VVirtualHost *VVirtualHostManager::RetainMatchingVirtualHost (const VHTTPRequest& inRequest)
	VVirtualHost *		virtualHost = NULL;
	XBOX::VTaskLock		lock (&fLock);

	// Try first to find a VirtualHost matching both host header & project application keyword (if any)
	for (VVirtualHostMap::const_iterator it = fURLPatternsMap.begin(); it != fURLPatternsMap.end(); ++it)
		if (MatchRegex (it->first, inRequest.GetURL()))
			if (it->second->MatchHostPattern (inRequest.GetHost()))
				virtualHost = it->second;
	if ((NULL == virtualHost) && (fVirtualHosts.size() > 0))
		// We have one VirtualHost only... OK it's the easiest case --> just return it (no matter what host header contains)
		if (fVirtualHosts.size() == 1)
			virtualHost = fVirtualHosts.at (0);
			// Try to find a Virtual Host matching the port (no matter what address the request match)
			virtualHost = _FindMatchingVirtualHost (fHostPatternsMap, 0, inRequest.GetLocalPort());
			virtualHost = _FindMatchingVirtualHost (fHostPatternsMap, STRING_EMPTY, inRequest.GetLocalPort());
			// Other else try to find a VirtualHost matching the Host
			if (NULL == virtualHost)
				virtualHost = _FindMatchingVirtualHost (fHostPatternsMap, inRequest.GetHost());

	if (NULL != virtualHost)

	return virtualHost;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool FeedFilter::Term::MatchValue(const char* szStrValue, long long iIntValue)
	double fFloatValue = (double)iIntValue;
	char szIntBuf[100];

	if (m_eCommand < fcEqual && !szStrValue)
		snprintf(szIntBuf, 100, "%lld", iIntValue);
		szIntBuf[100-1] = '\0';
		szStrValue = szIntBuf;

	else if (m_eCommand >= fcEqual && szStrValue)
		fFloatValue = atof(szStrValue);
		iIntValue = (long long)fFloatValue;

	switch (m_eCommand)
		case fcText:
			return MatchText(szStrValue);

		case fcRegex:
			return MatchRegex(szStrValue);

		case fcEqual:
			return m_bFloat ? fFloatValue == m_fFloatParam : iIntValue == m_iIntParam;

		case fcLess:
			return m_bFloat ? fFloatValue < m_fFloatParam : iIntValue < m_iIntParam;

		case fcLessEqual:
			return m_bFloat ? fFloatValue <= m_fFloatParam : iIntValue <= m_iIntParam;

		case fcGreater:
			return m_bFloat ? fFloatValue > m_fFloatParam : iIntValue > m_iIntParam;

		case fcGreaterEqual:
			return m_bFloat ? fFloatValue >= m_fFloatParam : iIntValue >= m_iIntParam;

			return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ShapeFile::SubsetRegex_( // select shapes matching regex
    const char* sregex)       // in: regex string, NULL or "" to match any
    if (sregex && sregex[0])
        const regex re(CompileRegex(sregex));
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nshapes_; i++)
            if (MatchRegex(bases_[i], re))
                    shapes_[j] = shapes_[i];
                    bases_ [j] = bases_ [i];
                    bits_  [j] = bits_  [i];

        if (j == 0)
            Err("No shapes in %s match \"%s\"", shapepath_, sregex);
        nshapes_ = j;
Exemplo n.º 4
void ADVBConfig::ListUsers(AList& list) const
	AHash 	 users(10);
	AList 	 userpatterns;
	AString  filepattern 	   = GetUserPatternsPattern();
	AString  filepattern_parsed = ParseRegex(filepattern);
	AString  _users             = GetConfigItem("users");
	AStdFile fp;
	uint_t   i, n = _users.CountColumns();

	//debug("Reading users from config %s\n", config.GetFilename().str());

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		AString user = _users.Column(i).Words(0);

		if (!users.Exists(user)) {
			users.Insert(user, 0);
			list.Add(new AString(user));

	if (fp.open(GetPatternsFile())) {
		AString line;

		while (line.ReadLn(fp) >= 0) {
			AString user;
			int p;

			if		((p = line.PosNoCase(" user:="******"user:=") == 0)        user = line.Mid(6).Word(0).DeQuotify();

			if (user.Valid() && !users.Exists(user)) {
				users.Insert(user, 0);
				list.Add(new AString(user));


	::CollectFiles(filepattern.PathPart(), filepattern.FilePart(), 0, userpatterns);

	const AString *file = AString::Cast(userpatterns.First());
	while (file) {
		AString   user;
		ADataList regions;

		if (MatchRegex(*file, filepattern_parsed, regions)) {
			const REGEXREGION *region = (const REGEXREGION *)regions[0];

			if (region) {
				user = file->Mid(region->pos, region->len);
				if (!users.Exists(user)) {
					users.Insert(user, 0);
					list.Add(new AString(user));

		file = file->Next();
