Exemplo n.º 1
//  MT_Bitset: C
REBOOL MT_Bitset(REBVAL *out, REBVAL *data, enum Reb_Kind type)
    REBOOL is_not = FALSE;

    if (IS_BLOCK(data)) {
        REBINT len = Find_Max_Bit(data);
        REBSER *ser;
        if (len < 0 || len > 0xFFFFFF) fail (Error_Invalid_Arg(data));
        ser = Make_Bitset(len);
        Set_Bits(ser, data, TRUE);
        Val_Init_Bitset(out, ser);
        return TRUE;

    if (!IS_BINARY(data)) return FALSE;
    Val_Init_Bitset(out, Copy_Sequence_At_Position(data));
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
*/	REBFLG MT_Bitset(REBVAL *out, REBVAL *data, REBCNT type)
	REBFLG is_not = 0;

	if (IS_BLOCK(data)) {
		REBINT len = Find_Max_Bit(data);
		REBSER *ser;
		if (len < 0 || len > 0xFFFFFF) raise Error_Invalid_Arg(data);
		ser = Make_Bitset(len);
		Set_Bits(ser, data, TRUE);
		Val_Init_Bitset(out, ser);
		return TRUE;

	if (!IS_BINARY(data)) return FALSE;
	Val_Init_Bitset(out, Copy_Sequence_At_Position(data));
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
//  Xandor_Binary: C
// Only valid for BINARY data.
REBSER *Xandor_Binary(const REBVAL *verb, REBVAL *value, REBVAL *arg)
    REBYTE *p0 = VAL_BIN_AT(value);
    REBYTE *p1 = VAL_BIN_AT(arg);

    REBCNT t0 = VAL_LEN_AT(value);
    REBCNT t1 = VAL_LEN_AT(arg);

    REBCNT mt = MIN(t0, t1); // smaller array size

    // !!! This used to say "For AND - result is size of shortest input:" but
    // the code was commented out
        if (verb == A_AND || (verb == 0 && t1 >= t0))
            t2 = mt;
            t2 = MAX(t0, t1);

    REBCNT t2 = MAX(t0, t1);

    REBSER *series;
    if (IS_BITSET(value)) {
        // Although bitsets and binaries share some implementation here,
        // they have distinct allocation functions...and bitsets need
        // to set the REBSER.misc.negated union field (BITS_NOT) as
        // it would be illegal to read it if it were cleared via another
        // element of the union.
        series = Make_Bitset(t2 * 8);
    else {
        // Ordinary binary
        series = Make_Binary(t2);
        TERM_SEQUENCE_LEN(series, t2);

    REBYTE *p2 = BIN_HEAD(series);

    switch (VAL_WORD_SYM(verb)) {
    case SYM_INTERSECT: { // and
        REBCNT i;
        for (i = 0; i < mt; i++)
            *p2++ = *p0++ & *p1++;
        CLEAR(p2, t2 - mt);
        return series; }

    case SYM_UNION: { // or
        REBCNT i;
        for (i = 0; i < mt; i++)
            *p2++ = *p0++ | *p1++;
        break; }

    case SYM_DIFFERENCE: { // xor
        REBCNT i;
        for (i = 0; i < mt; i++)
            *p2++ = *p0++ ^ *p1++;
        break; }

    case SYM_EXCLUDE: { // !!! not a "type action", word manually in %words.r
        REBCNT i;
        for (i = 0; i < mt; i++)
            *p2++ = *p0++ & ~*p1++;
        if (t0 > t1)
            memcpy(p2, p0, t0 - t1); // residual from first only
        return series; }

        fail (Error_Cannot_Use_Raw(verb, Datatype_From_Kind(REB_BINARY)));

    // Copy the residual
    memcpy(p2, ((t0 > t1) ? p0 : p1), t2 - mt);
    return series;
Exemplo n.º 4
//  Xandor_Binary: C
// Only valid for BINARY data.
REBSER *Xandor_Binary(REBCNT action, REBVAL *value, REBVAL *arg)
        REBSER *series;
        REBYTE *p0 = VAL_BIN_AT(value);
        REBYTE *p1 = VAL_BIN_AT(arg);
        REBYTE *p2;
        REBCNT i;
        REBCNT mt, t1, t0, t2;

        t0 = VAL_LEN_AT(value);
        t1 = VAL_LEN_AT(arg);

        mt = MIN(t0, t1); // smaller array size
        // For AND - result is size of shortest input:
//      if (action == A_AND || (action == 0 && t1 >= t0))
//          t2 = mt;
//      else
        t2 = MAX(t0, t1);

        if (IS_BITSET(value)) {
            // Although bitsets and binaries share some implementation here,
            // they have distinct allocation functions...and bitsets need
            // to set the REBSER.misc.negated union field (BITS_NOT) as
            // it would be illegal to read it if it were cleared via another
            // element of the union.
            series = Make_Bitset(t2 * 8);
        else {
            // Ordinary binary
            series = Make_Binary(t2);
            SET_SERIES_LEN(series, t2);

        p2 = BIN_HEAD(series);

        switch (action) {
        case SYM_AND_T: // and~
            for (i = 0; i < mt; i++) *p2++ = *p0++ & *p1++;
            CLEAR(p2, t2 - mt);
            return series;

        case SYM_OR_T: // or~
            for (i = 0; i < mt; i++) *p2++ = *p0++ | *p1++;

        case SYM_XOR_T: // xor~
            for (i = 0; i < mt; i++) *p2++ = *p0++ ^ *p1++;

            // special bit set case EXCLUDE:
            for (i = 0; i < mt; i++) *p2++ = *p0++ & ~*p1++;
            if (t0 > t1) memcpy(p2, p0, t0 - t1); // residual from first only
            return series;

        // Copy the residual:
        memcpy(p2, ((t0 > t1) ? p0 : p1), t2 - mt);
        return series;
Exemplo n.º 5
*/	REBSER *Parse_String(REBSER *series, REBCNT index, REBVAL *rules, REBCNT flags)
	REBCNT tail = series->tail;
	REBSER *blk;
	REBSER *set;
	REBCNT begin;
	REBCNT end;
	REBOOL skip_spaces = !(flags & PF_ALL);

	blk = BUF_EMIT;	// shared series

	// String of delimiters or single character:
	if (IS_STRING(rules) || IS_CHAR(rules)) {
		begin = Find_Max_Bit(rules);
		if (begin <= ' ') begin = ' ' + 1;
		set = Make_Bitset(begin);
		Set_Bits(set, rules, TRUE);
	// None, so use defaults ",;":
	else {
		set = Make_Bitset(1+MAX(',',';'));
		Set_Bit(set, ',', TRUE);
		Set_Bit(set, ';', TRUE);

	// If required, make space delimiters too:
	if (skip_spaces) {
		for (uc = 1; uc <= ' '; uc++) Set_Bit(set, uc, TRUE);

	while (index < tail) {

		if (--Eval_Count <= 0 || Eval_Signals) Do_Signals();

		// Skip whitespace if not /all refinement: 
		if (skip_spaces) {
			uc = 0;
			for (; index < tail; index++) {
				uc = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);
				if (!IS_WHITE(uc)) break;
			uc = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index); // prefetch

		if (index < tail) {

			// Handle quoted strings (in a simple way):
			if (uc == '"') {
				begin = ++index; // eat quote
				for (; index < tail; index++) {
					uc = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);
					if (uc == '"') break;
				end = index;
				if (index < tail) index++;
			// All other tokens:
			else {
				begin = index;
				for (; index < tail; index++) {
					if (Check_Bit(set, GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index), !(flags & PF_CASE))) break;
				end = index;

			// Skip trailing spaces:
			if (skip_spaces)
				for (; index < tail; index++) {
					uc = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);
					if (!IS_WHITE(uc)) break;

			// Check for and remove separator:
			if (Check_Bit(set, GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index), !(flags & PF_CASE))) index++;

			// Append new string:
			Set_String(Append_Value(blk), Copy_String(series, begin, end - begin)); 

	return Copy_Block(blk, 0);