            else {
                /* If we see an Extend then this is a degenerate without any
                 * base character, so set i to num_codes so base_index gets set
                 * to 0 */
                if (cached_GCB == MVM_UNICODE_PVALUE_GCB_EXTEND)
                    i = num_codes;
        /* If all the codepoints were prepend then we need to set it to 0 */
        synth->base_index = num_codes == i ? 0 : i;

    else {
        synth->base_index = 0;

    synth->codes     = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa,
        num_codes * sizeof(MVMCodepoint));
    memcpy(synth->codes, codes, (synth->num_codes * sizeof(MVMCodepoint)));
    synth->case_uc    = 0;
    synth->case_lc    = 0;
    synth->case_tc    = 0;
    synth->case_fc    = 0;
    synth->is_utf8_c8 = utf8_c8;

    /* Memory barrier to make sure the synthetic is fully in place before we
     * bump the count. */

    /* Give the synthetic an ID by negating the new number of synthetics. */
    result = -(nfg->num_synthetics);

    /* Make an entry in the lookup trie for the new synthetic, so we can use
     * it in the future when seeing the same codepoint sequence. */
    add_synthetic_to_trie(tc, codes, num_codes, result);

    return result;