Exemplo n.º 1
void CFlex::DoBodyLean( void )
	CAI_NPC *myNpc = MyNPCPointer( );

	if (myNpc)
		Vector vecDelta;
		Vector vecPos;
		Vector vecOrigin = GetAbsOrigin();

		if (m_vecPrevOrigin == vec3_origin)
			m_vecPrevOrigin = vecOrigin;

		vecDelta = vecOrigin - m_vecPrevOrigin;
		vecDelta.x = clamp( vecDelta.x, -50, 50 );
		vecDelta.y = clamp( vecDelta.y, -50, 50 );
		vecDelta.z = clamp( vecDelta.z, -50, 50 );

		float dt = gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink();
		bool bSkip = ((GetFlags() & (FL_FLY | FL_SWIM)) != 0) || (GetMoveParent() != NULL) || (GetGroundEntity() == NULL) || (GetGroundEntity()->IsMoving());
		bSkip |= myNpc->TaskRanAutomovement() || (myNpc->GetVehicleEntity() != NULL);

		if (!bSkip)
			if (vecDelta.LengthSqr() > m_vecPrevVelocity.LengthSqr())
				float decay =  ExponentialDecay( 0.6, 0.1, dt );
				m_vecPrevVelocity = m_vecPrevVelocity * (decay) + vecDelta * (1.f - decay);
				float decay =  ExponentialDecay( 0.4, 0.1, dt );
				m_vecPrevVelocity = m_vecPrevVelocity * (decay) + vecDelta * (1.f - decay);

			vecPos = m_vecPrevOrigin + m_vecPrevVelocity;

			float decay =  ExponentialDecay( 0.5, 0.1, dt );
			m_vecShift = m_vecShift * (decay) + (vecOrigin - vecPos) * (1.f - decay); // FIXME: Scale this
			m_vecLean = (vecOrigin - vecPos) * 1.0; // FIXME: Scale this
			m_vecPrevVelocity = vecDelta;
			float decay =  ExponentialDecay( 0.5, 0.1, dt );
			m_vecShift = m_vecLean * decay;
			m_vecLean = m_vecShift * decay;

		m_vecPrevOrigin = vecOrigin;

		DevMsg( "%.2f %.2f %.2f  (%.2f %.2f %.2f)\n", 
			m_vecLean.Get().x, m_vecLean.Get().y, m_vecLean.Get().z,
			vecDelta.x, vecDelta.y, vecDelta.z );
Exemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: Called when it's time for a physically moved objects (plats, doors, etc)
//			to run it's game code.
//			All other entity thinking is done during worldspawn's think
void C_BaseEntity::PhysicsPyDispatchThink( bp::object thinkFunc )
	float thinkLimit = think_limit.GetFloat();
	float startTime = 0.0;

	// This doesn't apply on the client, really
	if ( IsDormant() )
	Warning( "Dormant entity %s is thinking!!\n", GetClassname() );

	if ( thinkLimit )
		startTime = Plat_FloatTime();

	if ( thinkFunc.ptr() != Py_None )
		try {
		} catch(boost::python::error_already_set &) {

	if ( thinkLimit )
		// calculate running time of the AI in milliseconds
		float time = ( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime ) * 1000.0f;
		if ( time > thinkLimit )
#if 0
			// If its an NPC print out the shedule/task that took so long
			CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = MyNPCPointer();
			if (pNPC && pNPC->GetCurSchedule())
				pNPC->ReportOverThinkLimit( time );
				Msg( "CLIENT:  %s(%s) thinking for %.02f ms!!!\n", GetClassname(), typeid(this).raw_name(), time );
Exemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: Called when it's time for a physically moved objects (plats, doors, etc)
//			to run it's game code.
//			All other entity thinking is done during worldspawn's think
void C_BaseEntity::PhysicsDispatchThink( BASEPTR thinkFunc )
	float thinkLimit = think_limit.GetFloat();
	float startTime = 0.0;

	// This doesn't apply on the client, really
	if ( IsDormant() )
		Warning( "Dormant entity %s is thinking!!\n", GetClassname() );

	if ( thinkLimit )
		startTime = Plat_FloatTime();
	if ( thinkFunc )

	if ( thinkLimit )
		// calculate running time of the AI in milliseconds
		float time = ( Plat_FloatTime() - startTime ) * 1000.0f;
		if ( time > thinkLimit )
#if 0
			// If its an NPC print out the shedule/task that took so long
			CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = MyNPCPointer();
			if (pNPC && pNPC->GetCurSchedule())
				pNPC->ReportOverThinkLimit( time );
#ifdef WIN32
				Msg( "CLIENT:  %s(%s) thinking for %.02f ms!!!\n", GetClassname(), typeid(this).raw_name(), time );
				Msg( "CLIENT:  %s(%s) thinking for %.02f ms!!!\n", GetClassname(), typeid(this).name(), time );				
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CFlex::EnterSceneSequence( CChoreoScene *scene, CChoreoEvent *event, bool bRestart )
	CAI_NPC *myNpc = MyNPCPointer( );

	if (!myNpc)
		return false;

	// 2 seconds past current event, or 0.2 seconds past end of scene, whichever is shorter
	float flDuration = MIN( 2.0, MIN( event->GetEndTime() - scene->GetTime() + 2.0, scene->FindStopTime() - scene->GetTime() + 0.2 ) );

	if (myNpc->IsCurSchedule( SCHED_SCENE_GENERIC ))
		myNpc->AddSceneLock( flDuration );
		return true;

	// for now, don't interrupt sequences that don't understand being interrupted
	if (myNpc->GetCurSchedule())
		CAI_ScheduleBits testBits;
		myNpc->GetCurSchedule()->GetInterruptMask( &testBits );

		testBits.Clear( COND_PROVOKED );

		if (testBits.IsAllClear()) 
			return false;

	if (myNpc->IsInterruptable())
		if (myNpc->Get_m_hCine())
			// Assert( !(myNpc->GetFlags() & FL_FLY ) );
			myNpc->ExitScriptedSequence( );

		myNpc->SetSchedule( SCHED_SCENE_GENERIC );
		myNpc->AddSceneLock( flDuration );
		return true;

	return false;
void CHL2MP_Player::KickAttack(void)
	if (!IsDead())
		CBaseViewModel *vm = GetViewModel(1);

		if (vm)
			int	idealSequence = vm->SelectWeightedSequence(ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK);

			if (idealSequence >= 0)
				m_flNextKickAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + vm->SequenceDuration(idealSequence) - 0.5f;
			QAngle	recoil = QAngle(random->RandomFloat(1.0f, 2.0f), random->RandomFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0);

			// Trace up or down based on where the enemy is...
			// But only if we're basically facing that direction
			Vector vecDirection;
			int kick_maxrange = 120;
			AngleVectors(QAngle(clamp(EyeAngles().x, 20, kick_maxrange), EyeAngles().y, EyeAngles().z), &vecDirection);

			CBaseEntity *pEnemy = MyNPCPointer() ? MyNPCPointer()->GetEnemy() : NULL;
			if (pEnemy)
				Vector vecDelta;
				VectorSubtract(pEnemy->WorldSpaceCenter(), Weapon_ShootPosition(), vecDelta);

				Vector2D vecDelta2D = vecDelta.AsVector2D();
				if (DotProduct2D(vecDelta2D, vecDirection.AsVector2D()) > 0.8f)
					vecDirection = vecDelta;

			Vector vecEnd;
			VectorMA(Weapon_ShootPosition(), 50, vecDirection, vecEnd);
			trace_t tr;
			UTIL_TraceHull(Weapon_ShootPosition(), vecEnd, Vector(-16, -16, -16), Vector(16, 16, 16), MASK_SHOT_HULL, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr);

			// did I hit someone?
			float KickDamageMult = 50 + (1 * ((fabs(GetAbsVelocity().x) + fabs(GetAbsVelocity().y) + fabs(GetAbsVelocity().z)) / 48));
			float KickThrowForceMult = 20 + (1 * ((fabs(GetAbsVelocity().x) + fabs(GetAbsVelocity().y) + fabs(GetAbsVelocity().z)) / 48));

			DevMsg("Kicking at %.2f of damage!\n", KickDamageMult);
			DevMsg("Kicking at %.2f of force!\n", KickThrowForceMult);

			if (tr.m_pEnt)
				if (!(tr.m_pEnt))
					//	return;
					CBasePropDoor *pDoor = dynamic_cast<CBasePropDoor*>((CBaseEntity*)tr.m_pEnt);
					if (pDoor)
						if (pDoor->HasSpawnFlags(SF_BREAKABLE_BY_PLAYER))
							AngularImpulse angVelocity(random->RandomFloat(0, 45), 18, random->RandomFloat(-45, 45));
							pDoor->BreakDoor(Weapon_ShootPosition(), angVelocity);

					CBaseEntity *Victim = this->CheckTraceHullAttack(Weapon_ShootPosition(), vecEnd, Vector(-16, -16, -16), Vector(16, 16, 16), KickDamageMult, DMG_CRUSH, KickThrowForceMult, true);
					if (Victim)
			UTIL_TraceLine(Weapon_ShootPosition(), vecEnd, MASK_SHOT_HULL, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr);//IF we hit anything else
			if (tr.DidHit())
