Exemplo n.º 1
bool CInputSDL::Create (void)
    if (!m_Ready)
        // Reset the keyboard state
        memset (m_KeyState, 0, MAX_KEYS);

        //SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(100, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL);

        // Prepare the friendly name for each key
        MakeKeyFriendlyNames ();

        // Create all joysticks that are installed on the system
        for(int i=0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++ )
            SJoystick *pJoystick = new SJoystick;

            if (pJoystick == NULL)
                // Log failure
                theLog.WriteLine ("SDLInput        => !!! Could not allocate memory for a joystick.");

                // Get out
                return false;

            // Reset the joystick state
            memset (&pJoystick->State, 0, sizeof(pJoystick->State));

            // The joystick is not opened yet
            pJoystick->Opened = false;

            // Set the joystick's device to NULL (will be created later)
            pJoystick->pDevice = NULL;

            m_pJoysticks.push_back (pJoystick); // the joystick is not opened

            theLog.WriteLine ("SDLInput        => A joystick was added.");


        m_Ready = true;


    // Everything went right
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool CDirectInput::Create (void)
    if (!m_Ready)
        // Create the directinput object
        HRESULT hRet = DirectInputCreateEx (m_hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput7, (void**)&m_pDI, NULL); 
        // If it failed
        if (hRet != DI_OK)
            // Log failure
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! Could not create DirectInput object.");
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! DirectInput error is : %s.", GetDirectInputError(hRet));

            // Get out
            return false;
        // If it was successful
            // Log success
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => DirectInput object was created successfully.");

        hRet = m_pDI->CreateDeviceEx (GUID_SysKeyboard, IID_IDirectInputDevice7, (void**)&m_pKeyboard, NULL); 

        if (hRet != DI_OK)
            // Log failure
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! Could not create keyboard.");
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! DirectInput error is : %s.", GetDirectInputError(hRet));

            // Get out
            return false;
            // Log success
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => Keyboard was created.");

        // Set the keyboard data format
        hRet = m_pKeyboard->SetDataFormat (&c_dfDIKeyboard);
        // If it failed
        if (hRet != DI_OK)
            // Log failure
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! Could not set data format (keyboard).");
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! DirectInput error is : %s.", GetDirectInputError(hRet));

            // Get out
            return false;

        // Set the keyboard's cooperative level
        hRet = m_pKeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel (m_hWnd, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE); 
        // If it failed
        if (hRet != DI_OK)
            // Log failure
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! Could not set cooperative level (keyboard).");
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! DirectInput error is : %s.", GetDirectInputError(hRet));

            // Get out
            return false;
        // Reset the keyboard state
        ZeroMemory (m_KeyState, MAX_KEYS);
        // The keyboard is not opened yet
        m_KeyboardOpened = false;

        // We need this variable to get information about each key of the keyboard
        DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE DeviceObjectInstance;

        // Scan the keys the keyboard could have
        for (int Key = 0 ; Key < MAX_KEYS ; Key++)
            // Initialize the device object instance and get the key's information
            ZeroMemory (&DeviceObjectInstance, sizeof (DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE));
            DeviceObjectInstance.dwSize = sizeof (DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE);
            HRESULT hRet = m_pKeyboard->GetObjectInfo (&DeviceObjectInstance, Key, DIPH_BYOFFSET);
            ASSERT (hRet == DI_OK || hRet == DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND);

            // Store the key's real name, that is to say the name given by Windows
            strcpy (m_KeyRealName[Key], (hRet != DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND ? DeviceObjectInstance.tszName : "Key does not exist"));

        // Prepare the friendly name for each key
        MakeKeyFriendlyNames ();

        // Prepare the structure to pass when enumerating the devices
        SEnumParam EnumParam;
        EnumParam.pDI = m_pDI;
        // Create all joysticks that are installed in Windows
        hRet = m_pDI->EnumDevices (DIDEVTYPE_JOYSTICK, CreateInputDevice, &EnumParam, DIEDFL_ALLDEVICES);
        // Assert it's not an unexpected return value
        ASSERT (hRet == DI_OK);

        // The EnumParam contains the input devices, browse them
        for (unsigned int Index = 0 ; Index < EnumParam.pDevices.size() ; Index++)
            LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE7 pDevice = EnumParam.pDevices[Index];

            // Set the joystick data format
            hRet = pDevice->SetDataFormat (&c_dfDIJoystick);
            // If it failed
            if (hRet != DI_OK)
                // Log failure
                theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! Could not set data format (joystick).");
                theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! DirectInput error is : %s.", GetDirectInputError(hRet));

                // Get out
                return false;

            // Set the joystick cooperative level
            hRet = pDevice->SetCooperativeLevel (m_hWnd, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE); 
            // If it failed
            if (hRet != DI_OK)
                // Log failure
                theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! Could not set cooperative level (joystick).");
                theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! DirectInput error is : %s.", GetDirectInputError(hRet));

                // Get out
                return false;

            // We need to prepare this in order to set the joystick dead zone
	        DIPROPDWORD PropertyDword;
	        PropertyDword.diph.dwSize = sizeof(PropertyDword);
	        PropertyDword.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(PropertyDword.diph);
	        PropertyDword.diph.dwObj = 0;									// Apply to the
	        PropertyDword.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE;							// entire device
	        PropertyDword.dwData = 10000 * JOYSTICK_DEAD_ZONE / 100;

	        // Set the property
	        hRet = pDevice->SetProperty (DIPROP_DEADZONE, &PropertyDword.diph);

	        // Assert it's not an unexpected error
	        ASSERT (hRet == DI_OK || hRet == DI_PROPNOEFFECT);

            // We need to prepare this in order to set the joystick range
	        DIPROPRANGE PropertyRange;
	        PropertyRange.diph.dwSize = sizeof(PropertyRange);
	        PropertyRange.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(PropertyRange.diph);
	        PropertyRange.diph.dwObj = 0;									// Apply to the
	        PropertyRange.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE;							// entire device
	        PropertyRange.lMin = JOYSTICK_MINIMUM_AXIS;
            PropertyRange.lMax = JOYSTICK_MAXIMUM_AXIS;

	        // Set the property
	        hRet = pDevice->SetProperty (DIPROP_RANGE, &PropertyRange.diph);

	        // Assert it's not an unexpected error
	        ASSERT (hRet == DI_OK || hRet == DI_PROPNOEFFECT);
            // Allocate memory for a joystick
            SJoystick *pJoystick = new SJoystick;
            // If allocation failed
            if (pJoystick == NULL)
                // Log failure
                theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => !!! Could not allocate memory for a joystick.");
                // Get out
                return false;

            // Reset the joystick state
            ZeroMemory (&pJoystick->State, sizeof(pJoystick->State));
            // The joystick is not opened yet
            pJoystick->Opened = false;

            // Set the joystick's directinput device
            pJoystick->pDevice = pDevice;
            // Add the joystick to the container
            m_pJoysticks.push_back (pJoystick);

            // Log we added one joystick
            theLog.WriteLine ("DirectInput     => One joystick was created.");

        m_Ready = true;

    // Everything went right
    return true;