Exemplo n.º 1
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Init (double *v, double x1, double x2, double x3)
 * The Init() function can be used to assign initial conditions as
 * as a function of spatial position.
 * \param [out] v   a pointer to a vector of primitive variables
 * \param [in] x1   coordinate point in the 1st dimension
 * \param [in] x2   coordinate point in the 2nd dimension
 * \param [in] x3   coordinate point in the 3rd dimension
 * The meaning of x1, x2 and x3 depends on the geometry:
 * \f[ \begin{array}{cccl}
 *    x_1  & x_2    & x_3  & \mathrm{Geometry}    \\ \noalign{\medskip}
 *     \hline
 *    x    &   y    &  z   & \mathrm{Cartesian}   \\ \noalign{\medskip}
 *    R    &   z    &  -   & \mathrm{cylindrical} \\ \noalign{\medskip}
 *    R    & \phi   &  z   & \mathrm{polar}       \\ \noalign{\medskip}
 *    r    & \theta & \phi & \mathrm{spherical} 
 *    \end{array}
 *  \f]
 * Variable names are accessed by means of an index v[nv], where
 * nv = RHO is density, nv = PRS is pressure, nv = (VX1, VX2, VX3) are
 * the three components of velocity, and so forth.
 *********************************************************************** */

  /* Density normalization */
  real mu = MeanMolecularWeight(v);
  g_unitDensity = CONST_amu*mu;

  /* Upstream Mach number and temperature
     This determines velocity normalization
     which is the value of the upstream velocity */
  double mach = g_inputParam[PAR_MACH];
  double temp1_cgs = g_inputParam[PAR_TEMP];
  double csound_cgs = sqrt(g_gamma*CONST_kB*temp1_cgs/(CONST_amu*mu));
  g_unitVelocity = csound_cgs*mach;

  /* Upstream vector */
  double v1[NVAR];
  v1[RHO] = g_inputParam[PAR_RHO1];
  EXPAND(v1[VX1] = 1.0;,
Exemplo n.º 2
/* ***************************************************************** */
void PowerLawCooling (Data_Arr VV, real dt, Time_Step *Dts, Grid *grid)
 *    Take a source step to account for radiative cooling with
 *    a power-law cooling function.
 *     We directly integrate the following ODE:
 *      dp_cgs/dt_cgs = -(gamma - 1) Lambda(rho_cgs, T_cgs)
 *     where:   Lambda = lambda0 rho_cgs^2/(mu*m_amu,cgs)^2 (T_cgs/T_crit,cgs)^alpha
 *     if the cooling function was a single power law.
 ******************************************************************* */
  int   i, j, k;
  real  cost, dE;
  real  rho, p, T, p_f, T_f;
  real  oma, unit_time;

  /* Read cooling parameters file */

  /* Power law cooling mainly valid in regions 10^5
  The values for alpha and lamdbda0 just come from a linear fit to the 
  cooltable.dat data between T = 3*10^4 and 1*10^8 K. See cool_fit_pow.py
  double alpha = -0.37988772;
  double lambda0 = 1.044886865e-22;

  /* Mean molecular mass */
  double vdummy[NVAR];
  real mu = MeanMolecularWeight(vdummy);

  /* A constant that is part of the solution. */
  cost = (g_gamma-1.0)*lambda0/CONST_kB*pow(g_minCoolingTemp, -alpha);

  /* Unit time code to cgs conversion */
  unit_time = g_unitLength/g_unitVelocity;

/*  -------------------------------------------------------------
                Integrate analytically
    -------------------------------------------------------------  */

  //dE = 1.e-18;

/*  ----  Find initial temperature in Kelvin  ----  */

    rho = VV[RHO][k][j][i];
    p   = VV[PRS][k][j][i];

    T   = mu*p/rho*KELVIN;

    if (T < g_minCoolingTemp) continue;

/*  ----  Find final temperature  ----  */
    /* rho is in code units because the factor in the equation reads 
     * (rho/mu amu), but all other quantities are in cgs */
    oma = 1.-alpha;
    T_f = pow(-cost*oma*rho*dt*unit_time + pow(T, oma), 1./oma);

    if (T_f <= g_minCoolingTemp){ 
      T_f = T - g_maxCoolingRate*(T - g_minCoolingTemp);
      T_f = T - g_maxCoolingRate*(T - T_f);
   //T_f = MAX(T_f, g_minCoolingTemp);

/*  ----  Update Energy  ----  */

    p_f = T_f*rho/(mu*KELVIN);

    VV[PRS][k][j][i] = p_f;

    //dE = fabs(1.0 - p_f/p) + 1.e-18;
    //Dts->dt_cool = MIN(Dts->dt_cool, dt*g_maxCoolingRate/dE);
Exemplo n.º 3

  Radiat (v, rhs);

  L = CoolCoeffs.Lrate; La = CoolCoeffs.La; Lb = CoolCoeffs.Lb; Lc = CoolCoeffs.Lc;
  C = CoolCoeffs.Crate; Ca = CoolCoeffs.Ca; Cb = CoolCoeffs.Cb; Cc = CoolCoeffs.Cc;
  R = CoolCoeffs.Rrate; Ra = CoolCoeffs.Ra; Rb = CoolCoeffs.Rb; Rc = CoolCoeffs.Rc;

  de = CoolCoeffs.de;

  X       = v + NFLX;
  dnel_dX = CoolCoeffs.dnel_dX;

  N  = v[RHO]*find_N_rho();       /* -- Total number density -- */
  mu = MeanMolecularWeight(v); 
  T  = v[PRS]/v[RHO]*KELVIN*mu;

/* --  compute the vector grad_X (mu)  --  */

  scrh = 1.0/CoolCoeffs.muD;
  for (k = 0; k < n - 1; k++){
    dmu_dX[k] =  (CoolCoeffs.dmuN_dX[k] 
                - CoolCoeffs.dmuD_dX[k]*mu)*scrh;
/* -------------------------------------------------
         Compute dX'/dX, dp'/dX with 
      k = 0....n - 2
      l = 0....n - 2
Exemplo n.º 4
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Radiat (double *v, double *rhs)
 *  Cooling for neutral or singly ionized gas: good up to about 35,000 K
 *  in equilibrium or shocks in neutral gas up to about 80 km/s.
 *  Assumed abundances in ab
 *  Uses t : Kelvin
 *       dene :  electron density cm*-3
 *       fneut : hydrogen neutral fraction    (adimensionale)
 *       ci,cr : H ionization and recombination rate coefficients 
 * em(1) = TOTAL EMISSIVITY : (ergs cm**3 s**-1)
 * em(2) = Ly alpha  + two photon continuum: Aggarwal MNRAS 202,
 *         10**4.3 K
 * em(3) = H alpha: Aggarwal, Case B
 * em(4) = He I 584 + two photon + 623 (all n=2 excitations): Berrington
 *         &Kingston,JPB 20
 * em(5) = C I 9850 + 9823: Mendoza, IAU 103, 5000 K
 * em(6) = C II, 156 micron: Mendoza, 10,000 K
 * em(7) = C II] 2325 A: Mendoza, 15,000 K
 * em(8) = N I 5200 A: Mendoza, 7500 K
 * em(9) = N II 6584 + 6548 A: Mendoza
 * em(10) = O I 63 micron: Mendoza,2500 K
 * em(11) = O I 6300 A + 6363 A: Mendoza, 7500 K
 * em(12) = O II 3727: Mendoza
 * em(13) = Mg II 2800: Mendoza
 * em(14) = Si II 35 micron: Dufton&Kingston, MNRAS 248
 * em(15) = S II 6717+6727: Mendoza
 * em(16) = Fe II 25 micron: Nussbaumer&Storey
 * em(17) = Fe II 1.6 micron
 * em(18) = thermal energy lost by ionization
 * em(19) = thermal energy lost by recombination (2/3 kT per
 *          recombination.
 *          The ionization energy lost is not included here.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int   ii, k, status;
  double  T, mu, st, rho, prs, fn;
  double  N_H, n_el, cr, ci, rlosst, em[20], src_pr;

  static double t00[18] = {0.0   , 0.0   , 1.18e5, 1.40e5, 2.46e5, 1.46e4, 
                           92.1  , 6.18e4, 2.76e4, 2.19e4, 228.0 , 2.28e4,
                           3.86e4, 5.13e4, 410.0 , 2.13e4, 575.0 , 8980.0};

  static double  ep[18] = {0.0   , 0.0 , 10.2  , 1.89, 21.2  , 1.26, 
                           0.0079, 5.33, 2.38  , 1.89, 0.0197, 1.96,
                           3.33  , 4.43, 0.0354, 1.85, 0.0495, 0.775};

  static double critn[18] = {0.0  , 0.0   , 1.e10, 1.e10, 1.e10,  312.0, 
                             0.849, 1.93e7, 124.0, 865.0, 1090.0, 3950.0, 
                             177.0, 1.e10 ,  16.8,  96.0,  580.0, 1130.0};

  static double om[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 0.90, 0.35, 0.15  , 0.067,
                          0.63, 0.52, 0.90, 0.30, 0.0055, 0.19,
                          0.33, 8.0 , 2.85, 1.75, 0.3   ,0.39};

  static double ab[18] = {0.0   , 0.0    , 1.0    , 1.0    , 0.1    , 0.0003,
                          0.0003, 0.0003 , 0.0001 , 0.0001 , 0.0006 , 0.0006,
                          0.0006, 0.00002, 0.00004, 0.00004, 0.00004, 0.00004};

  static double fn1[20] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                           0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 
                           0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 
                           1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0};

  static double fn2[20] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                           0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,-1.0,
                           1.0, 1.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                           0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,-1.0};
  static int first_call = 1;
  static double E_cost, Unit_Time, N_H_rho;

  if (first_call) {

  /*  ------------------------------------------------------
       conversion factor from total density to hydrogen
        number density, i.e.    nH = N_H_rho * rho        
      ------------------------------------------------------   */

    N_H_rho  = UNIT_DENSITY/CONST_amu/(CONST_AH + frac_He*CONST_AHe + frac_Z*CONST_AZ);
    first_call = 0;

/* -----------------------------------
    Force fneut to stay between [0,1]
   ----------------------------------- */
  v[X_HI] = MAX(v[X_HI], 0.0);
  v[X_HI] = MIN(v[X_HI], 1.0);

/* ---------------------------------------------------
    Compute temperature from rho, rhoe and fractions
   --------------------------------------------------- */
  rho = v[RHO];
  mu  = MeanMolecularWeight(v); 
  #if EOS == IDEAL
   if (v[RHOE] < 0.0) v[RHOE] = g_smallPressure/(g_gamma-1.0);
   prs = v[RHOE]*(g_gamma-1.0);
   T   = prs/rho*KELVIN*mu; 
   status = GetEV_Temperature(v[RHOE], v, &T);
   if (status != 0) {
     T = T_CUT_RHOE;
     v[RHOE] = InternalEnergy(v, T);

  fn = v[X_HI];

 /*  --------------------------------------------------------
       Set source terms equal to zero when the temperature
       falls below g_minCoolingTemp 
    -------------------------------------------------------- */

/*    if (T < g_minCoolingTemp){
      a = b = src_pr = 0.0;
  if (mu < 0.0){
    printf ("Negative mu in radiat \n");

  st    = sqrt(T);
  N_H   = N_H_rho*rho;  /* -- number density of hydrogen N_H = N(HI) + N(HII)  -- */

  /*  ----  coeff di ionizz. e ricomb. della particella fluida i,j  ----  */

  cr = 2.6e-11/st;
  ci = 1.08e-8*st*exp(-157890.0/T)/(13.6*13.6);

  n_el = N_H*(1.0 - fn + frac_Z);  /* -- electron number density, in cm^{-3} -- */
  rhs[X_HI] = Unit_Time*n_el*(-(ci + cr)*fn + cr); 

  em[1] = 0.0;
  for (k = 2; k <= 17; k++){
    em[k] = 1.6e-12*8.63e-6*om[k]*ep[k]*exp(-t00[k]/T)/st;
    em[k] = em[k]*critn[k]*st/(n_el + critn[k]*st);
    em[k] = em[k]*ab[k]*(fn1[k] + fn*fn2[k]);
    em[1] = em[1] + em[k];

  em[18] = ci*13.6*1.6e-12*fn;
  em[19] = cr*0.67*1.6e-12*(1.0 - fn)*T/11590.0;
  em[1]  = em[1] + em[18] + em[19];

  /* ---------------------------------------------------
      rlosst is the energy loss in units of erg/cm^3/s;
      it must be multiplied by cost_E in order to match 
      non-dimensional units.
      Source term for the neutral fraction scales with 
     --------------------------------------------------- */

  rlosst  =  em[1]*n_el*N_H;
  rhs[PRS] = -E_cost*rlosst*(g_gamma - 1.0);
  rhs[PRS] *= 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -(T - g_minCoolingTemp)/100.0)); 

  rhs[RHOE] = -E_cost*rlosst;
  rhs[RHOE] *= 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -(T - g_minCoolingTemp)/100.0)); /* -- cutoff -- */