** Function         NFA_RwI93Select
** Description:
**      Send Select command to the activated ISO 15693 tag.
**      UID[0]: 0xE0, MSB
**      UID[1]: IC Mfg Code
**      ...
**      UID[7]: LSB
**      When the operation has completed (or if an error occurs), the
**      app will be notified with NFA_I93_CMD_CPLT_EVT.
** Returns:
**      NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
**      NFA_STATUS_WRONG_PROTOCOL: ISO 15693 tag not activated
**      NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_RwI93Select (UINT8 *p_uid)
    tNFA_RW_OPERATION *p_msg;

    NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_RwI93Select (): UID: [%02X%02X%02X...]", *(p_uid), *(p_uid+1), *(p_uid+2));

    if (nfa_rw_cb.protocol != NFC_PROTOCOL_15693)

    if ((p_msg = (tNFA_RW_OPERATION *) GKI_getbuf ((UINT16) (sizeof (tNFA_RW_OPERATION) + I93_UID_BYTE_LEN))) != NULL)
        /* Fill in tNFA_RW_OPERATION struct */
        p_msg->hdr.event = NFA_RW_OP_REQUEST_EVT;
        p_msg->op        = NFA_RW_OP_I93_SELECT;

        p_msg->params.i93_cmd.p_data = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1);
        memcpy (p_msg->params.i93_cmd.p_data, p_uid, I93_UID_BYTE_LEN);

        nfa_sys_sendmsg (p_msg);

        return (NFA_STATUS_OK);

    return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);
** Function         NFA_Select
** Description      Select one from detected devices during discovery
**                  (from NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVTs). The application should wait for
**                  the final NFA_DISC_RESULT_EVT before selecting.
**                  An NFA_SELECT_RESULT_EVT indicates whether selection was successful or not.
**                  If failed then application must select again or deactivate by NFA_Deactivate().
** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
**                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM if RF interface is not matched protocol
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_Select (UINT8             rf_disc_id,
                        tNFA_NFC_PROTOCOL protocol,
                        tNFA_INTF_TYPE    rf_interface)
    tNFA_DM_API_SELECT *p_msg;

    NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_Select (): rf_disc_id:0x%X, protocol:0x%X, rf_interface:0x%X",
                    rf_disc_id, protocol, rf_interface);

    if (  ((rf_interface == NFA_INTERFACE_ISO_DEP) && (protocol != NFA_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP))
        ||((rf_interface == NFA_INTERFACE_NFC_DEP) && (protocol != NFA_PROTOCOL_NFC_DEP))  )
        NFA_TRACE_ERROR0 ("NFA_Select (): RF interface is not matched protocol");
        return (NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM);

    if ((p_msg = (tNFA_DM_API_SELECT *) GKI_getbuf ((UINT16) (sizeof (tNFA_DM_API_SELECT)))) != NULL)
        p_msg->hdr.event     = NFA_DM_API_SELECT_EVT;
        p_msg->rf_disc_id    = rf_disc_id;
        p_msg->protocol      = protocol;
        p_msg->rf_interface  = rf_interface;

        nfa_sys_sendmsg (p_msg);

        return (NFA_STATUS_OK);

    return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);
** Function         NFA_HciSendEvent
** Description      This function is called to send any event on a pipe created
**                  by the application.
**                  The app will be notified by NFA_HCI_EVENT_SENT_EVT
**                  after successfully sending the event on the specified pipe
**                  or if an error occurs. The application should wait for this
**                  event before releasing event buffer passed as argument.
**                  If the app is expecting a response to the event then it can
**                  provide response buffer for collecting the response. If it
**                  provides a response buffer it can also provide response
**                  timeout indicating maximum timeout for the response.
**                  Maximum of NFA_MAX_HCI_EVENT_LEN bytes APDU can be received
**                  using internal buffer if no response buffer is provided by
**                  the application. The app will be notified by
**                  NFA_HCI_EVENT_RCVD_EVT after receiving the response event
**                  or on timeout if app provided response buffer and response
**                  timeout. If response buffer and response timeout is provided
**                  by the application, it should wait for this event before
**                  releasing the response buffer. If the application did not
**                  provide response timeout then it should not release the
**                  response buffer until it receives NFA_HCI_EVENT_RCVD_EVT or
**                  after timeout it sends next event on the same pipe
**                  and receives NFA_HCI_EVENT_SENT_EVT for that event.
** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciSendEvent (tNFA_HANDLE  hci_handle,
                              UINT8        pipe,
                              UINT8        evt_code,
                              UINT16       evt_size,
                              UINT8        *p_data,
                              UINT16       rsp_size,
                              UINT8        *p_rsp_buf,
                              UINT16       rsp_timeout)

    NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_HciSendEvent(): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02x  Code: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe, evt_code);

        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendEvent (): Invalid hci_handle:0x%04x", hci_handle);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendEvent (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

    if (evt_size && (p_data == NULL))
        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendEvent (): Invalid Event size:0x%02x", evt_size);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

    if (rsp_size && (p_rsp_buf == NULL))
        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendEvent (): No Event buffer, but invalid event buffer size :%u", rsp_size);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

    /* Request HCI to post event data on a particular pipe */
    if (  (nfa_hci_cb.hci_state != NFA_HCI_STATE_DISABLED)
        &&((p_msg = (tNFA_HCI_API_SEND_EVENT_EVT *) GKI_getbuf (sizeof (tNFA_HCI_API_SEND_EVENT_EVT))) != NULL) )
        p_msg->hdr.event    = NFA_HCI_API_SEND_EVENT_EVT;
        p_msg->hci_handle   = hci_handle;
        p_msg->pipe         = pipe;
        p_msg->evt_code     = evt_code;
        p_msg->evt_len      = evt_size;
        p_msg->p_evt_buf    = p_data;
        p_msg->rsp_len      = rsp_size;
        p_msg->p_rsp_buf    = p_rsp_buf;
        p_msg->rsp_timeout  = rsp_timeout;

        nfa_sys_sendmsg (p_msg);
        return (NFA_STATUS_OK);

    return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);
** Function         NFA_HciSendCommand
** Description      This function is called to send a command on a pipe created
**                  by the application.
**                  The app will be notified by NFA_HCI_CMD_SENT_EVT if an error
**                  occurs.
**                  When the peer host responds,the app is notified with
**                  NFA_HCI_RSP_RCVD_EVT
** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciSendCommand (tNFA_HANDLE  hci_handle,
                              UINT8        pipe,
                              UINT8        cmd_code,
                              UINT16       cmd_size,
                              UINT8        *p_data)

        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendCommand (): Invalid hci_handle:0x%04x", hci_handle);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendCommand (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

    if ((cmd_size && (p_data == NULL)) || (cmd_size > NFA_MAX_HCI_CMD_LEN))
        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendCommand (): Invalid cmd size:0x%02x", cmd_size);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

    NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_HciSendCommand (): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02x  Code: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe, cmd_code);

    /* Request HCI to post event data on a particular pipe */
    if (  (nfa_hci_cb.hci_state != NFA_HCI_STATE_DISABLED)
        &&((p_msg = (tNFA_HCI_API_SEND_CMD_EVT *) GKI_getbuf (sizeof (tNFA_HCI_API_SEND_CMD_EVT))) != NULL) )
        p_msg->hdr.event    = NFA_HCI_API_SEND_CMD_EVT;
        p_msg->hci_handle   = hci_handle;
        p_msg->pipe         = pipe;
        p_msg->cmd_code     = cmd_code;
        p_msg->cmd_len      = cmd_size;

        if (cmd_size)
            memcpy (p_msg->data, p_data, cmd_size);

        nfa_sys_sendmsg (p_msg);
        return (NFA_STATUS_OK);

    return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);
** Function         NFA_HciSendResponse
** Description      This function is called to send a response on a pipe created
**                  by the application.
**                  The app will be notified by NFA_HCI_RSP_SENT_EVT if an error
**                  occurs.
** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
NFC_API extern tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciSendResponse (tNFA_HANDLE   hci_handle,
                                                UINT8         pipe,
                                                UINT8         response,
                                                UINT8         data_size,
                                                UINT8         *p_data)

        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendResponse (): Invalid hci_handle:0x%04x", hci_handle);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendResponse (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

    if ((data_size && (p_data == NULL)) || (data_size > NFA_MAX_HCI_RSP_LEN))
        NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendResponse (): Invalid data size:0x%02x", data_size);
        return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

    NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_HciSendResponse (): hci_handle:0x%04x  Pipe: 0x%02x  Response: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe, response);

    /* Request HCI to get list of gates supported by the specified host */
    if (  (nfa_hci_cb.hci_state != NFA_HCI_STATE_DISABLED)
        &&((p_msg = (tNFA_HCI_API_SEND_RSP_EVT *) GKI_getbuf (sizeof (tNFA_HCI_API_SEND_RSP_EVT))) != NULL) )
        p_msg->hdr.event    = NFA_HCI_API_SEND_RSP_EVT;
        p_msg->hci_handle   = hci_handle;
        p_msg->response     = response;
        p_msg->size         = data_size;

        if (data_size)
            memcpy (p_msg->data, p_data, data_size);

        nfa_sys_sendmsg (p_msg);
        return (NFA_STATUS_OK);

    return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);