Exemplo n.º 1
TEST(MemoryRangeAnalyzer, GetMaxContiguousFreeBlockSize_twoblocks)
	auto analyzer = MemoryRangeAnalyzer();

	auto ranges = std::make_shared<std::vector<const MemoryRange>>();

	ranges->push_back(MemoryRange(0, 1, State::Commit, Usage::EnvironmentBlock));
	ranges->push_back(MemoryRange(101, 1001, State::Commit, Usage::EnvironmentBlock));

	auto size = analyzer.GetMaxContiguousFreeBlockSize(RangeList(ranges));

	EXPECT_EQ(size, 100);
Exemplo n.º 2
TEST(MemoryRangeAnalyzer, GetMinContiguousSOHHeapSize_threeblocks)
	auto analyzer = MemoryRangeAnalyzer();

	auto ranges = std::make_shared<std::vector<const MemoryRange>>();

	ranges->push_back(MemoryRange(0, 10000, State::Commit, Usage::GCHeap));
	ranges->push_back(MemoryRange(20000, 20000, State::Commit, Usage::GCHeap));
	ranges->push_back(MemoryRange(50000, 0x2f000, State::Commit, Usage::GCHeap));

	auto size = analyzer.GetMinContiguousSOHHeapSize(RangeList(ranges));

	EXPECT_EQ(size, 10000);
Exemplo n.º 3
MappableSeekableZStream::mmap(const void *addr, size_t length, int prot,
                              int flags, off_t offset)
    /* Map with PROT_NONE so that accessing the mapping would segfault, and
     * bring us to ensure() */
    void *res = buffer->mmap(addr, length, PROT_NONE, flags, offset);
    if (res == MAP_FAILED)
        return MemoryRange(MAP_FAILED, 0);

    /* Store the mapping, ordered by offset and length */
    std::vector<LazyMap>::reverse_iterator it;
    for (it = lazyMaps.rbegin(); it < lazyMaps.rend(); ++it) {
        if ((it->offset < offset) ||
                ((it->offset == offset) && (it->length < length)))
    LazyMap map = { res, length, prot, offset };
    lazyMaps.insert(it.base(), map);
    return MemoryRange(res, length);
Exemplo n.º 4
TEST(MemoryRangeAnalyzer, GetMinContiguousSOHHeapSize_oneblock_nonsoh2)
	auto analyzer = MemoryRangeAnalyzer();

	auto ranges = std::make_shared<std::vector<const MemoryRange>>();

	ranges->push_back(MemoryRange(0, 101, State::Commit, Usage::GCLOHeap));

	auto size = analyzer.GetMinContiguousSOHHeapSize(RangeList(ranges));

	EXPECT_EQ(size, MemoryRangeAnalyzer::UNDETERMINED_SIZE);
Exemplo n.º 5
MappableDeflate::mmap(const void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, off_t offset)
    MOZ_ASSERT(!(flags & MAP_SHARED));
    flags |= MAP_PRIVATE;

    /* The deflate stream is uncompressed up to the required offset + length, if
     * it hasn't previously been uncompressed */
    ssize_t missing = offset + length + zStream.avail_out - buffer->GetLength();
    if (missing > 0) {
        uInt avail_out = zStream.avail_out;
        zStream.avail_out = missing;
        if ((*buffer == zStream.next_out) &&
                (inflateInit2(&zStream, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK)) {
            LOG("inflateInit failed: %s", zStream.msg);
            return MemoryRange(MAP_FAILED, 0);
        int ret = inflate(&zStream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
        if (ret < 0) {
            LOG("inflate failed: %s", zStream.msg);
            return MemoryRange(MAP_FAILED, 0);
        if (ret == Z_NEED_DICT) {
            LOG("zstream requires a dictionary. %s", zStream.msg);
            return MemoryRange(MAP_FAILED, 0);
        zStream.avail_out = avail_out - missing + zStream.avail_out;
        if (ret == Z_STREAM_END) {
            if (inflateEnd(&zStream) != Z_OK) {
                LOG("inflateEnd failed: %s", zStream.msg);
                return MemoryRange(MAP_FAILED, 0);
            if (zStream.total_out != buffer->GetLength()) {
                LOG("File not fully uncompressed! %ld / %d", zStream.total_out,
                    static_cast<unsigned int>(buffer->GetLength()));
                return MemoryRange(MAP_FAILED, 0);
#if defined(ANDROID) && defined(__arm__)
    if (prot & PROT_EXEC) {
        /* We just extracted data that may be executed in the future.
         * We thus need to ensure Instruction and Data cache coherency. */
        DEBUG_LOG("cacheflush(%p, %p)", *buffer + offset, *buffer + (offset + length));
        cacheflush(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(*buffer + offset),
                   reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(*buffer + (offset + length)), 0);

    return MemoryRange(buffer->mmap(addr, length, prot, flags, offset), length);
Exemplo n.º 6
break_id_t Watcher::addMemoryExecBreak(uint16_t addr_begin, uint16_t addr_end)
	break_id_t const id = createBreakUniq();
	this->execBreaks_.push_back( MemoryRange(id, addr_begin, addr_end) );
	return id;