/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % C a t c h E x c e p t i o n % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % CatchException() returns if no exceptions is found otherwise it reports % the exception as a warning, error, or fatal depending on the severity. % % The format of the CatchException method is: % % CatchException(ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o exception: the exception info. % */ MagickExport void CatchException(ExceptionInfo *exception) { register const ExceptionInfo *p; assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); if (exception->exceptions == (void *) NULL) return; LockSemaphoreInfo(exception->semaphore); ResetLinkedListIterator((LinkedListInfo *) exception->exceptions); p=(const ExceptionInfo *) GetNextValueInLinkedList((LinkedListInfo *) exception->exceptions); while (p != (const ExceptionInfo *) NULL) { if ((p->severity >= WarningException) && (p->severity < ErrorException)) MagickWarning(p->severity,p->reason,p->description); if ((p->severity >= ErrorException) && (p->severity < FatalErrorException)) MagickError(p->severity,p->reason,p->description); if (p->severity >= FatalErrorException) MagickFatalError(p->severity,p->reason,p->description); p=(const ExceptionInfo *) GetNextValueInLinkedList((LinkedListInfo *) exception->exceptions); } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(exception->semaphore); ClearMagickException(exception); }
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % S e t M a g i c k I n f o % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Method SetMagickInfo allocates a MagickInfo structure and initializes the % members to default values. % % The format of the SetMagickInfo method is: % % MagickInfo *SetMagickInfo(const char *tag) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o magick_info: Method SetMagickInfo returns the allocated and initialized % MagickInfo structure. % % o tag: a character string that represents the image format associated % with the MagickInfo structure. % % */ Export MagickInfo *SetMagickInfo(const char *tag) { MagickInfo *entry; entry=(MagickInfo *) AllocateMemory(sizeof(MagickInfo)); if (entry == (MagickInfo *) NULL) MagickError(ResourceLimitError,"Unable to allocate image", "Memory allocation failed"); entry->tag=AllocateString(tag); entry->decoder=(Image *(*)(const ImageInfo *)) NULL; entry->encoder=(unsigned int (*)(const ImageInfo *,Image *)) NULL; entry->magick= (unsigned int (*)(const unsigned char *,const unsigned int)) NULL; entry->adjoin=True; entry->blob_support=True; entry->raw=False; entry->description=(char *) NULL; entry->data=(void *) NULL; entry->previous=(MagickInfo *) NULL; entry->next=(MagickInfo *) NULL; return(entry); }
int tc_filter(frame_list_t *ptr_, char *options) { vframe_list_t *ptr = (vframe_list_t *)ptr_; int instance = ptr->filter_id; Image *pattern, *resized, *orig = 0; ImageInfo *image_info; PixelPacket *pixel_packet; pixelsMask *pixel_last; ExceptionInfo exception_info; if(ptr->tag & TC_FILTER_GET_CONFIG) { char buf[128]; optstr_filter_desc(options, MOD_NAME, MOD_CAP, MOD_VERSION, MOD_AUTHOR, "VRYMO", "1"); tc_snprintf(buf, 128, "/dev/null"); optstr_param(options, "pattern", "Pattern image file path", "%s", buf); tc_snprintf(buf, 128, "results.dat"); optstr_param(options, "results", "Results file path" , "%s", buf); tc_snprintf(buf, 128, "%f", compare[instance]->delta); optstr_param(options, "delta", "Delta error", "%f",buf,"0.0", "100.0"); return 0; } //---------------------------------- // // filter init // //---------------------------------- if(ptr->tag & TC_FILTER_INIT) { unsigned int t,r,index; pixelsMask *temp; compare[instance] = tc_malloc(sizeof(compareData)); if(compare[instance] == NULL) return (-1); compare[instance]->vob = tc_get_vob(); if(compare[instance]->vob ==NULL) return(-1); compare[instance]->delta=DELTA_COLOR; compare[instance]->step=1; compare[instance]->width=0; compare[instance]->height=0; compare[instance]->frames = 0; compare[instance]->pixel_mask = NULL; pixel_last = NULL; compare[instance]->width = compare[instance]->vob->ex_v_width; compare[instance]->height = compare[instance]->vob->ex_v_height; if (options != NULL) { char pattern_name[PATH_MAX]; char results_name[PATH_MAX]; memset(pattern_name,0,PATH_MAX); memset(results_name,0,PATH_MAX); if(verbose) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "options=%s", options); optstr_get(options, "pattern", "%[^:]", pattern_name); optstr_get(options, "results", "%[^:]", results_name); optstr_get(options, "delta", "%f", &compare[instance]->delta); if (verbose > 1) { tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Compare Image Settings:"); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " pattern = %s\n", pattern_name); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " results = %s\n", results_name); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " delta = %f\n", compare[instance]->delta); } if (strlen(results_name) == 0) { // Ponemos el nombre del fichero al original con extension dat strlcpy(results_name, "/tmp/compare.dat", sizeof(results_name)); } if (!(compare[instance]->results = fopen(results_name, "w"))) { tc_log_perror(MOD_NAME, "could not open file for writing"); } InitializeMagick(""); if (verbose > 1) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Magick Initialized successfully"); GetExceptionInfo(&exception_info); image_info = CloneImageInfo ((ImageInfo *) NULL); strlcpy(image_info->filename, pattern_name, MaxTextExtent); if (verbose > 1) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Trying to open image"); orig = ReadImage(image_info, &exception_info); if (orig == (Image *) NULL) { MagickWarning(exception_info.severity, exception_info.reason, exception_info.description); strlcpy(pattern_name, "/dev/null", sizeof(pattern_name)); }else{ if (verbose > 1) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Image loaded successfully"); } } else{ tc_log_perror(MOD_NAME, "Not image provided"); } if (options != NULL) if (optstr_lookup (options, "help")) { help_optstr(); } fprintf(compare[instance]->results,"#fps:%f\n",compare[instance]->vob->fps); if (orig != NULL){ // Flip and resize if (compare[instance]->vob->im_v_codec == CODEC_YUV) TransformRGBImage(orig,YCbCrColorspace); if (verbose > 1) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Resizing the Image"); resized = ResizeImage(orig, compare[instance]->width, compare[instance]->height, GaussianFilter, 1, &exception_info); if (verbose > 1) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Flipping the Image"); pattern = FlipImage(resized, &exception_info); if (pattern == (Image *) NULL) { MagickError (exception_info.severity, exception_info.reason, exception_info.description); } // Filling the matrix with the pixels values not // alpha if (verbose > 1) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "GetImagePixels"); pixel_packet = GetImagePixels(pattern,0,0, pattern->columns, pattern->rows); if (verbose > 1) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Filling the Image matrix"); for (t = 0; t < pattern->rows; t++) for (r = 0; r < pattern->columns; r++){ index = t*pattern->columns + r; if (pixel_packet[index].opacity == 0){ temp=tc_malloc(sizeof(struct pixelsMask)); temp->row=t; temp->col=r; temp->r = (uint8_t)ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet[index].red); temp->g = (uint8_t)ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet[index].green); temp->b = (uint8_t)ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet[index].blue); temp->next=NULL; if (pixel_last == NULL){ pixel_last = temp; compare[instance]->pixel_mask = temp; }else{ pixel_last->next = temp; pixel_last = temp; } } } if (verbose) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "%s %s", MOD_VERSION, MOD_CAP); } return(0); } //---------------------------------- // // filter close // //---------------------------------- if(ptr->tag & TC_FILTER_CLOSE) { if (compare[instance] != NULL) { fclose(compare[instance]->results); free(compare[instance]); } DestroyMagick(); compare[instance]=NULL; return(0); } /* filter close */ //---------------------------------- // // filter frame routine // //---------------------------------- // tag variable indicates, if we are called before // transcodes internal video/audio frame processing routines // or after and determines video/audio context if((ptr->tag & TC_POST_M_PROCESS) && (ptr->tag & TC_VIDEO)) { // For now I only support RGB color space pixelsMask *item = NULL; double sr,sg,sb; double avg_dr,avg_dg,avg_db; if (compare[instance]->vob->im_v_codec == CODEC_RGB){ int r,g,b,c; double width_long; if (compare[instance]->pixel_mask != NULL) { item = compare[instance]->pixel_mask; c = 0; sr = 0.0; sg = 0.0; sb = 0.0; width_long = compare[instance]->width*3; while(item){ r = item->row*width_long + item->col*3; g = item->row*width_long + item->col*3 + 1; b = item->row*width_long + item->col*3 + 2; // diff between points // Interchange RGB values if necesary sr = sr + (double)abs((unsigned char)ptr->video_buf[r] - item->r); sg = sg + (double)abs((unsigned char)ptr->video_buf[g] - item->g); sb = sb + (double)abs((unsigned char)ptr->video_buf[b] - item->b); item = item->next; c++; } avg_dr = sr/(double)c; avg_dg = sg/(double)c; avg_db = sb/(double)c; if ((avg_dr < compare[instance]->delta) && (avg_dg < compare[instance]->delta) && (avg_db < compare[instance]->delta)) fprintf(compare[instance]->results,"1"); else fprintf(compare[instance]->results,"n"); fflush(compare[instance]->results); } compare[instance]->frames++; return(0); }else{ // The colospace is YUV // FIXME: Doesn't works, I need to code all this part // again int Y,Cr,Cb,c; if (compare[instance]->pixel_mask != NULL) { item = compare[instance]->pixel_mask; c = 0; sr = 0.0; sg = 0.0; sb = 0.0; while(item){ Y = item->row*compare[instance]->width + item->col; Cb = compare[instance]->height*compare[instance]->width + (int)((item->row*compare[instance]->width + item->col)/4); Cr = compare[instance]->height*compare[instance]->width + (int)((compare[instance]->height*compare[instance]->width)/4) + (int)((item->row*compare[instance]->width + item->col)/4); // diff between points // Interchange RGB values if necesary sr = sr + (double)abs((unsigned char)ptr->video_buf[Y] - item->r); sg = sg + (double)abs((unsigned char)ptr->video_buf[Cb] - item->g); sb = sb + (double)abs((unsigned char)ptr->video_buf[Cr] - item->b); item = item->next; c++; } avg_dr = sr/(double)c; avg_dg = sg/(double)c; avg_db = sb/(double)c; if ((avg_dr < compare[instance]->delta) && (avg_dg < compare[instance]->delta) && (avg_db < compare[instance]->delta)) fprintf(compare[instance]->results,"1"); else fprintf(compare[instance]->results,"n"); } compare[instance]->frames++; return(0); } } return(0); }
unsigned int CGIToArgv(const char *text,int *argc,char ***argv) { char **vector; const char *p, *q; register int i; int count; if (text == (char *) NULL) return(False); /* Determine the number of arguments by scanning for delimiters */ q=text; count=0; while (1) { int len; p=q; while (!IsCGIDelimiter(*q)) q++; len=q-p; if (len > 0) count++; if (*q == '\0') break; q++; } vector=(char **) AcquireMemory((count+2)*sizeof(char *)); if (vector == (char **) NULL) { MagickError(ResourceLimitError,"Unable to convert string to argv", "Memory allocation failed"); return(False); } /* Convert string to an ASCII list. */ vector[0]=AllocateString("isapimagick"); vector[count+1]=(char *) NULL; q=text; i=1; while (i <= count) { int len; p=q; while (!IsCGIDelimiter(*q)) q++; /* Skip an zero length tokens. This typically happens for the case of xxx=& on a CGI GET or POST were the name value pair has no value */ len=q-p; if (len > 0) { vector[i]=(char *) AcquireMemory(q-p+1); if (vector[i] == (char *) NULL) { MagickError(ResourceLimitError,"Unable to convert string to argv", "Memory allocation failed"); return(False); } (void) strncpy(vector[i],p,q-p); vector[i][q-p]='\0'; /* Convert any special HTML codes in place back to ASCII */ HttpUnescape(vector[i], (char *) NULL); i++; } q++; } *argc=count+1; *argv=vector; return(True); }
gboolean isTennisFree() { gboolean res = FALSE; ExceptionInfo *exception; Image *image; ImageInfo *image_info; unsigned long colors; ColorPacket *histogram; unsigned long i = 0; char* img_path = "video.jpg"; getImg(); exception = AcquireExceptionInfo(); image_info = CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL); strcpy(image_info->filename, img_path); image = ReadImage(image_info,exception); if (exception->severity != UndefinedException) { CatchException(exception); } if (image == (Image *) NULL) { return FALSE; //exit(1); } histogram = GetImageHistogram(image, &colors, exception); qsort((void *) histogram, (size_t) colors, sizeof(*histogram), myHistogramCompare); if (histogram == (ColorPacket*) NULL) { MagickError(exception->severity, exception->reason, exception->description); } if(colors > 0) { if(histogram[i].count > 5000 && ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.red)) < 35 && ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.green)) < 35 && ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.blue)) < 35) { res = TRUE; printf("Empty\n"); } else { res = FALSE; printf("Busy\n"); } // printf("%d %d %d %d\n", (int)histogram[i].count, ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.red)), ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.green)), ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.blue))); } // remove(img_path); histogram = (ColorPacket *) RelinquishMagickMemory(histogram); DestroyImage(image); image_info=DestroyImageInfo(image_info); exception=DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); return res; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { ExceptionInfo *exception; Image *image; ImageInfo *image_info; unsigned long colors; ColorPacket *histogram; unsigned long i = 0; char* img_path = "video.jpg"; getImg(); MagickCoreGenesis(*argv,MagickTrue); exception = AcquireExceptionInfo(); image_info = CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL); strcpy(image_info->filename, img_path); image = ReadImage(image_info,exception); if (exception->severity != UndefinedException) { CatchException(exception); } if (image == (Image *) NULL) { exit(1); } histogram = GetImageHistogram(image, &colors, exception); qsort((void *) histogram, (size_t) colors, sizeof(*histogram), myHistogramCompare); if (histogram == (ColorPacket*) NULL) { MagickError(exception->severity, exception->reason, exception->description); } if(colors > 0) { if(histogram[i].count > 10000 && ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.red)) < 35 && ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.green)) < 35 && ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.blue)) < 35) { printf("Empty\n"); } else { printf("Busy\n"); } // printf("%u %d %d %d\n", histogram[i].count, ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.red)), ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.green)), ScaleQuantumToChar(RoundToQuantum(histogram[i].pixel.blue))); } remove(img_path); histogram = (ColorPacket *) RelinquishMagickMemory(histogram); DestroyImage(image); image_info=DestroyImageInfo(image_info); exception=DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); MagickCoreTerminus(); return(0); }
int tc_filter(frame_list_t *ptr_, char *options) { vframe_list_t *ptr = (vframe_list_t *)ptr_; vob_t *vob = NULL; int instance = ptr->filter_id; MyFilterData *mfd = mfd_all[instance]; if (mfd != NULL) { vob = mfd->vob; } //---------------------------------- // // filter init // //---------------------------------- if (ptr->tag & TC_FILTER_GET_CONFIG) { optstr_filter_desc(options, MOD_NAME, MOD_CAP, MOD_VERSION, MOD_AUTHOR, "VRYO", "1"); // buf, name, comment, format, val, from, to optstr_param(options, "file", "Image filename", "%s", "logo.png"); optstr_param(options, "posdef", "Position (0=None, 1=TopL, 2=TopR, 3=BotL, 4=BotR, 5=Center)", "%d", "0", "0", "5"); optstr_param(options, "pos", "Position (0-width x 0-height)", "%dx%d", "0x0", "0", "width", "0", "height"); optstr_param(options, "range", "Restrict rendering to framerange", "%u-%u", "0-0", "0", "oo", "0", "oo"); optstr_param(options, "fade", "Fade image in/out (# of frames)", "%u-%u", "0-0", "0", "oo", "0", "oo"); // bools optstr_param(options, "ignoredelay", "Ignore delay specified in animations", "", "0"); optstr_param(options, "rgbswap", "Swap red/blue colors", "", "0"); optstr_param(options, "grayout", "YUV only: don't write Cb and Cr, makes a nice effect", "", "0"); optstr_param(options, "hqconv", "YUV only: do high quality rgb->yuv img conversion", "", "0"); optstr_param(options, "flip", "Mirror image", "", "0"); return 0; } if (ptr->tag & TC_FILTER_INIT) { Image *timg; Image *nimg; ImageInfo *image_info; ExceptionInfo exception_info; int rgb_off = 0; vob_t *tmpvob; tmpvob = tc_get_vob(); if (tmpvob == NULL) return -1; mfd_all[instance] = tc_zalloc(sizeof(MyFilterData)); if (mfd_all[instance] == NULL) return -1; mfd = mfd_all[instance]; strlcpy(mfd->file, "logo.png", PATH_MAX); mfd->end = (unsigned int)-1; mfd->vob = tmpvob; vob = mfd->vob; if (options != NULL) { if (verbose) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "options=%s", options); optstr_get(options, "file", "%[^:]", mfd->file); optstr_get(options, "posdef", "%d", (int *)&mfd->pos); optstr_get(options, "pos", "%dx%d", &mfd->posx, &mfd->posy); optstr_get(options, "range", "%u-%u", &mfd->start, &mfd->end); optstr_get(options, "fade", "%u-%u", &mfd->fadein, &mfd->fadeout); if (optstr_lookup(options, "ignoredelay") != NULL) mfd->ignoredelay = !mfd->ignoredelay; if (optstr_lookup(options, "flip") != NULL) mfd->flip = !mfd->flip; if (optstr_lookup(options, "rgbswap") != NULL) mfd->rgbswap = !mfd->rgbswap; if (optstr_lookup(options, "grayout") != NULL) mfd->grayout = !mfd->grayout; if (optstr_lookup(options, "hqconv") != NULL) mfd->hqconv = !mfd->hqconv; if (optstr_lookup (options, "help") != NULL) flogo_help_optstr(); } if (verbose > 1) { tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " Logo renderer Settings:"); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " file = %s", mfd->file); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " posdef = %d", mfd->pos); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " pos = %dx%d", mfd->posx, mfd->posy); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " range = %u-%u", mfd->start, mfd->end); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " fade = %u-%u", mfd->fadein, mfd->fadeout); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " flip = %d", mfd->flip); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " ignoredelay = %d", mfd->ignoredelay); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " rgbswap = %d", mfd->rgbswap); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " grayout = %d", mfd->grayout); tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, " hqconv = %d", mfd->hqconv); } /* Transcode serializes module execution, so this does not need a * semaphore. */ magick_usecount++; if (!IsMagickInstantiated()) { InitializeMagick(""); } GetExceptionInfo(&exception_info); image_info = CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL); strlcpy(image_info->filename, mfd->file, MaxTextExtent); mfd->image = ReadImage(image_info, &exception_info); if (mfd->image == (Image *) NULL) { MagickWarning(exception_info.severity, exception_info.reason, exception_info.description); strlcpy(mfd->file, "/dev/null", PATH_MAX); return 0; } DestroyImageInfo(image_info); if (mfd->image->columns > vob->ex_v_width || mfd->image->rows > vob->ex_v_height ) { tc_log_error(MOD_NAME, "\"%s\" is too large", mfd->file); return -1; } if (vob->im_v_codec == TC_CODEC_YUV420P) { if ((mfd->image->columns & 1) || (mfd->image->rows & 1)) { tc_log_error(MOD_NAME, "\"%s\" has odd sizes", mfd->file); return -1; } } mfd->images = (Image *)GetFirstImageInList(mfd->image); nimg = NewImageList(); while (mfd->images != (Image *)NULL) { if (mfd->flip || flip) { timg = FlipImage(mfd->images, &exception_info); if (timg == (Image *) NULL) { MagickError(exception_info.severity, exception_info.reason, exception_info.description); return -1; } AppendImageToList(&nimg, timg); } mfd->images = GetNextImageInList(mfd->images); mfd->nr_of_images++; } // check for memleaks; //DestroyImageList(image); if (mfd->flip || flip) { mfd->image = nimg; } /* initial delay. real delay = 1/100 sec * delay */ mfd->cur_delay = mfd->image->delay*vob->fps/100; if (verbose & TC_DEBUG) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "Nr: %d Delay: %d mfd->image->del %lu|", mfd->nr_of_images, mfd->cur_delay, mfd->image->delay); if (vob->im_v_codec == TC_CODEC_YUV420P) { /* convert Magick RGB image format to YUV */ /* todo: convert the magick image if it's not rgb! (e.g. cmyk) */ Image *image; uint8_t *yuv_hqbuf = NULL; /* Round up for odd-size images */ unsigned long width = mfd->image->columns; unsigned long height = mfd->image->rows; int do_rgbswap = (rgbswap || mfd->rgbswap); int i; /* Allocate buffers for the YUV420P frames. mfd->nr_of_images * will be 1 unless this is an animated GIF or MNG. * This buffer needs to be large enough to store a temporary * 24-bit RGB image (extracted from the ImageMagick handle). */ mfd->yuv = flogo_yuvbuf_alloc(width*height * 3, mfd->nr_of_images); if (mfd->yuv == NULL) { tc_log_error(MOD_NAME, "(%d) out of memory\n", __LINE__); return -1; } if (mfd->hqconv) { /* One temporary buffer, to hold full Y, U, and V planes. */ yuv_hqbuf = tc_malloc(width*height * 3); if (yuv_hqbuf == NULL) { tc_log_error(MOD_NAME, "(%d) out of memory\n", __LINE__); return -1; } } mfd->tcvhandle = tcv_init(); if (mfd->tcvhandle == NULL) { tc_log_error(MOD_NAME, "image conversion init failed"); return -1; } image = GetFirstImageInList(mfd->image); for (i = 0; i < mfd->nr_of_images; i++) { if (!mfd->hqconv) { flogo_convert_image(mfd->tcvhandle, image, mfd->yuv[i], IMG_YUV420P, do_rgbswap); } else { flogo_convert_image(mfd->tcvhandle, image, yuv_hqbuf, IMG_YUV444P, do_rgbswap); // Copy over Y data from the 444 image ac_memcpy(mfd->yuv[i], yuv_hqbuf, width * height); // Resize U plane by 1/2 in each dimension, into the // mfd YUV buffer tcv_zoom(mfd->tcvhandle, yuv_hqbuf + (width * height), mfd->yuv[i] + (width * height), width, height, 1, width / 2, height / 2, TCV_ZOOM_LANCZOS3 ); // Do the same with the V plane tcv_zoom(mfd->tcvhandle, yuv_hqbuf + 2*width*height, mfd->yuv[i] + width*height + (width/2)*(height/2), width, height, 1, width / 2, height / 2, TCV_ZOOM_LANCZOS3 ); } image = GetNextImageInList(image); } if (mfd->hqconv) tc_free(yuv_hqbuf); tcv_free(mfd->tcvhandle); } else { /* for RGB format is origin bottom left */ /* for RGB, rgbswap is done in the frame routine */ rgb_off = vob->ex_v_height - mfd->image->rows; mfd->posy = rgb_off - mfd->posy; } switch (mfd->pos) { case NONE: /* 0 */ break; case TOP_LEFT: mfd->posx = 0; mfd->posy = rgb_off; break; case TOP_RIGHT: mfd->posx = vob->ex_v_width - mfd->image->columns; break; case BOT_LEFT: mfd->posy = vob->ex_v_height - mfd->image->rows - rgb_off; break; case BOT_RIGHT: mfd->posx = vob->ex_v_width - mfd->image->columns; mfd->posy = vob->ex_v_height - mfd->image->rows - rgb_off; break; case CENTER: mfd->posx = (vob->ex_v_width - mfd->image->columns)/2; mfd->posy = (vob->ex_v_height- mfd->image->rows)/2; /* align to not cause color disruption */ if (mfd->posx & 1) mfd->posx++; if (mfd->posy & 1) mfd->posy++; break; } if (mfd->posy < 0 || mfd->posx < 0 || (mfd->posx + mfd->image->columns) > vob->ex_v_width || (mfd->posy + mfd->image->rows) > vob->ex_v_height) { tc_log_error(MOD_NAME, "invalid position"); return -1; } /* for running through image sequence */ mfd->images = mfd->image; /* Set up image/video coefficient lookup tables */ if (img_coeff_lookup[0] < 0) { int i; float maxrgbval = (float)MaxRGB; // from ImageMagick for (i = 0; i <= MAX_UINT8_VAL; i++) { float x = (float)ScaleCharToQuantum(i); /* Alternatively: * img_coeff = (maxrgbval - x) / maxrgbval; * vid_coeff = x / maxrgbval; */ img_coeff_lookup[i] = 1.0 - (x / maxrgbval); vid_coeff_lookup[i] = 1.0 - img_coeff_lookup[i]; } } // filter init ok. if (verbose) tc_log_info(MOD_NAME, "%s %s", MOD_VERSION, MOD_CAP); return 0; } //---------------------------------- // // filter close // //---------------------------------- if (ptr->tag & TC_FILTER_CLOSE) { if (mfd) { flogo_yuvbuf_free(mfd->yuv, mfd->nr_of_images); mfd->yuv = NULL; if (mfd->image) { DestroyImage(mfd->image); } tc_free(mfd); mfd = NULL; mfd_all[instance] = NULL; } magick_usecount--; if (magick_usecount == 0 && IsMagickInstantiated()) { DestroyMagick(); } return 0; } /* filter close */ //---------------------------------- // // filter frame routine // //---------------------------------- // tag variable indicates, if we are called before // transcodes internal video/audo frame processing routines // or after and determines video/audio context if ((ptr->tag & TC_POST_M_PROCESS) && (ptr->tag & TC_VIDEO) && !(ptr->attributes & TC_FRAME_IS_SKIPPED) ) { PixelPacket *pixel_packet; uint8_t *video_buf; int do_fade = 0; float fade_coeff = 0.0; float img_coeff, vid_coeff; /* Note: ImageMagick defines opacity = 0 as fully visible, and * opacity = MaxRGB as fully transparent. */ Quantum opacity; int row, col; if (ptr->id < mfd->start || ptr->id > mfd->end) return 0; if (strcmp(mfd->file, "/dev/null") == 0) return 0; if (ptr->id - mfd->start < mfd->fadein) { // fading-in fade_coeff = (float)(mfd->start - ptr->id + mfd->fadein) / (float)(mfd->fadein); do_fade = 1; } else if (mfd->end - ptr->id < mfd->fadeout) { // fading-out fade_coeff = (float)(ptr->id - mfd->end + mfd->fadeout) / (float)(mfd->fadeout); do_fade = 1; } mfd->cur_delay--; if (mfd->cur_delay < 0 || mfd->ignoredelay) { int seq; mfd->cur_seq = (mfd->cur_seq + 1) % mfd->nr_of_images; mfd->images = mfd->image; for (seq=0; seq<mfd->cur_seq; seq++) mfd->images = mfd->images->next; mfd->cur_delay = mfd->images->delay * vob->fps/100; } pixel_packet = GetImagePixels(mfd->images, 0, 0, mfd->images->columns, mfd->images->rows); if (vob->im_v_codec == TC_CODEC_RGB24) { unsigned long r_off, g_off, b_off; if (!(rgbswap || mfd->rgbswap)) { r_off = 0; b_off = 2; } else { r_off = 2; b_off = 0; } g_off = 1; for (row = 0; row < mfd->image->rows; row++) { video_buf = ptr->video_buf + 3 * ((row + mfd->posy) * vob->ex_v_width + mfd->posx); for (col = 0; col < mfd->image->columns; col++) { opacity = pixel_packet->opacity; if (do_fade) opacity += (Quantum)((MaxRGB - opacity) * fade_coeff); if (opacity == 0) { *(video_buf + r_off) = ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet->red); *(video_buf + g_off) = ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet->green); *(video_buf + b_off) = ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet->blue); } else if (opacity < MaxRGB) { unsigned char opacity_uchar = ScaleQuantumToChar(opacity); img_coeff = img_coeff_lookup[opacity_uchar]; vid_coeff = vid_coeff_lookup[opacity_uchar]; *(video_buf + r_off) = (uint8_t)((*(video_buf + r_off)) * vid_coeff) + (uint8_t)(ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet->red) * img_coeff); *(video_buf + g_off) = (uint8_t)((*(video_buf + g_off)) * vid_coeff) + (uint8_t)(ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet->green) * img_coeff); *(video_buf + b_off) = (uint8_t)((*(video_buf + b_off)) * vid_coeff) + (uint8_t)(ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel_packet->blue) * img_coeff); } video_buf += 3; pixel_packet++; } } } else { /* !RGB */ unsigned long vid_size = vob->ex_v_width * vob->ex_v_height; unsigned long img_size = mfd->images->columns * mfd->images->rows; uint8_t *img_pixel_Y, *img_pixel_U, *img_pixel_V; uint8_t *vid_pixel_Y, *vid_pixel_U, *vid_pixel_V; img_pixel_Y = mfd->yuv[mfd->cur_seq]; img_pixel_U = img_pixel_Y + img_size; img_pixel_V = img_pixel_U + img_size/4; for (row = 0; row < mfd->images->rows; row++) { vid_pixel_Y = ptr->video_buf + (row + mfd->posy)*mfd->vob->ex_v_width + mfd->posx; vid_pixel_U = ptr->video_buf + vid_size + (row/2 + mfd->posy/2)*(mfd->vob->ex_v_width/2) + mfd->posx/2; vid_pixel_V = vid_pixel_U + vid_size/4; for (col = 0; col < mfd->images->columns; col++) { int do_UV_pixels = (mfd->grayout == 0 && !(row % 2) && !(col % 2)) ? 1 : 0; opacity = pixel_packet->opacity; if (do_fade) opacity += (Quantum)((MaxRGB - opacity) * fade_coeff); if (opacity == 0) { *vid_pixel_Y = *img_pixel_Y; if (do_UV_pixels) { *vid_pixel_U = *img_pixel_U; *vid_pixel_V = *img_pixel_V; } } else if (opacity < MaxRGB) { unsigned char opacity_uchar = ScaleQuantumToChar(opacity); img_coeff = img_coeff_lookup[opacity_uchar]; vid_coeff = vid_coeff_lookup[opacity_uchar]; *vid_pixel_Y = (uint8_t)(*vid_pixel_Y * vid_coeff) + (uint8_t)(*img_pixel_Y * img_coeff); if (do_UV_pixels) { *vid_pixel_U = (uint8_t)(*vid_pixel_U * vid_coeff) + (uint8_t)(*img_pixel_U * img_coeff); *vid_pixel_V = (uint8_t)(*vid_pixel_V * vid_coeff) + (uint8_t)(*img_pixel_V * img_coeff); } } vid_pixel_Y++; img_pixel_Y++; if (do_UV_pixels) { vid_pixel_U++; img_pixel_U++; vid_pixel_V++; img_pixel_V++; } pixel_packet++; } } } } return 0; }