Exemplo n.º 1
  Build then send a MTFTP data packet for the MTFTP upload session.

  @param  Instance              The MTFTP upload session.
  @param  BlockNum              The block number to send.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to build the packet.
  @retval EFI_ABORTED           The consumer of this child directs to abort the
                                transmission by return an error through PacketNeeded.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The data is sent.

Mtftp4WrqSendBlock (
  IN OUT MTFTP4_PROTOCOL        *Instance,
  IN     UINT16                 BlockNum
  EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET         *Packet;
  EFI_MTFTP4_TOKEN          *Token;
  NET_BUF                   *UdpPacket;
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  UINT16                    DataLen;
  UINT8                     *DataBuf;
  UINT64                    Start;

  // Allocate a buffer to hold the user data
  UdpPacket = NetbufAlloc (Instance->BlkSize + MTFTP4_DATA_HEAD_LEN);

  if (UdpPacket == NULL) {

  Packet = (EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET *) NetbufAllocSpace (UdpPacket, MTFTP4_DATA_HEAD_LEN, FALSE);
  ASSERT (Packet != NULL);

  Packet->Data.OpCode = HTONS (EFI_MTFTP4_OPCODE_DATA);
  Packet->Data.Block  = HTONS (BlockNum);

  // Read the block from either the buffer or PacketNeeded callback
  Token   = Instance->Token;
  DataLen = Instance->BlkSize;

  if (Token->Buffer != NULL) {
    Start = MultU64x32 (BlockNum - 1, Instance->BlkSize);

    if (Token->BufferSize < Start + Instance->BlkSize) {
      DataLen             = (UINT16) (Token->BufferSize - Start);
      Instance->LastBlock = BlockNum;
      Mtftp4SetLastBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, BlockNum);

    if (DataLen > 0) {
      NetbufAllocSpace (UdpPacket, DataLen, FALSE);
      CopyMem (Packet->Data.Data, (UINT8 *) Token->Buffer + Start, DataLen);

  } else {
    // Get data from PacketNeeded
    DataBuf = NULL;
    Status  = Token->PacketNeeded (
                       (VOID **) &DataBuf

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (DataLen > Instance->BlkSize)) {
      if (DataBuf != NULL) {
        FreePool (DataBuf);

      if (UdpPacket != NULL) {
        NetbufFree (UdpPacket);

      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "User aborted the transfer"

      return EFI_ABORTED;

    if (DataLen < Instance->BlkSize) {
      Instance->LastBlock = BlockNum;
      Mtftp4SetLastBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, BlockNum);

    if (DataLen > 0) {
      NetbufAllocSpace (UdpPacket, DataLen, FALSE);
      CopyMem (Packet->Data.Data, DataBuf, DataLen);
      FreePool (DataBuf);

  return Mtftp4SendPacket (Instance, UdpPacket);
Exemplo n.º 2
  Deliver the received data block to the user, which can be saved
  in the user provide buffer or through the CheckPacket callback.

  @param  Instance              The Mtftp session
  @param  Packet                The received data packet
  @param  Len                   The packet length

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The data is saved successfully
  @retval EFI_ABORTED           The user tells to abort by return an error  through
  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The user's buffer is too small and buffer length is
                                 updated to the actual buffer size needed.

Mtftp4RrqSaveBlock (
  IN OUT MTFTP4_PROTOCOL        *Instance,
  IN     EFI_MTFTP4_PACKET      *Packet,
  IN     UINT32                 Len
  EFI_MTFTP4_TOKEN          *Token;
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  UINT16                    Block;
  UINT64                    Start;
  UINT32                    DataLen;
  UINT64                    TotalBlock;
  BOOLEAN                   Completed;

  Completed = FALSE;
  Token     = Instance->Token;
  Block     = NTOHS (Packet->Data.Block);
  DataLen   = Len - MTFTP4_DATA_HEAD_LEN;

  // This is the last block, save the block no
  if (DataLen < Instance->BlkSize) {
	Completed = TRUE;
    Instance->LastBlock = Block;
    Mtftp4SetLastBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, Block);

  // Remove this block number from the file hole. If Mtftp4RemoveBlockNum
  // returns EFI_NOT_FOUND, the block has been saved, don't save it again.
  // Note that : For bigger files, allowing the block counter to roll over
  // to accept transfers of unlimited size. So TotalBlock is memorised as 
  // continuous block counter.
  Status = Mtftp4RemoveBlockNum (&Instance->Blocks, Block, Completed, &TotalBlock);

  if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
    return EFI_SUCCESS;
  } else if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  if (Token->CheckPacket != NULL) {
    Status = Token->CheckPacket (&Instance->Mtftp4, Token, (UINT16) Len, Packet);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "User aborted download"

      return EFI_ABORTED;

  if (Token->Buffer != NULL) {
     Start = MultU64x32 (TotalBlock - 1, Instance->BlkSize);

    if (Start + DataLen <= Token->BufferSize) {
      CopyMem ((UINT8 *) Token->Buffer + Start, Packet->Data.Data, DataLen);

      // Update the file size when received the last block
      if ((Instance->LastBlock == Block) && Completed) {
        Token->BufferSize = Start + DataLen;

    } else if (Instance->LastBlock != 0) {
      // Don't save the data if the buffer is too small, return
      // EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if received the last packet. This
      // will give a accurate file length.
      Token->BufferSize = Start + DataLen;

      Mtftp4SendError (
        (UINT8 *) "User provided memory block is too small"

      return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

  return EFI_SUCCESS;