Exemplo n.º 1
    void Settings::load()
      utils::parsing::FileStream fs(_filename);
      _ini = utils::ini::ReadIni(fs, "core").parse();

      const utils::ini::Ini::Section& moduleSection = _ini["modules"];
      std::list< utils::ini::Ini::Section::Instruction >::const_iterator it;
      std::list< std::string >::const_iterator itargs;
      for (it = moduleSection.instructions().begin(); it != moduleSection.instructions().end(); ++it)
      	if (it->instr() == "add")
	    const std::string* url = 0;
	    const std::string* sigInput = 0;
	    const std::string* sigOutput = 0;
	    for (itargs = it->args().begin(); itargs != it->args().end(); ++itargs)
		if (!url)
		  url = &*itargs;
		else if (!sigInput && (*itargs)[0] == '<')
		  sigInput = &*itargs;
		else if (!sigOutput && (*itargs)[0] == '>')
		  sigOutput = &*itargs;
	    // if (url && sigInput && sigOutput)
	    //   _modulesInfos.push_back(ModuleInfo(*url, *sigInput, *sigOutput, it->kwargs()));
	    if (url)
	    					 (sigInput ? *sigInput : _nullSig),
	    					 (sigOutput ? *sigOutput : _nullSig),
	      throw Exception("load: Incomplete add instruction");
Exemplo n.º 2
ErrorCode ComponentManager::LoadLibrary( const char *name )
	IModule *mod = NULL;
	ErrorCode result = kNoError;
	LOG_NOTICE( "Opening Library: %s", name );
	ErrorCode (*LoadLibrary)( IComponentManager *mgr );
	IModule *(*GetModule)();
	void *handle = dlopen( name, RTLD_LAZY );
	if ( handle == NULL )
		result = kLoadFailed;
		LOG_WARN( "Failed to open shared lib \"%s\": %s", name, dlerror() );
		LoadLibrary = (ErrorCode (*)(IComponentManager *mgr))dlsym( handle, "JHCOM_LibraryEntry" );
		GetModule = (IModule *(*)())dlsym( handle, "JHCOM_GetModule" );

		if ( GetModule == NULL || LoadLibrary == NULL )
			result = kLoadFailed;
			LOG_WARN( "Failed to get symbol" );
			LOG( "LoadLibrary is %p", LoadLibrary );
			LOG( "RegisterServices is %p", GetModule );
			result = LoadLibrary( this );
			if ( result == kNoError )
				mod = GetModule();
				ModuleInfo *info = jh_new ModuleInfo( name, mod, handle );
				mModules.push_back( info );
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
    ModuleInfo parseModuleInfo(const utils::Buffer& buf)
      utils::StructReader sr(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf.getPtr()));
	  std::string name = sr.getStringValue("gui_name");
	  std::string identifier = sr.getStringValue("identifier");
	  std::string group = sr.getStringValue("group");
	  std::string inputs = sr.getStringValue("inputs");
	  std::string outputs = sr.getStringValue("outputs");
	  std::string moduleType = sr.getStringValue("type");

	  try {
	    std::vector<PlugInfo> ins = processArray(inputs);
	    std::vector<PlugInfo> outs = processArray(outputs);
	    if (moduleType == "xpm")
		const char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf.getPtr());
		const char* offset = ptr + strlen(ptr) + 1;
		int newLen = buf.getLen() - strlen(ptr) - 1;
		utils::AutoPtr<Xpm> xpm(new Xpm(offset,newLen));
		return ModuleInfo(identifier,name,group,ins,outs,xpm);
		throw std::runtime_error("MUIltkj");
	  catch (std::logic_error&)
	      std::cerr << "Buffer = <" << buf.getPtr() << ">" << std::endl;
      catch (std::runtime_error& e)
	  std::string msg = "Fehler beim Parsen der ModulInfo: ";
	  msg += e.what();
	  throw std::runtime_error(msg.c_str());
Exemplo n.º 4
void FModuleManager::AddModule(const FName InModuleName)
	// Do we already know about this module?  If not, we'll create information for this module now.
	if (!((ensureMsg(InModuleName != NAME_None, TEXT("FModuleManager::AddModule() was called with an invalid module name (empty string or 'None'.)  This is not allowed.")) &&

	TSharedRef<FModuleInfo> ModuleInfo(new FModuleInfo());
	// Make sure module info is added to known modules and proper delegates are fired on exit.
		FModuleManager::Get().AddModuleToModulesList(InModuleName, ModuleInfo);

	FString ModuleNameString = InModuleName.ToString();

	TMap<FName, FString> ModulePathMap;
	FindModulePaths(*ModuleNameString, ModulePathMap);

	if (ModulePathMap.Num() != 1)

	// Add this module to the set of modules that we know about
	ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename = TMap<FName, FString>::TConstIterator(ModulePathMap).Value();
	ModuleInfo->Filename = ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename;

	// When iterating on code during development, it's possible there are multiple rolling versions of this
	// module's DLL file.  This can happen if the programmer is recompiling DLLs while the game is loaded.  In
	// this case, we want to load the newest iteration of the DLL file, so that behavior is the same after
	// restarting the application.

	// NOTE: We leave this enabled in UE_BUILD_SHIPPING editor builds so module authors can iterate on custom modules
	// In some cases, sadly, modules may be loaded before appInit() is called.  We can't cleanly support rolling files for those modules.

	// First, check to see if the module we added already exists on disk
	const FDateTime OriginalModuleFileTime = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp(*ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename);
	if (OriginalModuleFileTime == FDateTime::MinValue())

	const FString ModuleName = *InModuleName.ToString();
	const int32 MatchPos = ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename.Find(ModuleName, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromEnd);
	if (!ensureMsgf(MatchPos != INDEX_NONE, TEXT("Could not find module name '%s' in module filename '%s'"), *ModuleName, *ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename))

	const int32 SuffixPos = MatchPos + ModuleName.Len();

	const FString Prefix = ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename.Left(SuffixPos);
	const FString Suffix = ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename.Right(ModuleInfo->OriginalFilename.Len() - SuffixPos);

	const FString ModuleFileSearchString = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s-*%s"), *Prefix, *Suffix);

	// Search for module files
	TArray<FString> FoundFiles;
	IFileManager::Get().FindFiles(FoundFiles, *ModuleFileSearchString, true, false);
	if (FoundFiles.Num() == 0)

	const FString ModuleFileSearchDirectory = FPaths::GetPath(ModuleFileSearchString);

	FString NewestModuleFilename;
	bool bFoundNewestFile = FindNewestModuleFile(FoundFiles, OriginalModuleFileTime, ModuleFileSearchDirectory, Prefix, Suffix, NewestModuleFilename);

	// Did we find a variant of the module file that is newer than our original file?
	if (!bFoundNewestFile)
		// No variants were found that were newer than the original module file name, so
		// we'll continue to use that!

	// Update the module working file name to the most recently-modified copy of that module
	const FString NewestModuleFilePath = ModuleFileSearchDirectory.IsEmpty() ? NewestModuleFilename : (ModuleFileSearchDirectory / NewestModuleFilename);
	ModuleInfo->Filename = NewestModuleFilePath;
#endif	// !IS_MONOLITHIC