Exemplo n.º 1
/* parses LocalMessageURI
 * mailbox-message://folder1/folder2#123?header=none or
 * mailbox-message://folder1/folder2#1234&part=1.2
 * puts folder URI in folderURI (mailbox://folder1/folder2)
 * message key number in key
nsresult nsParseLocalMessageURI(const char* uri,
                                nsCString& folderURI,
                                PRUint32 *key)

  nsCAutoString uriStr(uri);
  PRInt32 keySeparator = uriStr.FindChar('#');
  if(keySeparator != -1)
    PRInt32 keyEndSeparator = MsgFindCharInSet(uriStr, "?&", keySeparator);
    folderURI = StringHead(uriStr, keySeparator);
    folderURI.Cut(7, 8);    // cut out the -message part of mailbox-message:

    nsCAutoString keyStr;
    if (keyEndSeparator != -1)
      keyStr = Substring(uriStr, keySeparator + 1,
                         keyEndSeparator - (keySeparator + 1));
      keyStr = StringTail(uriStr, uriStr.Length() - (keySeparator + 1));

    *key = (PRUint32) ParseUint64Str(keyStr.get());
    return NS_OK;

Exemplo n.º 2
/* parses ImapMessageURI */
nsresult nsParseImapMessageURI(const char* uri, nsCString& folderURI, PRUint32 *key, char **part)
        return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

    nsCAutoString uriStr(uri);
    PRInt32 folderEnd = -1;
    // imap-message uri's can have imap:// url strings tacked on the end,
    // e.g., when opening/saving attachments. We don't want to look for '#'
    // in that part of the uri, if the attachment name contains '#',
    // so check for that here.
    if (StringBeginsWith(uriStr, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("imap-message")))
        folderEnd = uriStr.Find("imap://");

    PRInt32 keySeparator = MsgRFindChar(uriStr, '#', folderEnd);
    if(keySeparator != -1)
        PRInt32 keyEndSeparator = MsgFindCharInSet(uriStr, "/?&", keySeparator);
        nsAutoString folderPath;
        folderURI = StringHead(uriStr, keySeparator);
        folderURI.Cut(4, 8); // cut out the _message part of imap-message:
        // folder uri's don't have fully escaped usernames.
        PRInt32 atPos = folderURI.FindChar('@');
        if (atPos != -1)
            nsCString unescapedName, escapedName;
            PRInt32 userNamePos = folderURI.Find("//") + 2;
            PRUint32 origUserNameLen = atPos - userNamePos;
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(MsgUnescapeString(Substring(folderURI, userNamePos,
                                               0, unescapedName)))
                // Re-escape the username, matching the way we do it in uris, not the
                // way necko escapes urls. See nsMsgIncomingServer::GetServerURI.
                MsgEscapeString(unescapedName, nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_XALPHAS, escapedName);
                folderURI.Replace(userNamePos, origUserNameLen, escapedName);
        nsCAutoString keyStr;
        if (keyEndSeparator != -1)
            keyStr = Substring(uriStr, keySeparator + 1, keyEndSeparator - (keySeparator + 1));
            keyStr = Substring(uriStr, keySeparator + 1);

        *key = strtoul(keyStr.get(), nsnull, 10);

        if (part && keyEndSeparator != -1)
            PRInt32 partPos = MsgFind(uriStr, "part=", PR_FALSE, keyEndSeparator);
            if (partPos != -1)
                *part = ToNewCString(Substring(uriStr, keyEndSeparator));
    return NS_OK;
/* parses NewsMessageURI */
nsParseNewsMessageURI(const char* uri, nsCString& group, nsMsgKey *key)

  nsAutoCString uriStr(uri);
  int32_t keySeparator = uriStr.FindChar('#');
  if(keySeparator != -1)
    int32_t keyEndSeparator = MsgFindCharInSet(uriStr, "?&", keySeparator);

    // Grab between the last '/' and the '#' for the key
    group = StringHead(uriStr, keySeparator);
    int32_t groupSeparator = group.RFind("/");
    if (groupSeparator == -1)
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // Our string APIs don't let us unescape into the same buffer from earlier,
    // so escape into a temporary
    nsAutoCString unescapedGroup;
    MsgUnescapeString(Substring(group, groupSeparator + 1), 0, unescapedGroup);
    group = unescapedGroup;

    nsAutoCString keyStr;
    if (keyEndSeparator != -1)
      keyStr = Substring(uriStr, keySeparator + 1, keyEndSeparator - (keySeparator + 1));
      keyStr = Substring(uriStr, keySeparator + 1);
    nsresult errorCode;
    *key = keyStr.ToInteger(&errorCode);

    return errorCode;
void nsEudoraAddress::AddSingleCard(CAliasEntry *pEntry, nsVoidArray &emailList, nsIAddrDatabase *pDb)
  // We always have a nickname and everything else is optional.
  // Map both home and work related fields to our address card. Eudora
  // fields that can't be mapped will be left in the 'note' field!
  nsIMdbRow* newRow = nullptr;
  if (!newRow)

  nsCString                   displayName, name, firstName, lastName;
  nsCString                   fax, secondaryFax, phone, mobile, secondaryMobile, webLink;
  nsCString                   address, address2, city, state, zip, country;
  nsCString                   phoneWK, webLinkWK, title, company;
  nsCString                   addressWK, address2WK, cityWK, stateWK, zipWK, countryWK;
  nsCString                   primaryLocation, otherPhone, otherWeb;
  nsCString                   additionalEmail, stillMoreEmail;
  nsCString                   note(pEntry->m_notes);
  nsString                    noteUTF16;
  bool                        isSecondaryMobileWorkNumber = true;
  bool                        isSecondaryFaxWorkNumber = true;

  if (!note.IsEmpty())
    ExtractNoteField(note, fax, "fax");
    ExtractNoteField(note, secondaryFax, "fax2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, phone, "phone");
    ExtractNoteField(note, mobile, "mobile");
    ExtractNoteField(note, secondaryMobile, "mobile2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, address, "address");
    ExtractNoteField(note, city, "city");
    ExtractNoteField(note, state, "state");
    ExtractNoteField(note, zip, "zip");
    ExtractNoteField(note, country, "country");
    ExtractNoteField(note, name, "name");
    ExtractNoteField(note, firstName, "first");
    ExtractNoteField(note, lastName, "last");
    ExtractNoteField(note, webLink, "web");

    ExtractNoteField(note, addressWK, "address2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, cityWK, "city2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, stateWK, "state2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, zipWK, "zip2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, countryWK, "country2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, phoneWK, "phone2");
    ExtractNoteField(note, title, "title");
    ExtractNoteField(note, company, "company");
    ExtractNoteField(note, webLinkWK, "web2");

    ExtractNoteField(note, primaryLocation, "primary");
    ExtractNoteField(note, additionalEmail, "otheremail");
    ExtractNoteField(note, otherPhone, "otherphone");
    ExtractNoteField(note, otherWeb, "otherweb");

    // Is there any "extra" data that we may want to format nicely and place
    // in the notes field?
    if (!additionalEmail.IsEmpty() || !otherPhone.IsEmpty() || !otherWeb.IsEmpty())
      nsCString     otherNotes(note);

      if (!additionalEmail.IsEmpty())
        // Reconstitute line breaks for additional email
        MsgReplaceSubstring(additionalEmail, "\x03", "\n");

        // Try to figure out if there are multiple email addresses in additionalEmail
        int32_t     idx = MsgFindCharInSet(additionalEmail, "\t\r\n,; ");

        if (idx != -1)
          // We found a character that indicates that there's more than one email address here.
          // Separate out the addresses after the first one.
          stillMoreEmail = Substring(additionalEmail, idx + 1);

          // Separate out the first address.

        // If there were more than one additional email addresses store all the extra
        // ones in the notes field, labeled nicely.
        if (!stillMoreEmail.IsEmpty())
          FormatExtraDataInNoteField(EUDORAIMPORT_ADDRESS_LABEL_OTHEREMAIL, stillMoreEmail, noteUTF16);

      if (!otherPhone.IsEmpty())
        // Reconstitute line breaks for other phone numbers
        MsgReplaceSubstring(otherPhone, "\x03", "\n");

        // Store other phone numbers in the notes field, labeled nicely
        FormatExtraDataInNoteField(EUDORAIMPORT_ADDRESS_LABEL_OTHERPHONE, otherPhone, noteUTF16);

      if (!otherWeb.IsEmpty())
        // Reconstitute line breaks for other web sites
        MsgReplaceSubstring(otherWeb, "\x03", "\n");

        // Store other web sites in the notes field, labeled nicely
        FormatExtraDataInNoteField(EUDORAIMPORT_ADDRESS_LABEL_OTHERWEB, otherWeb, noteUTF16);


  CAliasData *pData = emailList.Count() ? (CAliasData *)emailList.ElementAt(0) : nullptr;

  if (pData && !pData->m_realName.IsEmpty())
    displayName = pData->m_realName;
  else if (!name.IsEmpty())
    displayName = name;
    displayName = pEntry->m_name;

  MsgReplaceSubstring(address, "\x03", "\n");
  SplitString(address, address2);
  MsgReplaceSubstring(note, "\x03", "\n");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(fax, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(secondaryFax, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(phone, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(name, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(city, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(state, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(zip, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(country, "\x03", " ");

  MsgReplaceSubstring(addressWK, "\x03", "\n");
  SplitString(addressWK, address2WK);
  MsgReplaceSubstring(phoneWK, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(cityWK, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(stateWK, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(zipWK, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(countryWK, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(title, "\x03", " ");
  MsgReplaceSubstring(company, "\x03", " ");

  if (newRow)
    nsAutoString uniStr;

    // Home related fields.
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddDisplayName, newRow, displayName, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddNickName, newRow, pEntry->m_name, uniStr);
    if (pData)
      ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddPrimaryEmail, newRow, pData->m_email, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddFirstName, newRow, firstName, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddLastName, newRow, lastName, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWebPage2, newRow, webLink, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddHomePhone, newRow, phone, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddHomeAddress, newRow, address, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddHomeAddress2, newRow, address2, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddHomeCity, newRow, city, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddHomeZipCode, newRow, zip, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddHomeState, newRow, state, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddHomeCountry, newRow, country, uniStr);

    // Work related fields.
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddJobTitle, newRow, title, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddCompany, newRow, company, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWebPage1, newRow, webLinkWK, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWorkPhone, newRow, phoneWK, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWorkAddress, newRow, addressWK, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWorkAddress2, newRow, address2WK, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWorkCity, newRow, cityWK, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWorkZipCode, newRow, zipWK, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWorkState, newRow, stateWK, uniStr);
    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddWorkCountry, newRow, countryWK, uniStr);

    if ((primaryLocation.IsEmpty() || primaryLocation.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("home")) &&
      // Primary location field is either specified to be "home" or is not
      // specified and there is a home mobile number, so use that as the mobile number.
      ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddCellularNumber, newRow, mobile, uniStr);

      isSecondaryMobileWorkNumber = true;
      // Primary location field is either specified to be "work" or there is no
      // home mobile number, so use work mobile number.
      ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddCellularNumber, newRow, secondaryMobile, uniStr);

      // Home mobile number (if any) is the secondary mobile number
      secondaryMobile = mobile;
      isSecondaryMobileWorkNumber = false;

    if ((primaryLocation.IsEmpty() || primaryLocation.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("home")) &&
      // Primary location field is either specified to be "home" or is not
      // specified and there is a home fax number, so use that as the fax number.
      ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddFaxNumber, newRow, fax, uniStr);

      isSecondaryFaxWorkNumber = true;
      // Primary location field is either specified to be "work" or there is no
      // home fax number, so use work fax number.
      ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, AddFaxNumber, newRow, secondaryFax, uniStr);

      // Home fax number (if any) is the secondary fax number
      secondaryFax = fax;
      isSecondaryFaxWorkNumber = false;

    ADD_FIELD_TO_DB_ROW(pDb, Add2ndEmail, newRow, additionalEmail, uniStr);

    // Extra info fields
    int32_t         stringID;
    nsString        pFormat;
    nsString        pCustomData;

    // Add second mobile number, if any, to the Custom 1 field
    if (!secondaryMobile.IsEmpty())
      stringID = isSecondaryMobileWorkNumber ?
      pCustomData.Adopt(nsTextFormatter::smprintf(pFormat.get(), NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(secondaryMobile).get()));
      pDb->AddCustom1(newRow, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(pCustomData).get());

    // Add second fax number, if any, to the Custom 2 field
    if (!secondaryFax.IsEmpty())
      stringID = isSecondaryFaxWorkNumber ?
      pCustomData.Adopt(nsTextFormatter::smprintf(pFormat.get(), NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(secondaryFax).get()));
      pDb->AddCustom2(newRow, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(pCustomData).get());

    // Lastly, note field.
    pDb->AddNotes(newRow, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(noteUTF16).get());


    IMPORT_LOG1("Added card to db: %s\n", displayName.get());